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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Dec 1882, p. 5

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Sj». •• : ' ^ /, K i f , >, t „ M * ' <W>R9 >-*- ***,«. v>«. •jrtfcW • <« * "S • • "s i v" / ' /'v jf-* * . h::>-< '&<&,*•.-»-t • #**u:T. • ,4v.,£ WEDNESDAY, DEC. 6. 1882. Railroad Time Table. PJOISTO SOUTH. jtennrA T.ake Passenser Bw«n Uke Wxpre^s.. Sen^ra f.ake Freight.. .?«'*. * .«:» " OOTFF* WOBTH. ( MIM* T.ake Freight. .1.°..... Qtneit Iikk* Exprc*« Baaava Late Passentrer.,-- ....\...#:W*. M •:!#?. M «:!» " "Br**, \ecnt. Mcffenrv, HI -ft MASOVIC TMCTIKWUT T.ono*. NO.?UW K. F."*n<1 A. M.-- lUifiiUrPitmmunifitioin the Saturday on or before the full of the moon and every two week i thereafter. CHAB. C. COUBT, W. M. ^fcoffKiaiT CflAPTHK !io. 34 U. A. M --IteKU- §S» CooTonations helr) on the second and fourth |fjndara In each moneh. SniTH SEAR!.!?*, H. P. 'i: REMOVED. The PLAIHDKALKU Office ha*, been removed to the rooms In Bishop's Block, opposite Perry A Martin's R»ore, tipstairs, where mir friends can liereafter'flnd us, anywhere we invite themtto call and see us in our new ^Barters. , Fo«tSALE, a'good double barrolShot "fljjin. Apply at this office, - /v v> , > THE Board of Supervisors irt Itrset- ilfbr. at Woodstock this week. " THE newlv elected county officers took possession of their respective offi- SSs on Monday. TEACHKU: There is something for you at the Book and News Stand, in i»ls village. PKRSOfAl, i>^\ *iTuWE" RACE of Indi»nanOll« Tni? f 'n Rlnarwood, McHcnry Oo, on the 87th nit., «. re*CK'or "n«<ianap0lis, In»I.J^ Rlter „ ,j„^rin>rtHne«s. Mrs. Oner, wire oi was calling on friend* here the first of| B. K. fuer, merchant of that place. tlie w*ek. J inrs. Duer, with her husband, came to FRED RACE, who is now living in Michigan, is 7isitiug at his uncle's H. II. Niehol's. Miss T-AMPHERE, of Wauconda, has been visiting with the family of C. B. Curtis. ' ° .TOHW REICHKLT, who travels for tha firm of Selz A Co..Chicago, was la this village on Tuesday. Miss EMMA AXES, of (Chicago* is visiting with the family of E. Perkins, in this village. E. PERKINS and wife have Just re­ turned from a visit among friends and relatives In Michigan. REV. L. J. DIXSMORE exchange# pul­ pits with the Rev. (?. Wi Kent, of Peoria, on Sunday last. DR. II. T. BROWN and wife spent Thanksgiving with friends in Chicago, returning home on Monday of this week- w:;V; - BEN Bute. JrM la now the regular Telegraph Operator at this Station, a position which has been filled by his father for several yeare. OHN EVANSTON. of the firm of Fi tr- simmonsA Evanston, l« at Milwaukee this week attending tliei National Dairy JExj>osition. Miss VKNUS,excited the attention of most of the men and some of the women, this forenoon, and smoked glass was in great demand. OUR Hebron correspondence did not reach us in time this week. We trust it will be a littl" earlier next, as we much dislike to miss them. Bheet Music usually retailed from 80ir FRANK GOING had the misfortnne to to 75 cts., 5 cts. per copy, A thousand pieces to select from at O.' W. Owen's. ,THE next Club Party at. the Parker . ^jlbnse. will take place on Friday even- '.ifeig of next week, the 15th. - WE have to use extreme ca E* o f late In receiving money. A thousand dollar counterfeit bill i6 reported in circula­ tion. " SMITH A CLARK..Tfwe'.ers, hnve'a new advertisement this week, which those looking for Holiday Presents should ftot fail to read. cut his hand quite severely on a broken j bottle in the bottling department of j the Pickle Factory on Monday. J T*ROF. S. D. BALDWIN*, the new County ' The noticeable purity of the atmos­ phere is explained by the fact that •nearly all of the carapalgn/jcigars have been consumed. A ^ ^ ,TH« time between shivering f#r the flpntof an overcoat and the date when 4tte can be worn without, attracting a •crowd has paiteA; and mankind <a lMipp#. ' 1 THE next sociabla by the Indies of f| |e Ui^iversallst Society will fie held at the residence of J. Wnleh. on this Wednesday evening, December C A l l a r e c o r d i a l l y I n v i t e d . R,C.E.. WILLIAMS, w i l l h e lit the Parker House, in this village. Oil Ttt^ilay of next week, the 12th. If you want your teeth doctored do not forget the date. SMITH & SNYDKR'S Lumber and?Ooai Wagon is now drawn by a pair of Mu'es and driven by an American gentleman <of African descent, a late importation from Iowa or Kansas. Wuuconda at an early dav, and resided here with the excep»ion of a few months, when her husbnnd established himself iu business at Ringwood. Modest and retiring, yet cheerful. In her every-dav life, the*' scarcely a day passed in the long weary years of suf­ fering that she did not feel the sharp pains that were the precursors of death. Mrs. Duer, by her gentle and winning courtesy, created a large circle of friends, who to-day regret the death of one thus stricken down in the pritiie of life and usefulness. As a Christian her piety was uniform, earnest, thoughtful, with n<k pretense, nothing loud or obtrusive. ^ * Wh'.le maintaining her distinctive principles, there was no sectarianism in her religion.