îalailealep. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 29. 1SS2. Railroad Time Table. OOIVG SOl'TH. fnn«T'it Tjike PaKsonxcr ..TAVA. M ensva Uak« Emrps»,. l r... t»fc t.«• .8:20 " • n « v a L a k e F r e f x h t ; : ; . * a^T'Crj *f»ftTH,, T,*lce Fw1^t..r.....4.£'itf/..»** *. M •Renera T*nkft Fxircw;.... *:55P. M £«n«va Lake Passenger.. > f i :5* ' B. nrw. \?ent HTc.TIenrv, 111 Those looking lor Holiday Present* should not fail to examine the fine of Toilej Articles. .Perfumery. Lamps, etc., at G. W. Beskv's the West Side Prnggist. He.also keep* a stock of Toys and Confectionery, for tlK» Holiday trade, ami J# sure to please you in tiling Jf yon call. sap^ef F TM I Igade i MVW1NTO MeTTnvn- T.nnOF. Vrvm F."an<1 A. M.- IRecrnlnr PnmTiimioition* the ̂ atur<1rvy on ftiiefore the full of the moon and every two %eeks thereafter* „ _ CTTAS. C. OOT.BT, W\ M. Thk Stearper "Mary Gr is wold,* wWl* leaded with eord woefd, sunk in about six feet of water, near the Cedar Is- land Club House. Fox Lake, one day los t week. They are now at work raisin? her. and will probably have her afloat again in a day or two. The cause or her sinking we have not learned. . V ' . " ^ M --TTpith- larVionToerftlonrheJ'1 on the eeonnfl anrt fourth] lFr ida '8 in each moneh. _ smith Anrns, IT. 7». MfVTwwitr frT\rTRH No. 31 H. A. *f#tl < REMOVED. The PlXjSdkalku Office ha* been . removed to the rooms in Bishop's Block, opposite Perrv <fc Martin's Store, up stairs, where our friends can ; t1iereafter And us. and wljere We invite . them to call and see us in. our new "quarters. , - Annua! '-'f- The Annual Meeting nf the MoTTeivry County AcriouHnraVSnciety for elee- ;'/tion of officers And such.other bh«i'ness -»S usually comes before it. will he held in the court room. Woodstock, on Mon day. Dec. 4th. njrT.P. M. A full attend 'fMHCe is requested. Tnos. Men. RtciiarOS, Pres; - , A.S. WmoilT, Secretary. Remember the* "entertainment Riverside ITall Dec. 7*. •• at Fok Sat.k. a food double-barrel Shot Gun. Apply at this office. See the new advertlsemr ,nt of Tripf Bros.. Wagon Makers, which can be found in another column, Subsortptons will be received at the Post Office for any paper or magazine published in the United States. Reader: There is something for yon at. the Book and News this village. Mr. A, V. Confer, of Mattonn. 111., has leased the T?akei*y Til Howe's Block, nn<l wiir linmedisitely open the same *s a Haker^imLfir•ir~f' t~r r itn*"** He C. T. Eldredoe has commenced his Poultry business for the season, and now has a full compliment of pickers at. work at his Poultry House. He is paying the highest market price In cash. for Turkeys. Chickens.and Duck". Be sure to call a'ul see him before you sell. •:'< " '. V '• Vulcsl CMerUlwntift «*(l Buket 8«p- ®5ioonA**R. ' • . jAWtm . t >i«. 1. Tnstrnmentnl Masto, _ * • . 2. Itonie, Sweet Home. " Mrs, ni'jrelovr, Mrs. TiUbom MIm Wttto. 5. OSam»*r Kicrht. Mrs. r,i»-1)np ami Phoni*. *. Recitat i o n , -- r » e : U f c R r M e e o f t h e T u p \ Mr«. F K. Grander, • •./ s»;i» 8. ITappy Fnwior , OiMHft J. Vasev and Chorws. r {.. . i ; 6. The Last Rose of «nmni«r ) • Qnartctt. • 7. Solo. w " F. K. Rrown. 8. Mountnfn Miner* 'son?, OITenbftck Chornn. 0. Ge^jtlv'sJc-hs the'Rree7.e. v,.... .. Glever Mv. 'Bi^bnnnml Mrs.'nifretow. 10. Professor .it honv* Ulis1* J. Vasev, A. (label, Mrs. Bishop, Mrs R!<relow irh^rfi'-tovUtio sonar showincf the dilBpnllv imder which a Profpssormay lalvor (n giving instructions even at home.) 11. R:<sket ^npper. . Iiiverside Hall. Dec. 7. 1^12. mencing at 7{ o'clock P. Woodstock Departiuent. 'MWm . . ; Richmond JDepmrtnient. The finest teas and coftee^ M & Bartlett's. . .x ' , M ayes Call at E. M. Owen «te Sou's and see a fine Swell Body^^or, Portland' Cwiter. Hold very low. ' PRIXTS AT 2» CENTS A YARD. " 10.000yards^standard dark, prlhts to be. doselj oat at ahov6 price. ' O. C! rofeBT, Xttftdlk: Stand, in Sheet Music usually * retailed from 30 to 75 cts., r> cts. per copy. A thon<iind pieces to select from at O. W. Owci^s. Rev. G. W. jK f.xt. of Peoria. 