- "• . " - * ?" * -*.?%•** 1 '},'£*& ***\ ts V* ' ** ^ *<* '4 J^ejJenrj pkiniealef. WEDNESDAY, JULY 5. 188* Railroad Time Table. OOlWO SOUTH* Benm Ti«ke Passeagar..............7:25 A. M Geneva f,akc Express 8:2# ' 0«>n4va r<«k« Frei;ht...;..i;;.-> l^tf- * Steamboat Express 6:16 " OOIHO BOBTFLU Ben«*% T<aka Freisht 9:** A. * Steamboat Express ..J#:W " Genera T^alte Kxprosa .4:WP. * fiOaev* Lska Passencer «>:!» " B. Biros, Apent. McHenry,fill MASOXIO MOHRNRT CHAPTER So.S4fc A. "M --}Etegn- lar Convocations helrt on the swowlmd foarth Fridays in each moneh. 1 , SMITH SBABLKS, H. P. THOIIENRT T.orKJE, Xo. IW A. F. and A. M.-- Rejfnlnr (lommiinirations the Saturday on or before the full of the nnoort and' every two weeks thereafter. ' \ ^ CHAS. C. COLBY, W. M. SEE the advertisement of the Mc Henry Brick Manufacturing Company, which can be found In another column. THE particulars of the drowning of young Hinesln the Nipislng can be ffl|md in our Richmond Department. REV. L. J. DINSMORK. of Elgin, will preach in the Universal 1st Church, In this village, on Sunday next, morning and evening. All are invited. THERE will be a Temperance meet ing at the M. E. Church, in thl9 village on Sunday evening next, at 8 o'clock. Everybody la Invited. THE family of H. C. Mead were made happy on Sunday lastly the arrival of an 8} pound boy. Surely Henry Is In luck about these days. THE first load of Brick was sold from the new Yard on Monday morning. Good judge* say chat they are A No 1 in every particnlar. NEW steps have been put up at the South entrance of the Riverside House. It was a much needed improvement. Lew Holmes was the "boss" carpenter. SEE the new advertisement of the fast running Steam Yacht. "River Queen." which cab be found In another column. TWEKTT-FIVE cents per week will secure either of the Chicago daily pa pers at the book and news stand, op posite J. Story's. Call and leave your orders. THE Methodist Sunday School ty>ld a Picnic at McCollum's Lake to-mor row, (Thursday) the 6th. The Ring- wood Sunday School held one at the same plane last we«»k, A YOUNG son of Phil Hanpeitlech was lclcked ln the face by a horse July 4th, and quite severely injured, Dr,Brown wascalled and at the time of writing the little auflerer Is as easy as could be expected. H. C. MKAD. of tills town has just been allowed a Pension of $8 per -month, his back' pay amounting to $1724. It was obtained through the Agency of M. M. Clothier, that prince of Pension Agents. THAT McHenry is the leading danc ing town was proven on Tuesday even ing when the following numbers are reported from the different, placs: Riverside House, 113 couples. Parker House, 2S7 couples, McHenry House, 75 couples. ANDREW THOMAS, who has been advertising "Corn for Sale" In this paper for the past few weeks, wishes ii« to say that it is all sold. This will save parties who wish to purchase the troublo and annoyance of making a visit to his place. LOST, between the residence orE. Carpenter end S. Raymond. In Went McHenry. on Friday last, a Coral Neck lace with Gold Clasp, with the name Edith marked on the clasp. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving the same at Mr. E. Carpen ter's. H^5T. HOLMES met with a severe and almost fatal accident one-day last week, by the horse gettinsr frlghtenod and upsetting the b»ggV in which he was riding. He was injured in the hack and side, but fortunately no bones were broken. He has been confined to tli# house ever since, but is reported much better the time of wrlfipg. IF the person who carried away the lar^e sprinkler from the Cemetery has a purticle of manhoo.l left iu his mis erable carcass he will return the same at once. That the ladles cannot have, a sprinkler, pail or vase. In the Ceme. tery with safety is a lamentable fact, and if one of'these sneak thieves could be caught an example should be made of him that would be a warning for all time,to come, IF the lawless Individuals who of late have made free use of Boats and Oars, on the river, without as much as say ing "by vour leave sir," are not care ful they will get brought »p with a . -«nd Cum. It costs money to build boats and keep them in repair.and to have them used in this lawless manner and after being daubed with mud and filth left to float down tiie river is^more than tlie owners propose to stand.