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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Dec 1882, p. 4

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r •:' , ->, • >A .'••^ ;4»>'. . ' ,. J rvj '• -, , : ' . ,'t H-'/,- ,e. ' » •" '*V • <o • . w . *• ' ' "5 >| •>«! ;\v t, . ' •> -»»• . .<„. r.'A.L £ \ 3 ^ J K * r*J :,js .» : "v . : • , ? & y,1 Ifi P left WEDNESDAY, DEC. 6,1S82. VANSLYKE, Kditoi- M^Oiir ^xHianges arc asking tlie u«atinn "wlio shall b«* the next Soiwi- r from Illinois ?" Of the candidates •lionet--1T'nliom,Ojrlwby, Sliutn.m, nm and Hamilton--our choice *ould Honest Old Pick Oglysby. (^"The President's Message I n , full H be found on the inside page* of hl« paper, and although we have not time to read It rare folly, we hear t pronounced a very instructive and atlsfactory document. W« shall speak ore at length In relation ta4|%j«iext *eek. i h According to tl»e Genesco JYrips %he Kewaunee hank paid $3,600 for de­ tective service in capturing and con- jHcting the burglars wlirt lablwcl that mtitution. I f sn, it was a good i lives t- i-lwent. If the criminal practice of com- S|f>iromlstng with robbers an<l defaulter*' Hfprer® leas In vogue criincs wojujdbe • J* wep.; ' / «V ' A WIOHTKOUS ACT. It has been believed for a long time that certain government officials In Washington were more o* less mixed up with the star route gang. The mat­ ter it seeiiis WHS considered at a cabi­ net meeting, when it was- referred to Hie Attorney General who submitted a roport. The report implicates Charles F. TTenrv. marshal of tlie District of Col­ umbia; D. B. Ainger. postmaster of Washington: M. M. Parker, assistant postmaster; M. D. Helm, foremen of the government printing office. In charge of the Congressional Record, and manager of tbe seurrnlous after­ noon newspaper organ of T. J. Brady, and ex-Senator G. E. Spencer,govern­ ment director of the Union Paci tic rail­ road--all o.f whom were in mediately removed by .the president. • The blow fell without warning, the meu so summarily removed • ex­ pecting nothing of the kind. There are rumors of the president's intention to remove other officers, among them "Assistant Postmaster General Hatton and Assistant , Secretary of the Treas­ ury New, but it does not appear that they have any foundation in fact, Tbe dismissed post master and assis­ tant postmaster insist that they are innocent and1 demand a thorough' in- ' An end of the Scovilie business vesication of the charges against |c promised, and it is said that Mr. tl»em. The vacancies are uot all filled Scoville will withdraw his opposition to bis wife 's feuit for divorce and make bo further attempt to get her into an fnsanc asylum. Everybody will be glftd if this is true, but it ouglitfto be Accompanied by an injunction to com- pel the entire family to keep their troubles to themselves. v 4 t®*The negro Allen, the murderer •f Officer Wright In Chicago a few day? s'nee, was captured In that city on Sunday last after a desperate Cght,' in %hich one officer was severely wounded •nd the body of the detestable mtlr- derer literally filled with bullets, which causedlhls'death in a few moments af­ ter his capture, The murder of officer Wright was one of the most cold blood­ ed on record, and the sunmnry manner tn which the murderer paid the penalty ff Me crime was gratifying'. 10 A le;ter now comes to light tohtch was| writ ten to President.Arthur by Wayne McVeagli. soon after the former had succeeded to the presidency . •ad while the latter was still attorney holding over from Prxident . .»i*iOarfleld's cabiu«t. Its interest, as a part of the star route literature, is rather greater at this ti.me than when It was published, since the president's paction In relation to these cases has brought public attention sharply back to the subject. The main purpose of %he letter is to calmly re-state to tbe president the reasons why Mr. McV*»gh WM unwilling to yiefd to 1«SK solicit*- to remain In the cabinet after the {j.