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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Dec 1882, p. 1

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Published Every Wednesd*r by J. VA>' SLYKE, ic^b ptfBLisftiit a O. KERVAI1AX, M. D. fgrCCF.SSOR TO DR. A. E. BAI.DWTX.] PHYSICIAN A\P SURGEOX. Office and residence on Olav St., Woodstock, 111. Prompt attention given to professional calls lit all hours. , , < •> Oifice iti Bishop's Block -Oi^ROSTTK Picwnv'S M VRTI>*?S. ~ '• 'Wt *: v i- TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION '^*%e'ar (in A'lvane.e)'. If •fit " til wit'iiiTVr -.v?. Month*!*? Snbv.ri ntlins receive! For throe tiontln In th» «vn«v»>mw»rtfnn. m i *€r .*i .no ...2.(10 six BUSINESS CARDS. jr\v. i " - TT. T. WROWV,M.T». 0"V«TOTW \vf> «TrnoKov. • the Post OTiop. o.n«wui- e Perry & Martin s Store mi stairs, Mc.TIenvy, lu.. f. H. FEG*;*?^. M, T>- ^ PTTVTC w \vr> ^ TTn i^ov. joltwibittjcli) IH».~Office hours S to in, A. M. >. o. .T. TTnM rAnr>,"M. n. r1fY«Tf*TA V ' \\n ^r'TGEON'. mv re«'"Hnf,e, opposite, McTIenry. Til, - ; M. E. OWm nt ChnrrJi, v. wn'^^V, H. T>... PITT^T^T i"' 1 ®nv«ri»oi. WHftfl; Residence, 'Illinois.; at J. J. MYK1N, f9nloon nnd T?ostmirnnt, ' TX ItASlK^l'P'V'of Kn'irti»rt*« "wK Johns-Imr-'b, Til. The choicest brands of VTHii". (.in nor* ami Ci-mr* al w^rs on u«n'1- fall »nd see nuv -'"-J;' ' , PRATT TIOCTSR. A. PU \TT, Proovietor. FIRST. •T" co'U'Uol'i lions. Waue.ondtl, 111. r!<»•»(« nc- Gool Barn in cfmncction ' IVVRRT AN BRO<=. rlTO Ml Mnuufiieturera. McTTeiivv.Ill. Or. i rte*s solicited. shoi>, In OH J jn KeWer nioofc, two doors W$SJ Of •RAT-RR Ont<*e. men AIM* COMPTON. TTT<»Tlf!TC of th<* Peaccm 1 Con v e vanei»r,--Will at.ten l^ir^'.nntl v *° tbe collection of lebts. Volo, Lake County, 111. E. E. RICIIVRI><*. \<5a complete Abstract ot Title* to t#"'! * ™ ' - --is. Office with HA^ft ' . ... in M IfenrvCountv. Ill Countv Clerk, Woodstock. "• ' E. M. OffKN' GENER VL Pcaler Hnd M.injifictiirers Agent in Le:vlin;r Farm Maebmerv. Prices low an<I terms favorable. IP. «*• ? f ' - 1 <« "Wi!- im. ;; fi v. s."cof-iiVV1 CfTl'.VUT. 'MrlI'Mirv Co.. lit 31 Swinish Merino Pol an'1 Oliini - wi'.i - KlIPU Sloi-K !'.r > bcforc 'mynv' ol*«>vhfir«. nrcc'c'r of . h(!0i». hiro ««" A choice lot of voting i'i.. wnf'ill !Tnil nxamiiio *f TETERTVAKY . V Illinois. C.H. UREES. ^TTRGK(»S. Richmond, JE*«E A. ItAI.DlVlS, r AWTKU. I.aw hnsincjs in any part o< tti" State receive* prompt- attention. Office room 41, new Custom House,.qiucago Illinois. ,'.-v- v " - 81 USE V DKBUOW, ; , XTOTARY PUBLIC and Oonycy®»««r, Al- ,i\ den. III. , ' ' DR. 0. E. WII.LIAMS. Residence Dundoe. Will be at DENTIST. -- Wauconda, at P>at; IIon«e, the l<Uh and *5tb of eaeh ' month-, .at Parker House, Sc. Ilonry, the Uth nnd *>l!» of each "lonlli. When rtatcH orcur Uir lay <>r ^ununy wi make mV-visit 's the following Mfindriy. JOHN KI.EH-^K^- Otl^K Painter, Grainer. Calcimin<»r and Paper mncrer. Ui»«M<*nee one Block West of Riverside House. Work attended to promply and on retainable terms. TT' McHENUY HOUSE. PETER SMITH. PROPRIA FOR. p onn P. nr I bv tbe'dav or >veek »t reason " 1 -f rites ' The e.-ioiei'si liruvis of •iviiii 's, and cisai-s. Coo l <11'tiling fo<- H M-sos. \ iln.i Pi ."on T-iiiln -in i-onnectiOH with the House. Give imt' i eail. PETKR- IT'I. A. M. CHURCH, Watf'iunaiker and Jewel# N TO. 1S7 R \ VI>'1T, PH STREET, fBrl tears ll 'i^tse.'i Gtlir-tW III-' Special :itHMItlO|l patrins Kino w*ttc!ie^ and CiiiM iomt ters. 03".V I'nll Assortment of Goods in his line. GKO^ftB CURTIS, Houso and Sign Painter, MoHSMSY, ILL. Shop Opposlta Perry A W3rtin*3. Will attend promptly 1i all wtjrk an l prnar- • ift3# (l»>v. a»-goou HOCK CAN |»E IUII» AT\Y WHORE.