r , t Mp-' ^ " 7 ^ Vfp^"" *~V H j ;S?^ fV* V * " XOTTCATtONAL COLUMN. CownrCTKD BY A. D. 1!Al.PWIjt. ftiifml r*|N»rt ii#*t wwlt. step . "J* (PHI W--1 Judging by the pntili*lift<l report of tlM |lnr«*nio A«:II<wi] It 1* in a prosper ««M condition. Gno«| •ttenriiiiK* Htid |o«4 ncl»«Ur»lilp. la RuntlHT phuNR will he found the pn>|rtlMm« of a Teachers* mooting -it Waucohda. We shall ntten<l if po««l M* and hop# t> meet other* from this cmiiitjr. Om of the best ntda to teachers in giving ornl les.«nnP In langting* is a book }HibUfthed hr Ginn & Heath, entitled IvtententHr.v J>*w>nrtM Enpli?'., Te.ieli- •r* Edition. Send 50 cents lo Harold 8m1th,180 Wahaali Ave ..Chicago, mid receive a upeolmen copy. Stall we have an educational exhibit •t the next MoMetiry Co. Fair? Neijfh borln^conntfe* have been exhibiting the work of pupils from the common •chouls for several years, and it h;<« proved profitable to both pupil and patron. " Potatoes are now put to a new use. They are peeled thoroughly, and then llMt tnber I* macerated" In sulphuric •dd. When presMsd and dried this is ft very hard subsume* of brilliant jvhtte •n<1 l» used to make combs, brush IIRMI- 1*«, Millard balls, etc. It Is found to he fnsceptlble of it very high degree of polish. The following .Is the Programme of a meeting of the l ake (bounty Teachers' Association, at Waiiconda. 111! note, on Saturday November 4. J882: FOBENOON. 9:90--Business. |»:W->Phnni<-s in the School Room--James Oartand, take Zurich, HI. * Jtit-Dlncii nuinii- I,e<t by T. B. McGuire, Anttor.h, 111 10:16--<*qnare and Cnbe Root Methods--I'rln. W. T. Brijfjrs, Lil ertvrille, III. * 11:0#--Discussion--Led by Miss Anna McMa- hon, WaucnTKla, III. It*®-*. B, C, Cliiss Exercise--Miss Cooper, Waucondn, III. 11:10-- Discussion--Led liv PrfB. A. B. Hallo- well .Wankegan, 111. 11:01--Adjournment. ^'*.V AFTRKNOOW. IJI-^'lioni Government-Peter Fisher, Anti- oefa.IlL 1:40--Discussion--Led by Prin. U. H. Austin, Barrintrton, 111. I^d-orni Instruction--XT. H. Wray, Wauke- gan, in, tat-Discussion--Led bya W. II. Wigltam, Half Pav.III. •:4d--How to Ti'Hrfi Penmanshlp--R. W. Pad- d H"k. Jr., Volo, III. •SCO--Discussion--l.eil by Thos. Davis, .Dia mond Lake. Ill » >.<1 QIHTT BOX and Cfoneral Discussion. All persons who are Interested in the Welfare and success of our .Public Schools are cordially invited to be present. One seldom sees a better snmmary of the nature and purposes of education ftven than fs found in> the following pithy sentences: "Education fs a companion whieli no •llsfortnne can depress, no dime de stroy,- no enemy ai lie mite, no despotism enslave; at home, a friend; abroad, an Introduction; in solitude, a solace; fn •Odety, an ornament. It chastens vice; It guides virtue: it gives, at once, grace and government to, genius. With. *ui »i, whai i«s ninn? A fjirciiutu sli • reasoning savage. vaciUating between tltt dignity of an Intelligence derived from God and the degradation of pas sion* shared with brote?; and, in the •eefdent of thefr aftemate nwjendency, shuddering at the fears of an hereafter or embrace the horrid hope of annihi lation. What is this wondrons world •fhte residence? A mfghty maze, and •II without « plandark,and desolate, and dreary cavern, without wealth, or •rnament or order. But fight trp with in It the torcii of knowledge, and how Wondrous the transition f The seasons change, the atmosphere breathes, the landscape lives, earth on folds Its fruit, «0Mtn rolls in its magniHceHcer the liesvenK display their constellated can opy, and the grand, anfmated spectacle •f nature rises revealed1 be lore htm--its Vjuri^tiea> regntated. and its mystery tesolved! The phenomena whfeh be wilder, the prejudices irlifch debate., the superstitions whfcb enslave, vanish lfcf»ce£l}ucation.M , J* I 1 % & . j . (fetor of the Hair. w^af nervous shocks sometimes eanse fit* hair to turn wliite in a few hours. 