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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Jun 1882, p. 8

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Our French guests at the York- celebration drunk six thousand lw hundred dollars worth of wines and la*t week. In Congress, the bill therefor came up for consideration. One member charged that a free bar Was kept open on the b«»nt which car- Had the Yorklown excursionists, An­ other member thought, if a thirsty and distinguished Frenchmen asked for a Champagne, it would bean insult tp the French republic to reply: "Beg pardon, we've nothing on the boat but battled lager." "Richelieu" Robinson, •f Brooklyn, asked wliether anyone •apposed the Frenchman swallowed all the champagne, and Mr. Tucker indig­ nantly replied that the Frenchman wouldn't have considered us gentleman If w bad declined to drink with them. Mr, Robinson characterized the trip as British saturnalia," and Mr. Tuck, •riaid it had been a long time between drinks, and the Yankee and the Brit- lsher were justified in bridging the bloody chasm with ehampagne corks. And then, after aYl this ^kicking" over a paltry little wine account of six thousand five hundred dollars, it was •Recovered that the bill had been paid. An Indian having discovered a pafr of trousers hanging neglected in a Reno barnyard appropriated theja by permission of the owner. It so hap­ pened that a colony of thrifty and en­ terprising hornets had already estab­ lished squatter soverignty within the dependent garment. The Indian with all th« red man's noble pride donned Ma new acquisition and moved majes­ tically down the street in search of Are-water. But in a moment he dis­ severed that he had all the stimulants that be needed concealed about his person and that a visit to the corner grocery would be unnecessary expend- of time and none v. tlR KSTMTLY TW1NK BINOB.R. Farmers, before you buy a Self- Binder look them all overwell. 1st) See that the machine has a cold rolled angle Iren sickle bar. with heavy malleable steel plated guards, bolted close to the gronnd. Jnd) See that the canvass runs close to the knife. 3rd) Seo that the platform and up­ right canvass are bridge braced. 4th) Seo that the back beam is up •dgeways and not spliced. 5th) See that the drive wheel is place# between four timbers with side eastings bolted top and bottom,so that the drive wheel cannot "cant over." •tli) See that the lifting lever raises both eads of the machine at once, wtthoat stopping, and lock! it again. -9th) See that the reel can be raised Or lowered at any point moving back Mid forth. 8th) See that the machine is balanced will and tilting perfect. Sth) See th%t the Extra grain adjuster Md bundle separator are on it. 10th) See that the pl»nge bolt with •PVen of fts delicate parts are removed, 'and simple cam and roller to drive the disc. Please wk your old friend Tip Smith, HcHenry, to show you the machine. Sample at his ware house. Also sample at G. A. Piatt's, Crystal l»*ke Cross., and at John Wool ridge, Itlbertyville, Lake County; Henry Snip's. Lake Zurich, Lake Co.; Vedder Slocum, Wauconda, Lake Co. < Robinson Wagon Co. GRAY f " Always Ahead. SPRING CAMPAIGN OPENED I ,{ -AT HIS-- Cairfage and Wagon Factory, BLACKSMITH SHOP, RICHMOND. ILL. I sell every Implement, Tool or Machine a farmer wants. PL \TPORM SPRING, DB- LIV/511Y AXD FARM WAGONS, TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, One, two and three seated, tram the cele­ brated mannfactory of J. W. Henry & Co., Free port. \ Blacksmith ing, PaWlng and Repairing Done In a workmanlike manner and war. ranted. From the large variety of Farm Machinery manufactured, we select that best adapted for this section, and upon the BEST TERMS THAT CASH CAN PURCHASE, which en­ ables us to supply our patrons with just what they wnnt, and at lower prices than anv other concern northwest of Chicago. Call ami make exan