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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 May 1882, p. 5

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W V 1 • > r i , f ' t T : ' . ' X \ * > _ v #.-' irfi* < If-i- lA-siL WEDNESDAY* MAY ! « «*'- '\7- , v ^ * 55 ** *> 5 * VI , f -»•» •. <V„ ? '^' 'wi»a«t-f n'iai*, --#r ,-• i*» tr»<*«,.1Wn.J<6'.««A«Mj*»|«<s,"t-' •£>--- ' • »- * * + ^ ii .. '? '• " v' ' 4 t K * A4* I * * * '•*> •.•;•< -. - * "», ' I-.«'. - /-• * '<-•*' ijf- v .•/*' jt .'V T?-I ; • - * - ' ' J > t • * f i r .!«#><!» .#*. T* ~j - ,-«#- *.<•. Railroad Time Table. $t,-Ol FLOISO SOUTH. ItnavtUke Ptmesnr....... Otltn Lake Express. Bntn Lake Freight. ootao xonra. ftm<*n ttki FTU(ht.....u.. Genera Lake Kx press... ... S.,7«5'A. v w p .S:«S " 7. lA»]r. • K. n ..v.. .t^tr. * MHTI Lake PaMenffar. *....v *:1W ** I"7?7 B. Buss, Agent. Mcllenrv, 111 ,*• V *«- w** MASONIC tondsintr CRAFTKR .<<».•« R. A. IM-ABI hr OoBTOcatlmi held on the second and wurth fHtefi la (Mk moaeh. SMITH SE ARLES. H. P. MCIIEICRY Loimi, No. W* A. F. and A. M.-- i or twe CHAB. C. COLBY, If. M, tMlSHKl ft***"*** vi. w • "«W A* Ms-- Regular Communications the Saturday on or before the full of the moon and everf weeks thereafter. L '• . gas card of K. G. Smith*, Boot And Shoe maker t9 h found In,another oaluosn. -. • ;4 , ^ .1 / Db. E. V. ANDERSON has bought the ! / residence of A. C. MeCrory, on the '!", 1 wast side, and taken possesion of the i'-5?! time. The price paid, we belie re, was v l*"* - * Aw article on the first page from the Elfin Daily Newt, ii> relation to the Cengreasional Cauva^B in that county, ,» »h«uld be read by every Republican ii the dlitrlct. i Two special Revenue Impectoni, tin i'*i( * /company with Reveuue Collector Blt- 1 linfi, Ylftlted our village one day la6r i C<r I Week, and created quite a ct»nfn»otion| . Vawenf venders of the atrdent. Y C,. THE Ladles Cemetery Aid Society i I?! will meet at the n»*i«!«Miee of Richard :•'.1 Blthop, Friday, Mar 5i h. nt 2:30. All iHtereated are invited to be present. >> V" :p . • !M|8B JULIA A. STORV, Fret ideal, • *|«L^^WALSH, Secretary. ;. WM. L. SMITH, of Ringweod.informs fif lbat he ha* a three year old Ourharti . " * • fietfer, that dropped a calf one day last ^ week weighing 104 pound*. We would like to hear from tin ttflck ralaer who can beat this. PRRSOS*L. *. Hon. RICHARD BISHOP started for Kansas City, Mo., on Monday morning. He intends being gone about two weeks. \ MRS. H. B. TTRRSLL. of Nun da, waa visiting with her mother heve on Tuesday. O. W. OWEN, went to u^nevi, 111., on Tuesday, as a witnoss before the Cir­ cuit Courts- y . , . ' i The family of Simeon Kennedy, of this village, are all elck W\th scariitena. Miss EMILY GAVIN, arrived home on Monday evening, to spend a short vaca­ tion with her parents. C. MCMASTER. of Belvidere, was In town on Monday* • M. M. CLOTH I«R, of Hebrort, made our office a pleasant call on Tuesday. DR. E. V. AXDRRSOK and O. W. Owen represented McHenry at the funeral of Hon. S, A. Hurl but at Belvi- de re, oa .Sunday.' E. D. SLAFTER was called to Belvi- dere on Tuesday, on account of the sickness of a brother. JOHN TWEED, of Fairfield, Nebraska, a former resident of this county, made the PLAIKDEALER a call this Wednes­ day inoruing. AT the meeting^new Board of rTniPtee9 on Saturday evening last, the saloon licence for the coming year was fixed at 9150, payable half yearly in ad* vauce. „ .• I .V 4 , , • ' ^ j j j? . THE Ladies Literary Club will liold their next meeting at the residence of Jacob Story, Wednesday, May 10t)i, at 3 £0 o'clock. MBS. J. B. PRit«r. President ||IS8 JTILTA A. STORY,"Secret*ry. OK the first page of this paper can befotind an article headed^'Fox-ljalce," clipped front the Waukegan Republi- can, which cannot fail of being of in-' terest to all who delight to visit til!* boautlfnl snmmer resort. MRS. S. SBARLVS, having returned |yom the city, li«r stock of Millinery* Collars, Laces, Dolman*, Mantles, and all kinds of Fancy Wsar U now com­ plete. Please call and let us show you through our store before yon purchase, 1st another place In thN paper can bo found the ^umial Reports? of the ftlerk and Treasurer of the Corporation •f the village of McHenry for the past year, wliioh will be of interest to our readers. WHILE passing the store of O. W.i 4)Weit, a day or two since, we noticed : «ight new Sewiug Machines being un­ loaded at tho door, Mr. Owen keeps tho best machines to be fonml in the market, and is selling them at a rapid rate. HE work on the new Brick Yard has fairly commenced, and men and teams are getting everything ready lor the machines, which are expected to arrive this week. Superintendent Wentworth informs us that he expects to. have one kHn burned by June 1st. fur little steamer ••Kiver Queen," •of which w# spoke some weeks since, has arrived, and is now receiving a coat of paint preparatory to bolug launched^ She is a little beauty, ana ^Juite an addition to the JFox River Fleet. BOTH Steamboats are now in run­ ning order, and Captain Hill is ready to acccmmodats ail who come on short s. either passongers or freight.