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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 May 1881, p. 5

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ESDAY It. 1881. Railroad t1»» .Table. 99t fit SOtfTOJ !':M L»ka SdBe ..T:**. * .a....l:ltt. a taara Lake frei*k JfPP «otwo iroarn. 'V'*5 ®eae»E !<•*• rrelKtat 10:02 A. M (kmmUk*P*u«I«r.. 6:53 r.* " ; i B. Btrm, Agent. McHeury, 111 , , Apprentice Wanted. . * A *oy. between the ages of 14 and 18, > i ; "bo Is deslrtfus of learning the Art of Printing, can flmlvsUu&tion by fipply- ^iDgitihlioiBee. ,' SOCIAL PARTY at Doran 4b Poole's MT Cheese Factory, on Friday eve- 'fi \ nlng next. May 20th. ^ MTSS BERTHA HOJXISTBR. T>R Elgh*; ' spent Suuday with friends iuthis : A. R, ALKXANOCS, of Richmond. y. made our sanctum a pleasant call on A .Monday. - .. . . . •, # ' ̂ ; s h KB IFF CnDHCH and Circuit Clark . * Richards were on dnr streets on Tues- - v-'dey. '• O ATM AW ft Song' Cheese Factory. *'5.Vi'£,ear Hanley'fcMill, commenced , taking " ilk oik Blonday last. DORAN & POOLE expect to be ready to receive Milk at tlieir new Factory, In this village, on Monday next. A GOOD Pants Maker wanted at E. Lawlus' Merchant Tailoring establish- ( 'roent, near the Depot. / C01.J. F.Nash hu been quite nick j'.j"-** *" the past few days, threatened we be- 5 ' - 1te?e with a low grade of fever.. Dr. J. Howard Is in attendance, T. BACON. of Wauconda, has LEFT a fetr of his Seed Potatoes at the libra of Perry A Martin, where tltot>e wlio ' »with can procure the in, ' LADIES, have you seen fhos* aiijrlt«lr j." * ^heap hats at Mr*. Searles'P If you |if i'||-1ii»ve*not yon should call. at once, as ,• . they will fast but a few days. RED HORSE have commenced to rnn. and spearing frpm the bridge, and with torch and boat at night is now* In order. The beacon lights on the river are now numerous every night. SCS the advertisement of Oil Stove*. i«t O. C. Colby A (Jo's, wliieli can be found in another column. Tlie -G«1- sdenStar" is said to be the "bos#" -Oil Stove in the market. Cull and see it.. THK Steamer "Mary Grlswold" is [^IOW making occasional trlp3 to the Lakes, running up as often as there is ^passengers or freight to go J She will cAHnuience making regular trip'9 about June 1st, »e believe, . K ------ **••••• • 'I III --• VISV" ' 'HE new Cheese Factory of Doran & Poole will he dedicated on Friday ivenMig^CthU week, May 2teh? vtir a All are invited. Gojod pi* ^••Y&atloti fs extended to all. *•*•« • tiii/t, - '̂ 0. BT a letter glt<twn us jve learn Uiat ^O. S. Ruihsey. of Elmira, N. Y% Is still I^Jivsry low and that his disease is pro- "%ynoniieed hy the Doctors to be of a very # lierious nature. He Ins the' sympathy •*AMJf bis many friend* in this village. : ' • -- : -- -- ^ TICK, Venunr. Stockner, Todd, and «%|ill the other weather prophet*, pre- p| ilict. Irostlnr ever/* Aionth this veaj\ We wish Sifting Bull would get loose Amon§ these fellows. We have no use, for them In this country. R PKTER BLAKK, of the flriu of Blake & fefBenrteid, Rich Prairie. Minn., was Visiting among friends In this vittago last week, ahrl started fo# home on ^Monday. He reports Ifusiness in that locality goo:l, mid the prospects for all classes the coining year as excellent. AN exchange t-ay8; "These are the ?>d»yi when the good man of the house comes home and sets down npOu a pa­ per of new tacks, which stand upon their heads, »nd appe.-ir to he about six inches long, drinks his tes, and then quietly goes oil to b«d." BARBIAK BROS, have removed- their Mgar Manufactory from their resi­ dence to rooms |a.thv Mclleury House, where^beir friends cair*liereaft#r jfl»t«l theni^They are making a very Hue 1% and tliat ^he smoking public ap- >r«cia^ the fact is evidenced by their irge and increasing trade. * , THE new Steamer, "The Lotos," Is now progreseing towards completion at a rapid rare, Capt. Hill having |wt Lon an extra_forc? tjil§ week A He in- lornis'tts that lie will IHUUCII the hull on Thursday, to-morrow, at 4 o'clock, ' p. MM and that he expects to have Iter finished aacF ready to run early in June. She will be irmodel little crafts THE season at Fox I<ake promise^ to be one of the largest ever experi­ enced. The work of building, repai ing and other preparations have bee going on for months, and the arrlva] of some families is already reporte The Club Hokises will tie formally opened about June 1st, at which time the new Steamer Is expected to be ready. THE ulsters for the coming summer can be worn with tails or without.