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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Feb 1881, p. 5

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w- : •'t'S:. V. %:*!*• • _r. - :p*t ^3mm afcr wwsmm$ V**£ JHahrietleF. WEDNESDAY! FEB. 23.1881. Raiiroad TlmeTable. ooiwo »OOT». ' VJ; _rx T.ftke P»«en»r .,....V..T4W>a.> m •JT* Lak« Freijtht ....*....1:15 T . M aoiiro KOITD. #••••% T,»UE rreitrht ......1D:M A. * |«im Lik* Paseeniw F.JI B. Btrss. Agent. y| McHenry, III G" PRKSONS who carry canes and um­ brella* horizontally under their arms are dangeron*nuisance? in the streets. KVIDCXTLT this is not the winter Vctinor ordered. The goods, not be­ ing as represented,should be at once returned. LOST, on Monday evening last, be­ tween the residences of C. B. Curtis and Geo. Owen, a lady's Pocket Book, containing about #50 In naonej'. The finder will be liberally rewarded by returning the same to Mrs, C. B. Curtis, or leaving it at this office. MRS, O. ff. OWEN has been quite sick th* pant week, but is now slowly mowing. She is under the eare of Dr. Anderson. jTV. MCRRT, who lives south of this grillage lost a child aged about seven •months, oti Sunday last. We believe %gembrane6us croup was the cause. §KWS has just been received of the th in Germany of the mother of ?ph and Frank Weidemanft,Af tbia " • - ' - - 15 IF th* hens don't get to wortf pfcetty #>on and reduce the price Of their fruit,somebody will be flooding the market wifci olemargarine eggs..^ _j; "•» * GIRLS evidently can't raise nuts- . itches, but by banging their hair they Mianage to show the loyeliest kind of 4tiiu whiskers upon their foreheads. CHAS, BOUSE, who lately sold his Barber Shop at Woodstock, started on Monday for Florida, where he goes on arcount of poor health. He leaves his wife In this village. WE learn that a man by the name of Goodhand committed suicide near Richmond on Monday last, by shooting himself with a pistol. We have not learned the particulars. WE have been handed the following with a request to publish, and If the person hit will tell us what It means we will give thein a Chrorao. entitled, '-Babes In the Woods.'1 Dot's so, we will. He barae too l^te. Plea«e, Miss Por- cellbaum excuse him. My best regards from me. SCHNIKELFKITZ. f MATTHEWS' Cheese Factory, near jBarreville, was burned on Tuesday evening about 8 o'clock. The fire was plainly seen from this village, but none were able to locate It. We did not learn the cause nor the amount of loss. The factory was In active opera­ tion, and was doing a good basine?? It cannot fail of being a severe loss to Mr. Matthews. /C CAPTAIN HILL informs us that anotli- / «r steamboat will bo put upon Fox I Biver as early as possible this Spring. I further particulars of which will be ren as soon as the forking plans \*re mrttured. * A YOUNG lady who had heard of go-as-you-pleaM walking matches, and of making miles, laps, etc.. now de< dares that tho other night while out •lelghing she made nine inilus in one lap. We don't believe It. WM. WAIT, of Kansas City, son of Lewis Wa!t,*pe.nt Saturday and Siin- / day with his parents in this village.-- I tie was on his way East to purchase I inuftical Instruments, being about to a ^store of that kiud in Kansas / W / Lew 1 open \city. REV. .?. A. FAIIKAR will preach next Sunday, the 37th ln$J, in the Episco­ pal Church, Spring Grove, lo the'morn­ ing at 10:30, and in the Episcopal Church, at WilmotJ Wis., in the even­ ing at 7 o'clock. All are cordially in­ vited* V^MRSIF. A. HKBAUD, who is spending § the Wlntter in the East, was unfortu- v date enough to be in a bad Railroad I fltnash up. somewhere in Vermont, i week before last, but fortunately 1 escaped uninjured, although the cars 1 were a total wreck. Ji would seem al» \ most a miracle that she escaped with Jier life. \^»e THK last storm made travellnglii the country rather disagreeable. And the miles longer than people generally like to travel, especially when in a hurry.