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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jun 1882, p. 4

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• - ^ Hit.'! '"••• ' * • ̂ '...••»•*• -:• i'... -- 2 -̂y.. . - ....a. • • * I -V p« .ki " ^ *\ |Lv?c f. ir-A ;i BUM IN MI W,MWM&MES JUNK 7,1882. WKDKKSITAY, TAN8LYKB. Editor. vention. . The Republicans of the conntie* comprising the rifth Congressional District of the State 4f»f Illinois wil! send Delegate* to a Convention ato be held 'n DnBols hall, at Elgin, on Friday, . Jane 30, 18M, at 12o'clock ra., for the purpose fit -ftpt plscln£ in nomination a candidate for Rep- jre*entatire in Conpress for said district. The $!*•!» of representation wHl l>e one Delegate .tor each 4C0 votee cast for the Republican can­ didate* for President awl Vice president In 1880. The committee recommends tbat the sev. leral Oonnty Conventions he held on a uniform '•.jjaaf, and snggest Saturday, Jane M, as the ipday. The nrntl conn MM comprising the dist­ rict will he entitled to Delegates as fMlon s: # I „ CbtutUsa U r- jKane ....««.*. ,..< r "DeKalb .. Jie j, Jt*Henry. \£"yf#ake •*.«... ... •• sis: WIN down, and now. on the eve of the Convention, thh boW-fw^d II® Is trumped up »»d held before the peo­ ple te be made if hideous u possible. But Sherwln's Interest* are safely lodged In thfe hands of the people and thef will care for them, ar.d the efforts of his enemies will only terminate In llwlrswi) mortification and abasement , «,}» .•.m :85 KiAnr, Ilu, Kay M, 1982. .. ^ rr ,{>«UwaUa. • • j* . SjjH ' 9 7 8 J. It RABOOCK, D. r. BAMUT, &. H. POST, OM F.R COOK, r. 8. WHITWAW, Committee. Republican Oonnty Conven- ;V . ' tlon. '.Mk'u TkeBepnbUeanlvoters of KeReny eonnty ^"yT nre requested to send delegate* to the Re- f pnt>llcan County Convention, to be held at . the Court House in Woodstock, Satiuday, #&' Jnne24th, 1892, *t one o'clock, p. m., for the flr purpose of selecting nine delegates to reprc- sent McHenry county at the District Oon- , i gre«f>ional Convention, to be held at Elgin • - June 30, to nominate a candidate for Congress ft- -1 for this district; and to select nine delegates • - "to represent the connty in ths StateConven- F,' tlon, to be held at Springfield, June 38th. 1882; I' i and selecting delegates to represent the Co. In the Senatorial and Representative Conven- }, tlon to nominate candidates for the Legisla :^tore ;al»o for pnttin& In nomination candl. dates fot ths offices of Clerk of the County >£•. Court, Treasurer, County Jndge, Sheriff, I#'"* ' County Superintendent of Schools and Cor- p ^ ,'r" oner of McHenrv eountv, and for the tracs- 1!^. ;; action of snch other business as may properly |j!|| ? i; come before the Convention. The several toirns will be represented Ct--i militiamen are •oonring the conntty •quad who robbed Randall Station.... at Chtoago and St Louis, held on nit., between tin iron and steel manu- > of the West and the association rep- ; the iron and steel workers resulted in to agree npon the inoreaae of wages i by the workmen. The preposition of > employers to defer action until a deei sirw> * G.s.'sorTirwoBXM, 4. *» »• A-FEJ J R BABCOOE, ' . 4*1 * w.^: DwigST, . » * » Republican Connty Committee iftJV IT HAS COMIC ONCK HORK. We have expected and prophesied that It would win%, and our prophetic soul, like that of Hamlet, has not been mistaken. The ring for the develop­ ment of the rights of the Southworths, itnd for the diffusion of offices among the faithful, has been organized again in Woodstock. Notice is passed around, every few days, among the Sonthwortli- glennon gang, that a confab will be held at Judge Smith's office, but that only the faithful (including Giennon and Donnelly) will he admitted to par­ ticipate in tli* feast. The arrangement committee* consisting of John