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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Mar 1882, p. 4

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WJCDX1SDAY. J. VAPf SLYK ISrOoremor t»«n lia* IsmumI n eall for * special of tin* I.relsla- jti^pringfiH*! on llic 23*1 Rowroe Coiikllnjt for­ mally n*"! tlif po»it Ion "f Awwlaf» - Jwiflprof th* Sujtrenie Court, lately HB^n<l |lt» by the rrr«ii1<»tif. • ' / ggy-If tlw speculating umlertaVer •i^ghonM kltrt through the country with ^ Jtb» IV«Mn oorpae of Guit«au. it w«nl<l •b« mf« to »*jr the whule bust tie** won J .1 <lw cremated within a week, and eom* jrvapcrtable gentleman would lose an |op»ra house. There are men who are i» anxloua to liear the last of Qnlteau that they would «et Are to the building .1* which the Miff might b« on exhlbi- o,--Peck'* Sun. Woodstock bottfht fl*OH> Yule Hay Street, one «Tay last Clglit hundred ton# of Scotch w#» recenrly landed at New |Tork. th« Itnt consignment having |jBMMOT*rfn October laft. England. ^Irolaod, Scotland, France and Germany Jaro %I1 tending potatw« to thU conn* try, wktdi are mostly consumed In 3fowYorfe, Philadelphia and Boston, the flrat aamed utlng hboiit 5.000 bushel* of Ummr per week. Turnips. cabl>age •Ml celery are also being shipped to «ar Allao^c part*. s;c Jfe5*-'-:' - ]y*> % : 4 ' ii"' j,. s :• ttTGard and hit Court fYoti*« scribe. oo< aatlsfted with the notoriety gained fef the ZVmos special article, and wish­ ing to got Mothor lift through tho dewMtentte pre*, ylslted the Democrat *o®ee last week, and by giving John a "eigar got that wonderful parotly on -fcaby •!•»' Inserted, aud tlien watch­ ed aiotmd the corners on Saturday to the efleet. We learn It did not ! op to their expectations, and to their wounded feelings and diaappoiataent at the result of their gnat iahor, we woul'l snggest that the «b«lr si«g to them tli« following: "llawtf fee had a (rest hi? calf. And lie m tn and fro. #»d «t*Tf word that Gatdj aaid, , That calf was sore to Mow. * Jtt "Abstract" furnifhed if desired. *«£ MMbi flfenfmot, through one of its wany •ertboe,got of the following last week: Any report l» ctrrnlatloe that E. T. -- a tAII js.»»._ o- J? . i -ir----'^JCr I"I ui tuc ocrctciriet, paid any sum of money td any person er persons, or surrendered his interest, or any portion of the same, in thl* paper, as a consideration for the posi­ tion he now holds in tho Cu«toui House si Chicago, is false, -**-*< / That is very Ingeniously pnt, and proves the attorney who wrote It to be a first class pettifogger. "Surrendered his interest!*1 Who said he had? The democratic associate was too sliar p for tliat uutil he was assutvd the other part of the office brokerage business was sure to be earried out. As regards tho sum of money paid, how would tblsMSoutliworthglenuon combination" like to see an affidavit published, sub­ stantiating what has been charged in that respect ? "There's a chile amang ye takiu notes," and faith he's not afraid to print them. f. A grand-child of T. S. Hear del ay tiled of dlpt.heria l*«t Friday; A. Taylor is building a new house on Clay Street. %; • >• Onr Tax Collector expect* ro be a hie to settle with tiie Tr«sM\lrt<f tHfs week. A new house la being built oh the (?reei»w«oil road, near Rev. R. K. Todd's. Geo. Eokert • j»ro| erty. 0!i Clay week. The Interior of the .conrt . wfll grai;d when the paint<$|« have, ffii- islied tlielr labor*. Herbert's Grand Constellation The­ atrical Company are performing night- Ifl In this city this >ve«k. **^nlirew Hood pr«ipo*e» bulid^ic a fine i^esidence and baru on Dean St. Messrs. Cumins ued Hchryoor wHl do the work. * • 'V ^ The front of Tlios. Whltson <5b Son's Hardware store is being painted black, with red trimmings, aud Is bound to present a flne appearanco when com­ pleted, ' • A. B. Bldwell puri^hased the proper­ ty known na tho old Chaa. Crawford Homestead, on 3d ad I sou street, one day, last week, which was sold at Admi uis- tratar's sale. t The Maple fngar Festival, at the Waverlr House, last week Tuesday eve., was well