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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Mar 1881, p. 4

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WfCDK ESDAY MARCH fy# -t;s- 1PMP%**:tf^fr-raynr nww§rfft n'W"~ 5f51* .r*.-gf •„*> ips^lE •PPpi Mr Tim fl/lit In Wlwwmsln for tke ^pliiw »f Um dead Senator, Matt Car- |p#«*pr. is IktroR *nd hot. Over, fifty bullutd haw b«on taken In th« £,pgi*» IAUIIV ft'ttlmtit a choice. Hon» Aafus C*m«roii ** vi-t Im* rlip l*»ad. 'ZC ^ • Dttmnr My* thai lion. S. A. Hurl- Wi*rt» rx-member of CongroM from it1il« DUtHcr. ha* focm promised and will niidoiibxlly rewlve the Mcxiuan MM»n. No better appointment iXMiltl IM made mid we trust the ftllBor • may prove true. J, THK INAOGORAtlOX. 14th, dispatches say, was a very nlorrny day in Washington, conse­ quently the military parade and grand ceremonies arranged for were sadly in­ terfered with. President Garlield was sworn in hy Chief Justice Waite, and delivered ids Jna<tgiiral Message to a ; brilliant assembly of 3,000. The Mes­ sage ts able and patriotic, and shonld be read by everyone. It can be found In full,, together with a full account of the It-augural ceremonies, on the luside of this paper. JflrThe lucky name in this country IsJasnes. General Garfield will be the fifth President of that name, his pred- •centors being Madison, Monroe, Polk, and Buchanan. No other name occurs half as frequently in the list of Presi­ dents. There hare been but three Johns, the three Adamses and Tyler, and the only other name repeated is Andre#, which was borne by Jackson and his admirer and unsuccessful im­ itator, Join won. The namos which occur but once are George, Thomas, Martin, William. Zachery, Millard Frankltn, Abraham, Ulysses and Ruth< erford. t&*Although almost Incredible, tt 1« stated as a tact, tiiat In the Coiora da Legislature last week, a member called up a bill, previously Introduced by him, offering a premium of 925 for the scalps of "skunks and Indians."-- This man proceeded to advocate the bill on the ground that the United States Government had lamentably failed in its duty to dean out the "red devils * and declared that lie intra duced the bill in good faith. He was supported in his position hy another member, bat Colorado was caved from disgrace by the adoption of a resolu­ tion to "chuck the bill under the ta­ ble" which w*k literally done the * clerk of the Honse. PKKSfbKNT GAKF1KLI>>8 CAB1NKT. The following are the names of Presi­ dent GarfteM'a Cabinet: Secretary of Stater^Jftiq|M G. Blaine, of Maine. , j Secretary of the Treasury--William Windom,of Minnesota. Secretary of War--Robert *f. Lincoln, of Illinois, Secretary of the Navy--WIUIam H* Hunt, of Louisiana Secretary of the Interior--Sarauel J. Kirk wood, of Iowa. Postmaster General--Thorn•» James, of New York. Attorney General -- Wayne Mac Veagli, of Pennsylvania. fl. : S®f 'Long John" We«tw«fth <Wna interviewed In regard te the cabinet ^appointments, aud saldet Robert Lln- -colu: **Young MIBO!# will make a good secretary of war. Be will get along admirably with Shew MI, Sheri­ dan aud other leading army «ttcers.-- There is nothing of the big head about •tob Lincoln. He ii more bwlined to iinder-estimate than overestimate himself and he will take advice kindly from any of the leading army officers. .For his own good J would have pre­ ferred to have seen him attorney •general. He might have been Inade­ quate to the place for a year or two, but at the end of his term lie would have been one of the best attorney generate the coantayw-r had. He is a growing young ma», and has Industry that w«i be <*-«wwe4 with success. I think the presidency awaits him, and I .would rather take his ̂ chances thin •HMwof«ny etlier man in the coun­ try. Ste Xms mo enemies and like his fnthec. la tMrt likely to have any.