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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 May 1882, p. 8

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JOHN STERBA, Bbi 3STAL COLUMN" OlotMiig, itied in ---OF--- x, »v7:";. • V. e': "1 J. H. Burger, of •ehool «t visit Iwt w?ek. ial'H Hi ' SUMMER .*n; fhir wjliool will close about the 2,1 »t of Jam for the Ion* summer vacation. In Africa ratable Vnttert* made the fruit of the »b#a tn»«, and is of a rleh«r taste than any nittde from milk. > - v •,: Xew York is crevised over th« crowded condition of the public schools, and the dangers to \^hhio •oholnrs aw subjected from had ventil­ ation. the prevalence of sewer jr«wu and nnmerom other ills that combine to rota the health of the teacher* and now the seeds of disease among the child- : !' ' 8choo! report of the MeHenry BCIKHIIS for month ending Mav 19th, 1882: Whole number enrolled *. 188 Whole number days attendanee ..3.004 Average dally attendance ........ 150 Ne. neither absent nor tardy*.... 47 No. visitor...... * 12 HIGHER DEPAETHEWR No,enrolled .... . 46 Pat* attendance .•.....*.......841 Average daily attendance ......... 42 Neither absent nor tarrljp--17, viz. IKahel Ford. T.ibbie Lee, Ella Powers. Mary Doherty. Mattle Smith. Nellie Pliaiin. 'Nellie Bncklln. Lewis O'ven. Annie Powers, Way Wlghtman, Howard Perry, Oltas. Mead. Wallace Morey. Win. Wentworth. Philip Mayes, Elsie Gage, Wm. Whiting. Htaiiding the highest in written ex­ aminations--Mattie Smlfh and Nellie Bucklin. $\ Best record in dally reci tat ions and department--Mattie Smith. Nniaher of pupils enrolled........ . . 4t Average daily »ttendance 86 Total Oiraiber of (lays attendance.. .601 Number neither absent nor tardy--C. via. Kate Howe. Belle Whiting. Bertha Tripp. Nellie Knox, Anna Nordquest, ETTA E. TORRANCE. Teacher, IART DEPARTMENT. Number enrolled 38 Whole number dav® attendance ....641 Average daily a;tendnnce 32 OB rolloi honor--16, viz.: Loois Bald­ win, Jessie Baldwin, Emma Parker. «fo»le Wheeler. Alfred Perry. Katie Henry, Nina Wells, Daisy Hill, Nellie Hill. Jacob Leickem, Harry Eldredge, Stella Morey, Villa Morey. Charlie Nordq«)»|. George Gilles, Lyle Howe. / _•• ' • BELLE 8TODI»ABD, Teacher. " V" * WEST SIDE DIVISION. No. poplte enrolled*.......... 61 Total attendance .921 Average dally attendance 46 1-20 No. on roll of honor--8, via.: William Lawrence. Aivah M»ad, Frank Mead. Charle* Blackmail, Otto Hensle, Grace Steven*. Haggle Bonslett, Lizzie Bress. Vlsitofa--C, viz.; Mr. C. Colby, Mrs. C. Colby, C. Bigetow, Mrs. • l«Mlb. mrs.g. at, (k>LBT, Teacher. f^badtgles, as a m!e, are not worthy •f much notice. Like unseasonable #f*It, they are not always palatable. ww do they often attain their full growth and ripeness. When, however. * tittle girl Ilk* Julia Folville, aged nine years, plays Mendelssohn's piano concerto, and then takss up the violin and performs Alard's Faust Fantasie. oae may well stop for a moment as be- in* a great curiosity, and wonder what •Mwner of child this is, and what nyiii- •er of life she most have led, when at •ndi an early ape she can perform such extremely difficult music. Still we are •f Mi® same opinion we always were, tfcat there w nothing gained by forcing • yonthfn! mind, nor by exhibiting its afeeMMplistiaMnts In public.