™ , - Lr,-. Jv • ^ J .•••: > ' 5:-^» WEDNESDAY? SEPT. 7, 1881. ..738JA. m .8:21 " . .13)5{P. X 5:16, » Railroad Time Table. OOIXG 8OCTH. Beneva Lake Passenger Geneva Lake Express... Beneva Lake Freight Steamboat Express GOIHO irOBTH. Bene** Lake Freight .fl-SS a m Steamboat Express 10-01 »> Geneva Lake Express... ,5 «p m fienava Lake Passeniror e;52 B. BUBS, Agent. McHenry, 111 1881 1881 Fox Lake, Ills. FALL TIME TABLE, STEAMER "LOTUS." LEAVE MCHENRY _jl:15 P. X. Friday ahd Satn rdays. 7;15 p. K. Iwedaye, Tuesdayu, Wednesdays, and Thuri da j a. LEAVE FOX LAKE. 5:80 A. M. or'6:,TO A. M. as circumstances may permit. No tie. o mast be given tbe evening previous to intended departure. WALTER HTI,L, Captain MOONLIGHT EXCURSION. There will be a Moonlight Excursion to Fox Luke, by Steamboat, "Mary Qrlswold," on Thursday evening, Sep tember 8th. Boat will leave MeHenry at 7* o'clock, p. M. Some good music and singing may be expected. Fare. 60 centp tor round trip. PEB30XAI,. ..,L, JJillBT WKDDING IN KINGWOOD. MBS. RALPH STEBBIXS returned from /The nuptials of Miss Nina G. Walker SEE the new advertisement of F. B. Harrison, the Wauconda Druggist, in another column. It will pay you to read it. - We noticed John Doran upon our streets on Tuesday. He has had a long and severe fit of sickness, and his many friends will be glad to see him around again. ' W E learn that a liberal supply of cucumbers is being received at the Tickle Factory, notwithstanding the dry weather. The late showers have undoubtedly helped them some. BEAR In mind that our terms tor the PLAINDEALER are 31.50 per year strict- lif in advance, Remember this, and don't complain, if, by your own delay, you are obliged to pay 32. IF you grasp a rattlesnake firmly about the neck, he cannot hurt you, says a western paper. To be perfect ly safe, it would be well to let the hired man do the grasping. OWING to the crowded state of onr columns this week we are obliged to leave out several articles of interest. If any of our correspondents are slight ed we hope they will not take it to heart. WE have received a new advertise ment for Colby Bros., Riverside Block, which will appear next week. In the meantime do not fail to call and ex amine their large stock of'Qlothing, Just received. KENTUCKY has produced a mule with eight legs. If the Irish SKirmishers want to ship something more terrible than an infernal machine to England, let them buy that critter, before the United States Army secures it as 4 Gatling gun. I Kansas City on Thursday last. MRS. J. F. WELSH, of JanesviUe, is visiting friends here this week. C, N. CuLVEuand wife, of Richmond attended die Opening Party at Grand Hall on Friday evening. A. M. CMTROH and wife, of Chicago, were shaking hands with friends here on Friday evening. Miss EMMA GUEGORT is quite sick with Inflammatory Rheumatism, but her many friends hqpe to see her around again soon. THE youngest daughter of H. C. Smith is quite low with fever. MRS. H. E. WIGIITMAN, accompanied by her daughter Clara and little Harry, started on Tuesday for a visit to Lake City, Minnesota. W. H. MOSES, of Russell, Kansas, smiled on his friends in this village on Saturday and Monday. "Will" looks as hearty and happy as ever, and as though neither storm or drouth had had the effect to take away in the least his usual good appetite, CHRIS FORRDRESCHER of Elgin ac companied by his two sisters* spent Saturday and Sunday in this village. "Chris" is always happy and good fea tured and makes everybody about hinii feel the same. This was, we. believe; the first visit of the Mioses Forrdres-J cher to this village, but they made] many.warm friends during their stayJ who hope they may see fit to come of-! ten. IN a Kerney, Nebraska, paper we find the following: DIF.IK--- On Thursday morninjr. August ISth, after :in illness ef J5 riavs, Laura, yourjrest • laughter of A. ti. and E. W. Scott, ag«kl 10 years and 8 mouths. Mrs. Scott is a daughter of John W. Smith, ami her rnanv friends in this section will extend to hor their heart felt sympathy in the loss of her young and lovely daughter. The home press pays a high tribute to the noble quali ties of head and heart of the deceased. OH! yes, 1 shouldn't wonder if 1 love the sound of thunder and of rain! rain! fain! For with them coin" the breezes, suggestive some of freezes, and aa end to heated squeezes, all my gain, gain gain. So