111., will occupy the Pulpit at the 'Universnlist Church on Sundaj'next, morning and «vening. . The Bolger---Krlouse" lias been settled, bv Kroiisp and hisj party paying a certain sum of money and costs. An Essence Peddler, who lives some where in Wisconsin had the misfortune to have his horse drop dead while pass ing through this village yesterday. W. D, R inglaxd, Dermtv'U. S. Mar* abai. was seen on our streets mi Satur- wTTTt eep a full line,of Confectionery, Home Made Candles, etc. Mr. Confer comes ifvrhly r^commehded as a first- class Baker, and we bespeak for him a liberal patronage by our citizens. Ah exchange says that a young lady of Oswego succeeded last week in mak ing 700 words with the letters con tained In the word "conservatory," Young men oil the layout for wires should start for Oswego at once. Noth ing, says an exchange. could be more delightful Mian to come home after day of toil and be greeted with a list of the words your \yife lias made out of twelve letters. In', tlie. midst of such great joy...Mm mere absence of supyer would not be noticed. At lil vepsidc- Hall, Tluirsitny evening. -Dec. 7. the ladies will hold a Musical .Entertaii'iuent and Basket Sociable for the benefit of tne Methodist church. Come one. come all. Tickets tor Bas- k"t or Supper, a*, desired." 50 cents. 4'liildien half "price. 1 adies wishing j l .iafkets lo (111, will lind them at lh tirv j Colhv's f»»r fi cents each. Tlie style of | the SofiaIde; *s we i|pKcrstan<l it is that the la.dy who fills a basket sIm'II 'put in it h»r card, and the gentleman w ho gets the basket is to, liad tlie liuly and eat supper with her. Ix the Sentinel of last week we find tli» fi> 11«>v\ i'tg io fflat'on a former pastoi'ol the M. ?>. church. In this vil-I Geneva T.ake-on Satnrdav, Irtge: " The many frien<is of llev. J. II. Horace Proutv i* overwhelmed wltli Bacon will ho pleased to learn of the , jov 'about "dot leeth* poy." HEBRON "'4-Z~ EdITOR Pi -AINDEAI.ER:-- A . young j snow «torm made its appearance Sun- I day morning. I The fifth annivcrsarv of Mr. and M'r«. j N. Sumner was ceiebrated on the 2.1st I inst. A 1-irge pr«.»w<l of invited guests ! were pri*ee»t and tlie evening was speivt i in partaking of refreshments, nud in dancing. Music was furnished bv the T?l'ngwoo"d hind. They received a "goodly.' number of presents, anvoivg which wa« a larjre uph'dstered cbnir. "lie-dsiead and uutiterou* brack«'ts, N. Smi'h spent Saturday and Sunday at hi® home in Kin iwood. Mr. an l Mr*. Newell Manor and Mi«s 'Emma Wl':.ley msde a flying visit to greatly improved state of his health in j iris new home in California. become a'member of the Conference, has received a good ap pointment.; ami was warmly welcomed 'by i he" people .of his charge in t he way ,j>f a. ijotitpl sociable. He reports they are living in a html of |.-eai'e and plenty stiid are happ^' ; , day morning la«t.. Some official busi ness called iiim into Lake County.'we believe. John Heimeu came on our streets with an urusuallv smiling countenance on Monday"hiornins. and on inquiring the cause, we learned it was a girl and ^weighed plump ete?e'n pounds. The first snow of the season Ip"thfS aectiou. made its appearance on Satur day night, falling.to the depth of s'hoiit three inches. Tlie Mill Pond !«•'frozen over, and we are experfenelng good snug weather. We get all the principal MTgnrines and papers at club rates, and; both old and new subscribers can receive the benefit ol reduced rates' bv subscribing through us for sech other publicatlors as they may des'we. Thk "T*. L. C." will meet with Mrs. A. A. Martin, Wednesdav. Dec«niher 6th. at the u«ua1 hour. Topics. Mrs. Frances S. Osgood and Emma C- Willard. . Mrs;..T. B Pkrhy. Pres. MISS Jtri.iA A,. ST«)RY. Sec'y. *Mn. Sr t t tTMxri lER. Who res ided wi th J i i s da j«ghter - in- law near the Depot . ' in th is v i l lage , d ied on Saturday morning last , and h is remains were • t aken. . . to Chicago on Monday for in terment . Old age and general debi l i ty we he ' icve wa« the cause. communication lias been received at this office, the contents of which are not sufficiently interesting for publica tion, but the naive confession with which the writer concludes the article is too good to he. lost: "I am a reader of your valuable piper hut not a sulv ecriber." Such frankness as- this "Is rarely equaled. Thk Thanksgiving Party at tire Parker TTou«e. in this village, to-mor row Thursday evening. pr iml . s«<J to be one of the p leasant es t of the season- The Janesville Light Guard Band will furnish the music, ami mine host Parker will leave 'nothing undone to please all w^ho attend. IF you ever dance do no! fail to go to fh,e Packer Douse to-morrow evening. The shop windows begin to put oil a Holiday air, and those who cater to the Holiday trad >, are busy receiving find preparing their goods for exhibition. A large trade is anticipated, but if will have to be remarkably