M. Southwortli, G. S. Southworth, Charles Donnelly. Kd. Giennon and George Bunker, are making a decided eflort to defeat John C. Sherwln, and to this end they are laying down upon the dear people with all their tremendous crushing and momentous weight, with this argument that they have no in­ terest In the matter, but on the other hand are giving their efforts for the propagation of justice and the estab­ lishment of civil service reform. On last Saturday they met, and after lay­ ing aside their overcoats and standing their umbrellas up in the corner, South- worth Mid that lie was extremely gratified to be present »n such an auspicious occasion -- nay, more than that, he was real glad.. It was neces­ sary, in order to secure complete vic­ tory that a barrel should he opened and that they proceed to elect a treasurer to handle the contents. And here ensued a pretty ̂ cene. Southwortli nominated himself for the office and tried to effect an election by his old tactigs-- a viva voce vote, but there was so much more voce than anything else, i that the plan had to be abandoned and t the ballot substituted. X<> choice on • •«--» ballot: every man voted for him- Southworth protested against , rtrst '...ir. t> :>*) f §&*«• V The Game of the King;. 1%e contemptible gang tbat is try­ ing to defeat oar present Congress­ man f*r re-nominatlon are disrobing themselves of every vestment of^Sion- or by assailing him in the newspapers while he is in Washington unable to defend himself or help bis eauee along. These human ghouls, wi ttiont one Instinct of honeety, have re­ sorted to the last and desperate rem­ edy of branding him a defaulter. It |s a monstrous lie, and they know It, bat **Hls the last argument to which thieves resort." Highway robbery would he honest, eomparei^srfthjthis miserable, low-lived, sneak-thief way of doing business. The miserable onwards have taken the Opportunity to assail his character jusi on that eve of the primaries, intending to give him no chance to refute their base In Sinoations. Common courtesy de- is attacked £*nch action. He had published the only paper in McHenry connty lit defence of 'the wrongs and against the rights of Judge Smith. He thought^the honor, as a matter of justice and as a rocogni- tlon of services, ought to be conferred upon himself, lie therefore moved that his nomination ,,be made unanimous. Donnelly said he would be teetotally before he would consent to have 3oiithwor:h have ail the money and offices too. Bunker objected and moved the previous que«tloii. M. Chnrch moved that the committee adjourn to another room and settle the question beyond his jurisdiction. Jud^e Smith and* Wtisr Wiiltwy, Auttclpaling r<, ' mauds that when a man through the press tbat ho be allowed to defend himself, but these hounds want to destroy him while he is away md just before the caucuses It would seem to any man with good mon sense that the appearance of artldsi at this time would stamp them immediately as stories gotten up for the time and the occasion, with only one aim In view--of defeating the man they are aimed at. Few men have been so fearfully and damnably lied about as Jomr C. Simtwiv, and 11 Is an lufamy ofshsme that we have a paper in McHenry County that will assist In circulating spwt base false­ hoods. It was but a single lie. art- fully conceived and concealed, ad- «hrewe« as now to the ambitions of wen, that was th^ Source of all our sin Md woo. Let no one be deceived by the specious statements, the pretenses Of some self-constituted committee to look into the past record of JOHN C. •BB&WIN. These assaults of dlsap- foiocei office seekers will break Im- potently against SHKKWIH. as a storm tfrfcveii wave dashes Its fory In vain •goinst a rock. Sherwln will centlu- igr£o-triumph ovar aH such contempt­ ible opposition. By It he will gatu large ooniiuests, and it will only be