attended. Mine host Sherwood and lady assisted. Rev. Mc­ Lean and wire received and made it pleasant for those who attended. Mrs. Wb. Hutching*, an old real dent of this city and vicinity, died Sunday night at her residence just south of town. She had been sick a long time and a great and patient suflerer. General Improvement here seems to be the order of tho day. and have opened np very early. Mechfcoteh have all they possibly can do.and from pree» ent appearances there will be an abun­ dance of work for them throughout the entire season. Miss Clara Ashlon. of Crystal Lake, reopened her Kindergarten for young children In this city Monday morning last. Iler rooms for the Spring and Hummer terms are in tlie basement' of the building occupied by Mrs. A. J. Buell, as a ladies' fnrnishiug store and is very centrally located. Everybody and their neighbors are apparently on the move. That is, we never before heard of so many fami­ lies changing their place of reahleuee, moving iato town from abroad, buy­ ing and selling property, as seems to be the case at this time, and real es­ tate sells readily aud for good price*. Last Saturday the remains of Mrs. Pr. Nichols, of Buckley, 111.. wer» brought hi re for Interment. Mrs. S. was aj^yxbter °r J. L. lloyt, of this c! t y^pfhe mjr>d at her home on Th*rrs- day. MiiruhJj'l." and had been III but a siiorThe news of her death was a surprise and sad blow to her parents aud relatives, and they have the sympathy of this entire com­ munity In this their hour of grief and afflict ion. i?>.; L j - l;X.> We may not be In the same district with our present member. Mr. Sherwin Some of the editors of other republi­ can papers in this couiitv. judging from their editorials, seem to have overlooked this contingency. We^have net thought it best to coinmefira PU|>- portiug % candidate before \jiye know that he wiJJ be iu our district.-- Wood­ stock Sentinel. The wrlterof the above either has a thort memory or has not read the Senti- ml much of late. For the paat two month* nearly every Issue has contain­ ed flattering notices of prospective candidates for Congress **iu this dis­ trict." from Winnebago. Kane and Dokalb counties, and yet this extreme­ ly modest and cautious individual has "act thought it^hest to commence sup­ porting & candidate before we know that he will be in our district." When- over a chronic Winnebago county office seeker goes to Woodstock and calls at •ho Sentinel office aud on the '"old war korse," they forget all about the re* districting business, and immediately o«oof their several scribes is called on •o write that Mr. Crawford, or seme Other man from Roekford, is a' leading candidate for Congress In iAi* district." We would like to &»k them how they know Winnebego county will be in this districtt Gard. remember the lessons taught you by Mrs. C*1dwell, and con­ fess that you are an equivocator. Con­ fession Is good for the soul. MTA law Wtf passed at tho last •esston of the Legislature of this State requiring certain officers to make ' and publish, at the end of the fiscal year, a statement of public funds re- ' oelved and expended by them. This will include in towns under township organization, the towi| su- perrlsor, the highway treasurer, and would seem also, to include the over- •eers of highways of the several road districts. Who are entrusied with' the disbursements of a share of the town, the fiscal fear for tlte aforesaid offi- •ers will end on the dny i>efore the •eetlng of town auditors in March. The law alee li.cln.1es the treasurer of ' the township trustees of school*. The fiscal year in such cases emU. It/ would eeem, on Saturday, before the fiitft Monday iu April. Tliis law would in­ clude also the directors of schools of pacb township, as they are entrusted With the disbursements ot public fynds. ' --Legal Ado'mcr. at. that it was known when the "lead- Ing paper" (the Sentinel} appeared list week, who It was that wrote those awful cutting sentences for that sheet? PKItSOXALS. Mrs. Geo. Russell, formerly of this city, but now of Willow Springs, Neb. 