good to equal that of last year. For reasons quite definable..there is not the same evidence of crushing eagerness to buy for the Holidays that was conspicuous « year ago. John B. Br.AKK has been to the citv and bought his usual supply of ilolid iv Goods, and will, in a few days, be ready, to show his customers as fine a stock of ^oods in this line-as. was ever brought to this town. Anything from a bed room set to a five cent Toy can be found at his store and Jit prices to suit the times. Before purchasing your presents .lie to cull and see his fctOclv. . Some misunderstanding seems t.W have occurred in regard to the day fixed for the Visits of Dr. Williams. Dentist, to this placo. It must be understood that he visits Wauconda the day before -lie conies here; and his notice should read "when" tlie dates come on Saturday or Sunday he will make his "visits to ^\-Vncori:T.Ton Mond ty "Rud Mrdienfy *»rr Tuesday." He wrote us a postal to .this efteqt last week, but by some delay ,in the malls it did' not reach us until after we had gone to press. His visits will now be 'made regularly twice a month, and we • frost there-will be no -mistake* in the future. ? An t ex'-hange com men t4-tin+sly: Do not forget that it costs something to pull as well a« to advertise. Never sponge upon the printer. It is tlie printer's ink thslt,.m»ke« nine-tenths of our fortunes* it takes^money to Buv •iiik.'typeiiud paper, ami yet. after all this. ft'\v ar«" the thanks the printer gets. Daniel Webster was right when he said of the press. ••Small is the snni required to patronize a Newspaper, •ji'mpl'y rewarded is its patron. I.csre ihW liow hiiinhle and unpretending is 'the gazette, w.hicli lie tak'-s. i t is -almost impossible to fill out without puiting into it something that js worth the snhscrl pt ion nrU^.,^, v iv t •• . .^v . A max who says he is not able to pay for a newspaper, ought to go, to the county emir! house and have his wife appointed his guardian. A news- piper is wort h niore to a family thin three ...months" schooling. A family that, takes„ne\»spapers lives, as.it were, iu a I ioiko from whose windows they can see all tli.it |s going on in the world. .Friend "Ho not say that you aie not aide to pay for your paper. Say you don't, like the paper or that yon had rather live lii.ignonince.or de clare that', you do not want your chil dren to learn anything, hut don't sa.y you can't pay--because that is to say you arc no man. have1 no backbone, and ought to be in 't-hui>po6r house.--Pekin Courier. . Best line'of Yarns-at Mayes & Bart- let tV , r AVe were misinformed iu regard to Me h is [ Jlnmiie K.»bert«on braking on tb* Tt. lifovnia | R. TTe Is busking corn at 'John Pierce's, which Is the next thing to It. A number of the 'young people of Hebron at'temled the'oyster supper at Alden on Friday evening of last week. All seemed to enjoV 'themselves. -ai\tl thought th"eyjgoi titer tnowf*ft_#orth-- in ncauuts. ; : We noticed two young conuJe fcom AMen on the train Tuesday morning ss it passed through t|ii« jilace, who were j inn their way to ICeiiOSll^ in search of a minister. The dance at TTii'on ftall Wednesday evening, given by " The Roys," was ', well ntn«n«l<»tk T4«e parties under this The fountain In tfae- Park fl housed forthe winter. Prof. David Swing lectnre# at WooiK stock, Dec, 7til, at National Hall. Qur merchants did a lively trade lust Saturday, our country cousins being numerous within our borders. Esq. Baldwin and wife went to Elgin fast week to yl*it relatives. Mrs. B., we believe, will stay through this week. Miss Fatiuie Felt, daiightsr of E. Felt, Esq.. is £»ite sick,i^n4^has! bteu for some days p*st. \-s Dr. W. W. Cook, who has been some what indisposed for a week or so past, is once more about again. The Woodstock dramatic, association talk of reorganizing and presenting some stirring plays dtarlng tlie coming winter. Thomas Whit-son Is having his resi dence on East Jackson St. given a coat of paint. Capt. L. D. Kelly, on AVest Jackson St., is doing; likewise •; WPtJie Kelly homestead." ./-v;.;"-'" "Captain ChaS. Crawford^ of Detroit^ Mich., is visiting friends lu this city. Charley is an old 36th hoy and is well known by al* survivors of that gallant regiment living in McHenry Countj". A. F. Field, Wpodstocks. general st^tibu agent for the .C. &'N.' 