--JSK. .. For Spring and Summer. A full lino of piece goods of ihe latest styles and at the lowest figures. CLOTHING! DWIGHT. A Bigger Stock than ever. : SUITS » at . SUITS , Sp5t8a11 r- Come early and examine my new goods which are now being received aud placed upon tJ*j raaefcrt to fcp sold fur very little money. ^ " " " . - >> Onr Stock is the I.argert, the Cheapest and the Most Desirable to be found in the Northwestp. Drop in and take a tooK and get nry low Cash Prices. ::-t ?g*. W. H DWIGHT. Woodstock, 111. want first c?aes machinery something, we buy so much of that yott get the beiiefit oi it? We know 6f some dealers that buy no much that they claim to sell low, bftt you get all their prsces and then come to us and we will'sell you the sapK ^$>4$ ti*»u any other dealer. ,t > * y , We have just received the finest car of , * ,4 * C v- lOARBlAOm' ALU That ever came to this county. If in want of one don't -fail to call, as the finish beats them all. A Warantee of our own for om year with each carriage. ^ We have six different kinds. Among them are thlFSe different JCey8tone PIanters,#Stmidard, Union'and John Deere, all Rotary or Slicle Drop, and at prices you will be satisfied with, * t comV OTJX7TI'v ATOR Si We have eight klhds. Am oner them you will find Ihe ebratec Bertrand & Barnes, Standard, Case, Climax Call before buying. Warranted to suit. y MINNEAPOLIS SEL^-BlNDER. Prtrmerljr of MnHenry, Woodstock .CWcaFo, has etnrnftfl to , . Woodstock, Illinois, And hasrnow on haad'tfae largest and sto'kof READY HADE HABHTSSSZS. COI-I-ARS, WHIPS, tu-.., to be rounty, and ftna everythinir male oflhs BEST MATERIAL. Call aiuUficelmf. » qOHW STERBA? DACt 3. DONOVAN. cel- rr WAUCON DA. 6enf« Furnishing Goods. ^ Jg HATS, CAPS, &c9 Mrs. Has veneived a fine !5t!>ck of Spring and Snni. mer Millinery goods, allof the latest stv'es. An lee lot of Uibbons ami Plumes. "The ladies of Western I,alee County are especfatl v invited to call and examine goods and prices. : H. ,rr JOHN B. MAI MAN. Robinson Wagon Co. Two Doors North of Perry Manufacturers of spiJISTS WAGONS. Buggies & Phaetons- Swid for dwigng and prices to BOBDTSON WAG02T CO^ CINCINNATI, O. 4»':' THE HORSE L WAGOE 15®. "i® fHBfwt cataract fn tin* tvorM 1i> tb« Falls of Niagara, where the water from tli* great upper lakes forms a rtvtr of three-quartan of a mile In width, and then, being suddenly con­ tracted, pluuges over the rocks III twa ealomng, to the depth of oae hand red and seventy feet each. fi*atesf. cave In the world is the HaMmoth Cava in Kantncfcy, where any ea« taaka a voynge on the waten> •f a sohterranean river, and catch fish Mat are withoot eyes. 1** greatest river in the world is tli# Mississippi, fonr tlionsand one hun- d»td miles long. Tha largest valley la the warld Is the •aHajr ©f the Mississippi. It ton tains hondred thousand miles, and is one •f the nut fertile and profitable regi- #M of toe globe. ' The greatest elty park in the world la In Philadelpkia. It contains aver fjMO acres. The greataat grain port In the world It Oif«sgo. Tlie lurgeal lake In the world Is Lake flapertw, whte!i is truly an inland sea. being fonr hundred and thirty miles long, and one thousand feet deep. Tho greatest newspaper establish- »«»t la the world Is the Herald, New York. The longest railroad fn*the world is tha Pacifie railroad, qver 