-- On account of the drifts the roads run through lots in all directions, necesgi. tilting the travel in some instances of two miles to get one. But then we live In hopes tl'iaf July will bring a change. ^ A BEGCLAB communication of Mc- * Henry Lodge No. 158, A. F. and A Masons, will be held on Saturday even­ ing next, Feb. 26th. All members ar^ urgently requested to be present as business of Importance will come before the Lodge. A dispensation' has been received from the Grand Lodge, and new officers will be elecred on thai evening, It is hoped every member will be present. A. S. WRIGHT and wife, of Wood #tock, were visiting at O. W. Owen's oi Tuesday. Mr. Wright is about open Ing a new Drug Store In Woodstock (He o|d Bed Front Drug Store, when tie has been so long engaged, both at proprietor and clerk, having changed hands. Mr. Wright is acknowledged to be one of the best Druggists in the State, and with his host of friends in and around Woodstock, is sure to get his share of the trade. We wish him success. WE acknowledge the receipt of an invitation to the First Annual Socia­ ble of the Knights of Pythias, at Opera Hall. Qsbnrue, Kansas, which took place on Tuesday evening, the 22d. Among the Committee of Ar­ rangements we notice the names of John M. Smith and J. R. Fitzsimmous, former resideuts of this village. Boys, we certainly would like to have been with you on that occasion, but circum­ stances entirely beyond our control prevented. THE Marengo Republican of Satur­ day last 6ays: "There wsis quite a mad dog scare at Huntley the first of this week, in consequence of a horse be­ longing to Mr. Tetnpleton, (which had been bitten by a mad dog about two weeks previous) showing unmistakable signs of hydrophobia. A number of dogs it) the village had been bitten by the same dog, and were running abou; the streets uuuiuzjlcd, »ud there was much excitement over the matter. Which was somewhat allayed by a general muzzling of canine* and shoot­ ing those unmuzzled."' MILLER'S Photograph Gallery, in this village. |s doing a good bti$l»jes8, and the Pictures that are being tnrned oi»t will bear the closest inspection by the best fudges. If you want a good picture of yourself or friends, either Photograph or Tintype, do not fail to call *t Miller's Studio, ov^r Perry A Martin's store. They -vllt be sure to please you. E. M. OWEN had twP misfortune to lose his valuable road mare on Satur­ day morning last from Inflammation of the lungs. She was a very fine blooded mare, a half sister to the trotter. German Maid, and one of the fiuest roaders In the county. Site was also a great pet with th^ Women being per­ fectly safe and kind tor them to drive, and "Silk" will be much missed in their daily-drives. , r i>ORAN & Go's Butter and Cheese' Factory, to be built in tliis village, is now a fixed fact. The contract for the stone work has been let to J. and W. iThurlwell. and negotiations for the carpenter work are in progress. The building is to be 32x50, with a stone basement, and a wing or Engine Room 16x16. The stone are all on the ground and the «<«k will be pushed forward as rapidly^s the weather will permit, anil it is expected the building will be finislied and ready to commence opera­ tions by May 1st. at the farthcreet.-- Doran. puder whose personal supervis­ ion work goes on, will spare no pains 4r money, and when completed he expects to have o*:e of the finest arranged Factories to bg found iu the \Nortliwcst. * SMALL P«X IS reported a* being quite prevalent In different parts of the country, and more particularly iu the large cities, and occasionally through carelessness, and sometimes wilfull ciif-sodnoss, It g«*ts spread to smaller towns near by. From one of the above causes, McIIeury village has one case. A man came out from Chi­ cago and stopped with John Karges, and soon after was taken sick, iwid ill a few days developed into a mild case of small pox. The authorities imme­ diately put the house under quaran­ tine, the man is now convalescent, and we believe there was no one exposed. The prompt action by the authorities made the spreading of the disease inj!