--- The tails can be lowered by means of hinges to drag on the walk, or they can b<i raisod or slewed around to form extra pockets for liolding four clean shirts apiece. It combines good looks with a right sn^art or convenience. It hides a lump between the shoulders, covers up a stoop, and a bow-legged man is made to appear as graceful as an antelope. There are seven differ­ ent spots on which to seratch matches, and three flaps on which to wipe the nose. ' < ' WE would call attention to the Hew advertisement of L. Stoddard, to be found in another column. In addition to his line of Fancy Groceries, Canned Goods. Confectionery, Cigars and To­ bacco, he has made arrangements with the Woodstock Bakery, and will keep at all times a supply of Fresh Bread and Cnke with which he can supply all who desire, from one loaf up. This fs one of the public wants of this town, and we predict that Mr, Stoddard will be liberally patronized in this branch of his business. Read his advertise­ ment. " SOME lightning rod agents:at work in Wisconsin with a new bait for credulous farmers to bite at. They claim tlieir rods clear the atmosphere for a very wide space around so effec­ tually of electricity tha* no explosions f"~Occur tp scare the "wimmen folks." In •fiict they annihilate lightniug alto Jjetber. The farmer finds out IHW \ that if« after he signs a contract, which . ^eventually turns -up as a promissory liote in the Itaiids nl an "Innocent pun- chaser.* The explosion then occurs. . BE not jeal.-Mit.of thy neighbor, be­ cause he advertimeth liberally, but go \*ud do likewise* and it shall come to ^Ipass that thou and thy h nnsehold shall !:^|»rOs|ier and Woiue excefdlngly pop­ ular bv reason of thine Increased h.i*. ^jpiness influence. Bitt I sty nnto thee, >1if thou dost not seek to tn«ke known |i^thy business through the columns of »ythy home paper, then It «h*H forget t*> V jiiieiitlon thy name wh«u tlion coiqe^t ^|n and goest out, and it slnll come to pass that thou and thy business will ^gradually "Ink into a state of obscurity v«ud in time the public will learn to £fve tl«e« I he,"st'and go .for, fhy lack of enterprioe. ^ ••• ;&ai: WE had occasion, ou Monday evening to drou into the. Meat Market of R. A. Howard, on the West Side, and found that he had Deen taking advantage of the season, and made a general reno­ vation. He has just repainted and grained his Market in first-class style, aud now has otic ot the best arrauged, and test left Meat Markets to be found in McHenry- county. He keeps a full supply of Fresh and Salt Meats of all kinds. Hams, Shoulders, Sausage, Ac., kept ueat and clean, with which he will supply customers at all seasonable hours. He also runs a wagon to Volo. JoluiHburgh and Rlngwoed Xo lover of a goo.l horse slioi/ld fail to see E. Buck's Horse, "Gleaner," by Lakeland Abdullah, and Own cousin to Maud S.. the Queen of the Turf. He is without doubt one of the finest horses to be found in this part o'f tiie Htafe. He will be kept the present season at the Fair Grounds at Woodstock and' Mrrengo. and no farmer or stock breed­ er can aftord to pass him by. He is flue bred on t.he side of both sire and dam, is well pro|>ortioned, has flue ac­ tion, and in short Is a model horse. Nothing we can say Will do him jus­ tice. He must be «een to be appreciat­ ed. WHILE lu Chicago a lew days sluee we had a pleasant visit wltfi1 our old friend. {Ion. K- M. Dennis formerly sf Waukegan, who has opened a Retail Cigar aud Tobacco store at 79 Clark Street, opposite the new City Hall, where lie keeps all the choicest brands of Clgtirs, Tobaccos, &c., and lias the promise of a fine trade, all of whicli will be good news to his manv friends in this aiid Luke counties. He sigul- tied his intention of being at the old settlers meeting on the 4tli. and of course he will, as It' would not be a meeting without him, a» we believe he