3,000 miles In length. The greatest natural bridge In tlto world Is the Natural Bridge over Cedar Creek, in Virginia. It extends MOTORS a chain eighty feet in width and two hundred aa« fifty feet in depth, at the bottom of wltitk the creek flows. Tha greatest mass of solid iron in tlM warld Is the Iron Monutalti of Mis- UttH. It Is three hondred and lift; feet Mjpli, and two miles in circuit. The heat specimen of Grecian archi- tMl«r» In the world is the Glsard Col- laga #«r Orphans, FiiHttdelpliiit. The largest aqueduct lu the world U Iha Cretu«i Aqueduct In New York. Its laogth Is forty wiles a«d.a haif. and it east twelve a*d a half miUi<>u8 of 4»ttwns. . Tha latjs«at its posits of nnthrncVte «Ml In the world are in Pennsyivania, tha mines of which supply the marke t With millions of lorn amiuatfrVaD# afw |Nta»r t#.ba Inexhaustible. <*• * --• A SEW BOOK on tha Horse. His lilstory, structure, uses- and treatment. AL.o giving a few of the most i Important and. Effective Bemedies for the cure of the diseases of the horse. 4i, fc#" Valuable to erery owner and lover eflU| horxe. , . U • • Published by tie 533KS0H VASOK CC., Claela. Citi, 0., and sent, postage paid, to any address, o# receipt of Tnurr? "_c Skit* D. Kitchen s'orch I '.irl rr. lt& C: i/Iiias Eooa EC. §S?<Wa,,4! TJireesheets^ 1^x24, hea\*y plate paper,, contain­ ing elevations, plans and details for tho above house: also book of »x^paj:c<^ piving specifications, itemized estimate and forr.i cf contract--invaluable to every carpenter «r p »*ty proposingbuilding, as a, guide in innVing bids or .drawing coivtracts. Pricc $2.00. Sent by mail, postpaid, on receiptor *ice. 4 H. E. WALTON, 330 W. Ninth St* Cincinnati, 01 Where yon will find all grades of Furniture, from a corai.^. up to the finest Set, of the best make ;md quali^jp People ct me will find all my goods as represented. If Jobbing and Repairing neatjiy and promptly done. PNDERTAKJNGF; .In this Department I keepa fii^t-clA^iwsoiimettt of Caskets, and (•offins, and shrouds of alt A Hcarse t'iii-nisli^d M .easoua ble rates. We have the Renown Minneapolis Twine Binder. If you look it over yon will find it has more improvements than«iiy Binder Netting to be feared from Mccormick's threats. For Reapers and Mowers wo have on hand tine Manny Light Reapers and Mowers, the Light Standard Mower, the Roice Reaper, Richmond Mower and the Peerless. Of Hay Racks we have five--the celebrated "Tiger." New Hoi- lingsworth, Furst & Bradley and Case, all self-dump or hand. Of Pumps we have both wood and iron. For a wood pump we keep the Kenosha, Temple, Toledo, Busline!I and Mishwaukeee, and |or aii iron pump the weH known Trakem a»t Buckeye. Uwi tfk elsewbere iTthe coun ^ ^ have % actual count oVer JG0 Bugsries, Platform Spri iir Wag- ways repair or put them down any depth. W E. M. OWEN & SON. It is a lact well known to the Farmers of MeHenry County that whenever they have spokeh of Dacy Jo o jposi^on dealers, thflt the sound ol his name'has caused 1 hem to shud­ der and t%cir bones to r:ittle> simply because the w.Mild bo opposition dealers know too wclf that we have bought our goods in much larger quantity tliKi» they Have done, and tlyit we bave al ways sold goods* for les> money than the same quality ntild be bought by many'of them and they know it. Again we have our