- possible Our neighboring village of Johnsburgh, three miles up" the river, also had one case that came out from Chicago, a daughter of Simon Michaels, who died from the disease on Monday last. Supervisor Cristy also rook pre­ cautionary measures there, closed all places of business, the school, etc., and we trust prevented the spread of the disease. No one need be afraid to come to McHenry, as we can truly say there is now no small pox here. IMPKOVKMKNTi AT FOX L.VKK. fF rom present indications the coming season promises to be a vf»ry lively on" at Fox Lake. On Monday Messrs. A. Willey, E. Baumann Phil. Hemic, J, B. Sullivan and J. M. Miller, of the Fox Lake Fishing and Hunting Club, went up to the Lake to make arrangements to build a large addition to their Club House. We understand they propose to enlarge by putitng awing on each side, which will make it one of the finest buildings on the LakgjT /ftieCe«IEV 'ltd am) CTul7are also put­ ting an addition on their Club House, workmen bolng now on the ground, hauling lumber, etc^ (_jnrirrs~<n(^irit that the new Aurora Club will put up a handsome Cli[b Hoase early in the Spring, oil the grinds purchased by VJiumor~afcoT;iys MrT WjIley contem­ plates building a summer residence near the one lie lately sold to the Fox L akeCluJji • new Steamboat will also be built by the two Chicago Clubs, to run be­ tween Mcllenry ami the Lakes, and will be ready to put upon the river as 300U as navigation opensf argTuTTa fe\v~ot the many im­ provements contemplated at this )opular Summer Resort the coming teason, and as they progress we shall peak of them more at length. That fox Lake is bound to be the Resort or those who, are looking for real tleasure and good hunting and fishing 1 5 beyond question. SHSC VP SHEARING FESTIVAL "EDITOR PLAIN DEALER:--I inelose you program me of Shearing Festival to be held on our Fair Grounds April 21st and 22ud. 1881. 1 hope you will consider it of sufficient importance and Interest to give it several Insertions in your paper. We expect all our best breeders and many from our sister state. WLT-consln, to bring specimens of their flocks for exhibition. The Agricultural Society have generously proflered the use of the Fair Grounds. We anticipate Urge numbers of spec­ tators as well as breeders and will feed all who desire on the grounds. We in­ vite owners of nice horses or any other stock to show them during the Festi­ val. Long and middle wool breeders will be welcome to show and shear at this Festival if they choose to do so, THOS. MCD RICHARDS, Supt. of Festival. PROGRAMME. riaiT DAT, Aran, t 1ST. Will be <levote<J u> ine exhibition of sWep.--> All Sheep must be on the groun l and EntTteS made by 12 o'clock. Co am it tees will utitke award* at S o'clock. MVRtKOS. *1 Rama, S years old and Ovr--1st Prem. tbd Prera. Rams, J vears old and orei --lit Prerti, 3n<l Prem. Rama, 1 year old and over--lot Prem. 2nd Prem. Ewes, 3 years old and over--1st Prem. 2nd Prem. Ew««, 3 year# eld and over-1st Prem. 2nd Prem. Eirei, lyear old and over--1st Prem. 2nd Prem. DELA1SC MKKTXOa. Ram% 3 year* old and over--1st Prem. Snd Prea. IUIH, 3 years old and--1st Prem. 2nd Prem. Ram«, l year old and over--l«t Pn», 2nd Prem. Ewes, 3 years old aud over--1st Prem. ltd Prem. Ewes, 9 years old and over--1st Prem.2nd Prem. Kwea, lyear,old and over--1st Prem. Snd Prem. The above prizes will be given in diplomas' SECOND DAY, APKIL 22 NO. Will be devoted to the shearing proper. STAKK ratKKs. Heaviest Shearing Mertuo Ram on tbe ground an v age. Heaviest Shearing Merino Ewe one the ground any age. Heaviest .shearing Detain* Merino Ram on the ground any age. Heaviest Hhoaring Delaine Merino Ewe on the ground any age. Any one entering for any of the above will pay an entry fee of 91 which will ooaetitdte the stakes. Finest fleece shown on tho ground Diploma* Shearing tor a Record. Free To All. 8hearing will begin at 9 A. M. Tlie Exhibition and Shearing wlll .be under the immediate supervision of Thomas McD Richards of Woo'lstock. SH 14 A KINO. The following orizes will be Awarded on Shearing, the condition of the $ho*i>. Fleece, and the Tune, to bo the Tests, First, «5 (<00; second, #3.000; third, Diploma; fourth, Diploma. A gooil Eating House will be on the grounds where all ean get Warm Meals at reasonable prices. Attention 95th. All those interested in the Re-Union of the old 95th Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry, are requested to meet at the Court House in Woodstock on Saturday, March 5th,at one