-- Stand from under. THE ladies of the Oemeterv Associa tion will hold an Ice Cream Festival, at Riverside Hall, on Thursday even ing, July 20th. During the evening there will be Vocal and Instrumeutal music. Readings, Recitations, etc. No pains will be spared to make It pleas ant for all who attend. The proceeds will be usfcd for improving the Ceme tery grounds, and it la hoped that our citizens, old and young, will all turn out. Admission to the Hall, 10 cent?. - Children half-price. ' BOOKS of all kinds. Magazines, Pas pers. News Novelties, Fruits, Con- leqtionery, &c„ &c.t at the Bazaar, op posite J. Story's. McHenry, 111. PKRSONAl. CHAS. OWEN, son of E. M. Oweri, re turned from Oberlin College on Friday last. He expects to return sonio time this rail. WM. BESLEY and wife, of Wankegan. father and mother of G. W. Besley. and Mrs. J. Townsend, of Battle Creek. Michigan, were the guests of Mr. Bes ley and family last week. MRS. M. KELTER, of Chicago, accom panied by her son Eddie, has been visiting friends here the past week. Miss ELI.A KELTER, of Chicago, was one of the arrivals here on Saturday evening. Miss Kelter has many warm friends here who were glad to welcome her to her old home. A. D. LYNN and wife, of Chicago, spent the Fourth with the parents of Mrs. Lynn, in this village. Miss NEjTift GOULD, of Chicago, is visiting in this village. GEO. ROSENBERGER, who we report ed as sick last week, is still confined to the house and unable to attend to bus iness. Miss ETTA SMITH, of Clirton, 111., is the guest of Mrs. Fanny Beckwith. MRS. TRIPP and daughter returned from a visit to Belvidere on Tuesday evening. J. P. SMITH, the Jeweler, has been confined to the house for the past week, with severe sickness. BROTHER BOIES, OS the True Repub lican, Sycamore, made us a calJ,on Tuesday while on his way to the Lakes. H. B. TTRRELT. and wife, of Nunda, were In town on Tuesday evening. MRS. F. K. GRANGER is reported quite sick at this writing. Dr. Ander son is In attendance. R. WAIT starts for Indiana next week, Where he had a job of building a new house on the f *rm of Al. Ilankins. Miss CLARA 'B. OWEN, will leave Paris for home on the 15th inst. Her many friend? will be glad to welcome her home. ED HALE, of Chicago, accompanied hy his mother Was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Story on the 4th. ROBT. TAYLOR, of Chicago, Is rusti cating in this village, makinsr his head quarters at Isaac Wentworth's. MASTER ARTIE COLBY, son of Smith Colby. Is visiting at his grandfathers. H. S. Gregory, In this village. in the for the Charles LIST of letters remaining Post Office at McHenry. III.. month ending June 30th, 1882: Blome. Jas. Fitxslmons, Douglas H. Howe. John E. Miller, Freat Wagner, Levi Thomas--2, Pontius Peterson. Mrs. James Frost, Mary Hainan. Mrs Jennie Kingslev, Miss Minnie Roder. POSTAL CADS,--Mr. E. L. Church--2. Molford A. Chamber]] 11, Theo. Ballz, O. N. Hale. J.vs. B. PF.RUY. P. M. Special Premiums. Ameng the special premiums ofteTed at the coming great Fair of McHenry County, Sept, 12th-- 15th, are two which will interest all who have the quality to compete for, vlr..: E. A. Murphy A Co., the merchant princes of McHenry County offer 827.50 for a slow mule race.--A 820 suit of clothes made to order for first premium, and a 87.50 palr of French Calf boots for 2d pre mium, entries to be made at, Secre tary's office day of race, Thursday Sept. 14th. * 815 by John J. Murphy, the Wood stock hanker, for best saddle horse un der five years of nge. 1st premium 810 2d premium 85. Horses within one m<le of Woodstock not allowed to en ter. A. S. WUIOHT, Sec'y. MERINO BUCKS FOR SALE. The undersigned has a tew cliaice yearling Bucks for sule at his farm, 1} milessoutheast of Spring Grove. Mc Henry County, III. They are the finest lot of Merino Bucks in the County. Post office address,'Bli vin's Mills. III. AARON HormiAtr. JulyA-t-ra . NOTICE. The Members of the old 95th Regi ment are requested to meet at the Court House in the city of Woodstock 011 Saturday, the 15th, inst, at one o'clock p. M. to fix upon a place of holding the next annual ReUnion of the Regiment and transact any other business thought beneficial for the interest of onr Association. Come out boys aud let us Hurrah for the Old 95th. UOI,. WM. AVERT, President. OAPTJW. 