--no low, feeble jealousies at the success of others; but a feeling at'once sweet and true «nd catholic, which led her to extend the helping hand to all who loved the ope common Redeemer. Her death occasions;a sad vacancy In the little household, at Ringwood, as well a? here at Wauconda, where she so long resided. The bereaved husband takes this method to express4iis sincete thanks ta those friends who so largely sympa­ thized with him in hitreeent afflict ion, J. L. B, Wauconda, Dec. 2. Richmond Department. COKTHIBCTBD BT F. BENNETT. Tiarge nutnbers of hogs are being shipped fr^ Richmond to Chicago. Workmen replankedthe'•mill bridge" i|t this village Mondav and Ttiesday. Eldred<re shipped three carl,pads of hogs Monday., „ F. W. Mead sold eight sets of bob­ sleighs and two wagons in one d.*iy last week. That looks like business. Rev. Mr. Clark preached • very inter­ esting thanksgiving sermon on Sun­ day. Geo. Eldredge's poultry business Is booming. He pays the highest market price for turkeys, geese, ducks and chickens. Wo ODBTOCK. III., November 30, 198% EDITOR PLAIN-DEALERReading the numeroun testimonials as to the^ttlclen- cy of Mr. A. W. Smith as a reliable insurance. 1. think it only proper to add my testimony to the number. If ev#r mankind passed through a fiery ordeal and had business with an In­ surance Company." it was „ me. hut all I have to ^ny is this, that through the thr»*e fires in as many months. I can «av that throu^li the fairness and eqnarenes» of Mr. ^niith. the looses of Superintendent of Schools, wishes us to j/«**eh tire were promptly settled*..and I say that his office days at Woodstock think it he could do it in my »'a<e, wtil be the same as heretofore, the j second and fourtli Saturdays of each "Don't yon forget it" thal at Tweed ft Son's, BMvln's Mill®. Is a good place to buy goods. They keep a good stock and sell at reasonable prices. A. Ii. Brown received et£hteen new cutters Monday. For sale cheap as quality will wariitit; C«J1, at resi­ d e n c e . ; • " Thanksgiving Day was'very general* ly observed by our citizens. The cus­ tomary family reunions took place and the orthodox turlcey graced many a board. aBdMiis of Jud and his m<*nth. Consequently he will be^here on Saturday nest, the 9th. See the new advertisement of C. T„ l*ratt, Wauconda. in another column.! Hr. Pratt keeps a fine line of goo<l<4 H«id sells as low as good goo<Ts are sold #nywhere. Read his advertisement A sharper Is around with a new dodge. The victim signs a postal card ordering a machine for which he is to be agent, and it turns out to be a bind 4ttg contract to pay eighty dollars or more. ^" THERE will be a raffle for * Cold Watch at Thos. Knox's on Friday .next, at 10o'clock a.m., for the benefit of the peddler who was so unfortunate as to lose his horse on our streets one day last week*. Tickets 50 cents. THE Ladles of the ITniversalist. So­ ciety ate making arrangements to get tip a course of five Lectures, for the benefit of thefchurch. As soon as the' arrangements are completed diu» notice will be given. THE Thanksgiving Party ~at the Parker House was attended by about •ixty couples, and was a very pleasant and enjoyable affair. The music was A No. 1, the supper excellent, and all went home well pleased with the even­ ts entertainment. THE M* Henry County Agricultural' Board met at Woodstock on Moud'tv last *cd fleeted the following officers for the ensuing year: President, Tho«# McD. Richards; Secretary.A. S. Wri ght: Treasurer, A. L. Salisbury; Superin­ tendent. W. T. Palmer; together with the usual misuber of vice presidents' and an Executive Committee. Several contested*eases were brought before the Board and acted upon, and on mo­ tion it was voted that the President's Address and the Report of the Secre tary be published in the County papers. "LIST of letters remaining in the Po?t Office at Mcllenry for the month elid­ ing November 30th. 1882: LeIters--Mr. Afci TJWtrey, Mt . K. E. €ffurf . Mf, Frr- uiicii Bi'owu, J. Myers MartLi^i Mr. Joe R.inscli, C. \V. Spaldins:. Mr. Gns.tav Ponto.'Mr. J. P. Train, Mary A. Boner, Mrs. Katy Kamp, Miss R.iciicl Mead. Postal I'ards--F. F. Oviett, .1. Wate«*cot & Co., J. W. Westlake, Mi.