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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Mar 1881, p. 5

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»P! m i« * *vJT p* .-^vV^ - - * ' * . t * * if C *•"">*• \ ^ ^ ;» *^*®|y*Sgr*, "'7j # '*•* MAW'H A able. ....t.-M A MUT^Ukl P .1:1ft r. H Lake r Hipiiiii " 3* * ' .10:01 a. r,Henry, III F ViTMunioirt, of Osborne City, Wewtpr It rusticating among friends in Ij^lHiiii*,/, „ ..-: Miss HAHNAH HATIUVD, of Cht- o»ls the giwst of Mrs, Jo|m I. Storyjj > wylfc,, ;%(BS. A. WITTKR, of Chicago, epent |] week In this village* tho g«e«t of .Mrs. Jotin I. Story. ..._, 8je» the new advertisement' OfL. Bonslett, deajer In Flour aiul Feed triich can be found In another oolnmn. j#ohn Harrison, of Fulton, CN. YO w«a visiting his sister, Mrs W«i Paige la this place last week. TWF.NTT-FITK Picturesque Ameri­ cans' and twenty-five Harpers Maga- *f{ie'8 for sale. Price 96.09. Inquire itthls office. ' •• OWING to the mails and Express not reaching here until Tuesday night, we are again one day late this week. We hope "Old Prob" will now let up M» we can get out oq time next week. (r THE blockade was broken on Tues-d. <1, U THE blockade was broken [day and on Tuesday night we got the [ first mail that had been received here tor eight days. We sincerely hope the .like may not occur again soon. TIF there is any truth in tlte theory tinta rigid winter Is followecf by an e»r1y spring and good crops, farmers may aa well commence building gran­ aries aifdeorn crjbs. tr you were an editor, and a poem t&ilder should tender yon a production Ini which the word "wafture* stood out bold relief, would you waft your stand at his head? Or, would you I ll < W lib «*• uaarly die of lafture f W® are In'tecelpt of a speefmetv number of Ncllls' Floral Instructor, published at the noted Mohawk Valley Seed Gardens, located at Canajoliarie, N. Y. We are informed that at these Gardens large quantities of both veg­ etable and flower seeds are annually grown and put up and sold direct to the planter, a featifre that cannot be over intimated. The proprietor, A. C. Ncllis. offers great inducements in the seed line, both to the wholesale and retail trade, and offers to send a sam­ ple number of hi* beautiful quarterly and a packet of choice vegetable or flower seeds for a three oent stamp. WE acknowledge the reoeipt of Wed. ding Cards from Osborne. Kansas,from Ivlch we make the following notice: MARRIED--At the residence of the bride's srent*, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Smith, February J. M. BacheVler, Mi, and Miss MABEL C. lie many friends or Miss Smltb, in McHenry,and they are legion, wish her mnch joy and a long and prosperous life,and that,the thorny path of life may ever be stVewn with roses, is the wish of--yours truly. In speaking of the wedding the Osborne County jFhr- mer says: We have been waiting impatiently for these many weeks to chronicle an event which transpired Tuesday, the 22d, an event ot no less magnitude than the marriage of Joe Hatfield, the afla- ble and justly popular young gentle­ man, who for the past couple of years has Ailed a place in the'drug establish­ ment of Baldwin & Wilson. Joe al­ ways was a lucky fe;low, and the very acme of good fortune was reached when, last Tuesday, lie led to the altar one of Osborne's most highly esteemed and accomplished young ladies, in the person of Miss Mabel Smith. The cer­ emony took plaee at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr and Mrs. .1. M. Smith, Kev. Batchelder officiating. Wednesday morning the newly wed­ ded couple were made the recipients of respectful honors in the form of a serenade by Manifold's band, of Beloit. All unite in wishing them long life, happiness and prosperitv. A CORRESPONDENCE from Woodstock flan be found both on the first and fifth pages of the PLAIN DEALER this wjek. The first, intended for last week, but was SJIOVV bouud, but waj» «of suffi­ cient Interest H <W« a pjaoe this -week. " ^ F DORAN & Co. have bought the lum­ ber for their Butter and Cheese Fac­ tory. and F, A. Hebard has commenced getting out the window casings and such other work as he can do indoors. > When the weather is favorable it will \be pushed rapidly. | MRS. SKAELKS has removed her Mil- jfCiery Goods to her residence, where fps can be found for the pfesefit, to wait, on ail her customers with the latest styles of goods in her line. As soon as the weather will permit she ttenvplaees building a new store Iar her residence, * ' WE would call theatteudou ipf ou readers to the new advertisement ©<!