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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jan 1883, p. 1

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fed but to Truth, to t Pavors Win us and no Post S T-rrf \-;:y cl * »TO T i*D PUBLISHR* ?, * ortte© In Bishop^ Block I -Ow»rr» Xmitx A VAatTfsg^ Wirf £'or s^eiiimoii^;, jfia *ii t wlftiiTHras Month*,.......*W) J»UTIS reueivat for three or •»* n'irtio®. XS. t o<n stair*. ; nnotrv.'W.n. nv^v litis Perry ft Main's rf.til- , /?;-' -:: .. . rs,4f.~ WW *;.?»•• • .%<v! .|irTT<rtO» \X \VI> Jo^nshnrafh. Jpt^-Ottoe hours &to M, *•?% ' •' N. .T. FNWANN,TR. tv,. fjumTM/tx 2* * mv ro«Hence, oppos'ilS Mjj R Ohnreh, IteHenry. Ill, K. ?, H. IV, IffV*Tnf \yf nni «nrsreon. ft#M ; %sldj*iw8, Mellehry, TH]inol*. ; lit : j. j. sfYRn-*. , Unloon and ? B A^rcWWTP of tCnhncrt's atore. Johns ' bnrsrh, TH. The eh'drest brand* of Wiie«. . $fonors 4nd:\$«*r* always op hawL *Jal! ' lll«1 MM* TO*. ' " p> ' -'r.':.-^ SB MliNBY. I] fESDAY. JANUARY 3, II ftS. GREEN. AFTY SURGEON. Btohmond, JESSE A. BALDWIN, TAWrKR. L*W InuhioM in anv |Krt <rf 4 «w «ttw recnive* prompt attention. Offl • raont 41, new Custom Hoase, Chicago Illinois. ' SIDNET DISBUQW, tjlJOTART^ PUBLIC end Conveyancer, A1- DO. 0. K. WILLIAMS. DKNTTST. Residence Dundee. Will be at Waneonda, at Pratt firm41), the l<Hh and °ftth ofeach month; at. Pirt*r House, M<"- Henry, the Uth and Wth of each month. When dates «,'cui Saturday or Snnday f wake my visits to .Vaucon>ta on Monday, and McfVCnry oa Tuesday, following. . JOUX KLEIFOKN. HOrrSK Painter, Gralner, Oalelmlwer and Paper tt inw. ItesM >lr« one Block Wont nf Riverside llonse. Work *>tea»l6<l to prompt y and on reatoivihle terms. ,rt McHENRY HOJTSE. FKTBR SMITH. PROPIUK tolt.0 CI oor> Board by the dav or week at. reason. T nbto Tim i-'wi'.ft »ir>ui N of Wines T,I<iiv>'-« an ! nicrars. 'J'MM! St^Winir f0»* ITtirsos. \ flno ftoii* f« emnoetion with the Hou*«* >nf i «a!I. M. M. CLOTHIER, BJCHMOXP -V- - ILLINOIS, MCHE^IIT COITNTV. .Prower.ntM all claim* in all Imroatis in the IJonartment of tb« Intsrlor. Sonoial att<»n. tlon ffirpn to difficnlt or rnj<"kt.<>d Curflfnl attention Rtren to nlf matters of iin- l»ortanc.e Offlcc at tho resi'ler,.-e ofW n. ft.. Cowlin, Woo Utork, HI. Business n iH l»o at- tended to l»v Mr. Cowlin in my al>senne. I «ht»ll ;il\vav ho there on ^il ur l iyi, and stnll IK) at the office ot ,J. T. BoMm, Marensn. on the Hi-st Krldav in each month Al! letters, of a Imsiness naturemust contain stamp for reply. ' GlSORaE Clfaxisii";" House and Slgft Painter, Wc^ENRY, ILL. Shop Oppltlte Perry a. Martin**. will attend pmmptlv to all work and fcuar- antee aatisfitetion. Prieea as low good work e&tt he done any whuro. FINS QSAININQ A *PECIALTY S. K. B8**RPT, *. D. PHT^ICIAX ANDSUKGROX. AtaolTRit«<l State* Examining Surgeon. Richmond, Illinois. JOSEPH N. rUKUXD. [AtOOS AND R?T.\int.VVT Bon»lett's BUlto»'s Mtiil, Me- , ilt tM r. loiecst Wines, laorors »ra t»be tcun.t in th« eonntr. Presh i ̂ a tWtiir season wrnri up in a»y > rlesimd ortsnr sale by the On. GOOl> STAB MSG fOR HOB8K3. ANTONY KNOEI.N. SAT.OOX ar.d Restaurant, Blink's otd »tan<1 McHenry. lll.-Tlie rhoieest Kentuek? WMski«i, «our Mush, Wine?, Wgnrn, «te.