let the rain come pouring; yes let it come a roaring! there's noth ing worth adoring more than wet! wet! wet! This is what I've been implor ing; once more Pll do soma snoring, and cease to wet the flooring with my sweat, sweat, sweat. IT ll> aow confidently asserted by as tronomers beyond a doubt, that the •moon is not inhabited. We are glad of this. Glad all the way down. We have lived in constant dread of some day being thrown in contact with a traveling ass who would say, "Ah, yes, very fine; but they do these things far better in the moon, you know." And just to think of going to jail for killing ch a man AS that. .. r. / TnE Steamer' Lotus" had the mis| - fortune to break the crank shaft ot her / Engine on Saturday evening last. wluljjj I at Fox Lake, and consequently ha| f been laid up for repairs this week. Shi %vjJ.( \ Will probably be in runniug order agaitl| - \y Friday. >tiLL_s SOMI? individuaf-frwe-taken it upon Ihimself to cut twenty or thirty feet of weeds, that lined the walk near the red bridge. The village authorities should look into this matter at once, and or der the Marshal to take due precaution to prevent further depredations of this kind. These "ornanlent*(?)" line al most every walk in the, village. and it would bo a pity if some one should, without authority, do the Street Com- I TRUTH lies at the bottom of a well, and it will also lie at the bottom of a pocket. A two-cent piece and a night key, rattled together in those hiddeu depths, will convey as great an idea of wealth as the same operation perform ed with two gol.len eagles. LOST, on Thursday evening, August 25th, just after train time, between J. W. Cristy's store, in Ringwood, and Geo. W. Smith's residence, a ladv'st Purse with chain. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it either 'at Mr. Cristy'6 store or at Geo. W. Smith's. WE learn that John L. Howe, who / lives East of the river, was taken sud- •• denly and violently ill on Tuesday ( afternoon. Drs. Brown and Howard | were called and found him in an un- I conscious condition. At the time of V going to press, Wednesday morning, Nhe is reported as a little better. / ' -- / WE acknowledge the receipt of an Invitation to the wedding of Miss Ida Howe and John Featherstone, Jr.,which was held in Chicago on Wednesday evening of last week. We were una. ble to attend but extend to the newly married pair our best wishes for their future prosperity and happiness. Miss Howe Iia8tuany warm friends here who [will joiii with us in the above. THE Opening Party at the Parker House was attended by about fifty couples, and was a very pleasant and enjoyable afigir. The music was good, lie supper excellent, aud everything*'! passed ofl ia the most quiet and pleasant manner. Another "round up" was given on Tuesday, and all who attended report a gsod, socia ble time. It is now a foregone conclusion that t General Grant will attend the county fair. It is also a sure thing that W. n. Dwight, the leading boot and shoe dealer of McHenry County will exhibit at his store a mammoth $tock of boots. Shoes and Rubbers. Every man. wom an and child visiting the fair should see this sight. Corner M-*in St. aud Public Square, Woodstock. WE would call especial attention to the new advertisement of Stevens & Schnorr, to be found in another column. Their stock of goods for the Fail and Winter trade is equal if not superior to any ever before brought to this coun ty, and as they are live men iu the business they will not be be beat on prices. Read their advertisement clear through, It will pay you to do so. lissioners work. REMEMBER the McHenry County Fair will open at Woodstock on Tues- day next, and promises to be one of the best ever held by the Society. Secretary and Superintendant are deserving of gieat praise for the in defatigable manner iu which they hive worked to bring this result about, and the citizens of the county should not fail to loud a helping hand, to carry it through successfully. Read the programme in another place in this paper and make your arrange ments to attend three day? at least. THE Pigeon and Glass Ball Shoot at Fox Lake on Saturday last was well attended and there was some very fine shooting. The Pigeon shoot for a Purse of $17.50 to lir*t, §10 to sec ond and $7.50 to third, was won as fol lows: Johnson took lirst money, killing ten straight birds, Mudgett second, with