'W. R. R. for so many years, is laid up at home, sick. ,We be)ieye the troiible Is a fever of some kind. Mr. F. is so seldom ab sent from his post that tlie depot ap pears lonesome without him, . ' At their regular monthly meeting on -Monday evening.Nov.20th, Woodstock Post G. A. R. decided to hold a regular 'old -fashioned camp lire on Monday j evewJhvg. December 11th, in the armory | used by the Guards. A general invita tion is extended to-all old soldiers to | joi u t he iii and brl faintly and j friftids. U The next thing in order v/ill be the election ol a Captain to command Co. G. We'hclievc Lieut. Geo. Eckert has Very little If any opposition. The op position and fun will come in when it comes to the election of an officer to fill Lieut. Eckert's present positiou in the company. ** The drug firm of Murphy & Wheat, of this citv. has dissolved, Mr. Wnent having sold his interest to E. W. Blos som, who occupies a portion o.f the drug store with his mammoth jewelry establishment. The new drug Urm will be Murphy &|Ulos8om, and may success attend their undertaking. They ••ought to make a strong team. - Aud so '•Flossie,* the dear girl, has gone to Dakota. W(§|1, all joking aside, we for one feel sorej?. And now the self-styled lending papeh" the Senli COKTHIBDTBD BV S, Y. IlKNSKTT. Several parties Itave |«it i»p street lamps. " i"' ' , • • The- theatrical ciimjmny played to full hort*es all the week. Another dance by the Club |a»t Fri day night. " A new sidewalk runs from JT, R. Hyde's northeast corner40 J. V* Ald^ rich's. ' ' - 1 Mrs. A. P. Gray, whose serious illness was* matter of much solicitude t\ her rnanv friend*, we are glad to state, Is much better. • • Miss Martlia Johnnott, of Vermont, who has been spending tlie summer with her sister, Mrs. A. M. Pettingill, liichmond, returned to Mdiitpeller on Monday. Now that cold weather Is upon ns it is a matter of interest to tho^e w.ho. buy ink for school children, to find an article that i» n«»t injnred by freezing, Messrs. Alexander , A Hyde claim, to have silch an Ink. ' V»:v;"- OYSTERS 1 OYSTERS! K W. BROl«£8, Wauconda 111., (V.icr t.i o™- Iteries. Canned GootN, Confectionery. Cigars, Tobacco. Notions, Ac. Also .Headquarters for Platt & Co.** celebra ted Baltimore Oysters. I am now pre pared to furnish Fresh Oysters by the Can or Dish, at all hours of th* day or evening. My Refreshment Parlors are cosily fitted up. well wanned and light ed, and no pains' will be spared to please all who call. 1 also make a specialty of all kind of Can Goods, and keep a line line o. Confectionery. Give uie a call. K. W. ltROOK*. •^^Bustaeiw Nolle**. ro^rrs. Howe's for'Mill!ne?y alt& ^ Dressmakihg. Fishing Tackle of all kinds at K, Engehi's, in Howe's Block, twar new Bridge. >^ 3 Buckevc Foree Pumps, ftt 3L, "Kt" Owen*#, - Almmy* Kefreahin#* # A delicious odor is imparted by ^: Floreston Cologne, which is always ro« freshing, no matter how freely used. ? j The finest line of Silver and Plaiert *• Waye to he found in the connty, at Oi ; 5= W. Owen's. ^ "Tftu will find Cof-tott Hfus and Prints very reasonable at Fitasiaiiuonit A EvansoiiS. Standard Prints at Fiv© Cents per yard at C' V. Stevens'. - : In another place iii this' paper will be found the advertlseme-it of the High-- way. Conimis-loners of the town cif Richmond, to let the jon of rehuildllig an abutment of the bridge oyer the Nipislng near John Craitie's. It£ wHI. be a-good Job tor somebody. . • y Alexander & llyde have lately got in an Invoice of choice books for the holi day trade, and more are coming. Their stock of all sorts of holiday goods is already very complete and almost every day finds them unpacking fresh invoice*. •» H. H. Nichols will sell JfOtt 8 JKHWds of Collee for «rt rents, jind make you a present of a nicely decorated cup and ea titer. Ginhanif and Plaids, new an 1 stylish prices right. Ai FitzsiuunouS & EvaU- sons. Do not fail to eScamlne those »»i«pen- ders iiow being s«d«l at Pitzslmmons it Evansom. They are f.worthy your in spection. Call at E. M. Owen A Son's and see the celebrated llnpgood ^ulky Plow that is warranted to run lighter than a Walking P«ow. " . ' . ' Society Rellm. . J; On account of It* remarkably dot* icate ami lasting fragrance, society!* belles arc loud in thekr praises of Floreston t Vitogne. * FOK SALE. 40 Atres of land in See*to* IS, •!( fenced. Also80 acrcs of land, with *- good house and f»arn thereon, wltltl timber and water in abundance, in Sec# tion 22. Also my homestead ou the Crystal" Lake »H»1 Kiirrtft rood. Good nei# house, barn and other ontbuildfngs.