^s Eouna Goueny. Mrs. Mary Milier.Jacob Fcricli- Mrs. Jho. Fosdlc, R. D. Cook. .... • C. V. STKVKN8..P. M. r* ------- • - RKMKMBKU the Basket festival for the benefit of the M. E. church, at Riverside Hall to-morrow, Thursday evening. The following is the pro­ gramme: PKOGUVHMR. 1,- Instmraental Mimic. ' ?. Home, Sweet Home. « Mrs, Ri^clow, Mrs. Bishop, Mies Wait£. 3.4 O Sumnier >:i»rtit. •5 M,r«. Bislnip an<l OUorus, L Recitation,--Death of liie lay. Mr*. F K. Granger, • . . ft'i. ' Happv Farmer Ooronet ' » r ' J. Vaseyar.d Chorus. < 6. The Last Rose of Sunimvr, Quuriett. 7. Solo. * F. E. Rmwa. fl. Mountain Miners ..Offenbach Chorus. 9.1 Gently Sijrlis the Bree/e . ,Glo\'er Mrs. BIH IIOJI (IND Mrs. Bi(fe!ow. 10. ProfesKor Ht home... .• J. Vas'ey, A. (Jabel, Mrs. Rishop, Mrs Bi*e!ow ^Oharai'terinic. sonst/ showitisr tht1 (iifliciilty under which ;i Profe^^nr may labor iu giving inalriu'tioii* ovnu at liotue.) « : jl. Basket Supper. • Riverside llall. Dec. 7, 16S2« 1. Com- hjenciug at 7| o'clock P. M. think if he whie!) was a very iutricite 01.e, with public opiniftu against me ami -.every­ thing looking dubious I know that winit* there is a loss 'Incurred, and "Mr, Smith lias the agency, it will be settle.I with promptness and Ittiruess to all concerned. I simply add my testimony, as it was reported all over this county, that 1 would ,110: get mv insurance, but get it 1 did. cash down, without even a discount. Yours trttlv, J W. Mitxiilt, It having come t.o our knowledge that Mr. .Tacoii Story, of -McHenry, Ills., Is offering for sale some of our celebrated "Garland Stoves," we take this method of informing the public that he has no right to sell, or oftcr the same for sale, the sole rijtht »fnd exclusive sale of them for McHenry, being vested in Mr. I.N. Mead. These stoves offered by Mr. Story were not obtained Irotn ns. hut bought through some small retail dealer, with tlii* evident, intention of inlriuging up­ on Mr. M ead's rights iu the premises. _caiujoJt lind langu.iire to too Last Saturday .Jn». Osmond family removed to the " farm Sherman. In Walworth. Jo wife are people we don't like to spare. We hope their cllange IWi^^ result In wealth and happiness. Miss Alice BecW^ for a long time a snflerer with consumption, died at Ringwood a few days ago. She was a sister of Alonzo and A1 Beck, of Rich­ mond. Her remains were deposited in the Richmond cemetery 011 Sunday. A second case of scarlet fever ap­ peared in the family of A, P". Gray last week. Strict quarantine lias been prac­ ticed by the household so that no one outside might be exposed, and it is hoped the disease will be coulitifd to its present limits. Mrs. K. F. Bennett, of ftlgiu, vMtiug 1st hjer falher's III Richmond, was taken seriously ill Wednesday night, The Doctor was telegraphed and came up Thursday morii|iljf Iroin Elgin and staid until Saturday morning, when he returned, Mrs. Bennett having, iu the meantime, become much better, A novel affalf Is advertised for Thurs­ day evening, Dec.7. On that • veiling a donation party is to be given for the benefit of Rev. 11, lit the residence ol Robert Oardlttfi', Solon, on which occasion the Reverend K<Mitleman Is to lead to the altar Aftss Maggie Turner, of Solon. It may lie early to.write our congratulations, hut, we wi ltg them all d Mrs, Wauconda Department* A regular meeting of McIIenrv. Chapter No. 34, R. A. Masons, wilfeii Sield on Friday evening of this week December 8th. for the election of offi­ cers and the transaction of other Im­ portant business. Every member is ihrnestly requested to be present. FOUSD, in a store in this village, where they had no doubt been Incidentally left by the owner, a new ;^alr of ladles' fine shoes. The owner can have the same by callinz at this ofil.?e. proving property ifijid paying Ibr this notice. THE McHenry Social Club r 111 give a Calico Party at the Parker House, on Friday evening of next week, the loth* the Invitations of which are already Issued. The music will be by the Janesville Light Guard Band. Tickets 41 .00. Remember this is a Calico Party *nd prepare your best caliteo bib-and- tucker. u «• --§ rE would call especial attention to the