5The case o! Marie Antoinette fs one of the most tender and touching on record for In a single night her rich, chirk hair was changed to silvergray. In its natu ral slate ft was pale auburn in color, and of a sflky texture. On the other hand!, arrary hsir has been known to be- snme d'arlc, Nasarella, a nan 106 years old, was hi 1774 at Vienna presented by •ifttard with a imw set of tdetli and a restoration of tlie black hair of his joe:li. John Weeks died »ged 114. and «rfts blessed with a regeneration of the M^jor of his hair a short time before his tfoith. and Sir .Vohn Sinclair, a Scotch- man. dying at "110, rejolccd In a youtii- lol head of hair during the latter part •fhis life. A New York physician re ports the case of a man who had three Ohangegof his hair from black to white during bis life, tlie first taking place when lie was about 36 years of age. *Varlegated hair," which is alternately handed black and white, is noted among the hirsute curiosities of nature, and green and blue liair have been describ ed by some authorities; but these colors owe their production to the ir- Uttehce of »urroum1itig8 in which their subjects live, the green hair belonging t*those who work4n the copper mine?, sod blue to those whose occupation is cobalt mining. Worker* in indigo also have blue lmir:-- w y A Vexed Clergyman. . ICven the patience of Job would be- COfus exhausted were he a prcacher *nd endeavoring to interest his audi ence while they were keeping up ati Incessant couhgrog. making it iinpo.^ci- bte for hi in to be heard. Yet, how very easy ean all tills be avoided by sfmply using L)r. King's New, Discov ery for (Jonsumptiou. (.-oogiis au<l . Colds. Trial Bottlts gltcu away ai Colhy'b. • .v-i r % to vigorously push a business, 'Strength to study a profession! Strength to regulate a household, strength to do a day's labor witii- out physical pain. All this repre* sents what is wanted, In the often beard expression, "Oh! I wish I had the strength!" If you art broken down, have not energy, or feel as if life was hardly worth liv ing, you can be relieved and re stored to robust health and strength by taking BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS, which is a true tonic--a medicine universally recommended for ail wasting diseases/ ' 50117. "Fremont St., Baltimore During the war I was in jured in the stomach by a piece df a shell, and have suffered from it ever since. About four years ago it brought on paralyr sis, which kept me in bed six months, and the best doctors in the city said I could not live. I suffered fearfully from indigestion, and for over two years could not eat solid food and for a large portion of the time was unable to retain even liquid nourishment. I tried Brown's Iron Bitters and now after taking two bottles I am able to get up and go around and Stn rapidly improving. G. DECKEK. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is ft complete and sure remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Weakness and all diseases requir ing a true, reliable, non-alcoholic tonic. It enriches the blood, gives new life to the muscles and tout to the nerves. A. P. GRAY , Always Ahead. SPRING CAMPAIGN OPENED ^ -AT HIS-- Carriage and Wagon Factory, BLACKSMITH SHOP RICHMOND, fit. I sell every Implement, Tool or Machine a fanner \v>tnt*. P I-\TKORM SPRING, DK- I.IV 'SKY AN1» FARM WAGONS, TOP AND OPEN BUCCIES, One, two and three Rcated, from the cele br:Ueit manufactory of J. W. Henry & Co., i : «-* MABTIN r ' v <1 \ \ Have just received the largest stock of Dolmans, Cloaks and Jackets, b&th for Ladies and Misses ever offered by any house in McHenry County. They were l>ought so low that we are enabled to sell them at usual wholesale figures. In OF ' -'K't-rir, •: m.