^ , Y , FINE CSA'.NIHG A S^fiCIALTY MIXEDPAINTS. I am prepared to (urnish Ittixed Paints of all kitfds at the lowest Miiiic prices, an-l fnr^ niah an ttrtielo far superior .to \ihn "eonimon Mixed Paints lielug Bob I. Call an t s< e me. CEO- CURTIS. , MeBfenrjri xipVU 14.. I68"-. " •;" • '• 4 JOS. wsnrn&Mi':] M. M. CLOTHIER, HEBRON, • ILLINOIS- Conveyancer.-- lie- YMirtnientof Interior. I.etters mn*t contaift 8Uunp f >r reply. Post Ofltre, Richmond, III,1 VJOTARY PUBLIC and 1^1 Prosecute claims in all Bureaus in JOSEPH N'. FREUXD. 8A1-OON* AND RETAURANT old stand, opposite Bishop's Bonslett'n Mill, Me,- Henrv, III. The " e H.ieest Wines, Linuors and Dinars to be tound in the county, tresh- Oysters in their season served up in any. shape desired or for sale by the CAII. V T>, GOOD AT AD LINO FOR IIORSES. s ANTONY ENGEIN, AT.OClN^ ar. 'i Restaurant, Buck's old Btnnd , MeHenrv.Hl --The choicest Kentucky Whiskies, *our Mash, Wines, Cigars, etc„; alwavs on liaml. Wo biiy none butrthe bes^. and sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresti Oyster? in their season. , > Richmond Housfe, * O.N. CULVER. PROPRIKTOU. • H\VTNG reccntlv purchnsed the n'.wwe House, T have put it in thorough repair, with new fu<-nitno thi'oucrhor.t, anil would respectfully invite the patronaare ot 'the trn v. elinar public and others. The tables will al» wavs be provided with the besi that can be procured, and p<ilite and attentive waiters will be in readiness at all times to atloml to the wants of iruests. Vo p uns will be spiwed to mak« t:ijji a First Class lloiiKe. I.arjre and comiii'^lioHM barns on the proinioes. Iron Omnibus to and from all trains. SanipiC Ifnnnitnn rtir»t Hiwir. LUS, it Tailor, :k*S lomestffi ITS A FIT, SALE. -so' (jLOTHIN! ( hiidrfn5^ ity nnd at Glen's ef t ho 1>est qiinl- fo priefiss ADC iULVER, •\'£\ RichdMd, Illinois. TT Sales of i ninl Goods to on tho m si rid sutisl Post Oilii 'e, U KM Farming Tools [l .kint s utlondod icasonuhle Terms <^uaiunteed. The following l>f the nuuthpr of |»f ti- PIOII fertlliCiitps issiieil uiiil signal thir- Injr tho week I'mlliis NoyetnTier 15* 1882: Origltiftl. 190; in^reapo, :18H; rr»" issiH", 30: rpstnrnrlon. 13- t1u|>llc*te, 3tJ; hrreai^. l-r-tot:il. 646. \ uThls old soldier hnshies* Is plaved our,*" romnrkPil 1 fiov^rnmptit oAlnnl tlw other ilnv. when he was l<amloi| an api>lic«tion for appolnf ineiit to n olerk- ship. ]-t-Is.dwfe to say that the gentle- nifini who warmed hlfi feet at n «»ovet;ii- tnet\t«gnfe >ntl to«k thlnzs easy in a ehm.fortahTe Government office, never llve-ti on an Atnlersonville"bill of far**, or camjiaisrued between thePotqinnc and the James Rivers.;;•••"' , 'v . ' IND, ILL. B. wool E. WIUIITMAN, Proprietor. Kirst ela«s •• Pi--, with or with.wit drivers.. fn.inis'ied at reasonable 'rales. Teaming ot DJ*0£Cll nil kimis "lone on short notice. „ E. G. SMITH. «OOT WO <!lTOE M VV'ER. l^romM atten- O tlon tri veil to Re pal in«. Shoo in J. -L fJilles' Imildins, next to Ylver hi i i-e, M<- tlonrv, Illinois. : w7 H. SAN FORD, Merchant rJTfiilov in the store of C. II. Oic.kinson, Eastside of ' ffflrWicRqu»re, WOOOHTOniC, 1LT,. A t<v»<t Stock of pine Cloths f!>r SnUi.ntrs aj. ays on hand. Suits ma le to order nnd a fit »y ^ , drarranted. G i v e m c a call. W. II. Woodstock, 111., Sept."27th. H" ANKOHP. J. A. SHSRWOOD AUCTK >M:KH AND APP-UAIS-EBr Algonquin, III. ALES of Stock, Paivninif Tool* and Gootls 7 of a l ! k i n d s p r o m p t l y • i t t o m l « ' d t o . Kami tales a specialty. DVflce address: Als Teruis re-isonable. Post Diuiuin. Ill- Saloon and Uesi^arant, SEAR TUB. DEPOT, . -ILLINOIS.. mcHzmXt ?!