-i - . .Jdeath of President Garfield. The pub- Sjii #|llc now knows, from the - subsequent j |of events, that the view of the matter whicli it now appears was taken by the then attorney general, «was cor­ rect and well founded. The president * has doubtless felt the anomalous and extraordinary position in which he has ^liimself beenfplaced by*tlie*attltude of ' »en like Gorhani, who have not ceased to da. in the past year, what McVcagh then anticipated their doing, nauveli*, praising the president fulsomely on the One hand and abusing everybody direct­ ly connected with the star route trials •••tindecently on the other. The presi­ dent has very tardily taken a step well calculated to relieve him from the fair implication which the public has been aampalled to draw from this state of facts. If he had done it earlier it might not now;he necessary to re-try the star route thieves. There are rumor%from Washington that the president has not finished the work of decapitating offi­ cials who are knowu to have retarded the executive justice In these cssesf There are passages in McVeagli's letter which plainly indicate that District Attorney Corkhili is one ot them. but Mr. Tnlloch has been npppointcd postmaster. He was formerly secre* retary of State of New Hampshire and in 1S72 was secretary of the vepubll- can congressional committee. The president has performed a most righteous act and he has not done it a day too soon. We liaye no iloubt it is true as the attorney general states, that the officers of the law land those who have been aiding him it! the dis­ charge of his duty in this busines have been from the lics.1 'encircled with Snares, pitfalls and every species of vile device'that-co«Id be. invented to harm them\ hinder their usefulness and pre­ vent. the administration of justice. '.'Some portions of this community who surround these defendants and who have enjoyed, or do stil". enjoy minor official positions," sa.vs the at­ torney "general, "know no allegiance to any one but ill is band of robbers &nd render no service to any one but their evil employers. From motives of gain or other crftrupt considerations they are saturated wi*,h affinities for the-e bad men. and they have contributed by every means in their power, at the bidding of their masters, to obstruct public justice and to defame its officers with the hope of securing the acquittal of the worst band of organized scout! rirela that ever existed since the eota meuo-ment of the government. *' This is strong language but Will any honest man dispute its truth? CRISWOLO LAKE- EDITOR PLAISDKA.1.KR:--Mr. Putman has finished his new house uear< Bur­ ton's Bridge, which makei. his little place look much better. Edward Alensbey !• attending schoof at Libertyville, where he will remain for the winter. The matrimoftlal fever has st ruck our little burg like a cyclone. On Monday, Nov. 27tli, Mr. Thomas Powers, of Me- Ilenry. and Miss Mary Kehoe, of this place, were united In the holy bonds of matrimony. The wedding took place at the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs.Geo. Walmsbey. A large concourse of friends and relatives were present. The presents were numerous and Cost­ ly. After the serving of supper all took to dancing, which was kept up un­ til the arrival of the "Prairieites" and their brass band which played the wed* ding march, after which all returned to their respective homes, wishing the happy couple a long life of joy and happiness. * James Kittle has purchased a new feed grinder, which Is ahead of any­ thing we have yet seen. He bought of Jerry Sherman, west of Mcllenry^ Charles Gardiner has rented his^faro! for a term of years. James Hughes ?ias been looking down In the mouth for some time back. When asked the reason lie spoke about llynes; ah hum. W.