A. v. \ ^ £» V«as^^A-«t~<.v Ir* •< -t*-". t-»* *' 4»\ fr1 '*»**jgf*** <•** OMMWJi prohibited the Mb «f bal lads. Of tha O my * jft^c^ssuafc. He * never ataok on a Peeler* eoat, Mor »a?af23aflf--*r-No, My lrfump and ourij ^om I've i pen in a _ I'm always making an toy * Vtfer your * liters bate. « -f 4 •-•"{ r«> q wi thwt th b ia ta l l i ' * X i!ikt MMMaa jrMi And z that helpa you with Canada to awMB. ,But i |Hjh 'Any < Touwmi»y"fHMtiii r writec* bate, bte tH so itTSlgfct, oa with ceanda to liV!; N'Xhtng for htm tki Kewr Ml wi ta 1 State optotlM, aoMBasd grand. Mustn't oeatata the elioctMMd Md» So, my nion Utile Ampersand, You're good Cor 4 In days when 1 Old frump*' But be Is dear in *14 friendship's ealL .. . . h i " ' Or when l«w»la ! " CotnSfc <t»e k Mee Ifteligior'e farel" "0 Come, k PUkeap^oa a BannA 4 aqpHftJ* Vw, my nice iitUe Ampenand Never mast into » wxd «pend. Gentle rigl|,«<,-- My kind.' "Letters Fire do tern Mb .. Hi*, who millions data taaeh and IBM: If I cooirt jjot be In HwtEmd "Ti. €' , .*. a"v • !'•&>, N-t i I'd be the Hffabk' Am [UMI geueil Baml ipwwusd. mahy _ bank, and tfceo, swimming rebellions tittle ed tar, hilf-sti bsak to term Anna, ^ Vlnnie, by general advioe from with out, had managed to keep an almost continual warfare airborne, although she <enerous-hearted child. was naturally a tod -when ahe bad recovered tram fright, and made rare she had not swal lowed all the water in the river, aba looked gravely at her stepmother's soiled garments and Raid *towlv : " It you don't care, Mrs, Merton, 111 •all you mamma now."* After that day Mrs. Merton had many friends; for you can always saach a mother's heart through her children, •ad every woman seems a mother to any child in the hour of * BT a Counsel of Aries, in the fifth oentury, suicide waa pronomnoed to be the effect of diabotioal4nspira£ioa. THE earliest faot respecting, the his tory of S.-otiaud-ia tba Bomart'invasion under Agrico'a in the first century. Is A recently published letter of Mae- aulay, the historian says of William Perm : "I think Penn a poor, shallow, half-uasay creature." Kvioirrs played games in the time of Richard L and a knowledge of cards are to the nuddla points oa tin* neareat semi-diam eter draw circuhironrfes bending toward the diameter and concave to the diago nals. Lipe in tb» •wr*e» and the 4mter thm|it>feaclbfi)d4of thesquare. Aaeleat hflhliti. The earlieatraea of BMH who peopled England, says Grant Allen in "Knowl edge," were the black fellows of the paleolithic or older stone age. They were low-browe-, fierce-jawed, cronoh- iug oroatnrea, inferior even to the exist ing Australians, and were all swept away was deemed an accomplishment in the in the last glacial epoch. Long after the | glaciers of the iee afpl had cleared off the j face of the country, * second raoe occu- 1 pied Britain, some of whose descendants | character of "She was brave and self-possessed, and she saved my Elmer, and I don't mean to ever say another word against her if die never goes *' * * " That waa what Mrs. bishop. IN THB reign of Charles It it made a crime to attend a di^senficg plaofe i P,iea ®nui?» 8J*Q®,t* wnose tiesoendanta of worship, and for the third offepse a j mos^ wndonwedly exist there at the man might be sentenced to transoorta- t day. These were the neolithic tion bevond seas for seven years. i ?r ' stone age men, who have been „ . . . i d e n t i f i e d , w i t h g r e a t p r o b a b i l i t y , a s a GtAJMATOMAi. games are swd to have . branch of the same isolated Basque or an EUruscanonga; they were introduced Eastrarian raoe which now lives among into Kome 264 B C., when the.two sons the valley a of the Weateni Pyrennes and ot a man named Brutus compelled three ' tber word against |« » Brutus compelled three the Asturins Mountains. Our knowledge with the church.M | P«f ot gladiators to nght at the funeral »f them is mainly derived irom their Evans said at the or tneir father. j tombs or l>arrow»--great heaps of earth next meeting, and, as she seldom ex* pressed an opinion for herself, the ladiaa for the most part Ml hsv* s vdoflfpede Matty _ mod.- 1' s3. WE MINISTERS WIFE. I " No 4ve$ eoi&e of it, now, mind what I tell you ! The idea of a sober, respectable man of 40 marrying a chit of %.arUi|aUihiitJ BnUt 'pears to con vinced I am that men are awful fools wh«a &£Qipe£ to love. Whenever they c; git 'stifpk' asmy nephew caUsit, it just'pears'to knock all the sense oat of - *' em that they did h Ave." And Mrs. t Hezekiah Winters settled her spectacles "j-.-V firmly on her nose, as tkotigh she meant a I; they shoald always stay there, and then Jammed her needle energetically through ler sewing. You see Mrs. Hezekiah Winters was a prominent member of the sewing society ^ . at L., and was generally first spokes- woman everywSere, ^ " I agree with yoti 6ntifely," said Mrs. Anthony EvaQf, a mtek-iaced woman f who seldom had an opinion of, her own, * but always agreed with somebody. " And he being a minister of the gof-- pel, too," put in Miss Sophrona Dobbs. ^ *1 ,, ** I don't know what; the world ia ii; '"coming to, I am sure," said Mrs. Eben Rih field ; and there wan a general sigh |y." : of dissatisfaction from all the members of Ihd sewing society. # «u j. know that th°i flnty of every mem ber of this society is to convince in. * t .experienced child of her duty as a min- : . .1 ister's wife; and I am morally sure that ^something dreadful will happen to those - children of his afore six months. To •v think of the way she has started out al- '"jready--got a new croquet set 1" And _ , Miss Arimintha Wright tossed this ra- , .'