8. BECKMCY, Secretary. > MRS. H.H. NICHOLS wishes to inform the ladies of McHenry aud vicinity that her stock of Ladies and Childrens Collars, Laces, and Fancy Goods, is complete, or the latest and most ap proved patterns, and will be sold as low as any other house in the county. In Millinery her stock comprises the latest styles and most approved pat terns, which she Invites the ladies to call and examine. Ready Made Dress es and Ulsters always on hand. Dress. Making promptly attended to. » Mrs. S. Searles dt.sires to close out htr Mi line ry and Notion stock. Object is to close store for a. short vacation. Will make the greatest reductions in prices ever made in McHenry Count*. All that have not tuirchased their Mfi ll nery now is the Golden Opportunity. Will make it an object for you to COIIJJP miles to purchase. My stock is new and the verv latest styles. Have just re turned from the city, and will open to-dav. June 14th, a large and beau tiful stock of goods. 1 want to close out my stock by the 15th of July, for a vacation of six weeks. Then will open with a new stock for Fall trade. I CAN furnish you with any paper published in the United States, either Daily or Weekly. Hand in your orders, SAMPBL MCDOSitD LOST.--On the road from McHenry to Xpm.Stau tou's, Fox Lake, a small 22 Incti rifle. A liberal reward will be pafdt If ,left at Jos. Wiedeman's, Mc Henry. To*. STAK?ON. SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL SKKTCHKS, Of Prominent Members of the South* toorthglennon Combination, in Easy Lessons for New Beginners. NO. 8. ' "Mom, my son, we come to the ex pert ago gue and sliyster-at-iaw. What is an ex- pedagogue ? It is a man who has formerly a school. Where did he teach ttSKool last* In Woodstock, my boy. Was he a good school teacher? I don't know, my child, about that Itseemed that the men who hire the teachers and thd people who send their children to school had no further use for him. Did he go into the law business] then? Yes, my boy, he hung around a rising young lawyer, who had a good business, and filially coaxed him to take hi in in to do the pettifogging in the justice's court. Then he is not much ofTTSfcyerf No great skakes my son, but pretty near as good as the Public Adminis trator that I told you about. Is this ex-pedagogue a politician? The "Southworthglennon Combina tion seem to think so, but they are the only ones who do. Does be ever make political speeches? Yes, my boy, even at re-unlons of old soldiers. Was lie a soldier? No, my son. He says he enlisted three or four times at the time of the war, but was not accepted on account physical disability. What is physical disability? That means, my boy, that he was not healthy. Why, he looks healthy. Yes, my hopeful, lie is chock full of healthy aud is a soldier now. What else does this man do. ' He boast^that he writes editorials for the editor that I told you about. What kind of pieces does he write for the newspaper ? When he has a personal spite against a man he vents it by writing pieces about him and pays no attention as to telling the truth. Did he write that piece that I was reading that had those fuuny words in? What funny words do you mean? I mean the ones that you said were Latin words. Yes, my son, that is- about the style of pieces he writes for the paper. Did lie take any part in the politics that lias been going on lately? He started In to do so uiy boy, but the man whom he pettifogs for was a candidate for an office and sat down on him because he was making himself ridiculous by spouting about • a prom inent candidate who had many friends iu this county. So he stopped spout ing and went to writing pieces for the paper about this prominent candidate. What kind of a man is this ex-ped- agogue and -hyster-at-law? He is a very cheeky Individual for he has been In Woodstock scarcely three years and has asked for nearly every office iu the gift of the people. Did he ever get one ? No, my boy, and lie never will. Next week, my child. I will tell you how the "Sonthworthglennon Com bination" ruu the Caucus aud County Convention. GREENWOOD* EDITOR PLAINDKALKR:-- Politically peace and quiet once mono reigns with in our borders. The average farmer who for the past few weeks has been kept standing by his cornplow. or at the roadside entertaining the pauo. rama hoard of office seekers, until th weeds are beginn'ng to waye abqrtit his knees, (urns round an«»vtfrws the fields of green before hlmAutters bit ter curlings and exclaims.