oYlock p. M.. to select a place for holding the next Re-Union, and transact such other business as may coiue before tbe meeting. CAPT. J. E BECKLEY, Secretary. Fltzsimmoiis & Evanson are trying hard to dispose of the Balance of their Stock of Winter goods, it will pay tbe cash buyer to investigate. SOLON EutTOR PLAINI>EAI.KR:~Once more you will spare us a space In the col­ umns of your paper to give a short his­ tory of the doings aud prosperity of our people. * Breaking roads was tbe main busi­ ness after the big storm, and some are not open yet so the mail could not pass through here to Richmond and the doctor could not visit the sick, hut fortunately.4JttUM.ar4rnot many o<i tltal list at present. W111. Reading has been ailing, but under the skillful care of Dr. Bennett -Is getting better, Robert Ileifeigrave is now convales­ cent. A' ' 1 notice that John Sutton Iras erect­ ed a nice fence around his lot ir. the burying ground, which I* really an or- nanieat to the cemetery iu which It is placed. The teacher has started a lyccum for the benefit of his school. The question was. "Resolved, that women have the right to vote." The affirma­ tive was dl«cussed by Ilenry Hornby, James Robbins. Bert Sutton. Hodge and the te&cher. Burger. The neg­ ative by S. L. Qrvis, E<1 Robbing, Will Hornby, Jidin Ryndvrs, aud Jain^s Can1, a volunteer. The decision was left to three judges, and given iu favor of the negative. Henry Christian, act­ ing as President, theu announced the reading of the paper the next in order, which was edited by Miss Clilppee Robbins and Sylvia Hornby, who de­ serve much credit. Then came the query box. which was properly dis­ cussed by all. Our worthy minister was almost snowed in from going to the grove last Sahbath. James and his gallant volunteers shoveled him througli to the church and then his congregation failed him. His volunteer force ^vere the entire congregation who were the faithful servants in that cause. It is reported that another of Eng­ lish Prairie's pioneers is nigh unto death, Merrill Stevens, one of the first settlers 011 that prairie. Thus the pi­ oneers pass away, one by one, till at last not one is left to tell tbe hardships of early settlements. Ed Bell has committed matrimony, and settled down in married life. Much joy, Ed aud Flora. May peace and prosperity follow you through life. Is our wish. Thus we have our share of pestilence mingled with joyju+tLmjacu. as well as the rest of our nteighbor«C~--T eth this chapter up to date .Mi us eud- For Sale. In Woodstock, a house and five acre* of land, situated on the Chemung road, thirty rods North of the Woodstock Brewery. Is a desirable piece of pro­ perty, and will be sold reasonable. In­ quire 011 the premises. JAME^ GALLAGHER. The United States Senate will have a pretty strong represntation of Bible names: There will be eleven Johns, seven Jameses, three Thomases, and three Matthews, making twenty- four in all who bear the names of the apostles. Two Josephs, three Benja­ mins. and one Zebulon are representa­ tives of the sons of of Jacob; and one j Eli, three Samuels one David, and one | Daniel make up the list of thirty-six j Scriptural names. A Justin and an I Ambrose however, are thrown iu to j prevent the early chtorch from being | forgotten. 1 WOODSTOCK. Xmroft PLAINDE VJ.ER:--Another farmer. Slocum Hurd, about three miles east of town, has suddenly pi!>««d away Thus from day to day Is the solemn lesson of the mortality .»f all that lives preached to man. We fullow them to the silent abode, drop a tear. Inter­ change a sympathetic word, return to our homes, and to our various voca­ tions, for a »hort time earnestly reflect upon the shortness of time allotted to us, but soon seemingly forget that we too are mortal, tlil another of our number Is summoueil to appear before that Tribunal, which Is no Respecter of person*, to receive the final sentence from which;, there is no appeal. Mr. Hard leaves a family of small, mother­ less children, and little can we predict what their fate Shall be, deprived as they are thus rtarly in life of both father and mother, but may He who i$ ha* promised to be the Father of the fatherless guide and protect them through what of