new advertisement of Henry Rogers, Volo, to be found in another 4|olumn. He has just received a very •tie stock of Holiday Goods, to which lie Invitei the attention of the public, confident that he can please them both in quality end price. Read his adver­ tisement and do not fall te' call and examine his goods. We make a specialty of women* - misaes and ehildrens fine Kid. Goat and " Calf Shoes. W. H. DWKIHT. W ooilatock. The Rome Sentinel says: "*A touch of winter makes the whole world shiver, providing ttie whole world teels the touch." It seems evident to the little wjbrld hereabout that winter Is near at hand.and the usual amount of shivering is being indulged in. We have escaped pretty well thus f«r, but the man who is always casting about for something umhie about predicts that we will et our pay for the flue fall weath-r before the winter is out- Now what's the use of casting ahead to discover trouble and cold weather in tho future "Sufficient unto the day is .the evil thereof." Take things as they come, ami do not croak about approaching ejfils. These croakers remind one of an old anecdote about the Irishihan who had been iu the country hut a short time. He said that Americans wure the queerest people in the world* "In Oireland." said he. "when we have a fdine day day we thank God for it, hut in this country, whin a foine day.£.o.|i)es the people say: 'ItV another veait,av j*er dorn weather breeders;'" strongly condemn guch dishonorable" \ ihe same and wish Mr. an and uui>nsi«eKS like metho«Hi. . Nat Hi tig f^bT^iiveiitfoul|hnltki vitov. but the po-pulaiity of the stove could ' have iixhu'cd Mr. Sloiy to resort to un­ der-handed means ol procuring stoves which he know he had no right to sell, ami could noi huy Trom us. We trji*t the public '"ill show their disapproval of such business methods as these, by refusing to buy "Garland Stoves'* except from our only authoriz­ ed agent there(.Mr. I. N. Mead)and that any ta;(feiuents regarding the merits of our stoves by any one except him, in th it town, may lie looked upon with suspicion. KKKD. W. GAKIJNKU. Mali'gr Michigan Stove Company. A. Sonnanschelri. At McDonald's old stand, Nunda, III. Last Wednesday the 29th ultrmo. J. R. Hyde, of the firm of Alexander A keeps a full stock of Wines and Liquot> 1 Hyde, started for Colorado, being sum- Ray.Mead, F. W. Mead's manly ";itfle sou. sprained his ankle by slipping on the ice, hut di.i not|ellof't for t,wo or ,lliree days for fear lie would have to stay out of school. In the mean time he jrot his feet wet and active iufi un- matiou set in.efidiug in suppuration of the foot. The Httlft fellow was deleri- ous most of the time for «two or three dsiys. The doctor ptonouueed the in­ flammation phlegmonous erysipelas. At tiiis writing the child is improving. WSUBSCRIPTIOX* for the Pr.AtNOBALiCR •til be recoiveu in Wanronilaat F, B. Har- rUou'# DrufT 9tor<J an t liy John Uol ling EI»ITOR PLAINDKAI.ER:--Mr. Merrill from SaginawCity. Michigan, came to the village a fevv weeks"ago. HH ha* painted the new Glynch cheese factory and is now paiutfhg the Baptist church. Ue has done some irxcellont graining, and Is said to be a tlr«t-clas8 workman. Two gentlemen arrived at the Hotel on Tuesday, and the following morning started out among the farmers and en­ deavored to s*l| them cloth at very moderate prices, The farmers failed to appreciate their opportunity and the gentlemen aforsald left in disgust for Like Bluft Wednesday evening. They may have had good goods, but It !s in­ timated that the people of tlii" section have been taken in once too often, and that they prefer purchasing of home dealer®, whom they know to be honora* hie, and who give honest value for their money. Arthur Tidmarsh is now clerking^in Miv,Brooks'store; in place of Thomas Williams, who after a short vacation, will enter the store of" J, R, Wells t Son. Thomas Bennett is now employed by Mr. Spears in the butchering business at Barring ton. Another School"Lyceum' was held Thursday eveni-tg. While the scholars responded promptly as their names were called, and the exercises had many commendable features, as a whole they seemed hardly equal to those upon for­ mer occasions. This was probably due in part to the pressure of the regular School work, which prevented as much time being given to the Lyceum as could be desired, and perhaps to the fact, that while with some it w*« their first appearance.'