/>' * " r" and for ONLY S20 fora PHILADELPHIA SINGER of this ityle. Equal to any iSing«r in tho market, lle- tnriiibrr, we semi it to be xamiiifd before »/"»« ptty for i t . This is the same stylo utherconi|>anie8retail fur $50. All Machines vnrrnntPd for 3 years. Send fur Illustrated Cir­ cular and Testimonials. Address CHARLES A. WOOD & f0., 17 i \ . lentil St., I 'hiUdclphia, ra, The llWSt. Rmn ts of Wines, T.inuor? Clears' iitMM) » on Hand. Good Stabliuj Horses. -*-*•* ' ALSO ACS NIT FOVt Franz Falk'f, MILWAUKEE J Lager_B' rtoerin Larwir-Small Keas or*Bot tlos al w i vs on hand cheaper suiy other, "juali tv.considere.il. --, Tltis lioiM' hasa world vide repnt^t ioni up.'; ' s«-,od indues acknowledge it eiinitot oe sitr- raascU. in ill,® world. Qrtlors by mail promptly attended to. iQS. WIEDEMANN. Mellenr.y, 111. Ai'K- Will, 1. WS jVK M, CLOTllIKR, RICliMONP - - r ~ ILLINOIS, • Pro«ecntes all claim's |n al! biireans In the Denarl'.ueat of the Interior, Special alien, tion aivt-ii to •iiftlenl't ' or rejected ' e.lahiis. Careful attention aiveil to all inai lev of iui- porlance f)|lii 'e.it the IV ^n. 11. Cowl in, Woo. t-loci; vl 11. Uu siness w ill lie at- li 'ii lei' lo hv Mr. Cowlin in inv absence. I sh ill ,-ilwavs he-lheri'on S;it nv l 'iys, :<nd slvill hi- HI t he olUc.E ot -I. T. field IN, Esq.. M i re a '-'o, on the lirst Krida v in oath uioy th. Al! leUers of l-liusiness nature must contain stamp for repiv. A. WENDELL^.".':,, ummmLm joiitsr filcHenry, III. IVHI take oonrrm'ts f»r putting up Itutt<11<>ar^ iinil- iriitiiaiifee mv «v«>rk will fo^iipare with any man in the Slate. I t '-iii an«l will do work from l"> to 'X per ffiit ohi'iiper than other farpe'nt I have two l i t my hoys ivlm work with me. which iuaUt'8 it jiostible for , tne to llO;RO. I. . - All .Tolw in tlie ln*f •proili J>t1y^ t<v. Gi ve me a.f.tH. A. wsrmsLL. PoWilOt, tor sale. Kishi AU kind s of Hpoi AND UEl A good P.reer Gun. vvarr:tiitetli Wii.cU«-t or Rif Nickel l> latent Selfeoci A tfood -l>li Single (• ii i • I will u; Gil n sand j»»od :-Ti'.ii i: wiilj I 'warranl eve Ulotlifs nc^r li-olU irmaii, ICK, IL-L-> IN -- zzle Loading uns» i s , uM 0|ruri<tt«t G oo<ls, TNG DONE. |i«jr. Huiblg Barreled lOdcl, IS shots, $25. tcv"l i er. #'2.50. lull 1> >? Pistol, 9R.O0. I, UHK'CII Loading, BOHS - iiort rsell. in the ftountyin If y*Mi. want a -ail and see me. Xo\v that the cleiks liftve-tto their desks from their toting furloughs, and the new force given by Oongress at tlie last session have heconi" some- what familiar with th»-lr duties in the various branches of pension Adjustment, we may look lor a handsome increase In the number of cast** adjudicated each week o*er the average of past montlu. >Ve hope tlie weekly total will soon mount up 1 nt;» the thousand*. Every old soldier, for hia children's sake,should endeavor to take advan­ tage of the preference granted hint in the matter of homesteads while there are still left millions of acres of the finest farming land in Kansas and Da* kola. Kvery man who.vftil lea?e a •jnarter of a section of tlris land to his family will go to the next world assur­ ed that those who survive him will not want for the bounties of life. The time which a soldier employed in the defense of his country stands to his credit as so many years to he deducted from tiio^e which an ordinary citizen is obliged to live upon Ms homestead before lie can lecure A patent for land. ' , .• . •:••'>"•' ' trooim and batteries were to he sacri-' commissioner,when the ueo^nslty . .. i aiir A liced to ihe army. .They were put rher# j ^ j aro i,»|Tpy tour mmty to hold .the victorious enemy ill check i to wlmw thin circular h-w «»<> «|i(»lica- nntiI a line could he formed. The coo j fi>»n; prohahlv silmo.st a« many as ther« federate*, flushed whTi vict.HT »»d en ! t rP rw ^'hom H *nA wome '1 t '«sifsi-: r^WIT^nvi IWjip> j L,JT rs repairod and L'rice por Woodslorii, Julv l. 'l /!. stiERMXtf. ISS-2. JOHNSBURCH M A R C U S ' GERMAN vv. Manufactured by r. MARoxrs, --DEALER IN- PURE WINES, L1QU0 & AND CIGARS. 1 Woodstock III. iPIie best Tonic in the world. Put W&skk Ymt ami Quart Bottlea. * • F. MARC US, Pat©ntee. /•".