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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Aug 1881, p. 5

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jfegesfy |>Iuiiieita WEDNESDAY AUG. S. 1881. Railroad Time Table. OOliTG 8O0TH.I £«neva T.alce Pa««enirer T:TS A. lit Geneva Lake Express 8:21 " Gantva Lake Freisht 1:115 p. M Steamboat Express 5:16, " oaivo^jcoRTBi fiene** T .ake Freight .. fl:SS A. M Steamboat Express 10:01. " Geneva Lake Express ,5:5JF. M Senava Lake Passenger.... 6:52 " B.£Btt88, Asrent. McHenry, III 1881 $ 1881 Fox Lake, Ills. Summer Time Table STEAMER "LOTUS." LRATB MCHENRY ARRIVE. 10:30 A. *.* 8:00 A. M. daily 6:15 r. M. daily. 4:00 P. St.* FOX LAKE. 6:80 A. K. daily -12:00 noon.* 2:90 p. M.* 8:00 P. M.daily •This mid.day Trin is tHin alternately by the "Lotus" and "Mary Griswold," provided there is previous notice (riven bv visitors at the Lake. WALTER Htrx, Captain. To Our Subscribers. We wish to again remind our sub­ scribers, and especially those who are In arrears, that Volume Six hns just closed, and we earnestly request all who know themselves indebted to us one year or more, to call and settle the aame at once. Were we a Rothchild or a Vanderbllt, these little matters might not be of so much importance, hut as our circumstances are very much different than the above named we need every dollar that I ? our due. We have a large number on our books who owe us from one to six rears subscrip­ tion, and to such we say we must insist that you square up the same without delay. The amount is small to you but in the aggregate is large to us and w« need it to use. We hope we may not be obliged to ask for it again. To those of our subscribers who have always paid us promptly in ad­ vance, we wish here to return our thanks, and in the future as in the past, we shall spare no pains to give them a paper worthy of their support. BOTH Steamers made trips to the Lakes on Sunday last. QUITE a large number Df our citizens are complaining with cholera morbus and colic, CRAMP, cramp, cramp, the boys are marching. Cheer up, watermelons and cucumbers have come. H. NORQUEST is building an addition to his dwelling, which is situated at the soutInvent corner of the Park. TKKY have commenced taking in Cucumbers at the Factory. In about a week business will be lively in that in­ stitution. H. E. WIOHTMAX is building a new Livery barn at the foot of the street, near his residence. It is to be 30x50 with 16 foet posts. WE learn that a pk'ktip Nine from this village will play a game of Ball with the Barrington Club,at Waucoh- da, on Friday of this week. JacoB BISHOP was the recipient of a very fine present from friends in Chi­ cago last week, in the shape of a $50 range. Such friends are worth having. A leopard never changes spots. A mosquito does, however. It will settle In a new spot every live seconds, and King all the time he Is changing. THE day is coming, says an exchange "when a letter will go anywhere in the United States tor one cent, a despatch for ten cents and a man for a cent a mile." THE public school building is re­ ceiving a new coat of paint, both in­ side, and out. which will greatly Im­ prove its appearance. Curtis and Per­ kins arc doing the work. WE had the pleasure, a few days since, of paying a visit to the new Fox Lake Club House, and had intended to give a description of the same this week, but time and space will not per­ mit, but shall do so in nur next. McflEMtT is well represented on the Jury for the September Term of Court. The names drawn from this town are: On Grand Jury, Edward Griswold. On Petit Jury, Chas. T. Ehlrerige, Leonard Bonslett. C. V. Stevens. F. A. He bard, Benj. Gilbert and Win, Harrison. WE understand John has quit buy­ ing hogs and gone into the clothing trade. Whether wholesale or retail we are not Informed, We believe, though, the last lot bought was not de­ livered. John is called on to rise and explain. E. BUCK, of Crystal Lake, sold two colts the past month, one four and the other live years old. for the handsome itiffl of #500 each. They were by Lake­ land Abdallah and from the dam of Red Cross, and were two as promising fillies as could be found lu this part of the State. A "CAREFUL HOUSKEKPER" says: Do not iron a red tablecloth at all. Wash it carefully in. warm suds. not hot. rinse well, and when ready to hang on the line take great pains to pullitso that it will keep proper shape. It will retain its color much longer than if ironed. We