nine birds, Felton and Curtis dividing third on a tie of eight. In the principal Glass Ball shoot Dayinent took first money, breaking fifteen straight Balls. We have not room for the full scores, but all pronounce it a most interesting time. THE officers of the society, the peo ple of Woodstock and the people of McHenry County are doing all they can to make the County Fair the best ever held in this State. In fact it will be more like a State Fair than a Coun ty Fair. Of course you are all coming and while in towu just call at Dwight's mammoth Boot and Shoe store, and examine his immense stock of fall aud winter goods bought expressly to ac commodate the vast throng attending the Fair. A pair of boots or shoes for every man, woman or child. W. H. Dwight, Corner Main St., and Public Square. Wooi>8TOCIT, ILU, ^I PT. 5th, 188L EDITOU PLAINI>EALEU:--'4'here is a Postmaster over In the West part of the county who seems to have a great liking tor a certain paper published here at the Hub, and when the soldier boys go to the office after the PLAIN- DEALER, which is the paper they all take, this P. M. wants to know what they take that sheet for and why they do not subscribe for the ; over at Woodstock. The answer is generally given him "we want the news." He may possibly have plenty of time ou his hands to convass for tfie Woodstock concern before the snow flies. L. M. ^laughter of the late Samuel H. Walker and Eliza H. "Walker, of Ringwood, and William A. Cristy, one of the firm ot Cristy, Walker & Co's. Vinegar and Pickle Factory, at McHenry, were cel ebrated at the residence ot the bride's mother, In Ringwood, last Wednesday evening. The nuptial ceremony was performed by the Rev. Win. Balch, of Elgin, and was witnessed by tho im mediate relatives and a few .Intimate friends of the parties only. The cos tume of the bride was exceedingly rich and elegant, yet beautifully mod est, a minute description of which will not be attempted. After tho cere mony the banquet, which was one of the great events of the evening. The dining room was elaborately decorated thetable was loaded with all the deli- cacl^slhat the most active mind could Ir.vent and skillful hands prepare.-- After the banquet the scene was en livened by choice selections of niasic, furnished by Mrs, Minnie Smith, of Kansas, and Miss Nettle Borden, of Nuiula, Then the earnest and hearty congratulations of the guests were re ceived. i The bride and bridegroom left the following day for an extended trip across the continent to Caii fornia, de signing to make a visit of five or six weeks at the different places of inter est on their route to San Francisco, and upon their return tis hoped by their numerous friends they mav choo*e Ringwood as their future home The young couple start out in life with tho best wisheti of a host of friends* > who extend to them their best wishes Wa long and happy life. Rn-UNIOX OF THIS NINETY-FIFTH. The Annual Re-Union of the "95th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, which was held at Woodstock on Saturday last, was quite well attended, although not as well as it would have been had the wfeather not been so threatening in the morning. There were about two hun dred of tho old 05th, who, with their friends to the number of a thousand or fifteen hundred, seemed to enjoy them selves In the best of manner. The exercises at the stand com menced at about half past two, and the address of welcome was delivered by Mayor Joslyn. Tho crowd around the stand and the unusual noise pre vented U3 from hearing but little that was said., therefore we can onlv sav that the exercises consisted of short addresses by Mayor Joslyn. Prof. Bourne and others, the reading of a Poem by Dr. Bennett and Recitations by Prof, Denny, of Chicago, Inter spersed with music by the Band. The Poem by Dr. S. F. Bennett was one of his finest productions and re ceived commendations on all sides. It was beautiful iu language, patri otic in sentiment, and highly complimentary to the veterans of the old 95th, and that it was appreciated by them was evidenced by the eagerness with which a copy was sought after. The Recitations by Prof. Denny of "Sheridan's Ride" and the "Dying Zouave," were thrillingly beautiful, and wentstraight to the hearts of all. Prof. Denny has no superiors and few equals in this Hue, and all who hear him once are anxious to hear him again. The remarks of Prof. Bourne were in the main good, but one sentence lie uttered was an insult to a 1 arge num ber of the soldiers of the 95th. and was entirely uncalled for, even had a fa natical mind harbored the thought.