.jinuk like a bombshell ia their midst. I " The ladies dropped the precious gar- Is^V-Baents intended for the heathen amid pliwlfeioli ejaculations as "Dreadful!" L,... . '"Atrocious !r' |« , of her? _ ^ ^ s^ld Mrs. Richfield tried to imagine what > '"the world waa coming Jo. I \ " Now I dont thinr it looks very well •33lo see the whole society swoop down on Intone littlejperswn like Lnogene," inter rupted lbs. Arthur Wilton, who had jnot been a member of the sewing circle What could he expect ' Did you ever?" And again irWe had better Wiit, tlE »h®. ia hen to defend herself," said Mrs, Henry Pte- _ sons, a meek second to Mrs. Wilson. | ;f "I see plainly, Mis. Wilton, that you s »nd Mrs. Parson^* are taken by her meeting ji {pause a little poodle dog barked ^hoir." ; This awful evidence of the total de- • jjravity of the minister's new wife wpa :, Revealed by Mrs. Hezekiah Winters. '• " Almost everybixiy laughed at that," ;< Responded Mrs. Parsons. ** Anything : .teems so much funnier if yon hadn't , Oiight to laugh." " And just to think of what she said ; to me," said the owner of the afore- ' tnentioned poodle. " Why, when I < Sent and asked her to join our society abe said tha had two little heathens at home to sew for, and that they took the «nost of lxer time ; but, if we wanted to v"iew for the neglected children living tinder the shadow of our own church ;•*' *pires, she would spare time to help us. • " (jTust as if we wantea the lower strata in ': t>w ehurcfe," And Miss Sophrona Dobba Unified the air disdainfully. ^ - " Now this is enough for one time,** .^.'Interrupted Mrs. Wilton. *' Would that ininisters could have two wives, so we inight dii-ide the blame." v. The ladies looked bewildered, and trane of them laughed a little ; then they launched into a discussion 09 the coming • picnic. It was to be the regulation kind of a • ( picnic for the ladies and children only, and they were to have such a nice time, ivith ham sandwiches, pressed chicken • -And lemonade made on the grounds, and ISUPH and mosquitoes ad infinitum. When the day of the picnic arrived, the much-talked-of' minister's wife wenK People had said that they "didn't reck- f <6n Mrs. Merton would go, as the church - Was at the bottom of it/' and when they aaw her there they said it waa "just : like a frivolous thing like her to go to ©very pienic." > Nevertheless, church people at It - Vere like chteeh people everywhere; they said a good deal that they didn't . mean, and, with a few exceptions, blue- '-•yed, fdir-faoed Mrs. Merton was vtry > Cordially treated, and her friends, when fhe made tliem, were very true to her, «tnd always defended her when she ran ..toe gantlet of society's tougue. The picnie geemed ft success generally: everybody was having " such a splendid |imeand the mosquitoes had voted picnics a beautiful invention, and were tinging anthems of praise at the pros pect of a "good square meal," when #uddenly there was • anlaah and suffo cating cries, and two little forms dis appeared under the gliding surface of the stream that wound like a huge ser pent through the woods. « - There were shrill aore^ma of genuine ; ierwr, and white faces stared at the tush CM waters in an agony as the awful 1 of the children seemed to paralyse Ifira. £vana, whose little* dark- had looaened the eaaoefrom _ to Mice Yinhie Merton for a ridefUd, whfle «x4in« iL rocked too i$ar and tinted it onr, and now, while ker toy was almoitdrownrng, ahe waa lr- s login ahelpleaa heap on the bank of & mrer. Some were beginning to reoover their self-poaaenoon anrf were calling lor ropes, when Mra. Marton, stepping «ut of her stippers, poiaed herself a mo ment on the bank; then the »UnAw fig. ire, clad in a wonderful array of Swutf muslin and pale-bine ribbons, dropped part agreed with her, ex cept Mra. Hezekiah Winters, who said.: " Well, I dunno; ahe may be all right, bat a woman that could in trap a maw of forty, and he a minister, kind of looks to W& as though she was a flirt," And Miss Sophrona Dobbs nodded her frizzes emphatically as ahe said: "I agree with you, Mrs. Winters. We mustn't all be taken in by one good act." Well, to tell the truth, folks did, gen erally sneaking, keep an eye on her; but everything seemed satisfactory. Bhe did nothing that acundslised their ideas of propriety, and they had almost made up their minds that with proper advioe she might do for a minister's wife after all. But the town of L, waa visited one day by a traveling theater troupe, and everybody was going who wasn't ft pillar in the church, and " wouldn't encourage no such institution of Batan.