don't see why the revised edition won't suit a big percentage of folks. It .has just as handsome bindings, looks as well on tiie centrc table and U just as good tQ press leaves with. DR. EVRRHART, of Kenosha, Wis., will hold services lu the Episcopal Church *vt Spring Grove, on Sunday. August 7th, commencing at 10$, A, K. Afternoon services, p. M. MRS. H. H. NICHOLS has just returned from the city with another lot of Ready Made Dresses, and a full stock of Ladies' Underwear, Notions, etc. Call and examine them and learn prices, MRS. EVANS, the Omaha lady who has just astonished the world and her husband by giving birth to two boys and two girls, should remember that four of a kind beat two pair, and show her humility accordingly. *Evans! what a woman! As the season is at hand when "Per­ sonals" are numerous, we would be obliged to our friends to re­ port items of the kind. It is the uni­ versal opinion of the conductors of well edited city and country journals that no department of a newspaper inter­ ests so many people as the personal column. It Is unlucky to fall out of a third story window on Monday. To meet a red-headed woman on Tuesday (espec­ ially if you owe her anything.) To break a $40 mirror an Wednesday. To dream you see red snakes or green mon­ keys on Thursday. To get hung on Friday. To lose §2.50 on Saturday. Or get locked up on Sunday.. Paste this in your hat. LOST, on Saturday, July 23d. in this village, a Note for 8400, given by Winslow Parker to K. E. Thorson. due one day after date. All persons are hereby cautioned against negotiating for said Note, as payment on the same lias been stopped. The finder will be suitably rewarded by returning the same to K. E. Thorson. at the Parker House. WE learn that C. L. Curtis, of Med­ lar's Photograph Gallery, Woodstock, has an order tor some views at Fox Lake, and will go up on Friday of this week for the purpose of making them, and we can assure our Fox Lake friends that they are sure of a number one picture, as the views coming from Medlar's Gallery are surpassed by none. There are many fine huildines and points at the Lake, and parties should avail themselves of Mr. Cnrtis' presence to get fine pictures of the same. Ax individual was brought before Eeq. Perry, on Monday morning, on the charge of attempted burglary, who was certainly a genius in his way. On being asked by Esq. Perry his business lie said he was "an editor at large." That when lie had good clothes and plenty of money, he -vus a traveler, but. in his present condition, ragged, dirty and dead broke, he was a tramp. During the examination it was found that he was a man of education and ability, spoke five different languages, and at one Mm'? was editor of a paper in Jersey City. From his appearance it was evident that whiskey had beat him. The charge against him no; be­ ing sustained, he was discharged, and took Street & Walker's line for the next town. Jimott*. List of jurors for the September tern of the Circuit Court, of Mulieury County,1881: GRAND, M. II. Underwood, Riley; Riclwird Landing. Dunham ; James H. Rogers, Chemung; Sidney Disbrow. Wm. L. Dyer, Aldeu ;l¥iu. G. UonkHng, Hart- land; Osgood Joslvu, Seneca; John Hugh, N. W. Derry, Coral; E. Ha}iguf, Grafton; Robt. Green. George Phelps, Dorr; Ileurj' Eckert. (%ree»wood; Elmer Gratton, Hebron; J. RobiiMOn, Richirond; Burton Stevens, Burton; Edward Griswold. Mcllenry; A. L. Brown, F, E. Cox. Algonquin, II. Sears. Marengo; Geo. W. Goodrich, Seneca; A. D. Whiting, Horace Dwelly, Nunda. PETIT. Daniel Sullivan, Alden; George Hoy, Win. H. Gregory, Dorr; Michael Grady, John Gillis, Hartland ; John Henry, E. L. Heath, Marengo; Ed Titconib, Che­ mung ; Michael Keating, Alden ; S. A. Smith, Coral; John F. Randall, Graf­ ton; L. W. McCannon, Greenwood; Wm. L. Glass, Hebron; G. D. Pease, John Coleman, Win. Moore, Richmond; C. T. Ehlredge, Leonard Bonslett, C. V. Stevens, F. A. Hcoard, Benj.Gilbert, Wm. Harrison, Mcllenry; Jaiues Dougherty. Geo. Gilbert, Nunda; 1". L. Morris, 3. H. Nash. E, Morton, Jaines McNabb, Levi McNett, Algonquin; J. 11. Alexander. Hebron. Excursion to the Lakes. The Steamer "Mary Griswold.'