•; |F. Blake. Ring'vood, III. He is. In fiohuectUtn with his Blaeksmlth busi­ ness manufacturing a Drasr that the farmers that for cheapness and dura­ bility has no equal 1 u the market.-- Bead his advertisement. SOMS miserable cuss reported a story o«i our streets the first of the week that seven men had been killed hear Palatine on Sunday by one of the Northwestern snow Plows. We are glad to * ay the report proves to be a hoax. The individual who started che jrarn deserves to be "snow bound? for tfce rest of his natural life. •» K* - ;t MCHKNRT has about Afty marriage­ able young ladies, most Of whom are handsome, sprightly and" intelligent; besides we have about fifty more ap­ proach in g that state, but a little under sweet sixteen. lit our 'enumeration we may have 'missed a few widows, but we are certain we have embraced all the girls, • • ' NEXT Sunday, the Rev. J. A. Farrar Will preach In the Episcopal Church, at Spring Grove, in the morning at 10:30 and In this evening at Wilmot in the Episcopal Church at 7 -Vciock. Subject in the morning, "The Great Question! If the jlges." $<ii$4ct of evening lecture,"How to Lead a Suc­ cessful Life." Allarn 'Invited, espec­ ially young men. ; ^; ONBofthe handsomest of |>ubliea> tionsis the ILLUSTRATRD SCIENTIFIC NEWS, published JUy Munn A Co.. New York. Every number contains thirty- two pages, full of engravings of novel­ ties In science and the useful arts.-- Ornamental wood work, pottery, vases and objects of modern and ancient art jire finely shown. The March number contains, among various other subjects^ Illustrated, a full discription of the manufacture of paper hangings, with engravings; how the deceptive curve is produced in casting the ball by the baseball pitcher, his attitude, how he holds and handles the ball, all fully il­ lustrated. The number before us also 'Contains engravings of Capt. Gads' proposed ship railway acros* the Isth­ mus, and a novel hydraulic railway locomotive. In addition to all this it coutains many valuably recipes for artisans aud housekeepers. This publi­ cation will be found Instructive and tertaining to all classes, but will bo best appreciated by the most intelli­ gent. Published by Munn A Co., 37 Park Row, Xew York, at jtl.60 a yeait and sold by all news dealers, - ^ DIED --In Chlnago, March 1st, Nit; of Consumption. A. O. Haviland, *ffe<l S3 yean. 8, ̂ DiEr I Consun J Mr. J. F. RUNET, of Lake couuty, shipi4 | ped ftam tkis Station to-day, .Wffines- - day, one hundred and sixty fat ^lieep, that certainly were the finest, flock that have been shipped from tills sec­ tion In a long clrae. We learn ttrat he pDsid for them thf handsome sum of f0OO. Roneyis a wide-awake dealer atofl tiri II no doubt make a handsome profit from tnis shfpnrent. i-- r -", 1"" mj; . THE following from tbq E)gl% £ea- 4^tr utters our sentiments exactly: . *»Who is the oldest inhabitant? Bring him in and let us punch his head. We aettled in this country in the belief that all the hard winters occurred in the days when the said inhabitant was jj»oung. And now comes a storm that doubly discounts the whole record of ' JSorgetful^ false memories and wilful JWes of the oldest of old Inhabitants." * •• --^ IT Is a habit, we suppose at tiie same time It ts a subject for physiolog­ ical study, for It shows a vibrating •-•^lerve connection between the packet ;*ind the brain, that we c|n, see •'#ffie headllire in a - newsparpfrf : *Tliree * thousand dpliars .stolen." wl t bnm I»- • voluntarily hafda- |o lour •est pocket. *" A'n<! 'W" ̂ ?hrtAbreitIie .