r- COLUMN. cwwrem RT*. D. BALDWHT. kJ-&lways Ahead, pt i "'ffc till* number, the Educational % k wtlwnn «f *h« PLAINDBALKR closes for Asatfb* i«r«#ent. M««» i»f tlm fcrnrIM schools cIam the l ,r#»rth1* <v<vjc, Ali|w continue part of next icnHc. Our M The Mdlenrv School* clofie for the ^miner's racatt<ui on Tuesday .Time 20 '<18W Tl»ere wHI he no general esir- else*. Written examination will be in the grammar department ^lorlnif parts of the last three or four days. | On Thursday evenlnjp of Hit* week, ^^ttie literary societies of the High school « ;*n«l Grammar r>ppartinent. of the Woodstock Public school have compe tition fixerolse* io whlclvthe public are cordially invited. We expect to at- lattend. A naturalist says that tfacommon- ^•.ilzed man had strength for his size In 'proportion to that of the tiny beings », j lhat can only be seen bv the .v | Vnlcro^cope, he could take Trinity p • eliureh by the steeple and toss it over Into Xew Jerspy. An ant^Jie savs * ^further, can carry a weigfir nbont leve:itT«llve times its own, and If a man had a muecle equal to that, he . d&otih? lift easily 11,000 pounds, or more •'5*#%l»an live tons. SPRING CAMPAIGN OPENED --AT ins- Carriage and Wagon Factory* BLACKSMITH SHOP RICHMOND, ILL. I sell every Implement, Tool or Machina M The following communication from f^ryntal T.nk«» was received last week too late Mr publication. We give It fliis wejjt. however without alteration. leschool clnscd in Crystal Lake '^Friday p. it. June 2, with very inter- *8tiii£ Rhetorical Exercises by the two Departments in the upper room. r Tills term closes Mr. Baldwin's work Jin this school, his health being such | "fjiphat rest and change of work are im- • ^S^ieratlve. We have assurance from the directors that he would be secured to ^y^eep charge of the school if lie contin- ^ Died in the work, though he has had •,.li#1*1* lucrative oflers elsewhere. Mr. f%aldwln wil be greately missed in the ' *ommunity. By his manly, christian deportment, lie has won the respect ^ ,*nd love of all, and those who pray , ! '•rill all pray that heaven's choicest may follow him wherever he 'v iVjt-"'* 0:. foes. * The members of the school liad .** "Arranged for a little surprise -party iu ^ilie afternoon, accordingly when Mr. Baldwin entered the hall at his -y hoarding place he was welcomed by a greeting Glee and, the parlor door •f.: ,l>elng thrown open, revealed about ntw.A VS pAMAMB Q| #1 nn/J tliered in spite of the cold drizzling , 10 *how their appreciation of his bor iu the community. "The wieliler •f the birchen rule" showed by the look in his face, that he thought it a i ^ itrange proceeding, but after all, he tft, enjoy it much. Soon all wers invited to join in a march and ' were led out to tables loaded with the ":?%«od things of this life. Rev. L. Ray mond invoked the Divine blessing pon the food, and for the following ur joy and merriment were with all ^rho were present. Before the feasters ^i|rose from the table, Mr. Frank Pease ^iaine forward, and in a few well chosen Words, presented to Mr. 'Baldwin on he part of ills scholars, an elegant Iver card receiver. The pedagogue astounded, and as he said a word thanks, there was something glisten- ;-:^#ng In the corner of his eyes (this on ^fgjslie authority of one who was there.) , .After* delightful season of social Inter- ; tjfonrse, iutersperced with music, fnstru- Ktal and vocal, the people went to eir homes thinking that this was a elightful occasion, and long to be re- embered. But the exercises of the were not ended yet. The School ^..Social was to be held in the evening in the Baptist church, because of want of accommodation iu