--* Apply to - John F ixskt. Kid gloves, tiHttou mid lo«>|t lace, 1% black colorS and all lliitif at Perry Martin's. c FIFTY BUSHELS OF OATS ^ Wanted in exchange for Furniture, a|^ John B. Blake's. ^ ; A. P. Gray has a very large number of elegant cutters on exhibition at his wagon shops near the mill. He author izes us to say that he will sell n^hetter wtter for le«s money than anv other dealer In Mcflenry Co., or in this part of the country anywhere," It may pay to try him on. Alansou Brown has received another 'fine stock of Eastern made cutters _whlch he offers at reasonable prices, and invites the inspection of purchas ers. ' - ' 11 fta A Perry' Niural Jane Riit*r Color The strongest Color on the market, only requires one-half the amount of ,otIter (Colors. For Sale by Fitz-inimons & EyaiiHou, Mt'Henrv, lll t A full line of choice groceries always obtained at " HKNUY COLBT'S, YOUNG MEN. We can fit you to the nobbiest suit of clothes or ulstcrette to l»e found iir the County, „ Pkkky & Mauvin. , A complelir line ot Groceries, at reduced prtOes. at C.JV. Stevens. If you have not given Bennett a call go in and see what he is doing, , Attention, Imlrymen. TVe«n & Perry's Natural June flitter Color has no equal. It is guaranteed to give "perfect satisfaction. For sale by VivzsHMmons & Evansjn, McHenry, III. AH the new and desirable styles Iu mau'ngemeiit are always a success. 'M iss Nettte Elile left for Elffili last Wedn-sdav to spenil the winter there. Our school is flourishing under the management of II. C. Faher, who has been wit h us three years, and tbe^scliool Is larger than ever before. The whole number enrolled i« elghtv-flve. In the illgher depart nieut t'nere are thirtv-tive foreign pupils. RING WOOD- Edit fR P i..vixi»kam>u:--School be gins to-day w>th a fair alteudance- whieh'will" be <vifrH4^1«ir:ibl3* increased by next Monday. J M-ih.s N'cllie Lau'T begun School in the Lawson district for a term of four month®. Miss Lihhle Tfendricks. of Aprlhg Grove. opr>i'«'iJ -school in the T'boiiipsoii ue'glib"r.bood on tlie 25tli. .Mrs. B. K. Dners is lying qult'e III at present, but it is hoped she . iriay re- ,coyer b"f(»re our next writing.! " Miss Alice Beck, who has lain very ill at tlie residence.ol W. Stephcusoh •all smniner. remains about tlie same. I.ferbert Allen started on,Monday to visit points In the West, hoping to .re* gain his health Uv a change of climate, *Siii<>iug school was well attended on Saturday evening, about" lifty being present. Jerry Smljh is doing a good trade iu boots and shoes, having more than a dozen orders ahead, Mrs. Xalhun Steve'us. rs dangerortslv sick'at her father's, ^Ir. Jerry sber- nr.f. has lost the only writer it has had for'years that amounted to anything t We wish "Flossie" success wherever she inAv go and whatever her vocation in life may be. Jim. you/are nowhere when conn.ar&? tVtfeV 1#* t'OTrfAD/)11d- ent. The renowned Elgin Military band will give one of their popular concerts in this city Tuesday evening. Dec. oth. This baud is composed of 33 diflerent pieces and all the musicians rank high as being No. 1 in their profession. Tlie press throughout th« country, and es- pecialfy the leading papers'<if Chicago, speak in the highest terms of praise of thi-m and the loll of fare they present. Our people and all who at tend this con cert cannot fail but to be wu.ll paid for the money and time spent In attending Ihjj^coUcei't 011 the evening mentioned. Another New Invoice OF WINTER MILLINERY. MRS.' H. II. NICHOLS Has just returned from the city with a -large.and selected stock of Seasonable Millinery'and Fancy Goods, for the YVhitefr tnVde, aiol is now pre pat ed to show to the ladles of Mclleuiy and vicivity the finest lot of styli^ii Hals, -Flowers, Feather. Ribbons, Neckwear, etc.. etc.. ever .brought to this town, mid which she will sell at bottom pric es. Do not fail to call and examine •her stock nefotx purchasing, as rdtt* is sure to please you both iu quality stvie and price. ~ MRS. H. H. NICHOLS, Mead too* it is to be remembered, don't intend to let any fellow get »way with hiin In the sale of flue cutters. The public ought to be able to suit Itself on style and price inc Richmond, where the stocks wpre never before sq large or th»» competition so spirited. Give F,,W. Mead a call. Nowhere on this terrestrial footstool will you find a nobler set of men than In Woodstock--fellows whose hearts are iu their handshakings, and in the haven of whose friendship you may safe'.y east anchor. We never left that city yet without feeling a glow of satisfaction and gratitude