••W three thousand dollars foe «ny- ^ody to steal.' '•' r • Haviland was an old settler of McHenry. having once kept the Hotel wtiicli stood ou the ground now occu- bv tli« Riverside Housed He was a^brotheil-lll-lliWP of 11. M. McOmber, with whom he was associated In the mercantile business here spine 120 years ago. He came from Danville, Vt., to this county over forty years ago. conse-. queutly was one ot the earliest settlers In this section, and was a man highly respected by all who kuew him. For the past few years he has resided in Chicago, but that fell destroyer Con­ sumption having got a firm hold of him he gradually failed until death came as a relief from Ills sufferings.-- His remains were brought toGreen- wood, this county, by hi? daughter, aud deposited in the beautiful Ceme­ tery at that place beside his first wife, who preceded him several years ago. . - HISTORY repeats itself, so 'tis said, and so do human actions. When tiie woman of Scripture was brought up before the Master fo<* condemnation for her wrong doiog, she stood tremb­ ling with mortal fear, for the penalty which attached to errors of tiie nature of hers, was calculated to strike terror to anyone. But -after hearing the grievances of those who brought her and took up stones to execute judg­ ment, they were humiliated beyond degree by the words of the Master^ ilLet hi'm who is without sin cast the grst stone," made the accusers In turn tremble. The pointed and burning words sunk like iron in their souls and opened their minds'* eyes sufficiently to see the great blotch or spot that covered one-lialf the pupil, which had caused them to see only grievous errors in the vroman. So it is in these latter days of the nineteenth century. Tlitire are those that are always ready to take up stones to cast at other people« totally oblivious of the great moral fact that the same unerring law would stone tliem to death for errors of another kind, and possibly quite as grievous. This, too, by professors and moralists. It's not a mote but a beam that obscures their moral and religious vision. Take it out of thine own eye. If it be the fashion to strike straight home, let those who open the battle not grumble and growl if tfee flying debris strike them »lso. CKYSTAI, UKN NDOOI The following is a report of the Crystal Lake Public School for the month of February, 1&81: Days taught 20. Boys enrolled 49. Girls enrolled 33. • Pupils emoiied 82. Pupils with­ drawn 8. Pupils yet members 74.-- Days attendance 1204. Average daily attendance 61. Per cent of attend­ ance 74. Visits from school officers 0. Visits from others 6. Clas*es p«r day SO. * HIGHER DEPARTMENT. Days taught 20. Boys enrolled 17. Girls enrolled 26. Pupils enrolled 43. Pupils withdrawu 3. Pupils yet mem­ bers 40. Days attendance 650. Aver­ age dally attendance 33. CiasMs per day 19. Visits from school officers 0, Visits from others 6. H. R. BALDWIX, Tsaeber. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. fN^*s taught 20. Boys enrolled 32.-- Girls enrolled 7. Pupils enrolled 39.-- Pupils withdrawn 5. Pupils yet mem­ bers 34. Days attendance 664. Classes per (iay 20. Visits from school officers 0. Visits from others 1, The follow­ ing is a list of those who were 100 in attendance and punctuality: Louis Smith,Henry Hubert, Thomas Rape. CARRIK WALLACE, Teacher. ' UTKKIRt. ^ ^Frttgramine of Literary to b« held at Hill's Hall, Crystal Lake. Friday eve. March 11, 1881. Roll Call. Respond by short quota­ tion from favorite author. Instrumental Music. Mr. Tlios.Ford. Reading from Holmes. Mr.C. Barnes. Biography of Holmes. Dr. Win, E. Hall. Reading' from Holmes, Mrs, Q, E. Hall. Vocal Music. Mr. Win. |Church. Declamation. Mr, Jauies Ford. Recess. Music. Miss Louise Wliber. Debate. W in.Jackmau^Frsflk P<BMe. Resolved. That Novel reading has done more harm than good. Music. Miss Wood. Eulogy of Disraeli. M. F< Howe.-- Invective against Disradll. J. A. Shel­ don. < Music. Miss Nellie Hill. Queries--from previous meeting.