- m SP'A » i*".: t> if ,i « . rt>Jn Z ,f r ' J*- '(> <»il virr3r.v.!t ? .* ,v. J'"' f.i ' -i . "M* ^>, f S-- r M - % 1. -= *v- 'Xnd wish to convert tliem into oaah at otice Snd accordingly will make prices very rossonuble*a;, ^Bo choice line of , Established in 1865. JOHN STERBA, Formerly of McHenry, Oh|n^fo,:hii9 returned to Woodstock, And^habinow on hand the stoi k of Wood*Soelt. Illinois, largest and htm READY MADE HARNESSES COLiT/ARS, WHIPS, *c., to "be found intlM County, and has everything made ofttha BEST MATERIAL. Call and r-? seelme. JOHN STERBA. We have an assortment found nowhere else in town. voting" especial attentioh to our % BOOT AND - SHOE DEPARTMENT And keep a complete line of tke celebrated C» M. Hendewon's ' Goods. Our Vail Stock of Blackoinitliin ,̂ Painting and Repairing Done in a workmanlike manner and war. rauretl. From the large variety of Farm Machinery m;inuf;ioture.l r we select that l«?8t, a<l>intea fi>r this section, and upon the BfvST TKRMS THAT CASH CAN -PURCHASE, which en ables us to supqtly our patrons with just what they want, ami at lower prices than anv otl«er concern northwest of Chicago. Call and make examination for yourselves before giving your order* for any piece of machinery you may nee*1 the coining season, and you will find the best and most complete line of Kavm Machinery ever before offered In McHenrv Co Remember that we offer the VEHY BEST M^VCUIIiJSHY at the VERY LOWEST PRICE that Cash can produce anywhere. A. P. OH AY, Sichmond, III, C a t a r r h «t*iS Insert witn little linger a particle of lialm into the nos- trils; draw strong breaths through 1 he nose. It will be absorbed. I t e f f e c t u a l l y cieanses the nasal HAY-FEVER ing hcaltny secretion.^ ailavg inflammation protects the membrane from additional colds, completely heals the s tres and restores the seitsesof taste and sinell. Beneiiclal resu'ts art realize*I by a few applications. A thor- oiigh treatment as directed, will cure citarrh hay fever, Ac. Agreeable to Uae. Unequaled for Colds in the Mead. The Balm has gained an enviable reputation wherever known, dihplacingall other urepi. rations. * v Recognized as a Wonderful Discovery. Itu sold by druggist* at .50 oonts. On re ceipt of price will mail a nackage; send for circular containing lull intormaiiou and relia ble testimonials. ELY CREAM BALM CO., Owego, X. Y. FUZHIINMONB & £V&OBOU WT% .CLOSING O Is jiist in* and in fit and, styles we defy competition. * A largo stock ot Groceries, Faint*, and Oils constantly on hand^ tJall ^iid examine our goods. . FEHR7 <FT MARTHT. JOHN B. FURNITURE STORE Two Doors Ncrth of Perry & Martii's^ Where you will find all grades of Furniture, from a common Chair. Up to the finest Set, of the best make and quality People buying ct me will find' all my goods as represented. I^WJobbingrand Repairing neatly anrt'promptly done. UNDERTAKING. In this Department keeep a first-classass ortment of Caskets, and coffins, and Shrouds ot all kinds and quality A Hearse furnished at .