at the many tokens of good feeling evinced by these friends during our stay. God bless thoseboysrtbfyTl5 fined, at that! Case, Furst & Brattley, Mollne, Hap« good ami other Sulky plows at K. M. Owen & Son's. If you want to buy Clothing at Chi* cago prices, call on E. Lawlus. I n Lan* slttg's Block, MeHenry. • *" CARRlAGEh! CARRIAGES! CAR. K1AGKS! }• Any o:ie in want ol a Carriage, Bnggv or Wagon, should not fall t« call on E.M.Ow4»u & Son and see tin# large car-load just received. Tli# finest finished lot ever come |<k tlM county and will^ell them clie^). HEAD LIGHT OIL. • The best Kerosene Oil in tdtftt fct H. H. Nichols., 175 Fire Test. At Woodstock, a few days since wfe first met C. L. Curtis, the lively gentle man who wields the Faber iu Wood stock for the Harvard Independent. It did not need the formality ol an Intro duction, hardly, we knew him so well through his correspondence. Although not a six-footer, he impressed us/as a man wlios„ literary ceat tall you better not tre^d on. without looking out for breakers. The Independent K to be congratulated on so able a correspond ent. • . P. A. KILL, "Thk Ladles. Cemetery ,Aid Society will .'meet with Mrs: T. J. Walsh. Satur day. December 2d, At three o'clock, ^o consider topics of interest for tli present and future improvement of the Cemetery. Coma'one. come all.. Ladles, this'call Is to each of 'you. Don't let the responsibility of this work rest upon a few. All acknowl edge it a good work, and say.*go .on," but we want to say, "come on.*' You have open very kind always in helping pu*h, now come to the* front and help pu/L You all should have an interest. Nor need this interestrain! work con flict with your, other duties. Those who were once so dear to us. may sure ly claim sufficient attention to keep .their, last .renting place' bright and sacred wit bout encroaching upon any duties we owe .the livinjr. Then let lis nil unite and woik together for this object.' Mks.T. J. Walsh, Pres. ^Iiss J0LIA A. Stohy, Sec'y. \ CASH BUYERS. f buy for cash, sell for cash, can and will sell you goods at lower prices than any credit store. Cali and I will con-* . it-kaw y«u. . ^ j .m O 'f. Co^by, N unda. | ,Cj*rsets. lloop Skirts, ladies' and | c..iiuica*3 ilwsc H man's, ami her friends in Ringwood, to whom the news of her iliuesn came with startling suddenness, earnestly hope for her speedy recovery. Miss Frankie Iugalls is stopping at home at present. ^ We have just heard of the marrlsge of Thomas Crimolby. of this place, iiii'il a lady of Lake County, but not having heard particulars, can only offer them our congratulations, wishing them a long and prosperous wedded it TURKEY RAFFLE. There will be a Ritlle for Turkeys and Chickens, at the Mcllenry House, on Thursday. Nov. 30th. 1S82. commen cing at 10. o'clock. Plenty of fine ru'-- keys and Chickens will be"furnished Come out anil have some fun. Pktkr Smith, j Williner and „ Dressmaker, Would most respectfully Inform the Tftdies of Mcllenry and 'surrounding cpuntry. that she will, on Fit!day. Novi:muku 24Tit, at the store formerly •occupied t>y D. Smith, near the Depot, open a Tiill line of Millinery Goods, of the latest styles and patterns, and invites the ladies to call,.as she is t*ontident she can please them, both in rpialify of goods ami price. Every- -thimrnew. No old goods, , I am also prepared to do all kinds of liressaiaking on short notice, and guarautve siitisfaction. (Jive me a call. MR.->. P. A, 1IILL. Slellctry, November 2'AI, 1S3I,. Call at M«yeR & BartlettV and get aiiytliiug you want in the line o'f Drv Go'ods, (Groceries aud Ready Made Clothing. Carriages sold low & Son's, at E. M. Owen • A 810 SUIT. Having just closed out a a large line of mens extra heavy ca«smere suits. 1 ofler them at the very low price of- Ten Dollars a suit, a .decided' targaiu. HiMveqnal to suits usually sold at thirteen to fourteen dollars. Call be fore they aro gone. - O. O. Coi. by. Nu ml a. Men's and boy's Bartlelt's. suits at &Iaye8 & for • 10 POUNDS. • Ten potriids O. K. good green Cofi^e r ot.e dollar. C. V. S tevens, v Boys' Overcoats at Mayes & Bart- lett's. 1 .