-- E. Perk in. Critic's Report. Music. Mr.Win. Dike. E. M. OWKN Is repairing and putting in shape the Store lately occupied by J. Story, opposite the Mill. He in­ forms us it will be oocupled; by^whom iwe have not learned. Wc hear that O. W* Owen oontom- plates startiug a new Furniture store, to be run in connection with liis praseut business. REMOVED. Mrs. Searles wishes to Inform her customers and the public generally, that she has temporarily removed her goods to her residence, until a new store can be built, where she; * la> pre­ pared with a full stock of the latest styles of Hats. Bonnets and Trimmings to wait upon all who come as usual. I am better than »'ver prepared to wait upon my customers. Call and examine ray goads. MRS. S. SVARL«S. t/, - ,ra, drinkers tons 4 Evaneoq's* Should • t*y FltJtslm- 'jPefs, l*j*ces ACAttn. We wish In this public m«nrorr* feo return thanks to neighbors and friends for tlieir kindness and assistance dur­ ing the late sickness and death of our son, Binjaman. That the All Wise> Rider may preserve them, one and all,, from * l!k*j afltotion 4§ 0W tiacpre wl*b, .« ."M*1' • i;' ' : > MP., AND Mns. C. ORIMOLBT. . Boy a pound of fine Japan TedJat Flushing on* & KvansouV and if .you like it tell your neighbors so. If not sai|iif^t<Hrj» iwturu it. Good value. , ' " * , M * it |0TA Maryland farmer is making money out of an enormous crop of po­ tato bugs. Being opposed to the use of Paris green, he rigged up a large washboiler in his field, and hiring six men, ooHected the bugs, and soused them In boiling water. About two gallons were collectud, and by acci­ dent a piece of old sh rep-skin leather, used for liniug shoes, went into the mess. After the cooking had been go­ ing on for half an hour he was as­ tonished to find that the leather had changed its color to the richest dark crimson. Tills arousing his curiosity, he Inserted other materials, and ascer­ tained another peculiarity of the liquid. The muerial placed In it changed first to a dark brown, then a greenish hue, then pnra yellow, then light blue, changing to dark blue;thou light red. terminating iu the bril­ liant scarlet, which was the permanent color. Consequent formatiou of stock company to make dyeing mixtures from potato hugs. J&-A whole afternoon of the recent convention at Lansing of the Michi­ gan Sheep-breeders' and Wool grow­ ers' Association was given up to a de­ bate on the question of washing sheep, and the result was an almost unani­ mous verdict to the fact that the practice is not only useless and bar­ barous but unprofitable, taking Into ac­ count the often fatal effect on fine ani­ mals thus shocked by being forced in- %o the water. A few Overcoats left. Good and cheap at Fitzsimmons A Evanson's. Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's, Nuuda^ for Millinery and Dress Making, ^?ew supply of Rubber Boots' at Fitzsimmons & Evanson's. WOO0STOCK- EDITOR PLAINDEALKK:--"And it rained, and it rained forty days and forty nights," etc., etc. Well, our late snow storm did not quite equal that ancient rain storm, but It snowed till we began to despair of ever Sfeing Old Sol again, and In fact since the storm haieftaaed thai ancient Inmlnary acts rath*r bashful about showing himself too much, lest In* should be accused of boldness. For forty-eight hours the storm god raged, astride old Boreas, dumping its over- ladeu cars wherever chance might dic­ tate. till streets, highways, gardens, lawns and fields Inditate that the mound builders have b«>en abroad in our midst. The blockade is complete. Railways are thorongly blockaded, the highways impassable, aud business of every kind almost entirely suspended. Now a "solitary horseman," here and there a leg-weary footman, may be seen wallowing through the drifts, but it is evidently the depth, rather than the length, or the road that both­ ers them. We learn that several trav­ eling men are sojourning Ia our little city, waiting as patiently as cimim- stancec will permit tor the breaking of the blockade. Among the snow-bound are Dr. Lorimer, * of Chicago, and States Attorney Ira R. Curtiss, of Marengo. By the way, Ira seem* to be passing his time quite pleasantly in check­ mating some of our brag chess players. He does, however, permit them to get occasionally a game.just to keep- up their interest. / It is now authoritatively stated th*f J. E. Jones left onr postmaster to make up a shortage in the' money or4 der account of about 9550, but we see by the Sentinel and