* will make an Excursion to Fox Lake on Sunday next, August 7th, leaving her dock iu this village at 11 o'clock A. M. sharp. To the Lotus Beds. The Sieamer "Mary Griswold" will make a trip to tlie Lotus Beds, on Fri­ day next, August 5th, leaving her dock iu Mcllenry at 10J A. M.. returning at 5 p. M. ANYONE who admires a due buggy should not fail to examine the one lately gotten up by II. H. Nichols. For material, workmanship and finish, it is certainly one of the finest In this auction. It is fur sale and any person desiring to purchase a good buggy should not fail to examine this one before purchasing. It Is Indeed a beauty. CORN FOR SALE. The undersigned has a quantity of corn in the ear wliicli will be sold for cash or exchanged for young stock. GEO. H HARBISON. RING WOOD. July 14, 1S41. Revolvers all styles, and Cartridges to suit, at prices ranging from 91.50 to $9.00 at O. C. Colby A Co.'s Hardware Store, Mcllenry. Eight Pounds of Ground Coflee for One Dollar at Colby Bros., tttverside Block, McHenry. PERSONAL. C. V. STEVENS and family are camp­ ing out at Pistaqua Lake. Miss ETTA KKLTER, of Chicago, Is visiting friends in thi« village. MRS, A. S. WRIGHT, of Woodstock, is visiting frith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Owen, this week. MRS. A. M. CHURCH, of Chicago, Is spending a few weeks with friends here, MR. AND MRS. WELLNER, of Indian­ apolis, Ind., are the guests of H. H. Nichols and wife. JOHN C. SMITH and J. V. Aldrich. of Richmond, were on our streets on Fri­ day. O. B. NICHOLS, of Sycamore, a mem­ ber of the craft, made us a call on Sat- urday. He had laid down the stick and rule, and was rusticating at Fox Lake. HON.M. L. JOSLTN and wife, of Woodstock, accompanied by Mrs. Sen­ ator Logan, passed through this place for Geneva Lake on Friday. DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. Dentist, of Dundee, made our sanctum a call on Wednesday last. IN our personals last week .we said "Mr." Clias, Dickinson, of Dallas. Tex., was visiting here^ It should have read "Jtfrs." J. R. HYDE, John W. HaVthorn and Geo. El dredge, of Richmond, accom­ panied by their wives, *pent the day at Fox Lake on Thursday last. ED. POTTER, of Richmond, made us sliort call ou Monday. Miss BLANCHE MCOMRKR, returned from quite a protracted, visit to Chi­ cago on Saturday last. GEO. L. SHERWOOD H. H. Swett, County Treasurer Ni-di, Ed. Whitson, and G. Blakes4ee, of Woodstock, took iu the beautius of Fox Lake on Suuday last, p Jos. WIEDEMANN took a trip West Nst week, visiting Omaha and other places. He returned on Monday. THE mother and sister of Jacob Hetzell arrived from Germany last week and will make this their home in the future. DAN O'CONNELL of the Elgin Advo­ cate, is rusticating In this village. C. W. DUNBAR, formerly Pho­ tographer here, now of Chicago, was seen on our streets on Tuesday, HINTON WHEELER, and wife, of Blackberry, Kane Co., were calling on friends in this village on Tuesday. CREENWOOO- EDITOR PLAINDEALER:-- Wallace Peatt has purchased a new SHf-blnder and will cut. and bind grain for $1 per acre, parties,to furnish the twine. Mrs. James Sides has been very sick, suffering a long time with a tumor which lias been removed quite recent­ ly, the weight, of which we learn was twelve pounds. She is reported as do­ ing well. J.J. Westerman is suffering with a severe attack of Neuralgia in his right arm and shoulder. Dr. A. E. Baldwin, who is attending him, says he may lose the, use of his arm. We are informed that Miss Mary E. Baker intends starting for Saratoga Springs next week, where she will visit her sister and other friends and rela­ tives in diflerent parts of the East be­ fore she returns. Mrs. H. O. Miles and little daughter, of Marengo, was in town on Friday last visiting with an older daughter. Mrs. Henry Hartley. Mrs. Pierce of the same place accompanied them. Prof. S. D. Baldwin and family, of your place, arc in town visiting friends and relatives. I). W. Soper has a drive well nearly completed. Calvin Deo, of Marengo, does the job. Al. J. Adams and family, of Mareugo, are in town visiting relatives. Oh, Johnny! W arre n says i t was the 17th of Ju'.y. We arc requested to state that S. S. Sterns will re-open his Boot and Shoe shop, in this place, about the middle of September next, and would be pleased to see all of his old customers and as many new ones as see fit to call on him The Greenwood Public School re- opened>fter a month's vacation on Monday last. E. A. Douglass has purchased a new self-binder. Harvest is progressing finely. Far­ mers complain that their Oats are bad­ ly damaged by rust, and wha; little wheat was sown is neariy worthless. FELO I)B S»K. [For want of time we are obliged to leave out a portion of our Greenwood letter this week, but it will appear next.