first choice of machhiery iii the market, and always aim tb keep none but the be^f. Our * present stock consists Ot many articles of machinery, n t laiind We Piovos oevond aay reason'ble question that tha \| CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Is toy all odds the best road for yon to tak hen traveling in either dircctionbetwe«n CMcap aid all tie Principal Points in tie lest North & Northwest Carefully examine this Map. The principal Cities in the West ami Northwest are Statj on this road. Its through trains make close connections with the trains of all railroads Junction painta, I ^Agbland egaunec C<> •^BrAnkcn^ roTr)?.* ^ . Voile Ofdwqy Jirainerd RENC Qumn«seo "Wjtrii Spatdirla; Cloud Clayton v i s JCcnaii/v't t'ood k ,/v<r (^N.OR. P.- V-- VrincX^f.: Jllgona »VOoiluiaii i •fisos Y.tKKTO.V SlOUT c/I Cr'tgto,. '-y ]A Hearse tenisk&i ut rjreiD SVCAII A&s'"- ) CHICAGO Keamfy NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY. THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY, ? T>:' Over nil Trains. f its Yt MoHlllMlY. ILI. principiil lines, runs oacli way daily from two to four is tne onlv roHil West, Ntirth or Northwest of Chicago that uses the IMPERIAL PALACE DINING CARS. Kl re FMt pr DKA-LBB IX < suij it.Tst ii.'iiiciuc t-vt'r s£ Kope. Htsfy.YJ, Wton» •1 drakJeai--Uar Jcuju^viti :;UU>ebeat and iiMMt c ura tivt?»*\>| mUi's •••».' -jk cn-hur Milters, « rn„^.,n itV it fifoort nonfleN f sj ,1U'J - a,1'! liifto.-lng 8 >'oui«ra»)e*^ •»« roswil-i? ' JTIIT «*".a6 wlirre Hop |L IL-JAARA US*% WIM! AND IIEI-MMT ARE ICMIR AOY G.F S WK7IGTRTSTH»AG«!T»A4IAERB. £ Y<>r,!lrt'.*> e Wi;-.l^:i't.ufFriuii>e R tj- c:' i.lfel^v.vi-or'fc. cr V'!io TV 9 onirc r.n r 1' '-pn'In ilrt.'itlniijtaat, 9 Hop sx* Without irttOS- « IcaMcgr.. St Xo niuiu-r whatj our £cV Of ;*ri.ip'L. mis I ai* »jat tho or til *•* •"""? ill 1T~Ti"- r Ji.it- fl ters. Doit'fe wai«antttyous-c,3'5 l»ut :£ you g oi;ly'co! or : ..M Ci , J,v, - H.(.. £*t ;iay ;avo iiiV.it Ua-HflJ-""<• v»d ittituireds, 5300^'Ul U-pal<l fc-r w. CAV.M1-tht-y v-r; .• nr iiclih !>•> ii i", :V! l* ;Jt-l'* J| tsiifT. r,l>«t u»e and r:r;rj t . Xop B li<.-member, Hop TsU.tf.ru j ^ ' raj?;r«4 [i un»L-ii n./»tru.ri, but ^.v.-' >• •' JU'dii iuc i vev iimd';: !.nc anJ ;•>«) :>i. vi- raiv.;[j*^k j/a ittt nitbcMili Ur-m. £$$ .. ,8-Mannriti'.rrwu-tiiK" fo.-L-rvjiSettlv>1U':•*,V-jt-xr iy am :T*t- •»?! " • '• ' ' -;. £-vu(i i. ••r' 1 r r. 3 j M'lir-.t C->., <' ., Scissors, Shears, TaMe sntl Pocket Spades Sliovels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, f Window OlasH. Griiidstnes CRANITE-IRON AND TIN-WARE. 5!fc afitrnm Ja STORY. It is the onl v Yont\ Mftit runs Pn llmnn Cars North or Northwe&t of Chirajro. It has over 3,OOOtMiles of Road- In form*, amongst others, the following Trunk Lines: Canncil Bluffs, Colorado & California l.ine. Winona, Minnesota A Central U:ti>oka Line >iouit City A Northeastern Nebraska Line. Chicago, St. PJ-.H1 & Minneapolis Line. Elg-in, Uockfoni, Kreeport & Dubuque Line. Milwaukee, (ireen Bay & Lake Superior Line. Jim Biver Valley, Vierre & t>ea<twooil Line. Waukesha. Madison ^.Northern Line Tickets over this r«»<l are sold by all Coupon Ticket Ajrents in the United States AJCanada Uemember to ask for Tickets via this roau, be sure tuey read over it, and take none other # J D- LAYNG, Gen'i Sup't Chicago. W. H. STE.INITT, Gen Pass Agt Chicago. B.;'BUSS, Ag't C. A N W lR'y, MeHenry, III. BUY YOUR PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. A perfect cress" ing, elegantly per­ fumed and harm­ less, Removes dandruff, restores natural color and prevents baldness 60 rent* and *i «Ue« at aTugguU* nCSHTCX COLOGHE. An ^TqaUltclj' fm- ffrorit y>€rfuni«* with exceptionally ia*lutg properties. 