\Mswamped at last." The sound vibrates upon the air. echoing back from the politician's "ditto," resounding back from the clerk and sportsman, "bully for you, see my :iew hat." Rev. Byron Alden has returned from his visit to California, and is now call ing upon his old time friends. The ••Western slope" hath no charm* for him. "Grandma Dake." of whom mention has frequently been made by the cor respondents from this place, died at the residence of her grandson, Geo. Baker, near Ridge field, on Sunday morning last, at the ripe old age of ninety-nine years and six months. She retired on Saturday evening in her usual health, but was found in the morning suffering from one of, her poor spells, to which she wu subject and from which she failed to ral^y. Her remains now rest, in the Green wood cemetery by the side of her son. The funeral service was held at the Baptist Church; sermon by Rev. D. D. Odell. Mr. Toles has the lumber on the ground for a large addition to his cheese factory which he expects to get ready for running sometime witlilu the comiug year, Mr. Elvin Dailey and family, of De troit, Mich., are visiting with his parents and friends here. Mr. Dailey is the proprietor of the Iruit canning and preserving works. A. C. Thompson Is preparing to build extensiv^additions to his barns and tool sheds. Mr. Henry Westerman and family, of Elgin, are spending a few days with parents and friends here. Also his brother John and lady, from Dundee, Mr. Henry Soper and wife, from Chi cago, are visiting with his brother, D. W., for a few days and with parents and friends in Hebron. Mr. Joiir. Mansfield spent a few days with friends in Elgin the past week. July 4th--cold, but 110 snow. Four pair of overalls for 81 at E. Lawlus1 .Lausiug's Block. Money to Loan. In sums of from 8100 to 81,000. Apply at this office. A line stock of straw hats. A good 81.25 hat for 50 cents, af K Law!us'. Richmond Department, COUTBUHJTKO BY 8. F. BKXMKTT. Frank Wray sports a nobby new buggy lately turned (Nit of the shop of A. P. Gray. - Professor Lyman, of Rush Medical College, Chicago. speM a ' day or two in Richmond. C. N. Culver was knocked down by a runaway team Monday morning, and was considerably bruised. A party from Rock ford la about to open a jewelry store In the Purdy store, next door to Smith & Haytliorn. Infant sons have put in an appearance at Richard Overton's and James Leg- gltt's --the former on Saturday and th^ latter on Sunday. Will Cooley's heatt.i has begun to fail again since his return froin the West and he will probably leave Rich mond again, for a more favorable climate. The social ^at the M. E. Church Wednesday evening was well attended and a very pleasant affair. It was in tended to make it a lawn affair. 011 the grounds of J. L. Downing, but It was adjourned to the church on account of the daiop condition of the grounds from previous rains. The Monear Brothers, of Solon, have had bad luck in the loss of horses, all occuring in a single week. One horse broke Ills leg and hnd to be killed, another fell or Jumped off a bridge and broke Its neck, and In the storm of Tuesday, the 27th ult, lightning killed two colts. This is indeed hard luck for the boys and they liavoeverybody's sympathy. A son of John Hlnes, of Johnsbnrgh, was drowned in the Nipislng< near Craines bridge on Saturday, He WHS bathing with other youths. *and re mained in the water after the rest had commenced to dress. He was an ex cellent swimmer aad when he cried out that he was drowning it was thought to be In sport until lie sank to rise 110 more. The creek was dragged Sunday without recovering the body, but it was found at the mill dam at Spring Grove, half a mile from the scene of the" accldont, early Monday morning. Deceased worked for Ed. Turner and was within a day or two of fifteen years of age. A notable social event took place In Richmond on Friday evening June 30, It being the celebration of the "crystal wedding" of Mr. aud Mrs. Milan Hick's, The spacious parlors and ball room of the Culver House werp qngaged for the occasion. The coin party numbered about 180 invited guests. The music (was furnished fyy the Ringwood band, and dancing was enjoyed until 2 or 3 o'clock iu the morning. A supper, perfect in every respect inade a part of the entertainment. wealth of floral decorations graced the tables. The night was supe'rh. nature being in a charming mood, and every guest seemed "flappy as the day is long." Cong rat ulaI ions poured in upon the bride and groom of fifteen years from every side. But the expressions of good will and esteem were not con fined to words only, as the following list of appropriate presents amply testify. Copy of Tnnnyson'n poomu, Mrs F J Peter; son; pair china'oaiKl It-sticks. SiinWi Parker- silver bonuut lioMjr, Mrs. Ada IVk, Bur- lington, vt.; jrl'isa celery disli. Miss Nellie Moth, Winneikn, III.; K 'ASS berry dish nn<1 platter, Mr