„ always on hand. We tray none h«t the best, and sell at Reasonable Prices, fresh Oysters In their season. JU M. CHUKCHt Watolukialcer aJwdt Jeweler vro. m RANDOLPH STREET, («n«cesSor Jt^i to E. *?. P. Shirley.) Chioagn, HI. Sjie- eial attention jriven renairing Vine icateh- es and Clironooit tern. «ar A Full Assortment of Goods in !sis line. Richmond House, 2 - • * ^ l O H M O l i Q a W L - C. Kt CULVER, < - fltOPRIKTOB. the ah«*e thorough repair, r.t, and w«tthf *jfe ot the trnir. tobies will ik WitWlrtlr8"Se»l thnt it* atwl Attentive waiter* |rW it»«» r»WW9«»at atlthue# to attenyt «% the 'fA jiiiiie'\yill tie spawff to rnnimmil^ M CHaaa flnnse. nm] roiuniMll^W^iWMl on the premise*. Fr»« Oinnitm^^,{«^|,tn>«il all trains, ^aiapt* Roonisdn wen •*ms HE. WTtumi.YV, proprietor. Kirst , class ii«8, with or without drivers, fiunitdied at reasonable'rates. Tea>mtng ot all kiiijUdone on short notice. A. WENDELL, s&smm m HcHenrjft 1H; Will take oontrsofs f«»r putting up Builriitige ntuf KMAI'AHI«M inv work will eomp'iire with any 111:111 it« lh« 1 «•»» sitid will do \vork from 15 to *2o per it ehenper than wther uar|M>nt«r». a* two ot my hoys who work with mnkt's It possible for nio to bs in thft Cnrppntpr line att*rideU to. Give me a;call. WENDELL. PRATT nottSR. t A. PH VTT^ prowletor. Plr^t elas* «e-eo-nTnoi»tions. «ood Barn in ftptineetipn ffane.onda. Ill nARBlAS B«o< etnrers, Mf ll##rff> Wl, Or (i-:--f&hon, It'IMH^Mte^enrr, wo dwtrs west of Pt-AIN- %1I d<"-s IfcKeitor MAT.RH ARM COM PTON e Pevce tn-l <T»nvevane«r*r- [v to the r.alleetlon of jnty, til. »f Wlll^tten t«bts. Yolo, Ij 1IIXED PAINTS Witles' to lahfl <ais. om«e with In M If 9*nnty I am prepared to furnish Mixed rnftltflW all kinds at. the lowesi living pvices ««•' f«r ni»ti an article far superior to tln» common Mixed Paints l>eing sot(l. Call and sce-me. oSr«nnfnftt«w,,»'s itfnehlfterv. 10, Mcllenry, GEO. exaini 11 f rPrnmot atten ^EABHTOSl OS |ftt>op in «l. il aflEHBldlnit, next ^fppw" hridgo . H. SAffr ofG. H. Oi<5%toson 3 . f«hli«;Squ'*ro ' *j£- , V W00!>BT 'i 'A «<kmI ^tofvk o| ,ii*BonhHnd, ::^|pMriranti«d. • afcrtHpr p ,-|r^St<*ftlt»:l»l.,^ ;||; J. A, 4Dr AND AFFKil Algonquin, „ ioitaid 'This . ». tm 1 roi'itii) >and Goods id to. Farm ALE* of ^tonk, ^ irtht*#^ r<K ofall kinds pr-onplly ••ti'.tjL _ - ea a $i»e<-itiity. Terms ••HPwHhle. Pofjt e *ililre#»: AlgoniiiiHi, il Ibrm •nu mber, um send Htmbm onia^i brfbrit ptm pap for it. This is the wistaria other eompaniea retail fbr (SOU AH Machine* *«ntnM for i year*. S«ad(or JllD«tnM«dCIiV cuUraadTenttaonial*. AOdrMI CHARLES A. WOOD « CO., , I? jLfatfk 8t. ftfiddffcil, fi| w(K>n« M A R C U S ' T Manufactured by F. MARCUS, ) , •,/ -DEALER IN- JURE WINES, LIQUORS AMO CI3ARS. Woodstock III, • , - flPhe best Tonii' in the world. Put no t* and Quart Bottles. 1 • >t F. MARCUS, Patentee. Bonslett* ••'•••'l Near the Depot, jjleHENRY - • - ILLINOIS. ' ilteops constantly on hand the finest biands 4(f Klonr and Feotl of all kinds, which he will ; HI) at Wholesale or Retail at Bottom Prices. .•^|fliN|.4Mterei»t »>r:»nds of Pionr always on yand and warranted as represented, '|&iHX Seed Meal Always on Hand •^•pionr delivered »nywhere In the Cor Miration. Oriers mi» »e given by PoaJMl «ard, Box 107, Post Offlee. rW. aiVK ME A CALL. •L. BONSLETT. March MtktlttL HENRY MILLER. --DPALKR IN-- Anas Mi Forsip MarMe. Monuments, Headstone E re., ETC.. ETC. > American & Scotch Granite Constantly on Hand. Shop T wo utiles Nov|% «f| ^ Henry, III. H, Johnsbnrgh Augf. 20tto. W7* * THE CEIAM of all BOOKS if ADVENTURE. fesrHcSssf The thrtlTinir adventures »f all the her ' ex- p l o r e r s a r i ' t f r o n t i e r l i g h t e r s v v , t 1 ^ . J , s ' outlaws and wild beasts, over the ffW« countrv, from the earliest times to tlie pies- ent. Tlives and fainons exfloits of f.aSrtlle, standinh, Boitne. Kenton, lira'iy, Crockett, Brwie, Houston, "arson, oasier, California .Joe , Wld Bill. Buff i'o Bill.. <»ener. als Miles and <-look, great iivllan Ohipfj aii<l seores