2b ftitd If MBU. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC JU layigorati*) Medicine that Never Intoxicate* This delicious combination of Ginger. IJticlm, Mandrake, Stillingia. and many other of the best vegetable remedies known, cures alt disorders of the bowels, stomach, liver, kitlnej'S and lungs, &is The Best and Surest Cough Cure Ever Uted. If you are suffciing from Female Complaints, Nervousness, Wakefulness, R henuiatisni IJyspep- sia, age or any disease or infirmity, take Porker's Ginger Tonic. It tvill strengthen brain and body •ad give you near life and Tigor. lOO DOLLARS Paid for anyiliinginjiiricnjs found in Guiger Tooic or lor a failure to help or cure. «wl litM at dfftlcn in drug*. Laree eavlia^toymf ilSUe. Send fortireular to Huoox 4 Co., }«3 Wm-SL,N.V, (5-. W. BRSLEY, MeHenry, III., D. B. Maine, Genoa Jtinctiou, Wia., A. S. Wright, Woodstock, lil., and G. E. Dickinson, Nunda. 111., sell the reliable and pure medicines called ' DR. KAIGKH0FF8 1EDIGSNAI CARAMELS CONTAIN ouJ.v Vegetable Extracts, combined with different aromatic spices, tamarind* fle«. prunes an i chocolate, forming agreeable, mild, safe and pure mprtifinea. They are aa pleasant"' to take as t'ne Knot confectioii. aiid ificrcfoiv lake tho ]>l;:cc of nil mcdicinee which arc eoW under different names to secure healing cficcts. These imdlclnes are no secret preparationp but the fovmulaw for the different kinds have been ns<;<! extensively for many years throughout tho world b# leading physicians, for the various diseases they are recommended for. They are manufactured wit h the aid of improved machinery, under the r-upervision of a regular edncate d physician and chemict tpness alone creates a good 'i;;m;iu<l, as each box contains 2D Caramels (20 dbaea). tha nrica elng fn>m 2o to 50 cents. We mention " . QR. KALOKHOFF'S CATHARTIC CARAMELS Are an a^e'eabie, miW, sale, and certain, cathartic rncdic.ine. Cures Coostft- pation, Headache, Indigcstiou, Disordered Stomach etc. QR. KALOKHOFF'S WORM CARAMELS Kffe^lMe'^an " .chain, Vn-ocfi, round, spring, tape, and « hip worms Chil- dren delight K> f:ke them. price Zic.. per bo*. OR. KALOKHOFF'S OUCH CARAMELS Are a ccrtain cure and " instwit reli-jf for Coughs, C.^lds, Asthma, lirouchUis, CoiiBUinptioa, etc. Price 8.">e t»r hoi M. KALCKHCFF STHROAT CARAMELS Are a pleasant',Laand u certain cur:; for nil Throat Afl'eciions. Public sneakers clergymen, lawyers, and musicians should not he with­ oot them. Price 25c tif»p %ox BR. KALOKHOFF'S.FEMALE CARAMELS Are a re^iatiL medi- U cine and ccrt;'.m euro and rell I for all female tliseases. For farther particulars, nsk jour drupplnt for a circular. RR. KALOKHOFF'S DYSPEPTIC CARAMELS " permancut cure for all diseases of the Stomach-UvsneD- sia, Watcrbrat'l'., Pain,VomltiEc, ere. pr»co jjor n<w C« M.WIW»ISS£BK GARAKE1S *r. . u ?i.r'.l;vo^ a"? bf;xuuI L>!»ea8qH, Nervous and Sexual De­ bility, .Slecp.ctisncMs, etc. Price SOc. per box. IMITATION IMPOSSIBLE. I)r. K."i!r.!