-- To more accommodating man can be found than Cantain Hill, and all who take a^ trip to Fox Lake can rest as­ sured of being well taken care of while oil ;he steamers. A BAND of Gipsies were camped on the east side of the river'on Saturday and Sunday, and on the latter day re­ ceived and entertained a large number of visitors, drawn there by curiosity, we nresmnel On Monday they passed through the village and took a westerly course. OUR citizens should not forget the school sociable at the public school building, on Thursday evening of this week. Prof. Baldwin makes these gath­ erings highly interesting for both old and young, and patrons of our school should not fail to encourage both teachers and scholars by their pres­ ence. The programme can be fouud In another column. THE A bids for buildfug the Johns- bngh Bridge will be opened at the Town Clerk's Office, in this -village, to­ morrow, Thursday, when It Is pre­ sumed a contract will he made with some one and the work commenced at ^once.l A bridge is badly needed at place, and no delay should bo ni^ga in getting it completed. JOE FRKTT, who keeps the meat market near the bridge, took In a Al- he SfS'1?-'1 , who keeps the bridge, partner on Saturday evening last, though quite young it is expected will, if nothing happens, learn, the iiisiness after a while A Joe says he WotgheTTen and child happy. * pounds strong. Mother are doing well, and Joe if tr; THE entertainments by Mrs. Jarlej1, at Riverside Hall, on Thursday and Friday evenings of last week, were well attended, and netted a handsome sum for the benefit of the Cemetery.-- Great praise is due the ladies who have gotten up the entertainments the past winter for this most worthy ob­ ject, and to them alone are we Indebt­ ed for tho handsome appearance of our Cemetery this spring. All prat** to ladies say we. Br a letter received by Rev. Joel Ifheeler rrom Roulton, Maine, uuder date of April 18th, we leam that on that date snow in that section was two fset deep and the sleighing as good as at any time during the whiter. There was a suow fall the first week In April of fourteen inches. The thermometer st^od at 4 degrees below aero. We thought we were having a cold spring In Illinois, but we will hav* to stand I>UM BIDE LOR Maiuo. ^ THKRE occurs at Johnsburgh to-day a double wedding, the marriage of Miss Josie and Miss Minnie Kuhuert, the accomplished daughters of Clias. J^y^^tofthatidace^ These two young ladies htTr^aiiost of warm friends in this village who will wish them a long and prosperous journey through the restless and uneven mazes of wedded felicity. In the words of Rip Van Wlnkle,'*may they live long und brosper." is the earnest Wish of yours truly. " The following is the programme of exercises at the school sociable to-mor- .jNlW-'iftoirsday) even lug: INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. * Etoise Wait*. > ' RECITATIONS. k. The Sohflol Teacher'* Soliloquy, Annie Ralston. 2. frow ne Whipped Him, - - Thos. O'.VeiU. S. Itlessert Bo Nothing, ... Lucy Watson. 4. Thouifhis During Service, Olnra Wright. .k < Mattie Rmith, "r\r> Ali<*e Itennert, o.'-i'W r>W- ' Archie Kldredtge 4. !*ooner or Later, - - . Anntfl Powers*. 7. The Teachor'a Drttam, - Olftrn. Bennett. 8. Crystal Wedding, - Klsie Gage 9. Dialogue, - - Karl an.l Ch^ts. Mead. 1ft. An Arithmetic Lesson, M:»u t Van Slyke. 1L Rapid Streams Are Seldom Deep, « Philip Mayes. 12. Duet, Mrs. Baldwlaand Miss UoliiBter. IS. Address, . « Dr. H. T. Brown. 14. Select Reading, - Miss Belle Stoddard. Storekeeper - - Miss Annie Uaiston. I>oor|t open at 7 o'clock. Admission, Ave cents. SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, Of Prominent Member* of the South" w&rthjlermon Co<nftr<irUioi, in Easy Jjemau for New Beginm?