has not missed ons since the organ> izatiou of the Society. In the same building we found another Lake coun- ty boy, in the person of Henry H. Gr»- ham, who keeps everything in the Hue of general engraving, rubber stamps, steel stamps, dating stamps, notarial seals, stencils, and .badges of all de­ scriptions. We trun the many friends of tlieso two gentlemen will not forget them when In the city, as they will be Kind to see you at any time. WKtook a stroll through the Me* Henry Cemetery on Sunday afternhon last, aud must say we were surprised to tind a large number of the lots iu so neglected a condition. If there is one thing more than another that people should take pride in It surely is the resting place of our dead. We presume iu most cases this negligence is caused by thoughtlessness, but nevertheless it is all wrong, and we siucorely hope that every owner of a lot In the Ceme­ tery will see to it that It is put in order at once, which will greatly Im­ prove the lopks of our handsome little cemetery. Another thing we noticed that8hould not be. Some persons'who iliave cleaned their lots the present spring have, thoughtless!)' no doubt, left the rubbish cither in the paths or thrown it npon an sdjolnlug lot. A 'single thougnt will convince any one thai, neither ts right. Take that thought when doing this w6rk. There Is still another thing of, which we are sorry to be obliged to speak. We have heard several complaints of flowers ami Plants being taksn from graves. Such petty thieving deserves the severest punishment, and it Is lament­ able that we have any in our midst who would stoop to sueh a low act. We imderstaud a watch is being kept, and if caught they will receive the punish­ ment they so richly dejerve. The finest line of Dress Goods in this market can be found at "Stevens A Schnorr's. A line lot of Ready-Made Dresses and full Suits just received at Mrs. H. H. Nichols' Millinery Store. McHetirjr* ISverv man, woman and child that pays Cosh for their good*, should trade where £o«»ds ar«* marked ou that basis Where they can save from 15 to 2S per cent. Where §6 will get them more goods tl>m iff will at a credit storf. •fx*":"' *TKverf**MB*WtiV " S& i f** • .i v ' ' SHROUDS, " V •Tn««t received, at John B. -Blake's Furniture and Undertaking Rooms, Shrouds of all sizes, and In twentv-five different sryles, which will be lofd at pricas ranging from 91 to fS. YHK PICKLE FACTORY. Srtsty Walker A Con having again found their building too' small to ac­ commodate their large and constantly Increasing business, are about to eu- l*rge yielr building to meet their It will be in the shape of an add It ion to tlieir Processing Room 10x81* and two stories high, and will be erected at once so as to be ready be­ fore the crop of this season comes lu. The lot prove me uts and additions that have been made at this establish-, ment the past year are immense, aud speaks well for the enterprise and go- ahead spirit of the firm. They are leaving nothing undone to push the business to its fullest capacity, and everything in and around this mam­ moth establishment is doue on purely bdsiness principles, aud in a manner that will bear the closest Investigation by our shrewdest business men. Iu the manufacture of their vinegar they are now making what Is called low wines, which makes a fine, pure article of vinegar, and much better for their use than what has heretofore been used in Factories. The refuge from the Still from which the vinegar is made will be used for fattening HotfS and Cattle, a large pen and stable having already been built near by for that purpose. Thus it will be seen thateverytblng it put: into practical use. We have no fear ot contradiction when we say that the McHenry Pickle Factory is the most extensive and suc­ cessful Institution of the kind in the Northwest, and is an honor to our county. 91000 in Trotting Panes. . The special committee appointed by the Executive meeting, of the McHen­ ry County Agricultural Board, April 26th, consisting of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer ^nd Sup't, to manage class M. (Speed) met Thursday, May 5th, aud concluded to offer the following premiums: WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 14. 