the means of strengthening his claim upon the uoderseonding. coneclences and Marts of the people. If the men ot this or Kane County be deceived by such a mess of pottage, they are not made of the stuff we take them to be. The peop e of i Kane have cherished him, and richly. , too, as a public officer and eftlsen, and ao eleventh hour proceedings will be ible to deceive them. The object of r these slanders is simply to defeat a - feme and honorable man for Congress, Who would not parcel out the efflees to silt the "bosses" of Kane and McHenry 43?untie*. Every artifice has been fried'by this crowd of miserable, un- , f torn* S**a- rlot, moved into the back room and com^menced counting their -money. Johu M. Soutl»worth raised a point of order that the last vote was unparlia­ mentary. Sustained by the chair. A new ballot was ordered -- Southwortli, Glention and Bunker voting together. G, S. Southwortli was declared elected. On assuining-the responsibilities of the office Southwortli expressed his satis­ faction with the result of tke balloting, and thanked his supporters for the in­ terest they had taken in his behalf. Sotne one in the room uioved that the money be laid ou the table. South- worth wanted to know if the last speaker had mental calibre enough to mind his own bu6ln«fc». Tills came near making a fuss. John M. Southworth took the parties be!»hul the door and whispered in their ears something about'bis just passing through a racket in the court^noin^tnd he did not want any more fighting. After this the following question was discussed: "Can we make the people believe that Smith is honest in running for Congress, and that we are what we try to make ourselves out to be -- civil servicc reformers?" It was decided in the affirmative, every on0 speaking on that side of the question. 1 It may be wondered at how we ob­ tained thesr particulars. We wlllaimp ly say that--well never mind. Wear# a ehlld that rakes notes-- that's *11. THR JDUGK'sJ SOLILOQUY. "To be, or uut to be, that is the ques»> tlon -- whmther 'tis nobler i« the mind to stifler the slings and arrows of the politicians strife. I am myself itivliHer- ent, honest; but yet I could accuse me of such things that it were better my mother had not borne me. [ am very proud, revengeful, ambitious, with more oflences at my back than T have thoughts to put them in. What should such fellows as I do crawling at the nod and bcck of masters of whom one is so dictatorial that I lose my inentity by his supremacy; another so slv In his | deceit that tp trust in him is ruin, for j he that would steal a maiden's virtue and then desert her, as did he in days of yore, will not be true to me Jongs.r than 1 cau s»rve his purpose, which purpose I can only serve by sacrificing self and yielding to his leading strings. My war horse makes his neigh so hoarsely bad and pricks up Itla ears so coarsely long that the asses' braying is not coarser, nor are his ears of longer growth.' "We are arrant ktiaVws. all; believe none of us.*' But how did Agri- cola know thatl did write those edito­ rials in the Sentinel f Did my speocli betray mel Had die people remem­ bered my oft repeated words and sen­ tences, wherein T had iu Demosthenic '"ability and eloquence" used the same? Ala«! I should hilve stood before iny mirror longer, mouthed my pebbles mofe carefully, made my abstract with greater caution, trusted the proofs to less indolent and more active biains, ere they met the public eye. But 1 must not be to® severe upon mine edit* or--lie did. the best his sluggish habits would permit, and when he is estranged all Is gone; for all the other able edit­ ors, with (heir active, industrious in- telliscence. see through the film of mjr pretence and will :>ot give uie room to spread before the people my "ability and eloquence," therefore I must 911- durd this humility, and