** -- ' ' WO. L ; - i>'* > , Is that an ed-l-tor? ' ,f Yes, my boy, that is an ed-l-for. Why is he call-ed au ed-l-tor? Be-cause his name Is pri§«lad,at 0ie head of the pa-per. , What do ed-i-tors do? ' - They write ple-cea for tho news-pa per. Do-es this ed-l-tor write ple-ces for the news-pa-per? No, my child; when he wants pie-ces for his news-pa-per, he some-times begs of a man known as the "He-ro of El-mi-ra,** and also the own-er of his pa-per, to write some pie-ces for his pa-per and seme-times he asks the com-man-d*r of all the troops In Wood­ stock, but when these am-a-te-u-rs fail him. he is o-hllg-ed to put up with some-thing from the pen of the Pub-lie Ad-uiin-is-tra-tor of Mc-JIen-ry Coun-ty, but of-ten-er, mp son, lie re­ sorts to that stale prae-tioeof cut-ting his pie-ces out of oth-er news-pa-pers with the shears. Do-es this ed-l-tor ev-er write at all for his pa-per? N!o, ray child, not e-ven an et-tray no-tice. v * Is this ed-l-tor a good man?"; / j, He ought to be a good msn^ifl^Non. for lie is a Su-per-ln-ten-dent of a Suu- day school. What is a pol-I-ti-cian? * > This ed-l-tor Is a pol-i-tl-ciaip»'; < Do-es tills ed-l-tor make an-ylliitif-ey "by be-ime a pol-I-ti-cian? Yes, my boy. Just be-fore e-lec-tlons he has ol-ten been fur-nlsh-ed with cam-paign funds, which he has nev-er ac-eount-ed for and he had gal) e-uough to ask for more. For fnr-ther par-llc- u-lars ask a cit-l-zeu of Ktcli-mond. Is he a jok-er? ^ Yes, my son, lie fat % grsat bjg fat jok-er. He gave his note fop^ J^uu- dred dol-ltirs to a man. > ^ • i Did he pay It? , ' 5Jo, my son, he for-got to <(ate 11 and it Is «3t due yet. Can you tell me an-y more a-bout this man? < No, niv son. you look sleep-y. Go to bed, like a good boy, and 1 will tell ^OII more a-bout this ed-i-tor some oth­ er time. Good night, my sou. day or rear of business' prompt duty of pe rsons OCR attention was callcd a two »fuce to a nuisance in the one of our most prominent block, which calls for a remedy. Of course it is the of our health officers to notify or occupants to cle»n up around their ,premises, but when there is no penalty attached many times, as In this case, the matter is neglected until the health of an eiitire neighborhood is Jeopardized thereby. We therefore urge it upon the Bornl of Trustees, as a duty they owe to themselves and to the community, at large, that they immediately pass an ordinance making it obligatory IIpor. all owners or occu­ pants of premises to fee^ stfch premises are kept in a clean and wholesome condition, and attach a heavy fine as a penalty fur a refusal or neglect to do so. The place which we first mentioned, if allowed to remain In its present coudition until warm weather sets iu would make living in chat neighborhood intolerable as well asdangerou8. Let action be takeu in this matter at once. LIST of letters remainlnlng uncalled for In the post office at McHenry, April 30,1882: Mr. Patt Costello, Mrs. E. D. Petteng'll, J. M. ir»cott. Miss Kate Wagner. 'Postal Cards--Mr. Jac Fertsh W. B, Little, W. J. Mullen, E. H. Prenasing. In calling for the above letters please say they are advertised. JAMES B. PBRRY, P. M. SUIT POR DAMAGES.--In the United States Circuit Court yesterday, suit was entered by the Yale I^ock Mantt- fucturing Company, of Stamford. Con­ necticut, against Col. Harrison Adreon postmaster of Baltimore, claiming 010, 000 damages. The declaration alleges that the company lias been put to great expense in publishing refutations or charges alleged to have been made to th« agents of local newspaper* by Ctd. Adreon. on or about April 3, as follows: "That a colored boy had by means of a piece of steel opened the loeks of the lock boxes of the post-office in Baltimore, and that the same were Yale locks." Also, that after being In­ formed that they were not Yale locks manufactured by the above company. Col. Adreon insisted in maintaining that they were, to the ir.lury of the reputatlo* the lock* of the paojr. nisi):--At Solon, April SO, Mrs. Flora T'irn. nr. » ite of C. L. Turner and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Gardner, aged «bout 30 years. Mrs. Turner ha« long been a sufferer from that dire disease--consumption; yet her ^ufleriugs have b«en borne with patience and gentleness, and she calm­ ly awaited the summons of the grim messenger. She passed away peace­ fully and happily, as she herself be­ lieved, to a '"fairer, brighter land.