2ND DAT. * Purse, $300. Free for all Stallions.-- Five to enter aud three to start, purse divided as follows: 9136, 986,950,980. THURSDAY, SEPT. 15, 3RD DAY. Purse, 9100, Farmer's race; (Mc­ Henry county only) Five to enter and three to start, purse divided as follows 950,925,915.910. MERCHANTS PCRRK. Purse. 9100. For 4 year olds and un­ der. Five to enter and three to start. FRIDAY. SEPT. 16TH, 4TH DAY. Purse, 9600k Free for all.--Five to enter aud three to start. Purse divid­ ed as follows: 9250. 9125,976, 950. On the above races au entrance fee of ten per cent--five per cent to accompany all entries which will close Monday. Aug. 1st," 1881, Remaining 8 per cent to be paid 24 hours previous to start- lug: Mile neat s.-best 3 iu 6 to humes*. For further information address A. S. Wright. Secretary, Woodstock, 111. THOS. MeX> mciiAacMh PmMQI. A. 9, WtiOHT, aeeretury. can be doue again. a - Seed Potatoes RICHMOND, III., May iMh, 1881. EDITOR PLAIN DEALER:--I noticed iu the Richmond Department of your last issue the editor had considerable to say about tlie chauge soon to take place in the Itlahiiioud House. I have no fault to find with what he says about Mr. Biilett and family, but when lie says "though It is well knowu a ho­ tel cannot pay its rent here without a bar," 1 think lie ovcr-shoo'ts the mark. It is well known a hotel Acts been kept here without a bar, and paid its rent and a fair proflt besides, aud 1 hope and tru*t the incoming man wilf be able to show this community that it No LlCESTfg. Early lftose, tSuowflak", White Rose, Clark's No. 1, Burbank's Seedling, DtmiUQKg &nd Early Ohio for sale by *. BACON, Wnneoada, IM. , ii i • i ii - CHICAGO, lu,.. May 14th, 1BBL Having oarried one qf the O. W. Owen Watohes for the past six years, 1 can truly say they have no supe­ riors as time keepers,*&i>d with proper* care cannot be excelled by auy Watch cvermade. I have carried mj Watch beside tlie most expensive Gold Watches; aud can truly say that I never found one that was as accurate from first, to last. To any one who wants a good Watch we say buy tlie O.,W.0weu Springfield Watcli. J. M. MCOM--m. THE LATEST. We have a large Invoice of those celebrated wBroadhead*' Dress Goods Iu the latest styles. Everybody should see them before buying. STBVBHS ft SCRKOML Mrs. H. H. Nichols waS in the city last Friday and bought h*r third lu- voice of Millinery Goods this Spring. Mrs. Nichols has 6oid 120 Hats and Bonnets iu 10 days, the "live and let live" motto brings customers from far and near. Call and examine goods for yourselves aud be convinced that this is the "Boss" Miiliuery House IU the county. Call and see the splendid stock of Granite .Ware at O.O.Colby A Co»*s Hardware store. inspection of buyers iu this .communi­ ty. Particular attention is invited to a choice line of Plaids iu flue uing- hauis, which is new, stylish, and prlccs very reasonable. It would also pay you to examine a good Cotton Cloth at 7c„ yard wide, and reusouabiy heavy. It would be no harm to call and see what can lie done. Cash tells. Trl.le «nd Pocket Cuttlery In endless var.ietv at O. C. Coloy I Co's Hard­ ware store. CALL and see tho*e cheap |»d stylish hats at Mrs. Searlcs'. MBS, MALLOHY. Nur.da. has a full stpcK of MtlUuery* of tli« latest styles. Call sod see her when lu that plac3, . WOODSTOCK EDITOR PLAIWOKALER:--Pro Dio «t Ecclesia says he has "noticed of late souie low flings at the Bapttat Church of this place by your Wood<tock Cor­ respondent," Now we are not aware to have alluded ttf tlie Baptist Church of Greenwood as a Church, in any sen­ tence we have written, aud we regret very much that Pro Dio e) Ecclesia should characterise or Interpret any. thing we have said as "low flings at the Churcir without copying tlie seme In his article so that your many readers might the better remember and judge what it Is that he interprets as "low flings.'