-H. Miulgett reports times in Iowa very good, and, we understand, intends to mo?e there In the spring. two Cood Books. * Chamber 8 Information for the People or 1001 Things Worth Knowing. cotu&- prisi^g the history and mystery of everything in common use. Vrabbe'i Handy Cyclopedia; or Explanation of Words and Things connected with all-' the Arts and Sciences, illustrated witli over 500 engravings nicely bound in loth. gilt, size about 6 by 8 indies and nearly two Incites thick. Retails at 91.50 Samples of either, to agents only, for #1. or botldfor #2. Address E. Brent <fe Co., South Bend, Ind. The largest stock of mens boys and vouths fine and coarse Boots ever brought to Woods'ock »it Hwlsrht's. New Life is given by using BROWN'S IRON BITTERS. In the Winter it strengthens and warms the system; in the Spring it enriches the blood and conquers disease; in the Summer it gives tone to the nerves and digestive organs!} in the Fall it enables the system to stand the shock of sudden changes. SHOES. ' 7-7 AM ANECDOTIC OK CONK LING. A story is told of Register Bruce and ax-Senator ^Coukling, which explains tha enduring friendship which the .fanner has for the New York Stal wart. There was considerable curios- to witness Bruce-s advent to the Senate. On the first (lay of the session the senator-elect entered the chamber by the center dt or. life colleague, Mr. Alcorn, saw him but did not rise to meet Itiin. No one else knew the •nan, cxccpt as hl« color Indicated. Be walked down the center aisle and presented his credentials in person. In all probability he was the only y<Mi- ator who was ever compelled to do that. The Vic® President arose and the new Senator was at once sworn In " Still alone andj ungreeted, Mr. Bruce passed to and took the seat lie had se­ lected. Then Mr. (Jonkling, who had been watching Mr. AlcornV marked neglect with nn air of scornful sur­ prise. walked ovef to the colored Sen­ ator, extended his hand and intro­ duced himself. *'This is Senator flmeeifof Mississippi. I believe? 1 am Roftcou Oonkliug. of New York, ami am glad lo be the first to welfome yon to this chamber." The act wa» noticed by a good many in the galleries and -on the floor, and won for Oonkling the Warmest friendship of Mr. Bruce. , KINU WOOD* -- EmnJir Pi. AjsBtS Cn- e f t r e t u r n e d o n T h u r s d a y f r o m t h e Black Hills region where he lias been engaged on gnvernuient survey for the past five mouths. Miss Annie Gree>» arrived on Tues­ day last af^r an extended visit In, New York and Massachusetts. She brought with her some specimens- and a collection of fine views. Wesley l.add and wife returned from Boston on Wednesday of last week, whither tliev went to attend the golden wedding oi a sister of Mr Ladd. Jack f.awson sVipped two car loads of hogs from this station to-day , James Bobbins is putting np a new wind mill for Win. Stevens, an Im­ provement which will save coneldera ble labor. Julius Vasey lias organized a sing ing class in the Sherman school dis­ tricts Singers from Ostend gather in ] jflid swell the clu^s.. Subscribe for theGazette, with R. Lawsou. John Bell has purchased the place formerly owned by Moses Jones (de ceased) JM»d will ntoVe to town ttext spring. " We understand the primary depart­ ment of our school will be under the management of Mi's Ada Granger, of Mcllenry, during the winter term. Mrs. Due re, of whom we wroteas be­ ing sick in our last communication, sank gradually lower till Wednesday last when she passed away from this life of Bu'flerit'%.. was taken to Wauconda on Friday for burial. Tbe family have the f-ynipathy of tlieir ne-v acquaintances and friends in this village. On Friday evening last our people were told that Miss Alice Beck was sinking rapidly, and many who had been In sttenrtunce during her long ill­ ness, hurried to see her once more and- foi^he last lime on earth, and while friends stood around to aid in any- thing'tliey might l»»» called to do, she became quiet, then calm In death. The funeral services were held in the M. E. Church Sundnp, at two o'clock*, after which sl»e was taken to Rich- monfl'lWburial. A«ARD. • I wish in this public manner to offer my heartfelt gratitude to tlif>se who so kinflly befriended me and my family during the recent illness and burial.of my wife, hoping I may tie able to re­ turn their kindness, should any of tliem be called to "pass through a like ordeal. B. K. DtfcKS. In no way can disease be so surelv nreventeH as hy ; 2 / keeping the system in per­ fect condition. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS ensures per­ fect * health through the changing seasons, it disarms the danger from impure water and miasmatic! air, and it prevents Consump­ tion, Kidney and Liver Dis­ ease, &c. H. S. Berlin, Esq., of the well-known firm of H. S. Berlin & Co., Attorneys, Le Droit Building, Washing­ ton, D. C., writes, Dec. 5th, 18&1: Gentlemen; I take pleas- are in stating that I have used Brown's Iron Bitters for ma­ laria and nervous troubles, caused by overwork, 'with excellent results. Beware of imitation;. Ask for BROWN'S IRON BIT­ TERS, and insist on having it Don't be imposed on with something recom­ mended as "just as good** The genuine is made only by the Brown Chemical Co. Baltimore, Md. Japanese Crepes. In order to Introduce our .Tiiinmeae Pfepe go«ds wo wlli send postpaid to •Ity address on receipt of fiftv eeni'e. or IT th»-e»-cent ctamns. the following; 1 window banner. slz« 13 bv 24 inches, with rich color and deep border; l 1 j<Vv. •Is* 8 bv 11 Inches very liaudsotre ; .1 lamp mat. 27 inches in circumference ferfectlv lovely : 1 wall screen. I irge and banrieetne. Address. F Florence 4 €5*., P. Oftboy jpfio South Bend Iml. : Pwigh* n>>tke« a spepialtv of the ^<dz band-made Veal f~»|f. Veal Kip, French •f»d A «ne 'li'sjt Calf, Pup au.d sfoi»n J in ftoottf. and CHU save }ot* trvUl to 60c #nd 91 .CO j tr pair. A flue Frcneh Calf hand-sewed Boot- at Dwiylu'a. • And McHenrv ffoods at AN.D WINDER TRADE phow you the finest line of these poods ever brought to >unty. B«meiaber we buy aiiU s«il Jor €ash, bay our Prices, apd will «>1ve you such bargains that it will pay yi>u fo come from any part of the county to trade with us, no matter how great m'* Dry Goods... and . -• ^ . '; ' i ; • T ' We shall inake a specially of DBY GOODS AND CLOTHING for tip, ; ;; ' . --X,- ; :UM We have ^11 immense stoek of each and are prepared to exhibit an assortment found'nowhere els^ in towi^^rWe have i v'0ry large stock of Men's and Youth's f the di^nce.We a full lino of the SELZ feLEBRATED " HADE GOODS, ' t'onstantlyon hand, both ifine and coarse, for men, women and children. * W. H. DWIGHT, - Woodstock, lil. T, nuv. --___ J ^„1'0 veil Overcoats , and Ulsterettes^., ; And are willing to make very low priccs to dispose of them. . Es­ pecial attention paid to Ladies' and Misses' Cloaks and Dolmans at popular prices. A full line of Groceries, Paints and Oils always on haniU Call and examine. . : - ' « > • • • . / • " PEKR7 <& MARTIN". We have now arriving aod tu arrlve a nssorlinentof ? •' ^ Consist-ins of Va#es, Tea spt*, Ohimber Set8 Fane v Cups and Saucers, Miiks, and we have a choice line of BOOKS, / All to be.sold AT POPULABPEICES. Tlmt, wo th'nk, will please rnn if you will rail iimt ehanire about t i- ni. "Will give ynu nfitice ia the Loitel Column each week of sonic : 'f'- Vnlo, Bargtiin *Tbat ife have to offer. ^ HENRY §O0LRS. S,*1S8Z.; - - -DEALERS tN- Watches, Clocks,. Jewelrj, dilverand Plated Ware, B I S H O P ' S B L O C K MoHonrjr, 111. Haven fine line of Goods for the Holiday Tradr To Wlii«-n we invite the attention of f lic l>uy in* iiulilir, anil (iuaranle« that \v*> wiil please you both in >roo«ln and prices Call anil See u» Before Ptir- ^asin^ Yoiii* Presents. &Z SMITH & CLARK. Melleury, Deo. 5tl». 