of oilif* fJOIWKOPSM , TR \TKD will V. flue engravtnss to the lite. A«KSTS ff,i) I» D, Low priced and beats asything to sell _ • 3TAM DAED BOOK CO. 8*. LOB*, *«>- Illinois. M Eifijirwood and peftt'iiHy siiy a ntore near I will puv the lue for Esir^. produce, cash aterial to me. haml a select and Flour, brand* of < i- >, I sun «r<»insr to o defy competition, have met with a .ore Utietul' pntroiiape id expectti^f, I shall yet i nd iicements caIcnlated se my trade and secure a B. BAINTHORP: IK. June i:ith, mi. CROCERIESI M. Engeln, Raving removed his store to Colby's Brick "Block 1.1 no-.v prepared to offer to tbe Imymg public a full liuu of CHOICE FAMLY GROCERIES, Canned Goods. CIGAR, TOBACCO, PIPES, &c,, &c. M y Goods are all Iresh and wUl be aold at the lowest living prices. * . , , I also Veep a full stock of Gtin Wntorinl tiisliing Tackle, Minnow Seins, Hammocks, and in fact everything pertaining to MSIUPIK and Hn lit in?, can be found at my store at reasonable 1'rices ' Violin*, Acordeons, Picaias, !• lutes, violin Strings, ano aII other extras for Violihs. My stocks of CINWAItB is complete. Call and examiue it. i|iiAi^aUo 1'rices that <ieiy &II competition ^ WQK1tV FOR THE or THE AGENTS WANTED MARTYR PRESIDENTS. ABB \HAM LINCOLN, "Krom pioneer Home to VV h i t e f o u s e , " a n . l . ) A M K S A l i K V M G A K - F1ELI>, "From Log <labia to White House. In English and GermHn. Illustrated with line steel engravings. By an eminent author. Also for theonlv large steel portrait of t»ar lield. Send for extra tonus. THE HENKV BILL PUBLtRHiwo Co.,™*-NORWICH, COKV. CHEAP LANDS on leaf credit snd eaaf terms, in a talld cltaiate. free from heavy snows, blight- lag frosts, and e*- WLUOHS OF ACRES | ****- for sale 1B tbe COLOEH CELT of Kansas, by the UNI9M PACiFiC BftlLWAT, •roa pi«k Oetl as Use sun ever shone •a, nllfe c««d •Murkets ea«C and weal, JPbf and /Z/ujtfflW Boohf ifliltL Map*, Sent Free, Addrett UM& COMMISSIONER,--Kawtt -BNiBlr KAK»A8 CITY. MIMOtML fetanit China matli of Vote, 'ailor, F«n|iK|wd o:. lLOTtm ity andat t?t istic Cloths. yA FIT, m Boys1 and the tieet qual- Irices. • C.1 Pi? Rlotimoi SdteW' stc and Soods ot alll to on the most and iptisfacl Po*t Offices WOODS - V Breech and •4:'*: • •• Shot All kinds of tois. nn^f Tools in s atteuded nibble Terms guaranteed. , . , f . % 1 i ' n . mr ILL., Loading ; Cartridge* ' i'm* V v AND HEPAIRING DONE. DonUi Barreled ^ good Breech Gnn. Warranteil Twi WiMhcster Xick®V*T " 8eltW|k« A g%»; ' Single I wi «S|I , t warrant everyjCHa l <»elL i «hata,.oa&. ~ S.5«. itol, fS.M. Loading, Holdlew Department. COWDCCTED BR DR. S. P. BKXHBTT. SEETCHEa From a Soldler't Xemorandom The unu IOJ. A STORM OPP H ATT AS AS* V 31 *t Mmw. Infantry, a (letnch- ment of thellth Maine Infantry and one battery of artillery. In all about. 1400 "men shipped from Boston for Slilp Is* land, about the 26th of February, A. !>.. 1804. W® paused Porta Warren and Independence late in the altomx>n.-- Tlte sea wn rttiiuitnsj> high. When off Fortress Monroe tlte wind blew a gale, and the ship rolled heavily In % tem- pesttmm sea. Yot General Bntler wlio wiih hla staff wa« with us, ordered tlte ateamcr to contlnue'*an Its course. Tlte aieamer. the Mississippi, was a three decider, a propellor, and also car­ ried tail, Slie was new. thl* Hie first trip, and w%s well built, plated with Ireu. The ship was 290 feet lonjj. by about 34 feet ItMvidtli, and was rated v one of the swiftest steamers afloat. The tempest increased with unpreced­ ented fury, and late In the night a desperate and determined effort was mad« to gain the shelter ^of Hattaras inlet, but the effort was abortive and Tain. Three times In quick succession, the ship struck the bar with great force, and I twas with extra taa has- ard and peril, with a dozen strong men at the wheel, that the Mtlp right­ ed and faced the storm. 