ination for yourselves before giving your orders for any piece of machinery you may neci* the coiniug season, and you wiir find the best and most complete line of Farm Machinery ever before offered , in McHenrv Co Remember that we yffer the VERV BEST MACHINERY at the-»VKRY LOWKST PRICE that Cash can produce anywhere. A.P.GRAY, Richmond, III, SPRING AND SUMMER F O O T - W B ArttooMrditbl* IM Home ot WM. DWIGHT. Come early and examine my new goods which are now being received and placed upon the market to. ]be sold for, very little money. ' l>£S Clothing, Clothing, Clothing, Our Stock is the I.argert, the Cheapest and the Most Desirable to be found in the Northwestp. Drop in and take a look and get my low Cash Prices. W. H. DWIGHT, "Woodstock, 111. For Spring and Summer. A full line of piece gpods of the latest styles and at the lowest figures. <* CLOTHING ! A Bigger Stock than ever. SUITS SUITS AT Suits all prices at AT $4.50. £5.00 M a i m a n ' s s HOUSES, AT WAUCONDA. For anything made to order,Maiman's is th place to go, Aiso a fall line|of Gent's Furnishing Goods. HATS, CAPS, &c., &c Manufaefurers of SPRINGS WAGONS. Baggies «& Phaetons* •W«klK£G8lgBS and prices to . BOBmSON WAGON CO., CINCINNATI, O. THE HOUSE L WAGON. a. mew book on the Horse. " Hi* history. Mructure, uses treatment. Alto giving a lew of the most Important and Effective Remedies 4>r the cure of the diseases of the horse. tV~ Valuable to every owner and lover of the lone. Publishsd by the S08BT80V VAOOV CS., Ctaeis- •tU, 0., and seat, postage paid, to any address, on WSCeipt of T1IRF.E "-CKNT STAMPS. Mrs. Maixnaxi, Has received a fine Stock of Spring and Sam mer Millinery goods, all of the latest styles. nice lot of Ribbons and Plumes. The ad'ies of Western Lake County are especially nvited to call and examine goods and prices. H. MAIMAIV. JOHN B. BLAKE FURNITURE STORE •fH mm mmrn Two Doors North of Perry & Martin's Where yon will find all grades of Furniture, from a common Chair up to the finest Set, of the best make and quality People buying ct me will find all my goods as represented, . t^TJobbing and Repairing neatly and promptly done. UNDERTAKING In this Department I keep a first-class assortment of Caskets, and Coffins, and Shrouds ot all kin da and quality A Hearse furnished at .easonabler rates. JACOB STORY. McHENRY, ILL. DEALER IN The iPnml and llr^t Medicine ever Sade.^ h<"c'drnblnotion of Hops, Buchu, Man* drakvU => ;unl L>andcitpn( With cUtuohest and most c^urative properties of till other Hitters, makes\thogreatest BiOOd Purifier, Liver Re^U ! %atOr, L'-f aiKi Health Restoring Aguut ' No disease c^Van Song exist whr.ro Hop iiittei-a are ns?%edJyu viu'WU and perfost aru tueir oneiations.B_. TJwygws SCT7 ii aad vlrjer to '.ha agsd mi ii&rn. To all whose e^mploymt-uts cause irrepr.^H ty of li*obowei»or^k ui»i»ury crg&us, or wbo ft*" qiiire un AppetizerKToIlic mil<l .Stimulant, Hop Hitters are iDv&i^L.Ua^*e» Without intOX* Icatlng. No matter whatypur Unjr» or symptoms are what the disease or aivw*u;nt u»o Hop Kil­ ters. Don't waituntilyout^a1* sicie but if you only feel bad or n:.-eialji^>HU90t^ie,n •^ once* ]b may save your life.lt h&B|P a v ed liuudreds. $500 will be paM for a ca$se they will not ctiro or hi-ip, Don<jt suffer ywr friends •uirer(but use auxt urge tlieitnA*0 Hop B Iteitaember, Hop letters is druprr«d drunken nostrum, but the ,4 ^ llext Medicine ever made •, the FttlflRD and HOPE** and no peraou or family should be v-itliout them. D«t,OJ^ an absolute and Irresistible cur-; & $ forl>runUeaueNS,u«c of op!um, t narcotics. A1 i sold by t *u," !