-Ii. Bonslatt, Near the Depot, McHENRY - - - ILLINOIS. Keens constantly on hand.the ilnest biands OfjJriour and Keedrtfsll kinds, which JiseiWlJl *«y at Wholesale or Retail at • ; " Bottom Prices^ t Five different brand* of Piour Always "on hau l and warranted as represented. Flax Seed Meal Always on Hand WKlour dolivere 1 anywhere in the Cor Soration. Orders mir tie given by Postal a*d, lijx W7j,Post ofllco. ME A CALL. WOK I; HENRY MILLER; --DEALER IN-- Aaerican aad Foreip MarWe. Monuments, Headstones, ETC.. ETC., ETC. American & Scotch Granite Constantly on Han<L Shop Two miles Northr df Me Henry, 111. ? r Johnuburffh A*«, ®0tb, JS77 B* RAINTHORP, Rinajwood - - IpSnofs. To (he jjeoplc <if Rinrnvood and vicinitV"F would resppctf'illyf; wijy tliat 'have oppited a -^toi'o iiftai" t!ic- iJepot, where 1 will pay the highest mark<;t value for Lffjfs,- Kniter., and other produce, .canh or trado Heinir immaterial to me. I shall keep on hand a select stock of Groceries and Flour, which with choice brands ot < i- irars'a-iut Tohacco, I am <r<>injr to s(.|l at prices to defy cotnptftitlon, and thoHjrh I ' liavo met with "a nni< h more li!»t";il patronage than I had expected, F shall yet hold out iIs calculated to increase my trade and secure si larirer custom. ' ' f. RAINTHORP. Rixfiwooi), III.. June l"th, lfWi liirois. ">:iavinsc-re8tte«|4be store lately occupied by J, \V. Ci'istv,oan ril ivia Illle Hit Willi a lirst . " tohisfc • '• Hook ot Dry Goods, THE CREAM of all BOSXS fif ADVENTURE. P!on Heroes ilu'iUinu' advonturea ash During Dcecs L. BONSLETT. Th>' iluiUiiiu' advonturea of all tin; I plorevs and frontier- llphtevs witii Indians, outlaws and wild beasts, t>ver the whole country, from the earliest times to* the pres­ ent. Lives ;md famous exploit# of Desoto, I.HSalle, Hiaijdish, H>>one. Kenton, Brady, CiocUeit, ii< wie, Houston, Carson. Custer, California Joi , 1Vi 1 d Bill, Buffalo Bill. Gener­ als Miles and Hiook, jrreat Irnllnn Chiefs ami score* of o( lit"S GORGEOUSLY ILLUS- TRATEP will li* llne eii '^nivIII^S to the life. AffEXTS W:tf I t D. Low priced and beats auvthinx to seU GROCERIES! (GROCERIES! O* O Ha rintr removed hi« store to Colby's liriek itloi'k is now jji'<>|i i. '0U to olTei- to the buying public a full line of CHOICE FAMLY GROCERIES, Oixiiiiod GOOCIN. CICiAlt, TOBACCO, FIFES, MyrQpoda are all-fresh an4 will solif*at the lowest living prices. _ I also keep a full s|nek of Gun Material lisliinff Tackle, Minnow Heins, Hinninocks, and in fact uverythinjr pevlainir.fC to Ki»hii«sj and Huiilini-', can be found at my btore at reasonable I'riee.s Violin^. Aeoriluous, Picalas, Flutes, Violin sti injrs, ano all oilier extras for VioliliK. J|y stock.-, of fIN WAl^Eis complett. Call and examiue it. 1 guarantdA Prices that defy ail competition-. , M ENGELN on lon(f <reolt end any term*, in a mild climate, free from &*•$ ^ S fe* V\ S heaTy snows, Might N ii;ir frosts, and e*- f.ULLlO.JS OF ACRES B cvvdTe rains for saie in tbe COLDEN CELT of Kansas, by the UK'.GN PACIFiS SfilLWAT, of cs rich Ooll an tlae nun ever »,hone on, with e"i:od iii>trl.cl8 east and west. For Descriptive and Illustrated 2too/<l tcith Slaps, Sent Free, Address LAND COMMISSIONER,--Kansap D fvl«Jcl WW% ' ""r~ ' Motions, Grocer it»K, : ISoots itiii Shoes, FIat4 and Caps, :"v. 'Etc.,-"' • . v - . I am now prepared to pive the biiylnir public as urood b irialns -is-eau be found in any gen­ eral store. " I do no' claim to sell lower than anybody et-e, but I do claim to sell jtood Good.-at liv­ ing prices, and fniarau|ee everything as rep­ resented. My »u«k w NEW. FIESW AXD COMPILE, And compi i-es every thtnsr usually found ill a General Couiury . tore All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for goods, GIVE ME A CALL. B. K. 1>U KKs5. RlVGWOOO. Aug. 15ltl, lStJ2. 