-' Others having be­ come somewhat occustomed to be pub­ lic appearances neglected to prepare themselves as carefully as at tlrst. Mr. Byron Clark, son of Mr. Isaac Clark, has returned after an abscnce ef some years. Miss Sarah Barker has returned frc^m her visit to Iowa. Mr. Oaks, from Dakota a nephew of Mr. Dan'l Oaks, is visiting his Waucon­ da friends. Though perhaps not unexpected, the news of the death or Mrs. B. K. Duers, of, Ringwood, on Wednesday. Nov, 29th produced a feeling of sadness Thanks- giving day in many Wauconda homes, where her unselfish Christian character through all her years of suflering had made her almost universally beloved. H<-r funeral took place at the Baptist church 011 Friday. A meeting to consider the advisabili­ ty of organizing a Waueonda Literary and Musical Society was lie id at the school house Friday evening. Owing perhaps to the fact that thv announce- mu.it of the intended meeting had not wiry [tin '^4 w trim rather light. • I* wee* however, decided to establish such a society, and a permanent organization will be made next Friday evening. The new organ for the Methodist society, purchased with the proceeds of their festival held some weeks ago. has been placed in the church.' It was tested i:i the service on Sunday and gave good satisfaction. The seats ha\e been removed from the corner of the church to the right of the [nilpit, and a raised platform has been erected lor the use of the choir. of the iiest quality, which he is selling at wholesale as cheap as the same can be bought in-Chicago. Call and be coiH'incd that what I say is true. A. SON K EN SC U KiK f. Nunda, Dec. Sth. 1882, A MONO'the book* of popular Midical ^Literature which have become widely known and appreciated bv the general public, none maintains a steadier dale or more favored place ln the opinion of the pres* and the people, than "Plain rtome Talk" and '-'Medical Common Sense," by Dr. E. B. Foote, of 120 Lex- Jngton Ave., N. Y. City. In bringing put their complete Illustrated edition spf nearly l.(KM) pages, bound in cloth, at the remarkably low pric£ of fl.50. the publishers have: insured for themselves prosperity in "large sales at si^all ppofits," and for the public the boon of good and instructive reading at a prije within the reach of all book-buyers. The contents table can be had free of the Murray HIM Publishing Co.. 129 East Twenty-eighth • WE gPt all the principal M'ljfStines and papers at club rates, and both old :tnd new subscribers can receive the benefit of reduced rates by subscribing through us for such other publications a* they inuv desire. 1 "a- ^ Farmers! If you want free sample coplee^of the largest and best agricultural paper iu the country, write yours and your neighbors1 names 011 a postal card ami 111 nil it to Farmer#' Friend. Pub. Co.-, South Bend. Lid. Price 50 cents a year aiid Premiums to everv -subscriber.. GENTS' TIES. 25 kind* to pick from: 10 per cent less than market price. Suspenders at 10 cents. Also ladies Cloakings, 92.000 worth at low figures. Ei LAWMJS. Opposite Riverside Hotel. McHenry. ° NOTICE. 00 good Sheep for sale :mo«t all Ewes in good condition for breeding. In­ quire of Andrew The mas; 3J miles northwest of McHenry Station. moued by telegram from his wife 011 account of the sickness of the children, who, it was feared ijiad the diphtheria. A child of Mr. Hyde's brother-in-law, Sir. Newcoiub. .whose family spent a part of the Summer and Fall in Rich­ mond, had died of the disease named. At this writing ho further news lias been received. 'flunks and Val i ses , a good variety, and prices very mode rate, at Fitfcslni- inoiis & Evanson's. Call nt E. M. Owen Jc Son's am] fee a flue.Swell Body or Portland Cutter. Sold very low. Mens Oyfnvoats less than Chicago prices at E. Lawlus*. opposite .Riverside Hotel. Call in at Fifas-duimnn* & Evanson's atfd examine-their undershirts at 50c. Robert Recker. 28 A hi ska St., Chicago «ays; "Brown's Iron Bitters cured me of heartburn." The fluent teas and coftees at Mayeis & Bartlett's.v Ladies Hoods and Nubias are offered cheap at Fitzsimmous A K van son's. A good hand 111 ide Gr&lit Wtttet« proof Boot at Dwl^ht'*. PRINTS AT 2i CENTS A YARD. 10.000 yards standard dark prints to be closed out at above price. o. r. Ooi.nv, Xunda. A large stock of warm lined Boots at Dwight's. X Fitzsinimpiis & Evanson are closing out a flue let of N-ublas at St) ctS, worth •1.25. , Corsets. Hoop Skirt*, ladles' and children's Hose at Mayes & Bartlett's. Headquarters for Mens, Bftys and ^uthe Rubber Gum Boots ar Dwight's., Fred Smith..who will."no doubt, be