learn -from other sources that the Presbyterian Society were not losers on his account as was currently reported at one time. We are to hive a legal examination of oiie of our medical fraternity for practicing medicine, tu is claimed, without a license or certificate, con­ trary to the statute lu inch cases made aud provided, and as It involves one; of our leading physicians,-It is somewhat sensational. The Pleasant Valley school was sud­ denly closed by the burning of the school house ou Thursday night. We have not learned particulars but hear it Is attributed to all luoendiary. J. J. W. Starr had only seven more days to teach In order to complete Ids fifth successive term in that district. We see by the Greenwood corre­ spondence III the 8entinel that "there was no church 'last Sunday evening" nnd we are induced to inquire if it was burned or buried i u snow or wiiat be­ came of It. The last tluia we passed that way wf are aore we saw two churches. We are now under our new adminis­ tration, but as the papers have failed to reach us we are uttable to note the change. There Is onf thiug in ^hls connec­ tion ante-bfciruiiT Tit' feftafStteirr "That Isold fashioned acquiesceuco In the result of our late election. Do you ask for proof? You shall have it. Last Fall the two leading parties erected poles from which to float their streamers and flags. The Democrats went at theirs in the old fashioned way. Democracy was In its prinfe nnd raised a magnificent hickory 115 feet In height, while the Republicans reared a less pretending one. Of course, dnring the heat of the canvass, tiiese emblems were pointed at by some as a measure of the popular will But the Republicans ware locally and nationally victorious. Inauguration day came and the National Flag with the Garfield aud Arthur streamer arc proudly flapping in the brceie from the gigantic hickory reared in the interests of Hancock aud English. This much under our own observation, and if we read the signs *of the times ai-ight.this harmonious element Is not local in its character, neither is it to be of short duration, but that It is na­ tional and likely to be lasting, and that a reign of harmony has dawned upon us once more, and may the voice be choked of utterance that shall at­ tempt to destroy the desire on the part of the great mnss of our people, that all, without regard to race or color, without regard to nationality, witliortt regard to wealth or standing, shall be protected in all their rights. Monday morning brings us our mails once more, passenger trains are run­ ning on regular time, the people are coming in from the country, business begins to show signs of returning life and we nre comparatively happy. For (he definition of "Feio do 8e" we would respectfully refer your Greenwood correspondent to Bonvier's Law Dictionary. Dr. Lorimer preacbod at the Bapk- tlst Cherch 3-esterday: forenoon, aud at the Presbyterian Church , in the evening. We liked his liberal, views, and were particularly pleased witli the. glowing tribute he paid to Dr. Thomas. .. . SOLON.: ..., . EDITOR PI.AIXDKALER:--Our school is progressing finely, with ft large at­ tendance this winter, "The German School Is finished as the teacher had too much tn do in his day school to keep it up any lunger. « Merril Stevens, whom we reported sick, died ou Saturday. Funeral held at his houtfe on Monday the 21st. Thus apother of our old residents has passed away. He was about OS years old and one of the first who settleu on English Prairie in 1837. The houso was flileil to overfiotving with friend* aud neigh­ bors to pay their last respect to him whom they had known so long. We wero pained to hear of the death of George Goodliaud who had taken his own life, but as the particulars were furnished you by your Richmond correspondent we will not repeat them here. Our Lyceum Is .still In progress. The next paper will be edited by Jeunie Cropley and Edith Moore. Next Wednesday evening question, resolved intemperance is a greater evil |hau war, „ Shrewdness and Ability. Hop Bitters, so freely advertised in all the papers, secular and religious, are having a large sale and are sup­ planting all other medicines. is no denying the virtues of the h^)p plant, aud the proprietors of these bitters have Miown great shrewdness and ability in compounding a bitters whose virtues are so palpable to every­ one's obse rva tion.