and Mrs C Crcd Tryon; jrlass pitcher, goblets, slop bowls nnd wrilter, John Shotliff, A mm Kingman, K Lavey and Laura Shollifl: elegant cut glass (with n.onograni) uitcher and dozen goblets, by various friends; cut glass water pitcher, Mr. and Mrs. J. Greev; hand mirror, .1 Derinont; pair celery asups and glass pickle dish, Mr and Mrs C lti-sbop; silver and china vase, Cragin Bros, Chicago; Bohemian glass vase, Miss Hannah Cotting; silver pickle caster, Geo Stevens; toilette set, Dr and Mrs It E Bennett, K'gin; pair silver ami cut glass bonnet holders. Jennie and Ella Dcnnison; three colored glass linger bowls, Mrs Campbell. Chicago; one magnificent mirror, worth ?50. from a club of forty-six friends; Irtce collar, Mrs Fox, Chicago pair glass cake stands, Mr and Mrs C N Culver, nnd Mr and Mrs W Parker; glass boqnet holder, A R Alexander; glass hoouet holder, one each from Geo KrcanbracJi andJOwen. Among the floral gifts, throe are worth v of special mention--three Ixnjnets of choice cnt flowers, one from Mrs G C Ben nett and Miss Ada Palmer, one from Mrs Geo Vinton, and one trom Mr & Roasall, Wood stock. All in all, the party was one of the pleaaantest ever held In Richmond. The large number present attested the largeness of Mr. and Mrs. Hicks* circle of friends, and we here express the hope of every one of them--that the lives of the worthy pair may be pro longed, and that happiness, content and plenty may ever preside at their board. The country west of Richmond, fn the town of Hebron was visited by a cyclone, on Tuesday the 27th lost. In character it seemed to be like the great Iowa Etorm'but not of equal severity. At Kichinond the rain fell In torrents, but there was very litte wind. The damage done in Hebron and vicinity was quite serious. Peter Burges barn was unroofed, Eugene Swans wind mill demolished, J. Hay-thorn's barn blown down, Mr. Copeland, ditto, J. Alexander, ditto, Mr. Street's barn, windmill and part of house, ditto. Mi* Phelps barn ditto, J. Summer's wind mill ditto. The orchard trees and fruit trees in the t^ck of the storm were broken down and torn out by the roots. Some of the incidents of the storin were curious. Mr. Haythorne tells us that when the first gust struck bis barn it swayed over about six feet and sprung bacfe to its place, the second took the roof aud landed it on the com barn, while the third took a clean sweep, 40 feet wide through the centre of the barn, and moved the roof from the corn barn around into the cow yard. A pail and milk can cover were found 90 rods from their starting point. At Mr. Burges. the cyclone passed by the platform on which his milk cans were standing without disturbing them Although it unroofed the barn. A part of one of the -windmills demol ished has not yet been found. Old settlers -ay that It was -%IM severest storm ever seen state.- I11 this part of the We don't particularly car* to throw UI told you so" in anybody's face, though the resnlt of the Congressional Contention offers a great temptation to do so. EvSfy move in the canvas came out just as we predicted and the final result the same. We were the best political and personal friend Ben Smith ever had when we showed him that he was being made a cats paw of to rake Elwood's chestnuts ont of the Are--that he was being led to his own political ruin by designing men--false friends--that he could not possibly get the nomination for Congress, that his vain effort after It woultj lose him the Judgeship, and that he would be hope lessly retired to private life for some years to come. The "anything to beat SherwIn"' game won. and It involved the defeat of Ben Smith, a man Mc Henry county might well be proud to honwr. It's too bad. but it cannot be helped now. It may, however, teach us a lesson for the future. McHenry county had nothing to gain in the slaughter of Mr. Sherwln., but, on the other hand, every chance to lose. She has lost and the whole country has lost too, by tlie loss of a ipin from the National Leglsla111 re whose ability had been proved and whose experience was needed in the National Councils. It was a matter of no concern to Mr. Ellwood and his friends whether the McHenry County delegation should ' sell out" or stick by Mr. Smith to the bitter end. They knew the result would be all the same to them, for they had*reason to believe they could rely on Lake and the other counties on the last quarter of the race. McHenry County has been taught a humiliating lesson, but the chastisement may teach her to be more