* Her bereaved husband aud motherless bey. al*o her aged lather aud mother, have the sympathy of many sorrowing friends who have known and loved hei- from a child. ^ - M MEMORY or MRS. FLORA TIT**! She has safely crossed the river And hits reached the other ahtyrg, 8he h:n passed from earth ferevefji •; ! ;• \Vc shall see here no more. ^ In rain our tears are flowing, J , '1; Our hearts with uncrnish torn. - ' : And vet we weep--still--knowing ^ She has passed lioyond earth's Wnras. Why <1o we weep for Flora? So earthly, mortal tongne Can «1ps<M'ibe the wondrous glorv O f I h e l a n d w h e r e s h e h a s g o n e . * And though, for Rll'our sorrow, Wie can ne'er to ns return. She is beckoning us to follow YS'here jwirting is unknown. A FRIERD. '«^L' GREENWOOD- > EDITC»RTLAINI>EALER:---Our limited time find the scarcity of news compels us to be brief in our communication for this week. There Is one thing, how­ ever. of which we cannot refrain from making mention, a matter in which our citizens are deeply interested, and one which, like the tiny spark, is being daily fanned to a blaze. We refer to the Congressional contest now pending. We henr of a few localities where the contest waxes warm and heavy, arising. In nearly every instance either from] the disappointment of some '"political sorehead." who has felled to receive the appointment. to some position sought, or to hold a position where the public could be much more benefited by a change, such change having been made iu accordance with the wishes of the people, or from the selfish aspira­ tions of some unwise *per8imonlons,, clinging to the "limb of the law," try­ ing to cast himself at the feet of the public, asking to be taken op and tested, while they hold In their hands him who they know to be the "tried ami tlie true* -- for .such is our present member. John C. Sherwln. He has bten tried and found true -r- true to himself, true to his constituents, true to the best interest of his country. Fearless and Arm, he has filled the position w^th credit and honor to himself and to his district. Aithough our town composes but a small portion of the district, her roiue will be a power that will be heard and felt. When she is called upon to act, the echo will respond, "Solid tor Slierwin.'* 'Several of our townsmen attended the funeral of General HurIbut,ou Sun­ day last. 1 The severe frepie .on Mondajr ninrht last, we fear, has'fiulshed our fruit crop for this season. W. D. Paine, of Exeter. Neb., arrived in town ou Monday eveulng for a short stay. Uncle Joseph Stewart is very low. But little hopes are entertained of his recovery. Also Mrs. Snyder, at the residence of Charles TuW. D. D. Odell, of Springfield Center. K. YM hag been engaged to preach tor the Baptist society for a few months. Mrs. L. B. Peaat is spending a few days visiting with frieuds' iu JaueSvilie, Wis. . All the different Keystone Planters at E. M. Owen & Son's. 1-?.•> X'.si., We knew he would come, and I am awful gtad of it. Why, what are *you talking about? Why the Boss. Miller's Bread, Cakes, Buns Md Rolls axe for sale at Nichols'. NUN OA EDITOR PLAINOKALKR: -- Wm. Mc­ Donald has bought the "Rest" drug store aud will move It upon his lot fronting Main street. r^Miss Hattle Audrus has been spend­ ing a few days at home. Ed. Bryant has quit raHroadlug and taken the hammer and saw again. A. M. Clark's brother Is working for liiui for a time in the shoe shop. John DeGrnshe was home Snndav. He is workMng in a retail grocery store on the corner of 4th avenue and Dear­ born street. Chicago. Mrs. Felt has bought the J. P. Ver- milyea home, aud a part of the lot, for which she paid 8800. C. F, Hall was up here Saturday to rent the block Which Dr. Ballon pro­ poses building on the Lincoln corner. Revival meeting* continue through this week-- Elder Patterson, of Chi­ cago, leader. assisted by his wife, who is a beautiful solo slinrer. which adds much to the exercises and atteu<1an>>. Mr. Bonner and Win. Huffman went to tli3 city this week to buy lumber for their uew houses, which will, be pushed to completion as soon as possible. Webb Morse lias just returned from a trip to Montana and Dakota. He re­ ports a pleasing and agreeable country, and felt well paid for his trip. Wm. Johnson's house is up and en- closed. Work has commenced on Mr. Banister's house, which will be pushed to completion by J. A. Sheldon. E. Whitcomb and wife spent Sunday at «L A. Sheldon's,,. They ball from Wauconda. Those gentlemen that took In Wau­ conda last Saturday night became the object of considerable fun for the beys ou account of a heavy robbery having been committed there that night. It is hoped that Mr. Paddock will get hold of It, so we may hear about It through the (Jynwure. School has closed for oue week, after which the two departments will con­ tinue for two months. J. A. Sheldon's term of contract having expired lie Is now ready to contract tor any number of jobs in this vicinity, in his line. Jim. Duffield, of the Jbeniocral, came to town lust Monday morning, walking behind his bnggy pnd hasping anath­ emas upon the head of tlfe builder of that buggy axle. 