'X5 Novelty and Variety BAZAAR! ST a riosEu r; y'i: Magazines, Booka, Novels* i^rusic. All Musical..Journal", Libraries, ong and JoUe Rooks, l.etter Writers, Games. Pl'iys f Dream Rooks, Motto Verses and cards. Toys and Tov Books. Inks. Mucilage, Writing Pa- Pe.ncils, I 'ei.s, s«-tiool and Blank Books, '^Helc Tar* «• Soldier*. ,:j•;; j- (I.ondon World.] ' •*) Otta of t lie di fflcttl t ies of lug the naval hrijfride on shore is to got theinkto understand military words of command. I bun (tymp.tthize with the Atufl olllcer vyho tried, hut in vain, to get H battalion of sailors to manoMivre •round tlie isorner of a house. Fie gave •rtll the orthodox and regulation words ...^ Ui.iifjif Hfln-.il '^"lirl iiff > | to left shoulder forward," »Se„ but Jack reiiiaiiicd obstinately llxcd. At last a naval ollicer. vviio was standing hy, on being appealed to, solvd the question, '•net them lirotind that hon«e? Is tlrat all yon wnut? Here! Bine-jackets." lie cried, "luft, and weather that housip !'- Tiie snilors w<*re round the corner in a i winkling. A Plea for I lie ItHttln flags. t^roin the Kansns City Journal. ^The captured battle tla^s, having for rears lieen on exhibition in tjie Wl;i- der hnildiusa;, near the War Depart­ ment. are being packed away In boxes, as ilie space they occupied is required for other purposes. This storage means ttnal"obliteration, and not so long a time will accomplish what rats, til.ice and roaches failed to do. In the name of the noble list of martyrs who I'eli t" save and capture these relics, may not some oilier disposition be made of liirin ? An elbow friend sug­ gests that the Union flags be returned to the organizations--if they exist -- who lost t lie in in the reverses of bat­ tle; and flie rebel trophies to their regimental organizations. We say* ho. Did any nation in huniau history eyer jjive hack"the colors around which the rebels rallied ? Uod forbid! If we haru't room in t'>e ninseiim buildings in Washington,-just give the Grand Army of the Kepuhiie a chance to erect one especially ior their reception 'and for v National Mecca," where Grund Encampments nitty annually convene at the National Capital under their own.fruit-tree'; where the muster-roll -- growing greallv less every year--mat' be called; and as the feeble cdio of the past comes down the. corridors of .tiihe from the mustrr-roll responded to In heaven, these precious souvenirs may stand in glass cases--living witnesses of a gr*?at and glorious struggle for perpetuation of the free Republic--to remind t-s that there vyere patriots in those days. > Take 'them up tenderly, liar'Hc with er,re In tattors so slenderly, in saiods tiiey lay there. » In teal's and blood stepped, r - ;- Witii woe and SOTOW heaped. T.et not, other teeth than tli^ well- guarded tooth ot time ever deface their ions folds. We might snr from rajfed ht f resistence on'a field they con­ sidered w6n. yelled like demo;:*, aiid poured an Incessant fire IIJJOII the Union jjuns. The resriment 6upp«>fting the batteries lay prone upon the earth very still, while our artillerr returned the enemy's tire. The tdiells cume •creaming over nnd into the regiment, not singly, uot n« skirmishers, but as If in columns. It was the first Iwtttie of .the regiment, Hetween the brief pauses of joadUig :ind Uriug, the men could hear the sharp eotumands of the cqnfederate ofHceis, "l.oad an«i fire"* It was the mouth of hell or gate cf lie*veII formally of liieni. The ilien shlvei*0(l UIkI thrilled; it was .appalling, yet it, was glorious--to be living tills niliiitte and jitfssilily dead the next. That was their situation, Ollicer after ollicer, soldier after sol­ dier, were Mruek and heard no more on earth. Ijt-'wjjs awful. Tile wounded uioamtd stul cried for water; the living --well, some trie'd to pray; some shut their eyes and shivered as the shells came crashing through ; the cracking