wise In the future. In the late political fight, we have been actuated by no personal ill wll! toward any man. In part it has had to be a selection between friends equally es teemed and respected--but the choice had to be made. Itseems to us that that man who will |»t political dl3er- ences Interfere with his personal friendship lacks in good sense. And we would submit to the candor of the editor of last week's Woodstock Senti nel. and everv reader thereof, whether the writer of a certain article therein is not open to the accusation of carry ing a light weight of brains and a small modicum of gentlemanly breed, lug. We refer to an article, bad In its Grammatical construction and evil In its temper, reflecting npon the honesty of M. M. Clothier, I. C. Sherwln, and examining surgeons"(another auxil iary of the pension ring," as the writer expresses it) in procuring pensions for soldiers. The article is a direct Insult not only to Mr. Clothier and Mr. Sherwln, but also to every Hsabled soldier for whom Mr. Clothier has acted as attorney, and to every ex amining surgeon before whom such soldiers may have appeared for exami nation. It attempts to Impeach the hohesty of such surgeons as Baldwin, of the writer's own town, Reynolds, of Geneva, Cory, of Waukegan, ---- of Marengo, and numerous others, the writer hereof included, before whom Mr. Clothier's clients have appeared for examination. Did the writer of that article consider what he was writing? Does he mean what he says? It "no" we forgive him; If "yes" he Is a liar--and he knows our name and address. We doit't like to strike at a hidden enemy. If the writer of the Sentinel article dare glvo his name, we will deal with lilm to his heart's con tent--if he isn't too small game. Woodstock Department., The German Presbyterian church which has just been finished was dedi cated with appropriate service last Sunday. The rubbish has been taken out of t the burned portion of Phoenix block preparatory to repairing It In first class order. Judge Murphy will spare neither pains or money to make his two stores an oruamentQto the South side of the square. The fountain which will soon be placed In the center of the Park, is said to be a beautiful one. The height Is about twelve feet and the cost about 8450,00 A young man named Fred Bowman, who came here to visit the family of Fred SclimUlt was taken sick several weeks ago and died last Saturday morning. About two weeks ago a large roll of architects plans or drawings of the new Presbyterian church, the property of Mr. S. Brink , was taken from the store of Messrs T. Whitson A Son by mistake and up to this writing have not been returned. The man who took them is supposed to live on English Prairie though his name is unknown. The loss even temporarily Is a very serious matter to, Mr. Brink and it is hoped tbat the party WHO took them will luo«e no time in returning them. Woodstock had a hanging last Fri day--that is an eflegy supposed to rep resent Guiteau hung from the top of the Democratic pole on the west side of the square. Dr. Kendall and wife have (rone to Twin Lakes. We noticed a card on the Dcotor*s office door bearing this legend. "Closed until July 12." We have maintained for the last two years that MGe neral" John M. South- worth was politically dead in this county and the fact that he was left off the delegation to the Htate Convention after every meaus at the command of the "Southworthglennon combination" had been exhausted to place him there and further that be either bought begged or stole a proxy from one of tlie regular delegates and then was almost unanimously voted off the del- gation on their arrival at Springfield proves conclusively that we were correct. There is uo disputing the fact;tb« "SouthwortbgleiMoa oonbi- nation'* have been most unmercifully laid out in every move that they have undertaken. • We venture the assertion that the Ex Pedagogue who wrote the vile attack on M. M. Clothier, which ap peared as an editorial in last weekx Sentinel will wi*lt lie had'nt before he gets through with the matter. Our Grocery Department is now complete, and have some bargains in tea and coffee which it will pay the close buyer to Inspect. HKKRY COLBT. New Hats In endless variety, latest styles and <owest prices at Henry Coibj's. HOSIERY. Do not hoy a pair of HOSE nntll yon have looked our new stock over. STEVENS A SCMOMA. Paints and Oils--a fu!) litis and pri ces low at Htfnry Colby's. Lace Buntings Look at our all woel before buying, QTSVBirS Jt 9CHHOBK. • in.1 T. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. I ofler ray house and lot, situated In the village of McHenry, for sale. There is a good barn, outhouses and small fruit on the premises, Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to X EHOKl.IT. THE latest Sheet Music, and all of the Seaside. Lakeside, and Frank.... Square Libraries and Story Papers at the Bazaar Book and News Stand, op posite J. Story's, McHenry, III. A nice line of Lace Stevens & Schnorr's. Buntings at CASHMERES. We Invite inspection of our Cash meres, having now the largest line ev er offered In the county. PRRKT & MABTIN. The great Special sale of Children- and Misses Hats at Mrs, Searles*. DON'T FORGET IT. The great slaughter on Millinery at Mia. 8. Searles. I will sell hats from 26cts. up. The greatest bargains in Plumes. Flowers. Neckwear and No tions ever offered. Ceme all that want bargains In my line, MRS. Seikum. "RAISE A Get one of yourself with parasols. BREEZE." our fans and protect >ue of our new style PBRBY A MABTIH. MRS. E. W. HOWE Has just returned from the city with a full line of Spring and Summer Millin ery, to which she invites the especial attention of the ladles. Her stock of Rllihous, Flowers, and Ladies' Furnish ing Goods generally, was never more eoniplcte than now, and she is confident that she can please all who inav favor her with a call. Call and see the uew styles and learn prices. MRS. E. W. HOWE. Clothing,--Black Dress Suits, (Ton- Urination Suits, Spring, Summer and Fall Suits. Children's Suits, Boys' Suits Youth's Suits. Men's Suits, ail at prices to suit at Heury Colby's. Umbrellas.--We have a good assort ment in styles and prices. Call and see them at Heury Colby's. Fine Shoes.--The largest lino and best styles ever shown iu this ntarket. Call and examine them at Hepry Col by's. Our stock of Drugs. Chemicals and Patent Medicines was never more complete. Goods reliable aud prices right at Henry Colby's. WANTED. 50,000 pounds choice Butter, for which we will pay the highest market price in Cash or trade. FITZ8IMMOKS A EVAMBOB. New Invoice of Parasols and Sun shades at Henry Colby's. Wauconda Ice Cream Parlors. E. W. BROOKS, SUCCESSOR TO GOLDING ft BROOKS, Would respectfully announce to the public that he has opened Ills Ice Cream Parlors for the season and is now prepared to furnish Ice Cream every day aud eveniug, by the dish or quantity. ^ I also keep on hand Failcy Groc eries of all kinds, Canned Goods, No tions, Tobaccos, Cigars. Confectionery, etc., which I am selling as low or lower than any other house in the county, quality of goods considered. When iu want of anything in my line I Invite you to calK conilrlent that I can please you both in quality and price. E. W. BROOKS. Waucouda, IU.. May 33d, 1883. Just received--Some very pretty and deslrablo styles of all wool Lace Buntings which will be sold very cheap. Call and examine them at Henry Colby's. Honey, choice aud cheap at Henry Colby's. Clover Blossoms! Wanted. I will pay 1} cents per pound for Clover Blossoms, delivered at Bishop's Building, near the Bridge, McHenry. U. H. Oiursojr. * FOR SALE. Am obliged to sell my driving team, one a dark and one a light bay; seven and fohr yea»/^otyi, respectively. Weight, wheir In good order, nine hundred and twenty-five pounds each. Inquire of Mr. H. L. Waterman, at the pickle factory, McHenry, or «f J. W. Cristy, Ring wood. Ill, W. A. CBISTT. June Slat, 1882. Anything desired in Dress Trim mings at Perry & Martin's. Plain and Lace Buntings, Lawns and Cambrics at Perry & Martin's. Wool Twine enough for all at Henry Colby's. Gossamer Circulars and Coats for ladies and gentlemen always In stock at Henry Colby's. Wagons and Buggies Sale- For The undersigned has now on hand a number of new and second hand Bug- gle?, Platform, Spring aud Double Wagons, which he is offering for sale on the most reasonable terms. If in want of anything iu this line, do not fail to call at my shop before purchas ing, as I am sure 1 can save you mon ey, J. T^. GBlXOLBT. Jtumwoo»i May a* MM. . • ; \«u . Business •••*# ' Heed's Otlt Edgw Toole r appetite. The M oil no Sulky Plow «f Owen's. M •I' . >; Fishing Tackle of all kinds at X. . ^ Eugeln's, in Howe's Block, near tbo new Bridge. V Overalls--We have a large stock for men and boys. Good and cheap at llenry Colby's. . 