- f , •' . ^ ̂ * ly fl rf , '^f Pa'iUshad Ere <-5-3 Wednesday by "•-*s"'iJ. VA> SLYKE,' ,,,.,^ V JHurietler, BUSINESS CARDS. VKTBHIN'AKY Illinois. C. 8. GREEN. SURGEOS, liobmoid SDITOtt aXD PtfBLTSHSiflLt -- lupoid Fl O. Block, --OHOSITB RIVERSIDE Hot'SE.-- TERMS OF MTBSORIPTIOIf. ; . "t jj-fcl'^BsfToeraa Advance).......... .....,41.5ft p %-v.Tf Kot Paid withinfhree Moiitits 1 * • A Subscriptions receive! for tiireo !o)r ;#lx «'•* K in the s.vno proportion. BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. BROWN ,M.D. J >HTS101A.N VXD SlTRGBOV. Offloe over the Post Ofllce, opposite Perry &Martin's tnroup S tiri, MeHenrv, 111. --*--"* 111 mi '•' " "'" -i i. • O.H. PKGRRS, M. t>. ^HrslOlATf AND SUBUEOS.Johnsburgh, SfJ III*.--Offlce hours 8 to 10, x. M, -'."^1 : ---- " 5 ;; O. J. HOWARD M D.; « . , : ,J>HYSICIA.N AND SURGEON. Olttoe At »,.w my resilience, opposite M. E. Chureh. • >• v -• > III. . * my* •jr.. f P •fto! R- V. ANDBR SON. M. 3. , < HTSIGIA.N and Surgeon. Oflee It Besley's Dfn? Store, Opposite PaTker ouse, Mclfehry, Illinois. PRATT HOUSE. A. PRATT, Proprietor. First, class ac commodations, Good Barn in connection 'auconda, III. F. J. BARBIAN. ; IOAR Mann factatfer MoTlenry, lU. _ ilers solicited. Shop, North Kast •r Public Square. Qiy Coir- RICHARD COJ£PTON« s ) ijTUSTICE of Peaoe'vnil Conveyancer.-- .V WilLattoud promptly to the collection of '$ebts. Volo, Lake County, 111. : -- «• B. RICHARDS. "^"TTAS * loraplete Abstractor Titles to land t ' 1 JX ln M Heurv- County, Illinois. Ottee with •^r%«te§ouiity' C lerk, Woodstock, Ill, i *; , - i,. , jrijr i. ; ROBT. WRIGHT, ^jj^ganufocturer of Custom Mwte % Boots ami Shoos None hut the best of mineral Heed and all work warranto M Shop North. •.. rVjif*** com r Public Square, Henry III. >S \ E. M. OWISN. BNEBAL Dealer and Manufacturers Aunt in Leading farm Machinery:-- rices low and Terms favorable, McHeuty ¥~\ N. S. OOLBT. [oHKNRr, McHenry Co., III. B^ eeder of Br*. Spanish Mori no sheep, Berks tiire ami hiianil China s wine. A choice lot 1' young luck stock for stale. Please call aud examine i e f o r e b u y i n g e l s e w h e r e . , . r:,[ s . , GJ£J SCmtBlNHtt. opposite Nuai ALOQN and Resinurant McHtn Parker House JESSB A. BALDWIN. ATTORNEY at Law and Solicitor in Chancery. Will practice in State and in Fe«t eral Courts. Office, Sd Floor, New Custom Hofttt, Chii-u CHAS..H. DONNELLY. *" ATTORNEY AT LAW *nd Notary Public Woo l stock, Illinois. OflceoTer Stone'f Drug Store, €. H. TRU AX. CARPKNTRR and Builder. Nnnda, I1L-Wtll put up baildinn by .th^Jobor da and «?u tran tee satisfaction. SIDNEY DlSBItOW, NOTARY PUBLICand Oon^yann#. den. 111. A. fM. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler NO. 1*7 RANDOLPH STREET, House,) CbK-asro, HI. (Briinrs Formerly with R R. P. Shnrly. Special attention jriven to Re- pairing Fine watches and Ohronomc tors. KI"A Full Assortment of 4.ooiis in hit line. F. J. CROSS, ;:BE2*TISTW-. ;v - ' • ' ii McHenry, III. Full Plates made of the. best Jmateriai nd idly warrantiid, S8.00. Fillin* one*half usual ratva.. Special attention paid to regulating bad shaped teeth. Teeth- extracted without pain and free of charge where Artificial Teeth are in- s o r t e d b v i i i i n . , . i All Work fully warranted. , % Pure Nttraus Oild« 4 and far the p nnless o.v tructuni of teetfc. : HIRAM WIER, B«t &s4 Shos jt:3fauoond®» 1 would inform the public that I art now prepared to m ike Boots an d Shoes to order, of tne best 'material, wtrrant a lit, and at LOVVKlt PRICES than any other shop in the eounty. : Convince* H- WIBR, Call and lie JOHN UKNDUIOlifl. LIYIN'S ailLLS, ILL. Is now prepare! ^ to sell tiutl repair any kind of a Sewmjr atthine as olie.i\) as the cheapest. Will tthio sure your life and property at rfasoiiable tes. Please give me a cat'. 