* We have referred as items of news, aud sentiment too. If It please Pro Dio et Ecclesia, to some reports and sayings of some of his townsmen, aud we mistrust that Pro Dioet Eccle­ sia is in some way connected with said reports, and If be succeeds in mek­ ing the Church bis scape goat, by "handling (he Word of G<Ml deceitfully" lie may well say, faint not? but can he truly say, "we have renounced the hidden thing* of dUhantuUjf, not walking In crq/Mneesf" He says, **the Baptist Church of Greenwoed is fully competent to attend to its o*vn affairs." Wlu>.doubts It or vfho 4taa interfered with It? Surrty n<^ we. NoW -Aally, is it not a tittle egotistical for one who subscribes his article Pro Dio et JEcc(e*ia, which, being Interpreted means, "For God and tlie Church,'* to claim that the Church is fully compe­ tent, etc., which Vsken lu Its, broad sense means, that the Church asks BO odds, either of God or man, outside of Its own pa|es. He says: "I desire a short space in your valuable paper to say that any insinuations from that quarter are regarded with that su­ preme contempt and Indifference that their source would Imply.and can only fall still-born and harmless upon those whose indignatloneven would become flattery.** Here again he plainly con­ tradicts his Italicised quotation from Paul concerning deceit, because while he claims to be IndlRerent his very language indicates such mental com­ motion that lie cannot tell what it Is that "canonfyfaff tUH-born" whether the Church, himself, or whatever else the reader uiay imagine. In behalf of the Church we will venture the opin­ ion that it would have been better for the Church if some ,of the scandal so closely allied with some of its mem­ bers had fallen stttf-6orn.and it would redo'ind more to tlie glory of 'God and the Church, if lewer of Its members gave rise to such scandal,*. As to Ills' indignation becxmt&ngflattery, we sin­ cerely hope he wil! contain himself, and not let lils indignation burst upon us, lest we "fall ttUt-bnrn" under such a weight of '•'flattery? Since compar­ ing his indignant indifference with hts egotism, we have wondered If the fol­ lowing poem were not one of his solil­ oquies which he could not allow to fall sttlt-bornf „ ^ - «ff m the «i!s**iMMti I I eaa lie made to see; gfhst *11 tl»e wondrous jwtvwA^^ -JfeDoes not rely on me; ». If I ran really understand ~sM ThtlGode«n geliloaf "" Urithont my personal nil vice. THE NEW STOCK Of D*f Goods aud Notions Just in at Fitzsimmpiis A Evaiisoii'a deserves the Lprm,„g« for aclrctis, FoWpaugb*. we Conveyed through hymn and se*g|, If I run bat l>e brought to hara. r However vague and dim, ' ; AM idea that, not He ori me " * f ! H^-'; Depends, but I on Itlnss ^-: If I«an but be MtisJIed That when I leave tkistpbisii^ The law* of nature will fo on ^ Aa though I still-Were beN^"#,'J'-' '- - 'Hlf att thU should hsI^veB me, ' I'd not objeet to §o"-- J Now we respectfully and, reveren­ tially desire to say to the Baptist Church, not only ot Greenwood* but elsewhere, that we have no personal contest to make with the oliurches of auy denouilnation, but on the'contrary we revere and respiet them as part and parcel of the plans of an All-wise Creator -to save mankind from the thraldom of sin in this world, and the consequences of si ii^ln the world to come. And when f have 'forgotten all other lessons ever learned, I fed that I shall re member one^ Sabbath School lesson learned In childhood, vls^: Jesus said unto liliaw Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with a|l thy soul, and with all thy mind. "Till* is the first and greet command­ ment. "And the second Is like unto It: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thy* self. • "On these two commandment! hang all the law and the prophets." I believed then, aud I believe now, that if 1 can keep these command­ ments, in intention and la spirit, It will be better for me here and here­ after that Jesus repeated tliem and that I learned and remembered them. "Go thou and do likewise." Pao DIO KT HUMAKITATB. Mrs. Nelson Digglns died suddenly on Friday morning. She bail been sick for some time but was considered much improved until nlMNlt a half hour before her death. We have been too busy to be able to pick up Items of interest other than all can sec. Everybody la busy and elated that the weather is so favorable for seeding time. We hear of but little corn having been planted yet, though from preseut appearances planting Will be srell