* t&*GetMraI Garfield's speech at Warren was tlie only one of siglnlfl- <*»ee made during his journey East, "•nd tM« Indicated more what he wished than what he hoped for. We reprint the substance of (it, that the fHtblic may know how they can most l>Jease the President: Before leaving I want to say one thing, f shall earrv away from this |<act« one very definite picture iu my mind. It is of » group of men, aud I •®e some of their faces in this audience, who. during my long time of public service, have never given a sign to me that they had any personal wlnh to gratify except to see the right princi­ ples prevail and good government lfiaintained. [Applause.] I say some «»f these men, in the most private con- vtjffiatioiig, have never intimated to run that they had any personal'wish In the way of public offlee. Now, if that com­ pany of men could be reinforced ail over the country that would be the body of iueu on whose shoulders and in whose hearts I would find such reli­ ance and such confidence as would nyake me feel it possible to get through *",#h the work assigned me. OK KENWOOD. KDITOR PLAINPSA I.K». We are In­ formed that Elder Adams, the metlio- dlst minister at Woodstock, itas been engaged to preach In the church on the hill, the balance of thlt conference year. Our grist mill, has come to a stand­ still In consequence of a break In the dam. Old Mrs, Low is very sick with lung fever. But little hopes are entertain­ ed for her recovery. Mr. Daniel Jones, felt on the lee a few days ago, LOD 1L BOW nursing a lame arm. - * J. E. Wesson, Iscdnftned to the house With rheumatism. . Mr. .M. J. Adams, of Marengo, I* in town visiting friends and relative*: In this village. Mr. L. F. Howard, who has been con­ fined to the house, the most of the whiter, with lung difficulty had a severe attack of hemorrhage latt Fri­ day. aud has been quite low ever since. Query. Wonder why Charley Hotch- kiss, looked so disappointed and down hearted, while returning home last Sun­ day evening. Never niiud Charley, we think the road will be broke out thro'iglit the woods by next Sunday night. Our mail carrier failed to connect last Thursday, on account of snow­ drifts. Mr. A. S. Newman, has had i relapse, but ts slowly recovering at present writing. Most every body we meet now days are making wry faces, and scratching their left arm. Wonder what it means? Guess they have heard some­ thing said about small pox. IX MEMORIAX. Osborn Barber the snbject of this memoir was bom Dec. 17th, 1783, ID Harwinton. Litchfield Co.. Ct. Died Feb. 13th, 1881 in tlie 88th year of his age. Iu 1823 he moved . to what was called the western reserve with an ox team, being six weeks on the journey, and settled in Southington, Trumbull Co., Ohio, where he married. In a few years his wife died leaving him three small children. In 1828 he married his second wife, and In 1833 he moved to Perry, Lake CdUnty, Ohio, where he resided until the year 1848 when he moved to McHenry County, Illinois, residing in Montnlona for 'three years, he then purchased a farm on Mound Prairie. Wisconsin, where he continued to live until advancing years and the failure of his wife's health Induced him to relinquish farming for a per­ manent home In Woodstock, III. In early life his religious views were such as are generaly entertained by the adherents of the christian church and to this religion, he was devotedly at­ tached. In later years, his views had undergone some modification! and charge. In his dealings with his fel­ low man, the golden rule was ever his guide. For some three years past, his powers of body and mind have rapidly failed to such an extent as to render him to a great degree, helpless. He was tlielfatherof eight children, •even (laughtersand one son. Of these eight children, six are now living.