to endure sneiiis sure defeat. If I attempt to approach the people they do shun uie. as they did poor Tray, except to pnlt with stonea. Why was 1 allured by flattery to leave my real friends, and follow gay deceivers, "who, not to speak pro­ fanely. that neither having the aorent of Christians, nor the gait of Christians Pagan, nor man, have so strutted and bellowed that I have thought some of nature's journeymen had made men, and fiot made them well, they imi­ tated humanity so abominably." I had honors enough, more than enough, and should have been content; but my am bition, which just at this time com­ prises my '•ability and eloquence," blinded me, and I am led at wilt of those to whom I have yielded myself a wilUng slave. So be it. I will hie me to my saddle,-astride my War liorst*. will yl*ld to the dictator's reining hand, follow the gay deceiver's wily snare, and trust the shrgsjlsh editor, and I may'posslbly-- But I am out at. sea and must make lor the shore, ere the last life-boat departs the flounder­ ing ship oirvrtalch l wtnml. t Editor Pr, VIVBEAT.RR: -- Judge Smith »hltMl ouf town a few days.- slncK knd Jiulgljc by expressions I heat from our people, lie returned to the Hub with a flea in Ids ear. to the great discomfiture of the Congression­ al bee in Ms bonnet. He learned, If nothing more, that contributed ed­ itorials to'the Sentinel, though *'ably arid eloquently" written, did uot con­ stitute the voice Of the people. He learned also that Marengo was £ure for Sherwln if the people had their say In the matter. It Is true that suspend­ ed postmasters artd their friends are for anybody and anything'to beat. Sherwln. But the. people, especially the patrons of the Mareneo post of­ fice, are outspoke*) and mean no ill to their former pdst master when they utter their sentiments in praise of the new departure inaugurated by our present obliging postmaster, who ..lias given us .facilities and accommoda­ tions never before injoyed by the T)at- rons of this office. Instead of being obliged to run the gauntlut of the !* le portion of the G,q-_ Pratt', ' [Successor46* B. K, Duers] ^ WAUCONDA, -ILUNOI8, Would respectfully Inform ^the 'citizens of WJIiico ndft and .sinrounding ottntry that he has a lorge and well selectedjj stock of Uxtrts in his line, for the Spring and Summer trade, consisting, in part of • DryGssds, Notions, Groceries, HATS AND CAPS, PERRYF&ftMARTIN i f - Q i r W f r i i f r i m i - -'Tr Tit><..a'i lHurr ~" 'KErrEKAlICi MERCHA^rt^SI Have a larger- stock ever before ii| Bootsv 8hoesf Ciaiswatdy' Crockery, Ac., v fg^Since Guiteau was condemed to death the Washington authorities Have have been annoyed by all sorts of let­ ters petitioning for the privilege of hanging the assassin. Some were jests while others were written In dead ear­ nest. Various individuals have been so Impressed with the desirability of the post of hangman in this case that they offered money for permlssig^ ^o do the job It is now practically set­ tled who Is io uts Guiteau'g executioner His name is James Van Neise, he is .a carpenter, and he has conduced thir­ teen hangings ina manner perfectly unobjectionable. The only apparent thfng ag.iinst him is his place of resi^ deuce--Newark. X.J. Van Neise does not look upon the honor Imposed upon him by the Government in a sentlmsn tal light. He Is evidently business through and through. He want; the scaffold constructed so and so, and de mands for^iis services a larger sum than that oflered him--9200, The exe cutlon will therefore be conducted on business principles. Van Neise's task will net be without Its humane fea­ tures. Guiteau is said to be exceed inglv depressed these days: Van Nelse will see to it that he becomes properly elevated. •M^The cause of the Southworth giennon candidate must be getting despe atc when they are compelled to publish paid