1'KTKIt LEICKBM. 'SbKPAIItS WatcliOa, Clocks and Jewelry SV all kinds. Also Uepairs V'iolins in the in I _ Mil kinds. Also itepairs Vioiine in the best ssible manner, on sli:>rt notice and at roa- nible rates. Also Violins fqr Sale. Wiop stdoor'Northof Uiverslde Block, HcHenr) J. A. SHERWOOD -AND APrRAISEE, Algonquin, III. 5 ' ALB8of Stock, Farmiu* Tools aud Uoods of all kinds promptly attended U>. Far'ui les a specialty. Terms reasonable Post- fflceaddress Algonquin 111. • •»Xn tbe st»-e ofO. H. Dickinson, East 'Iniblic Stjuare, 21 wodb W. H. SANFORD, • •* • • ' mw: ; . :;i MeVclmiil; Tailor. st n^«of STOCK, ILL. - 3A«ood Stock of Fine Cloths, for Suitings nl- giayson hand. Suits made to order anil a lit Warranted- Give me a call, < W* H, SANFORD. Wo»d»toek UU.Sept, 27th. U75. n .1 i. Scatat xfc Co., "Hatters to the' Great Northwest." His. 135 aii 137 Maim St., NEAR CLARK ST. Have a larger stoek and greater variety of Styles for you to choose from, than ran be. fbnrid In any other establishment in Chicagrt or the West. It will pay yon to nail ami see tit era. Pricei the lowest.ia the land forijgoud foods. Wa ucontla. Nor, 30 rJO^EPHfN. FREUND. gALOOS AND RESTAURANT BniiMett'S old stand, opposite Bishop's* Mill, Mc- *"• The c inicest Wines, Liquors •nd c igars to be found in the county. rres|! Oysters in their seison served up ta sbape <lesired or tor sale by the On. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSB8. -r s; KOTICE : You Cv Saye Money, By 6«nHf4hi| Spring to the Rmawiffi KURSER7, Established in 1855. i . ' I; H>>> JOHN STERBA, With your 1 a small sum f icdorn your <">wihg to . call on wu I'oori Formerly of Woodstock and Chicago.CTias again returned to McHenry County, and Mis on hand the largest stock ox READY MADE HARNESSES, Ever thankf Ing to 3>er main. . :4' ' y .: *4 < -• • ' Dated, Rin April «1»19 yonrselves. and for a load ot trees to Mid raise your own fruit. I h.ive not been able to : Winter. »st patronage, And hop. anoe of the tame, I ra< itble servant, • BUCK LAMD. Proprietor McHenry Co., HHaola, From the Inter Ocean, May It. ABOUT HKART-RUKNIMa : Mr. Robertson will be Oolleetor of the fort or Kew York, but will that cnmiioiilftte for heart burnings In the Repablieaa party? Calk Rnbert-«n carrv New York for General Garteld ?- Inter Ocean. Is ehleflv that of Mr. Conkling. He is poweifu! be." 4 for ten years the command the State. It is high should be deprived COLLARS, WHIPS, Ac,, to be found in the ftottnty, and has everything ma le of the BEST MATERIAL. Csllami set me. , • JOHN STERBA. ^ Hear the Depot, McHenry. TAKE NOTICE. ALL ye that are in want of Tni>s in any form, from one bushel to MO; if von want it Tnbmnd«» to a bung-hole, brine it along. I will also take buildings to build and furnish, or otherwise just as we aan agree. Shop work of all kinds done to order on short no- P. A. HEBARD. ' - MeMCNttY, ILL STA9jr H E. WIGHTMAN, Proprietor. First class rigs, with or without drivers, uunished at reasooable rates. Teaming ot all kinds done on-short notice. WHl tak# BtilldlHglf com (tare wl ran ami will1 cent clicHpel i h»*o two me. which do so. Ail Job*' promptly { i jt'uni'Wffi ^ '1 IDELL, akd jonraa ry. III. I fur pnttliif tia iranr«»' HIT work will unci in tho State. I >rk from 15 to 3b per [other carpenter*. a« >y« WIM» work with It possible for uie to "the fed to. tarpenter line Give me acali. WCNDKLL. itli, 1880. „ #v iONDA ;'V- Ltural ihouae. Xi. Bonslatt* Near the Depot, r! ^ McHENRY - ILLINOIS. Keens coustnntly on hand the finest brands Of Flour and Keod of all kinds, which he Will- sell at Wholesale or Retail at Bottom Prices. ' FUre different brands of Fiour always oq, hand and warranted as represented. •®~Klour delivered uny where la tlie bor. ration. Orders n^iv lie giveu""by Festal: rd, Box 10", joai'WBce. sow Would resf Lake c,(»untv, tural Warelitin lage of Wnncfl CUl.TLntAL the lK?st qualil] farmers at as I iii the ^tatu. In Mi mi Tai 3, MS. A CALL. L. BONSLETT. 