~. f" •" Ask any one who has hail pictures made at Bennett's what they thiuU of t U e i u 5 O ' ••:" f " . ' 6 CROCKERY TO CLOSE. • To make room for other goods we will sell Crockery anil Glassware at cost until blosed out^ C. V. Stevens. CUTTERS! CUTTERS! All styles and prices at E. M. Owen & Son's. BARGAINS TO CLOSE. We this week oiler at greatly re-" duced prices a lot of Caps and Ladies' and Children's Wool Hose. Henry Comit. Remember the best assortment ot press Goods in town can be foiijid at Perry & Martin's. Men's Overcoats at Mayes & Bart lelt's. : " DOLMANS, DOLMANS. *•: Dolmans, Black and Colored,at Perry & Martin's. ' The "soldier boys" should remember that the WooJsto.ik Post, G. A. R.,-will hold a^cauip fire" at Woodstock on the evening of the 2d Monday in December (llth) to which all old soldiers of the county arc invited with the privilege ^of bring along such friends astUey may wish. The post will furnish for the entertainment hard tack and bacon, black coflee and brown sugar, and . Hie regulation baked beans. The guests nre Invited to bring along their own baskets with such good things as they think h£st to supplement Ihe above mentioned army fare. Speeches will be made, reminiscences indulged in and cverv eftort will' be made to have the whole aflair a happy reunion of veteVans and their friends.'"'Fall in!" For the last twenty years we have had a periodical excitement about a railroad from Chicago via Richmond to Geneva Lake. The latest items in this connection we ilip from the Wau- kegau Gazette and giye thetri for what they are worth: A partv of surveyors. Milder the load of a civil engineer, aie at work survey ing a new railroad line through this county, for the Chidgo. Milwaukee and St. Paul Company, niev have followed the line of the Northwestern road from Evanston to Lake Forest, going ninety feet east of the track. From Lake Forest they strike westerly to Liherty- yille Junction and from Libertyville tillage northwesterly via Nippersiiik point to Geneva Lake. It seems to be the plan to utilize the Libertyville branch as far rs it goes. Tlie fact that a large water tank is being erected, at that village gives color to the idea that the company means at all events to exr tend that road. There is a suggestion that Ihe old road from Libertyville Junction to (."hlcago Is to be used wholly for their immense freight traf fic and that the new line via Lake Forest and Kvanston Is to be used ex clusively for passenger trains. Still there's manv a smv?y where never a road is buiff, and land owners may as well defer staking off depot grounds and town lots for a few weeks at least. One ol the surveyors of the Chlcage <fe Eynnston Railroad Company was in Wnukegan'tshls we&kvand while in the Gazette olliee stated that their orders were to survey along the lake shore to Lake Forest, thence to East Liberty ville. I'liey are then to start at Lib ertyville village and run a line to Geneva Take. They are expecting to run two lines over this latter cours(!.v oye south and the othct' north of the" lakes. YOU KNOW That we have the largest stdJk of Gloves and JlitK'iiS in totvn. c. v, Si-Jivm. A GOOD OVEitCOAT CHEAP. To reduce stock we shall sell over- c. ;vU ihis week at vei v low figure*. • Hats and Ca'i s at C. V.Steveus'. Clothing. Our stock ot children'# ami men's clothinsr and overcoats, we think the-largest ever shown in this village. When in «town we won Id be pleased to show yon through our clothing room, whether yon wish to purchase, or not. Good goods at clog®0prices and always as represented, is tho motto 1>3' which we hope to re tain the very liberal patronage so generously extended to us in the past. We appreciate your trade, and shall at all timesdo'our utmost to please you. Henry Colby. Dolmans, Cloaks and Jackets In all styles and colors, guaranteed to fit any ligure, at nianufacturePs prices at Perry & Martin's. FENCE POSTS FOR SALE. - 2000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence Postt for sale. Inquire of JOI1X DOSAH. FOR SALE OR RENT. A Blacksmitti Shop and Tools. a§ Bl 1 ven's Mills, Mcllenry County, Illt*- uois. Inquire of R. Twkkd & So*. Buvss's Mrtt-s, August ir>th, 1882. Our stock of drugs, chemicals and patent medicines was nevet more complete. Goods reliable and prices right. Hknry Colbt, A iijcw and complete stock of Glu£ hams. Prints, and Woolen Dress goodi this week at Pkkry & Martin's. fresk You will always tlnd Oysters at H. II. Nichols'. THE HENDERSON BOOT. • Has the largest sale and Is the moA ... popular boot in the west. A fiHl Hup ? ot men's, boys' and cbilds at F«rrj jt Martin's. CARRIAGES. Have on hand a few first-class tag#^.