-- We refer to his remark that "the as sassination of James A. Garfield was the result of stalwartism." Any man in the light ot facts and reason who can uiako such a charge at this day, must be classed among those who have allowed their prejudices to run away with their brains. Guiteau alone was responsible for tho as^ssination of President Garfield, aniLwe agree with him that there is not words in the En glish language sufficient to properly condemn the dastardly act, but to at tempt to charge it upon a class of men whose patriotism and manhood will compare favorably, with oven the speaker, is despicable. After the exercises at the stand were completed tho Veterans and their friends spent a few hours iu a friendly visit, and all went home feeling that they had spent a profitable and enjoy able day, and that the Re-Union of tho 95th fcr 1881 had been a success. hot strike while hU and those will read THfc OLD 13th. During tho afternoon of Saturday last some eighteen or twenty of the old 15th Illinois Infantry got together aud formed au organization to be known as the survivors of the 15th Ill inois infantry, and elected the follow ing officers: President--Capt. L. D. Kelly, of Woodstock. Vice President--Capt. F. L, Smith,of Marengo. Secretary--E. E. Richards, Wood stock. Corresponding Secretary--h. II. Jones Woodstock. Treasure}--Lieut. W. H. Sherman, Woodstock. It was also decided to hold a Ile- Uuion on the 24th of May next, at Woodstock, the officers to constitute the Committee of Arrangements. BOOTS. Colby Bros, are now receiving a large invoice of the celebrated Buflalo Boots. Call aud exainiiw; tueui. LIST of letters remainiug in the post office at McHenry, III., for the mouth ending August 31st. I8S1: Mr. W. B, Manning, Mrs. Mary McGrath, Julius Parsley, J. C. Parker, Miss Mary Reed (2), Miss Norma Slater, Mr. Henry Whiting, Michfet White, Mi^s Mary Huntley, Mrs. C. Harris, MUs Mate Groesbeck, Mr. Win, Ballard, 11. W. Brink. POSTAL CAUDS.--Misses M. Bentley, Mr. John Brown, F. Terwil- lager, D. C. Roser. Robert Purdy, Mr. Jos. McRobertson (2), W. B. Manning, Henry A. Rowley. In calling for the above letters, please mention the ad vertised list. JAMES B. riiuuv, i». M. WAUCONDA. ^SUBSCRIPTIONS for tho PLAIKTDEAr.KR will IMJ recciv®<tj in Wauconda at K. R Harrison's Drug Store and at the Post Offic« ' t EDITOR PLAINDKALKU:--It is some comfort to knojv that the few items we are enabled to gather each week are not read alone hyJ the people in our littla village. Thus when' Hiram Weir gets his paper and-reads that he is fast recover!Sig from bis recent se vere illness the item may hiin as particularly newsy, friends iu McHenry county tome miles from Waucouda it with pleasure. J In criticizing the "effusions" of Wie various local correspondents our near by friends should ever keep this idea iu view. An item regarding you Is not writteu for yon, hot for your far away friends, and all this leads us to wonder what we should say about the Railroad. The truth is, there is not much to be said. Air. Thomas reports himself as under orders from his doc tor to keep quiet for a time, and writes that as soon as . able he will pay us another visit. The Wauconda sub scription is about §700 short of the necessary 67500, while the Lake Zurich subscription is sai«] to bo about $1200 short. We cannot believe it possible that a community which justly enjoys the reputation for enterprise and pub lic spiritedness that this community does, which has within its borders so many live, able men. will allow a move ment of this kind to fail for the need of a paltry 3700, or a sum t hree times as much, and hence we are, as we have been from the first, drin in the belief that the road will be put through.