editorials in Democratic newspapers, and hire broKen down Democratic office-seekers to travel the county to peddle their lies. But this is only on a par with the men who are running the Ring business. They will resort to anything, no matter how Ipw or nie&n, to gaui their ends. Lying is their stock In trade, but the Republican voters kuow them too well to be de • rived, and will squelch their vile schemes at the primaries. community, wjio* found itsoconvenient to blockade the lOusr passage from front to rear where tlu» office was for­ merly kept, we now/step into a tcozy, modftst. but Ruffniencly commodious room', neatlv and tidily arranged, where we find our courteous and oblig­ ing postmaster andlhis efficient clerk unencumbered wits the cares and de­ lays of other business, ever ready to wait upon us. The/a accommodations our people appreciate, and if Mr. Sher­ wln discharges <i)l his duties with eqimvl success and wisdom, with equal satisfaction to the. people, metliinks they will he slow to make a change to gratify the amh.ltiin of any nfew man, or the revengeful spite of any few who can not have it all their own way, even though that one man be a citizen of our own county. 1 admit that local pride is a very fifiltering argument. bnt'I would prefer to cxerciso that pride aifd honor our own citizen by giving him a place lie is qualified to honor, than one, when to say the least, it Is doubtful if ability and elo­ quence would enable him to "challenge our devoir," whon compared with the representatives of other districts, • and from my standpoint it appears to me that with Mr. Sherwin's record as a soldier,his reputation for honest in-: tegrity, officially, and in private life, the position he l|as attained among the statesmen of the nation, that the people will be slow to make a change on the flimsy plea of county pride. 4s a county we should have our coun­ ty pride in ©nr tocal or connty inal* lers. As a district we should have out* district pride in our district, as a State our State pride and as a nation* our national .pride, eYer remembering Jhat it was no more and no less than the very essence of local pride that caused the South to secede and plunge this country Into the most stupendous and the onost causeless war this world has ever known. ^M^unty, let us be a e^uuty, as a district, a district, as a State n State, and as a nation, a nation, recognizing but pne flag, letting the local take rare of the local, hut give the nation the eare of the nation, one and inseparable,now and forever. He that stir? up local pride and excites to petty jralou£i<»s, on account thereof, is unworthy the support of a free.people. AOBICOLA. Marengo, Junu 3*1, 1832. ^ >-••• i • . . • • . . • \yp[ iWjleli he is "obnnd to sell as cheap as '-^ood goods can bo lionstht anywhere. He also keeps i» fine line of frENTS' FTTR. NT«iHTKfJ GOODS, to which he invites par. tlcnlar attention. In short, everything that can be found in a general store will ije kept, and sold as low as the lowest, and everything warrnuted as rep­ resented, ' . Chick's beleiirated Rockford W:!'. * k • - « OUT HA'S'D. ' I. - When in want of Goods lii my line yon wffi ' W mllHnd 88e . •••'f • i-m i$' - V ' !'. .'.v?'- j'l , 1 0 %- W(ATT. > W*treOin>A, Siay 23d, 1848, •? %,• ! .iyiyt-, JOHNSBURCH f < | H40NRY MlLLKll -i-jJu- --I>K AXKR IN-- American and Foreip MarWe, Mcnumentfi, Headstones, K'l'C.. ETC., KTC. , V American & Ssotcti Granite Constantly on Hand. hop Two tililes Xoi^b df Jtfc IUw- •• .<11 .i nfflHirKh A««C; Wb.^ST*-' . • -1^4 • iT'f,A- Summer Dress^Goodsi Cambrics, Buntings, Plaids, Cashiii Qplorg, ntf1 iSt mm riStXUi*-. ' * gc i ^ ; y. Brocades, Satins, Fringes, Moires Passementeries, ButtonI| ; ; &c., ,.