the school room. ¥our correspondent was not present at ; Jlhe sale of articles for school currency yin the early part of the evening, but lie did hear the recitat'ons, readings, dialogues and songs rendered so inter- > ^stiugly, later, and last but not least, • " *he earnest, practical, address of Prof- 'Jfe, 8. Smith. In the course of his ad- ^,,jJress. he emphasized the importance of leaving »n aim in life. Most of the "^failures in life resulting from a want :pt purpose and decision of character. J; He next spoke of the importance ot |%elf 3ulture and self reliance. We are «o depend ti]>on our own efiorts, and is« 1" iot favors wiiich we ^jean gain ourselves. To do this there is jmuclt of moral courage and also a de- farmer wnnts. PL ATFORM SPRING, DE LIVERY AN'l) FARM WAGONS. TOP AND OPEN BUGCIES, One, two and three seated, from the cele brated manufactory of J. W. Henry ft Co., Freeport. Blacksmtthinjg, Painting t and Repairing Done in a workmanlike manner and war- ranteil. From the large variety of Farm Machinery manufacture.'!, we select that ltest adapted for tins section, ami upon the BEST TERMS THAT CASH CAN PURCHASE, which en- ables us to supply our p.)irons with just what they want, and at lower prices than any otlier concern northwest ot Chicago. Cafl and make examination for vonrselves licfore givinjr von inav will lind the l>est and most complete line of Kami Machinery ever before offered in Mclfenry Co Remember that we offer the VERY" fcKST MACHINERY" at the VERT I.OWliST PRICK that Cash can produce anywhere. < A. P. QUAY, Richmond^ III) SPRING AND SUMMER Farmersi Look Here! ̂ 3==?* At the old r*li»ble Boot tad SKMHoaM ot WM. H. DWIGHT. c Com© early and examine my new goods which are now being received and placed upon the market to be sold for very little cponey. ^ Our StocE is 'the Largert, the Cheapest and the Most Desirable - --- - - ,• to be found in the Korthwestp. Drop in and take a looK and get my your orders for any piece ot machinery a J iv need the coming season, and you »Ow V'UBIl rrlLcS. W. H. DWIGHT, Woodstock, 111. Clothing, (fib^hing, Clothing, M JOHN B. BLAKE, . ' \ FURNITURE STORE For Spring and Summer. A full line of piece good*of the latest styles and at the lowest figures. CLOTHING! A Bigger Stock than ever. r*»YTfHC» O tl & o AT 94.60. SUITS Suits all prices at AT |5.00 Maiman's ciiOTHi^ra HOUSE, AT WAUCONDA. For anything made to order, Maiman's is th place to go, Also a full lineiof Gent's Furnishing Goods. HATS, CAPS, &c., &c. Two Doors Ncrth of Perry & Martin's Where you will find all grades of Furniture, from a common Chair up to the finest Set, of the best make and quality People lbu\ing c t me will find all my goods as represented. ISF*Jobbing and Repairing neatly and promptly dene. .reasonable rates. Mrs. Maiman, Has received a fine Stock of Spring and Sara- mer Millinery good*, all of the latest styles. A nice lot of Ribbons and Pinnies. The ladies of Western Lake County are especially invited to call and examine goods and prices. H. MAIMAN. JACOB STORY, MoHENRY. ILL. DEALER IN • •ire of knowledge. In «oncluslor. lie ^exhorted all to cultivate this desire of V knowledge. Thus this day closed, an f^^fnteresting and profitable day iu spite J 'jiofthe unprepitious elements. •&'M Crystal l.ake, June 6th, 1888. -- ^Purest and li. st Medicine ever Xade. H Ac^Pmblnatton of Hope, BucHu, Wlar»~ ' ti?ak y-S ana L>andetrpnf with all (Hefec.st and most c u ura tivu Moj^rties of till other Hitters, ?n;u< s V-the greatest Blood Purtfier, l-lver tort ant! Life ami Health itestortag t'urtli. No di.seaso pu.