-- Twenty-seven Grand children and eleven great grand children survive him. With increasing helplessness came decreasing desire to live, and a longing to be at rest. Are yon low-spirited, "down-ln-the mouth," and weak iti the back? Does walking, lifting,or standing cause pain in the small oir the back? If so you have kidney disease, and Prof. Gull- matte's French Kidney Pad is the only remedy which will core you rapidly and permanently and without tilling your stomach with nauseating medi­ cine. A Mraond hand St. John Sew! Machine, for sale by E. Felt, stock. lewing Woo£ Various Causes-- Advancing years, care, sickness, dis­ appointment. and hereditary predis­ position--all operate to turn the hair gray, and either of them inclines it to shed, prematurely. AYKR'S HAIH VIGOR will restore faded or gray, light red hair to a rich brown or deep black, as may he desired. It. softens and cleanses the scalp, giving it a healthy action. It removes and cures dandruff 9nd humors. By its use fail­ ing hair .2 checked, and a new growth will be produced iu all cases where the follicles are not destroyed or the glands decayed. Its effects are beauti­ fully shown on brashy, weak, or sickly hair.on which a few applications will- produce the gloss and fieshness of youth, Harmless and sure iu Its oper­ ation, it is incomparable as a dressing, and is especially valued for the soft lustre and richnessof tone it imparts. It contains neither oil nor dye, and will not soil nor color white cambric; vet it lasts long on the hair, and keeps it fresh and vigorous. Valuable Pr »perty For Sale, Tho property formerly used as a Hotel, in the village of Kingwood, is ottered for sale. It consists of one large brick House, containing ten rooms, all necessary outbuildings, a good well of water and and one acre of land. On the premHit are some of tlie finest fruit and Ornamental trees, shrubbery. &c„ to be found ID the county. It is a very desirable location and will be sold dirt cheap and on Ionic time, for good security. Apply to SIMEON *POTTE», Administrator, Of the Kstate of Mrs. If. Cmndall. Executor's Notice. Iji«tate of John H. Mudgett deceased. The Id umlersig-ned having been appointed ET­CH tor of the last Will and Testament of John II. Mudgett, deceased, lato of the County of McHenry, and State of Illinois, herebv give notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House, in *Voodt took, at the Term, on the third Monday In April next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All per- sont indebted to said Estatfnrc icq ueat^d to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated .this ISth day of Jnnuttrv, A. 1>. 1881. if Wat. ii. MLIJUKTT,"Executor. W. 1 «*1-T -1 1 • at <•" Y" • DIED. GRIMOLBY-- At home, Feb. 23th, of Lniffi Fever, Benfamin W. Grimolby, agod 29 years, •Ix month* and four davs. Tax Sale Notice. 5b whom it miy concern: NOTICE is hereby given that at a sale of lands and lots for tho taxes due and un­ paid thereon for the yaar A. D. 1878. made at the Court House, in the city of Woodstock, County of Mcllenry anil State of Illinois, on the 2fith day of May, A. D. 1879, the undersign­ ed purchased the following described prop­ erty, viz: Lots 2 and 3 in Block 21 in the vll- lage of Mc Henry West of Fox River assessed in the name of King & Herbes. That the time for redemption of the above described lots will expire on the 'ifitli day of May, A. 1>. 188), after which time (if not redeemed) the undersigned shall apply to the County Clerk, in said Mcllenry County, for a deed of the nanan .* • Lewis HATCH, Purchaser. GOTTLBIB BOLBT, Assignee. Ei. Bouslett, Near tlie Depot, McHENRY - * - ILLINOIS. •Keens constantly on hand the finest brands of Flour and Feed of all kinds, which ho will sell ut Wholesale or ttetall at Bottom Prices. - Tive different brands of Fiour n I ways on hand aud warranted as represented. •^"Floiir delivered anywhere in tlie Cor- porntion. Orders mar be given by Postal bard, Box 107, Post Odtlce. GIVK ME A CALL. L. BONSLETT. McHonry, March 8th, l&*i. Would re*poctfully Inform his customers and the public generally that he Is now bet­ ter then ever prepared to doall work in his line. Ho PseSho e i ft g* We make a speciality in this lino, nse noth-- ing but hand turned Shoes, and guarantee satisfaction. Interfering horses or those with bad feet promptly remedied. BEPAIBIA# Of all kinds on short notice. Farmers in want of the best Drag In the market, at bottom flgnres, should not fitil to leave their orders at once. i"Givo us a eall and