-- Judging from the way some of our leading citizens talk we have a very much better opinion of their good souse than they themselves profess to have. However only a few days more can possibly elapse before the "agony will be over" and the sister toxins be either turning green with envy of our p.luck and success or poiuting at us with scorn and derUioii. Miss Green, of Chicago, is the guest of her friend Miss Lihbie Oaks, To gether they seem determined to get all the wholesome fun possible out of their vacation trip. Miss Snow, an actress of considerable note, is iu Wauconda taking her annual rest and is about to produce the play of "East Lyune," with the aid of ama teur talent. Mrs. Everett Joslyn and her little one have been visiting parents aud friends for several days past. Mr. King, sometimes called "Tony" for short,has leftC. P.Thomas and it is rumored will soon start a wholesale blacksmith shop a few milesout. Messrs. Brewster and Johnson are putting a good sized addl tiou to their already large store. On Friday last some miserable mis creant Stole a fine singing canary from the cage in front of Mr. Weirs shop.-- May Ids conscience, if he has oue, cause him innch bitfryivftjrmw. ^ ^ Horace W«lls has returned from his Eastern pleasure trip, having visited during bis absence Nearly all the prin cipal eastoru cities and points of inter est. Saturday evening a few of the boys conccived the notion of an impromptu dance, as none was advertised, so they went out on the street, gave a couple of "cat calls," and in a few moments secured about 30 couples and a good band. When it comes to dancing Wau conda surely "takes the cake." Robt. Taggart has left to take charge of his school in Cook county. James Garland opens his school at Lake Zurich on Mouday the 5th, and will teach au evening school at Bar- riugtou during the winter. Rev. G. J. Burchott and family leave for their home iu Oregon on Mouday the 5th. If their stay hero has been as pleasant for them as it has beeu for their many friends they should bo iu- duced to repeat the visit 6oou and often. Harrison, the Druggist, is about to ojHJii a Circulating Library. He has secured upwards of a hundred volumes for "a starter," comprising "Innocents Abroad," works by Mrs. Holmes, Steph ens, Snulhworlh, May Agn^s Fleui- ming. Oliver Optic, Dickens, Ac., &c., which he proposes to rent out lor a few cents a week, thus affording all a chance to read good books at a nominal cost.-- Call end sec him about it. Threshers report the grain crop as light. Plenty of oats but as a rule they are light. The wheat crop is quite poor and most farmers report the coru as 6tillering loss from tiie long continual drouth. Maiyr are cutting on the higher ground, w Services were held Suftlay morning last i:i the Baptist Church, Elder Green officiating, also ia the Methodist Church, by Kcv. MK Cooper. Neither room being quite .as well tilled as when there are services in only one. Saturday evening James Wood, a me m ber ot the sect styled Christa- delphians, lectured in Mairaan's Hall aud abso again on Sunday evening.-- His subject was "Whence came 1, what am I and whither am I going."-- The lectures were only fairly attended, Richmond Department. CowTttiBtjTBD ar S. F. BENNETT. S. T. HKVNKTT i.s herehv authorized to take subscriptions and orders for advertising and Job Work for thp l'r,\iNDBAbKR, receive money therefor »nd receipt for tiie same.-- all orders left with him Will receive prompt Attention.--Editor. ^Thi* reason has produced the rgreat- est crop of nuts and acorns seen In this vicinity in many year*. Pigeons are occasionally seeo, and sportsmen are on tho qui vlye. Tbe abundant crop of acorns will be likely to keep them about for some time. A band of gypsies are in camp be tween Richmond and Genoa, and are attracting many curious visitors. They have a band of forty horses and are ready for a trade or to sell. The usual QddTer and fortune teller are among thein. Holden Gellesple has just received fine new stock of gentlemen's suiting*, in all the new and elegant Fall and Winter stylos. Mr. Gellespie's reputa tion as a good cutter and fitter la es tablished, and all in want of stylish suits should give him a call. Miss Campbell's little pupils have made most excellent progress In re hearsing for their concert, which will be given on Thursday evening. Sept Sth. Miss Campbell has spared no la bor or pains to make a failure iu the concert impossible and our citizens may expect a treat in hearing our own juveniles sing. The "Colorado Beetle" (Colorado ought to protest to the whole world against being disgraced with the name of the most Infamous of all bugs,) the Colorado Beetle, finding no "more worlds to conquer" in the potatoe fields IKIS attacked the tomatoes. They swarm upon the tomatoe vines in