*9 Mrs. Winters was especially bitter against them. The theater, a long time ago, had led her one son from his home, and the only sweet sacred spot in Mrs. Win ters* hard, religious life was her love for her boy--her baby, as, ahe called him-- although he waa almost a man when he went away. v • The day the troupe arrived Mrs. Win ters was at home alone, and the faint sound of distant music was arousing to utteranoe the grief she had kept buried so long. " I'll just go to the sewing circle and forget my sorrow by listening to some thing or other." And away trudged Mra. Winters to Mrs. Richfield's, whose turn it waa to entertain the society. Everybody was busy and gcasipy, and Mrs. Winters was listening to the report of the bad behavior of the girl of the pe.- riod, when Miss Arimintha, White CMP* bustling in. " Law me I ladies, have yon heard ? " and without waiting for an answer she continued : " Oh, the dreadful, awful ac tions of Imogene Merton! Sarah Hal- Comb, that Eves next door, seen it with her own eyes, and she told me all about it. And poor, dear Mr. Merton away on church business I" "What is it?" "Do tell I * "Go on, Arimintha?, and explain," were the words from all sides, " Well, to begin with, my feelings ia awfully riled up; but yon all know that barrowa^-great heaps of earth$ SHAKESPRARS never seems to have in- ! whioh they piled up above the bodies of vented a name. Among the people liv- : their dead chieftains. JFroiu these have ! hig in the sixteenth oentury were 1 orick, been taken their skeleton^ their weapr Simon Catling, Poins, Bardolph and their domestic utensils and their Tybalt. Tha origin of "Mab" is nn- [ornaments. In stature, the neolithic men were short and thiok-set, not often exceeding five feet four inches. In complexion, they pexe probably white, but swarthy, like the darkest Italians and Spaniards, or even the Moors. Their skulls were origin certain, though John and Isabel Mabb were owners of the Fabard Inn, in 1590. IN 1752 the Government of Spain, be ing determined to restore the navy, found it necessary to send to England for shipwrights they were also obli&red , , , , . to apply to the same quarter for persons !f^»7 who could make ropes and canvas, the the race skill of the natives being unequal to such 188 weU *• toe be*t test °* ,ts RUrvival ** achievements. THB modern jlubs of London and other large towns are said co have origi nated in London after the close of tne Napoleonic wars, about 1815. A num ber of half-pay officers, being compelled to economize, formed a club, where they could dine together at less expense than they could separately. THE French livre up to the reign of Charlemagne contained exactly a pound of pure silver. Philip L diminished the j the present day. The neolitlis were un- | acquainted with the use of metal, but j they employed weapons and implements I of stone, not rudely Chipped, like those ! of the older stone age, but carefully ! ground and polished. They made pot- j tery, too, and wove cloth; they domes ticated pigs and cattle; and they culti vated coarse oereals in the little plota which they cleared out of the forest with their stone hatchets or tomahawks. In general culture, they were about at the same level as the more advanced 01 pure silver, rump JL diminished the j tm we more aavancea amount of silver, and this example was 1 Polynesian tribes, when they first came ; so zealously followed that at the time of j the Revolution the livre contained less J than one-seventy-eighth the silver it had 1 in the eleventh century. CHARLES IL, the last of the Austrian | dynasty in Spain, was ignorant to a de- | gree which seems almost incredible. He aid not know the names of the large towns and provinces in his dominions, and during the war with France was heard to pity England for losing citiea which in faot formed part of his own territory. AT THB beginning of the Reformation Ireland was the only country of Northern Europe whieh had remained trUe to the Roman Catholic religion. The object of Ireland's animosity was never Rome, but England, and she had cause specially to abhor the two sovereigns who had been the chiefs of the great schism be tween Protestant and Catholic, Henry VIII. and Elizabeth. Religious enthu siasm and national enthusiasm became ao blended in the minds of the people that they could not be persuaded that it was not a matter of principle to resist the religions as well as political prinoi- ! pies of England. f A Lover's Promise* j years ago Jacob Widber< nmww j house in Yolo County, Califor- | into contact with European civilization. The barrows whieh they raised over their dead ohieftains were long and rather narrow, not round, like those of the later Celtic conquerors. They ap pear to have lived for the most part in little stockaded villages, each occupying a small clearing in the river valleys, and ruled over by a single chief; and the barrows usually cap the summit of the boundaiy hills which overlook the little dales. Inside them are long-chambered galleries of large, rough-hewn stones; and when these primitive erections art laid bare by the decay or removal of the barrow, they form the so-called " Druid- ical monuments" of old-fashioned anti quaries, a few of which are but the greater part Eustrarian. to a farm nia, and applied for work, stating that them