we will please youa both in qnality and price of work. Ringwood, III., March 8th, 188?.' rcto |Di «i Kir Thursday morn lug we reeelyed the following pleasing telegram: WASHINGTON, I), c., Feb. 33d, 1SSL >A BEACON:--HOUSP td seoept no I GAM than Maine New* Hop Bitters, which are advertised n our columns, are a sure cure for ague. btUioiisuess and kidney com­ plaints. Those who use tiieiu say they cannot he too highly recommended. Those afflicted should give them a fair trial, and will become thereby enthu­ siastic in the praise of their curative qualities,--Portland Ad. When yon havo an Inflamed eye.' a swelled hand or decayed and aching tooth, you do not take aud All your stomach with drugs to cure it, but apply some cooling lotion or some soothing lotion directly to the parts So if you ha/e a weak or lame back, sore kidneys, profuse or scanty urine, or tlie secretory system is clogged and inactive, you should use I'rof. Gull- mette't! French Kidney lJad, which is a directly local application, which al ways gives speedy relief and always cures tiie disease. Ask your druggist for it. M EDITOR BEACON:--House caucus iust voted * three hundred nlne-«pt teen, Sherwiu's bilL KLAK. Mr. Sherwin is certainly entitled to receive congratulations, as this action is.a victory for hi in after considerable contention not only with Mr. Cox and others of the Democracy, but with liUmerou* Republic*us of the Central sihd Eastern States, who deslied lifcsis which would not favor tlie West ao conspicuously as does this. As it is probable the Republicans will steadily itdhere to this basis, and secure its adoptibn, Mr. Sherwin's name will re­ ceive ft prominence very unusual dur­ ing a member's first term. It is not a little singular that tile ."two Inslgnifl- milt ^biuAtittees.f al whicfesome of Hl> Sfoerainf* enemies took occasion to Mieer when Mr.S. was placed upon them i*f speaker Randall, have both a*tract- r^l iuucii attention P Also that the re- |#rt# wade /Vol* JftotfcMf tliem by Mr, Klierwiu. have, the first, on labor, re* urlvcd tlie endorsement ot'the «oui* iftQU «an*e of <|a; ;,.aud. the Mtiund j if now the bwtie of tlie action o^he l^i^iJkaiii^ty n moa iui- *»iii httitm Mir Horse Shoeing, General Blacksmithing, [WAGON AN| Carriaplaioi, N. BLAKE, RINGWOOD ILLINOIS Robinson Wagon Co. Tax Sale Notice*. Tn whum it may concern: NOTICK is hereby given that at a sale of lands and lots for'the taxes-dueand un. puld there on for the vear A D 187*, made at the Court House, in the city of Woodstock, County ot McHenry and utitte of UliiMis, on the 2fith day of May, A D 1#79, the und§reign- ed purchased the following described pro­ perty, situated in tlie town of Chemung, in said county and state, to-wit: part ne X, nejtf section number 9, township number 46. north range number 5, assessed to J K Howell. Also situated in the town of Hartlaud. part of sw X se%section numter 20, township number 45. range number 6, assessed to Margrct Levitt. Also situated in the town ot Nunda e part sw?i nwK, section number 35, town­ ship number 44, north range number ̂ assessed to C E AJTnllace. Also in the town of Seneca, se ptrt se se of section number 25, town­ ship number 44, range number S. assessed to William Mallett. That the time for redemp­ tion ot the above deecribeii lots, pieces and narcelsof land will expire on the 26th day of May, A D 188t, after w liich time (if not re­ deemed) tho undersigned shall apply to the Couuty Clerk. In said McHenry Coiintv, fora deedof the same. A. V. SMITH. Fort Hill, Lake Co. ' Woodstock, 111. Jan. 96, 1881. FOR SALE. I OFFER for sale my Blacksmith and Wagon Shop and Stock and Too's on easy terms. Now doing a good business. Locatefl in McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, oppo­ site the Parker Honse. This is one of the most desirable business locations of the kind in Northern Illinois and will be sold cheap, or will sell Stock and Tools and rent the Shop, but would prefer to sell all together Reasons for'telling--POOIt HEALTH. For further particulars call on or