along before the week closes. We see large preparations for *blll m HO WOOD- Ittroi PiAntDKALEK:--We don't believe in being tlresoose and espec­ ially to our tradesmen and business dealers, but when a man is doing a business worthy of notice we feel It our duty to inform the public of the facts. J. W. Cristy has been aud i* now doing arushlug. rattling, roaring trade, both in tlie Grocery and Dry Goods line. His assortment of Ready- Made Clothing is larger, better an<! cheaper, (consideringquality) than 1 has ever beet: before. Also a larg- stock of Boots and Shoes, Hats aau Caps, which with a choice stock of No­ tions and Drugs makes a larger and more expensive stock than Is usually carried by dealers In a country place.-- Now this is not an old stock but to the contrary Is almost entirely nqw, at Mr. Cristy spent some time in Chicago not long since la buying and seleotlng these goods, and as he always pays the highest market price for farm produoe we predict for liiia a goodly share ot the Summer trade. <^ir wagon maker and general black­ smith has increased hia business to that extent that he !i obliged to hire a workman, and a flt-st-class blacksmith or wagon maker will dud work for two or three moat hs by calling on Nicho­ las Blake. The monument erected by Mrs, Walker to the memory of 8amuel H. Walker, deceased, has made tli* ceme­ tery an attractive place for the past week. The monumeut was furnished by Henry Miller, proprietor of the Johns burgh Marble Works, and Is a mode) of both skill and beauty. The material used is of Hurricane Granite, and is so hard that the hardest steel chisels will hardiy mark It. Tlie mon­ ument proper weighs four *nd one- half tons aud cost about a thousand dollars. All the material shipped for the purpose of fitting and fencing in the lot weighed about ten tons. The foundation Is now lowered below the frost Hue and in all probability the monument will stand firm for ages If not removed by setue disaster. We believe that Mr. Miller is IQ all respects a Urn-class marble dealer, aud parties desiring work In this line will do Well to give him a call, * Julius Yasey Is tejtclilng school in the Harsh District where we under­ stand lie U giving satlnfactiou, as he always does. We would like through your exoel- •ent paper, Mr, Editor, to give a word of warning to hard laboring, honest blacksmiths, against having anything to do with a pack peddler from Chica­ go. There was one of those awful fel­ lows invaded our town last week aud deluded the blacksmith who runs the shop opposite the hotel Into writing a letter lor him, but when tlie letter was finished deuled the right of the black* smith, yes, now mark me, basely de­ nied the right ot said blacksmith to tax htiu ten eeuts for his work. Tes, aiid hard work lt fs to for* a black f jiMiuitli to write and lie never would (have attempted it If he had not been inspired by the idea that the Mpen ts iuiightier than the sword.** When the |>edd?er kicked on the price the black­ smith made up his mind that he could fuake mere money peddling, so he re­ marked to the Jew that he guessed he |vould keep the peek himself, but ^Klleu" declined, ant) bad it not been .for the Rev. Q, L.Mubbard, who hap- pened to be present, there might have been a fight, because we heard him say bursclves that he knew that ir they had not been afraid to strike they tvould have been black and blue all over. To end this dispute the ped­ dler went calling on Justice Perry, of your town, who seut fo tlie black­ smith Ills card aud a request that he deliver to the peddler his property, which be did aud that flrtu is dissolved tlie partners apparently estranged for WO* f- ^ : •>;>! 