8th, 1381. tskaiiic 6fOftuton, I. ___ in the markets i«» «i i,Wm [inform the Farmers ot i opened an Agricnl- 1 street, in the yll. ere he will keep AGRI- INKKY of all kinds, of ! mnkc, and sell it to the *re# «s any «»ther House & Roapers armiek, and Bnekeye. e«uiaer KM best Shall alt Horse Shoeing, Oeneral Slasksmithing, WAGON •JfikA i ~lrU: BRANCH STORES f. E, Co. Clark & Lake stt 4 S.^. Cor. Halsted and Harrison stt., CHICAGO. M A R C U S • GERMAN Manufactured by MARCUS --DEALER IN-- WINES, LIQUORS CIGARS. AND Woodstock III. ;falT»c (Mut and Quart Bottles. F. MARCWS Every Boy or Girl, Lady or .Gentleman, purchasing a pack age of jsronrs.:^ ^ , >"*& •« rl ' .<• Celebrated Gold Mandaim> >• :Tba, ; : Will receive the Housekeepers Friend FREE. A beautiful book, containing •illliable Recipes, Ladies Needle vroA Com]):inion, Almanac and Calendar for 1881, Drawing t»l^tes»rRegi«ter of Gas Metre &c FOR SALE BY Fitzefmmons & Eyanson SOLB AGBHT8 FOR McHESTRT, 0 ' ' •* N. B.--Price per package Gold Mandarin Tea, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80c, $1, JOS. WIEDEMANN, Agent Franz Falk's HMAHKEE LAGER, BEER, McHenry, III. Beer in Largo or Small Kogs or Bottles al- vtny* on hand cheaper thau any other, quali. ty considered. This lifter has n world wide reputation, and geod judges acknowledge it cannot tie Mr. l)H8£ed in the world. . it . Orders by ttail promptly, attended Uv - . ' JOS.WIEDEWANH. VftSenry. 111. May 5th, 1880. Mi. Engeln, --DEALBB IN-- •>r Cuns and Revolvers, m. Gun Material of all description.-- The liuest aud bes t Pocket Cutlery, •11 warranterl.-- The lines! Razors, warranted for two years. Barbers Soap, Caps, Brush es. Straps, Kyc Glasses, spectacle Protectors for Sun or Snow. We also keep a fujl line ot Fishing Tackle, Minnow Soins. Hammocks, and in fact everything pertaining to Fishing and Hunting, can be found at my store at reasonable I'rices. Violins, Acordeons, Picaias, Flu tea. Violin Strings, ano all other extras for Viotilis. My stocks of rIN WARE is complete. Oall and examine it. I guaraatee Prices that defy all competition. M. ENGELK, STORB IN HOWB'S BLOCK, NEAR THE BRIDGB. MRS. E. W. HOWE is ofleritig inducer meiits to purchasers of Millinery, Cloaks, &c. Give lier a call. Store four doors Xorth of Biversid^ HOUMJ, Cmi ttg, BLAKE, RlfiGWOOD - ILLINOIS ift«Mnery Call and see Jinn stpek before ptwhlMni elsewhere and be cehrlnced thirt I mean business. B C MILL. Wauconda, May Sd, lD8l. 'I il'iiKi < , ' . i -| . . i i',, in,,, I i m 1 . •tju$0h Would respectfully inform his customers and the public ironerallr that he is now bet ter than ever prepared to do»U work In his line- • 4 r.,: , , Horse Slioeiiig" We make a speciality in this line, use noth. Ing but hand turned shoes, ami guarantee satisiaction. Interf»rini; horses or thoso with bad feet promptly remedied. REPAIRI ISO Of all kinds on Short notice. Fanners in want of the boat Drag in the market, at bottom flgnres, should hot fell to leave their orders at once. SBVGive us a eall and we will please you both in uualitv and price of work. N, BLAKE Ringwood, til. J|areh