--Ezc hange. 1 Panel, 1 Cabinet, 6 Cards Miuette Photos for 92.00, at and 3 Miller's r f BEST THING; Fbf *%Migh is Beslsy*s Troches. box. House. Store opposite the ry Parker A complete assortment of Pho'to- graphs lor two dollars at Miller's Studio, : ' . , 1 Panel an# '6 C'*rd§ fdr 91.60 Msller'a Pkato Studio. i . . . . .• .v . , SAKKI* SHE\KINO' VUSTIVAL. PROGRAMME. V1R»T DAY, APK1L21S1. Will be devoted to .the exhibition of Sheop.-- All Sheep must be on the grouni and Entries made by li o'clock. Co nmittees .wHl make awards at 2 o'clock. MEBtKOS. Rams, 3 years old and o*r--1st Prem. 2nd Prem. Rams, 2-vearsnld and ovoi-- 1st Vrem. 2nd Prem. Rams, 1 year old and orer--1st Prem. 2nd Prem. ICwes, S years old and over--1st Prem. 2n<l Prem. Ewea, 2 year* old and ovcr-.st Prem. 2nd |Prem. Ewes, lyear old and over--Ut Prem. 2nd Prem. DKLAIXK MKRTKOS. Rams, S year* old and over--1st Prasa. trnt Prein. Runs, 2 years old and--1st Prem. 2nd Prem. Rams, 1 year old aud over--1st Prem. 2nd Prem. Kwes, 8 years old and over--1st Prem. 2nd Prem. K\res, 2 years old and over--1st Prem.2nd Prem. Ewes, 1 year old and over--Ut Prem. 2nd Prem. The above prize* will l»e given in diplomas, 8KCON1) DAY, ACHIT. 21KD. Will be devoted to the shearing proper. »TAKK raixits. . Heaviest Hiteariug Merltto *a«s en tbe ground any age. Heaviest Shearing Merino Ewe one ths ground any age. Heaviest shearing Dolaiue Merino Ram on tho ground any age. Heaviest Shearing Delaine Mertao Ewe on he ground any age. Any one entering for any of the above will pay an entry fee of ft wltlch will constitute the stakes. Finest fleece shown on the ground Diploma. Shearing tor a Record, free To All. Shearing will begin at S A. M. The Exhibition and Shearing will be under the immediate supervision of Thomas MeD Richards of Woodstock. SHRAKIKO. Tho following orlzes will lie Awarded on Shearing, the condition of the 3he*|», Fleece, and the Time, to be the Tests, First, S6.00; second, fS.00; third. Diploma; fourth, Diploma. A good Eating Honse will be on the grounds where all can get Warm Meals at treasonable prices. TBOs. MOD UicfURos, Snpt. of festival. AND.CORRKCT THIS NEW Proves beyond a:iy reasonable question that the eft Kortkwestera Is by all odds the best road foryOn to take when traveling In either dbvetion b«tw*eB CMcap aod all tie PriGcipal Points ji the Wist M & fiirtkvst Carefully exnuiinCthis Map. The principal Cities of the West and Korthwest are. SlaCtsM i make close connections with the tritta* of all railroad* aad on ttiM road. Its through trains junction RENC Ordway -AlTOna TASKTOX Crttytoq r Ma dtp CM Notice. •^ To the holiWs of six per cent Mc­ Henry County orders, notice ig hereby --K- , given that on the 1st (lay of April, A.D. 'fherir*"1881. I will pay the following six per cent $300.00 McHenry Couuty orders, viz No's, 121 to 134 both incluai ve. Also No's.,29.36,43, 50, 57, 64,71. 78 ami 85. Interest will cease on the above Countv orders oittire 1st thvjrs of April, A. D., 1881. • . . JAMES NTISU, CO. TRKAS. Woodstock, 111., Feb. 38. 'St Pltrslmmons & Evanson are tr/lng hard to dispose of the Balance of their Stock of Winter goods. It will 4>ay the cash buyer to investigate. ,, Tanel Photos at Miller's Stml^i*, Oft'r new Spring stotili of Clftfliiiig Is" now r*»ieive»l and a more complete line is not to be found in this vicinity. We can fit 9 boy from six years old up­ wards. Youths and Briys School Suits a speciality. Stock reasonably large ai»4 proftts very ^H»iil- VVe will save money for those who favor us with tlieir patronage. <^all ri»d se'i>; * ' _ _ AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at Public Auction,on the Hmnises, three miles North of McHenry and one mile North west of Johnsburgh, on Tuesday, March 15th. 18S1. Commencing at 10 o'clock A. M. the following property:-- 4 good Work Horses. 1 thr»e year old Colt.l fooi year old Colt, 5 Milch Cows. 2 three j-ear old Helfers,6 two year old Heifers, 4 Yearlings, 1 Buckeye. Drill. 