of the flames consuming the .Chancellor House were clearly heard. What uid they feel or fear, those men being slaughtered score by score• What vis­ ions of eternity, on the dreary edge of winch they were, flashed tip in their souls? V\hat did deatli mean? ^Vait till you arc there to know. But In that regiment, being^rspldly thinned by (he shells of the confeder­ ates, I romenvber a man nnd his COH> duct. Ho was first corporal,and dressed the company on the right. Tall he was and goodly to look upon, a fanner's lad Irom Pennsylvania. We heard a voice, strong, clear, serene, coitldent; we looked, aurf then on the right of the company, sitting upright, tlrm, while all of us b y down flat, we saw the cor­ poral. llis face was cold, a smile played over his features. He was so cold, so serene, tie seemed to be look- injj away heyoiul the enemy's lines to something we djdr.ot see--to be utter­ ly indiflerent - t6 lh<» death-dealing shells. Here is what 1 heard from this corporal amjd the carnage of the bat­ tle: "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in lime of trouble; therefore will we not fear though the earth be removed and the mountain wliii are cous^ie nt inns and hone*t lite discharge of their duty, have m* eann st commendation, and such I shall delight to honor; hut there are. unfor­ tunately, too many whose cnndiirt in this respect has lulled lorth this order, sijiid such will do well to heed tl<«* warning herein addrewd to tl*em. However, this.circular will he hande I to all, and tlr^se to whoin it *ppil«* will readily recognize t!ieinselre» in the picture drawn. I hope it will «os become necessary" to administer !jevt*re a rebuke.again. Chiefs of division* are herehy requir­ ed to furnish the chief ulerk weeklv w4tl» a report showing the name* of1 those wiio. after the delivery -of this circular to them continue the embezzle­ ment Of time c.implaSned of. and t<» whom this oJj-<yjl$r lias special refer- ence--no matter What tiieit grade oip lw»>ilion, " ' Wk, W. Di 'IUKT, .v .si .•.••:• Commissfoiter. ' ;«->v *"• ' <>1"' ! I --* •'."jBuCATIOM OF APPKKMTI«J®*,.-;jg A f j(iringtlehl. fMass.) flrni of Inm manufacturers has recently put In prac­ tice a no'-v system "of apprentloeshli* which promises good results. It Is In­ tended fo comhlwo.Jlie thoroughly prac* ticai edhcation of the shopwith the the" oretlcal education of t he school, fn other words, it is an indtisi rial school in which more time will be given to practice !*• stead of theory. They propose to re­ quire of the apprentice 58 hours a w*e'< of work in the shop an l nlno hours of study. The tenn of approntlceshlu for those hegititling to learn a trade wrh* sre under 20 years,of age is six ye*r« In which time under thi* system. It it believed that an apprentice will b« qualified to rank .vith the best Jonrtiey- man ami to earn the same wages. Thos» who are over 20 year* of ago are allow-, ed to finish their apprenticeship In IW* years, an I those who have worked in a shop nrejadvanced according'to pron- oiency. All applicants are taken from four to twelve weeks on trial, and IC not sat 1 factory are then? dismissed. The'rates they pay for labor range from five to twelve cents per hour, de­ pending upou agM and years of appreit* tlceship. The firm also pay two cents per hour additional.into a reserve fund which is paid to those apprentices who finish their full term of appren­ ticeship; for six years this ammonnts to 8400. The scheme in t his shop grew out of the difficulty experienced in getting thoroughly qualified machinist® pers M ips, c iv» 'I a 1 &K4 othc article* dm*, i'.ill irs. Ciar-irs, aii»t not-here mentione1, at til# Bazaar, KcHenry, III. AGENTS WASTED, And I H^MES Home Life- ITow to attain Good Health. I>on^' Life and Hippv Homes. How to prevent disease. How when, and what to eat: Cloihiug