Hfe there is before them. Our neighbor Gregory is reported to be convalescent. The small pox seems to be confined to the out fair I ly where it originated, on a farm near Walkup's Corners. It has been surmised that the will of Lewis Ellsworth would be contested, but there has a feeling obtained with­ in a few days that the Executor will be permitted to administer upon tiic estate according to the terms of the will without Interferauce, ' on the part of the lielrs. The lecture of Col. Sisnford gave general satisfaction. Not being able to attend we can not Vpeak from our own knowledge. On the 22nd our Military boys give another reception at Xntional Hall. There \\:ts a surprise sociable on Thursday evening at th- residence of A. W. Smith.composed of young peo­ ple from the country and a few from tho neighborhood. The gathering was not as large as the committee anticipated, owing probably to the storm. It seemed to be a very enjoy­ able attair. The mu*ie was good and the young hearts heat happily as the Fantastic toe heat time to the music. It was intimated that ye editor of the PLAINDEALKK and lady had been in­ vited aud was expected, but to the "bent of me belief" tin y did not put In an appearance. The roads are otice more very' well trodden and well occupied by. buvltiess and pleasure parties, T. J. Dacy has rttted and furnished a vacant house near his wood lot. about five miles south east ol" Woodstock, hired a cook aud is furnishing board tS" his choppers. Ho U paying a dollar per cord lor chopping aud a dollar per cord for drawing mid boards tor 9} per week, thar is I rotu Monday noon fill Saturdny. If >ve have made any mistake in this he can correct It at leisure. There has been more life iu real oiuaie d< *i* ivr %«h9ftt tfA^e~Jt«veial residences having changed hands, and as there me others 'fo^*it)e and pur« chasers a>e on the look there are likely to be other chaugew soon. We know of one very desirable residence that can he ptiivli<i*ed lor cash or exchanged for a small farm If nut too far away. We notice, »ince Ihe su Jdeu 'depart­ ure of Jimmy Jones, late Do put}- I*. M. at this place, that Miss Cora Smith is j doing duty iu that capacity and is re- j ceivlng many hear;y congratulation? j from those who ma<ie her acquaintance while she aided her father as clerk.-- And the P. M. is certainly fortuhate that under the circumstaucex he is able to secure the services of so efficient aud accommodating clerk. We are told that Miss Fanny Felt celebrated her sixteenth birth day on Saturday at the resilience of her fath­ er. Mr. Elam Felt, the well known Singer Agent. Judging by' auiicedent preparations we an* prepared to say that no pains were spared on the part of Miss^Fauuy or her parents to make It, to titS'inviied guests at least, one or the events long fo lie remembered as a happy gathering. ;ijid may the young 111 Us und inauy friends live to experi­ ence the pleasure of many returns of the happy day. Yonr Greenwood correspondent does not seem to take much more kindly to the sermons of the R««v. Mr. Raymond than did friend Tryon While neither attacks the individual man tjiey each give hi 111 and his kind plainly to undfr* stand that even iu the rural districts there is a refinement worthy of fume respect i't the hands or rather at the inout.li* of puldU' speakers, particular- ily if they claim to preach Christ aud him crucified. - NORTHERN NUNOA. EDITOR PLAixtiKALKit:--Once again we resume the pen to write. tW* M#s of this farming community. Joseph Doherty has been very sick hut he is getting better at present jvrlrlug. Jack Frost lit* be*u holding high carnival the past two mouths. He nips uoscs, ears and toes with the ut­ most sang froid. P. H. Conway ha« purchased a liorse but it ha»« tnrned out to be a saw horse. B. F. Peck is chopping the willows along central avenue, James Welch, while returning from Mcllenry on Monday, the 14th Inst, broke through the ice while crossing at, the township slough, throwing Mrs. Welch from the sleigh but fortunately she esc tped with onlv a sprained wrist. Considerab'esickness prevails in this neighborhood but very fetf are of a serioui nature. Colds, cough*, epizoo­ tic, and similar complaints, dtie to the cold weather, are the inflictions to which our people are subjected. Mr. John Knox is drawing lumber to build ft new barn the coming spring.