% y-1 OMI UCT«D BT S. D, BALDWHT. 5. s. ABBOTS* '<• J w •0h % been obliged to hi* KIMBI *t Crystal L«k« on of tumble with his eyes. BIT.MIO Yoang, and R. R. Whit- Greenwood, made a short •tfffrMhool Iwr Friday. 9W United 9tates send to tlie peo- ift^flsrope, not only all kinds of gnds, bst fata* as well. Last yew tfcout *t£00,000 worth was shipped f^ow CbfcAffo and St. Louis, consisting prairie chiuknne and turkeys. There were a»few errors In our school report last week, bufc none likely to Mtilsad anybody. While the attend- •MtK'iias been unusually good the past mftuh, yet It might and ought to have IND better* Indisposition is a prev alent disease at this time of the year, aiad without the hearty co-operation •f (parent* to pre feat it, our attend ance Is likely to be much less thau it •fcould be. Viewed solely In relation to health, Ik* best air for a man to breathe Is, believed to be that which Is foand •bout 1,300 feet above the level of tlie •**. It Is more invigorating and more <90»duclve to long life than either the fefgher or the lower altitudes. BAKKS.--The first bank was ef Vene-c t||Mi origin and was contrived in 1150 assist In the negotiations of Loans. It speedily assumed Important func tions and became celebrated as tlie l«nk of Venice. Its plan was carried tirto foreign countries, and the pro jectors being called Lombards, the grieat banking street of London is to this day culled Lomburd Street. Banks were established at Barcelona in 1401; at Genoa lu 1407; at Amsterdam 1609; ta Edinburgh, 1605; and in Paris, 1716. A public school law of Austria, passed in 1869, requires school inspec tors "to see to it that In the country anhoels, school gardens shall be provid ed for agricultural instruction in all that relates to the soil, and that the toaeher shall make himself skillful in OMcli Instruction." It is also provided that, since "instruction in natural his tory is indispensible to suitably estab- Ush sohool gardens," the teachers •mnit be In a condition to conduct •qch instruction. How many of our oountry school teachers could pass an «xamiiiation for that kind of instruc- •-- fraaten length of Lake Super lor is 835 miles; Its greatest breadth l«180 miles; mean depth, 688 feel; •lovation, 627 feet; area, 82,000 square sailes. The greatest length of Lake Mich igan is 300 miles; its greatest breadth tOi miles; mean depth,600 feet; eleva tion. 506 feet; area. 23,000 square mileR. The greatest length ot Lake Iluron It 100 miles; its greatest breadth is 1t6 miles ; mean depth, 600 feet; ele vation. 274 feet; area, 20,000 square #!•«. " The greatest length of Lake Erie • tl SSO miles; its greatest breuidth is 80 Miles; Its mean depth is 84 feet; eleva- tlaa, 556 feet; ares, 6,000 square miles. !*The grea est length of Lake Ontario #180 miles; Its greatest breadth, 65 allies; it* mean depth Is 500 feet; ele vation. 261 feet; area, 6,000 square *^The length of all five is 1,265 miles. Mvering ap area of 135,000 square ftes. _____ Jfogood eomes from idleness. 4jSome boy writes to "The Doctor." diking how window glass is made so flat and smooth, especially those in the large windows of store fronts. There are two kiuds of window glass one called "cylinder* and the other "plate*1 glass. All the large panes arc plate glafi, as the size of cylinder glasseannot be increased beyond a cer tain point. In thi6 kind of glass a cyl inder is blown; Chose who have been ta a glass house--apd 1 advise you, whenever you have an opportunity to fisit one and see how this wonderful material .is worked--know that to make a cylinder a glass is first blown. This then is worked Into a cylinder, fcy rolling it upon an iron tabic; after • cyliuder is made, its ends are cut oil, and it is