4J* NOTICK. -t . r -V, The Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Mclleury, will sell at Pub­ lic Auction, to tlie highest bidder, on Saturday,May 28ih, 1881, atone o'clock p. M., the surplus Ltnubpr of the Johns* btfiXh'firidf#'^7 w- LABTOT lig b way's Kllf AlfD CORRBCT Pastes keyeml aay lesssaaVls eeesttoa ttet iW <& XTortkwoatttra. Is by all oOda tbe beat mod Use yee is take wkea ttaveliay la either tttncttaa betwesa Ciiraii iri all tie Prteinl FmH ii tkftt lMi I mm Ibto Mapi The principal clues ef the West MS* 1 w tht» rani, tta tbtvafb trains oake CIOM mmetiou wltfc the R " junction palntsi J l.c^./TcT. J \4 THK CHICAGO A NORTH-WISTSaN PULTMAN HOTEL DINING rosd^kat runs Pallmaa ftleepiacOars Mortk or !Tertkwsst er OMML lit 1»060 MII9S of ltOB<|. Ia Mai the fettowlag Trnnk Llass: CouncU BInM, Denver ft OsHfimits Line. * Winona, MtanSaota ft Ceatnt 1 Sioux City, N«r Xabraaka ft Yaafctea Line. Ubioagn, St. Pft.nl ft I Northern Illinoia. rreeport ft Oabnqne Line, Mllwaakee, Oteee Bay Ticketa over thia road are aolil by all OoopoB Tieket Areata in tk« V ItememUer to ask for Tlclrti r la this road, ibe aura tiiay mad ever It VABTIN HUOHITT, Gea'l Maaagar, Chicago « H ceafesafttWI m BUSINESS NOTICES* Ree«rsClilt Edge Tottlo restore* Ike appetite, TheMollns Owen's. Sulky Plow V Fishing Tackle of Eugelii's, in Howe's new Bridge. all kinds at M. Block, near the fTHV DO YOU COUGH When one box of Besley's Troches wlQ cure you? Stom opposste tauter House. The Furst A Elradley Sulky Plow at B. M. Owen's. When In want of work la my line, Slvc mea call and I will try and please tobl-. Murfltt, Jeweler. Nunds, UL The largest stock of Millinerv Osidi lu the County, at Mrs, S. Searlev, Buckeye Force Pumps, it$ JL M Oweu*s. All the Oweu's. irst-eisss Plow* m E. M. The finest line of Sliver and Plated Ware to be found In tlie county, at O. W. Owen's, Ir ymi want your Watch put la it*t class Order, call oa Robert Marfttt Jeweler. Nuude, New Prints, latest pettesafl^ M prices from flve cents a ysrd aa< tm wards, at Colby BmH Riverside r Don't buy your Hats or tl! you have see a and prieed Mrs. 8. Searles. Mrs. H.H.Nichols keeps MC In all shades. Panel Photos at Miller's SukH*, If inseaertiof Bargains eettftl €i. Ilall's Biehmond and DOSAM t. Ttr Mrs. H. H. N Icliols' has the Mock of ftprlng Millinery Goods in Ilenry County. largest MC think, at this place. A Jauesvllle troupe give an enter­ tainment here on thel7tli,I think. Friday was a very busy day for law­ yers and officers ofour Circuit Court, as it was the Inst day for filing and serving pa|wrs for this term. Court will couveue on Monday, a week. We had on Saturday a smart dash of a tliuuder storm accompanied by hall. Why don't some of your people help your haker. I'atterwm, out of eonfiiie- iiteut. We understand lu- pledges him- P,.|f to let ^tan^le l»j{ and br»in iwlnti-r" alone, and when he does that he certainly is not an unsafe |ierson to tie at liouie providiug lor his large family. Our Assessor, A. Bouroc, ts .^rjp busy about these dayf. LASTOB AOAM8, COM.HL Go to Mrs. E. W. Howe's Millinery Shop and examine Goods and prices before buying. Miillnsry of every de­ scription, infauts bouuets, ail kladB of neck wear, 6c. New style Bracelets at O. W. ,Oweu's YOU WANT 10 tto of our clarified N. O. AMHIP Ay •1.00 equal to granulated. fSsgfies coffee 91.00. ^JTBVRIVS 6 ScitifoiUL FOR SALE. A wry flue Durham Bull, one year old. Will be sold reasonable. J. w. sMira, Seeds Gilt Edge Tonic ones Fever «ad Ague. NEW GOODS, Lookout for great Bargalas li€lstt> Ing, at tlie store of E. Lawlns, In Lan­ sing's Block, as he has just retutaed from the city with anew stock. A flue line of Wall Brackets at slaughtering Prloes, at O. C. Colby ds Co's Hardware Store. Go to M. Engeln's for all ltlads of Gnn and Fishing Material. In Uses'! Block, McHenry. We are ofleriuc Clieviots, at Colby Block McHenry. extra Bros* bargains fn Riverside BARGAIN COUNTER. Mrs. Searles has established a Bar- gain Counter in her store, where a nobby and stylish hat can be found at a« most your own price. Call and see them. lUulles* Attention! .' LARGEST STOCK OF SWSI^G AND SUMMEtC MILLINERY McUENBY COUNTr. LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST PRICES, IN THE MB*. H. H. NICHOLS would fully inform the citizens of McHenry and the public generally that she ha* Just returned from the city with the largest stock of Spring an1 Summer jiillinorv aud Fancy Goods ever brought to this section, which she pro­ poses to sell at tlie lowest living pri­ ces. I keep none but tlie best of goods In thia Hoe. which I have selected with great care, with especial reference to the wants of tlie ladles of this village and surrounding country, aod