countless numbers, attacking the vines and the fruit alike. The rains, after the long drought, were received with much thankfulness by everybody and especially dairy men, whose income was being serious ly interfered with on account of dry and short pasturage. Farmers say the corn will not be benefitted much as It was too near maturity before the rains came. This crop is now being cut as fast as possible. While.at Woodstock last Saturday Mr. Bourne Informed us that one dol lar per bushel hah been ottered in that city for cucumbers. When we consider that a cucumber contains just about as much nutriment as the same number of cubic inches of Fox River fog, the price seems rather steep. But one thing is sure, and that is, that. In ordi nary seasons, cucumbers must be a profitable crop for the farmer and tbe gardener to raise, as the product is from one to two hundred bushels per acre. The increase of pickle factories iu the lait few years, must show, too, that there Is money In that business.-- Why isn't there enterprise enough among our farmers and monied men to start such a factory in Richmond? It would be a mutual money making speculation for both parties. NEW THIS WEEK. MRS. H. II. NICUOLS was in the city on Mouday of this week btiyiug good* ajtd wishes to say to the ladies of Mc Henry and surrounding country that she lias a fine stock^of Kali Ulsters and Circulars, Fancy Haudkercliiefs. Mourning Handkerchiefs. Lace Collars and Collarrettcs, Parzamentz Trim mings, Spanish Lace, Jet Bracelets, and a fine line of Notions in general at living prices. Call and examine goods aud see for yourselves. One door north of Perry & Martin's Dn Goods House, McHenry. Mas. n. II. NICHOLS. Cook's Cider Mill. Two miles Northwest of Wauconda, Is now prepared with TWO FIRST-CLASS PUESSKS, to make your apples into Cider on short notice and in the best manner. Give me a call aud I will guarantee satisfaction in every par? ticular. M. COOK. FOR SALK OR RENT. A farm of about three hundred acres to sell or rent. For particulars inquire of Mrs. L. C. Gates, McHenry, 111. NEW FALL MILLTNERY, Of the latest styles just received at Mrs. Searles', which the ladles are in vited to call and examine. Dwight's, at Woodstock, Is the place to purshase Boys' Boots. Manufac tured by Selz. The largest and most complete lot of Knit Under wear ever offered in this market, just received direct from manufacturers. Will be sold at bot tom prices. Examine the goods aud prices at Colby Bros. Notice to Contractors, Sealed proposals will be received by the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Burton, until Saturday, Sep tember 10th, for the following work: For building a Wooden Bridge across Nippersiuk Creek, south of Spring Grove. The bridge to be 80 foot span. Also for building the Stone Abut ments for said bridge. Bids will be received separate or together, Commissioners reserve the right to re ject any or all bids. For plans and spec ifications, apply to Deuuis Haldeman, at Spring Grove. DENNIS HAT.DKXAK, FKANK COLK, JOHN SCII.KFKB, Onmiiussionert. CLOTHING. We now hive the largest line of Children's, Boys', Youths' and Men's Clothing ever shown iu McHenry, which will be sold at prices to suit the times. COLBY BRO?. Business Notices. Reed's Gilt Edge Toale teatore* (It appetite. The Mollne Oven's. Sulky Plow * ;S. M M. Fishing Tackle of all kind* at Engclti's, in Howe's Block, near til* new Bridge. The Furst A Bradley Sulky Plow at E. M. Owen's. Pumpap|f 1. M intt-claas PtoKi it K. M. Owen's. All the Owen's. The finest line of Silver and Placetf Ware to be found In the county, at O. W. Owen's. A fine lotef Ready-Made Dresee* aa<| full Suits just received at Mm. If. IIT Nichols' Millinery Store, McHenry. German School Books, and English and German Mass Books, at M. Xa- S® lii's Howe's Block, near the bridge. GOLDFISH, Fish Globes, and Food for Flab M. Engeiu's la Howe's Block, near tho ^ ^ ̂ . , THE LATEST^ * ' We have a large In volte-of celebrated "Broadhead** Dress Good# iu the latest styles. Everybody shoold see them before buying. STKVBwa A Bcmwoa. The finest line or Dress Good* !