'tVoodrufi soon had him on his way, rejoicing. , McDonald has been iixhig up ills sa­ loon building, preparatory for business. It is now supposed that the Board will g<*bt ^tim a license, , RINCWOO0. EDITOR PLAINDKALKK:--Mrs. HI. Kittle, whom we spoke of as being ^very ill a short time ago. Is gaining rapidly having so fur recovered as to be able lo return to the farm. J. W.Crlmy has succeeded by selling at a great sacrifice in reducing his stock but still great bargains may be had by calling at^ntse. The oWe*e fa&fry H Blt^w*»ed Opened this morumg with a much heavier supply of milk than was ex­ pected, but it is thought that the {present quantity will be increased greatly aud tha^before long. We should have mentioned last week the trip taken by RlAn Harrison but With some other items it was forgot­ ten. He is visiting his brother in Iowa. ' G. L. Hubbard has traded his quadru­ ped for a real horse and no mistake.-- We don't blame lilin for wanting to swap nor would we discourage the Solon fellow because we believe that the horse will do better now that there is iio trains nor anything to.'scare him. That's what ails tfie horse. He be­ came scared at the first locomotive that ran from Chicago to Miiwaukeo aud has been afraid of the ' train ever since. As planting time -'drawd near don't forget that Win., Stevens has some .choice seed corn which lie offers for twelve shillings per bushel. Mrs. Kay Is quite ill at present writ­ ing but we hope to be able to announce her partial recovery with your next issue. Don't draw calves to McHenry to sell when J. Kainthorp Is paying"' the highest market price* C. Hollister passed throng this place goi:sg north one day last week. For house or carriage painting J°u should eall ou B. Ralnthoi|». Me works to satisfy. 1' HEBRON. EDITOR PLAINDALER:--Mrs. Kane, of this village, i* very sick With Briglit's disease of the kidneys. Mr. Phillips has had hia meat market painted white which greatly improves its looks. J. T. Wnkely done the job. B. J. Hopkins has graced the east end of his house with a piazza. The house Mr. Phillips lives ii) has undergone the same improvement. Ira Phillips has gone out to Dakota for the benefit of his health, and to see the lay of the.land. B. G. Stone is out to Nebraska ag«in with his cattle, which he shipped there a year age. He now lias about 175 head. The O. A fT. W. sdflered another wreck last week, half a (<mile east of the Station, ditching four cars, among tlieni a car load of hogs shipped by Manor of Geneva. {\ About twenty maimed and killed. The wreck we un- derstand was caused by a broken axle. Mr. Spooner has built a new picket fence around his front yard. Willis Xicliols is doing a booming business buying aud sliipplug cajres to JJbicago. "l^jL Some lawless boy fired a revel ye r In­ to the door of E. Seamans' house, the hall entering the door within two feft of where his daughter was sitting.-- The House of Correction shotfld be the home for such boys. ' E. F. Hewes has given bis yard feftce a coat of paint. Hamlin Fewer waa el*ote4 T*wa Assessor. i -' WA'JCOflDA. WSHBSfiRIPTtONS tor the PUODIUER will he received in Wanconda at Y. B. Harrison's Drug Store and at the Post Offlce. EDITOR PLAINDKAI.KU:-- A seemiug scarcity of news and au acute attack of laziifess prevented your correspondent from sending his nsual budget last week. The laziness has become chromic, but lack of news can no longer be pleaded. Saturday night, the stores of J. R. Wells aud Robert Harrison, were en­ tered, the safes blown open, and the contents taken. In addition to the contents of the cafe. Mr. Wells lost several hundred dollars worth ef silks. The explosion also destroyed his desk, the windows, a|id tore up things gener­ ally. Mr..IIarrlson was more fortunate so. far as the damage to the store was concerned. We nre uninformed as to the estimated value of the safe's con­ tents. It seems strange that all this qpuld have occurred, without arousing the entire village. One reason for it is that the disturbance was not. so great as would be supposed, and an­ other reason may be that a grand Masonic conclave was held in the even­ ing. about forty or fifty Masons from out of town, were present, and these with the home brothers, made more or less noise on the street during the evening, and the uninitiated sleepers 1j|uddeiily wakened by the explosions, may have