feci con­ fident that I can please la quality of goods, style and price, I have also added to my Dress Mak­ ing Department, Ready Made Drcssas, for Summer wear, of all sizes, to whioh 1 invite attention. I also have a large stock of Summer Dolmans, of the lat­ est styles, which the ladies will do well to call aud examine. These will all be sold at living prices. My motto Is, "Live and Let Live." When ill want of Millinery, Ureases. Dolmans, or Fauuy Goods, do not fall to call exam ice Good* aud learn prices, he fit re purchasing. Store, two door^ north of Perry A Martins,, McHenry. Illinois, MftS* H, A. NlCUOLf. Eight Pounds «f tiround Coffee for One Dollar at Colby Bros.. Riverside Block, McHenry. .. . , SOKEEN DOOBS. '" l a^ tiQw prepared to make to Srcfer and will keep on hand a good supply of Screen Doors which I will sell at Lowest.Living prices. If la waat of these articles give me a eell« Meaeesr, May nth, MM. Do Yon Want a Machine. Ir you do, of course you waat tlie best, as it costs no more* - Then why buy from an Agent whe oarries but one wtrteit he has fixed up on purpose toJdtow, when by going to the stove of O, W. Owen, in Mellonry, you can have your eholce of Five, vis: The Domes- tie, Eidredge, American, Improved How#, and MInger. Ifekssp all these machines In stock, aod any lady who wants a maehine oan set down and try them all. and then select the one which suits her the best. The first three named, tlie Domeatle, Eldredge and American, are three of the t»e#t.ma chines on the market, and any 0HQ will be ooiH-bioed of the faet by calling at my store and trying one themselves. Also a iae Mook of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver aud Plated Ware, oan befouad at aiy stet*. Onrans and Plauua for sale or real. a w. 3wjv. McReary, April Mb, Wt. Shoes I or Uie Millloa. , We hare placed In U»e hands of Colby Bros^ McHenry and Nuoda, an Itnuiet9ft assortment of our best sewed vToitc. eoasistlng of Women's a 3d Misses Goat and Kid Button and Side Lace Goat aud Kid Walking Shoes. 3*«r£e and Congress Gaiters, Goat and Kid front lace, nil of which thev are selling at our wholesale pilces with a sinfdleompe«mtioii^«]ded, Callaud e&ntloe goods. ^ ^ rouausB * saow*. tasn^ m % THE BEST raiSMl For aeaagh is Besby's TisdN^ a box. Store opposite H ' House. Call at Mrs. H. H. Nichols ferLMtoa. Ready Made Underwear. For Ia Woo<;steek, a house aad flve ot land, situated ostbl f thirty rods NoWh Wl Brewery. Is a deslrableplaaa##| psrty, and will be sold ! ' qaleeaa tlnr|M«ailseo. ' JAMKa G. W. BBSLBY Has just received aft testing the eyes, and oaa'aow with a pair of spsetoetBS ftad satisfaotlon. Be also has a A Spectacles, all kinds, to wfcMi vitas the attention of the paNte. Nobby styles iu StrawHaftaatONIr Broa^ Riverside Blodt. CALL at Mrs. E. W. Howe* amine those Stylish Hats nets trimmed by Miss Etta Chicago. TEA DRINKBM Will And the pure, unadi colored, natural leaf. Japaa place. STKVKNS A SCHKOWL FOR TWO WlBKtt Oiay, For the next two weefea I Picture* at the follow iu|t iotf Card Photos M por4oaea. I with each dozen. Cabinets 94.50 per doaea, 1 with each doaea. Panels and 8x10 Plstwsi reduced rates. Call at ouce as It win be for two weeks only. MIUJKBS Paova Over Perry ft Twenty-two and i msaty law Fish Poles,only six ceotai Engeln's, in IweS't new Bridge. Call at Mrs. B. H. moitoV door north of Perry 4 anything In Millinery ut alsaingGoods. FKMCETOSTS FOB SUA SOOO seasoned Burr Oak for sale. Inquire of r . - Do not fail to call at Mm aod examine the Bargain CaaaMr. 1. LAWLI7S, la his Meteheat TaHaeiaB meat, keeps the bast of Ft Domestic Cloths. GeuttP Goods at the very Lauer A Becker's old s Ten cent Moinle styles In the market, at Q Riverside Blesk. Mcflesiy, QUJUIY. Why do Steveaa A many goods f They aad buy aod aell fbreaiB, msms%anda reamiaWL or. <X C. Oolby A Co. are to d° all kiuda of J< Hardws re Store H Bslagdeei towi this _ PublloSquare, for sala. small fWkt, Aft isase m on : WSPb FOR SAiJl* ISAorts of laed ta T reaasd. Also 00 aoNaft goad house aad daiber aad eraterla tlon tt. Also my hsmsstaa# Is f.ake and Naada rai uouie, hara got Mfca* Apply tft

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