Sth, 1881. F. C. MAYES, Mercbait Tailor --AND DBALBBifrw Ready-Made Clothing. Kespectrul ly Invites an inspection of hi* New Spring Goods Just opened, embraciag all the variety usually found in a first- class Tailoring1 and Ready Made Clothing establishment. Don't fail to embrace this op* portnnity before purchasing else where as all my goods will b« sold at fair priyea. Cutting done as usual. Store ta Old McHepry, .neai the neir Bridge, F. C. MAYBS. Ke^enry, IIL, April 19th, 168L Executor's Notice.. ESTATE of Edward Aliens by deceased.-- The undersigned having been appointed Executor of the last Will and Testament of Edward Allensby late of the Oounty of McHenry, and State of Illinois, deceased, herebv gives notice that she wilj appear be fore the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court Hl>use in Woodstock at the June Term on the third Monday in June next, at which time all persons having claims against are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated 10th day of March, A. D, J8»}, 5I«T E, ALLEKBPV, Executor 4N° Wagon Shop. V "l • - U'» ' Tmdrt"«fT«rtied, itfr Tifs Worth of Perry A Martin's stove near the Brick Church, is now preparod to d« anything in the line of RlacksmithinK or W»gftp Making, on short notice, and guarantee satisfaction. With the best of material and Urst-class workmen w« are prepared to get up Buggies and Wagons to order on tho most reasonable terms and warrant as represented. Horse SlioeiaiL & General Jotblis promptly attended to. If in wan i of a new Wa^nn, be sura to eat at my shop, examine one of my Wagons and learn price before pur<*liHsing. My Wagons took FIRST PREMIUM AT TIIK COITNTVI FAIR last Fall over al! others. I will not be undersold,quality considered. Give Me a Call. "PHILLIP HAUPKRISH. Mftr«;h sist, 1881. "We have recently added to our stock a very complete line of Dietetics, for Invalids and Dys peptics, Pood not usually found in the Groceries, and specially indU cated for use in the sick room, tor the reason that they are pure, palatable, wholesome, nutritious, easily digested and low priced.-- VVe refer to the Higher Grade Farina'*, Marauta, Gelatine, Gen uine Imported Scotch Oat Meal, in packages, TELE Bermuda Ar row Hoot, Pearled wheat in pack ages, Sago, Tapiaco, Granulated Hominy, Cocoa, Chocolate. &c. Have also a very fair assortment of Spy Glasses, bun Glasses, seed Glasses, Loapes, Magnifiers, mi croscopes, and other Optical Goods. We have beeu fitting Spectacles in Wauconda- by the aid of the Optometer and Jaegers test types for nearly forr years past, and invite you to compare our method of adjusting Glasses to the eye, pur stock ftnd our prices with the stocks fmd prices Of fiber dealers. ^ F. a HARRISON. * • Book HauntUt. Who sometime* Cffls ftUs* P(ast9tt Ptfitou#, •he heart-burning In New York mt of Mr. Con erase he has ha< of the patronage iu th< time that Mr. Tinkling ... ... of that part of his power represented bs national patronage.--Cittdnnaii VommereiaL Is Ss publicly stated by Mr. Conk* llng'a frieiuls tiiftt Ills nitine appear* on no application for offlce and lies not for year*. lie m«k«« the statement, or liis friends mtike it for hliu, that he ;dld not even request the nomination *>l the New York men whose names Were withdrawn to punish him. He certainly has not had nny Federal JFpat* ronage In Mew York for t-lae past four years. He therefore was not power* ful last year, at least. **becniise:iie hug had for ten years the command of the patronage of that State," and Mr. Hal- stend knows, if he knows anything, that this statement Is untrue. These '•feather-heads" who