1* here visiting relatives and frien She wishes. aHq. to sell her resident* on dietnitug Street. N. B. Hurtch. editor of the Harvnrd Independent, called upon friends in this place one da3: last week, R. C. Jefferson nOd wife ltave £one to California. : Mrs. Ida Going, of Mcttenry, wa« a guest at the irtidetice of Thoittns Wliit son lust Friday. Stanley Sanfard aud wife, also H. F• Burdicka.nd family left this city to make their home in Minnesota last Wednesday evening. P. D. Hoyt.of Geneva, Kane Co., 111., was here Inst Saturday at the funeral of his sister. Mrs. Dr. Nichols. O. W. Brlggs, of Ben tons port, Iowa, lias returned to tht* city, we under­ stand, to remain. Dr. E. V. Anderson, O. W. Owen and Smith .Nearles, of MoUenry. were tipou our streets on Thursday evening. Urged by a® td do «rood to ^ irresiistible desire the community in general and the subscriber in part ticular, a few weeks a<jo a large and m'isceHtineoiH assortment of musical inatfeumftnts waa sent to The Dairy Market. Frftin the Elgin Dally News. 'Farm 43.44, and 45cents, paid a week ago on the board of trado, butter came down Monday to 39 and 40 cents. There would have been a much larger business done bad the price been lower, as the demand was good. A year ago butter on the same hoard brought 3S@ ttj cents. There was scaroely any market on Monday for cheese and prices were 6@ 8|,.against 9)@10 a year afto. C.W. Gould oflered a reolntion ap­ propriating from the funds of the board #200 to aid the Chicago prosecutory of dealers in bogus dairy goods. The res­ olution found some supporters, but was opposed by J. A. Carlisle, who gave ak one reason for his opposition that it wae late in the session and a good many members had left, and he thought it only fair to give all a chance t6 be heard In the, matter. He moved as an amendment that a notice of the reto- lull on be poued for two weeks, and be. voted ou March 20. This motion pre­ vailed. Annoyance Avoided. Irey hairs are honorable, but their lature appearanee 4t* annoying, 'arker's Hair Balsam prevents the an- noyance by promptly restoring its McHenry County held their.annual Sabbath School Convention here last week, commencing Wednesday and holding until Thursday night. There was a much larger attendance than usual, aud everything connected with the good work, so far as the meeting here was "concerned, was a complete Success. The session was held In the Tongregational Church, aud W. B. tfaiobs aud Lucy Rider, botli promi­ nent Sabbath School workers, were present throughout, taking part at. each meeting, morning, afternoon and evening. The singing was under the charge of Prof. Towrie, of Chicago, and was certainly exsellent. The "leading paper." (the Sentinel,) lias a tale to unfold, when It can do so without blushing. That is, we menu when Gard gets over hi* extreme mod­ esty he will have some one else chill the hearts blood of every person Iii the county that is opposed to the -leading paper" (the Sentinel,) trio publishers holding government offices, by expos- lug something t«> the few readers of the "leading paper" (the Sentinel,) that will cause great grief and conster­ nation, break up families and bring several individuals up *tandiug before thoso high iu authority, both at homo and abroad. Please don't do It, Mr. Uard. We beg. we implore of you. by all that Is great, (not Insiie) and better than yourself, to panee yet a little while before taking the adviee of those that would have some of your many helpers Out, when it comet to a pinch, lay your past record liable to be written up. Make, lots of promises, but for Heaven sake withhold the terrible secrets that you possess and spare iw yet lor a sl»ort season, and you wi!l thereby keep the columns of the "lead* ing paper." (the Sentinel) just as clean of anything harmless or otherwise a* you have in tlte past. P. S. And O Gard, we make this as a parting request, and do most earnestly hesench you uot to be overcome by the importunities of the owner of the "leading paper*' (tho Sentinel) who •vaa also tho hero of the sick