--EDITOR.] Look Out .For Bargains In Clothing at E. Law Ins*. He has clothing for man, boy and child at Chi­ cago prices. NOTICE. The undersigned. Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Nunda, will receive Sealed Proposal; for repairing abutments and putting up the wood­ work of the Burton Bridge until Sat­ urday, August Gth, on which day they will meet all bidders at the Bridge, at one o'clock, where work to be done can be examined and explained. Will aUo sell on the same day, the Plank of the old Bridge, at Public Auc­ tion to the highest bidder. WM. MI'DGETT, HARVKY COX. JOHN KIMBAI.L. Commissioners. lie Wise and Happy. If you will stop all your extrava­ gant and wrong notions in doctoring yourself and families with expensive doctors or humbug cure-alls, that do harm always, ami use only nature's simple remedies for all your ailments, you will be wise, well and happy, and save great expense. The greatest remedy for this, the great, wise and good will tell you. is Hop Bitters--rely ou it. See another column. McCORMICK'S MACHINES „ Be^U the world. Call at Bishop's Warehouse. McHenry, and examiue them. WAUCONDA. , eWSUBSfRlPTIONS for the PLAnrDEALBW wfll .be received in Wauconda at P. B. Harrison's Drug Store ami at the Post Ottce EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--We come to your readers this week with a feeling that some of the recent criticisms in this column in regard to the progress of the Railroad Committee may have been premature. At any rato the good solid work of the past week has been very gratifying to all concerned, unless, perhaps, to those who have worked, for it is difficult to imagine any thing more disagreeable or discourag­ ing than that of trying to make your neighbor see and do that which is for his own best good, when all the time you are conscious that he regards you as a bore and wishes you wouldn't bother him. Thus a man will readily admit that a railroad to this place would enable him to sell his lande-isiiy for #5.00 per acre more than lie could now get.--very few, if any, will deny that--and we will suppose he has a hundred acres, in which case the sale­ able value of his laud is increased $500. Now ask that man to agree to give 0100, in cane the road is established, not a cent otherwise, and quite frequently, so the committee state, he will de­ cline. Iu other words, ask him to pay #100 for $500, under safe conditions, and he refuses. Is that not enough to discourage " most, anyone ? But the committee seem to have well iu mind the fact that because a man says "no" once,it does not follow that he will never say "*yes," and Messrs. Burritt, R. Harrison, and Dr. Wells, who have done by far the greatest share of the work, are still at it in dead earnest. If the other members of the commit­ tee are working at all it is on the "still hunt" plan. LakeZiuich people held a meeting on last/* Thursday evening, which was attended by a number of Waucondaiaus, and the day following began to circulate a subscription pa­ per, so that by next week we hope to report something definite regarding the prospect. About 812.000 has been subscribed in both places at this writ­ ing. and there is good rea>ou to hope that at least 95,000 more can bo raised in Wauconda during the coming week. A genuine, live tramp rarely appears in Wauconda. hence the appearance on our streets on Tuesday last of two strange and by no means prepossessing individuals excited considerable com­ ment and led to unusual care when the time came to bolt the doors for the night. Mr. Tnggart. the veteran mason, lost his balance in some way while en­ gaged at his work on the foundation to the mill addition, and fell into the cellar, about ten feet, sustaining se­ vere, though not dangerous injuries from which he is rapidly recovering. During the absence of the family on Wednesday last, a tramp gained ad­ mission to the house of Mr. Imsen near Honey LAke, and stole several pieces of'jewelry whids were greatly valued by the owners as heir looms, some of them being very old. The day follow­ ing a party of the neighbors were up this way in search of the thief, but we regret to say were not successful in overtaking him. Thursday a team belonging to Moses Beach started from In front of Chris Thomas' shop, and made a reckless cir­ cuit of the mill yard, miraculously missing a btisjgy by a few inches, as they passed between it and Coggln's barn, and were finally stopped, having done no damage other than to tear out a section of