ASeume to advise General Garfield, ns they advised Hayes, are tremendous on dress pttrade, bnt hunt the "band- wagcro" mighty quick when the de mand comes for active service. A vletorv over one of their own generals is to them much more desirable and important titan a triumph over the eoinuion enemy. This Is always the •fgt, ot the little mind that can be cun ning, but la debarred by a cannon of the Almighty from ever being great or generous. Bnylous of the geniui that stands above them, they do not hes itate to falsity facts to make a point. It actually appears that Coukllng stands freer from dabbling In patron age than giy man that cart be named In coteurptraneotu politics. *nd yet they bark at him under the plea that he is carrying oil the offlce bones which they yearn tar. Isn't this small busi ness? Why. this same editor boasts in the article from which we have quoted that the Postofflce Department will In all probability be self-sustain ing under the present administration, the rigor with which it is administered and the unearthing of the star-inall route swindles giving 4 vastly 1n» creased re veto ue; but he neglects to add that the honor of beginning this gi nnd cru^ado belongs to the ijcw Postmaster -General, a "ConkH'tg man" and a de- 1MBt ^rtRSitaiWrteii?! »f W" A^iKCenM a man whose ability ami Integrity have already commanded the admira» t(oa of the country. The Inter Ccean Is about the only Strictly impartial metropolitan news*; paper published. There are a few ex ceptions but very few. It can see both sides of this controversy, and do jus tice without flying to the peaks of ex travagant praise on the one hand or the dismal bowels of denunciation on the other. It has labored for harmony between the warring elements of the party, for only iu harmony has it seep a'hope of sucuess. Its efforts, and those of others who'have worked for the same end, would have be3n success ful had It not been for che g«4 Atas of journalism and politics, who. It teems, were born with the high and lofty mi«slon of stinging greater ani mals Into a rage with each other, while they perch themselves on the garbage wagons and look wise When it crisis is announced in Washington, they fly to tlie capital loaded with counsel. They tattle like a lot of old women at a tea party, They fly to the President aud tell him what they hear, from "good authority." Senator Conk- ling has said. They fly back from the President and tell the Senator's friends what the President thinks ot him, al ways magnifying, always enlarging the truth. It takes on an average, on ly about a month or six weeks to make the best of frieuds enemies under this sort of tactlos, and when the rup ture comes the "feather heads* erow like bantam roosters, and call on the world to observe what a tremendous power they are. The proper, the sen sible course would be to kick these tattling nuisances into tlie street, but we are sorry to say that botli the Pres ident and Senator Conkling have given too muoli heed to them. It is a shame that two man with views so much in accord upon all matters of real moment •hould be sepnrated aud alienated by a lot of idle gossips, with less than a spoonful of br&ins, and whose ambi tion is only to make mischief and con nect their names with men of emi nence sud respectability. ANOTHKK COSIIrtV About two o'clock on the morning of the l*tof May, Professor Lewis Swift, director of the Warner Observatory, at Rochester, N. Y.. turned his telescope to the constellation of Audromeda and discovered a bright comet, moving In a southerly direction. Tlie new comet Is located In the con^eltalton above named, right ascension, 0 hours, 0 min utes; decl!nation,37 degrees North.