camp for two years during the lat^e u'.ipleatuut- hese. at Elmira, N. Y. Nor the Milk Maid. Also turn a deaf ear to your twin, the calf that bleats upon the streets, should be advise you to have some one endeavor to enlighten the dear people as to tlie dark spots in the life's history of those that oppose tlie Milk Maid, or the democratic fentures of .lolui M.'s eoncern, the "leading paper," (the Sentinel.) and if tinge in any way under the sun that you etui muzzle your twin, the bleater, won't you please undertake tlie job. We r.re aware it will be almost impossible to accomplish It ami keep hiin quiet and docile, for tlie old war horse himself declares he dare not mention anything to tlte calf uulecits lie wishes 11 carried from tlie grocery to everv portion of. the towu. Uetice is it to be nou4 red M>X« HAltt. The Springfield Republican several days ago had a story about a young lady In Chicopee Fails. Mass., named Ida Ferry, who was alleged to have hair which would trail half a yard on the floor, notwithstanding she was of medium height. I know, a charming lady in this city who honors me witii lie friendship, who has blonde hair as fine as the thinnest of spun silk which measure* over six feet Iu length. But probably the finest lie ad of hair in the world is that of tiie, wife of Mr. Hal- stead. the editor of the Cincinnati •Commercial. She4s a beautiful woman to begin with, and her hair Is more than marvelous, [t'is of that peculiar shade or tint that Titian loved to* paint, a mixture of brown and spun gold rare to iiii nan sight. It is won­ derfully thick and when uncoiled and eomhed out it covers iter like the sheet of a water fall. Its exact length I do uot know, but It is certainly longer than the hair described iu the Spring­ field Republican, besides being in color and texture a miracle of beauty. Waahinjtim Itepublic. AUCTION SALE Tlte undersigned having sold his farm, will sell ;it I'ublie Auction, on tlie preiuises,sit.uated miles southwest of Volo. on Monday, March 13th, 1882. commencing at 10 o'clock, A. M., the fol­ lowing properly: 'Ogood cows, 4 three year old heilers, 5 two year old heileis* J Ayreshire. K one year old heifers, } Ayreshire. 1 Ayreshire bull, registered, 1 Ayreshlie bull calf.registered, 1 brood mare, 1 yearling colt. 10 Cotswold sheep, 1 two year old coit, 3 brood sows, pure Essex, 20 shoal#, pure Essex 1 three spring wagon, 2 lumber wagous, 1 set trucks, 3 plows, 2 drags, 2 mowers, 1 self rake reaper. 1 roller, 1 hay rake* 1 hay rack, 2 sulky cultivators, 1 horse hoe, 1 fanning mill, 2 set plow harueas< 1 set 600 lu. scales, one iron bar, one stone boat, 10 milk CAIIS.1 corn planter. 1 Randal pulveriser. 800 feet white oak plank, and other articles to numerous to mention. Tkkms or Sake.--All sums of #10 and under cash. Over 910, 2 per cent. oC for cash. Over that sum a credit of eight months will h» given ou approved notes at < per cclit. intrest. No prop* •ny to be removed until settled for. E. H. Wood. • . B. Buuritt, Auctioneer. Sucklen*s Arnica Salve. Tli® best, salve In tlie world for Cuts, Bruise*. Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheuiii. Fever Sorec. Tetter, Chapped Hand*. Chilblains. Corns aud all Skin Erup­ tions, aud positively cures files. It is guranteed Dai give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 35 oent per bottle. Forsstleby all Druggists • m - i it \V ' r DRUG STORE, BOOK HAUNT, ••-•W *;s.v AND Tlie hum hie efforts to meet l&e demands of the darling public was appreciated and the supply was sppedily reduced. A new supply of. aeeordeons, harmon­ icas, and violins has, therefore, jufist been purchased, makinsr the stock unusually full. It com­ prises aeeordeons from 95 cents to $9.50, a larjsre assortment of Violins and Violin Fixtures, Banjos, Guitars, Drum*. Flageo­ lets, Flutes, Piccolos, Bones, Harmonicas, Jews Harps, &c. Also Violin Boxes, Music Foliog, Music Cases, Instruction Books and SHEET &US1(;, 100 copies of which have just been received, and will he sold for FIVE CENTS EACH. These last two shipments of poods were pur­ chased at bargains, and therefore can be, and are, offered very cheap. Call and be convinced. F. B. HARRISON. BOEiHAAVE'S RECTAL REMEDY The Knife nml Teca- fiff^Tre ttie ht'st^rc- «ort7or i'rotruTTnvgl iKOni pn? ments •I.OO A BOX. ygBinfTnrTi^g AH 'h gift ED*? iiiakGB^ t!1??Tn^JtheJiOTtuveji^ unpeV'esgnrv. I), ret inns the IioRIh un'l'l7e'i«Tg it. The worst f»>»e of Pll.F.