1 Broadcast Seeder, i Sulky Cultivators, 1 Roller. 1 Drag, I Wagon, 1 Truck. 2 Plows. One half of a Union Corn Plaiter. 1 Dodge Reaper. 1 Hay Rake, and all my Farming Implements, too numerous to inentiou. Also 12 Tons ot good Hay. TRUM.S OK SAL« :-~AH sums of 95 and under. Cash. Over that sum a credit of Ten Months will be given on ap­ proved Notes at 7 per cent Interest. JOIIX FRKUMD. Gao, H. STiVWABqr. Auctioneer. Nunda TUAOS. The undersigned. Collector of Taxes of the Town of Nunda, will, by himself or Deputy, be at the tollowiug named places at tiie time stated: THURSDAYS--At the store of Stevens & Schuorr, Mcllenry, froui 10 A. M. to 4 P, M. SATURDAYS--At Ihe store of Butler A Warner. Nunda. IV, J. KITT r.K, Collector, JAMES K1TTLK, Deputy. For Sale. In Woodstock, a house and five acres ot land, situated OP the Chemung road, thirty rods North ot tlier Woodstock Brewery. Is a desirable piece of pro­ perty, and will be sold reasonable. In­ quire on the premises, JAMES GALLAGHER. , G. W. BESLEY , Has Just received an Optimeter, for estisig tho eyes, and <*an now fit you with a pair of spectacles and guarantee satisfaction. He also has a full Hue of Spectacles, all kinds, to which lie In­ vites the attention of the public. TttlcWeatern Farmers' Almanac, s valuable book for farmers, for sale at thisotSce. Price. 10 cents. WHY DO YOU COUGH When one box of Besley's Troches will cure you*. Store oppossto Parker House. IF you want your Watch |mt Is class Oriier. call on Robert Jeweler, Nunda, first Murfitt New Prints, latest, patter/is, at prices from five cents a yard aud ii|»- wards, at Colby Bros.. Riverside Block. Don't bny your Ilats or Bonnets un­ til you have seen and priced goods at Jlr*. & Searles. . tN! - - v SPECIAL BARGAINS. ^ W* ofoer a larce'lot of remnMffti4 fh Goods, irotn G to 12^ cents per yar(f. STKVKNS & SCHNOlUt. Errors of youth. In mnle or lemalev caiifiing shyness, or inability ,.,^0 loojl aiiotIter in the face, piiiiples. nervous- nesff. eto., can be pArirta'nen fly'e»fr^<l by th<» use bf PfOjf. GuilwwtW?** SMWey £lkd». -• -- -• • • -mMp, ' CHICAGO^ THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY} Over nil of its nrwripal linea, rims cac;> way v from two to four or^more Kaat KipMH Tmios. It >9 tnoonh- roa<l west of Chicago that: uses the PULLMAN HOTEL DINING CARS. It fs the onlv voad ihat runs Pullman Sleeping Cars North or Northwest of Chteagw, It ha* n*arly|3,OOO Miles Of Road- In forms the fnlUnvidg Trunk Liaest: Council Uluffs, Denver Jfc California I.in*. Winou#, Minnesota A Central Dnknka UH Sioux City, Nor Nebraska It Yankton l.ine. Ohira^o, St. Pr.ul Minnea;m!i-> l.ine Northeru Illinois. Kreeport & l»ul>u<)ue Line. Milwaukee, Greea Bay & I.ate Superior I.tae Tickets over this road are sold by all Coupon Ticket Adepts in the United Stntes ft Canada Kemember to ask fur Tickets via this road, ibe tare tuey road over it, au<i take none other IA&TIN HTJGHITT, Ben'l Manager, Chicago W.B. 8TESKBTT. ««• Pass A»t Chleaf* Business Notices. Reed's Gilt Edge Tonlo restores the appetite. Thi; Molina Sulky Plow at X. M Owen's. The Furst. & Bradley Sulky PlOtr K. M. Owen's. at When iu want of work In my line, £lre mea call and I will try and please Robt. Murtltt, Jeweler. Nunda, 111, The largest stock of Millinery Goods In the Couuty, at Mrs. S. Searles. Buckeye Owen's. All the Owen's. Foroe Pumps, at S. II flrst-ciass Plows at E. M. A fine line of Gents Furnishing Goods at Laser A Becker's near the Depot. The finest Hue of Sliver and Plated Ware to lie found in the county, at O. W. Owen's. I make a specialty of Repairing flue W itches, and warrant all my work, Robt. Murfitt, Nunda. CLOAKS! CLOAKS! ?' 1 , A large Invoice cf clonks, bought it call a big bargain. Don't buy before lug on ux. STKVKNS& HOHNORK. '""HOW style Bracelets at O. W. Owen's lins. E. W. HOWK is offering induce­ ments to purchasers of Millinery, Cloaks, &c. Give her a call. Store four doors North of Riverside House. TEA DRINKERS Will find the pure, unadulterated, «»• colored, natural leaf. Japan tea at our place. STEVENS A SCHXOHR. E. A. GOLDING, Wauconda, III., «lcaler In Gro­ ceries, Canned Goods. Confectionery, Cigars, Tobacco. Notions, &c. Also Headquarters for Piatt & Co's Celebra­ ted Baltimore Oysters. I am now pre­ pared to furnish Fresh Oysters by the Can or Dish, at all hours of the day or evening. My Refreshment Parlors are cosily tUtejil up. well warmed and light­ ed.