^ihly lonp exist where Ilop ii.Lu i-sai>3 vtuivd uud perfect are Uicir oiK.Taiiijiia.r^'.'A lioy gM M" li uta aad Tijor to th» agai >ad iilrm. 'i'o all vbose eW»! ,™tetal1® lrreKC-4ii' ty of t.iebowilscrtV uiinary organs, or who re quire an Apprtiacr *V.Tonic anil mild Stimulant, H j;i Hitters ate :nvai \"ai'le' Without IntOS- icatintf. taatdk So tujater wbatyour fe^ietintra or symptom!) are wliat the (liwasu or ailwneft is use Hop lat ter*. Don't wait until youa^1^ alcli but If you only feci bad or 11,-<•' t iem at once- ) t may savo yaur liiV.it liaiiU'111 v®d hun<lrt"iKr C5CO will i«pa!«l for a cau^e they will not cure or liclp. Do not suffer ft °'let your frlcmla suiVor.hiit us® aii'l ur«e tilting*° 1IS® HOP B iteinemijer. Hop Utters Is no"^v,lc> dru^poil dininken :io»tru-it. but the I'urea^^v* " J iictt, jlwiicitiet'vrr li-.aiie ; the "IWAlJIkS^V l-7U£NU and liOnc" and no pc-raon «)r family^ chouiil be without thorn. E33S3t'j n.l.O.W !UIabsolute and Irresittibli- cur«.l foi Uiniiktnni*^. vi--r- of onh'.ni. to'xica-, u;n. narcotics. Ali #oi'l by •<. j lor < :.rviii*r. Uvp RUltn i!."*, U.( RorV--1"»'N Wanted. i'flT# want to engage a man or company to dig and cement it well which, wlien finished, will ibe eight feet in diameter and fur- |i»ish sixteen feet of good water; i*ri|l let job by the day or foot. Apply at. our factory at ouce. CBISTY. WALKER A CO. McHenry. Hi., May 24,1882. 'The Celebrated Bashaw XEOTTIMG STALLION, pTrkwood, £jp.Fotra^ PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. The Rest, Cleanest and most Economical Hair Drowsing. Sever rails to Restors the youthful color to grey hair. 50c and sizes at [druggists. floresta Cokgie. A new AND »E«disfty FTT> PARKER'S GINGER TONIC Faaily McAciae tliaf Never latoxlcatet. if you are a mcchnnic or farmer, worn out with overwork, or a mother ru» down byfamily or house hold duties try PAH^BR'S GINGER TONIC. If you are a lawyer, minister or business man ex hausted by menlal «train or anxiotu care* do not take intoxicating ttiaMtants, but we PAUU'I GINGES TONIC, U you have Dyspepd*. HlMtiniatitai, 1Ofeey or ;.i»yy Cooipiiiinic. «r afyon auvtroubtal with any «uertwoftlyj)a}gfcwo»iph Jumuli, Ujijter naves jmi wMAwf P*i££ifajpuia " • IFYWIM WASTING MjrdbeMC«r weak«e* «nd require a ̂ «dlaBt take GttSKt TOKIC H um; it will W«IMt* MdMId FLFT' II may FLTW JPOUN* BtVlpV MJYI NO IXJU.AR BIZK. Catliartic OTTUTLI Conenmptlon, etc. Price 25c. per box. QR. KALCKHOFFS THROAT CARAMELS A» * gad •» «*rU1n cure for all Throat Affections. Public opeakera clergymen, lawyers, and mhalclana ahould not be witb. out them. Price 35c. per box. DR. KAICKHOFF'S.FEMALE CARAMELS Are a regulating medl- cine and certuin cure and relief for all fumale diseases For further particulars., agk your drugglut for & circular". _ Price 60c. per bos. QR. fCiiinFFS DYSFiPTIC CARAMELS a pi Jantand v permanent core for all diseaaea of the Htomach--Dyapeo- sla, Waterbraeh, Pain, Vomiting, etc. Price 80c. per box. QR. KALCKHOFF'S KIDNEY AND uifut CARAMELB Are a certain " cure for all Kidney, Heart, and Liver ulteaaen. RRJCALCKHOFF'S NERVE pRAMEl3 Are a " nervoae und bexuul liiseatM, Mervou* aad M«xttal I)*, bllity, SlcepSeasneas, etc. Price BCks. por box. IM1TATTON female te&Mk mmm wuult Do ycrn want first cJas® machinery something we buy so much M that yo« ^et the benefit ol it? We know of some dealers that buy so much that they claim to sell low, but you get all their prsces and then come to us and we will sell you the same goods cheaper than any other dealer. ^ ^ ' We have just deceived the finest car ; CARRIAGES, ALL STYLES, That ever came to this county. If in want of one don't fail to calf ; as the finish beats them all. A Warantee of