divided lengthwise and flat tened out to form a fiat,smooth sheet. All plate glass is cast; a polished iron Uble has ledges at the side, as hl<;h as tlie thickness of the plate of g!a«s. The metal glass is poured upon this . and spread and flattened by '• a. copper roller. The plate is tfcen annealed; that is put into a *»ry hot furuoce, which Is so arrangod that the glass will cool very slowly. Jit order that It shall be tough, when, at the end of a week or so, it is cool. But the glass is no a' dull and rough, Dike that which you see in roofs and . Sky-lights. To become the beautiful ©late glas it must be ground and pol ished. Tlte plates are so arranged that they inay be rubbed together, one : tiPon the other, by machinery. First, ' eand and water are placed between Y. %ieua, theu emery of different sizes, and after b»lng ground with the flaest eatery, they are polished by rub- Viugtheiu with 6ome kind of polishiug harder American AyricaUurUL MlMMffl liT-;., - • • • -- • " jgjlrf i . 1" ; -1'^ --AND DEALER IN-- WATCHES. Weuld *wpeet fully invite an examination of their stock of JEWELRY, Silverware, &c. RICHMOND, ILL. T. J. DACY. T.J. JOHN DONOVAN. It is an open secret, well known to the fanners of Mc Henry county, that during the last 12 years ours has been the only Agricultural Warehouse in the county where everything in our line needed on .the farm, from a pound of the best Barbed Wire to a Threshing Machine could be obtained at all times without notice. It was thought by those who knew us least, that the destruction of our Ware house by fire a year ago, would cripple us. Instead ot doing so, it has given us new life and vigor so that we are now better pre pared than ever before to under sell our (would be) competitors. Our Spring stock is by far the largest and best in the county, and we are selling so close that jt is a rare thing to see auy one looking at our goods and going awaj without buying. Our present exhibit consists of Plows, Harrows, Spring-tooth Harrows, ̂ Pulverizers, Hollers, Stalk (Juttera, 16 in. Sulky Plows Seeders, Diills, live and 8ix Shovol Corn Cultivators, the best Zegal Bat bed Wire, Lumber Wagons, 3 spring Milk Wagons, Platform spring , Wagons, and about 300 Carriages An exatni- notion of our stock will fully sustain our claims T. J, DACY & CO. Woodstock, III The tPurest :m<i !;)••• t Medicine ever Mtule. Acclt^jination of Hop8s Buchu, Man- tirr.kf and Dcindelfonj With allfchefeestand most ura tiv* m-optrtics of all other EitU'rsp d greatest Blootf Purifier. Uver Re$ u tor, and i-U'e ami Iiuiith licMving No disease '• -i **>-«ihi y ion£ exirt where Hop hiitt-rs unwfycdfu vjujbU and ptrfM •» U«slr (' j )V r 1U 4 U a C. fn.y giv.e li. 1:® a7'*Sor to the »ged aal iiSni. To all whole e Aaiplovnw :it,sctmse irre^ulari- tvoi'ijeimwcNorV uri.'»ivrj- r-rgans, or who re quire an ApixKisprS, a»;li:iild Stlmulaiit, Ho? Bittersaiv iiivp. ^'t"-^. without intox icating. • No u>aiU.T vliatyour OP ffymjitoing are wim.ihe disea<5eor is use Hop Bit- i>on't wu.it uiit.Ii juuim'* but if you only feci bad or taeia at once. J t iaay V j yo.ir l..r.it haag- aved hundreds. pai'! foraca5Fe they tviM not c:.: o l>t« noi sutler AGI your friends tweaiKlur^e t0 !1^ Hop H Uenwiiuher, Hop Bitt* rs is dru^; druuUen novstPim, but i-he MEDICINE ETI»R : TBC **TMR K.'UL.NU and HUPS" and uo penun or f'nrm'y should b". v:\tlo\it tiuMix. D,1-C .Hani.n l < fort>n;n'.touD'3S*. a-c- o'. f-Uacco narcoti».,.«. A11 J»O': I by E -xvr ' f,y for ( ir .'UitfcT. Mop ?5!ltrr» Jll'i:. Cc., n o - ' v DRESS GOODS* YANKEE NOTIONS,' &c, Which are being offered at very low prkes. Our stock is replete in all the variety of Goods for the season, and we feel satisfied we can offer Goods at lhau can be tound elsewhere.