-- This is the h^se comet discovered dur-l llig the present year, and places Prof. Swift in possession of the #S00 prise which Mr. H. H. Warner, the well known Safe Kidney and Mver Cure man, oftered last January for the disi covery of comets, inasmuch as Prof. Swift received #500 for the discovery of the comet of 1880, from the same gentleman, he is nt last tending astron omy prodtubie as well as pleasant. It is not thought the present comet Is the expected one of 1813, although It Is In nearly the location from which that comet is expected; nor is there any reason to believe it will have any ef fect upon the earth, or hasten the pre dicted coming of tho eud of the world. •®-A. M. •Tones, the new United States Marshal for the Northern District of Illinois, took possession of his offlce yesterday morning with but little ceremony or trouble. Judge Blodgett received his commission Tuesday, and the bond was tilled early yesterday in the District Court, tho penal sura beln? f20,000, for which amouut John p. Pratt, of Jo Davis county, and Charles H. Schwab, of Chicago, quail tied as sureties. Marshal Hildrup turned over the offlce without an Instant's delay, everything having been cleared np to date. Marshal Jones received his friends during the day. He was ot course overrun with applications for places. No promises were made, as the new marshal has not yet made up his mind. One place how ever. is Jllled, Maj. George M. Jones, who has served ffclthfully nnder three admiiilstratiens, was, on request of Judge Blodgett, retained as bail ill iu the district court. Many of the friends of Mr. Wheeler, the present chief clerk will urge his retention en the ground of the really excellent manner in which he lias performed his duties. Strong pressure will be made In behalf of Coi. Oilman and the other attaches, of dfflce; burvt fs pmlabfe into Jones will make numerous ohang*s.~- Tribuna. "AKD WHAT A BDMKFS fer lsT'--Gath has been to Washington aod r«»und tlie clamor for office unabated. Every* body Wants offlce and Senators of both political parties are invited to spend their leisure moments recommending friends tor appointment iu the differ ent departments. Notwithstanding the heavy discharge of help In- the cen* su* bureau, there were people pressing their claims for positions. G-trh tlloa- traies: While he was In the ceostw office, a union general eaiae fn and after asking some foolish question? about the censti6, lie Inquired about some female connection who was ott ' the rol|s of the bureau--whether *h* wjts satisfactory. Tlie obliging super intendent sent for a book called '"The Efficiency Book,*' and. Inquiring the lady's name, first name, State, etc., turned to it and found her marked: '"Conduct good, attendance fair, capac ity fair," etc., all of which he read of to the general, who forthwith asked that If such was the case she be imme diately moved up, and her salary In- creased and her work reduced. Tlie superintendent bowed aud said that he would do the best he coult). After he got through this aitdaliallar inqui- • ries 1 salt): "Is this What yon are paid for, &j*nerai, to keep a little employ ment hurean without taking any feeif "Pretty much," said he, "and, wbaji 7, humbug It Is!" , i " ' *'V; THK Assessors of MoIIenry County met st the Court House in Woodstock, Monday. May 2d, 1881. aud agreed upon the following valuation o| property as a basis of assessment, for the ensuing year:-'- rirst class fttipsss #T0flC Three year old colts, Two year ol'l colts One ye»r ol'l colts..,,..., Jacks ->))•* stallions $100*9 for ®5 08 charged for use. Mules rale as horses, ••••... - Fair .tvci'.'tge cows and three year oW Stfl6l'S Fair avorage TOWS and three fear old heifers..., Two year ol4 heifers ami steers One )e*r t>i<1 heifers aij<i steers.,,...,. Fat cattIs and li'>.a» per «wl..,,..... ,. Fair avsiage sheep per IIMMI.... First elass new wagons.,ft 40 Oft H 00 IS 00 l&'l 'Urn Sewing machines, average First fflass pis una IfelodeouB snd organs, Average. Lands average par aore-- Stock of goods and inarehandise OB _ ,, band S6X per cent of real value, Monies and eredits 88per oeat elSf 'f## r e a l v a l u e . « V f j M 00 S 00 s ou X 00 IS OA #00 00 30 00 15 00 1 Panel and 6 Cards {filler's Pltoto Studio, 9W at i&~It .comes fut at a rather late day that the taking off or Cear AI.RXANI>KB was preceded by an omen. The doves that make their home about the winter palace are under imperial protection. One morning the csar Iu looking out of his window, noticed several.deves lying dfead in court. The next morning others of the sacred birds were fouud dead. An investigation discovered a hawk to have been the slayer. A trap was set for him aud be was caught by one leg. When an attempt to lay hold on the bird was made Jie struggled to getaway and fell dead within the palace court yard. The emperor was inuoh depressed by the circumstance, and said it was aa 111 omen aud por tended misfortune. Two days later he was killed. The moral of this fable --if it is a fable and has a moral--may be said to be that Alexander was a hawk, with a hawk's disposition to at tack and slay the innocent. This ap plication Is the only obvious one, and is so far from flatterlug as to suggest that the omen story was not made up and published by the best (Mends of the late czar. , a JST'The Marengo Bepubliean shows good sense in "bouncing" all foreign ads. We hope to seo all other county papers do the same thing as soon as their eon tracts expire. Not one eet# into the Independent.--Harvard Jade- pendsnt. There la no need of bounuiug foreign advertisers. In troth the majority of them will not be bounced out of a newspaper that Is a valuable advertising medium. But charge full rates, brothers. In justice to our good friends, home advertisers, you should do this. And Iu uine cases out of ten you will get the advertisement at your own price. The tenth man you ean let go, with your tender blessing. And another thing: Never contract to run a foreign advertisement in any partlw- place( this Is the greatest nuisance of all. Take the advertisements, but got your own price and put them where you please In your paper. But if tlie advertising agent Insists on paying a portion of the bill in advance, dou*t anger him and make yourself poor by refusing to take the money.--Agt, "I cannot believe man's abiding ))Iace. It cannot be that our life Is cast up by the ocean of eter nity to float upon Its wavea and the* sink Into nothingness; else, Why la it that the glorious aspirations wlifdt leap like angels frdm the temple of ottr hearts, are forever wandering about unsatisfied? ' Why Is It that the rain bows come over us with a beauty that Is not of this earth, aud then pas? on and leave U3 to muse upou their* favored loveliness? Why is It that the stars, which hold their festivals a round the midnight throne, are set above the grasp of our limited faculties, forever mocking us with their unapproachable glory? And, fiually. why Is it that' bright forms of human beauty are pre sented to our view, and then taken from us, leaving the thousands of streams of our apeetious to flow in Al- pi ue torrenu upou ou* be arte t We . f i r e . l » o m % j y | y | | t h a j t of earth; thetii fa ̂ a%sala»"~vftier« the rainbow never fades, and wht>re the y stars will spread before ns llk» Islands !