^ will Iw relieved In Von fk TruSTesT Send na by mail, One Dollar and we wilt mail you a hox: after stslnpr Italf of It, If It fails t) Atmwer tlte rcconiine.ndation, return the other half, by .mail, and your (tollar will be returned at once. No one with llcctal Troubles should be with­ out the RKOTAL RKMKDY. household SPECIALTY CO.. Agents for the TJ. S., Chicago.' $1.00 A BOTTLE. to "Briarhts IMseine. BOERHAAVE S Xl«x upwards KIDNEY CURE. reajnd eTHTin fail" to ni'l nee various f?rin.-irv i>i^rui°l)H MM nT> 1 ~ TlTiTrnTTT:i f.iio 11 of ST tlie hishHO?,' ^TJow often-teH'ITng- II will eo»t One Dol- «rfiblWmTTTmTu9S$^li£F r ha' 1 is warrant tiTo"iTMil!Te* il voir tluti l.lic li.-i 1 f'wtiTi'li ii'l vonr uioik mm I i voui in I !i M" ill lie re til riieiV a i um:e. It has done wonders 'luring more than fifty ,. ('usheter, and Syringe harsh ami useless." 1'HY KV CURE. i'KClALTY -CO.i Ohfoago. years <>1' use, lion, ire discarded B°I Age b discarded harsh ami )»RHAAVK\sJ|HU\BV OK IlfeUMKItOfj) Sf'KCI/ Igeuts for lhi; u. 8. WI'IH TlIK Mutual Lie of Njw Yor k. Because it is the oldest Company in the United States with thirty.nine years of ex­ perience, Because it is the largest Company in the world. Assets, (04,704,05•<, nearly double that of any other Company. Bcejinse It is tho most popnlnr Company. Its policy holders number over 100,000. Because everv dollar of the nliove immense sum beknigx tot/ie policy holders, and the sur­ plus over what is Hc.tnally remiired, is an. nuall v divided amongst them, which hui-|iIiik may be applied in either of two ways: First, to pay a portion of the annual premium, thus materially reducing the cost, or it may lie used to purchase additional insurance. In the latter way forty-eight policy holders of the year just past, holding policies, the face valiie of which wnfc $133,500, were carried foi an average term of 33 years at low rates, and the additions brought the snug sum of a little over $300,000. Many of these policies had been self sustaining tor years. Because the rates ef every other Company are nearly eighteen per ccnt. higher than those of the Mutual Life. Bee,ause Its |rnnainff expenses are *ower than any other. Tne sworn statements of the Equitable Idfe Assurance of New York, a (company several millions less than half as large as the Mutual I.ife, show its expenses of manage­ ment to have averaged 14.23 during tho last three years, those of the Mutual Life 7A th£ diflerence of ilvst cost of policy, and manage­ ment expenses alone, are equal to 31 per cent in favor of the Mutual l.ifc. Becanso it can and does afford the cheapest, safest and most satisfactory insnranee invest­ ment of any Comimny in the world,. As it will be itnnossible for me to see alt who are desirons of obtaining Life in*uraon« at actnal ctud, i will say lo such that a postal card will always reaeh me at. this place ami on receipt, of same I will forward different plant* and actual result* (not estimates) which are certainly astonishing and out do anything in the history of l.ifc Insurance. ThisfOompany issues only regular Life and Endowment policies ami like ether Company* ef the highest standard refuses to have any- thing to do with T<mtim </<tmblinff. C. H. MOREY. Agfciit, kjFor andgwestern. 'part of e oujrty.. ^ MOHKNRT, ILL. --- HIT CLOSING m SAL it c> Clothing. W * " V"' < "SW < 1 >1 " aim an s , AT WAUCONDA. I have the largest stock of 8i ever brought to Luke Conn I sell at LOWKH PRICKS TH AN KVEJt BE- prlng Goods hich I will Ready-made Clothing more numerms than ever and at prices suited for every pu-sc.