supposed that the bursting of bombs and firing of pistols were customary1 items in Masonic program­ me's. Tiis burglers hud barred the door leading to the room occupied by Frank Wells and John Raridan, thus preventing their giving an immediate alarm. They fired a revolver a "num­ ber of times, an 1 J. R. Wells, Henry Goldlng. Geo. Pratt and others were soon aroused. Arthur Graham and Horace Wells went to Barrington to telegraph ' the news to surrounding points, and in the morning parties were sent In all directions searching for some trace ef thieves, but so far as we know without success. They also took Mr. Griffin's horse and buggy. What might have been another serious calamity was fortunately nip­ ped In the bud by the activity snd presence of mind of C. L. Pratt.-- Wednesday night Mrs. Pratt was wak­ ened by a bright light in Mr. Ford's harness shop near Mr. Pratt's store and residence. She roused her husband, who immediately went for that fire, and breaking through the window with liis fist, by the aid of a pail of water fortunately standing near put out" the fire, and then, being arrayed simply in a brief undergarment modestly retired. It is a mystery how the fire originated, hut when discovered the work bench was burning vigorously ^nd a box of Infiamable material had Just caught when Mr. Pratt appeared. Wfihthe entire absence of any facilities for ex tlugiiishing fire in the village, there Is no knowing where it might have stop­ ped had it once gained good headway Th^vJUagS jeJectioi) pft8sed off very quietlr, the following ticket being elected by a handsome majority: VII. hige trustees, H. P. Burrett, Andrew Bangs. Henry Malman, Andrew Oaks, R. C. Hill. D. McClaln. Village Clerk, John Golding. Police Justice, Lewis Todd. Mr. and Mrs. Cha*. Hammond left for California last week, atrip they In­ tended taking about a month ago. Wm. Baeeley haa resigned his posi­ tion as engineer at the mill, and taken to out door life. Harvey Dixon takes his place, aud lie Is succeeded by Fred Kendrick*. Mr. Finch, father of Mrs. Qe£. Hub* bard was hurled last week. Harry Tidinarsh Is home again. Arthur Tldmarsh Is at work in tfto cheese factory. » Dr. McChesny's Illness has had a rather depressing effect upon him, but he will bob up serenely shortly. Dr. Tucker of Chicago caine out Saturday evening with Dr. Harrison remaining over Sunday. Mr. B. F. Duers moved Into the Smith house some time ago. Messrs. Ford and Turner brought In a car load of cows from Minnesota, we believe, mid sold them nt auction Wednesday. They brought good prices. Ladies, Attention! THE LARGEST STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER In McHenry county. . - THE LATEST STYLES and LOW- AST PRICES. MRS. n. H. NICHOLS would respect­ fully Inform the citizens of McHenry and the public generally that she ha* just returned from tlie city with th< argest stock of Spring mid Summer MilUnery and Fancy Goods ever brought "to this section, which she pro­ teoses to sell at the lowest living prices. keep none but the best of goods in Ills line, which I have selected with great care, with especial reference to the wauls of the ladies of this village itud surrounding country, and feel con­ fident that 1 can please In quality of goods, style ami price. In Fancy Goods we have a very full s'ock. consisting of ties, haudkerchiefa. ribbons, plumes, ornaments, and in short anything and everything in the line of ladies wear to be found in the market, all of the latent styles and most approved patterns. I have also in my dress making de­ partment ready made dresses,for sum­ mer wear, of ail sizes, to which I invite attention, f also have a largtl stock of Summer Dolmans^ of the latest styles., which the ladles will.,.do well to call ami examine. These will ai! be sold at living prices. My motto is,>'*Live and let live." When In want of millinery, dresses. Dolmans, or fancy goods, do not fall to cal! and examine my goods and learn prices, before purchasing. Store, two doors north of Perry St Martins, Mc­ Henry, Illinois. MRS. H. H. NICHOLS. Buckeye Owen's. All the Owen's. •' i:, f * j Reed's Gilt Edge Toate appetite. The Mollne Owen's. Fishing Tackle of all klnd< at: Engeln's, In Howe's Block, near new Bridge. The Furst * Bradley Sulky Plow • E. M. Owen's. Force Pump*, at IL H first-class .Plowa at £• Whole Suits and extra good at Flt#» Simmons & Evauson'*. New styles Wall Paper Fltzsimmons & Evanson's." ia Kid Gloves (quality to any two do l l a r G l o v e ) a r e b e i n ­ closed out at 50 cents per palr%tf Ftt^ ; glutinous A Evanson's. • / ^ ' .J»f d CLOTHING, /> The most complete assortment" shown here. Prices verv moderate, PLTZGNTVOSS A TTVAMMT. . The finest line of Silver and Plato# % Ware to he found in the county, at O. W. Owen's. » ^ i To All Pickle Growers} of McHenry County. The Globe Pickle Co. of Oblfeago (formerly Zott A Kollmorgen).are now ready to contract cucumbers to be de­ livered at the Crystal Lake Factory, and will pay FIYK SHILLINGS per bushel cash. For contracts and further particulars, ap|>ly tii 5'*,/*; v 'S- /-r?