fencing. Friilay witnessed two of those ex­ ceedingly pleasant gatherings known as family picnics in Mr. Ladue Hill's grove, near the point. (See the point?) One party is said to have met in honor of Mr. Ault. of Louisiana, and the other for the entertainment of Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Harrison, of Chicago. A romp in the woods will make the babie6 cro«s and all ban:1s as tired as wood cifrtppers and as hungry as hy­ enas, so of course its a good thing and as we have such splendid grounds for tne purpose so oonveniently located, family picnics should be more fashion­ able than they are. Ambrose Hill suddenly left home on Thursday night last. It is supposed he is in Chicago and will return to as good a hoineas any boy in Lake coun­ ty could wish for as soon as he gets hungry and ragged. B. K. Duers strained Ills ankle a few days since and is quite lame in conse­ quence. Messrs. McDonald and Barnard and their families have been visiting with Mrs. Wm. Hammond. Mrs. Raymond and her daughter Mrs Johnson and Mrs. Cyrus Bowen and daughter are the guests of J. R. Wells. Rev. Mr. Burchott and family, of Oregon, are the guests of P. S. Swin- soii. Ed. Fletcher returned Saturday from Minnesota, whither he went last week to witness the death and burial of his father aged 85 years. Geo. Pratt plucked a fine mess of sweet corn in his garden Sunday morn­ ing last. Rev, Mr. Burchett preached In the Baptist Church Sunday morning and evening to full houses. Quite a number of our teachers have signified their intention of attending the Teachers Institute at JLiberty- •1 lie next week. An unsuccessful attempt was made duriug the past week to dig out the outlet to the lake. The village trus' tees should take steps to make tills sort of thiajC:a punishable offense. Dr. tfarffoon, of |Chicago, paid hi6 people here a flying visit on Suuday last. Richmond Department. CONTRIBUTED BT 8. r. BENNETT. S. F. RRSNETT is herebv authorised to take siil)8fri{>tionaand oriers for advortis'nc and Job Work for the PI.AINDRAI.ER. RECEIVE money ttierefor and receipt for the same.-- all order* left with Him will receive prompt Attention.--Editor. \ P. G. Skinkle is bui?di:ig a new barn on the lots lately bought of A. J. Howe. Frank Valentine reports the killing of numerous rattlesnakes on his farm in Hebron this season. John Brown's house looks like anoth­ er building with the new coat ot paiut Frank Packer has given it. Personal to Mr. Culver:--He wasn't pouring that wheat Into the mill hop­ per at all. fto Good Preaching. No man can do a good job of work, preach a law suit well, doctor a pa­ tient, or write a good article when he feels miserable and dull, with sluggish brain and unsteady nerves, and none should make the attempt in such a con­ dition when it can be so easily ant! cheaply removed by a little Hop Bit­ ters. See other colurnu. Burrows <&; Birch r.re doing a driving business iu the manufacture of cheese boxes, Weseeloads almost as large as hiystacksgoing troin their factory almost every day. We early become convinced that Landlord Culver was an enterprising man, but who would have thought that he would run a corner ou wheat, and invest heavily in patent "hoppers." This is what the Geneva Lake Her­ ald says about ou r Chicago & North Pacific Air Line It. R.y-^~'^x Railroad Commissioner Turner, in reporting the work on new railroads in this State, says /that Contractor Angle, one of the /greatest railroad builders in the Uimed States, lias a force of 3.000 merf at work grading on the C. & N. P. Air.Line. '1 he men are located in gangs at diflerent places so as to do exceedingly effective work. For anything in the line of Dry Goods go to J. V. Aldrlch's. John W. Haythom. of the firm of Smith & Haythom. liaA commenced a system of improvements in his store that will make it one of the "finest bus­ iness places iu the county. The par­ tition in the south end of the store has been taken out and a store room is to be built where tlio old south plat­ form used to stand. The whole in­ terior of the store is to be remodeled and refiuished. When the improve­ ments contemplated are finished. Smith & Haythorn will have oneof ^he handsomest stores in the West. For anything in the line of Uroceries go to J. V. Aldrich's ' Every year more and more of the people of Woodstock come to appre­ ciate the beauties of our Twin Lakes. Forborne time their tents have been pitched on those to be classic shores. It was our good fortune, one day