« this market can be foaad at Stereo* & Schuorr'i. Piles, chafing Bores, chapped hands, salt rheum, skin disorders, burns, brui« ses. sore throa t, and all inflammation yield rapidly on application of Trsik'i Magnetic Ointment. Hams. Shoulders, Bacon, 8alt Pork Lard and Corned Beef, at Howard** 1 Market, near tbe Depot. WHY DO YOU COUGH When one box of Besley*s Troches will - cure yoiif House. Store oppoasta Paiker, ^ IF you want your Watch pi* la ffrat class Order, call on Robert Murfltt | Jeweler. Nunda, New Prints, latest patterns, at prices from five cents a yard and up* wards, at Colby Bros., Riverside Block Dwight buys more boots and shoes than ail other dealers in Woodstock. liourd of SupervUura. The' September Meeting of the Board of Supervisors ot McHenry County will lie held at Woodstock commencing on Tuesday, September 13th. 1881. P. WHITNEY, Clerk. REMNANTS Of difierent kinds of Dry Goods. A large assortment that must be sold.-- Call aud sec. FlTZSIMMONS & EVAMSOW. EXTENSION TABLES. Extension Tables only Ono Dollar per foot at John B. Blake's Furniture Store. Call and see them. FOR SALE. One J. I. Case Eclipse Threshing Machine. Has been used but ono year. Will be sold cheap and ou easy terms. Inquire at this office. Oh what a world of "pads!" When ou get tired of trying all the kinds I<u81 fall back on the old reliable Trask's vo jus Mi iguetic Ointment. THE BEST THING For a cough Is Beslsy's Troche*. Try a box. Store opposite tho Parker House. Call at Mrs. H. H. Nichols for TniUta Ready Made Underwear. Tea Drinkers will find (this season**) new crop Jap. Teas, uncolored and ex tra fine, over at Fitasiuamous sod's * Km*. Call at Mrs. H. H. Nichols^ store, ono door north of Perry A Martin's, for anything iu Millinery or Ladies* F«w nishing Goods. SEWING Machine Needles Tor machine made, can be found at M. _ ge In's, lit Howe's Block, near tho bridge. • Every man, woman and child that' pays Cash for their goods, shoold trade where goods are marked oa tliat baaia.. Where they can save from II to 36 per ceut. Where $5 will get them more goods thau #7 will at a credit store. STEVENS AI Bowery Dance. Another Grand Bowery Dance will be giveu on the splendid Platform, in the Village of Wauconda, on Saturday evening. September 10th, 1S81. Good Music iu attendance. Tickets, 35c. Refreshments at the Bowery, and also at the Ice Cream Parlors of Golding & Brooks. HILL FT UOLOINO, Proprietors. Exhibitors will take special notice that the officers expect the best fair ever held in this county, henca all ar- ;icies must be ou the grounds aud In place Tuesday, September 13, ready for the grand opening Wednesday, at which tiuie the Governors fropiseveral States wili be received. BOOTHS ON THE FAIR GROUNDS. All parties desiring stands ou the grounds during the coming great exhi bition will please inform the Secretary by Saturday, Sept. 10. For further in formation, call on or address the Secre tary, A, S. WRIGHT. Woodstock, 111. A Wonderful Lady Heart I From. F. M. Bunker the wide awake, groce ry man of Woodstock oilers as a special premium 1 decorated hanging lamp to tho Lady showing largest and nicest display of fjtncy work at the coming fair. A. S. WRIGHT, Soc'y ESTRAY NOTICE. Came Into the luclosure of tho un dersigned, ou or about August 30th, 1831, oue Black Sow, has short tail aud will weigh about 125 pounds. The own er is hereby notified to prove property, pay charges and tako her away. JiHfiiOuir. Sopt. 6th, 1881. V SHAWLS. A very fine assortment of all wool shawls, tor which we are the exclusive agents in McHenry. Good and clieap. Call and see them at Colby Bros. Ladies', Misses' and Children's fine shoes, of the Selz make, sold by Dwight. ______ CLOTHING, CLOTHING, CLOTHING, CLOTHING. CLOTHING, CLOTHING. CLOTHING, CLO TH1 NG, CLOTHING, CLOTHING, CLOTHING. CLOTHING, AT STFA'ENS & SCHNORK'S. Dwight sells more boots and shoes than all other dealers In Woodstock. Dwight buys for cas i Dwight sells for cash. Dwight keeps in stock ed Selz boots and shoes. tho eelebrat- OVEKOOATS. A full line at Colby Bros. The Selz hoots and shoes take tho lead. Sold by Dwiyntat Woodblock. For Sale. In Woodstock, a house and five acres ol land, situated on the Chemung road, thirty rods North of the Woodstock Brewery. Is a desirable piece of pro perty, and will he .'old reasonable. In quire on the premises. J A M KS;G ALL AGUISH. Twenty-two and tweuty-four .foot Fisli Poles,only six cents each, at M. EngeIn's, in IIowu'< Block, near the new Bridge. ' Lameness is the precursor of Rheu matism. Escape it by heating Trask's Magnetic Ointment and rubbing iu thoroughly. Parasols and Fans in all of the latest styles at Stevens & Schnorr'^. Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves la all colors at Stevens A Scluiorr's. Look Out For Bargains In Clothing at E. Lawlus*, lie has clothing for man, boy andchlld at Chi cago prices. We want everybody to know that we have a regular Clearing Sale of dif ferent kinds of goods during this and next week. Many chances to buy good Goods at almost your owu price as they must be closed out. Clothing and shoes included. FIT/SXIIMONS A KVAMSOV. FOR SALE. * A commodious residence, at the cor ner of Madison and Vine Streets, Woodstock, 111., conveniently located to business, school and the various churches. Two lots, well stocked with fruit, both large aud small. Pleasantly situated, and well arranged. Good well and cistern. Terms easy. Apply to ASA W. SMITn. Woodstock, 111 Foundation rocks and Gravel deliv ered at convenient distances from my residence. ASA W.SMITII. Woodstock, 111 Ladles of McHenry and vicinity don't buy your Hats or Bonnets until you have looked at and priced goods at Mrs. S. Searles. Am now ottering greater bargains than ever. All work in repairing doue on short notice. Trble and Pocket Cnttlery in endless^ variety at O. C. Coloy ft Co's Hard ware store. Revolvers all styles, and Cartridges to suit, at prices ranging from 91.50 to $9.00, at O. C. Colby & Co.'s WANTED TO EXCHANGE, Carpenter work for a good Horse or Cow. Persons wishing Carpenter work aiut pay iu this way should apply at once to A. WENUELL, McHenry. Try a pound new tea at Fitzsimmon> & Evansou's, SqaeMriaulam. J. C. Choate, the popular variety mer chant of Woodstock, offers a special pre- niiuiii for the best exhibition ot skill by any lady in riding, one pair of «lt> gant Driving Gloves. Also to her oa- cort, oue uobby fall style hat. A. 8. WKieirr, Hee'y. MeHenry oo. Agl at PENCE POSTS FOR SAUL 3000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence Peota for sale, inquire of JOHN DORAW. In cases of Piles Dr. Trask's Mag netic Ointment acts like a charm, giv ing quick relief. For Chafing and Ml Sores and Inflammations It excels ev erything. . Ten cent Momie Cloths, tho latest styles in the market, at Colby Bree_ Riverside Block, McHenry. SHROUDS. Just received, at John B. Blake'e Suruiture and Undertaking Rooms shrouds of all sixes, and in twenty-five different styles, which will bo mm M prices ranging from »l to FOR SALE. A very fine Durham Boll. « old. Will be sold reasonable. J. w. SMITB. Do Ton Want a Bewiiv Machine. ir yon do, of course yon want tho best, as it costs no more. Then why buy from an Agent who carries but one which he has fixed up on purpose to show, when by going to the store of O. W. Owen, in Mclienry, you can hare your choice of Five, viz: The Domes tic, Eldredge, American, Improved Howe, and Singer. We keep all these machines iu stock, and any lady who wants a machine can set down and try them all. aud then select the one whim suits her the best. The first three named, the Domestic, Eldredge and American, are three of tbe best •» chines on the market, and any one will, be convinced of the fact by calling at. my store and trying one themselves. Also a tine stock of Clocks, Watches*. Jewelry, Silver and Plated_ Ware, caik be found at my store. Pianos for sale or rent. ' .'fy - J McHenry, April IStk, MSI. Organs audi a w. ornml Wauconda Ice Cream Parlors, GOLDING & BltOOIvS. Would respectfully announce to the public that they have opened their Ice Cream Parlors for the season and are now prepared to furnish Ice Cream every day and evening, by the dish or quantity. We also keep on band Groceries of all kinds, Canned Goods, Notions, To baccos, Cigars, Confectionery, etc., which we are selling as low or lower thau any other house in the county, quality of goods considered. When in went of anything in our line we iuvite you to call, confident that we can please you both in quality and price. GOLUING & BROOKS, VTAUCONUA, 111,, JAUC IS^I, TJSIL. W ill bogm Monday morning* Sept. oth." Harrison, the "Bool-- ist and Druggist," is after your pennies with a sharp stick. Ha believes he oan give you a better assortment of school stipptta* than his neighbors can, and IA knows he can make the price* right. It won't cost yon a cent to see his stock and get hi* prl ees. Have you seen the "iatoat agony" iu paper and envelop School B: by F. B. HARI Wa T ' Y" v JM. V:- .