80 Mack was the night that no object coaUl be seen by human eye. The roar of the storm <trowued every human voice. By 3 A. M.. the bunks were crushed down and jammed together. The ship momentari­ ly standing 011 Its beam end. and anon, suapplng and groaning In every joint, lay upon its side, sails were torn to shreds, spar* wrenched oil and lost In |iie sea. Every thing on tho ded( was foin from Its fastening* and swept away save only a Sawyer gun, made fast at the bow. To complete our misfortune, the Ice bot|se packed with heavy blocks of toe (and oovered with Clothes Wringora repaired and new Kolls put oiij. Price per pair warranted, $2:50. B. SHERifAN. Woodstock, July I9th, ftm A. P. GRAY. ' Always Ahead. WINTER CAMPAIGN OPENED • -AT HI.*gr Carriage and W*||tt factory, • ..;ak0 iLACXSiilT}! iAoP, RICHMIOND.^ILL I sell every Implement, Tool or Machine a farmer wants. PLATFORM SPRIXG, uE- LIV 5RY AS D FARM WAGONS. TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES, One, two and three seated, fVom the cele" brated manufactory of J. W. Henry ft Co.. Kreeport. XSj|jacl£«imtt]itnfl:, Painting and Repairing f)*»e In a workmanlike manner and war­ ranted. From the large variety of Farm Machinery manufactured, we select that IreBt adapte 1 for this section, and n|>on the BFST TERMS THAT CASH CAN PURCHASE, which en­ ables us to supply our patrons with just what they want, and at lower prices than anv other concern northwest of Chicago. Call and make exairination f>r yourselves before giving vonr orders for any piece of machinery vou tna v neofi the coining season, and you will find the best and most complete lino of F:irm Machinery ever before offered in Mcllenrv Co Homeinher that we offer the VKUV ft EsT MACIIISKIIV at the VKRY I.OWKST PUlCiv that Cash can produce aaywlutofe. -4ik GRAY,. - Michmond, III* But we are still ia tbe «siM plaee. ready to > sH kinds of , General Repairing, On snort notice and at raaaoaaMe rates. Ve would also call the attention of those wishing to buy to our - •' . . j ."'*4 HON KNEES Ml U Which we are selliu WAGOSS, CARRIAGE at very tew price a CstUrt tad Sltlglu, Madetoorder. Call'ind see us. Shop la rear of Carp«nter"s Blacksmith Shop, Ire- Henry, Illinoia. M^Iapry, HL, *ov. \ • . quarters of (reatu one ration to 18< and at * ; huf 1 eau shaw the veriest shadow of for tlielr appli«*atlun«. Parba^a'l able critics who thus ventilate lliptr crude itleas of possible fraud werr allghtiv familiar with ti»e manner »f deciding claims by the Pension Oflee their ebullitions might b« curtailed In expreaslon, nml. mayhap,withheld frnm (Miblicatlon. It i« to be presumed that tlte Commissioner is fully as familiar with the workings of his bureau as these editorial fault-tinder* who know abso­ lutely nothing of the matters of wlUmh thojr write. ;'CT' *» ' g*------f ..." _ j A VKfHATILs The editor had «*o:npleted hi* bard week's work, and had scut the last in* etailment ot "oopy" for The National Tribum to the foreman, and was lean­ ing back in Ills easy chair, enjoying a. long-deferred rest, when a loud knock was heard at the door of the sanctum. The editorial feet were removed from the editorial desk, and the editorial voice sung out, "Come In." The dooi opened somewhat cautiously and ml tied a visitor of lank form and cldedly seedy appearance, with a relt of manuscript under his arm. ] •; "Are you the