«. .St-ii.'i £ -- for CireuUtr. flop Bitter* V,Ctk,, Scissors! Shears, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spades Shvels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grindstneg Window Glass, CRANITE-IRON AND TIN-WARE. J. STORY. f ti ^jgk' Here! mi Do yon want first class machinery something we buy so much 0< fhat vou ffet the benefit ol it?' We know of some dealers that buy iso much that they claim to sell low, but you get all their prsces and ,then come to us and we will sell you the same goods cheaper than any other dealer. We have just received the finest car of CAB̂ eiH ALL STYLES. that ever came to this county. If in want of one don*t fail to call, as the finish beats them all. A Warantee of our own for ope year with each carriage., PLANTERS We have six different kinds. Among them are three Keystone Planters, Standard, Union and John Deere, all Rotary or Slide Drop, and at prices you will be satisfied with, CORN CULTIVATORS. We haVe eight kinds. Amonsr them you will find the cel- ebratec Bertrand <& Sames, Standard, Case, Climax and others. Call before buying. Warranted to suit. MINNEAPOLIS SELF-BINDER. We have the Renown Minneapolis Twine Binder. If you look it over yon will find it has more improvements than any Binder out. Nothing to be feared from Mccormick's threats. For Reapers and Mowers wo have on hand the Manny Light Reapers and Mowers, the Light Standard Mower, the Roice Reaper, Richmond Mower and the Peerless.' Of Hay Racks we have five--the celebrated "Tiger." New Hoi- lirigsworth, Furst & Bradley and Case, all self-dump or hand. Of Pumps we have both wood and iron. For a wood pump we keep the Kenosha, Temple, Toledo, Bushnell and Mishwaukeee, and jor au iron pump the well known Trakem and Buckeye. Can al­ ways repair or put them down any depth. E. M. OWEN & SON. Established in ^||jOH*TfEBBA. t: Woodstock, Illinois," ~4 •torkof tB°W °B tandt"* Orgeat and READY HADE HARNESSES. COLLARS, WHIPS, Ac., to be fotind in the B^/irAT«^L?TC^lan^85!Sl °f th*/h JOHN STtRBA. ! I DONOVJtfc. r. Ji DACT T H I S N E W M A P , Pitv«l beyond any reasonble queslion that th* CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Is by all odds the.best road for you.to tak ben traveling in either directkrabetween Chicap and all tie Principal Poi1^ in the West North & lio|tM Carefully examine this Map. The principa1 Cities in the West and Northwest |ffe Station* on this road. Its through trains make close c°UDections with the trains of all^fallroada at Junction paints, - THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY, Over all of its principal lines, runs eacTi way dally from two to four or mwo Fast Uijr Trains. It is the onlv roud West, North or X orthwest ofChicago that uses the IMPERIAL PALACE DINING CARS. It is the'onl v road Uiat runs Pullman Sleeping Oars North or Northwest of Chicago. It has over 3,000?MIles of Road- In forms, amongst others, the following Trunk Lines: Council Bluffs, Colorado & California Line. Winona, Minnesota ft Central Dakota Li ne. Sioux City & Northeastern Nebraska Line. Chicago, St. PBUI St Minneapolis Line, Eljrin, Kockford, Freeport A Uubuque Line. Milwaukee, Greea Bay & LakeSuperior Line. Jim Hi ver^Valley, Pierre & Dead wood Line. Waukesha. Madison & Northern Lia e. Tickets over this road are sold bvtall Coupon Ticket Ajrents In the United States A Canada Remember to ask for Tickets via tuis roaa, be sure ttiey read over it, and take none other G. W. BTCSLEY, McHenry, 111., D. B. Maine, Genoa Junction, Wis., A. S. Wright, Woodstock, 111., and (jr. E. Dickinson, Nunda, ill., sell the reliable and pure medicines called DR. KALGKHOFFS MEDICINAL CARAMELS /CONTAIN only Vegetable Extracts, combined with different aromatic spices, tamarind*, flga, A. Porch D. Kitchen. B. Parlor. E. Bed BoaBS. C. Diuias Coom XI. Hall. ' Three sheets. 