theater fellers come to-day. WeU." i J* . **** J"81 arrive^ State from one of 'em--I know he was one because P. ,was re4,lced P^rae that he got off the train with them--come to Mrs. Mer ton's to-day, and she was a settin9 in that room of hers with them windows that swings out, and he, in stead of going to the front door or ring ing the bell like a man, why, when he saw her a-sittin' in that room, with her back to the window, he just slipped up sly and Sneaking-like and stepped in through the window, and then jumped clear across the room, and such huggin* an' kissin* was never seen in a minister's house afore ! Now, ladies, I know tliia is so, 'cause Sarah Halcomb told it for a solemn truth, and that ain't the worst of it. After he had stayed an hour or so he went to the hotel and got another fellar, and them two walked straight to the minister's honse and she opened the door, fixed up fit to kill. Now, I say it is the duty of every member of this, society to lcok into this matter. The minister is gone, and we have got the respectability of the church to sustain. We should go immediately and hear what that dreadful creature has to say for herself." 51 Law me! Who'd have thought it?" "The most soandalous thing I ever heerd I" "Maybe there is some mistake," put he was obliged to depend on manual labor for a subsistence until something offered. He was quite well educated, Well Indorsed bj Our Own Cltlsens. No matter how useful anything may be in itself, good indorsements seem to increase its usefulness greatly by insuring a wider field for the display of its special merits. We were thus impressed in view of the fol lowing statements received by one of our representatives from leading individuals connected with some of the largest enter prises in our midst. Among others whose testimony was finely given was W. H. Stearns, Esq., Master Mechanic of the Conn. River railroad, residing at 28 Boylston street, who observed : " St. Jacobs Oil has had a wonderful effect among the men em ployed here. One of them jammed his arm very badly and by the nse of St. Jacobs Oil Was greatly benefited, and the arm WHS healed. Another used it for severe rheu matic pains in the knee, and pronounced the Oil a complete success, as he was cured by and in appearance was altogether more J its use.^ Mr. A. B. Taylor, of the " Ray & prepossessing than the average Califor- nia laborer. The farmer to whom he applied gave him employment, his duties j being to do odd jobs about the place, and to assist the women folks about the I house. The latter consisted of the | fanner's wife and a daughter about I twelve yews of age, who was exceed- ' ingly pretty and a great favorite in the neighborhood. Young Widber remained on the farm a year, and during the time became very much attached to the little girl, so much so that when he left he kissed her good-by and told her that when he got rich he would come back and claim her as his little wife. To this agreement she laughingly absented, her " affianced" left for other scenes. Subsequently the father of our heroine •old out his farm and moved with his family to Washington Territory, where he became a permanent resident After two or three years' residence on this coast Widber returned to his home in Taylor Manufacturing Co." was pleased to say: " My aunt, Mrs. I'illsbury, of Mount Clair, N. J., while visiting at our house tried St. Jacobs Oil for rheumatism and neural gia, and found immediate relief every time. She pronounced it the best thing she had ever tried for the trouble." Mr. J. B. Wes ton, 45 Greenwood street, Supt. Car Works, Boston and Albany railroad, thus addressed our reporter : ~ I am one more of the fort- unates who have had the good luck to hear of that wonderful remedy, St. Jacobs Oil. I had rheumatism in the shoulder severely, and could find no relief until I used the OiL I applied it and must confess I was sur prised at the results. I am almost well and expect to be entirely so in a few . day*."-- tfpriuaJield (Mam. ) Union. Street-Cleaning ta Paris. _ It may interest our municipal authori ties to learn that the amount appropri ated annually for cleaning the streets of Paris, which are cleaner than those of any other city of like size in the world, is $35,000. This does not include the A Georgia Dog With Ike ToolkMta. Whoever heard of a dc£ with (he toothache? Well, Augusta can boast of the novelty. The poor old fellow hai been bowling for a week with neuralgia ©f the jaw, and when hia master, who is veil as an artist, tlieeattoeef teeth in the canine'a grief, he set to work to ex tract a whole row of dgoayed te< the dog's mouth. Now, fid# may absnid to some very ignorant people, but it is all true, and the poor dog held his month open and sat perfectly quiet while the teeth were being drawn. And yet some people think a dog has no sense or appreciation.