editor?" lie remarked^ In a voice whose melody appeared tat be somewhat Impaired by the ravages of|time. The editor responded In the affirm­ ative. "My name la Cyrus J. Biggins," eal<# the visitor. "You have heard of me, I presume ?" The editor stated that he was ft to admit that the pleasure of quaintalvce with the illustrious was an entirely novel seiisatiou. "And such Is fame!" said the ger, with what he evidently lute for a bitter akd cynical smile, what was really a most extraordlnai distortion of countenance, conveying no idea in particular to Hie dhpasslon* ate observer. "Sir," he continued. "I am A literary genlu*, I am the most versatile writer of this or any other age.** The editor expressed his frattftaft' tion at beholding s# remarkable an Individual. * "I have here.** said the literary, ins, "some samples of my literary |l ity, which, as certain ol my are w. '\s 1® Ls"2?«. eral wrcck. ted potatoes, coffee, mn tl»n. Tiifi living and t well, tlie maimed and the W: hsshed and pound«^H|ig|^<A Wie indiscrtbable scene of woe. At sun rise tiie wind abated, but old o;ean raved and rolled, heavy, seas broke over the deck, and the yard arms dripped ittooeana foam.' Few indeed iwerei the tqeti that on the day follow­ ing the storm could pace the deck or stand before the masts. Place a man w.holly at the mercy of the elements. jet him feel that his right arm is powerless, that hnman will i*j un* availing and you have a picture that God grant that but few eyes may soe. a story of whose discomfiture few ears may hear. J have participated In bat­ tles that were close and deadly; have mingled with the wounded when tbe grrien sod was matted with abundance of human blood; have heard the In­ dian war whoop; hy night, a»d have stood almost alone, when death reigned supreme and without a rival. Yes, have* in tny wretchedness, envied the fortune of a dying friend. But all collect)vly, were it possible to con­ dense them into one common rboater of agony--would be but idle mockery to that night off.Hatteras. K,M.C. A Brave Soldier On**. Brevet Brigadier-General George Pomutzs formerly Con*ul-General of the United States, at St. Petersburg, died from apoplexy In extreme pov erty in St. Petersburg in October.-- General Pornutz entered the service In 1861 as adjutant of the Fifteenth Iowa volunteers, at Keokuk. Iowa, and was the major of that regiment when General Belknap and General Hedlck, of Iowa, were Its colonels. He was a Hungarian by birth, nni came t«» America with a colony of his oountry men in 1848, settling at New Bnda, J)ecator county. Iowa. He was a fine soldier and thoroughly educated, speaking nine languages fluently. The descriptive book of the Fifteenth Iowa, which is now In the War De­ partment anil which 00ntains the full military history of every officer and enlisted man In the regiment, was pre­ pared by h'm. Its entries were made Troin time to time In the fleld, and, as a regimental record, ii; clearness of de­ tail and in lis full description of every soldier of the regiment and of his ser­ vice, It is unsurpassed. When tho war closed lie was lieutenant-colonel of his regiment, having served lor a time1 on the staff of Major-General Frank P Blair. His comrades propose placing a memorial stone over his grave. Ventilating Their Igaoraaee. Complaint from many quarters has been evoked by the reoommendatlons of Commissioner of Pensions DudleJ- concerning the removal of certain re­ strictions from the present statutes relating to applicants for pension. It is alleged that the Commissioner de- TltlPP BROS. *fn>* ro op*n th* Tan,t* of tb* treMnry But MPS ern1 of WOMW 1 oa th* 1 !