-easonable rates. Wf we J. R. WELLS & SON WAUCONDA - ILLINOIS, . . . • _ ^ Ate t^.9 £>9ad@rs of Low Prices. Never make any misrepresentations. Deal fair, square and up right with all. Sell goods at low prices. "Will not bo undersold" is their motto. "(Jan.prove the above lacts if you will call 011 them. Our stock of Dry Goods never was more complete than at present, and in Dress Goods we*defy competition in style and price. Our line of Prints comprises many different pattern*, and are marked way down. Gyod Prints from four to five cents per yard. In short our Fall and Winter stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ready-made Clothing, Hardware, Crock ery, etc., never was* more complete than at present, and prices ill be made f s / LOW THE LOWEST. Also have a fine line of IN WAUCONDA. Hockford Flannels and Tarns, fr^^ottw mxms, ms siozs, HAND MADE BOOTS. & EVANSON. (Jail in and look us over. FITZSIMMONS Farmers, I CLOTHING! For Fall and Wintely A full hne of piece gooda of tin latent style* •nil at the lowest figures. • ' • CLOTHING! Bigger Stock thaft ever. Do you want first class machinery something tve buy so much of that you get the benefit ol it? We know of some dealers that buy fso much that they claim to sell low, hut you get all their prsces and then come to us und we will sell you the same goods cheaper, than , uny other deeler » We have just received the J&nest car of CARRIAGES! X ; " ' v That ever came to this county. If in want of oiie don't fail to call, as the finish beats them all. Aguarantee of our oWtt iduKbiie yefar with each carriage. , - . • lunps we nave both wooff andiron. tor a wood pump we keep the Kenosha^ Temple, Toledo, Biishnell and Mishwaukeee, and for an iron pump the well known Trakem and Buckeye. Can al ways repair or put them down any depth. !, M. OWEN & SON. BUY YOUR Coal and Wood Stoves, To which we invite the attention of the public. (Jail and see us. Wauconda, 111 , Oct. 10th, 1882. RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHENRY, ILL, Invites an examination of his immense stock of Novelty and Variety r B A Z A A R ! STA TJON EH YZNEWSPAPEBS, Magazines, Books, Novels, " MUSIC. , Allllnalcnl Journals, Libraries, onp «n<1 JOK«; Uookri, I.utlur Writers, tiumes, 1'l.iys, Orcaui Huokrt, Motto Verses and < ;irds, Toys au<l Toy liook-. Inks, 55tic.ilutfe, Writini? l 'a. l>ers, f'cjK'ils, Pens, School and lilank M.ip.*, clipol uppllus, Collars, Cigars, und Uptime ariiciek uvi iit-ic luuimoue'l, at tU« Bazaar, McHenry, III. Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Yankee OF GEORGE W. BESLEY Whose Store can lie found on the West Side, wheae everything m this line can be found} Fresh and Pure. fi)ver brouirjit to McHenry county, amon<r which can be* found the Bonner Library, Princess Library, Harrison & Smith Safety Lamp and a fine line of Bracket and II:uuL Lamps of every description which will be sold at prides that daf\^ompetition. Call aud see their oefore purchasing. " ^ • Pliysloiaiis Prescriptions - Carefully Compounded. Give ire a Call. C.W BESLEY il(sHenry, 111, Oct. 20th, 1881. SUITS AT $4.50. Suits all prices at SUITS AT *5.00 Maiman's CLOTHS7Q . HOUSE, ATWAUCONDA. For anything made to order, Malitian'a ll lbt pl;\co to {fo, Also a full line ot - Gent's Furfiishing Goodt'. HATS, CAPS, &C, &c. Hns received a line Stock of Fall and Winter JliHinery goods, and of'tne latest fcly'et>. A nice 'lot of 'Uibbons and riiimes. The I.ai!ier< (if Western i.uke Coiiiity are espeeiallv nviteil to call and examine ^oods and price*. #3~DUESS MAKING done in tlie l>est style ' and. at Keasouable I'riceH. H. MAIMAN. Wauconda,Sept.80ttt,18«S Willi THE Mutual Life ofNew Tork Becanse it is tlie oldest Company In tli4 United Stales with thirty-nine years of ex-* perienoe, lleranse it is I he Inrpest Componj in tht world. Assets, i|!)4,7<>'i,9o8, nearly double thai of any other Co'upanv. "Beenusi; it is,the niost popular Company. Its policy holders number over 100,000. Because every dollar of the above hnmens* snin Italoitf/x lotfin policy holders, and the shr. pin* over what is acncilly roiuired, is an. nuallv divideilamonjsst th'ein, which surpln® may lie applied in either of two ways: First, to pay a portion ol' the animal premium, thus mnt^fialiv red items: the-cost, or it may l>e> used to purchase additional insurance. In the latter way foi'tv-ei^ht policy holders of tlie year just 'past, holding nolicies, the face vaiiieofwhicli was $l$i,5<0, were carried foi an average term of.'