19x24. heavy plate paper, contain­ ing elevations, plans and details for tlie above house; *lso book of "0 pages, giving specifications, itemized estimate and form of contract--invaluable to every Carpenter *>r party proposing;building, as a guide in making bids or drawing contracts. Prtce IJJ.00. Sent by mail, postpaid, receipt of ^ H. B. WALTON, V " 990 W. Ninth 8t* Cincinnatt,^^ PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. - * If you are & man l of uusine&s.weak- 1 •tied by tliit strain of yoar duties avoid •timulmitsand use Hop Bittera. K you are yomifr and I dlwretiun or di»si|ia| lied or sin^Us, old orl poorhcaltU or lemwculMt I leas, rely ou H o p| Whoever you are, vktnevfr you f< • I that your »ystem Mtlb cleanninif, ton-' tar or rtiinulatiot?, without tnf nxient ni(/, take Hop litters. Have you dyt- pef»la, kidney orvriimru coin- plaint, dlseasel Of the iMMli. blood.l Utier or nerves f | To* will M «ondifyouuie| Mop Bittera I Ifytmareafn-L •ly weak aodl lovanirtted. try I ttI It may! save yourl life. It ha* saved hun«l tfrsas. [If youi man of K't- U>vn toiliiiir over mid- nitrht work, to res­ tore Ijrain nerve auu | waste, Ub« Hop B. 1 suffering from any in- I tioti; if you are ruar- Iyoung, Hutferinjc lroui lin(r on a bed of sick* ' Bitters* Thousands die &!!• rually fro m some I form of K i d n « y > disease that mi(?lit 1 j have been prevented i by ft timely ut&of HopBttters D. I. C. WH au absolute J and irresibta- !H>U- cure for jdnHikenneHB, | USf: Ol* opium, itobi-cco, or J| narcotics. The Cleanest and most Economical Hair Dressing. Mever rails to Restore ^he youthful color to grey ' air. 50c and $1 sizes at ggists. NEVER FAIL! Soldbydro*- ilgi^ts. Send for II Circular. HOP Birms I €0.f j lioffheatM*, H. T. 1 'i usi»nU», Out. FloresUn Ctbfue. A new And cxcMdlnply fr»- fnuit and tatting pcrfuoie. Price 9& asd 16c. PARKER'S GINGERTONIC A Pure Family Medicine that Never latextcatei, If you are a mechanic or farmer, worn out v.ilh overwork, or a mother run tiown by family or hoube-1 hold duties try Pauper's GIKUKK TONIC. If you are a lawyer, minister or biifiness man ex­ hausted by mental strain or anxious cares do not 'ake intoxicating stimulants, but use PAKKKK'S <JINOEK TONIC:. If you have Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Kidney or Urinary Complaints, or if you are troubled with any disorder of thelungs. stomach. bowels, blood or nerves you can be cured 1>y PARKER'S GINGER TONIC. If you are wasting away from age, dissipation or any disease or weakness and require a stimulant take GINGER TONIC at once: it will invigorate and build you up from the first dose but will never intoxicate. It has saved hundreds of lives it may save yours. HISC0X & CO.; 1R3 William St.. New York. Mc. sad OM dollar at all deaWri iu m«itk-iae&. <JJRKAT SAVING BUYING DOLLAR SIZE. formulas for the different kinds have been used extensively for many yeara throughout the world, br leading phywiciaiis, for the various diecaeeB they are recommended for. They are mannfacturcd with the aid of Improved machinery, under the supervision of a regular educated phyalcUn and chemiet. Their cheapness alone creates a good demand, as each box contains SS) Caramels (30 doaee), the prie* per box being from 23 to GO ccnts. We mention QR. KALCKHOFF'S CATHARTIC CARAMELS a* » agroMbie, « mild, «afc, ana certain cathartic medicine. Cure* Conati- pation, Headache, Indigestion, Disordered StotMch, etc. Price, 25c. per bo*. 'HaftartirX D«- KALCKHOFF'S WORM OARAMELS Effectually destroy all uutuui uu u ehftiii, broad, round, spring, tape, and whip worms. Ohll- Cartarii dron ugllgbt. to take them. Price 25c. per bos. QR. KALCKHbFFS COUCH CARAMELS •» a certain core and " inHtunt relief for Coughs, Cold*, Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption, etc. Price 25c. per box. |)R. KALCKHOFF'S THROAT OARIMEIS Are a plca^nt, safe and " eertftin euro for all Throat Affect ions. Public speakers, clersvmen, lawyers, and musicians should not be with­ out them. Price 23c. per box. |)R. KALCKHOFF'S FEMALE CARAMELS Are a regulating saie®-•f cine and certuin cure and relief for all female diseases. For further particulars, ask your drngslgt for a circular, Price 50c. per box. I)R. KALCKHOFF'S DYSPEPTIC CARAMELS Are a pleatantand w permanent cure for all diseases of the