««io«tod bf:i )|«|Niat»-, wIlli strn will In any style, and upon all subjects." The editor remarked that sucli versa­ tility was an unusual gift. * 4 toFor Instance," aald Mr. Hlgglns, seleoting« sheet of mmiuiciipt. J*hfw» is something of a descriptive natnte, which lays over any illng that BtiMlir cvtr wrote," The,pallid spiewterefa silvery floed eflna trotia rays emitted from the midnight orhk shower*!!!* eVulgent brilllaaee athwart ths gnaried MM sbapele** branches of the giaata of the forest, that like grim sen tine la lifted their teweriag ferwa twwanla the clondieee In take th« to your ordering safe bar! March. till dome ot Heaven.' "The 1 re. said the stranger,"how doe* that strike you?" The editor stated that he presumed that the idea intended to be conveyed was that tho moon shone in the woods. "Exactly," said th* genius. The editor Intimated that In Ills opliilon Bulwer never wrote anything similar to chat. "Of course not," said the visiter, with a satisfied expression. "Stow here Is a poem that would have immor­ talised Longfellow, had he written H. Listen": "When silently the curtain ot the night Palls softly o'er the glory of the day, When maddened Satnre weeps the dyl»g Hght, And convsat sisters kneel thess dowa» «o pray; Then comes to me memory of days. Long shrouded in the silent nevermore,. When erst I stole into my aunt's back yard, And slammed beer bottles at the eat next door." •'Where Is Longfellow now!?* trttm* pliantly exclaimed the poet. The editor remarked th»t l|4 l|*>. Ileved Mr. Longfellow was dead. "Now, here 1s some thing,*' continued the versatile writer "In what I call the composite stylo. Observe how b*W|Sj[- fully the mediaeval form of langw^p* Is blended with tho 1 Now, by my halWIeesl* thou shalt not Save Mot . hast settled i«r MM ml.- Vsrlet?' spake Ragiaaldde ̂ otmfi^'WiraVljH lasnlt the honor oFmv ana|a»>«^.«»a»*? 1, thou haataa aviiioagua, aad my a went '•*th car he All OIK we ter.* will youj the! Ills I that pari 'I'm s9i Is In favorp the time said,: *l'« that coowi sooth, shall eleave thf •aldst another knight,' spake t the la twain, «Q thou prithee, gentto KIIIQU., ^rkeepar, * ah oat aot^eSf thy chin ao le^lp, lest the p^lar oatside should tuiahie to the racket, aad pall the house," "How's that?" said Mr.Higglns. The editor admitted there was con­ siderable blending In the style. •'Now," said the poet, "I propoee to revolutionize the whole system of re­ porting news hy converting it Into' poetry. Now. suppose, for ii'stance, I was dfspatched 11 write up the meet­ ing of a scientific sojlety. I would work It up something in this style:" "The Academy of Sciences oonvened the olhsr dtiy, And aliiag aryund tho science in a seisntlfle way Old Perkins eqtortainad thegaag With what few fticts lie knew, On 'Result* of Deep sea Soundings on MM coast of KalamaIOO,' Mickey Htekey read a papes on tbe •Oarnoaif And Dr°"Bump'^exhibited some fossil efSter Professor Jones palavered then with Itseaey Oa "Experiments in Polartsiug Light by Means of Cheese;" __ Another duffer spoko about the 'Theory er Aad 'AflnVal Deposits at the Senseee of the *Ths effect of the Biec'rio Light on Delk|aee- •The (Tiiienm'lM rf the Speciee Known aa •On Ails trowc Forms of Gin Found in the Kte Tr'eesa# Hoboken of the Pra-Historta flnlhet to read.- s.Mi 'ftllittft' ••i i»s rat ^*1! fort] ninMi^f dred^nd sooQjtd. A.gswovatl average of HOi.1 Tltegovoi Hon. Robert S- thirty-two years of afl in political Ufa far lobort H. Pat i Methodist minister, up tlteir rosidooos the * a 3 Set !>«•

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