remembered by very many of the PI.AINUEALER'S McHenry readers, has taken a position in the store ot Messrs Smith & Haythorn, with a view of de­ voting himself to mercantile pursuits. Fred is one of those rare boys who has not become contaminated bv the bad influences of the street, but has grown up a square honest young man, of whom his family and friends are justly proud He enters upon his new career with/ e best wishes of all who know him, and we predict for him a la-ge measure-of success. . A Mammoth stock of Mens. Women*, M isses ami Childrcns Buckled Arctics, Mens and U'omens plant and fancy HuhheiR, Mens and Women! Alaska*, and iu I'act'rubber sjoodi of all kinds in the Boot and Shoe line at Dwight's. Cor. Main St. and Public Square, Wood­ stock, 111. ; '• - A #10 SUIT. Having ju«t closed out a a large line of mens extra heavy cassmere suits. 1 offer them at the very low price of Ten Dollars a mlt, a decided'--targain. Fully equal to suits usually sold at thirteen to fourteen dollars. Call be­ fore they are gone. OL O. COLBT. Xunda. - 7.' OYSTERS I 0YSTERS1 K W. BHW»KS; Waueonda. III., d-aler in Gro- writ--, t; imied Good. , i.-onfectioiiery. CigarR, Tobacco, N<«ti«ins, 4^. A"#o Headquarters for Phitt A Co.'s IN lebrti- ted Baltimore Oysters. I am now pre pared to furnish Fresh Ovs'ers by the Can or Dish, at all Incurs of th»» day or evening. My Refreshment Parlors are cosily fitted up, well warmed and light ed. and 110 pains will be spared t< please all who call. l also make a specialty of all kind of fan Good*, and keep a fine line o* .Confectionery, Give me a call. 1 E. W. liROOK*. fiuftineaa Notice*. ywgiem; You will find Cotton Bats and Print* very reasouable at Fitisiuuuons ft Evausons. per Standard Prints at Five Cents yard \t C V. Stevens*. H. IT. Niclml* will sell yoit S pounds of Cofiee for AO cents, and make you a present of a nicelv decorated cup anil saucer. Glnhamf and Plaids, new and *tyMsh prices right.' Ai Fiu^iumonsA Evan- sons. Do not fall to examine those snsj>en- ders now being sold at Fitzsinimbus A Evanson*. They are'worthy your'in- 5|MfCtlOII^ Call at E. M. Owen Son's and see the celebrated Hapgood Sulky Plow that is warranted to run lighter than a Walking Plow, ll«n A Perry* N»nr»l Jane tttiter Color The strongest Color on the market, only requires one-half the amount of other Colors. For Sale by Fitz&lmmnns A Evanson, Mcllenrv, III. A full line of choico groceries always to he'obtained ut HENUY COLBY*#. YOUNG MEN, We call lit you to the nobbiest suit of clothes or ulsterette to be fouuijj in the County. PhititY A MARTIN. A complete line of Groceries, at reduced prices, at C.JV. Stevens. If yon have not given Bennett a call go In pnd see what he is doing. : Attention, UalrymM. Beau Perry's Natural June Butter Color has no equal. It is guaranteed to five perfect satisfaction. For sale by 'itzslmmons A Evnnsan,McHenry, 111. All the new and desirable styles in Ilatt WMI Caps at C. V. SteveuaY Clothing. OtlT stock of children's boys' and men's clothing' and overcoats, we think the largest ever shown in this village. When in town we would l>e pleased to show yon through onr clothing . room, whether yon wish to purchase or not. Good goods at close prices and always as represented, is tho motto by which we hope to re­ tain the very liberal patronage so generously extended to us i'11. the past. We appreciate your trade, and shall at alttimesdo our liiiuOst tO >uu. -' mmvom.- 5 10 POUNDS. • ̂ •< • f en ponnds O. K. good green Coffee forbid dollar. C. V. STKVKNS, Another New Invoice OF WINTER MILLINERY. V MRS. II. II. NICHOLS Has just returned from the city with a large mid selected stock of Seasonable Millinery and Fancy Goods, for the Winter trade, and is now prepared to show to the ladies of McHenry and vicinity the finest lot of stylish Hats, Flowers, Feather. Ribbons. Neckwear, etc.. etc.. ever brought to this town, and which she will sell at bottom pric­ es. Do not fail to call and examine her stock t»efoi% purchasing. 11s she Is sure to please both in quality style and price. M US. II, H. NICHOLS, Men s and Bartlett's.' boy's suit# at Mayes A Boy*. Great bargains In Overcoats and Suits with new cuffs and "collars on at K. Law his*. Ohllng"«r«fc Coppage, Mattoon. 