--Avgutla New. MASSACHUSETTS yoong women read with ill-concealed envy that a Kansas widow has just got hack from the funeral of her sixth husband. ** HOW WELL AND STBOIfCU** Ssmux, minds. DR. R. V. PIKRCK, Buffalo, N. Y.: Dear Sir-- I wish to state that my daughter, aged 18, was pronounced incurable and was fast failing, as the doctors thought, with ooaettmptiou. T ob tained a half dozen bottles of your " Golden Medical Discovery " for her and she commenced imprOTing at once, and is MOW well and strong. Yery truly yours, REV. ISAAC N. AroOTTiN. " Discovery " sold by druggists. A \¥BBTC»'8 thrust: "Everything is M regu lar a« eiockwork about mj house," said Brown, who w»d showing the splendots of his new resi dence to some of hu friend*. " Yea," said Fogg, "it is tide, tick, all the time, I mpposa." I-.CK HEADACHE Mm J. C. HEXDEBSO*, of Cleveland, Obi<\ writes: " The use oi two of Pierce's ' Pleas ant Purgative Pellets* a ,dav, for s few weeks, hss entirely cured me of ucfc headache, from which I formerly suffered terribly, ss of ten, on an average, as once in ten days. Of all druggists. " RBXKKE-CII who you are talking to, sir," •aid in ludigu&ut parent to a fractious boy ; "I am your father.n "Well, who'* to blame for that?" asfcsd tha "Taiu't me." Yorso and middle-aged men, suffering from aenoas debility and kindred affections, ,ss low ®f memory and hypochondria, should inck>ss toree stamps for Part TIL of World's Dispen sary Dime Series of pamphlets. Address WORLD'S DntrnuuBY Mxntoax. Ai Buffalo, N, Y. •a T*i«r ®*T*» Triad. YoKale Bait Oa* Marshall, Ifieb., wffl send tiiebE)aetio>Valtaie BaHsand ether feleo- t"0 trial forttirtydays to any panoo aflhotad with Havens Deb&ty, Lost Vitality and Undrad troobles, guaranteeing complete wtenliw el vigor and manhood. Address as above without delay. N. Ifc--No risk ia incurred, as Wrtgr day* Mai is allowed, timmt Die ta tlto HTOIBMHB, M Bough on Bats.' Clear* out rats, arise, roaches, bedbugs, flies, ants, motes chipmaak% gophers. 10c. EVXBY Bom should contain Eilert'a Extract of TUT sud Wnd Clurry. This«eletorated remedy will sorely oura Colds, Coughs, Croup^ Catarrh, Consumption and all Bruaouial oomplainia. Common Celds neglected, are the eanse of one- halt (he dratba. Dont wait for sickn<>M to come, but this day talcs home a bottle of Bilart's ex tract of Tar and Wild Cherry, for It may cava the life of a loved one, when delay woold be Bold by all Druggists, VSXBKAK'S PKFTOKIZED BxKrToino, tha only preparation of beef containing its entire nutri tious properties. It contains blood-making, force-generating and life sustaining proper ties ; invariable for indiaeation, dyspepsia, nervotw prostration, and all forms of general debility; also, ia all enfeebled condlttaous, whether result of exhaustion, nervous prostra tion, overwork or acute disease, p&rtioulaiiy if resulting from pulmonary complaints. Gas- wel', Hazard A, Oa, proprietors, New York. Sold by druggists. tfacui HAM'S CONDITIOS PowbEa prevents disease, pur.fles th« blood, improves tne appe tite, given a smooth and glossy coat of batr and keeps the animal in good oond.ticn. It cures Distemper. Coughs, Colrtu, Fevers and mont, of the diseases to which Horses, Cattle, Shesp, Hogs and Poultry are pubject. and aboald be used by every one owning or having the cam of •took. 8oid by all Druggists. MRS. SARAH J. VAN BUBKX, whose portrait appears in another column of this paper, is pre paring a " Ladies' Tonic " which has been used for yeara for curing those distressing complaints oommon to womankind. It can he tought of Dru«rgists or by addressing Mrs. Van Buren at 192 Franklin at, Buffalo, N. Y., who answers letters free. . / , THE Howe Soales have all the latest improvs- hMnt«. It ia true economy to hoy the beat. Borden, BeJleck A Co., Agents, Chicago, ,I1L Tar tha new brand. Spring Tobaeea \ AHSOCUTIOK. A CANDIDATE for the office of Auditor of the Public Accounts wan suddenly called upon for a speech. On using he commenced : " Fellow- citizens, vou have called on me for a few re- niarks. I have none to make. I have no pre- ludeod, I'm no speaker ; 1 do pared speech, not desire to be ai an Auditor." 1; I only wank to War are seeds, when sown, like gatepost*? Beeanae they are planted in the eartti to prope gate. A Ptkjrslctaurti Advice® Don't expect to cure Constipation of the bov els, dyspe|>gia, indigestion, etc., l>v the use of severe cathartic medicines. Relief thus ob tained ia only temporary. When the reactitsa comes the disease ha# a firmer hold 011 the di gestive system than at first. The practice of taking cathartic medicines is the cause of a great aanount of unnecessary Buffering. The dose must be increased from time to time until digestion is impossible without their use, and the liver and bowels eventually become a mass Of corruption that death only can relieve. The *ray to permanently CUM weak and imperfect digestion is to purify the blood and strengthen every part of Hie body by the use of such tdnios as Yellow Dock, Barsaparilla, Juniper, Iron, Celery and CMtsaya, all of which ingredients enter into the composition of Dr. Ouvsott's Yellow Dock and SarsapariUa, the queen "of all health renewers. It increases* the power of endurance and counteracts the pernicious ef fects of physical or mental exhaustion. LITTLE 8-year-old Johnnie, being out is the garden one day with his grandpa, pointing to some pea-vines, asked: " What are those, grandpaT "Those are pea-vines, and when they are larger there will he peas on them." Again, poinung to some weeds, Johnnie asked: "Wtoatare these?" "That is pig-weed, said his gtandpa. Johnnie exclaimed: "Oh, grandpa, when they get big, will them be pigs on them ?" TrthVSofto profusely in the gutters and in the markets and other public places and for which our hero was sole heir. No sooner tte_.br.