Stomach--Dyepep* Bia, Waterhraeh, Pain, Vomiting, etc. Price 50c. per box. f)R. KALCKHOFF'S KIDNEY AND LIVER CARAMELS Are a certain " cure for all Kidney, Heart, and Liver UlHeasee. Price 50c. per box. Won Canmcli Female Owuli Counts Cuuulf. nrflat Ctn&tii QR. KALCKHOFF'S NERVE CARAMELS Are a certuin care for all •» Wcrvouu and Sexual Diseases, Nervous and Sexual De­ bility, Sleeplessness, etc Price 50c. per bos. IMITATIOlf XMPOSSIBIJEL Dr. KalckholFs Oaiaineln are packed, each twenty in s waterproof wrapper. Each Caramel has on one side stamped the signature of A. F. Kalckheff. M. D., and on the other side the name of the Caramel. These Caramels are for salt by all drugi?istB and patent medicine dealers. If voar dcug- RiHt doex not keep them, send the retail price to the maun* facturern, and tliev will forward the same by mail ft<M ot charge to any address throughout the United States. GIVEN AWAY I To all druegists and dealers in patent medicines, sample package* of Dr. KalckhoiTe Caramels aro given away. Everybody can obtain & sample package free of charge by applying to your druggist or by writing to the manufac­ turers and enclosing a three cent postage stamp. Druggists and dealers wilt ri<\i«e write for Druggists' Circulir. MEDICINAL CARAMEL CO.. Manufa«.turer» and Hole FrourieCors. MILWAUKEE.WIS. DyspDtic C«*m«l« KiSaey asd Liver ^ kfiuaaels. (KB Anne JkihlaM •^Tol -BrfcUenT\ fit Ordway Bralnera fLQRENC » II, ̂ ik -J* t v \\ X.St. ClH tf 1̂ 1 \V Mi *1? ot><v T Ml jsk .V - 1i W JL QttiBiueo NJ3 I N vcapo ood F'l reV.^JliZ°'4 ^Ugona YAnKTO 610 u x C« Y Weill Cifg-. V V aiena N"X E •Tfu'i * I o&ff'SF 1 OV Starts * CHICAGO & WORfffWESTERN RAILWAY J D. LA.YN0, Gen'l 8up»t CtHcago. W.H. 8TEXN1XT. Gen Pass \gt Chicago. B- BUS»( Ag't C. A H W4R'y, MoH«nry, lit. BUY YOUR Dris, Meliifis, Fits, Oils, etc. OF GEORGE W. BESLEY, Whose Store can be found on the West Side, wheae everything in this line can be found* Fresh ana Pure. Ever brought to McHenry county, among which can be found th€ Ronnm* Library, Princess Library, Harrison & Smith Safety Lamp and a fine line of Bracket and Hand Lamps of every description which will be sold at prices that dafy competition. Call pud see their oefore purchasing. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Give n eaCftli. O. w BESLEY 1 McHenry, 111, Oct. 10th, It is a tact well known to the Farmers of McHenry County that whenever they have spoken 4 of Dacy to oppositon- dealers, that the sound of" his name has caused i hem to shud­ der and their bones to rattle, simply ^ because the would ba opposition dealers know too well that we.have bought our goodw ­ ill much larger quantities than they have done, and that we have always sold good& for less money than the same quality could bet bought by many of them and they know it. Again we have/ our first choice of machinery in the market, and always aim to keep none but the best. Out present stock consists ot many articles of machiuery not found elsewhere in the county. We have by actual count over 100 Buggies, Platform Spring Wag­ ons and three spring Milk Wag- , ons. (Call and count them.) Also a car of Glidden Barbed Wire # Also plows, harrows, Pulverizers, spring tooth har rows, seeders, drills, rollers, corn stalk cutters, sulky plows, etc., etc., without limit Farm-, ers who consult their own inters ests will not buy a dollar's wortl| until they wet our starvation prices. Write for circulars.,, T. J. DACY & CO., Woodstock, III. s 1 INSURE HUB THE Mutual Life of New York, WIT? Because it is the oldest Company in tli« Unitefl states with thirty.nine years of ex. perience, Because it isgthe largest Company in <As world. Assets, $94,702,1)33, nearly double thai of any other Company. Bccansejit is tho most popular Company. -% Its policyholders number over 100,00a '* evcry dcJIar of the almve immense sum tathe policy Aolder*, and the si«r. plus over what is actually required, is Hii. nuallv divided aKiwsst