^ud no pains will be spared to please all who call. 1 also niuke a specialty of all kinds of Can Goods, and knep a fine Hue of Conteotionery. Give me a call. K. A. UOLDIXO. YOU WANT 10 lbs of our clarified ,N. O. Sugar fOr •1.00 equal to granulated. -71& green co(lee 91.00. STKVKNS & SCUNOKB. Just received all the latest Styltd and shades of winter Millinery. Mas. Ki W. Howa. •* OVERCOATS. tTeh'aveVpecinl bargains ln'thlSilfno to close, 15 over coats88 00. former prices)?!! 90 10 over coats S*l,00, former prices 87 00 8 overcoats Sll.OO. former prices<15 00 Full size mens over coats a* low M #2.45 tliesS nre bargaino. K v A*S * 8OH»O*B. Ladles^ of M#He«iry and vicinity don't buy yotir Hats or Bomiets until ybu liave looked nt and priced goods at. Mrs. S. Searles. Am now offering f[ieater bargains than ever. All 11 repairing done on short notice. FENCE POST^FOR SALE, i - 2000 seasoned Burr Odk Fence PoKI for sale,. Inquire of . . JOH.V DORA*. W a u c o n d a m-- - ^ i f . < x i i > If you buy a pound of Gitig*** or Mustard or Pep|»er for HO ct«., and it takes an ounce of it to im­ part the characteristic taste* when for 40 cents you can get a pound that is Pure, 5 grains ol which will bring1 the team, how much do you lose ? I have been t selling Strictly Pure Spices for three years past, at Prices us Low as CLASS GOODS could lie sold. I am having a fine trade in these goods and waait to add to my list ot customers tho name of every economical lover of Purs Goods in Wauconda. For further particulars call st the "Jiook Haunt" and en< for ' F. B. HAHKlSOLu Who bss a Prugs for M ':r A if* •'Ms If In seacrh of Bargnins call at C. F,-! Hall's Ricliuioiid a(i«M)uudee stores. MK8. GEO. McCOLLUM, Fashionable Hair - Worker. Post Offiue Address, WAUCONDA, - - * - ILLINOIS, I would b«»g leave to Inform the Ladles of Lake and McHenry iCountiips that 1 am now prepared to do all kimls ot Hair WVrk on short notice aud <11 the best of manner. 1 use none buf natural Hair, aud gurautee all work ns represented. That ray .prloes are low I will leave all to judge for themselves by tint fpl; lowing: "I WILI, MAKE SWITCHKf Where you furifisli t^ie H^lr, 91.419. Wh«*re you furnish 1 root it. 81.50. Putts, (you to furui>ii Hair, lOctseach Waves 011 Hair Lace, 91.00 an inch. Waves on Vegetable Lace, 76 cents an ineii. Switches from 82,00 to 93,00, accord­ ing to siae and quality. Ladies wishing nnythlng In this line should not fail to give me a rail, as 1 am satisfied I can suit you botli in quality aud price. MBS,GEO' m* VQR SAI.E.. ' 40 Acres of land In SOctlon" It. al! fenced. Also 80 acres of land, with a good house and barn thereon, with timber and water in abundance, in Seo lion 4*2. Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nnuda road. Good new hotisejbarn afi<l other outbuildings.-- Apply to ' JOH* FLVSKV. , My stock of Dry Gowls.Ciothiug. &c uever wss Jarger than 110w,and as I sin hoimd to sell theia. look out for bed r>ock prl«*s. Oalt either at tho Rich- ruoud or Dundee store ̂ t*d be convinc- & i«U. maiiiy jfnods? Thf ymakc flute p/"ic«e and ^uy aud sell forensh. To tell you of a few * > 8pecial Bargains Wo huve j^l ii •MIA X have,to offer, received a line of J \V: 4 , GOODS **' * * 1-2 wodl dt 12 1-2 centA per yfttd iiv5 «l>tufeR, usually sidd at 20 cents ]>er^ witf. Also a line of Drefcs (Tf)(>ds at IT cent# iuo> ally sold at 25-cento |>er \ard;-- We hitve in'stock and to uritve * fine assortment?of gwods for th#» HOLIDAY TRADE, ' #*» . M*' ^ f. We have salsa & nieo line MAJOLICA WARE. In the eilOCKRY we Uavo Jto fiftqr A 0 20 Ihs. Rice for ^ Ki 1 FI4 JM>X KaUiue, />7C j>er box r^; *; 10 very Mne Cctfee, $ 1 •' ' H. ROGERS* .J , »«H-. nu I*m. • % >••.# mt - LINE' Magnetic Qiqtment^ nr. 1 * ^ -** • «wt

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