™ ft. dv is. * tie girl who had given the parting It was a eolemn-visaged group that filed into the minister's sitting-room. Mrs, Hezekiah was to be spokfeswoman, as she generally was on all church occa sions. Mrs. Merton greeted them, her face all smiles. . "I had just sent for yon, Mrs. Win ters; I haw such a pleasant surprise for you I" and she actually kissed the old iady's withered cheek, while Miss So phrona Dobbs muttered " Judas!" under ner breath. "Just coine right in here, while I talk to the ladies." And Mrs. Winters followed, her withered faoe white with indignation. Suddenly there was a strange, glad cry from the wrathy lady, ana, in an swer to the words, "Eddie, my boy !" some one said "Mother!" and then Mrs. Merton went back to explain matters to the astonished ladies. "My brother came to-day, and in his traveling he came by chance upon Edgar Winters. Edgar i& traveling with the theater troupe that is here, and, they being friends, Luke brought Edgar here, and I sent for Mrs. Winters ; but she came before my note reached her." The ladies now began to feel ashamed, but they were generous. Miss Arimin tha said : "If I'm the bearer of soandal again, it sha'n't be about you, Mrs. Merton." All hardness seemed melted out of Mrs. Winters' nature m she returned to promise ten years ago. He was not long in ascertaining here whereabouts, and lost no time iu paying,a visit to her at her home, near the Columbia. That the meeting was mutually agreeable is evi denced by the faot that the happy couple, now Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Widber, ; are living in Ohio.-- Yolo Mail. Thirteen million square yards of road- 1 way are swept and cleaned every morn- {iug by 2,200 men, 950 women and thirty ! boys, with 190 sweeping machine*. : TUcae machines are generally two- | wheeled affairs, similar to those used j here. Two of them are driven down a : street, one following closely on the other. The first sweeps the middle of the road ' and the second takes the dirt and sweeps i it to the gutter, where a strong current - of water from the nearest hydrant hur- . j lies it into the sewer, the women help- oi yS*°g from TeSsple 1 jj,g £$ A|OQg with their brooms. This Mills, Maine, to the Cincinnati farming World, is evidently preparing herself to support some young man who is constitu tionally opposed to physical exertion. She says: "My father owns a large farm and a nice lot of cattle and sheep and I and my sister was born on this large farm and always have lived hero, aha of course we think there is no place like home, but we can play on the piano or organ as well as the next one. I play in two churches in this town every Sun day, unless it is too rainy to nave a meeting. I can spin yam (not street yarn), for I don't take any stock in them, but real woolen yarn. Twe years ago ! this summer I spun sixty-four and one- half pounds of wool and.made one hun- I dred and nine yards of cloth all for our- j selves. I can harness onr horse and take . a drive when I like, and I and. my Bister I can yoke the oxen or unyoke them when J there is need of it; have done BO several ! times this winter, and I and my sister ' have done all the chorea a great many plan would not work here, since the mnd • would soon fill up the sewers, but BO lit- ' tie dirt is allowed to accumulate in Paris that each day's sweepings are easily car ried away, by the aid of an abundant flow of water, and it is only in some , parts of the city that the filth is still rich enough to be carted away and sold. ' It must be remembered that Paris has smooth pavements, to begin with, aid, further, that instead of allowing the dirt . to accumulate for a month or six months, the streets are kept clean all the time. Chemical disinfection is also a very im portant part of this service, and it is con nected with the system of sprinkling the streets, which is carried on at all seasons, except when it is very cold, at m cost of some £10,000. All this expenditure to gether would not compensate one of out contractors for leaving the dirt ia die streets. --Philadelphia Time*. THB Dallas (Texas) Times thinks the Ger man papers would be more popular if they tore not published in a foreign language. lis. SIDNEY MCNANMY, of New Richmond, Ohio, writes: " My lungs were weak, my breath came quick and snort, my heart palpitated, my dreams disturbed my blood WM poisoned with tu rofula; my back itched, 1 had dy»|Wpeia, my kidneys were affected. I could not work, nor could I even cat with comfort. Life teemed a burden; rheumatism was in every Joint; I suffered from piles and weak kidneys. I thought I could never get well, but Dr. Guyso tt's Yellow Dock and Barsaparilla has removed all my at flictiOQfc COUGH •'qiMKFH" BKIOK MArHISTK. WELLINGTON, O PAMPHLETS FRBB. And by sues a aid and when,flmn his , instructs, bis optnioas words can Mm lost, tbe tad one can is still that they bad forgetting tint ft ia the < dura We. As, in the JACOB ta;extendingiCHaf to tl ant by offering a bottleof that ST. JACOBS OILJW^CIN AM fit for his fellowmfata their times Of •Icknesa. In how many instances I ' 5*. 