th'em, which siivnlii* may be applied iu either of two ways: Kir-it; to pay a portion ot' the annual premium, thus materially redueinur »he (tost, or it may lie used to purchase additional insurance. In the latter way forty-eight policy holders of the year just past, holding policies, the t'a^a value of which was $1X1,500, were carried f.n an average term of 33 years at low rates, and the additions brought the snug sum of a little over $300,000. Many of these policies had been self sustaining lor years. Because the rate's ef every other Companjr are nearly eighleen| per cent, higher than those of the Mutual Life. % Because Its running expenses are 'ewer than any other. * Tne 8worn statements of the Eqmtaliln Life Assurance of Xew York, a (company several millions less than half as large as the Mutual Life, show its expenses of manage, ment to have averaged 14.23 during the last three years, those of the Mutual Life 7.8 th® dlllerence of flrst cost of pol»cv, and manage* ment expenses alone, are equal to 23 per cent in favor of the Mutual Life. Becanse it can and does afford the cheapest, safest and most satisfactory insurance invest* went of any Company in the world. As it will l>c impossible for me to see all who are desirous of obtaining Life insurance at actual oast, 1 will say to such that a postal card will always reaeh me at. this place unit on receipt of same I will forward different plans and actual results (not estimates) which are certainly astonishing and out do anything in the history of Life Insurance. ThisICompany issues only regular Life and Endowment policies and like other Company# of the highest standard refuses to have any. thing to do with l\mtino gambling. C . H. MOREY, Agent, For McHenry,County and western part of Lake County. McHENRY, ILL, J m FITS EPILEPSY {Fallen Sickness. Permanently cured--no humbug--by one month's usnage of Dr. Goulard's Celebrated Infallible Fit Powders. To convince suffer, era that these powiers will do all we claim for them we will send them by mail postpaid a free Trial box. As Dr. Goulard is the only physician that has made this disease a spec, ial study, and as to our knowledge thousandi have been permanently cured by the use ol these Powders, we will guarantee a perma­ nent cure in every case, or refund you a'l money expended. All sufferers should these'Powders an early trial, and be con. vinced of their curative powers. Pric«. |o| large liox, $3, or 4 boxes tor fio, sent by 'mail * to any part of the United States or Canada o*. receipt of price, or by express, C, O. P. Ad­ dress, ash a ROBBIlia, 385Fulton St* Brooklyn, N. Y. CONSUMPTION Positively Cured All safflBrera from thlsrdlsease that are lis loustobe cured should try Dr, Kissn 'r's Oeiebrated Consumptive Powders. Th tse Powders are the only preparation knowt that will cure Consumption and all diseases- of the Throat and Lungs--indeed, so strong ifl our faith in them, and also to convince vou that they are no humbug, we will forward ta every sufferer, by mail, postpaid, a free Trial box. We don't want your money until voa are perfectly satiwlled of their eurative p>w» ers. If your life is worth saving, don't deiij ngiving these Powders a trial, aa they will surely cure you. Price, for large liox. M scut to any jwirt of tliu United States or Cant da, bv mail, on receipt of price. Address, lyn, N H A ROBBIN'S, W0f "ulton St.. Brooi CHEAI ' •ILLIONI OF ACRES for sale In the QOLDEK9 BELT of Kansas, by the > on !«• credit rat | uif terms, In a •114 ' ellaiats, fni from heavy saows, blight* lag frosts, «8d eesslv* rains. ANDS 7 Aiwifcu H ... UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, •f QS rich Boll M the >qn ever sboa« sn, with pood markets cut snd west, For 2»e*rrIptlve and Illnattmtts& Bootes mtith Map*, Sent Froe, Address J| LANP COMMISSIONER,-Kansas OIvMOR^I KANSAS CITY, MIMOUM. M "lis:.

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