-- For anything made to order, whothe, as.ogle garment or a full suit Maiman's ' lathe place to buy. Also a full' line of GENTS' FURXISHISTG GOODS, Hats and daps, Ac. I have a lar^e variety of PIEOB GOODS, of the Lot68t Styiesl^and JPatterns, at low figures. Mrs. Maiman, ^rho condneta the Millinery Department, has received a fine stock. <>t 8pring Millinerv, of tho latest styles to be found in the city which she invites the Ladies of Waueonda to call aud examine, Hats and Bonnets Trimmed in the latest stvlesand at reasona­ ble prices. Dress Milking done promptly andsatisfketiou gur.ruulccd. Call and be convinced that I sell nothing but good Goods, and »t prices as low as the same quality chn be bought anywhere. H. MAIMAN. Waneonda, March 6,1883. NO WONDER J, "W. Cristy Is Selling More ParKers Hair Balsam I SfttltfiM the mott fa>ty(oai <u a fwfcetllJiirltatorar «ta4 1 A d m l r e 4 I Never Falls to Restore (ireyer ftM Hair I k> tfet youtUful color. SOcU. anri |1 «Ism at ftll 4raggliU. CROCER1E8! CROCERIE81 M. Engeln.. Having removal hi* store to Colbv's Brick Block u now prepared to offer to the buying public a full line of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES » Caiintnl Goods. CIUAHS, TOBACCO, PIPES My Goola Kte all Iresh and wiH he sold *t the lowest living prices. I also keep a full stock of Gan Matovial Fistiiug Tackle, Minnow Seins, Uammocks, and in fact everything pertaining to Fishing and IInoting, can be found at my store at reasonable Prices. . Violins, Acordeons, Picalas, Flutes, Violin Strings, and all otiier extras for Violins. M.v stocks of riff WAKE »«• eomplett. pall and examine it. I guarantee Prices that dety all competition-. ^ ENGELS. Th«n any other house in Mc- IIenvy county. He has ii better article for less money. But not content with that lie has opened the larire.- t audnnest stock cf Mens and Boys HATS and CAPS, In the greatest variety'-of styles probably ever seen under one roof in Me Henry county. i And the strangest and most pleasing part of tue story i» that these goods are being sold at LESS PRICES than before the late advance. The public are in­ vestigating the fact and find it pays them. FITS EPILEPSY --OB-- Fallen Slektfe**..- Permauently enred--no hum bug--by one month's usuage of Dr. Goulard!« Celebrated InfalliblaPit Powders. To convince suffer­ ers that those pow 1ers will do all we claim for them we will send them by mall, postpaid a free Trial box. As Dr. Goulard is the only physieiun that has mace this disease a spec­ ial'study, and as to our knowledge thousands have beeh permanently cured by tne use of these Powders, we will guarantee a perma- nent cure iu every case, or refund you a'l money expended. All sufferers should give these"Pev-dersan early trial, and be con. vinced of their curative powers. Price, lor large lx»x, S3, or 4 boxes for <10, sent by mall to any part of the United .States or Canada on receipt of price, or by express, C. O. D. Ad­ dress, ASH A'BOBBIN*, 30? Fulton St., Brooklyn, I*. 1. CONSUMPTION » Positively Cured All sufferers from this disease that arejiinx- lous to be cured should try Dr, Klssner's Celebrated <;ousumplivc Powders, These Powders are the only preparation known that will cure Consumption and all diseases of the Throat and I.ungs --indeed, so «troug is our faith in them, .'u>d also to convince you that they are no humbug, we will forward to every sufferer, liv mail, postpaid, a free Trial box." We don't w'ant your money until you are perfectly satistied of tin if eurutive pow­ ers. 11" your life is worth waving, don't U' n giving the*e Powders a trial, as they wi surely cave yon. Price, for large hox. $3, scut to any purt of the United states or Cana­ da, by mail, on receipt of price. Address, ft nit'* BOBBINS, S'iOFuUooSl" B,ook l-SOIHI JACOB BQNSLETT ri'ZPvt AfcIIenry. I PARKERS GINGER TONIC (iiH^cr, iiio iui. Mniiilrak", htllliiiKia anj many of iho l*si. medicines kmnvn art- lien- com­ bined into a medicine of such varied and cflR't-iivi: powers, as to make the Greatest lilo j' l rurificrii tiie Best Health and Strength Restorer Cvcr Used. It cures r>vst>ep-;.