18H2. ' r * Atter Dece^WtT'jlSt, I will tell my stock of 1 | niuie--wnnoTrow, k hence it may b© Mahmoud's, or -let's, or Ahmed's. The one thing manent among us is the watchful ousy of the various nationalities. It le different Consuls that keep order 0, not the Turks; and, were it not this protection, Europeans could live in Turkey. The Turks are in- erent tradesmen. Nearly all the ps in Galata, and the whole of those ?era, are kept by Europeans. The jeks are the chief traders, though a art business is done by the Levan- os. The most fashionable shops are ench, but there are a few first-rate glish and American ones. A large „ss of Turks hawk their wares in the eet. They are for the most part e, stalwart, civil-spoken men. They |i>uhler enormous baskets, containing eeses, creams, fruits, vegetables, and ny other comestibles, and furnish re than half the alimentation of the y. The habits of these men are v simple; they live chiefly upon sad unci fruit; but they also know the ret of the pot au feu, and often I ,Ve seen a knot of them, after their y's work, grouped under a shed or on jreen spot of earth, mixing the "sav- v mess"--you will perhaps be shocked hear the pot contains vegetables (of lions a large share) stewed in oil! A •lu,* nav nvx\7iig vnoTOU suvtuwur aramani is the favorite food of the urkish upper classes. Paliff is also n everv-day dish, wherein Europeans Iso deiiglit. The chief fault of Turk- h cooking is the enormous quantity f grease and fat consumed, and the Ixcessive sweetness of many of Hhe lies. Animal Psychology. It lias been objected to those who »cak of the "emotions" of an ant or a for example, that we are not justi- ren stoi you tliet alon suit, the T out the for 1 root y rd in tl dilli HENRY COLBY! --DEALER IN-- abo' or t aloij ansj enoj quil tow turl th« pui inf liu Tli th< an> i t ' hu ^RIVERSIDEBLOCK, McHENRY, Every Department now complete with - Fall and Winter Goods And Fautcy Caods, 4f- A t * C o s t . And tbe oalftuce of my stock, oonsistinsr of Drv "Goods, Groceries, Boots. Shoes, l.niiips < roci.ir., and Glassware. 1 have a line line tl derived iaoia luw 1^ pa shi An Inspection of which is respectfrlly solicited. hit anii] he wl loi tb of ex GEORGE W. BESLEY 9 --DEALKR IN-- Tea and Gq££@9, Which will i>n son at the lowest livins |i>ri- ces. A lull line of ' ' Knit Goods, GLOVES AND MITTENS. Which I will sell cheaper than can lie bought elsewhere. Also a goo<l line, of Ho­ siery, (Tnderwear, Yarns. Klauncls, Ac. I have ;i nn>l full lino of Go.vis, ahit will sell rheaper than the cl>eai)eat--quality con­ sidered. OYSTERS, In Bulk or Can, always on hanfl. ' C. L. PRATT. WiVCONDA, Dec, 10, 1882. _i : Wauconda tl* --UEALKRI*- Fancy Groceries, Canned Goods, x Choice Confectionery NOTIONS, TINWARE, CUTLERY, CIGARS, TOlUfX'O,' &c., &r. From 2fl to B5 cents per pound. Wa inake f specialty of these goods. • My «t«ck is fresh and complete in every pnrilculur, and I will not tw» undersold, qnni- ity «>f troods considBri*<l limy none l>tit the l»est, and pnrchHsprs.w.ill find' it an object to call and see me lie fore purchasing. Quick Hctleci At Hmnll Profit Is mr motto, an<l it will no lived np to. E "W. BROOKS. Wauconda, Oct. 25th, 1882. Whose Store can be foiihd on the West Side, wheae everything this line can be fouud, Fresh and Pure. KVPT bronffht to Me Henry bounty, among which Bcan >>e tound the Bonnor Liornry, Princess Library, Harrison & Smith Safety Lamp and a fine line of Bracket and Hand Lumps of every description which .will be sold at prices that. dof'v competition." Call and see their nefore purchasing. Pliy niciaiis Prescriptions Caretully Compounded. Give nr enCali^ G.W BESLEY McHcrtTj, 111, Oct. 20th, 1881. Guard iah'j i Sale Estate. of Real FOR riiK or tHE Rpst line of *Yiirne at >Jar«s & Bart- lett's, CASH BUTTERS. f 1»uv foiTiiPli.**p'|l for raslt. nan an«l will p^II v^u jrooilf lit lower prices than any credit store. <"all and I will con­ vince yon. O. C. OOT.BY, Ntinda. Boys' Overpoate at lett'B. •T--'i " -- .Mayes & Bart- <? A?k any on« Who lias H»d pfetnres made at Rennett'u wliat tliev think of theiu and then uotico the reply. - AGENTS WANTED MARTYR PRESIDENTS. - AltltAllAM I.IXPOI.N, "From I'iotienr lloinc to \A'hit<! Ilriusc.," inid jam I'.M AISKAM (iAK- K1KT.II. "From l.o>T I'ahin to White HOIIMO." In Kmrii^h and ticrtnan. Illustrated with lino slci 'l ensravinjf.