^v rla^jes.which we will sell at cost tttclosliP ^ Fitzsimmops & Evanson are closing 4 ut.a Lot of Suspenders at half price. CLOTHING AND UNDERWEAR Just opened. You are goingtohave a fair of Boots. Call on C. V. Stevens and buy good ones. •*> Ladies and Misses line, shows a speci ality, complete assortment of the cele brated C, M. liende .son make on hand. Pkhky & Maiuin. Mrs, Searles will open this week a large stock of Ladies' and Children's Cloaks. II. II. Nichols, will sell yon one pouhd of choice Japan Tea for 60 cents and make you a present ol ^ iiiccly decorated cup and saucer. Buy the Casaday Sulky Plow sale by L. 11. llartmau, Ridgetield. for 111. *11. II. Nichols keeps Oat Meal Crack ers, Soda ('rackers, Milk Crackers, Butter Crackers, Star Wafer Crackers. Frosted (fleams and Ginger Snaps, al ways fresh and the best grade that can be found iu the market. The best 50 cent Tea in tho county at lh II. Nichols'. Call for a sample and be convinced. H. II. Nichols has the finest Show Cases of Cigars on exhibit this side of Chicago, Drop In and * siwft)£6, A general invitation to all. A SPECIALTY Made of Clothing. A suit for Bovs S. (i. 7. 8, D. 10, 11. 12,13.14,15. 16, 17, 18, 19.'JO years old; and from 20 to 100. call at C. V. STEVKN8. A stock of Underwear sufficient to supply Mcllenry and Lake Counties, to be sold at bottom figures. At C. V. Stove us. flow to Increase the Value of Butter. j tUse Bean & Perry's Natural June Butter Color, pimple Bottle Free at Fitz.simmous & Evanson's, Mcllenry. Hi. of V. The largest aid best assortment Gloves and Mittens in town, at C. Stevens'. ' • Go and see the new stock of Shawls at C. V. Stevei.s*. Farms For Sale*. Apply to Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. 'Rockford Yarns and Flannels, best goods In the market, at Fitzsminions 4) Evansons. Cotton Bats, cheaper before, at-C. V. Stevens*. tfe| |t. ;'.#v«r Go to II. 1L Nichols' for your to bacco. He kedps the largest aud finest stock 1*fife county. E. M. A Si»w_ Fine Shoes. Our stock of Foster's celebrated Beloit Shoes is complete. For style and dumbil.it>' they cannot be excelled. Ask to see them. Henry Colby. OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS. Best styles and lowest prices in lff» Henrv or Lake Counties. 150 new onffl lust opened. C. V. S tbvkxs. Dress Goods, Dolmaus, Cloaks, Ladiet and Gents underware. Overcoats, Ae. t all new aud stylish, prices very uiodev* ate at Fltzfimmons «.t Evansou. Gossamer circulars and coa^S for ladies and gentlemen, and ft lull line of rubber goods alway* tu be had ut nEKRY OOLBfL LA^f^C LAMPS. Office Lamps, Parlor Lamps, flanging Lamtis, Bracket Lamps, and the eel# brat ed Oscar Wilde LanK'lfc : Drugstore. " »r! ! Bennett docs not let any . out of his rooms that are uot satlsfa tory. v Overcoats and ulsterettes. || larorc line and the latest stylea. X^iu are asked to examiae them at ITesry Colbt's. If yon waut a pair of good Boots ft Shoes, latest style, go to Pvrrj^ liyt* tin's BUTTER AND EGGS* Wanted. Butter and Eggs at Fancy Prices at C. V. Stevens'. FOR SAYK. A good Stove, suitable for office ur shop, linjuire at this otHce. Don't buy your Coats and Shoes until von have called at C. V. Stevens. He will save von money. The "Aurora" Road Cart, the easiest thing out on man aud horse, at E. M. ; > no tick." I am Iii tlie tnlll agaifl. an»T am pre- pared to gi ii:d » in at or feed ou Sl.ort notice. Give uie a call. HKNKY D.iYMEJiir. , ill.. Sent. !>, lifcii. ' Gp W SuiW!..'.u»- ^ wui: ̂ ivlUVC4 FOR SALE. 2; . A first class ikjw Parlor Organ ait#: Violin--with Box--for bale Tery «heap. Inquire at this otlice. The celebrated buffalo boot*, a full Jiue of men's aud boys' a(| ways to bo had at IIkxky Colby's. NEW MILLINSa ̂SXQ8S, At Nuncla. MRS. G. W. COLBY would respects fully inform the ladles of Nuuda a>u|' vicinity that she has opened a Milli* iierv store In tlie rooms over the post ofHce and has just received a full lin« of Hats. Bonnets, Hibhoiis. Lace*, ait«| Ladies Furnishing Goods generally, of the latest styles, aud is contidt at si.® cm ph ase all who may give her a call. My goods are all new and <>f the latest Styles to be found in the market, ant| as 1 buy lor cash I am contnlcut that t can sell as cheap, if not cheaper than any other place iu the comity. Call ami see my styles and icarti prices, t>%* fore you purchase. Was,U. V.COLSV, > N'un.t i, Sept. Ulh. ISSi. CLOTHING! CLOTHING ! Tltejatest styles aud lowest prleea be found i» the county, at C. V. ens*. ' 0 _____ We want yotlr tra<le and If yon wattf 0 it goods there u be nothing to 1 ievent us from doing business to* s ether. Our t»« w .^lock is certainty C iupleteo and prices always rigbv I . 11 iu, " v