-i, Kheumalistn, Hccples«ncss. all<iisc»scs of tlie t-iomach, IJowcls, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, and oil Female Complaints. If you are wasii'ig away will Consumption or any disease, use the TON :C t"-dny. It wi'lfurrly h'fpvou. FeiyemVerl it is far r-un»rior to IJi: irrs, Esvecces of f Jinn-r a:id_ot'i"T 'l nucs, as itbuiMs up liiesystem waiiout iiuoxie.-.titig. 5-c. B/es, nt ail dealer* iadrmss. h one genui ae witl nit signalureof I2i c<>x &(.'o.,N Y. Se- dlorcii.-'.i!ar LARGE SAVING IN BCVtMO T!TK POU.AR Fli'.n. ' <;i and their Q, HEIRS -li'tiild all «enit for wunpii' copv of that won- «v. «ul paper the U'arid and Soldier, published at Washington, l>. <:. It comains Stories of the War, Oinp I,il9>, scenes from Ihe Battle Kiebl, uii'l a ttioiiHand things of interest to our country's defend)':!*. It is the great soldiers paper. It contains all the law sand instruc­ tions relating to Pensions anil Bounties for Soldiers and their heirs. Every ex-soldier Simula enroll his name under the World and Mtldier banner at once. Eight pages, forty eolumn.-i, weekly, fcl.00 a vear. Sample free. Address, Woltl.l) ANDS6LI>IEK, BOX Washington, 1>. C. Bargalua iii Watches, Clocks, Jewel­ ry. Silverware, Booksfind Sewing Ma­ chines during the next 30 days at O W.Ov.cuV I pppositf. Perry, $, Martift's ̂ Stow^- ̂ - 1. v j.up: - i. m "x.. JLllinoiM . - * « * | J- ' t «»»•- S • . Having sold- his builtRng^ wilt ctose out his ontire; stock ot' ?iwr- niture at cost, from now until May 1st. His stock i» full and coi#l plete, and rare iuiduceiiKHits will be ?offered |o those wUhiug to bttjf. Furniture. ' . " , , Anything from a common CHair to the finest Parlor Set can be tound at thi« store, and of the best make and finish to be found in he maiket. . We invite friends cslli; McHeni-y, March 15th, 1881. MCOB BONSLETT. Great Reduction ow OOTS AND SHOES. rom now until tlie 4th. of March we will sell our winter and heavy goods at greatly reduced prices in order to reduce stock in time for our annual- inven­ tory, which occurs then^ and to make room for the largest stock of spring and summer good sever brought; to Woodstock. Am over­ stocked in Men's Kip Boots in sizes6 and 10, and, will sell them at a great bar­ gain. Remember we buy and sell for cash and at bot­ tom prices. W. H. DWIGHT, Woodstock, 111. AT J. R. WELLS & SON'S, For the Next Thirty Days, Goods will be sold at GREATLY RE­ DUCED PKlCEJj, to Close our Winter Stocs. Tis is a rare chance for those wishing to buy ry Goods, Olothm c. J. R. WELLS A SON. Waueonda, 6th, •'Js&.t,. SMALL POX. Rrartet Kever and DipUtneria prevented unn rui i •• !'V tlie o1 BROMO-CilLOEALUM. Used in Hospitals of New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore. WHslijnsrtoa,. t!alca- gt>. New t>tleans, anfTother cities Patients should l»e sponsred vrltli it, accord- init to directions, several ti.nos a nay. *"e virus of the disoasp Is Uy this means nenitral- ized, flud .-ont istion prevented ; alsM) prevented. One bottle diluted with wa. fcr will tnaku twelve pints of proper strength for use. fBICE, 66 CENTS PER BOTTLE. all Uruirirlsts. Send for a Parophle • BROMO OHKMIOM^rt * t* Liberty Street, New York Olj ;S..A St?)T: In M^morlum The life and pnWIc ser ry «r>im ti vices of the Nation's hera IT/l H H I ii 1 ill By Major Bnntly. Oom-U *» Xir 1 JIsJLlU pictto drft. Written-at M lor, bv invitation, under the direi-tion of Mr. tiarlield. Contains h ^teel portrait ot liHriield, faithful portrnits ot mother, wife and children, also nu mere us line engravings; roniideiitial let lers, cuverinK and explain, ing Ins whole career; leu original testimonial letters from Wtiliame College classmaMs; extracts from importan t speeches and writ- ings; endorsement by Oei. Hockuell and tlie President in every book. Agent* positively making 5"10 daily- it is tlie uiont attrai tive, autlieiilif iiud Iwsi. Price, tl.26. Agents uantetl everywhere, <Wj*end #1.00 for terms an'i outut, ineludiim copy of ihe Oouk. Ad­ dress, JMt&re.XDJSXt PVHL tHHtim CO.. U 4 m Muuumuau, Cfttcayo, M 'Vc

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