*- H. CLATSOR, NUHUA, III. 'Oh, my. where 'did you get the el­ egant bread. Marie?" "Why, I bought it at Nichols*. Table Oil Cloth, very good. 20 cents per yard at Fitzsimmons A Evanson's Buoklen's Arnica Salve. Tlie best salve In tlie world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Fever Sore». Tetter, Chapped Hands. ChilMalus. Corns, and all Skin Erup­ tions, aud positively cures piles. It is gun«uteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 26 cents, per bottle. For sale by all Druggists MILLINERY! B1ILLINERY! Another new stock of Millinery and Ladles Furnishing Goods, just received at Mrs. II, H. Nichols', which tlie La­ dies are'cordially Invited to catl and examine and learn prices. Also a new h.t of Hats, of the latest and nobbiest styles. Oall and see them before buy­ ing. MRS. H. II. NICHOLS. ' The Union Coru Owen A Sou's. Planter at E. M. The Dairy Market. From ihe Elgin Daily News. Butter was firmer on the Elgin board of trade Monday than it was the pre­ vious week. There was but little dlfier- ance In price, though It brought a shade higher, 28 cents being the ruling figure, whereas lest week it was 27. Tlie report from New York at the close of last week quoted Elgin creamery at 30; state dairy. 27@28J; state factory. 22. Cheese sold Monday at a wide range, tht; extremes being 7@12. Last week 6@7 were the lowest and highest quo­ tations, while the week in New York close with a steady market at 13}@ 13 J. • * One'year ago butter sold on this Elgin board for 24@25 cents, aud cheese for Try tlie Great VVesteru H. Nichols' Resturaut. Best full N ichols. Cigar, *t H. The finest line of Dress Goods h*- tliis' market can be found, at; Steven* A Schuorr's. . Cream Cheese 5#t 8. H. Is you want a good smoke try the Little Devil," at Beslev'* Drug Store. If you want to buy a suit of clothes for man or boy, and have the cash, call and examine the new stock at Fitz­ simmons A Bvaitson**. • It Is What? too utterly utter, jmu bet. Illller's Bread at Nldiols. .. - ; FOR SALE. 600 Bushels Potatoes. Imported from Scotland. Choice Stock either for Seed or Table use. Price 80 cents per bushel. FITZSIMMOMS ft KVANSOV. Woodstock Bread and Cakes at H, H. $ Ichols. • Fitzsimmons A Kvansoii are showing^ an elegant liue of tlie Gray Brothers* Shoes. Prices very moderate. FITZSIMMONS AEVANSOH. Kirk's English Standard Bar Soap, 'at H. H. Nichols, opposite Perry A Martiu's, McHenry. Always Refreshing. A delicious odor is imparted by Floreston Cologne, which Is always re­ freshing, no matter how freely used. THB CELEBRATED 8TALLIOV ALHAMBKA MESSENGER Y\ 111 be kept at the stable of the sub­ scriber the present season, where those who desire can get his services at a moderate price. He was sired by Dole's Alhambra. and is ono of the best stock getters iu the country. • JOHN SMITQ. N E W S P R I N G M I L L I N E R t S i ^ Mrs. E. W.Howe lias just received a full line of Spring Millinery to which she Invl tes the attention of the Ladies. The latest and nabbleststyles tan.be found at her store, and prices to suit the tunes* A fine lot of trim­ med Hats for Easter. CaH and see them, and learu prices. MRS. E, W, HOWE. CARRIAGE*! CARRIAGES! CAR, KIAGES! - ' Any one in want ot a Carriage, Buggy or Wagon, should not fail to call on E.M.Owen & Son and see tlto large car-load just received. The finest finished lot ever come to the county and will sell them chrap. :-- ( Vienna Bread, Rye Biead, • Graham Bread and Buus,at H. H.Nichols. - The Standard Planter at E. M. Owen A Son's, 4« . 