4..^ f-V ^ ril pie mention of the words *Sr. JACOB* OIL," coupJed with terms of indonexnent sad a»- couragement, bring relief IttJ tafe to (babe suf fering with rheumatim. In view ful record of this Gteat German 1 euro of rheumatism, neuralgia ss4 aft> diseases, it appears in the lint tfSnfi averrone to patiently, yet fetramttv, urge its application in the aiseues mme4L.fceeHttg in mind that the highest food mm man t) nan consists in that which lends to peace, welfarenndgeneral health, who have no hesitation in givfag A to their opinion is Bishop Gilmnr, Ohio, who has used the Great Gem ST. JACOBS OIL, and en domes it writes about it as follows: "I mm p that the use of 8T. JACOBS OIL 1MS 4* I "I tly, and I have no hesitation to reeommoaA to all a* an excellent curative" Mk. EnptoyMRt far Laditt. Hp BaoiiaClslMw ^•Kr ri--asm >« liitmm/ttiK ETD A 7ET AXLE GREASE Bcm larti W»rM. S«dw wsrtn. (tf> •. 1 $5 to$20rddl2.uho,M tddraa* BxniaoM 11 SI® AWKSE. 'Ill a at hmi mHygadt. Oortty Vis. ootflt fi«8. Addraaa Tmtra a Co., AaiM*.Mm. 'HEITMWIOal wxthfad «ba mW priea. / O. ROHM, Srin, Pa. ^ $61 e «•* tn your own town. Twma and $6 outfit ft*». AddnM H. HALXXTT A Co., Portl&nd.M*. TITA^lTEl>.--Ladtea to do Hght work at bom*. JjV fteiit ly mail. Add ran: G. RUSH WILSON, Fall River, Maw. YOUM MERKrS HtQf t PMI WEEK oan bo made in any locality. ®Ov Horaethhw •nttraly new for ajMnta. #Sont&t free. ft. W. ikSSAllia * OA, Baton, DIM. Buplilm aaMICwwd IM M taliMaja NO|M]>UII CareA 11*. J. HTMimtutH. Labanoo. OHU.. A OBOOP of gentlemen WHS talking oror the atrical matters the other day, and one of thein told & story in which a Hartford citiswii of some celebrity figured as hero. It was in the daytt of the old Wyatt Theater at American Ball. There was a funeral scene in the play, and it watt the doty of our friend to exclaim In oommauding tones, "Htand aside and let the coffin P»»H !" This was all be bad to say, and a number of hia friends bad come to the theater 021 purpose to hear him say it. Jndgo of their dismay when, with shaking knees sud blanched countenance, he roared ont, " Stand aside and let the parson cough!" That settled hie career as a " aupe.Hartford Times. 01O Of awdu CONFEDERATE KOtJEY and a M pace Jownal (HXtTBTRATED) went tr-- to aai Mdrwa (or Ma • Dr. 0.3. Lane, Jamkaon, Mich. • w I cloui» g|)&ral'tiir Temper^ iSrSf'SSFRANKand JESSE JANES The noturious outlaws. Full iwcount irf the shooting of Jeaae Jainea; hiaportrNit before and after death; plot- area ot the ynuiiK wife, the two children and the Ford boyt. Outfit &ic. Addreu C. B. Beach A Co., Chlcac >, III. DISEASES of IKE URIHO-BEHITAL ORfiUS, Blood, L »er. Lnnsa, Heirt, Kidneys, Nerves, Catnrrh, EroiicliiUt, Dnpepsia, Piles, Ktieumatium, E«irly Decar, Female Weakness and all Chronic Diseases speediijr and permanently oared. Book tree. Writw for «dvioe. DR. 8. T. BAKKK, Box KM. Buffalo, N. V. y. -CV-v" mtmj?- v -'.•rassisass ENGINES lube Boilor. WUlaafetbe&eMtinTf _ H. A. PITTS' 8ON6 MPC.1 w and 0 S. «MI»rson St. CHICaCK^ Hi. llMRSiMle XKelleC. ft E Worn OMAHA, Neb., Hay 24, 1881, a 4 0<x: Sirs! I hare f; fre quently used your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure for rheumatic attacks and have always derived benefit therefrom. E. D. KITTCS. " THE seeoud cousins of the corpse will please come forward and take their places," loudly C&lica tuc iniiuu uu uiic uOuttttlUn. ** 1'be lateral branches of the corpse." said another, " will now join tbe procession. LTDIA E. PINKHAK'S Vegetable Compound is a positive cure for all those weaknesses to oom mon to our best female population. "THV.BK is nothing like settling down," ssfd the retired merchant coufiduutiaily to his neighbor. '* When I gave up business I set tled dowa and found I had a comlortable fort une. If 1 iiad settled up, 1 shoald not hnvc had a oeot." SAVS N doctor's bill by keeping the system hi order with Kidney-Wort It will do it AOBUIRU all around: "I purpose intro ducing some new features into the service." Midliev. Mr. Textual. "All right," remarked Fogg. "New lm.ures in that imlpit are juxt what I have IKJCII iougiug for lor the last year or two.** X A.REED & SDNS' PIANOS. 1 f A. REED & SONS' 0RGANS.1 THI3 new ELASTIC TRUSS Hss a TM SICSHM frwe si I etbsr*. * capakaiM, wlih Ml i<a*MMr,a*v«*llwKloall iwsltlMS Ik* B«rats Is krtt aerarsiy (» mi ••ad anliuln'rTeaas 1»"*"Murs»lsaii/etaa», «*ui br a.»iL Ciraatua ^ Esfliestoo Truss Co., Cbicautv UL. Halted State*. , Gen. James S. Bnsbiu, of the United States army, gives the 11 umber @nd loca tion of the several Indian tribes as fol low : •' --i"' ifSiriw. fudirn*. the sitting-room. mph.