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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Jun 1882, p. 5

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NflMNlf •• -if'tf WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1882. v Railroad Time T tA<HKO SOUTH. nftva Lake Passenger neva f,ake Rxjjross #en«jva Lake Freight Steamboat Express J. aoixo sfoatn Ben»»* Lake Freisrht.. Rteambnat Expre.su.....>,.. Geneva Lake Express ,. £#n«va Lako Paaseneer ible. .7:2V A fc :3R A. * 10:03 " .......... .4:.V5 P. M .6:58 " B. Brss, Ajrent. McHenry, 111 M A.SONIC MOHEWRT CHAPTF.R Ho. 34 K. A. J*---Regit - lar1Convocation«Jhel<l on the second and lourth Fridays in each moneh. SMITH SEABLKS, H. P. MCIIEVRY X-ODGK. Vo. 151 \. P. and A. M.-- Ke«utiir Communications the Saturday on or before the full of the moon and every two weeks thereafter. CHAS. C. COLBY, W. M. ANHOVMCKMKNT. I hereby annonnco ravaelf. a candidate for Oountv Judjce, subject to the decision ot the Bepubllcatt County Convention. A. W. YOUXG, 1 hercbv nnnonW.e myself as a candidate for the ofllce of Honniy judge, subject to the decision of the Republican County Conven­ tion. O. H. OILMORG. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of County Clerk, of McHenry Co., Snbjqgt to the decision of the Republican Gounty Convention. COL. WM. A VERY. I hereby announce myself a6 a candidate for the office of County Clerk of McHepry C-ounty, and solicit the support of my friends and all good Republicans, feeling that my long experience In the office as deputy is. a good and sufficient guarantee that the duties of the office would be well and faithfully performed should I receive the nomination and election. I shall not be able to sec many of you personally, having but just returned from the West, and because of the short time Intervening between this and the day set for the County Convention, but nope you will act the same for me as though personally solic- ited. ) KRUMONT HOY. As PKRSONAL. 4 MR. AND MRS. SHE PAH D and Mrs. A. D. Lynn of Chicago, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Story over Sun­ day. ,, COL. WIC, AVERY, of Marengo, candi­ date for County Clerk, made U8 a call •n Thursday. A. G. SCOTT, of Kearney Junctlou, Neb. son-in-law of John W. Smith, spent Sunday in this village.* J. W. CRISTY started for Nebraska on Monday morning. MAC CHURCH and A. S. Wriglit, of of Woodstock, was in our I village last week. Mac is a candidate \for re-elec­ tion for Sheriff, and was fboking up his chances in this section, MR. ADAMS, of Kenosha, made oar sanctum a call one day last week. GKO. ELDREDGK and John McConnell of Richmond, were on our 6treets on Tuesday. JOHN BISHOP, brother of Hon. R. Bishop, has been vUlting here the past few days. JUST before going to press we learn that Wauconda is to have an old fash­ ion celebration on the 4th of July. Further particulars next week. OWING to the inclement weather, the Steamboat Excursion advertised for two last Sundays were necessarily postponed, but the weather peruiitting the one for next Sunday will take place as advertised. See notice elsewhere. INNOHNCKMKNT. AI.DEN, May®), 18*1. We, the undersigned, citizens and voters of . the town of Alden, McHenry Co., III., take pleasure in presenting the name of our re­ spected townsman, A 'ad Udell, Esq., for the office ot Sheriff of said county, and believing it to be the unanimous wish ot the Republican] Voters of the town, and ihat we are entitled to sucn consideration from our sis'er towns, we do hereby ask the support of Mr. Udell by the various township delegations. SAMTIET, CCTTKR, W. H. R-ONKF.LN, T. J. DTRRBOW, W. II. tiUOKSBUCK, J H. BRVMIOW, Titos. RITSHTON', LUCAS DISBROW, G. S. WTOKTIAM, E. s. SMITH, GBO. KrSHTON, N. VV(»HI»KN, C. it. ANDKBWS. FRANK MOROAN, J. C. BKKWKR. To the Members of the Republican Party of McHenry County. GKNTS:--It is not because all the lawyers, doctors, preachers, teachers, bankers, cap. Italists. merchants, farmers, laborers, mtf. chanics, office-holders, cranks and tramps of McHenry Cour.tv have ttrserl, besought, per­ suaded, and would not accept "No" as a de- nial; not because there are a score or more men in each township of^IcHenry County as well and many of them better1 qualified to represent this county ir our next Legislature «lo I hereby announce to you that I am of my own free will and choice a candidate for the office of representative, unbject of course to tho usual conditions; and for this my candi <lacy I ask your candid consideration, assur­ ing you that if you, tn your wisdom should prefer some other man to All this position, I shall not need lotions, potions, or sticking plasters to