111., say: "We cheerfully recommend Brown's Iron Bitters as doing all that it is recammended for. Bine Flannel shirts, the nioet "Com­ plete assortment ever shown in Mc­ llenrv. just received at Fitzsimifioiis A Evanson's. Remember the fact that Dwight bought an immense stock of Rubber Boots, .shoe* -'and Arctics before tho great advance, rnd can give you bar­ gains iu these goods. Underwear for ladies and gents, will pay you to look thein over, Fitzsiiniuoi.s A Evanson's. Go to Dwight'a for youf Holiday Slipper#. MBS. P. A. HILL, Milliner and Dressmaker, Would most respectfully inform the" ladie* of McHenry and surrounding country, that s, ,e. wjll. on FKIDAT. XOVKMBEK fclTH, at the store formerly occupied by P. I). Smith, near the Depot, open a full line of Millinery Goods, of the latest stylesand patterns, and invites the ladies to call, as she is confident'"'she can please them, both in quality of goods and price. Every­ thing new. No old goods. I am al«o prepared to do all kinds of Dressmaking on short notice, and guarantee satisfaction. Give ine • a Call. MRS. P. A, HILL, Mellecry, November 22d, 1S31. Call at Mayes & Bartlett's and get anything you want iirthe line of Dry (ionds. Groceries* and Ready Made Clothing. Carriages sold lew at E. M. Owen A Son's. * CROCKERY TO CLOSE. J ^W«inake room for other goods we will w*II Crockery and Glassware at cost until closed out. C. V. STEVENS. •CUTTERS! I'UTTERS! yles and prices at E. M. Oweu & Son's. , * BARGAINS TO CLOS$, ^ Wfc this week offer at greatly re­ duced prices a lot of Caps and Ladies* and Children's Wool Hose. IIENHT COLBT. Remember the best assortment of Dress Goods in town can be fouiid at Perry & Martin's, Men's Overcoats letiV at Maye* A Bart- Dolmans, Cloaks and Jackets In all styles and colors, guaranteed to lit any figure, at manufacturer's prices at Perry A Martin's. Fltzsiminons & Evanson are closing « ut a Lot of Suspenders at half price. CLOTHING AND UNDERWEAR , .lust opened. You are going to have a fair of Boots. Call oh Stevens and buy good ones. Ladies and Misses fine stioes a speci­ ality, complete assortment of the cele­ brated C, M. Henderson make on hand. PKKKY A MARTIN. Mrs. Searles will open this week a large stock of Ladies' and ^hiSdreu's' Cloaks. o ' II. II. Nichols will sell you one pound of choice Japan Tea for fiO cents and make you a present ot a niecly decorated cup and saucer. Buy the Casaday Sulky Plow for sale by L. II. Hartman, Ridgetleld. 111. II. II. Nichols keeps Oat Meal Crack­ ers. Soda Crackers. Milk Crackers. Butter Crackers. Star Wafer Crackers. Frosted ('reams and Ginger Snaps, al­ ways fresh and the best grade that can be found iu the market. The best 50 Cent Tea in the county at H. 11. Nichols'. Call for a sample and be convinced. Hi. H. Nichols has the finest Show Cases of Cigars on exhibit this side ot Chicago, Drop in and smoke. A, general invitation to all. A SPECIALTY Made of Clothing. A suit for Bovs 5.6, 7. 8. 9,10,11,12,13, 14,15. 16,17,18, 19. 20 years. QJd^ and from 20 to 100, call at c. V. STEVENS. A stock of Underwear sufficient to supply Mcllenrv and Lake Counties, be sold at bottom figures. At C Stevens. How to fn«re»se the Vain* of Butter. Use B«"an & Perry's Natural June Butter Color. Sample Bottle Free at Fitzsimiuous A Evanson's, McHenry. 111. The largest aud best assortment of Gloves and.Mittens in town, at C. V. Stevens'. • /; Go and see the new stocl| g| Shawls at C. Y. Stevei.s*. VK Farms For Said- Apply to Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, III. ^ -1 ' • - 1 II Rock ford Yarns and Flannels, best goods In the°market, at Fitzsiminons A Evausons. Cotton Bats, cheaper than ever before, at C. V. Stevens'. - Goto 11. H. Nichols' foe your to­ bacco. He keeps I lie largest,a«d Aa$*t stock in the county. POT/MANS, DOLMANS. Dolmans, Black and Colored,nt Perry A Martin's. YOU KNOW That we have the largest stock of GIQYC® and Milieus in town. C, Y. «XEVEK8, • - • i FOR SALE. / A good Stove, suitable for ofRoe or shop. Inquire at this offfe^. Don't buy your Coats and Shoes until you IIHVC called at (/'. V. Stevens. He will save you money. The "Aurora" Road Cart, the easiest thing out on man aud horse, at B. M. Owen A So#**, «• ' NOTICE. I am in the mill again, and am pre­ pared to gri.Mi wheat or feed ou sh notice. Give*.me a call. HENRY OATMSNT. SpiriBf Qrrw% 111.. Sept. », 1SJ8. Go te Bennett'* lor your fieturt* ort Go tn Mrs. Hiwe'n for pillnery aad Dre«iinisikliig. • . t ;- Fisliln * 'I iti-kh* ot ail kinds at V* Engeht's in Howe*® Block, ueer lb# new Bridge. Uuckeye Force Fu.xpi, at IE* Owen'#. , Always Kefr«Miins. A delicious odor is imparted by F|or"e?ton Cologne, which i» always re» freshing, no matter bow lifeljr n»ed. The finest line of Silver and Plated Ware to he found in the county,, at O. ff. Owen**. , Society R«ll«l. 4/ On'account of Its - ren»4rk'i^iyAiifc' ,* t icate and lasting fragrance, society belles are loud in their praises •! F lores ton Cologne. -- - ,, FOUSAl.k * ' . i, 40 Acres of laud in SectW IlJiF f e n c e d . A l s o 8 0 a c r e s o f l a n d , w i a goiul house and bam thereon, J»Uh timber and water in abundance, in See-* tion 22. Also my homestead on the Crystal Lake and N<ui*da road. G«>o«! new bouse, barn and other outbuildings.