'fey: -?r ' ' The Furst ft Bradley Sulky Fit# * E.M.Owen's. Buckeye Owen's." All the Owen's. Force Pimps, first-class Plows The Union Corns Plaator Owen A Sou's. All the different Keystooe Plutcro at E. M. Owen A Son's. i Harrow 48* * -v" % The Randall Pulveriser E M. Owen A Son's. Is you want a good smoke ivy the Little Devil," at Besley's Drug Store* ALWAYS Refrcahinf. A delicious odor Is impartecf hy Floreston Cologne, which is always re freshing, no matter how ireely UR»MT. * The finest line of Silver and Pla*e<l Ware to be found in the county, at O. W. Owen's. IF yon want a good smoke try OIIO ef "Barbian Bros. Best." They are A No. 1. Swlsty MIM. On account of Its remarkably del* Icate and lasting fragrance, society belles are loud la their praises ,of Floreston Cologne. FOR SALE. r 40 Acres of land tn Section 12. aH fenced. Also 80 acres of land, with a good house and barn thereon, with timber aud water In abundance, in Sec tion 23. Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake and Nunda road. Good new house, barn aud other outbuildings-- Apply to JOHN FLUSKT. • v. • Furniture at Cost. In order to reduce stock we will for the next Sixty Days, give better bar- gins iu Furniture tlian was ever before offered in this county. This is no hum- bug,and if yon want Furniture of any kimi cheap now is the time to buy. Call and examinemy stock and learn prices. I am confident 1 cau make it nn object for you to come twenty railce to trade with me. Call at once aud save money. ' Joint B. BUFML - MeHeary, March Vtk, m, & FATHER A SONS, , For Clothing look at our large new stock. For a good suit and a uesvflt call on Steven* &{Schtiorr. \ FOR SALE OR RENT. . ?\ A house and one-half acre of land in the village of Ringwood. House con tains five rooms. Will lie sold reason able. 'Apply to WKSLKT RIBOWOOD, III., April 4th, KM*, §R TRT one of Barbian Bros. HNiaw Stock." It will compare with any Ci gar in the market. T Look at French Ginghams ens A Schnorr's. •t m • * ' SELF BINDERS, TWINE BINDERS. Farmers wishing to purchase a Self Binder will do well to call 011 E. M. Owen & Son and see the **Mluaeapolis" before buying, as it has two years ad vance improvements on the binding part that, uo other has. J. F. Applehy the inventor of the Twine Binder, superintends the Minneapolis Har vester works. There is nothing to be feared from McCormlck's threats. Can also get you a celebrated Wood Twlao Binder If you prefer It. Spring aud Summer Overcoat^ it Henry Colby's. r IF you want to buy Clothing at Chi cago prices, call on E. Lawlus,J n Lan sing's Block, McHenry. Dress goods In new styles from 7 cents per yard up at Fitisimuons 4k Evanson's. The finest line of Dress Goods, Lin ings and Trimmings at Steyens A Schnorr's. •••--" Walking Shoes.--A lull line, hint styles and first class. Wo have also a few dozen pairs we are oftrriug at a reduced price to close. Ask to see them at Ifonry Colby's. HEADLIGHT OIL. The best Kerosene Oil in town H. H. Nichols. 175 Fire Test. - OK Csll and over look the fine lot Carriages at E. M. Owen A Soa's of CARRlAGEb! CARRIAGES I CAR RIAGES! Any one In want of a Carriage, Buggy or Wagou, should not fall to call on E.M.Owen A Son and see tho large car-load just received. 3fhe finest finished lot ever eoine to '(fee county and will sell them ehtapv j The "River Queen."' The beautiful Steam Yacht. "River Queen." is now in first cla.«s condition, nlviug the waters of tlie Lakft and River in the vicinity of McHenry, 111. Parties desiring to charter her for pleasure trip?, by thw day or hour, or for special trips, will be accommodated on short notice. gfafThe "River Queen" will be ready at all times to accommodate the public, either for private parties or passenger travel. Omnibuses will be at tbe depot on the arrival of all traits to convey passen gers to the boat. / C. O. M ALMGREN. Proprietor. N. J. MILLER, Captain. Table Oil Cloth, very good. SO cents per yard at Fltssimmous A Evanson's Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve In the world for Cuts. Bruises. Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rli^um. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cores I'il^s. il ia guranteed to give perlect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cent*, per bottle. For sale hy all l>r Free of Charge* ; All persons suffering from Coughs, • Colds, Asthma. Bronchitis. Lows of Voice, or any affection of tire Throat and Lungs, are requested to fall at anr Drug Store and get a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. free of chuff/*, which will convince tliem of Its w^rnlerlHi uivrlts and show wiiat a r»*gtuar dollar tils l •, rwm m M