-- We uud<vrarjihd that Mr. Macatily, of llurtland. I^Vagaged to do the carpen­ ter work. A new barn will certainly be a great Improvement to Mr. Knox's already we|l improved farm. M. Doherty ia gotrtg to work a part of Mr. Peck's farm this coming sum- mer, . TAXE<! TAXES! The undersigned. Collector of Taxes of the town of Mcllenry. has received his book and will be ready to receive taxes at the following times aud pla­ ces. after t his week: TUESDAYS--At the Store of Perry & Martin. In the village of Mcllenry. WEDNESDAYS--At the Store of J. W. Cristy. in Rlngwood, THURSDAYS--At tlie Store of Chas. Kuhuert. Jolmshnrgh. FRIDAYS--At the Store of Stevens A Schnorr. near the Depot, Mcllenry. The balance of the week at luy resi­ dence, in Johushugh. NICK I.. FURI-ND, Collector. 9, .*?•> THIS NEW AND COKKKCT / Prove* beyond arty reasonable suc&tion that the ^ o "ITortlrwestora a- .* 1 1» bv all odds the boit road for you to take when trav«I:ug 111 either tliretflloM^•etwoew ' ̂ Oiicap and all the Principal Points is tie West M & NorM s Y Carefully examiuc this Map. Tiie prinr.ipnl Oitle* of th* Wait and Northwest are Station* ^ >n tin* road. (U through traius tuaku closc couuectioua with the train* of all r&iiruada and 4 .unction PJUU*, J ^?2aun*a In 2 Qalunw I AtllllM 'M/ XV ^ kt-n-r 4ir*i&«ra Ordway CtoLfan dinah YASKTOX Siou* rf Crtit/to* 2MUCif$ 0\-vA A 't-3 CHICAGO NORTH-' ILWAY : - i Nirnda Taxes. The undersigned. Collector of Taxes of the Town of Xnnda, will, by himself or Deputy, he at the following named places at the time stated: THURSDAYS--At the s:ore of Stevens A svihnorr, McIIeury, from JO A. M. to 4 P. M. SATURDAYS--At the store of Butler & Warner. Nunda. W,-J. KITTLE, Collector, JAMKSKIfTLK. Deputy. THE CHICAGO 4 NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Over all of Its prini'ip . I lines, runs e«o:i w«> <l-tlv from two Iu four or.tniore Fast EIDTH* Traius. It is tnu only road \v<*st otChicago thH, mcs the • PULLMAN HOTEL DINING CARS, ^ It fs the onlv road that runs Pull man Sleeping Car* North or Northwest of Chlr.agttL"\ Hourly[3,OOO MiiOS Of Jtotld- I" forma the following Trunk Lines: "<• Council Bluff*, Denver & California Line. Winona, Minnesota ft Central Dskoka Mat Sioux City. Nor Nelirnka ft Yankton Line. Chicago, St. fr.ul ft Minneapolis Line ^ * Northern Illinois. Freest ft Dubuque Hue. Milwaukee, Green Bay ft Lake Superior I.! fee Tickets over this rovi aro sol t by all Coupon Ticket Agents in the United States ft Canada ? KcmeinUer to usk tor Tick eta via this roa<t, the sure t.ioy read over it, ami take none other ij MARVIN HUGHITT, -en'l Manager, Chicago W. H. 8TE5NITT, Gen Pass Agt Chicaf* | Business Notices. Reed's Gilt Edge Tonic restores the Appetite. The Moline Owen's. Sulky Plow at E. The Furst & Bradley Sulky Plow at K. M. \)wen's. When In want of work In my line, ?ivc uita call and I will try nud please Robl. Murlitt, Jeweler. Xuuda, Hi. The largest stock of Millinery Goods Iu the County, ut Mr*. S. Searle*. Rucke vc Owen's. All rlie Owen's. Force Pumps, at E. M flr8t-clus« Plows at E. M. For Sale Choap. One MoMer. Bthmann A Co.'s Safe, rge slate, uettfly new. One of the bt^siifi'siu the County And will be sold cheap Also oufe Office Desk, and one eight day Office/Clock. Tliese articles are all as J?onH as new and are sold because wi; l.;ive uoUisc for them. 'Any p««rsun ) wishing »»n«V^>ry«U of these articles will get a bar^Hiy by calling on it. BisHor. XCllHXBT, Feb. ttth, ISSt AUCTION" SIVLK. The under^lfnod « H1 sell at public AIUMIOII. 011 hi* premises, three miles northwest of Wancoiida. and two aud oiiH-half mil^s rfimfhwesr of Vcdo. on Thursday. February 24th, 1881. coni- meneiug at 10 oVhiek, A. 51.. the fol­ lowing property : 7 mHuh eow«, 2 two- yeur-old heifers. 1 two-year-old hull, 2 yearling*. 1*> «lioats. ."1 brood sows, 2S sheep. 1 pair horses. 1 broadcast seeder 1 sulky corn plow, 1 pair trucks, I wag­ on. 1 top carriage, and nil his farming Implements too numerous to mention. TICRMS OK SAI.K.