| that sluftber In the ocean; wliere ths g| beings that pass before us like shadows ^ wili sta}' in our. presence forever.*-- ^ Mm,. . • • .1' ' - I im r> / * . ' MTVlMe SOU'S • ' < - "A correspondent of the Toronto J Globe, writes from Wood Mountain, near the headquarters of the hostile f Sioux, that Sitting Bull's band Is re- ft duced to a miserable remnant, and the redoubtable chief is largely shorn of # his influence among the bravest who remain with him and are -abont ready ^ to surrender^ Indeed he was on the | point of giviug him«ki!f up last Decem ber. but was persuaded by fear of putt- ishmentand a suspicion of treachery, to hold out a little longer. Toward tlie end of Maroh. a war i>arty of Assln- f , ibolnes surprised two lodge* of Slonlt, i! containing seventeen persons of whom ttioy killed and scalped dfteeu. Aside % from the direct loss of lighting men, this disaster greatly disheartened the |l hostile band, and went far to OMVinat -j them of theii' weakness. •SrThe editor of the Elgin Tnnfls)" apologizes for not having issued * paper from tlie fact that the water from the flood had risen so high that it reached his press and covered the puUeys with water, so that the revolt*, tion of the abaft threw the water in • shower all over the press. This is a very lame excuse. True enterprise would have hiin get out a paper if IM had to run completely under water. He could have run the pressman's shoes full of type metal and weighed hint down, and then tUlioil up the sheets be printed by having tlie devii dive oft the feed hoard. Little expedients like tlris mark the successful newspaper man. Of coarse it takes enterprise to rim a press under water, but In tlie bright lexicon of youth there Is no such word as suspending an issoe save when a circus comes to town aad the boys get dead head ticketaaad waat ft go.--JPeoria Journal. aQFTlie verdict of the coroner's jury which deliberated on the cases of the victims of the Elgin disaster, closes by casting the blame upon the city officers. It says-- And we further find that Mayor Boa- Worth, as executive officer of the city, aud Alderman Jenrks,as chairman of the committee on streets, having the boat specially in charge, were guilty of gross neifligence iu not knowing positively that the boat was «afe aud placed hi the hands of careful and. com petent men before allowing passengers to be taken upou It. This same verdict was given for eaoh of the bodies found. It seems to make the cltv liable for tlie loss aud liable in an action of dwwtfgas fen MUrviving relatives,--Ed, tSTA foreign paper says a singular financial transaction ooourred lately |j| an office. It-happened that an offliMI boy owed one of the clerks three pence, the olerk owed the eashler t«e -penoe, aud the cashier owed the bn^p two pence. Qns day last week, tbga otfli* boy, having a penny iu lila peekp et, coucludfed to diminish his defer*# therefore handed .it over to the* etadgi, whd ii» tu«iu paid half Hie <hU by ji^ ii|g ft to tlie casiiier. The latter gave it back to tti* bejr saying lie only oet4 him one penny. The office boy passed the penny to the clerk, passed it to the cashier* who pasact It bank to the boy, and the boy dtofctrge# the entire debt l*y handiitg It sa> Iht elerk. tliereby squaring 'I'liu* it may be"see»i l».»w greet ia benefit to be derived from a penny. It h worth noting that th* same cess will apply to the 4|| subscriptions as «H MS M Try it s«d see* n% w.-'k ?*,