--- Apply to .KmN FLUSKT. Kid gloves, button and loop lare, lis black colors and all tints at Perry & Martin's. FIFTY BUSHELS OF OATS % Wanted in exchange for Furniture, al John B. Blake's. V-:'* • Case.Furst A Bra tile jr. tfotfae, flap- good and other Sulky plows at flk 11. Owen A Sou's. IF you want to buy Clothing at Chi­ cago prices, call 011 E. Law 1 us. In Lan« sing's Block, McHenry. CARR1AGEM ̂ CARRIAGES 1 CAR- KIAGKS! Anyone in want ot it Carriage, Buggy or Wagon, should not fail to call on E. M. Owen A Son and see the large • car-load just received. Tlie finest tinished lot ever come to the comity a*id will sell them elit-ap. HEAD LIGHT OIL. 3 The best Kerosene Oil in to«r% II. II. Nichols. 175 Fire Test; FENCE POSTS FOR SALE 3000 .seasoned Burr Oak Fence for sale, Jnqirire of JOHN DORaW. FOR SALE OR RENT. A Blacksmith Shop and Tools, al Bllven's Mills. McHenry County, lilt* nois. Inquire of R. TWKW> A Soft, Bi.IVBS'8 MILLS, Angiut 16th, 1881. Our stock of drills, chcmicali1 mid putent medicincs wtw never more complete. Goods reliable and prices right.' IICNRY COLBT. A new and coni|dete stock ef Glnf* : barns, Prints, aud Woolen Dress goodt this week at PKUUY A MARTIN'S. Yob will always ffnd good fresh Oysters at H. U. Nichols'. HIE HENDERSON" BOOT. 0AS the largest sale and Is the tnoet popular boot iu tlie west. A full line ol iiieu's, boys' and child* at Perry A Martin's. Have on hand a few first-class ear* \ ate. C, CARRIAGES. - land a few fit ria£es which we will sell at cost to close. E. M. OWEN A Sua. Fine 81ioes. Our stock of Foster's celebrated Beloit Shoes is complete. For style and dunthilit> they cannot be excelled. Ask to see them. ' HENRY Coi.wfc s» -- '"•--"f-;- - OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS, Best styles and lowest prices in life* Henry or Lake Counties. 150 new ones just opened. C. V. STEVtCNS. Dress Goods. Dolmans, Cloaks, Lad lee and Gents underwnre. Overcoats, Ae.% all new aud stylish, prices very moder­ ate at Fitzfiininons A Evanson. Gossamer circulars and coats for ladies and «jeutlemen, and ft lull line of rubber goods always to be liad at " ' HEXRY yl % LAMPS. LAMPS. Office Tramps, Parlor Lamps, Hanging Lamps, Bracket Lamps, and the cel«- hrateil Oscar Wilde Lamp, at Besiey'a Drug Store. Bennett does not let any pictures ga out of liis rooms that are uot satlsfae> tory. Overcoats and ulsterettea. A. lar^e line and the latest styles. You are asked to examine them at , . . • kfe - jdBNBT COI.Bt*fti, If you Atf pmlfof good Boots ®F"" Shoes, latest style, go to Perry A Mar* lilt's BUTTER AND EGGS, Wanted. Butter and Eggs at Faney Prices at C. V. Stevens'. FOR SALE. A first class new Parlor Organ ss4 "Violin--with Box--for »ate very cheap. Inquire at this ollico. The celebrated buffalo boots," a full ,'ine of men's and boys' al* ways to be had al , IlKNRV "Ol-BT'a. SEW 2GLIJMBY SI0S1, At Nunda. • MRS. G. MV. COLBY would respeel> fully inform Ihe ladles of Nunda a*<t vicinity that she has opened a MII1U nerv siore in the rooms over the p««% oWc» aad has just received a full line of Hats, Bonnets. Ribbons, f.aces. an4 Ladies Furnishing Goods generally, ef the latent styles, and is confident she c*n .please ail who.uiay give her a call. My goods are all new and of gh# latest styles 10 he found iu the market. ar>l as 1 buy for cash I am con fide m tba* ( can sell as cheap, if not cheaper thaifc any other place in the t*<>im»y. Call and see my styles and learn prices, fore von purchase. Mwkti. w. uoiat Nunilt, Sept, Mt!t,WQ& , j CLOTHING » . CLOT HING * > Tlie latest $tytea and lowest iirlvM ie be found i:i tlie county, at C. V. ens". We want yonr tre«h» and if jr<w waltl 0 il goods there will be notbieg 10 1 revent us from doing husinej* t<e>, . 'ether. Our new StiWk is certainly c niplete and* price* always risltw ( all In. * . riTIMVSimi«ftRVA««(lll, A GOOD OVERCOAT"! IIK VP. To rotiuce stock we s!,nH >ell o^Sf* coats this wee^i very low Ttgureis

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