address, T. J. CLIFTON, WleMonry, III- TAKE NOTICE. ALL ye that are in want of Tubs in any form, from one bushel to 500; if you want a Tub mail e to a bung-hole, bring it along. " I will also take bnildings to bulla and furnish, or otherwise just as we san agree. Khop work of all kinds done to order on short no­ tice. / ;-F. A. HEBARD. McHENRY, ILL fearful high prices for their Boots and Shoes and Is mcrre than ever fully pre­ pared to move on the works of the enemy who are con­ tinually charging the good le of McHenry county iffh pi d Sh Rubbers. He keeps in stock the celebrated Selz Boots and Shoes and will sample them both as to quality and price with any dealer in the Northwest. He buys and sells more Boots and Shoes than all other dealers in Woodstock and is the only exclusive Cash house of the kind in McHenry county. Call and see him. Corner Main St. and Public Square Woodstock, 111. BOOKWALTER ENGINE! Effective, Simple, Durable ani Cheap. tial/fecoiN t'smaged. rell Mid. gi Manufacturers of SPRING WAGONS. Buggies 3c Phaetons. Bsod for designs and prices to BOBINSON WAGON CO., CINCINNATI. O. THE HORSE L WAGON. A MEW BOOK on the Horse. His history, structure, um and treatment. AUo giving a lew of the mo»t Important and Effective Bemedie* for the cure of the diseases of the'horse. Valuable to every owner and lover of the horse. Published by the BOiUtfeOft IPAQOH CC., Ohsto- cstt, 0., and sent, postage paid, to any address, on receipt of T!!":::-."-C; r P. K. rl-r. K. C. liuiinc Room Ii. llall. Why suffer day after «lay. and month after mouth with lame back, sciatica, lumbago, gravel, diabetes, feinale weakness, etc., when you can be cured by wearing Prnf. Guiliiiette's Kidney Pad. ft-- Quinine nnd Ar**nle Form the basts of many of the affile remedies In tlie market, and are the last resort of physicians and people who know no better medicine to em- j ploy for this distressing complaint. I The effects of either of these drucrs are j destriictiue to the system, producing headache. Intestinal disorders, vertigo, dizziness, ringing in the ears, and de­ pression of the constitutional health. Ayer's Ague Cure is a vegetable dis­ covery, containing neither quinine, ar­ senic, nor any deleterious ingredient, and is an infallible and rapid cure tor every form of fever and ague. Its effects are permanent and certain, and no injury can result from its use. Be­ sides being a positive cure for fever and ague iu all its forms, it IH als«I a superior remedy for liver complaints. U is au excellent tonic and preventive, as well as cure, of all complaints pe­ culiar %o malarious, marshy, aud mla*- matic districts, liy direct action Oil the liver and biliary apparatus. It stimulates thfe systero v to a vigorous healthy condition, For sate toy *9 Three sheets. 19x01, heavy plnte paper, contain- inp elevations, plans and details f r the above house: also book of '.0 pages, civirgspecifications, itemized estimate and form of contract--invaluable to every .carpenter nr p rty proponing building, as a guide in :nr>l<inc liitli or Hrawing contract*. Price g .00. Sent by mail, postpaid, on receiptof *1CE H. A WALITON, 330 W. Ninth 8t.,s i Cinoinnati, <X •t and Beat Medicine e*er Ma4». ire properties c HENRY MILLER, --DV American aid -DK A.LKR IN-- Monuments, Headstones, ETC., ETC., ETC, AmWican & Scotch Granite Constantly on Hand. ^Shop Two miles,North of He Henry, III. Tohnabiirgh, &ng« SStb. 1877 New Hardware Store. I. N.MEAD! 'NEAR THE DEPOT, -DEAlJtBIK- iuraUv® i ot all other Bitters, ••KUll BSSKt earth. S vbere Hop aad (Mrtet axe Uielr o&vigwtstiis&pS&aftlA™. ipioyiuentacauBO irre^ulari- nary oww. who onte and mild Stimulant, u able, without Intoa- Tb*j gin arv U* To all vboH m} tyoftbebowelac qoirean Appetii Hop Bitters are lnval' oatlng. No matter wbatyoor te are what the dt--asij oral a. Don't wait until 700 a1 only (eel bed or mlaeral It may nn year llte.lt |600wUI be pbM for cure or belp.' Do not istiSer •ufTcr.but use aisd ut'tie tka Remember, Hop Bitten I. drunken Matron, hut the Pi Medicine ever made; the "DTT. and MI" and no peceen shpuld be witboottbem. D.