!. '! yeaisaf. low rates, and the additions brought the tnu r sum of a littler over :j\'iWi.OOO. Many of tlie&V. p dicies had been belf sustaining lor vears. lJecause I lie rates ef every other Com|>any are nearly eighteen ]>tr cent, higher than those of the Mutual Life. . Because Its ° running expenses are 'ower than any other. Tlie sworn statements of the Equitable Idfe Assurance of New York, a (company several millions less than half as large as the Mutual Life, show its expenses of manage- ment to have averaged H.23 during the last 'jUtree years, those of the Mutual Life 7 8 the dillerenee of Jlrst cost of pol'cy, and manage* ment expenses alone, areequa*l to29per cent in favor of the Mutual Life. llcc.ansc it can and does afford thecheapest, safest and most satisfactory insurance invest ment of any Comuany m the world. As it will be impossible for nie to see all who are desirous of obtaining Life insurance at actual eoxt, 1 will say lo such that a postal card will always rcatili me at this place anrl on receipt of s;inie I will forward different plans and actual results (not estimates) which are certainly astonishing and out do anything in the history of Life Insurance. This Company issues only regular Life ant! Endowment policies and likeother Company! of the highest standard refuses to have any thing to do with Touti>ie gambling. C. H. MOREY, Agent, For McHenry .County and western part of Lake County. MCHEXBT, ILX. •• •/. ; - JACOB STORY, MCHENRY, ILL. which are beinjy offered at very lo prices. I-have .'the largest fas- ^ortment^of HEADY MADE CLOTHING ever shown, in McHenry which will he sold very cheap for cash. In Hat* and Caps, Boots am] Shoes, my stock is complete and 1 am confident I can save you money 011 these woods. Paints, Oils, Drugs and Medicines, Crockery, Glassware. Wooden and Willow- ware, and the largest stock of Groceries to be found in McHenry, Prices always as low as good Goods call be sold. No trouble 10 show Gopdb, I'all and be convinced. ' * , DEALER JIN J M LU 1 UM! Scissors, Shears, Table and Pocket Cutlery* s Sliovels, Forks, Corn Knives, Axes, Grintlstnes Window Glass* CRAMTE4RON AM) TIN-WARE. ' J. 8TORY. • 4 " " 30 CHE0M0S S 12 Chr^o» FP6G» with the TEOVLB'S MAOA/.INE. Tlie most magnillcent premium everpiven, and one of the best magazines published. Only eightv cenis a year. Sample sent free on receipt ol 3-cent stamp, or three months on trial for 1Q cents. AGENTS WANTED. Send Ml cents for complete oultlt, includinp all the chromoa. Money returned it not satisfied. ii"f A MONTH and board in your own county. Men or Ladies. Pleasant business. Address, . . PEorLE's MAGAZIITB, Philadelphia, Pa. That Wonderful Book. GUIDE TOSUCCESS FOK Sii8inesa AM) SaCJLEW, I* solIIup by tons of thonwi.-id*. ft la th« most univevsnllv useful book ever published It tells completely HOW TO DO EVEKY" THING 111 the best way, I|ow to be YourOwn La-wyer, How to Do ISnsiness Correctly and Snccessi'nlly, How lo Act in Society and everywhere. A pold u.ine of varied inform.*, tion to 'ill CIUSCPH lor constant reference. AGENTS WANTED for all or spare time To lxiiov-, why this tiook of REAL (value and attraction'* .-.ells lietter'than iiuy other, apply for terms to II. It. SCAMMEl.L & CO., it. Louis. .Missouri;