-:;io1i » Oaraiivls ---• • - OF GEORGE W. CamartlG Caramels Warn Cuis.dc COBfl Gorassls Tiroat Caraaclt waterproof wrapper. E «cb 0<r;tm'ni'tK o» o'lo'e'lt^t^BSed 0»6 siraature of A. F. !•:,kH.oif. M, I).' and o• i tC<• SKfr j}de the name of the Caramel. Theso Caramels are top aaln bv all druggist# and patent ntediciue deaiers. If your dtulr- dst does not keep then., s'-nd the reteti price to the mann- ftcuircrs, and they will forward the same liy mail IrL* of Charge to anv ad'lrcss f hrf>!;st(b.oul. tho TTnitcl Slates. m G3EVEN AWAY I ' To all drt}Sf?l8t» end dealers la patent medicines saninle pn#k8^cs of Dr Kaiekhoff's Caramel* ar8 Everybody can o'.tain a «mp!i: piclcaffe free of charTO fcv applying to your dnifigist /rr bv writing to the nnnufae- turei'M awl enclosing fi.Uireo cent postaao stamn l)rn<r»(H*'ii and dcales* will please write for Dnwists' Cir^iiln- MEDICINAL CARAMEL CO.. Jtauutaciurer* alid ffole l'rotii-ietors. mTLXVAT)KKB WIS. .. ,L . 1.. V. . \j* .At-. : : Female Canu&eh >;» S tore c j \n be found on the West S ide; wfaeae everyth ing ^his line can be found, Fresh and Pure. - m mum C&ra&cls Xldisy aiid Liver CiMaic's Efw: brouarht to McHetiry county, arpong which can be fonnd^hc Ronnor Liorafy, Princess Library, Harrison & Smith Safety Lamp and a fine line of Bracket and Hand Lamps of eyery description which wilt be sold at prices that ddfy competition* --CWi the** oefore fWirchasing. t " . - ¥ f\' • . - - t,s * ^-.«T mm Gtiaeli & • tuimS. '3Pliy Carefully Compounded. n ea €aln . y*. iM 'tffctfyke-1 riSff.Vik. •K- k" McHeji^i III, Oct. 10th, 1882. '% 'ft * A ^ C.W BESLEY ons and three spring- M !k Wag­ ons. lal* and comi> thf'ni.) Also a ear of Glidden IJarbed Wire Also plows, harro>v», Pulverizers, spring toot-h har-, rows, seeders, drills, roller** corn stalk cutters, sulky plows, etc., etc., without liga t Farm* ers who ecnsult their o vn inter­ ests will not buy adoil u 's worth until the} get our staival prices. Write for circulars. * co- : % Woods^k, I*"' I.I t in j.iiijM" Mutual Life of New York Because it is the oldest Co npttnv In tit# Unueil states with thirty-nino years of viii» , perience, '7^ •* - - Keeatise it isjlhe 1nr$icst ,Co imn\ in lh* w uyrld. Assets, «s»i,702,«58, neirt v li.nible tli»l of «ny,0tl)er- Company. ' . ?..- Because it is the^most ){t>ptl:ir Cum Its.policy.holdfBs tiuaiUer ove/ KKKCW. ! ' i u r>'V - Becaiiflp evorv dollar of tho ilfa o laiiow)s« sum belongs tothe policy ho'drrv, and llie sur- pins over what is actually r.: ..IIREI), is JMV. liu.'tlly divided amongst th'eni, ->ui'plit!» may lie applied in either of « a\tr to jiJiy a uoriion of the animal iiivniiiin), thir.-i' iniH^rmlly reducing the w»st, .t it miv. W used to purchase ndditionni Sii-inaiicu.' , In the latter wav fortv-eiurht p.i-i.'v holilcrs of • the year just pntrt.