last week, to spend a pleasant hour with these people, and we shall long cherish it in memory. We tried to get a list of the Woodstock people at the La£es that day, but presume it is imperfect. Here it is: Mac Church and wife, A. L. Salisbury. Win. H.,Stewart aud wife, O. H. Gilmore and wife, Peter Whit­ ney, Eii. Donnelly, C. II. Donnelly, Eliza Donnelly, Hannah Donnelly, Mrs. Marceila Donnelly, Mary Donnelly, Frank Mclntire, Birt Stewart, C. Furer, Emma Furer, Lily Furer. Fred Blakesley, Wm. Quinn and wife, Ed. Richmond and wife, Clara Richmond, John D. Short, Jennie Short, Charley Short, A, Levison, John and Al. Austin Miss Lizzie Quinlan, Nellie Glennon, Mrs. Willis and son. John DonnellyTJr., Ml ss Kate* Mahoney, of Chicago, M. Schenck, Geo. Hermon, Mrs. Lottie Arnold,Prof. Wilkie and son, Bessie vvilkie. Miss Addle Stewart. Geo. Whitson. Miss Fanuie Field, Miss Wat­ son and Mrs. Geo. Salisbury. If we have made any mistakes on names, or left any out, the fault must be shared by our informant, or possibly the di­ version made by his "ch'-st tester." Altogether it was as pleasant a crowd us one will meet anywhere. We did threaten to tell how gracefully a prom­ inent county official danced with a lady of goodly proportion, but, con­ sidering that the presiding elder might make a fuss, we refrain.* For Boots and Shoes of all descrip­ tions go to J. V. Aldrich's. The greivous burden to the Town­ ship of Richmond iu maintaining the numerous bridges within its limits, and especially the extra burden just now imposed to repair the damages done by the freshets and ice of the past season, is an aflair which should appeal to the generosity of the whole coauty, even if there were no law meeting the case. But there is a law whose lan­ guage is plain, as we stated in last w'eek's PLAINDEALER, so plain that we see no reason why trie Board of Super­ visors should hesitate as to their plain duty in the matter. For the better in­ formation of the public wo reproduce here that section of t'«e law relating to roads and bridges, which covers our case--approved May 29,1879, SEC. 110. --Whep it shall l>e necessary to construct or repair any bridire in any town, or to build a bridge over any stream between low lis or over streams on mads between towns In the stimc count; whieh would be an unreasonable burden to the sumo, (lie cost of which will be more lliun can be raised in one vear by ordinary taxes for bridge purposes In Such town or one of such towns tlie com­ missioners of h i(th ways of either town dosir- inK to build sut'h fridge shull present a peti­ tion to the county board of the county in which such town or towns is situated pray, inic for an appropriation from the county treasury to aid iu tne building, constructing and repairing ot »uch bridire, an 1 suc.li coun­ ty board slnll when one half the necessary funds have been provided lot by the town authorities of eilheror both such town or towns, appropriate the other half: Provided, tbatall unexpended surplus of any appro­ priation that may be granted by the c- unty undei the provi.-ions of tliih section shall be paid hack iulo th»? treasury. And Mil funds provided to be raised under this section shall be expended by, and under the joint conliol of the commissioners of highways, of the town asking su<-h aid, ami two persons ap­ pointed by The county board of the county granting the saiue. Section 119, which is too long too re- proiuce here, makes It.th* duty of the highway commissioners of each town to annually ascertain, as near as possi­ ble. how much money must be raised by tax on real and personal property for the making and repairing of bridges * • • * • .which tax shall be eiteuded on the tax books, accord­ ing to the assessment of the previous years, and shall levy a tax on all the real and personal property iu said town, "not exceeding f<>rty cents on the one hundred dollars? <£c. Now, the Solon bridge, wtfich has got to be rebuilt is estimated to cost I from 32200 to$2600. Taking our equals | ized assessment its fixed by the Board of Supervisors at Its last meeting, an equalization (?) in which 18 per cent was added to our personal and 1} per cent to our realty, we are unable to build that bridge by a tax of forty cents on the one hundred dollars. Lei the figures show. Our equalized as­ sessment of realty is 9313,140 and of personal 9131,345, a total of 9444,385, a tax upon which of 40 cents to the hun­ dred doMars would give just 91778.34, not nearly enough to cover the ex­ pense or building the Solon bridge.