(,O.I* an abMtltte and InwUtlMe forDrunkeimes,um of optmn, narcotics. AlJ eotd by dnimr or eymptetne to use Hop Bit- sick but It yo« nse them at once. •Ted hundreda, they will not orletyonr friend* MOP M «4e. draped and «e*t STOVES, Til. Cepwr a>4 Steet Im Wart Tnlilo nntl Pooket Ontlorv, Setssors and ; Shettrs, Horeo l(asn», Horse Shoes, Horieshna Xail«,Hnd ( ileiof «?err description. Also everything that la generally kept ta a Hard ! ware Store. i ieing a Practical Workman 1 shall flpftre nn psina ln trying to give satis, fw-tion to ell who faror me with their patron »gc. ".•m 4xiW'4 ' (erCircpler ~ * ' r.W.T'Atad All kinds of Jobbing • ' ' I '.-it I ' - ' '•'! Injiyupe Wlli recMr^ronipt'ittei,^!!;., Vlc*se give me a aattt before pnrchnslng elsowhere irhea in need of aaythinir in m/ 1 line > t . . • V lioUearjr^OM. 1Mb* »tiffe -jft- I'M' '*> -i. • • i» *• conomioa! and , give fttll power Compaot, Substantial * Easily K " CKnraatead to work well claimed. jttst THE TMHOPOR A PRTJTNRA- OFFIOE Every Farmer who runs a Cotton Gin, Cora Mill or Wood Saw, should have one. SBB OVB LOW NTIA||. Horse Power Engine and Boiler... tt ti «' 8 8 , SEND FOR A DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLBt. .,..$240 ... 280 3<0 '450 J"axix©s XJ©±±©1 &c Co., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. FINE CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS --or -- TJisriino EXCEL.L1ENOK. Zjiglit I Styliab. I Warranted t S A V E y o u r 2E0NE7, writs for OatalogaoPBZCE LX8T to „ The Boston Buckboard Co^ NEW HAVEN, COÎ N. Also SOLS Mannfactnren of tho celebrated BoaToa BUOKCOABP or XU&&A7 WAOOir. 1.ESTEY6 COMPANY I'root view* rlk/ Buck VioWa BRATTLEBOeO, VT. A New Style of Organ, designed for Sunday Schools, Chapels, etc., and Sold at Moderate Price. tar ALL ODE ORGANS ARE "WARRANTED, AUD ARE HADE IN TE] THOROUGH MANNER AS FOR TIIE PAST 35 YEARS. t^Seni far Dlnstratsd Catalope More deciding what t8 Bw JEWELRY, Silverware, &c. RICHMOND, ILk Has just put in hia Store a Largve StocK than ever, and is selling at the very Lowest Prices possiblf* HAVE GIVEN PRICES BELOW, Extension Tables, $1. per foot* Breakfast Tables, all walnut, $3.75. Centre Tables, from $3.50 and upwards. Common Bed­ steads, $2.75, $3.00 Frendii black walnut bedsteads, $5.75 arid upwards. Common Kitchon Chairs, $3. Cane Seat Chair** $5 up to $14, Bureau* $9 and. upwards. Commodes and Wash- stands, $4.50 and upwaida. Lounges, Brussels Carpet, $8. Mattresses, all sizes, $2.75. . Bu­ reau, with 14x24 Glass, $15. . Looking Glasses and IVall Pockets, etc. I also keep on hand ft fine a|^ aortment of • » lis* COFFINS AND CASKETi- S3gf Hearse furnished at rea­ sonable rates. JOHN B. BUKt August 23, 1880. FALL m WIHTH CAMPA1QM OPENED. LAUER & BECEEB, i Near the Depot Mo Henry - - - - - Illinois, Hftve just filled tbett •tore with a fall (lock eff the latest atjrltnilvib tern* of CLOTHS, -FOR- M & Wiatw 8uitiugs. Which tbejr.are pitfih ed to make te order w •hort notice, and WM» rn«its&tUfa<!tloa. W.e also have a full line of FURNISHING GOOD* Collar*, Onflig. Suspenders, Hosiery, HAT8, CAPS, to in which we will not be undersold, qaallty of goods considered. , In the Flat line we lmvc the Garlield a»<l Hancock, the latest and nobbiest style oot. When In want of a single garment or * fttU suit do not fHil to give us a call. ' LAUERA BECKI* MnHeary, Oet. oth, isso. The Lowest Prices in Dry Ooods and Clothing toube found m the County at r«<u vt * ji) u iwt i! ii i,U.: ^mvr edge ^ TONIC IS A THOROUGH REMKDY In every case of* Malarial Fever or Vevei and Asnin, while for disorders of the Stomaeh Tori-i dity of tlie I.iter, (ndlget-tion anfl dts. turhancos of the animal forces, •which deblll tiitc, it lias no equivalent, and can havo IM fSiii>(-titn tu. It should not lie confoiindad with irit«rate<l conijKuin<(s of cheap tplrill and essential oils, often sold nnder toe of Hitlers. KORAAt.R BY . .J. , Xu ,.j> JAM, -i ' jdSL.. • :r'^l

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