cure a sore head. I am, gents, with respect, Yours truly, JOHN KDDY. Harmony, McHenry, Co., II!., June ftli, 'S2. Fox Lake Steamboat Go. SEASON OF 1882. Sunday Steamboat Excursions for the month of .Tune, wind and breather permitting, will be as follows: June 18th. leave McHenry at 2:00, P. M.; isave Fox Lake, 5:00. p. M. June 25th. leave McHenry at 10:30, A. M.; leave Fox Lake. 4:00, p. M. Provided al»vavs that there are at least 15 passengers. WALTER Hirx, Captain. Republican Caucus. The Republican voters of the town of McHenry are requested to meet in Town Caucus', at the Council Roo<n. in the village of.McHenry, on Saturday. June 17th. 1882. at 3 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of choosing Ten delegates to attend the County Convention, Jllrhicli is to be held at Woodstock June *4th, and to transact such .other busi- ness as may properly come before the meeting. BT ORPKR TOWNOOMMITTEE. BAZAAR. A nice line of Lace Stevens & Schnorr's. Buntings at The gre*t Special sale of Children!: and Misses Hats at. Mrs. Searles'. SlCit the new Railroad Time Table in another column. We now have four trains a day eacli way. SER tho new advertisement or B. Raitvthorp. Ringwood. to be found in another column. ICE CREAM can be had day or even­ ing, by the dish or quart, at H. H, Nichols', next door to the past office. BOOKS ot nil kinds. Magazines. Pa pers, News Novelties, Fruits, Con­ fectionery, &c., &c., at the Bazaar, op­ posite J. Story's. McHenry, Til. F. A. HEBARD is putting up tfie Tubs for Bishop's Pickle Factor/, having 8ix or seven already on the, ground. He expects to have thetu all completed In a few days. BKSLEY'S Arctic Soda Fountain is now in full blast. Call and see it. It is a beauty, and the drink is, as the vgirls fay, lust too nice for anything. Try it. /-? fa »• THE Tickets for the Fourth of July Party at the Riverside House are now being printed, and will be ready for distribution soon. The Janesville Light Guard Band will furnish the mu­ sic. Hurrah for the 4th. learn that a Steamboat Dock Is Seing built near the Johtisburgh tridge, and that the Steamboats will make s tops there both going td and the Lakes, This will be a groat con veil ie uce, and especially to the residents of Johneburgli. WE have several communications on the Congressional question and other subjects which we are compelled to leave out on account of want of room We have a large jfaper. but just i»t this time we wish it w^re twice as large. SCXPAY last was Children's Day at theM.E. Church, and through the efforts of tlie ladies and children of the Sunday School^ lie church was deco­ rated in a very handsome manner. The exercises in Uie'eveniug were very in- i.o resting. TICKETS will be issued this week for a grand Fourth ol Jul}* Party, at the Parker House., in this village. Friberg's Orchestra, of Chicago, lias been engaged to furnish the nnis'ul and consequently nothing will be lacking in that line, as litis is said to be as good a Band a* can be found in the State. Look out for the tickets tit a day or two. H. II. NICHOLS litis commenced run­ ning to the Lakes on the Steamer '"Mary Griswold." and will carry a stock of canned goods, teas, coftee, Ac., for tlie accommodation of residents at .the Laktt. He will carry first class goods and sell them at the lowes; prices. He will also have Ice Cream, Lemonade etc. Residents at the Lakes should hear this in mind when in want of anything in his line. THE Steamer "Lotus" lias just receiv­ ed a new coat, of paint, and presents a a very neat and handsome appearance. The work was done by a Chicago Paint­ er and will b-»ar the closest inspection. Captain Hill is sparing no pain? to put his boats in the best possible shape, and the traveling public and pleasure seek­ ers generally, can be assured that while under his care, whether on the "Mary Griswold" or "Lotus" they will receive the best of.accommodations. MCHENRY was the scene of almost n fatal stabbing affray on Friday last. An old man by the name of Welsh was tlshing on the bridge when a man by the nune of Jake Clary, who WHS full of poor whisky, came along ami com­ menced abusing the old man in a shameful manner. He stood i» until he lost his temper 'vhen he struck Clars' with a large pocket \nife, inflicting a dangerous wound over the right lung. Dr. Brown was c tiled and dressed the wound and at last accounts he was doing well. No arrest was made. THE attendance of buye^ at the great auction sale of lots, in Ilintze & Potter's addition to Elgin, which came oft on Saturday last, was the largest which has been seen at any sale ever held there, and those who were on the ground were enabled to secure some very tine lots at reasonable prices. At! the lots offered w«.re sold at prices ranging from $175 to 8300. The sale was a brilliant success in spite of the disagreeable weather which pre­ vailed. Messrs Ilintze & Potter now announce a second-sale of choice lots mostly in Blocks 2 and 3, to take place on Tuesday, June 20th, at 2 P. M., and wc advise all persons desirious of making a good investment to be on hand. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. I ofter my house and lot. situated in the village of McHenry, for sale. There is a srood barn, outhouses and small fruit on the premises. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to M. ENOKLH. Nunda Caucus. The Republican voters of the town of Nunda are requested to meet in Town Caucus, at the office of J. D. Butler Esq.. in the village of Nuuda, on Saturday, June 17th, 1882, at 2 «&loclc P. M., for the purpose of choos­ ing eleven delegates to attend the County Convention to be ii^ld in "Wood­ stock on the 24th day of June, and to transact such other ousiuess as may properly come before the meeting. By Order of Republican Town Committee. Republican Caucus. The Republican legal voters of the town of Greenwood are requested to meet at Dailey's Hall over the Post Office on Saturday the 17th day of June at 2 o'clock shai p. for the purpose of electing eight d«i!egates to attend the County Convention to be held at Wood­ stock Juu* 24th, for the purpose of selecting delegates to the Congression­ al Convention to be held at Elgin June 30, and for the transaction of such other business ae iuay coin? before the nieetiu£. i By Order Town Committee: iiiiiinliffifiintfr iMHi Ittii School Superintendent. MARKNOO, III, June 6th, 1892. To THE EDITOR:--Please permit me a word regarding candidates for the School Super!ntendency. It is rumored that several gentlemen aspire to the honor* of that eounty office. What the teachers, and all interested In the wel­ fare of our public schools demand. Is uot a politician, but a school man; a man whose training and experience and interests are directly In the line of ot school work. And more, a man whoso interests are centered in this County. McHenry presents such a man in the person of Mr. S. I). Baldwin, a man of sterling integrity, excellent ex­ ecutive ability, and a thoroughly qual­ ified and successful teacher, Mr. Baldwin Is well acquainted with the school work of this County, having spent most of his life as a teacher in its schools. He has always taken an active part In teachers meetings; and as a live, wide-awake school man, has claims upon - the people which they cannot afford t«» Ignore. "One must catch the spirit of his culling." Mr. Baldwin has done this, and will make a superior County Superintendent of Schools. J. A. VROOMAJT. Woodstock Department. EDITOR PLAIN DEALER.--- In a column and a half article of last Saturdays Democrat, the general store man of Woodstock, who writes all the gush for the "slop bucket.'* and who by the way is a rip roiring Democrat, and was a copperhead during the war, says Judge Smith took hts stand in the ranks, with his gun on his shouldev. Now we would like to ask the sage of the Court nouse Hill. t<» explain why a man detailed in an office at Springfield, at military headquarters to a clerks position need­ ed a gun and what lie means by taking his stand in the ranks. We understand and the report comes from the Adju- cent Generals office at Springfield, III. that Mr. Smith enlisted in Co. C 95th Illinois Infantry, late In the fall of I8fi4 or almost at the close of the war, was detailed in one of the offices at the State capitol and never left the State and received 885^bonnty for the val uahle services rendered the govern­ ment ; was never'with his regiment and in all was in *the service about six months. What hardships he must have endured to be sure. How compares tliis vvitli the record of Mr. Slierwiu< who enlisted in the early part of thn war in the 89th Regiment of Illinois Infantry, and served in the army of the Cumberland, carrying a musket. H« was in the battle of Mtone River, Chic- ainaiiga. Lookout Mountain, Mission Ridge, aui nil the battles form Chat­ tanooga to Atlanta, and later went with Sherman to the sea. This is a waf record worthy of mention. It would have been better by far for Mr. Smith had his war record never been mentioned, but when an individual out­ side the party hashes up s'noh a con­ glomeration of mean aud cohtemptable matter, devoid of every particle of truth And 4euenoyr. «3 did thia-^lowti stairs editor of the Democrat last week we for one feel it is high time to give the facts as regards Mr. Smith's army record and advise the paid editor of these