Ac cideiits. Care of the sick. Marriage--its pur­ pose .duties and pleasures. Birth and care oj cliib'iren --their phvsical, intellectiial am mora l training and government. - Social and bu sir-ess lite. The Jaws of health. Signs ""d IreriTiiient of disease. uepresents tlic life work, experience and ob-'ervii"ions of an em- inent phvsiciaii.ar.il confiins important ir. formal ioii that Fathers, Mothers, Hnsliiinds, Wives, Yonns Men and l.aiiies. Iloys and (,irl* oiightto know. Nothing . like it ever published. Sells at sight. Send'for Circulars and terms. P. W. ZIKCI.KR A C.-.v ' li* Atlaui# dt.# Chicjigo, 111. carr1«i»l l 'ifi o"the "ifeiitliforriitlRlrFif the Lord of.llo.-ts is with us; the God of Jacob is tour refuge." The voice and prayer of tlii« corporal silenced many an o:itil, flirted many a groan, and nerved lis to stand it out irf no shriek of life or battle'druni had ever done. P the widow's soul t'liey are dear above all else. part of us. Xlie Brave Corporal at Uli*nO*llor»»l!I®' [From a Sermon by Rev. Dr. I'aMon.] I remember when the fight was on and the field \vas lost, nnd a beaten and broken army were falling back at Chancellorsville. I reniember n regi­ ment of soldiers in position behind batteries of artillej v near the Chancel­ lor home. The wounded cried ptteons'y for aid; the shells crashed through the woods; it was an hour of dread and despair for the Union soldiers, or exul­ tation and fiepe for the confederates. All the troops had fallen hack in dis- order.---a new line was being formed mora than a mile to tliti rear. The The Kmbosileinenc of Time"^-Commis­ sioner Dudley's Circular to His ClorKs. The-following circular addressed hy Commissioner Dudley to Ills clerks telU Its own story: DEl'ARVMKVROKTHE IVTERIOR, PKXSION OIFICE,November 11,1882 CIRCULAR. 1 am very sorry to be compelled to call this marked, attention of the em­ ployes of tins office to an evil that if there is power enough vested tn me, and I think there is. .shall no longer re­ main as a "tig ill a upon this office. In return for the pay you receive for your--Services.. 'you owe the Govern­ ment and the almost despairing claim ants before-this office six and one half •hours of holiest, industrious lafior every working day, except Saturday, and live and one-half hours on that day. and any encroachments you make upon' that time lor any purpose, or upon any ex­ cuse, save only actual sickness &rleave of absence, is'at the expense ot your personal h<»nest v. Now, von would not wish it known 10 the country and its defenders that the liflet n .minutes at morning and at noon to get from the street to your xiesk |s taken by you from the time which is theirs; nor would you like them to know that the half hour allowed for lunch is extended to'nearly an hour bj' your eating luuch when you should be,rtt work, and spend­ ing the lunch-time OR tlie street. Would yon wish claimants who are wail ing and hoping t ha! you will settle their case* £oon, r that the winter wolf •may ho kept from, the door, to witness the cut ire cessation of work which with many too often take place at quarter past twelve ami quarter before lour-each day. that you may be out of 'the oflice at i"2:30 ind 4 o'clock? Hereafter each clerk or employee must allow himself or herself ample time before office hours to enter tiie office ami be al his or her desk so as to lake up work promptly at a and 1 o'clock, ahd not lay it down until 12:30 and fyur o'clock. And 1 simply have this to say. that this office will here­ after have no use for any clerk, exam­ iner or reviewer wild will not devote to the work of ihn office six -uid one- half hours each day. except Saturday, and live and one-half hours' on that day. , No-example is furnished by n single officer of litis bureau <or tiie reckless waste of time, which it is my -Intention by Kris