-lioldiiiff'pn i ies,. Hi,- ia<u value of which WHS syilJa.StK), w RE rarri'III |U| an average term of years it, .f>\v nit ex, »u<t the additionn brought the 8Hisnirc of a liillo over if.ltHMM). Many of these u 'licieo liad lieen self siiMtaining ior years. ' Because the rates ef eve*? filter Cf»n|viiir are neitrly etirlileen per cent, higher than thobe of the Mutual Life. * Because its •running expanses »ve than any other. '• The sworn siiiiements «tf the Euiiiiald* Life Asstiraiit-B^of Sew' Y h'i Dirtimnr • several niilliuns less than ha'f as large a» !h<# Mutual l^ife, show its expRtt-c> i.i inauiiige- ment to have averaged U'.Sl nuiug the hi»t three years, those ol'the M»\t t il.I.He. r 8 iho dillerence of lirst cost of pol»rv< iimt nianhjrt*- ment expenses alone, arcciiu il to^l|H'i ecu* in favor of the Mutual I.iie. Because it can and does alT'ird I he t lx apesl, safest anil most satiefftctory insiHiin< < uivtrai • mcnt of .any roinpanv in lii.e.worht. As it will be impossible for nie to see ijll .who arc desirous of ohtainiitg L.il'o ,ir:»ura»ice at actual cost, I will say lo sneii that n oostaf card will always reach me at this place awl on receipt of same I will fi>r->va"d i!ifi'«rciit plans and actual results (not e ^i iui.-i te>> u lilelf are certainly astonishing and "<!t doiuij thiiigr in the history of lJfe Insaniiiee. TiiisiCoiupany issues onlv r.-gnlar l.ife uKit Kudowment jioiicies and liheniher rompsftt * of the highest standard refusoc It/ IHIV-M IMUF'* thing to do with Tovihit; gambtivg. ' €. H. MOREY, A#* lit. For McHonry.Owuuty and western part of LakeCounty. ' McHKNUV. ri.L. FITS EPILEPSY • --OB-- ,, " Fallen Sickncftn. Permanently cured--uo 'htiniliu;j--bv wnt month's usivage of Dr. iionlaiii tt rclvhtntol Infallible Fit l'owders. To ! <>II\ iitee .tnfer- ers that these pow.lers will d<» all we cjuim for them we will send tlieiri iiy mail a free Trial box. As l>r. UeTiai't! jf tli«- only .physician that lias mace tlii- disease a spec'- lai stinly, and as to onr kno t ledge thoasanda have been permanently cur d l»v me uste «»• these Powders, we willguannice a. perma. nent CUIH! in every case, or refund von a'l money expended. AH sufferer* xlnniid give these Povd ers an earlj- tecl, anil lie eon. vineed of their curative poW'-rs. IM iee. tor large box, $3, or 4 boxes lor -10, sent by mail to any part of the United or omnia on receipt of price, or by expr •««, O. i> t Ail. dress, ASH A I Brooklyn, N. \. ROBBING, a#?'F»iton COI^iSU3VIPTiO?4 l?oip»IlIv«3l^ C iueil All snfferora from this disease thal.aie nnx loustobe cured should trv l>r, Ki*sner'« Ce.ebrated Consumptive Powders. T1)ese Powders are the only p .'paration known that will cure £onsumptio ami all diseases ot the Throat and Lungs--i iieed, so .trong is our fait h in then}, and also to convince you that they aro no humbug, w • will forwarrt- to every sufferer, by mail, |>osrpai<1.a free Trial box. We don't want yoar nimiev uiii il v«»u a-e perlectly satisfied of thf i eurativc yi,w.- ers. If your life is worth S vnig. iion'1 delav ngiving these Powders a trial, as tlitn- wifl\ surety cure you. Price, for large box. sent to any part of the United Siateoor C#u» da, bv mail, on receipt of price. Aitiii-ess, ASH 4 ROBBINS, *niton St.. BrooV lyn, X. Y . v CHE A MILLIONS OF ACRES for sale Mi the OpiDEH BELT ol Kansas, by the 8fi!9N PAClf»i! RAILWAY, •' tut L-ii'li Soil ATI TIIE MUD ever shone •a. wit* B««x» MJftpitsl* «asC n»U west. For Descriptive and Illustrated IJcohp With HIupn, S* nl J^vc, Address ' LANK COMMISSIONER,-Kanstt f I on Icing ertait And | easy t^rias, in a »U4 climate, (We from heavy snows, blight­ ing frosta, and •*- ce*si?e ralnn. ANDS v " ' fe^gAs crry.

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