articles to post himself better before he undertakes to brag up anoth­ er candidates military record that really was never in the army at all. JUSTICE. Nunda III., June 12th, 1SS2. A COKUKSRONHKNT'S VIRW. The Aur3ra correspondent ©f the lnter~Ocean has this to say of Mr. Slier.vin and his defamers: He has lived here for many years, and there is not an unprejudiced man in America who knows hi;n well but what believes in his lionestv and integ­ rity. When many of bis defamers were enjoying thelcomforts of home life and "talking for the Union," he was carry­ ing a musket upon his shoulder and a j knapsack crprin his back. They slept in their warm beds and sat down to a I httiintiful table, while Ite slept upon j the cold ground of Southern plantations I and dineil upon hard tack and beacon, that the nation might live. To try to rob a man and his wife and daughters and little son of the good name which lie has earned as a soldier and citizen, by long years of faithful, earnest, honest effort, as some are try­ ing to do, is simply damnable, and will react upon the men who are engaged in this work of hate. Don't forget the great sale of Mll- nery goods At Mrs. Searles. Commen­ cing June !4th and ending July 15th. From Oetrolt to the Sea. W. H. Brearley of the Detroit EvvnlnQ News has issued and sent to this office. ^ copy of his new tourists' guide book for the three 020, July ex­ cursions "From Detroit to tho Sea," aud return, via the Grand Trunk R. R. The book is a decided improvement upon the former issues published an­ nually during the six years that these excursions have been carried on. having 64 well edited and illustrated pages, and containing 43 maps en­ graved expressly for this year's edition. The title page of the cover is an exact copy in color of an oil painting of Glen Ellis Falls, near the Glen House, in the White Mountains, and Is beautiful enough to frame. Every one contemplating a trip E»st this summer whether they intend going'.ou theselexcursions or not, should send 30 cents and secure one. Those who do not wish to invest ten three cent stamps, in this guide book, should send one stamp for a circular. Mrs. S. Searles dtsires to close out htr Millnery and Notion stock. Object is to close store for a sliort vacation. Will make the greatest reductions in prices ever made in McHenry County. All that have .not purchased their Mil­ linery now is the Golden Opportunity. Will make it an object for yon to come miles to purchase. My stock is new and the verv latest styles. Have just re­ turned from the city, and will open to-da.v, June 14th, a large and beau­ tiful stock ot goods. 1 want to close out my stock by the 15th of July, for .a vacation of six weeks. Then will opem with a new stock for Fall trade. Fine Laces in black and white Span­ ish. Aurillac and French at terry & Martiu's. > (r.' tteef-ffteak Is down to llfteen cen u per pound at Bordwell's. Repaiys are being made on the old livery stable on Main Street. A new roof;and other much needed Improve­ ments on^ the same are being made. A new drayman has started in during past week in this .city. This makes three draj's here. Mr. Goorlseli Is the gentleman who has recently goue Into this branch of business. Our people seem to be backward about coming forward as regards mak­ ing arrangements to celebrate the Fourth of July this year. A meeting was held last week for this purpose, but was so poorly attended and so little i Merest taken by those present in the premises that It would seem as though the Fourth was to be one of the things o,f the past in Woodstock, as far as a celebration is concerned. The old war horse says after this thing is over (meaning the Congres­ sional matter) he will,fix two or three of those Slierwin men who draw pen­ sions. He has tried the little game before, but has failed to fix anybody as yet. W. D. Ringland. Deputy. U. S. Mar­ shal, is for Sherwiu. The Southworth- gieiinon combination say "we will scalp him if the good Lord only per­ mits us to carry this county once more,* The bleating calf bleats longer and louder than eve^ sjnce^mitti did not carry Algonquin. Mr. aud Mrs. Wm. H. Sherwood, of Wood hull, N. Y„ are visiting « with Asa W. Smith, who is brother of the tatter. After a separation of twenty years, they are' enjoying th» re-union hugely. The most popular candidate for the office of Sheriff for the next four years is Asad Udell, of Alden. Mr. Udell was a soldier, served t iree years in the 92th III., and was discharged a First Lieu­ tenant. His war record wa* excellent, aixl his record since has been equally as good, for lie stands well in the com- nitinity where he has resided the greater portion of his