--All sums of and under cash. Over that sum a credit of eight months, on good upprovud notes at 8 |»er cent Interest. ALI.KN L.1MPHEKE. IL B. BcaKKTT, Vuctionoor. A fine line of Oents Furnishing Goods at. Latier & Becker's near the Depot, .The Sliest Hue of Silver and Plated Ware to he found iu the county, at O. W. Owen's. OVER COATS. We have special bargains In this Una to close, IS over coats 88 00. former prices #11 09 It) over coatK 84,00. former prices $7 00 8 overcoats $11.00, former prices $15 0# Full site mens over coats its low u S2.2fi these are bargains. v; "TKVSH8 A8CIWOMg» Ladles of McIIeury and vicinity ̂ don't buy your Hats or Bonnets until yon have looked at and priced goods at Mrs. S. Searles. Am now offering greater bargains than ever. All wont In repairing done on short notice. FENCE POSTS FOR SALE. v t 2000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence PoMI for sale. Inquire of ~ ^ JOHN DORAN. : G. W. BESI.EY Has Just received an Optimeter. f«»r estlug the eyes, and can now lit you with a pair of spectacles and guarantee satisfaction. He also lias n full Hue of Spectacles, nil kinds, to which he vltc* tho attention of the public. QUERY. Why do Sre\ens & Schnorr sell In­ fo prices mnft.v e<»od«? They make close and buy aud sell for rash. STKVF.NS & SCIINORIi. NUNOA. EDITOR PL UN DEALKI::--Snow. snow, and a prospect of more. We wold I like to inquire if this thing alu'l get, ting a little monotonous. Two of St. Kioto's Bovs went on a lark to the le.iiperauce town of Dun­ dee, and. report say*, had a good time out of sitfht of the Muster. Bad boys. Don't you know tile way of the trans­ gressor is luird ? We may lie a little more pointed in our next remarks. C. Henry spent Sunday at his home in this village. We learn lie yvill soon move his family to your town. Quite a scare here about small pox. Everyone, almost, ha* a Mire urm, or U trying to. Tanner is nowhere. Dan Mi "dure had a turkey that came up missing one day aud he thought someone had stolen it, but in feeding out a stack ol :orn-staiks the other day, Mr. Beards- ley eaine across 1 lie turkey, allvy and well, out awful thin. Dan say* It was missing ju-t forty-two day*, and weighed 17£ pound*, but came out of the stack a little short ot seven. Fact. Who can bent tliut lasting? Our Feed Mill is running stea<|yi and get more th-in rh*y<«*n «'•». Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe"*, Xuudo, for Millinery aud Dies* Making, Th© Latest Novelty. A patent separable sleeve button mnde of rolled gold equal In appear­ ance aud wear to the most expensive goods, real stone settings, Ouyx , Mo-s Agate, Blood stone, etc. Sample pair sent on receipt of one dollar. Goods warranted as represented or money re­ funded. Agents wanted everywhere. GREEN ft CO., 24 Church St., New York. I make n specialty of Repairing flue W itches, and warrant all my wurk, Robt. Murlitt. Nunda. CLOAKS! CLOAKS! * A largp Invoice cf cloaks, bought at a Idg bargain. Don't buy before call- ing uu n*. STKVKSS VT ScHXQRlt. New style Bracelets»t O, W. Owen's MLW. E. W. MOWK is offering induce. meiits to purchasers of Millinery. Cloaks. Give her a call. Store lour doors North of Riverside U<;UM« TEA DRIXKEIW Will Hud the pure, uiuidulterated. colored, natural leaf. Japan tea at our * "ni having a line trade in theao pl ace. SiEvjiNs A soitxouii. J o"OI,(J.s and want to add to my list ot customers the name of every economical loVer of Part Goods in Wauconda. For further particulars call 4$ : the "Book Haunt" and euquift for F. B. HAHRISON, Who has a "few" Drugs for salt* W a u c o n d a ] "SPICE" If you buy a pound of Ginger* ^ o r M u s t a r d o r P e p p e r f o r 8 0 c t s ^ and it takes ail ounce of it to im- pnrt the characteristic $ taste, AVIHMI for 40 cents you can get a pwund that is Pure, 5 grains *1 which will bring the tears, how nioch do you lose ? r I have beeu selling Strictly Pure Spices for three years past, at Prices as Low as FIRST CLASS GOODS could be sold* it E. A. GOLDING. Wauconda, HI., dealer In Gro­ ceries. Canned Good*. Confectionery, cigars. Tobacco. Notions. «£c. Also Headquarters for I'latt A Co's tJelcbra* ted Baltimore Oysters. 