- Onr stock Of Hats, Caps, READY-MADE CLOTHING Boots, Shoes, Groceries &c.. Is full and complete, and we are confident we can please you both in quality and price. Call aud be convinced that these are facts. PERRY & MARTIN. McHenry. Match 22d, 1881. e Cain of 11 ! ^ *r -• " • • • J . •igw:mrv Q, C. COI.BY & GO., AT THEIR TWO STORES, In McHenry and Nunda. Are noW Opening the Largest Line of Hardware, Stoves, Tinware &c„ ever shown in McHenry County, which we offer to the buy* ing public AJ BOTTOM PRICES. Ojir stock is complete and comprises everything usually kept in a First Class Hardware Store. Our store is crammed full of Bargains and we offer the best and most goods for t*he least money of any one in the business. WE INTEND TO KNOCK THE BOTTOM OUT OF HIGH PRICES IN BARB WIRE. The Best Barb Wire in the Market at 9 cts. per Pound, f^rCiill and see us and learn that we mean business. Store in McIIenry, Opposite Bishop's Mill. At Nunda in Palmer's Store. *?K-' ®HAT THE PLACED H - '?• t Is at the old and reliable store of JOHN B. i Illinois. - Our stock was never more complete than at the present time and for variety cannot be equaled in the county. We keep none but the very best, and our motto is and always has been QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS* We can give you anything in the Furniture line as cheap as any other housp in the State, and will guarantee everything first-class and just as represented. Proclamation No. 17 Old and -BY THE- Reliable Dealers in ^ flgy-Ex-Jiulge Tyler i» one of tlie 'poM€arckstiu legal practittoiuers of , and the other day fliiding |l(iu«e If opposed by u woman lawyer, Clara S-Foltz. lie lost his temper " Mid tol«l Iter that "a womanV place was at home raising chil dren," Tlie lady answered him IMWiMfjjl)!': "A. lady had better be en- In nhno»t any busineta than fcucli tueu as you are, sir." ' -1,' WASTED. •*r " Egg* and 50,000 pounda ISliol^ Butter for which we will pay ||i«- higittitit uiarket price, l^tMi't lor. • , '•&***»¥ , gngMMMOKUSi « '-'4 h j A ' ' ' " f*. * JfZ '• i > V' TRESIS.1 Magnetic Ointment. WARRANTED To Cure Piles and Ckaflng Sores* Al»o.Sore EfCK, Sore lliroal, Ksn-Bche, Bruises, Burns,Cists, Corn*, Skin Disorders, Scrofulous and all Sores. It < effect in nil kidney, liver. Bowel -.tuii Lung IMseu^es, lilieumullHin, Back* •che. Lameness, Sprains, una Swellings is re* garded by the best physicians as mm ply wonder-., fill. Fors-i'c by drue^istH. Price35 ;m'l 4<6centa. P. Baosom, Son &> Co., Sole Prop*., Buffalo, N.T« REEtfs ^̂ «1LT iCSEs\. tONlC 18 A THOROUGH REMEDY Inevoryca.se of Mn In rial Fovor or Fevgi and Affun, while for rii.sorflcrH of the stoimtch Torpi rtity of the l.iver, In«li>rostioi» and dix. tiirOanet's of I he* ;«/iiiiiitl foreen, which debili tote, ithas no e<iuival«iit, »ixl oan have no «ub«titii tc. It should not he t-onfounded with triturated coin pounds of clw.ip spirits and essential oils, oiteu sold under the narnt of ISittetb. FORSALE BV Urugtiats, Grocers and Wine Mcrclian C»CT)»VliOl0 New Hardware Store. i • I. N. MEAD ! NEAR THE DEPOT, -DEALER IN- HARDWARE, STOVES, Tin. Copper anil Sleet Iron Ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Scissors and Shears, llorup Uasps, Horse Shoes, Hori?ephoe Nails, aud h ilos of every description. Alsc everything tUutu generally kept in a liard wave Store. Being a Practical Workman 1 shall spaye no pains in tryins to pive satis faction to all who favor nie with their patroa age. All kinds of Jobbings In my line will receive prompt attention. Please jtive me a call before purchasing elsewhere when In need of anything in ni| »'•'« „ _ I. N- MEAO McHenrv,Oct.10th. 1879. MIEUUL llltLEMiTS. E. M. OWEN & SON. My stock of