lire. That he Is thought well of by his neighbors, is apparaut from the recommendation givrn him by the same in their card to the voters of the county, which tip- pears in all the papers. There is no doubt but that Mr. Udell will rodeve the nomination and that he will make a-good and efficient officer if elected. M. M. Clothier of II.:bro:\ the famous pension attorney and ex- soldier's friend it^the coming man to receive the nomination for member of the Legislature. He will carry his town over Chas. H. Tryou who we be­ lieve l>as resided In Hebron nearly 40 years. Mr. Clothier Is the right man for the place, he can and will make him­ self heard when necessary and his Iwnesty and integrity is too well known to need any pra&»e or puffing' up by anyone. He iOfa able, ttrjter, a ready debafl^r niidTiilfcs out In meeting and every one knows just where to find h!m upon any or every occasion. He served four years fighting for Ids country, and has a war record that any man might be proiul of. This, in our opinion. U the class and kln;l of timber to send t.o Springfield to represent us for the coming 2 years aud not a man that was never heard from during the Inst two sessions of the Legislature. Left over from last week. The Republican voters of McHenry County are ended upon within the next, two weeks to nominate county officers. Col. Win. Avery, of Marengo, •s a candidate for County Clerk. The present clerk, Peter. Whitney, who has held tho office eight years, is also in the field, and we believe that" Fremont Hoy, formerly a deputy clerk for M. D.IIoy and later for Peter Whitney, would lik« the place. Which will the voters choose, is the question before the hc»u~e. Shall the old veteran sol­ dier who served his country faithfully during tiie war, was twice f wounded and rnie from a captaincy to the com­ mand of the brave old 95th Regiment of Illinois Infantry, and a gentleman, who, since the war, has resided in Ma­ rengo, where he is held so high in the estimation of his neighbors, and who is respected throughout the county by those who have the pleasure of ids ac­ quaintance. is well qualified to perform any kind of business, and who bears in ids face the stamp of being one of Ntuure's noblemen; we ask, shall this man be the choice of the Convention held here June 24th, or shall this lucra­ tive position be given to Peter Whit­ ney, wiio held the office for eight years, and is well off In this world's goods, but withal a very good man and has made an excellent Clerk, or young Hoy. who has been reared In the .office aiul now imagines he should have it left to himself or some of his familj forlile, who has voted but for one President and that was two years ago. but who is a real nicelioy atld could do the business. Which of the three candidates will you daclde upon in your towu caucuses as the one who sliaH succeed to the office of County Clerk for the next four years? We believe that Col. Avery will bo the man, and from what we have henrd talked, think he IviII carry the county by storm as he certainly should. A. W. Young, of Harvard, is a rising young lawyer, aud is at present our al>le county Superintendent of Schools. Mr. Young is the leading candidate for County Judire, aud those who know the gentleman--aud he has a large acquaintance throughout the county-- are well awaie of his fitness for the position. He lias had success and h:ts been principal of schools as large as those of Woodstock and Harvard. We believe Mr. Young will knock the per- 8iminons^iii bis candidacy for Judge this tall, stmpTy W^jiuse he is the only candidate 11" lieople have tried and im4 founH^vt^Wing, and this office, shotifo be givet^dfTmmi of experience, Or tho^wiioliaw' tirst come in cou- taci'wHh the in oilier official Richmond Department. CoNTItini'THO BV S. F. LIKNNKTT. Dr. E. R. Bennett, of Chicago, spent the Sabbath in Richmond. Miss Martha Johniiuott, of Burling­ ton, Vt., will spend the summer In Richmond. A. R. Alexander returned frcun his trip southward on Saturday. He re­ ports the spring bed business booming. Before yon spoil your n)ontli with a five cent cabbage-leaf cigar, call at Landlord Culver's and try a Straight teu-ccuter--and tike comfort. Mrs. Ada Peck and two children, of Burlington, Vt., will spend the sum­ mer in Richmcud with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Pettingill. "Children's Day" was observed by appropriate services at the "M. Et Church, which was tastefully decorated for the occasion. Sportsmen should not forget the pigeon shoot at Richmond, en the 4th of July. We understand the prises are to be in cash and large.enough to make itan object for good shots to enter the lists. Dr. R. F; Bennett, of F.lgln, spent Thursday night In Richmond. He came up on the evening train to at tend a consultation of doctors in the case of Robby Lawson. who is very low with cerebro spinal meningitis. Bela Talier and wife, Henry and J^nies Rice, and Mrs. J. W. Voak, of Wllmot. Wis., Mrs. Biiven, of Sun Prairie. Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. John Cairns of Hebron, spent the Sabbath In Richmond. Eflorts are being made to interest the citizens of Richmond in a good old fashioned celebration next 4th of July. It is s* long since Richmond had life enough to attempt such a thing that it might even stir the dry bones in the grave-yard. A subscrlp Hon paper is to be circulated at once to raise funds. We hope our citizens will take hold of the uiAtter and push it through to a triumphant success. Thirty or forty Richmond people attended the Sons of Temperance festival at Hebron, Friday evening, and all report a splendid time. The Hebron people never do things by liaUes. The supper was pronounced complete in every particular. The literary entertainment preceding tho supper presented the following Inter­ esting'and entertaining programme: Music. Lecture Dr. Cheesliro. Select Revltng Delta Conn. Music. Comio ReciUUion J. W. Webster. Choice ..Mary Wallace Music. Mews S. G. Howe. lioclUtion Perry Pierce. Music. Recitation Nell Andrews. Toast: "The Ladles--our wives, mothers, sisters, anil tweet-hearts." ltcsi>onduU toby U. O. Faber. Munlo. The Gotlis and Huns Invaded Rome, ami overthrew the empire. One day last week Richmond was invaded but she was not destroyed. Her Invaders were pftaceful but anxious office seek­ ers. There were M. M. Clothier and C. II. Tryon, candidates far the Leg­ islature, Emery Richards, who seems to have a new sweep for the office he seeks/:Peter Whitney and Col. Avery< candidates for County Clerk, besides various interested friends, whose aid was necessary in making up the slates. Well, the j* aie all good fellows, and wc all regret that we have got to choese between friends whom would like to honor equally well. we iiil Tl' REPUBLICAN CAUCUS. The Republican voters of the town of Richmond are requested to me<*t in caucus at the Richmond House, in the village of Richmond, on Saturday, the 17th day of June, from two to four o'clock, p. M.. for the purpose of select­ ing twelve delegates to attend the County Convention, to be held at the the Court House In Woodstock. 111., on Saturday, the 24th day of June, 1882. Said Convention being held for the purpose of nominating County Officers and selecting delegates to attend the Congressional Convention to be held at Elgin, Friday, the 30th day of June* 18S2. . . Dated, Richmond, III., June 5lh, 1882. MAitniKn:-- At Wilmot, Wis., Thursday evening, June, 8, ltW4, l»y the Rev. Grover C. Clark, of Richmond, MK. JIKLA FABEK and Miss ADA K. RICE, Iwth of Wilmot. Quite a large company of relatives and friends was present at the wed­ ding to offer their congratulations to the newly wedded pair. A number of the guests were from Richmond, and Sun Prairie, near Madison, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Tabor start out in married life with every prospect of happiness, and accompanied bv the good wishes of a host of warm friends. Bon voy- ago, dear friends! The following is a list of the wedding presents: One hundred dollars in gold from groom to bride; lap robe frotn bride to groom; silver caster and napkins, Mr- and Mrs. C, W. Voak; silver card re­ ceiver aud bouquet holder. Miss Lottie A. Reynolds; silver knives, forks and spoons, butter knife, bride's mother; silver cake dish, Mariett and Gertie Johoniiott; silver butter dish, Dr. S. F. Bennett and wife; jell dish, Mr. and Mrs. J.-Cairns; tea set, Mr. aud Mrs. Crosby. Mr. and Mrs. R. Johoniiott; set silver knives and forks, Mr. F. J. Moouey; tea pot, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hicks; photo album, and two table cloths. Mrs. A. llallaiav; glass set and hanging lamp, Mr. and Mm. Kruckmi>n; set silver teaspoons aml/one-balf dozen salt cellars, Mrs. R. Blinren; one dozen individual salt celhirjf Artie Rice aud Louie Johoniiott; jThand lamp, Katie and Nellie Johoniptt; pickle caster. Mr. and Mrs. E./V. Voak; pendent lamp, Mr. and MoL. Kruckiuan; large mirror, H. II, Ilicr' ^am stand, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Cf' l^nteV,^,, eushiou, lexauder; utarms ^ MRS. A. stand, Mr. J. W. Vonk; silver soup ladle. W in. aud Anna Broadfey ; silver pie tyflk^Ir- and Mrs. L. B. Rice; bed spreAMfc. J. E. Matin; two table clotli^p|p. Halliday; book ,of poems and bed spread. Mrs. E. J. Mann; gla:s pitcher and goblets marked with Inl. tials, Herbert