&c^ Also full line oi Clothing, tg Boots and Shoes, Ladies' and Children's iFine Wear* Groceries, Paints, and OilsJ ;j &q,: Call and examine^ « ^ ii & \ 'j; Wanted. We want to en^ajare a man or company to dia: and cement a well which, when finished, will be eijrlit feet in diameter and fur- uish sixteeu feet of jijood water; will let job lj>y the day or foot. Apply at onr factory at once. , CRISTT. WALKER A CQ. , McHenry. 111., May! 24,1882. i) i 'x 1 , s'pqd il, 4» ^ , !• s>:%; >1 IR,J • Rflbtfciti ')Ui ,'VXiF tui ;J ill} an exceptionally fine line of HosieryLook 4vet Stevens T»f«f si'.. J- i - • - -- ' aerlt l« reported thaft the ex-Seria tor, who Is a prominent member of the Woodstock Ring, said last week that McHenry connty should go for Judge Smith If they had te buy every town in the county. Thus the tactics of these unscrupulous office-brokers are plainly shown, but we opine the honest voters of 51cHeiirv county . will spurn with contempt him and his vile tools who are scattered over the county trying to barter for their votes.' The people are awake. Let the office-brokerage Ring stand from under. ' M. M. CLOTHIER, RICHMOND - -1 - ILLINOIS, McHKXRY (pOUNTlT. Prosecutes all clhitns tin all bureaus in the Department of the Interior. Special atten. tion Riven to diflli'ult or rejected claims. Careful attention ph'en to all matters of im­ portance Ofllce at the residence of Win. H. Cowlin, Woodstock, [11. Business will l>e at­ tended to l>y Mr. C'nwlin in my absence. I shall nlwa vs Im theni on Saturdays, and shall l>e at the otllce ot J. T. Keldin, Esq., Mnrenp>, on the lirHt Kriday in each month. All letters of a business naturu must contain stamp for reply. MTTbe rendering of the decisions in the Guiteau case, by the Court of banc, met the unanimous approval of the entire bar. Mr. Chas. Keed Is seek itig to make notoriety for hlmseif by taking advantage of every imaginable chance to pre long the existence of the miserable assassin. Ail such ellorts will prove unavailing. Oulteau will pav the penalty of his awful crime, and when this is done, the last chapter in this fearful tragedy will go Into history. God grant that the nation may be spared its repetition. Twice in a score of years has our eotmtry given as mar­ tyrs her most honored »n<J l>ved. Lin­ coln and Garfield, tiioegh dea{l, are now and will be in all the future an in­ spiration to noble purpose and manly endeavor. The influence of such pa­ triotic lives can never die. Their names will live in hHtory, undying on its page. When fiootli and Guiteau are forgot with all their hate and rage. These noble lives to cointry given, the na lion's life to save, Will live in story and in song long as onr flag Wagons and Buggies For Sale- The undersigned has now on hand a number of new and second hand Bug­ gies, Platform. Spring and Double Wagons, which he is offering for sale on the most reasonable terms. If In want of anything In this line, do not fail to call at my shop before purchas­ ing, as 1 am sure 1 can save you mou- ey, ' J. W. GBIMOLBT/ JtlKGWOODj Mar V, MSI . §?'>;£i '4"- ' .-v"..3>- A *, Ik" v. • r-' m Clothing.--Black! Dress Suit*, Con- flririation Suits, Spring, Smniiier and Fall Suits. Children's Suits, Boys' Suits Youth's Suits. Men's Suits, alt at priiies to suit at llenry Colby's. Umbrellas.--We have a good assort­ ment iu styles and prices. Call end see theai at Henry Colby's. ' Fine Shoes.--The largest line and best styles ever *hown In this market. Call and examine them at Heury itol- by's. .' Our stock of Drugs, Chemlbtffr And Patent Medicines was" never more complete. Gt>odg reliable and' prices ftfrJfeWjr'Gftlfcy'fe . „ J * The Celebrated Bashaw TEOTTl^SfALLION, Kiriwo WILi BE FOUND Tuesday at Greenwood. Wednesday at Woodstock. Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Richmond. Terms to'insure, All wishing^ to see him can do so l»i <• tllinjj|st the above places, whera^nre will pe happy to show bim. P. J. FUC.j NB RA CK, Prop. CHEAI MILLIONS OF ACRES for sale in the GOLDEN OELT of Kansas, by the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, ef CM rich Qoil tbe na ever shone ou, with good markets ea*C and west. For Descriptive and Tlluatruted Booh,, With ]U.ap», Sunt Free, Address LAND COMMISSIONER-Kansas D!visl«t KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. CAMPAIGN OPENED --AT HIS-- Carriage and Wagon Factory, A KD , . ^ BLACKSMITH : SHOP, RICHMOND, ItL- I sell everv Implement, Tool or Machine' a farmer want-. IT \TKOKM <*l*Kl!JG, DE­ LIVERY A>fl> FARM WAGONS. TOP AMD OPEN BUGGIES, One. two and threo Rented, from the cele- bi-Hted manufactory of J. W. Henry t Co., Freeport. BlaclosmitHinjg, Painting mid Repairing Done -in a workmanlike manner and war­ ranted. From the large variety of Farm Machinerv manufactured, we select that l»est adapted for this section, nnd upon the TIKST TKIIMS THAT CASH CAN I'lJKOIlASK, which en. nhles lis to supply our paivons with just w-hnt they want, and at lower prices ts«n nnv other concern northwest of .Chicago, Cail and make e.\:ur inatiou for yonrselver before giving your orders fur nnv piece of machinery yon. may nee<i the c.omin'ir season, and yoii will Hod the best and most complete linear Farm Machinery ever before offered Tn Mcltenrv Co Kemember that we offer VKRV BKST M \OH INKltV at the J,OWKRT PRICE tbat Casta can anywhere.^ , Pv OiiA Y, ' Richmond) IU% chii6«| • ' •>-'/<- :Hi . E i -A lYtUHii Hid ' ?tu: k ; • t,j , * the J Ji^Kil V produce wauconda ion Ion* creoit end leaay teras»inaniild ellpate, IVse from heavy snows, Ulglft- luf froslsj and «x- eesalve rains. ANDS J. A. SHERWOOD 4.UCTION1S JB« AND APPBAISEB, Algonquin, III. S\LBSof Stool;, farming Tools and Goods of all kinds.|>r<)mptiy attended to. Farm jales a apeciuitv. Ternts veitsotialile. Post 3 « c « : i i m i , * ' f v Kindly neglected to call at the Dm# Store and Book Haunt, but that is no reason why you should Oijr circulating library "is i darlinor." You can read many standard, rare, and valuable books for the insignificant sum often cents per week* Our stock ot' Drags, Medicines, &c., books, music and musical •roods, albums, combs, btushes and Potions was never more com­ plete and attractive than now. We don't advertise to "sell cheaper than anybody in Lake Co." Folks who do so often get left. We insist that we can and do give you a square deal every time. Always glad to see you. P. B. HARISON. Wficl.i-»±z HENRY OLBY! . i • £*£?.# 1ipiUil RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHENRY, ILL. i; I.. .. Invites au examination immense stock of •tliS Dry Goods, Dress 7ank@o Notions, sohich are being offered at very low prices* I have the largest as- wrtment of READY MADE OLOTHING-Ivei' shown in McHeilry which will be sold very cheap for cash. In Hat- and Caps, Boots and Shoes, my stock is cbnl^plete and I am confident I can save you money on these goods. Paints, Oils, Drugs and Medicines, Crockery, Glassware. Wooden and Willow- ware, and the largest stock of Groceries to be found in BlcHenry. Prices always as low as gfood Goods can be sold. No trouble io show goods. Call and be convinced. OUR SPRING STOCK, Is now iny and demands the attention of Judicious Cash Buyers! - • . , s* _, "ft*#*. -br,#-te'm -V;; •••Kjtoife-• /•-: PATRONIZE home industry and buy your Clears of Barblau Bros. Tliey make four different brands, aad ire equal to Uie best. iM v * ' Pes The Highest Rank ' Made from harmless materia!*, and adapted to the needs of Jading and falling nair, Parker's Hair Balsam has taken the highest rank.aj* an elegant reliable hair restorative. 'M goods STAPLE AND FANCY GHOCERIE^ CROCKERY, &c. &.c. Prices reasonable, reliable. As small margin will satisfy us. Call in, Butter and eggs want- GCl, :i. N FXTZSIMMONS <& BVAXTSOHF Pt.f, .V

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