1 am now pre­ pared to tiirnisli Fresh Oyster* by the Can or Dish, at all hours of the day or evening. My Refreshment Parlors are cosily ilited lip. well warmed and light­ ed.aud no puiiis will be spared to please all who call. I also make a specialty of all kinds of Can Goods, and keep a flue line of Confectionery. Give me a call. K. A. UOLUtNO. ! YOU WAXT 10 tbs of our clarified X, O. Sugar fori 91.00 equal to granulated. 7 lbs green I coflee $1.00. STKVKNSSCIINOKK. I S Just received all the latest Style* anil shades of winter .Millim rv. XIKS. E. W. Ilowg If In seacrh of Hm'tfaius call at C. F. llail's Ri cliiiiund and Dundee Stores. Nft More H»r4 Turn en. * If yjMl will stop spending so much on flue clothes, rich food and style, buy good, healthy food, cheaper and better clothing, ̂ et more real ami sub­ stantial things ol life every way, aud j especially slop the foolish habit ol employing expensive. »|'iack doctors or using so much of the vile humbug j medicine that does you only harm, but j put your trust in that simple, .pure remedy. Ho|> Bitters; that cures al­ ways at a trifling cost, and you will see gootl times and have good health. See another column. TilicWestern• Farmers' Almanac, valuable book for farmers, for salo at this otHce. l'rlce. 10 cents. WHY DO YOU coron When one box of Be y ley's Troches will cure you? Store opposite I'arker House. IF you want your Watch put In flrH class Onler. call on Robert Murlitt Jeweler, Nunda. _ 'V New jl'riufs. Iate<t patterns, at prices from five certs a yard and up­ wards, Hi Colby Bro*., Riverside Block SPECIAL BAttGAINS. We ofler a larife lot of remnants In Press Good?, from G to 12J tvnt* [.<. r yard. {JIKVKKS & .>OMNOI<K. MllS. GEO. McCOLLUM, Fashionable Hair - Worker. Post Olflce Address. WAUCOXDA. .... ILLINOIS. I would beg leave to inform the Ladies of Lake a*id McIIeury Counties tliat 1 am now |>re|>;ired to do all kind.* of Hair N'l'ik <>u short notice and In Kn- best of manner, I use none but n.-ituraj Hair, aud gurautee all work as rc|)ie>enti:d. That DIV prices are low I will leave ill to judge for themselves by (he fol­ lowing : WII.L MAKK SWlTOrtKf Wheievou furnisii the ll^lr. 91.00. Where yon I root it. 91.50. Pulls, (yon iu furnish llnir, lOcise.-u'h Wave, on Hair Luce, 81.00 an inch. Waves on Vegetable Lace. .75 i*eut^ an Inch Switches from 9-J.OO to 93.00, accord ing to size a11• I quality. Ladies wishing mvthlng in this Hue should not fa>l to give me a call, as 1 am Miii>lied I can suit you both In quality nud price. M its. r. ko, Mccoi, 1.1 If • ' FOKSAIE. 40 Acres i»f land iu Scclion 1*2. ai.1 fenced. A No 80 acres of land, with a £oud liou-i' mid barn tlierei.;., w 111• ti uber a::d water in aoundance. iu N~v tioiii'J. Also iny homestead on the Crystal Lake ai>d Xunda, roml, Good nen hou«f»*h;mi and other ouiludhliiigtt.-. Apply to JOHN KLVSKV. ^1 V Stock of Dry <«ouds. Clothing, Jt' i ever was iarg» i ii>an u<>w.aiid as | »i> I omid loM»ll tlx*in, h««k out for Im>i lock |»r5tv«. <;»ll ejiher at the JRivh it oud or Dundee store ami l>e couviuc • d. Brlirht** «tl»e:i»e ot tie ki>hiey* >• ravel, dlsihetey. calai rh oi i be blmhiei lame buck, -ci.iiicM, |en< orrh«>u ami female vveakuet^ «re cured by, Trot, t . i n l . u . . i < i i U - U a be eon\ ii.«ed. To tell you of a few Special Bar 1 have to offer. We have received a line of DHESS QOOD3 1-2 wool at 12 1-2 cents ptr vard in 5 shades, usually sold at 20 cents per yard» Also a lina of Dress Goods at 17 cents usu­ ally sold at 25 cents per jard,-» We have in stock and to arrive s Hue assortment of goods for th* HOLIDAY TRASS, im: We have also a nice line Op? MAJOLICA WARE. In the 4 GROCERY LINE * we have to offer 20 ftM. Rice for $1. 1-4 lu>x Raisins, 57o per box 6 very tine Ccflee, $1« H. ROGERS* <9,- Volo, III., Dec. 1st, HS*0. Ifv' Magnetic Ointment̂ V ' LUMNU, TOe*. aod aU« The vorst Sprains, Ski® . ^ Rbrumattea, !*««•«», FUe*,«o<S «r.i in'«•!.;ui ulNUuM ChunelenaM MiTION, yield to its influence as ifbfaMgkk is a pur/if ve«pet»bte prfp«ur»tion tifk M physician of eminence, and its IBNM Mi I muvetloua in th* voat olwtinaM MN*> Mite • - • " phrnicum of eminwm, J jo&rvenoua in th* vo«t I Prng^LS W4 DwJtf* U Mi ' 7. V o wT aud I alaaat. UUWI

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