Coffins and Caskets Is full and complete and will be sold at a slight margin above cost. When in want ot anything in my line give me a call and I will be sure to please you. * JOHN B. BLAKE. McHenry, March 22d. 1881. * BAUER P I A N O S . GRANDS, UPRIGHTS AND SQUARES, SstabMsd in Chicago mi 26 Yeus, Used and Recommended by over 25,000' Artists & Amateurs Our Patent Self-Bearing Agraffe attachment, Concave Kame- Board, and improved Veneered Bridge, are valuable improvements} used in the Bauer Pianos onlv. Th.e Bauer Cabinet Grand, The newest an>l most Perfect Production in the art of Piano Mftking. Tty the introdiM tion ot'nn improved Violin,Slipped {sounding Hoaril tl(c.vo!umo of tone it greatly., increaMd and left entire! y fr«e from Metallic Qualities Prominent Artists Pronounce it a Marvel of Peflectim. JOHNSBURCH Marlilejiirls. IIENRY; MILLER, --I>KALEB||IN-- American and Foreip MarWe. Monuments, Headstoaes, ETC., ETC., ETC. American & Scotch Granite, Constantly on Han$L Would give the people of Mcllenry and Lake Counties to understand that tucy are still in the business, with the largest and best stock of Agricultural Machinery Of all kinds, to be found in the market. They have in Stock PLOWS of all kinds, Seeders, Corn Planters, Cultivator^, Drills Drags, Pulverizers. Corn Sliellers Feed Mills, Threshing Machines, Foil and Wood Puuip$, Wind Irills, Open and Top Buggies, and in short everything usually kept in a first clhss Agricultural Warehouse, , All of which will be sold As Cheap as the Cheapest. f^PNone but the best of machinery kept. Call and be convinced that we mean business, E. M. McHenry,'April 13th, 1881. ^ - OWEN & SON. GEORGE W. BESLEY, Dnimst anil Aptbecary. McHenry HI. --DEALKR IN-- Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, and Toilet Articles. I have added to mv already Large Stock, a Fine Line oi TOILET ARTICLES, LAMPS. CHOICE CANDIES. To which he invites the attention oi thebuying public. BB8RS. JULIUS BAUKR A CO., Chicago, III.: OrKNTUKMKN: The IlHiier Piiuio wlui'h I purchased pf yi favor ©very day. The move I use it the i>ctter I lllte it. Enleforated'factories, bn t have found none to fqiial yours eieaaiicity of touch, and (Curability. I am ghul that mv first opinion which prompted m« elXC«I.\NtiIXli niy KN AliK for the K.YlT Kli has proved a lasting ipp. on. J am happy to My, J* 9fpwi]i|^fl| -Wl l have hail" pU*e« fro»n In power and purity of ton*, ^ »» Vour» respectfully, Pittsburgh, Pa., Nov. 28,: 1870. JOHN KlvSX,lNG, 1S2.134 WABASH AV. Factory, 126f 127y 129 E . 129 Street, New York. A Complete Assortment of the Favorite Pianos will be ffcuntf at our Warerooms. JULIUS BAUER & CO. between Monroe and Adams St. CHICAGO ..I , • I M-------- JACOB STORY, McHKNRY, IIJL. DEALER IN Scissors, Shears, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spades, Shovels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axea, Grindstones. Window Glasso GRANITE-IRON AND TINWARE. J. STORY. COLBY BROTHERS! --DEALEKSIN-- Sliop Two miles Henry, 111. Johasbursh, Aaff. 90t)>, 1877 of Mc Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Give meaCali. C. W. BESLEY. Mcileurj, 111., NOT. 10th, 1880. General Merchandise, RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHENY, ILL. We have one of the most complete stocks of Goods ever brough' to thi9 market, coiibistiug in p&rtol Dry Goods and Clothings HATS AM) CAPS. BOOTS AM) SHOliS, Paints Oils Drugs and Medicines Crockery, Glassware, Vi ooden and Willowware, Groceries Etc. Etc, 0"We have one of the finest Stocks of Teas to be foinid in the county, to which we invite the especial attention of the public, «$t* isfied that we <?au suitjthein both in quality and price. .1' :l|v n - <W .*.« .n--t