our own for oufe year with each carriage. PLANTERS. "T tTe have six different kinds. Among1 them ate three ^flfefent Keystone Planters, Standard, Union und John Deere, all Rotary or Slide Drop, and at prices you will be satisfied with, CORN CULTIVATORS. We have eight kinds. Anions: them you will find the cel ebrated' Bertrand & Sames, Standard, Case, Climax and others. Call before buying. Warranted to suit. MINNEAPOLIS SELF-BINDER. We have the Renown Minneapolis Twine Binder. If you look it over yon will find it has more improvements than any Binder out. Nothing to be feared from Mccormick's threats. For Reapers and Mowers wo have on hand the Manny Light Reapers and Mowers, the Light Standard Mower, the Roice Reaper, Richmond Mower and the Peerless. Of Hay Racks we have five--the celebrated "Tiger." New Hoi- lingsworth, Furst & Bradley and ('ase, all self-dump or hand. Of Pumps we have Tboth wood and iron. For a wood pump we keep the Kenosha, Temple, Toledo,^Bushnell and Mishwaukeee, and. ;or an iron pump the well known Trakein. and Buckeye. Can al ways repair or put them doWn any depth. ~ E. M. OWEN & SON. T H I S N E W M A P , Picvus beyond a:iv reason^jIg question that the CHICAGO &!'[NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY la by all odds the|best road for yon to tak henjtravellng in either dlrec tionbotween Cticaii ail all the Principal Paints in lie West North & Northwesl Carefully examine this Map. The principal Cities in the West and Northwest are Stations on this road. Its through trains make close connections with the trains of all railroads at Junction paints, J0HK STERBA, Wood,;~* Woodstock, Illinois, And has now on hand Che* largest ind beat •tors of BEADY MADE HARNESSES, CO LTj ARS, FFN I PS, Ac., to be fonnd in the Toiinty, and has evoivthinsr made of thn BEST MATERIAL. Call aml'se^me. JOHN STERBA. UNDERTAKING. J". ' In this Department I keep a first-class assortment of Caskets, and Coffins, and Shrouds ot all Juuda and quality A iiearse furnished at Scissors, Shears* Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spades Shovels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grindstnes Window Glass. CRANITE-IRON AND TIN-WARE. J. 8TCRY. G. W. BEvSLEY, McHenry, III., D. B. Maine, Genoa Junction, Wis., A. S. Wright, Woodstock, 111., and G. E. Dickinson,! Nunda, III., sell the relial>le and pure medicines called DR. KALCKHOFF S MEDICINAL CARAMELS CONTAIN only Vegetable Extracts, combined with different aromatic spices, tamarind*, flgs prunes an t chocolate, forming agreeable, mild, safe and pure mcdlcinex. They are as pleasant to Sake as the fined confection, and therefore take ihe placc of all medicines which are sold under different names to secure healing effects. These mcdiclneg are no secret preparations, but the formulas for the different kinds have been nsed extensively for many years throughout the world by leading phvslclan*, for the various diseaaee they are recommended for. They are manufactured with tbe aid of improved machinery, under the supervision of a regular edncatcd physician and rhemlrt. Their cheapness alone creates a good demand, aa each bo* contains SO Caramels (20 doses), the price per box being from 25 to 50 cents. We mention ' DMWKHOFFS CATHARTIC CARAMELS An » agreeable, •» JBrtld, sale, and certain cathartic medicine. Cures Constfc- ' jpation, Hcadacho, Indigestion, Dleonlered Stomach, etc. QR. KALCKHOFFS WORM CARAMELS M ehaiu. broad, round, spring, tape, and whip worms, chil dren delight to take them. Price 25c. per box. QR. KALCKHOFF S COUCH CARAMELS Are a certain, care sod M instant relief for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, ^ O r££aunee •Br&kenT^ RENC (hinn«TM Ordway Cloud anaipiJi ood F'f G+*9n 'WMTCRTOIR ^41goisa TAKKTOS Siou.v a,. CrHsfior,^ rMU City^ \r It alcna AwesAt^rS w A I L L NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY CHICAGO THE CHICAGO & NORTH.WESTERN RAILWAY, Orer all of its principal lines, rnns each wav daily from two to four or more Fast £ j p r Trains. It la tnc only roati West, North or Northwest of Chicago that uses the IMPERIAL PALACE DINING CARS, It Is the'nnly roart *!int runs Pullman Sleeping Cars North or Northwest of Chicago. It has over 3,0002Miles of Road- In forms, amongst others, the following Trunk Lines: Council Klnil's, C»!onulo & California I^ine. Winona, Minnesota & Central Dakoka Line Sioux City & Kortiicastern Neliraska l.itie. (;hica*o, St. Paul & Minneapolis Line. Elgin, Rockfor<l, Freeport & Uuliuque Line. Milwaukee, (rreen Bav & Lake Superior Line. Jim River Valley, Pierre A Deartwood Line. Waukeaha. Madison AJNorthein Line Tickets over this road are solri byfall Coupon Ticket Agents in the United States ATCanada Remember to ask for Tickets via this roau, be sure they read over it, and take none other J D. 1ATVO, Ben'l Sup't Chicago. W.H. BTE9HITT, Oen Pass Agt Chicago. B :BU3Sp Ag't C. A N- W BR'y, MoHepry, lit. BUY YOUR Ml Mefliemes, Paints, Oils, etc. OF GEORGE W. BESLEY, Whose Store enn be found on the West Side, wheae everything this line can be found, Fresh and Pure. in x>Aiaps ' ' - Dr. Kalckhoff's Caramels are packed, ea^ W«i»tjr lis a Each Caramel has Kalckhoff P., tti« other Caraai for uli forward ng trap Ev«r brouorht to McFIenry county, amonj? which can lie found the Bontwr Library, Princess Library, Harrison & Smith Safety Lamp und a fine line of Bracket and Hand Lamps of every description which will be sold at prices that dafy competition. Call aud see jtheir oefore purchasing. slcians Prescriptioxui Oafefull^ Compounded. Give pr eaCult. G.W r. J. DACY J. DONOVAN. T. J. Dacy & Co. It is a lact well known to the Farmers of McHenry County .that whenever,,they have spoken °f Dacy to oppositon dealers, that the sound ol his name has caused i hem to shud der and their bones to rattle, •simply because the would be opposition dealers know too well that we have bought our goods in much larger quantities than they have done, and that we have always sold goods for less money than the same quality could be bought by many of them and they know it. Again we have our first choice of machinerjr in the market, and always aim to keep none but the best. Our present stock consists ot^aiany articles of machinery nolfbund elsewhere in the county. We have by actual count over 100 Bugaries, Platform Spring Wag ons and three spring Milk Wag ons. (Cal) and count them.) Also |t car of Glidden Barbed Wite Also plows, harrows, Pulverizers, spring tooth har rows, seeders, drills, rollers, corn stalk cutters, sulky plows, etc., etc., without limit Farm ers who consult their own inter ests will not buy a dollar's worth until the} get our starvation prices. Write for circulars. T.J. DACY & CO., Woodstock, III- IISSURK Wlin THE Mutual Life of New York Wlf? . Because it is the oldest Company in tlit Uniteil States with thirty.nine years of ex. perienee. Because it isfll lie largest Company in th* world. Assets, *91,702,858, nearly double that of any other Company. Becausejt Is the moat popular Company, its policyholders number over 100,000. Because every dollar of the above immense sum belongs to the policy Iwtders, an<l the .sur plus over what is actually required, is an> nually divided amongst tliem, which surplus may lie applied in either of two ways: First, S to pay