50,000 Dozen change (QJ; $UcUoi9t, ^ ' / Eggs Wanted In ex jiff;. H, H. X " • y-. • HOUSE TO RENT* J l iave a good house for rent In' thls village. There is a good barn, large garden, and fine orchard in connection. Further particulars by calling ou me, at my store. , FaEDBoHsoee. MeHenry, April 4Bth, MR Don't fail to see the binder invented at E. Sou's. finest twine M. Oweu A F. G. Mayes says he cannot U under­ sold, * PATRONIZE home iudnstry and bny your Cigars of Barbiau Bros. They make four difiereut brands, and are equal to the best. FENCE POSTS FOR SALE. 9000 seasoned Burr Oak Feuce Posts for sale, inquire of „ * JOHN DORAN. T«os.Km>x. Hams. Shoulders. B*eon,' -Belt Fork s. Lard and Corned Beef, powardHi -, Market, near^the Depot. . * Just received,Overcoats for Ilea Boys at F. G.. Mave*' Clothliyg near the new Bridge. Cheap as cheapest. IF you want a good siw^ imr on* of MBarbian Bros. Best.w They are I, so.i. . . Ou account of its rvtuaritaaly icate and lasting fragrance* society | belles are loud iu their praises w Floreston Oalogne. , FOR SALE. ' Y ; I, 40 Acres of land in Soetleii 12. all . fenced. Also80 acres of Handifwitlt a ;f good house and barn thereon, wiHl | timber and water in abundance, ia 8oa» tion 22. , j A IHO my homestead oa th#-- Crystal, -'*• Lake and Nuuda road. Good ae# !' » house, barn and other ontbuiljMage^-* ,« A|>ply to JOHN F^VaKV. " - • furniture at CMt In order to reduce stock we will fW the next Sixty Days, give better baK gins iu Furniture than wa*ever befotW offered in this county. Thlatafce hum­ bug, and If you want Furnltnta of any kind cheap now is the tin*to buy. Call and examl ncmy-srosk Aid leam prices. I am confident I «•» Make It an ol'jecl for von to came twaaljr ntlaa to trade with use. ^ali at 4am aw| save mouey. ^ JOnB.BbAK& McHenry, Mareh Mttli. MBA ' '••i I, / v- TRT ono of Barblan JBros.'.-^lfew Stoek." It will compare |rlth apy Ok gar In the market. t "" SELF BINDERS, TWINSSlttDKHfel Farmers wishing to purriiaM a Self Binder will do well to ealr^iil,, S. M. Owen & Son and see the- "Mluiieepelia**' before buying, as It has a ad­ vance improvemeiits on ite. Mndlag \ part that no othdr has. 'J. F. Applehf the inventor of the Twtae wndea^ superintends the; MinneapolMr HaN vester woiks. There is notnlng to ho feared from MeCoruilck's threat*. C*a sUo get you it celebrated Wood'TwIaa Binder If you prefer it. • 'ii « *•» * \ Best Woven Wire Mattrase,f*t |i$ nt John B. Blake's. CHOICE CONFECTIONERY. We h&ve a large stock of the choic­ est Candies manufactured. STEVEXS ft Soajtoa* FOR SALE. Two good Milk Wagons, almost new. Will IM* sold cheap. Also one two year old Bull. A very fine auimal. Inquire pf l MeBenry, April 8th, 188&. Jointed Fish Poles, a very fine article, at Besleys Drug Store. Choice Candles, all kinds, at Besley's. Our books are open Wwcelw contracts for salting cififumbefil at ten cents pet bushel fiiU and 8.8ft • • m >*\ CRI8TY. WALKER. A 0P. " • % FOR SALE. I have eight fine Sow* jwfvh Pig for sale. Pereoaa waaUug them shopA call at once, . ,, jomi tmumr ' FORSALKORRENT% A house and one-Wt a*r* *f. laad la the village of R1 J*~'" ' tains five rooms. able. Apply to RIHGWOOU. 111., AprtUtb. vm, 1 ue-iaiTi **r* *r, iaan m hfJPiod. Bsihee eofn . Mm be solir reeoe*^ ^PWasunryLADDv:' Fresh and Salt I'retCs Market. Meat*, all Kt / : 1 A . , , IF you want to buy Clothing at Chi­ cago prices, call on E. Lawlus, la Ls»> slug's Block. McHenry. * • . , w-w- 4 Wore to Mothers should remember If ft a most important duty at this season ts look after the health of their familie* and cleanse tlie malaria and impurities from their systems, and that .nothing will tone up the stomach and. *:liver, regulate the bowefs and pudfr lh* blood so perfectly as Paike^'Qftacer Tonic, advertised In our * Post. See other column. --. 1 •' "" •• « t "U. Best Brands of Tohaooa *1: -5 Nichols. A few 7 cents pe bargains In Dress .QoOds at >er yard at Fltasimmons A I'itS Just In. Martin's. Cl.OTILLNG. Spring styles *t Perry A Evansons. .. Arbuckles Ariose Coffce at Quick and Sure- Many miserable people drag the*fc£» \ . selves about with fallingstwngth. Ie*e» s-*' ing that they are steadily Siohing iat* tiielr graves, when by using Parkei** g; Ginger Tonic they would finds a •»•* commencing with th«* first dorife^and fK v: tality and strength quickly a*d uouiiug back to them. „ The HSgfii»sritanli ^ J*l:\ Made from harmleis materials, aa# '| adapted to tlie needs of fadtag and i tailing nair, Parker's Hair Balfam he* | taken the highest rank** ** and reliable hair restoratiWk ZT •- V,'t 'in E8TRA.Y. . . * W- Came Into the enclosure of th* aa* dersigned. April 16th. 1889, thrsa Shtutts, The owaer Is hereby notlf to prove property, pay changes take them away. L.A.PAaa*«, , Date* April 85th. MSS- ' 1 1 •* ~i mM HEAD LIGHT OIU Tho best Kerosene (Ml la tawa H. H. Nichols. 17a Fire Tost. Call and over l« k the fiae |*% «| Carriage* at E. M. Owen A Saafr, '•BARIWAN BROS. OWN.*' tlie can Queeii." and ~Tra<h»." Tboy superior^. «• * Jt: * J

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