-- With these facts In view it was plainly the duty of the subcommittee ap­ pointed to confer with the road com­ missioners of our town, to call an ex­ tra meeting of the Board of Supervis­ ors, as they were empowered to do, to the end that the matter might be settled, so our commissioners can go on and build the bridge at a season of the year most favorable for building, instead of waiting the tardy action of the September meeting of the board. We hope to be able to give in next week; PLAINDEALKR some figures showing the enormous expense to the town of Richmond in maintaining her bridges. And we hope that. In the meantime, every Supervisor in the county will consider our claims, read the law, aud make up his mind to do us justice. For beautiful setts of glassware, call at J. V. Aldrich's. Wool! Woolt We are again on hand ready co pay the highest market price for Wool.-- Headquarters at Owen's Warehouse, opposite Bishop's Mill. D. si SMITH. E. M. Owns 4Sow THRESHING MACHINE FOR SALE The tinderalgued otters for sale one Buflalo Pitts Threshing Machine, all in good running order, and will do as good wrork as any new machine. Will be sold cheap for cash or will trade for a span ot good horses. Inquire of GEO. MILLS, Wauconda, 111. Engine and Boiler for Sale. The undersigned has for sale a Twelve Horse Engine and Twenty Horse Boiler. All in good running or» der, having been used but little. Will be sold cheap, for cash or on time with approved note. For further particulars itiqulie of WARD B. GALK. Volo, 111 FOR SALE. One J. I. Case Eclipse Threshing Machine. Has been ut>ed but one year. Will be sold cheap and on easy terras. Inquirf^at this office. Oh what a world of "pads!" When you get tired of trying all the kinds just fall hack on the old reliable Trask's Magnetic Ointment. Lameness is the precursor of Rheu­ matism. Escape it hy heating Trask's Magnetic Ointment and rubbing In thoroughly. e Nobby Styles in Straw Hats at Colby Bros., Riverside Block. Parasols and Fans in all of the latest styles at Stevens & Sclinorr's. Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves in all colors at Stevens it Schnorr's. FOR SALE. A commodious residen«». At the cor­ ner of Madison and Vine Streets. Woodstock. III., conveniently located to business, school and the various churches. Two lots, well stocked with fruit, both large and small. Pleasantly situated, and well arranged. Good well and cistern. Terms easy. Apply to ASA W. SMITH. Woodstock, 111 Foundation rocks and Gravel deliv­ ered at convenient distances from my residence. <ASA W. SMITH. Woodstock, III Ladles of McHenry and vicinity don't buy your Hats or Bonnets until you have looked at and priced goods at Mrs. S. S«'arles. Am now offering g'pater bargains than ever. All work in 'epairing done on short notice. Trble and Pocket Cuttlery in endless variety at O. C. Coluy ft Co's Hard­ ware store. Go to M. Engeln's for ail kind* of Gun and Fishing Material. In ijowa's Block, McHenry. WANTED TO EXCHANGE, Qarpenter work for a good Horse or Cow. Persons wishing Carpenter work and pay in this way should apply at once to A. WENDELL, McHenry. The celebrated McCormick Twine Binder for sale by R. Bishop, McHenry. Try a pound new tea at Fitzsimmons & Evansou's. IF you want a first class Reaper and Binder call at Bishop's Warehouse aud see the McCormick Twine Binder. Call at. Bishop's Warehouse and see the McCormick Twine Binder. The best Reaper in the market. New line of black lawns, buntings, light summer dress goods, gingham*, with lace to trim, at Steyeus «i Sclinorr's. Wauconda Ice Cream Parlors. GOLD1NG & BROOKS. Would respectfully announce to the public that they have opened their Ice Cream Parlors for the season and are now prepared to furnish Ice Cream every daj' aud evening, by the dish or quantity. We also keep on hand Groceries of all kinds. Canned Goods, Notions, To­ baccos, Cigars, Confectionery, etc., which we are selling as low or lower than any other house in the county, •quality of goods considered. When In want of anything, in our line we invite you te call, confident that we can please you both in quality and price. GOLDING A BROOKS. WAfOOKDA, 11!,, June 1st, 188L Notieii. Reed's GUt £4ge Toai« rwMrti appetite. The Moiine Snlky Plow al 1. Owen's. Fishing Tackle of all kind* at Kugeln's, its Howe's Block, near II new Bridge. The Furst A Bradley Sulky Plow E. M. Owen's. Buckeye Force Puuips, al Owen's, f All