a portion of the annual premium, thus ' materially reducing the cost, or it may be i used to purchase additional insurance. In the latter way forty-eight policy holders of the year just pnst, holding policies, the face' value of which was *133,500, were carried foi' an average term of 33 years at low rates, and the additions brought the snug sum of a little over $3(H),000. Many of these policies had been fcelf sustaining lor years. Because the rate's ef every other Companv are nearly eighteen! per cent, higher thai) those of the Mutual Life. Because Its running expense* »re 'oner than any other. Tne sworn statements of the Equitable; Life Assurance of New York, a (company several millions less than half as large as the' Mutual Life, show its expenses uf manage ment to have averaged 14.23 during the lasts three years, those of the Mutual Lite 7.8 tKe 5 dillerence of llrst cost of policy, and manage-; ment expenses alone, nrecqnal to 25 per cent: in favor of the Mutual Life. Becanse it can and does afford thecheapes safest and most satisfactory insurance inves ment of any Com nan y in the world. As it will be impossible for me to see all who are; desirous of obtaining Life insurance at actual cont, 1 will say to sucli that a postal card will always reach me at this place and on receipt of same I will forward different J pliins and actual results (not estimates) which are certainly astonishing and out do anything in the history ot Life Insurance. This Company issues onlv regular Life and ~ Endowment policies and lilceother Company a of the highest standard refuses to hate any thing to do with Tontine gambling. C. H. MORKY, Agent, For McIIcnry.County and western part oi Livke County. McHKNBY, ILL. FITS EPILEPSY --OR- |Fnllen Sickneeis. Permanently cured--no humbag--by one month's usuage of Dr. Goulard's Celebrated Infallible Fit Powders. To convince suffer ers that these powjers will do all we claim for them we will send them by mail postpaid a free Trial box. As Dr. Goulard is the only physician that has maCe this disease a spec ial study, and as to our knowledge thousands have been permanently cured by the use of these Powders, we will guarantee a perma nent cure in every case, or refund you a'l money expended. All sufferers should give; these Powders an early trial, and lie con. j Tinced of their curative powers. Price, fori large box, *3, or 4 boxes for *10, sent by mail! to any part of the United states or Canada »n receipt of price, or by express, C. O. D. Ad- dress, ASH A ROBBIN3, 36?Fulton m,t Brooklyn, N. Y. CONSUMPTION Positively Cured All sufferers from this disease that are anx Ions to be cured should trv Dr, Kissner's Ce.ebrated Consumptive Powders. These powders are the only preparation knows Hint will cure Consumption and all diseases •t the Throat and Lungs--indeed, so strong is our faith in them, and also to convince you that tliey are no humbug, we will forward to ; every sufferer, by mail, postpaid, a free Trial ; box. We don't want your monev until you a^e perfectly sativtied of their eu'rative pow. * ers. If your lift is worth saving, don't oelay • giving these Ponders a trial, as they will surely cure you, I'rice, for large box. *8 sent to any part of the United Statesor Cana ';•) *' niml, on receipt of price. Addreks, ROB BINS, *0 Fulton St.. Brovk on Imt (Hflt Mid easy terau, !n a mild climatr, ftee from km; snows, bllfkt- Ing fronts, and «. eesslvs: CHEA NMLUONS OF JICRES for sale to th^ I Jft ^ Q8LT I A |y IIV of Kansas, by the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, •f as rich Soil mm tb« • •a, with go«4 Mrkets mm -M&rn, AM* JUUk/ttm M-mt. Kt -"M'HL, 1 w>:~ a**