Gibbs. ^ " 1 --^ COWS FOR SALE. The undersigned has seven or eight choice new milch cows, with calves at their side, for sale. Apply at inv farm J mile south of Bishop* Mill, McHenry. MICHAEL CLAXT. Business Nofcta**« Reed's Gilt EdgeToni* Ai . appetite. , ; , The Motine Owen's. Sulky Plow St & 9 ^ Fishing Tackle of all kind* at V< KngrIII\S, in Howe's Block, IMMMT fflM new Bridge. Overalls--We have a Urge stock ftMT men and boys. Good and cheap at . Henry Colby's. , The Furst * Bradley Sulky PTOW E. M. Owen's. Full line ot fancy Dress Buttons at Perry A Martin's. - CORN FOR SALE. Those wishing to buy will do well to call on the subscriber, 3J miles noith- west of McIIenry station. Will sell by the ton or In larger quantities. AXDRKW THOMAS May 23d. IS8S. Mixed Paints, Leads. Oils and Tur­ pentine at Perry & Martin's. Onr Grocery Department is now complete, and have some bargains In tea and coffee which it will pay the eloae buyer to inspect. J HENRT UOLBTI Lace and Plain Buntings. A number of fine styles at Perry A Martiu's. »HK KSTKKLY TWIXK BINDnR. 'Farmers, before yon buy a Self- Biiuler look them all over well. „ See that the machine has a cold rolled angle Iron sickle bar. with heavy malleable steel plated guards, bolted close to the gronqd . 2nd) See that the canvass runs close te the knife. 3rd; See that the platform and up­ right canvass are bridge brat^O; 4th) See that the back beam is up edgeways and not spliced. oth) See that the drive wheel is placed between four timbers with side castings bolted top and bottom,so that the drive wheel cannot "cant over." 6th) See that the lifting lever raises both ends of the machine at once, without stopping, and locks it again. 7th) See that the reel can be raised or lowered at any point moving back and forth. 8th) See that the machine Is balanced well and tlltlng-perfect. 9tlO See tlint the Extra grain adjuster aud bundle separator are.on it. 10th) See that the plunge bolt with seven of its delicate parts are removed and simple cam and roller to drive the disc. '% Please ask your old friend Tip Smith, McHenry,^* to show you the machine. Sample at his ware house. Also sampie at O. A. Piatt's, Crystal Lake Cros6., and at John Woulridge, Libertyville. Lake County; Hfnry Selp's. Lake Zurich, Lake Co.; Ye<ider Slocum, Wnucotula, Lake Co. New Hats In endless variety, latest styles aud iowest prices at Henry Coiby's. HOSIERY. ..,Do hot btiy a pair of HOSE until yon have looked our new stock over. STKVKNS A SCHNOK*. Paints and Oils--a fn'l lina and prl< ces low at Henry Colby's. Dr. Warner's Celebrated Corsets at Perry & Martin's. Look at our all wool Lace Bunting* before buying. STEVENS k SCHNORR. Gossamer Circulars and Coats for ladies and gentlemen always In stock at Henry Colby's. Carpets, Carpets. Carpets. Finest line in the county at Perry & Martin's. MRS. E. W. HOWE Has just returned from the city with a full line of Spring and Summer Millin­ ery, to which she invites the espeeial attention of the ladles. Her stock of Ribbons, Flowers, and Ladles' Furnish­ ing Goods generally, was never more complete than now, and she is confident that she can please all wiio may favor her with a call. (Jail and see the new stylus aud learn prices. MRS. Ek W. HOWE. Buckeyc Force Owen's. All the Owen's. Pump*, mi n; The Union Corn Owen & Sou's. first-class Plowa «t ;1. M Mant*r;#:felk: All the different Keystone Plantel* , . at E. M. Owen & Sou's. « "41 • * , V The Randall Pulverizer Han«*§Ki§>' E M.Owen A Son's. £ 3# " lis5'1* •• • . IR you want a good smoke try Little Devil,'" at Besley'c Drug $tor«U •'§ Always Ite freshing. A delielous odor is imparted Ky Floreston Cologne, which Is always r»* freshiug, no matter how freely used. The finest line of Silver and Plat«4 Ware to be found in the county, at W. Owen's. Ir yon want a food smoke try one «if., "Barbian Bros. Beat.** They a*t Jfe No. 1. Society Beltee. On account of lts remarkably Irate and lasting fragrance, society belles are loud in tbeir praises 4fS Floreston Cologne. in SefcN^lC, FORSA 40 Acres of land in SefeMtl&JIS. fenced. Also 80 acres of land, wlro. good hou«e and barn thereon, with timber aud water in abundance. In Sec­ tion 22. Also my homestead on tlie Crystal f.ake and Ntr.ida road. Good new ; house, barn aud other outbuilding*.-- I Apply TO JOHN FI.USKY. F Furniture at Cost. In order to reduce stock we will for the next Sixty Days, giv* better bar- gins in Furniture than wasever beforit offered in this county. This is no hum* bii£,and if you want Furniture of any kiml cheap now is the time to buy. Call and exaiuinemy stock au«l learu prices. 