the first-class Plow* at $. Owen's. The finest line of Silver and Plate^ Ware to be found In the eonnty. at W. Owen's. A fine lot of Ready-Made Dresses *t full Suits just received At Mrs. H. H] Nichols' Millinery Store, McHenry, German School Books, and Eiigllsl aud Gennadi Mass Books, at M. En geln's Howe's Block, near the bridge. GOLD FISH, Fish Globes, and Food for Fish a^ M. Engelu's in Howe's Block, i bridge. THE LATEST. We have a large invoice of the celebrated "Broadhead" Dress Goods in the latest styles. Everybody sl>onlc see Jtlietn before buying. STKVXKB 4 8caxnisR, The finest line of Dress Gosd< in this market can be found at Stevens A Schuorr's. Pile*, chafing sore*, chapped bands* salt rheum, skin disorders, burns, brai­ ses, sore throat, and ail inflammation yield rapidly on application of Trask'i Magnetic Ointment. Haras. Shoulders. Baoon, Salt Pork Lard aud Corned Beef, al Howard's Market, near the Depot. WHY DO YOU COUGH When one box of Besley'sTroches will cure you? Store opposste Parkei House. Ip you want yosr Watch put ta first class Order, call on Robert Murfitt Jeweler, Nunda, New Prints, latest patterns, at prices from five cents a yard and up­ wards, at Colby Bros., Riverside Block Mrs. H. H. Nichols keeps kid glove* in all shades. Pa*}«l Photos at Miller's Studio. \ THE BEST THING For a cough is Be si ay's Troches, fry a box. Store opposite Iba Parker Honse. Call at Mrs. H;H. Nichols for Ladies^ Ready Made Underwear. We are offering extra bargains la Cheviots, at Colby Bros.. Riverside Block MoHenry. Tea Drinkers will find (this season's) new crop Jap. Teas, uncolored anil ex­ tra Ane, over at Fitssimmons & ETM> son's Call at Mrs. H. H. Nichols' store, one door north of Perry & Martin's, for anything in Mililiiery ®r For- nlshing Goods. SEWING Machine Needles far every machine made, cau be found at M. En­ geln's, lu Howe's Block, uear tba bridge. Every man, woman and child thai pays Oath for their goods, should trad* where goods are marked on that basis. Where they can save from 15 to 9B per cent. Where #5 will get them more than 97 will at a credit store. STEVENS &SCHMOI Twenty-two and twenty-four fool Fish Poles,only six cents oach, at II. Engelu's, in Howe's Block, uear t new Bridge. FENCE POSTS FOB SALS. 2000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence Poets for sale. Inquire of JOHN DORAN. Iu cases of Piles Dr. Trask's Mag* netlc Ointment acts like a charm, giv­ ing quick relief. For Chafing and all Sores and Inflammations It excels ev­ erything. Ten cent Momie Cloths, the latesl styles in the market, at Colby Bros., Riverside Block, McHenry. SHROUDS. Just received, at John B. Blakat Surniture and Undertaking Rooms, shrouds of all sizes, and in twenty-live different styles, which will be sold prices rauging frorn 91 to 95. FOR SALE. A very fine Durham Bull, on* year old. Will be sold reasonable. J, W. SMITH, FOR SAI.B. 40 Aeres of land in Section 1% fenced. Also 80 acres of laud, with a good house and barn thereon, with timber and water in abundance, in Sec­ tion 24. Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake and N uuda road. Good new house, barn and other outbuildings.-- Apply to JOHN FLUSKT. Shoes lor the Million. We (ha ve placed In the hamls of Colbv Bros.. McHenry and Nunda/ an immense assortment "of our best sewed work, oonsisting of Women's aid Misses Goat and Kid Button and Side Lace Goat and Kid Walking Sbo«s, Serge and Congress Gaiters, Goat and Kid front lace, all of which they are selling at our wholesale prices with a small compensation added. Call and examine goods.' ROKBASH * BBOWX. BaAtok x.t Do Yon Want A Sewilf Machine. If yon do. of course you want th* best, as it costs no uture. Then why buy from an Agent who carries bul one which tie has fixed up mi purpose to show, when by going to the ftore of O.W.Owen, in Mellenry, you can have your choice of.Five, viz: The Domes­ tic, Etdredge, American, Improved Howe, and Singer. We keep all these machines in stock,and auy lady who wants a macMue can set down and try the in all. aud then select the one wbiek suits her the best. The first thro* named, the Domestic, Etdredge and American, are three of the best a% chines on the market, and any one will be convinced of the tact by calling at my store and trying one theowelve*. Also a line stock of Clock*, Watehea* Jewelry. Silver and Pia«*d mm he found at my store. Qf, NB Pianos for sale or reut. /

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