circular order to put an end to, nor can mere be any reasonable excust; ottered for it. Let it be well under-' stood by every employe of his bureau that go«»iJ. moral 'diameter, correct habits and a conscientious discharge of duly, both as regards the time employ­ ed and the clTOfact' r of work done, command and will leo-h e tiie conimen- daj/ion a Ml respect of the officers of lids bureau; and that their oppuailM are tiie surest voad to dismissal. There is IIO necessity fe*- Sundry work, save in very r»re'uiid exceptional' cases, and it will 'be discontinued here* alter." Admit lance to :t.he office will be denied on Sunday, and except Irom 8:30 a. in. to 4:30 p ui. on oihel days of the week, to ail e xcept officers of t.hfc •tini WI.AII aif«*>inpfc »«• "31™ *•»« rj old protilein of how to continue the ^ system of apprenticeship now fallen , into disuse. It Is stated that this flrtn j have already more applicants than they ; can accept. The scheme *eems worthy of a trial, and is well calculated to pre-» dnce workmen not oily competent fer j the ordinary routine of *sl»op work, bin ^ competent to design and devise g the execution of work. Tbe scheme reminds lis of the tlm* when i apprenticeship was fashionable amoug ruechaulcs. .v SOUbTHING TO LIVg FOR. l. ."Jttlfiw been asserted by scientific sue- \ geons that the wIH-power of a sick man has a great deal to do with his dying, and tiie case of Charles O'Conorls cllfted evidence, A Rtlli stronger case oc­ curred in Michigan the past stitniner, . An old man, living In the northern part of the State, gol out a lot of timber, many years ago, for a toil-road com­ pany, but the company failed, and left him in tbe lurch. For years and years lie tried to sejl the timber to this one or that, but no one wanted it, aud la«t time and decay rendered tbe beams almost worthless. Last summer the suj»cr-visors of that county advertised for proposals to build a bridge, and tbe old man put in a bid. While walling to see. ivlmt would be done, he was taken sick,ami lie grew worse so raplQ- l.v that a council of doctors was galled. After due cfeliberatlou.he was informed that lie was approaching bis end. "When will I know about that bridge?" he coolly asked. "The bids will be opened tO-day.w "Well, I'll send John over to whr gets the job, and my living or dying will depend on the news." „ At five o'cloek In the afternoon th« son and the family physician 4»flTed ii company. The old man was ueithei better,nor wofsc. '"We'll* i^ T»sl»«l, M^irn ap proaohed. 4 » - '•Our bill was fteoept#<T. fatther." "And we've got the job?" '••lTei; but lU« doctor *ay»; you ctli' live." " " ^ : ;* * '*< oan't, •uly going if ^H-ve to buihl that bridge, but l*m golit;j| to wor* that square limber into it M| to the last foot, or my name isn't Rogers!-* • - 5 ' * It is a fact,- for lyr a dot' good men, that be was oft tlk£t dyln^ bed in a week, amjj in less th tu a for uigkL.be. was at work on ttm Uv^'Afc* -- Free Press. --jj Cet the Besfiw Wel'ster's Dictionary l« llM bft Fver* family should have a ctipr. A I ison's WelisierV l»ici iotiary,tauitatiiit>; over 31*0 illustrations. Ml.tH)0 wot.U MO phrase}!, comprehensively defined, ltd tads and fables, foruigu w^oriki IUI phrases, pronouncing v«H*al»Mlary bureau, ilii. l ot division and the law i >ci:i |.tnre and ptoper nautes. I|M cierk aud .11 ord. is in conflict tlitfre- | •»> thoh.gical am classical names. I it j with are-lesVii.ded. Lxcej.a. u to the j led States ̂ nsos lor 1*S0 and mat* | rule governing admit I ai.ce l.«> l tie bulivl lor ! other iiMtiil «abhis. P««ip-»ii| loroitl soldiers supporting the batteries were. l ing J-ui u. m,ui« by the cuict 4}t<?rk,oii«|1'»> «*«"< tAdd*e« K- floreww AC alone pu a joot 411J bloody tiuid. ol tho d. puty -•« ' | .uu 1% M. «IMi

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