*. By an eminent author. AKo for the only lnrirc eteel jKirtntit of Gar­ field. Send for'extra term*. THE HENRY B«.L Prw.tMiiko-Co., ----- NORWICH. CONK, HOUSE AND LOT KOR SALK.. . I older my lioii^e and lot. situated in tTifi village of Mcllenry, for Pale. There in a jro'td burn, out hont-ets HII *in:ill fruit on the premises.. Will be aolu *>u r«asouablf wruis. Apj^y to ^ - li. EMCELH HAS ESS3 MOVED, But we are Rtiii to %a »a«»ei»iace, rwajrto do all kinds ot : ; General Repairing, On xnort notice *nd at reasonable ratec. \Te would also call the attention of thoae wi»hi.ng to. buy to our • Whieh we are "filing at very 'ow pricee WAGONS, CAHUIAUKS, Cutters -and 5Uig5», Mn<|e to order. Ci rear of f'»'*nohtei? ,S Henry, UII.IHIK " V T^e Mcllenry Brick Mannfarturinjr Com panv arc now ready to «up(>ly firick in quan­ tities FE011 SMALL LOTS --TO-- • Car Loads. Their Wrick are second to none-to be found in the nvirfcet, and will be sold at the lowest market )irice. I 'ernons intending to huiM, or those hand-, lin* brirk, will do well to call and »ee us he- lore | iii<'lm»in>r. Kor further nti 'orinaiion apply to or addreas. HcHcnrj Brick Maonfactirins BY virtue of an order >f the Connty f?ou*t of Mcllenry County, in the •'late of 1111 n<ii«, made at the November term thirreof. A. !>., is*<'i, upon the petition of the nniierj<i!?nt*d, (fu;irdi:m of («eo. O. <tnrr, <iuv W. Starr, <.'ora M. Starr, Chns. I.. Starr :»nd" Kva P. Starr, minors,! will, on the 21»t.da> of December next, between the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon, and five o'cb.ck on the afternoon of Kai/i itny, sell :»i public vendue on th<* prein. i?es, the following described real estate, »il- uatcd in the Town of l*>rr. County of Mc­ llenry and state of Illinois, to.wit: I.ot No. two hundred ind seveji ly-eitriit, (27^) of AH. lessor's t>lat of the Town'of Ilorr hk made bv John Brink, in the Ueconler'* oflice of said count v, on the Wth d;»v of lleccmber, A. D., W.4 Also I .ot* one. (1) two, (2) and tniee, (3) in Hlock Tour (•) of \sa W. smith's plat near the c ity of Woodstock in naid county, paid Itlock four (4) beinpr • numbered l ot one hundred and seventy (170), on said Assessor s ybit, in section eight (<) in said town of Dorr. Tenns cash. ASA W- SMITH, Guardian. Dated this J3tU day of Sov. A. £>., Jbrt In C»ll'*nd see us. : Shop In "a5" Blacksmith Shop, My- UclTAnri. III., Kor. 27, ISO. TRIPP BROS. McHENRY July 5th, ILLINOIS. ATTENTION STONE MASONS 'TMlK llijfhwnv Commissioners of the Town I ofHi. limoiid will let to a res|K»nsibl« party the job ot' rei 'uildinjr the north abut- ment of the brid'e over the Nipisinjf, known as the "Craine" Bridfre, between S<don and SjuingGrove. Apply immediately to •miss :*,s. ,I«HI«»NSC»TT, Solon,.. . ' ' 15. BOWEK«, Kichmond. GEO STEWAUT, Kcystow#, ' Highway Commissionert. If not, don't fail to call at the Wpoafla Dmi Store and Boot ? , Hait Dissolution Notice. r ' 'PIIK Copartnership heretofore existinp 1 under the Arm nameof S tevens A x'liiiorr U tliis ilav iti.xsolved bv mutual consent, r . A. Schnorr reiirin>(. All indebtedness of the late (lrm will lie assumed by C. V. Stevens, to whom all notes anil book accounts owinjf to said firm will be paid. " y STKVKNS r'. A. SCHNOBIt! McHenryV HI., October 2d, 1882. T would hereby inform our oM customers nud the public (generally that I will continue the business at .the old stand, M'itn a trooit stock of poods in mv line, am! will be happy to see »U who may give we a call. . C. V. STErKKS. our W© have jusrt completed arrange­ ments with the publishers, so that we can now furnish you all papers and imt^Hcines, hy the day, week, month or year at the low­ est club rates And when call- in"', ask to see those Albums marked way down to clear out stock. . Always £lad to see you whether it We to «et paj>ers, Albums, Knives--nvirked down too,-- A la­ tins tine --one pound or fifty-- Carbolic Sheep Dip--much better to kill Ticks than a Tobacco wash --or anyjuther article in our line, or simply to shine upon us the light ot your countenance, - F. B. HARRISON, - • -- ^ •iMi

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