^ zir t'z&izfsLn, \-»^ denouuca you, and on circumstantial ; evidence only; but m be your friend in the future, remember that." The kdies by turns apologized for having troubled her so much. " Oh, 1 am getting used to beiag a minister's wife, and I don't mind nush things, you know." Perhaps this last remark was tragm- eious ; but it was true to her, and there after one minister's wife was not made tiie subject of ill-natured gossips. and we Oan do all kinds of fancy work as well as the next one. Mow mother and I and sister takes all the ewe of a large garden after it is plowed and we get pre miums on our vegetables I am twenty- one and mj sister is nineteen yaaia oU." ' ; V Nonsense Taught in Schools. Tbe following problems in mathemat ics, presented for solution to a class in drawing in one of our secondary public schools in this city, the scholars being 10 years of age and under, show to what extent the practice of cramming has been engrafted upon our public-schbol system : " Sketch a square three inches, sketch its diameters and its diagonals. Quadrisect each semi-diameter, trisect eaoh aide. Through the inner points ,00 the diameters draw a circle. From tbe THE St. Louis iMu.> i*o*t-l*inp<itck, lit the close of a long article, says : in fact Kt» Jitcobs Otl is pushing all other reineaies out of tlie held, and, excellent though some of the liniments fortnerly offered ua-, the effi cacy of St Jacobs Oil is magical in cases of sciatica, rheumatism, pleurisy, neuralgia, nervous headache, lumbago and scores of other disorders ; whHe in the case of sprains, bums or injuries it is an absolute pau.ieea, and for general use is better than tho advice of miuiy physicians. "A word to the wise is sufficient." WHEN hens get to be 4 or 5 years old, they are not profitable layers, and the experienced owner of a hennery bends their breast bones, breaks the tough muscles about the wings, and sella them for spring chickens to city customers. The average spring chicken is the best- known friend of city dentists ; one of them, an experienced setter, has known to equal half a dozen full sets. State*, et* A r i z o n a . 4 California A Colorado 1 Dakota... ....10 Idaho 8 Iudian Terntoiy f 18,000 4, TBI 2,600 30,000 3,683 18,305 68,277 733 336 •,#96 6,1'je 30,519 4,22a 7,811 0C,66S 8,'J35 4,119 474 13,137 7,260 AGENTS WANTE0 FOR THE W uj. - • |THE OHLV MBPlCfHg] II JElTHKft LiqttD Ol tll vmi ^kai * -TT RT •'--R TUT tllv jwf '* TBX una, tn aowMti, An rammt ' WHY ass WS'MQKf Imwii etopMcf or torpMt '̂and ^pohMwii Aumorsart tMtr^fttrt fitretd into the M| K ! D N E V W O P WILL SUMLYCimi [KIONKY DISKASCS, LIVER COMPUliTI,| Iran, oaiiBTiPATias, ciauvl n»« tiw, rami waaKifMB^Pk- AJOS mwes wwniH I»» cam**firm mcUm ef tkm *yw mm restertHff |l«hjwiwr totkremtf Mmu. Whywiwr mi--pafcMUMl nisi Whjr twauM wttk rilM, C>--*l|St«Wt| Vtr fHfjitwiid «*«r diMrdand IMm|4| Whyaadai*mwi wralek luhital r«sKXDNKT.WOKTaMdr«MMteAMUL| Itbpdw'* Tsiiaii Fana. iatail mill mil |l«l*Ml if TTMIITI ------ -F "F Imsdicina. Alia h ll|sl« Farsa. wrj C ITTF^FORTTOSELHATEAAAALRMITLYJRSPARAA. tarn acta Witt sqaaleadaMT teal I asr IT OF TOPS piroawT nn viUAiiGUiaiWAO^rnMi I (WUl aead tta **T >ŝ pafcl) to nooyw "• 1 " | extent the practice of eramming has their breast bones, breaks the tough ui-possessuii and ffMi calling Eumx thousand eight hundred dol- been engrafted upon our public-schbol muscles about the wings, and sells them ®"» y *yPPlpg lars pays the yearly salaries of all the system : " Sketch a square three inches, for spring chickens to city customers. fLEEfi*? New Oov«>rnors, and the Gov- sketch its diameters and its diagonals. The average spring chicken is the best- numei j .® Wtt ». "*? •WndOT fig- ernor of Mussnchusetts ^etg 85.000 of it. Quadrisect each semi-diameter, trisect known friend of city dentists ; one of not so id ma wonderful Nray ai Swuf The Governor erf New Hampahire m- ®ach side. Through the inner points on them, an experienced setter, has been article P*l©-blue ribbotas, dropped ^ires S500L the diameters draw a circle. From tbe known to equal half a dozen fall sets. 000--] Indian Territory, civilised Indiana,... X Karma* 1 lima 1 Mtchiffan % Hliiaeaota t" Montana I Metiraiika. « Nevada, | New Mexio* 1 New York 1 Oregon..... I Utah * Washington Jarritosj T Wisconsin. ft Wyoming 1 Toiain .* 88 246,417 Tikis lesves 15,434 to be accounted for. They are in small bands scattered over Arizona, Idaho, Montana and. Utah in the West, and settled Indians in Cal ifornia, Indiana.,, Kansas, Iowa, North Carolina, Oregon and Wisconsin. TKS unprecedented demand for Dr. BoQ'a Cough Syrup has had the effect of bringing out numerous similar r«rntidies ; but the people are not so easily induced to make a trial of the new article, when they value the old sad wBshls •Dr. fiall's Cough Syrup. HISTORY0"'"!WORLD .Embracing full aad HUUienlii I Of WMteltl .. l ounth *• - i *JMt nodera tuio-, #nd inclmi ug » bis-toiy af tte rise and tali < f tbe tinsels iind ROBUB , Iba craaadBS, tlse feudal «y»-dlsaover> and setttemsat of i Matoriaal engrantwts, wui Is the huHUTSBUMSIS' msuwaiiiii --j^iw'a.1 a i» (•saahs^ka hMtfill a m.v. •MM* eaapleta Historr «rf the World erer'pQbiiahed. TffHKN WiUTIHU TO SOVKKTIMWIk m I Jfwsur' --a=a aarruaaSi Ihavenscd Oa. HAXTHB'* Isogr • twaetr-Sre yearw la MOdH, hava aa»ar ICMM. InoaaayeaaeaafN id eoaditlaa of the blood, this l that harebafflcdsosaa of IIAW LI MHWWWWI . • . • « , * . •> , * * <'t ' i • - * i i" '< * J v if * • '