1 aiu confident 1 can make it an object for you to come twenty m<lea to trade with uie. Call at ouce aud save money. Jour B. Buta McHenry, Jfrnreh 98th, Ittt new M i AS it Clothing.--Black Dress Suits, Con­ firmation Suits Spring. Summer' and Fall Suits. Children's Suits. Boys' Suits Youth's Suits. Men's Suits, all at prices to suit at Henry Colhy's. Umbrellas.--We have a good assort­ ment in styles and prices. Call and see theui at Henry Colby's. Fine Slioes.--The largest line and best styles ever shown in this market. Call aud exainiue them at Henry Col­ by's, • Our stock of Drugs. Chemicals and Patent Medicines was never more complete. Goorlg reliable and prices right at Heury Colby's. WANTED. 50,000 pounds choice Butter, for which we will pay the highest market price In Cash or trade. FITXSIMMONS A EVAMSOH. silks. Satins, Brocades. Moires, and a flue line of other Dress Trimmings at Perry & Martin's. New invoice of Parasols and Sun­ shades at llenrv Colhy's. Wauconda Ice Cream Parlors. L-, E. W. BROOKS, SUCCESSOR TO GOI.D1NG fc BROOKS, Would respectfully announce to the public that he has opened his Ice Cream Parlors for the season and Is now prepared to furnish Ice Cream every day and evening, by the dish or quantity. I also keep on baud Fancy Groc­ eries of all kinds. Canned Goods. No­ tions, Tobaccos. Cigars. Confectionery, etc., which 1 am selling as low or lower tliau any oilier house in the county, quality ofvgoods considered. When in waut of anything in my line I invite you to cail. confident that 1 can please you both in quality and price. W, BHOOKS. Wauconda, 111.. May 33d, 188S. Just received--Some very pretty and desirable styles of all wool Lace Buntings which will he sold very cheap. Oall aud examiue them at Henrv Colby's. Honey, choice aud cftaa? at Henry Colby's. FATHER Jk SONS, For Clothing look ai our large slock. For a good suit and call on Stevens &|Schnorr. , FOR SALE OR RENT.'^ A house and one-half acre of land to the village of Ringwood. House CON* tains live rooms. Will be sold reason* able. Apply to WKSLKT LA&U. ttlNOWOOO, ill., April 4th, MB, ' / Tar one of Barhian Bros. Stock." It will compare with any Ct* gar In the market. Look at French GingTiams at Stafw ens & Schnorr's. SELF BINDERS, TWINE BINDERS. Farmers wishing to purchase a Self; Binder will do well to call on E. Itw Owen & Son and see the '•Minneapolis** before buying, as it ha6 two years M&» vauce Improvements on the binding part that no other has. J. F. Appleby the inventor of the Twine Binder, superintends the Minneapolis Hal* vestcrThere is nothing to fa# feartMlTt'oiu McCorinick's threats. Call also get you a celebrated Wood Twlttl Binder If you prefer it. Spring and Summer Henry Colhy's. Overcoats a$^ I? you want to buy Clothing at Chi* ,'^T cage prices, eall on E. Lawlua. I a Latv» slug's Block. McHenry. -- \ - 1 j Dress goods In new style* frana T , ; cents per yard up at Fltasluuuous £- Evauson's. The finest, line of Dress Goods, LI ings ami Trimmings at Steveus Schnorr's. Walking Shoes.--A full Itne, lateaff styles and tirst class. Wo have also # J few dozen pairs we are offering at a y reduced price to close. Ask to sea them at Henry Colby's. HEAD LIGHT 0iU J The best Kerosene Oil In ten al..'; H. H. Nichols. 175 Fire Test. - Call and over look the fine let of Carriages at E. M. Oweu & Souls CARRIAGES! CARRIAGES! CAR. JtlAGKS! * Anyone in waut ot a Carriage, Buggy or Wagon, should not fail t* call on E. M. Owen «& Son aud see tint large car-load just received. Tha finest finished lot ever come t# tfci county aud will sell tliem ch*ap. To alt Pickle Growers ol McHenry County. The Globe Pickle Ce. of Chicago (formerly Zott & Kollmorgen),are now ready to contract cucuiniiers to lie de* livered at the Crystal Lake Factory* and will pay FlVK SlilLLUiGS |ie# bustrel cash. For contracts aud further particular** apply to 6. H. CUTtoit, STSW, LU. Table Oil Cloth, very good. 30 cent%: per yard at Fitxsiiumouf & Evansou^ Bucklen's Arnica Salvo. The best salve In the world for fcuts^ Bruises. Sores. Uleers. Salt Rlieum% Fever Sore*. Tetter, Chapped Hands*; ChilMaius. Corns, and all Skin Ernp* lions, and positively cures files. It is guranteed to give perfect satisfaction or motley refunded. Prtae cents* per bottle. For sale by all i>ruggista FENCE POSTS FOR SALE. 9000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence for sale. Inquire of 40H.V DOBAK Free of Charge^ All pevKiW suffering from Colds. Asthma." Bronchitis, Voice, or any affection of and Lungs, are is'quested t Drug Store and get a T»i Dr. King's New Discove sumption, free ot e& convince them of its and show what a re, do. ' 11111 • /'J •htgaai •rmk CMawit July IJiU,

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