j^e{[e#rj j^laiifctleF. WEDNESDAY, .TAtf. 8, 1885. Railroai Time Tab*e. oovwo Rorrm. Seaev* T<%te« . ...7!*l a. .* Beaeva fj*k« Kxnren S:*H " &ea«ra Lake freight 1 :«5'r. M ivn tmrn. •ene** Tiit« Fr*t*tlt k. H Oeaera f.ake H^nretyi iflf, * BntTi Lake Pnaenctr «:!» " B. ^ent. VR'Tcnrr, Til M V*OVTP Rrt!*wnT T,otk»h. VA|W F."an«l \ . Jf.-- fjlur rvunrn'miontion* the CMur on »r b*fnr« the full of the moon anil every two w««ki thereafter. CilAS. C. OOI.1IT. W. M. M«HTKMUT N»NPT.WN N'N, II K. "M -1»N- Iir n««Tnp»thin hel'1 on the *e<»on 1 and fourth m e*r.h mrnmh. «<ifTn IT. P. HrWECT lit ttw> Universal?"* Church ne*t Snn'lw-nwrBlBf: k'$ome" Misap plied Text*.*' Vf 1l#arn that there will be % C*la#« Bull Shout lit Sprinsr Grove. next Saturdar, .Tan. «tt*. Shootlsta should hear this in mind. :v BT * notice elseWIVere in tfct« pa?»er ills will be seen that the Tax Collec tor will he on the warpath on and after the 15th Inst. : SUBSCRIPTIONS forlhe P| .AIVI»15AT.F.N will be rece Iwd at Volo at the store of Henry Roger", who is a uthorized to receive money and receipt for the earn*. ' . - . . . i_",' 'A SON of I. N. Mead bad the mi«for- 'tune to cut ill" hand wtih a saw quit# •ererelv one dav laat week. It w'as H painful ami nglywonnd bat I* now do- well. ^EVKRAt. attempts have heeu made to knit a rtoekir;ffUr?e nnou?h to hoM *11 that a child can wish for Chri«tmas. It wool I be just a* possible to hnild a picket fence aronnd the universe. WE learn that the "oM D. 8. Smith residence, now o<vnpjed hv Rev. T.. .T. Plnsmore. lias been «oM to I,. A. %er. the sum paid being fcl.MM). Mr. Barker will occupv it In the spring. MOST of our merchant* are taking an Inventory of stock. and all report a geo<l allowing for the year just Ra«t. The new year starts out. with flatter Irifr prospects in all kinds of business . • • 1 PKlHOXAi. MISS EMMA GRKOORT spent Holiday week with friends in Chicago. W. P. MORSK, and wife, , of Nunda, were in town on .New Year's day. E. O. HART, of Chicago, was callling on friends here on Tuesday. • TUNE RACE Is reported qnlte sick at the residence of his sister, Mrs. H. H. Nichols. A. M.CHURCH atpl wife.of Chicago, attended the party at the Riverside House onfNew Year*s night. f .Jacob Bonnslett was t„h.*owii from a Wagon and quite severely Injured one |a^ Ust week. MR. E. B. GOULD, Mis* Jennie Geselhractit and Miss Mary File, all of Chicago, are the gu««ts of Min Jennie Searles. in this village. Win. MKAD. son of H. w. Mead, who has lw»n spending the Holidays with his parents, departed on Monday morn ing for his school pt Valparaiso, liid. PATTERSON BROS;, Frank and G. A., accompanied by their wives, were oin from Chicago la.it week to attend the wedding at E. M. Owen's. 4J| MISS PATTERSON, of Chicago, spent a few days with the family , of fa M. Owendast week,, returning houic on New Year's dav. ,, - THis is the season of marriages. Some home poet has recently written: some marry tor love, an-1 solne for money, Ani wome, the Kur.l knowK why ; Soinc fin 1 the t*n«l of milk *n<1 h«ney, Some uothiog bill dried.«|>ple pie. ~ ; ' Farmers and others desiring a gen toel, lucrative agency bu«lue-s. itrhlch 95 to 890 a d*y can be earned, •end address at. once, on postal,to 11. C. %Ulfe^Nmn <t Co.. 195 and I«7 Fulton New Yorfc ~ m* • understatii the Xcw* jRo«*in #»f K. IVheeler was hurglttrir-ed one nljfht list week, a lot rff ciffirs and about seventy cents in money heinj t-iken. They gained an entrance by breaking light of glsiss in the door. bath school, will meet next Sabhath evening' at the .church, at 7 o'clock. Subject to be discussed: I*>di», All are cordially invited to attend. MRS. J. C. BI«KI.OW. Pres. THE New Yeara Parties were well attended in this village, one hundred and four couples being reported at. the Rlyerslde House, and two hundred and seven at the Parker Hoti«»». W«» h;ive not learned the n'utnber at the Mcflenry House. m exchange says that. "ifla«-s napkins can now be had for w*vent«'-rtve dollars per dozen, which is a fall of twei'itv- flve dollars in six weeks." However, the old way of wiping off your chin with your plate |g good enough for ?r weather. t W*K called at the residence-of Mr Heiiry M cOmber a few days since, where we were shown a very line Pic ture of their daughter. Miss Ad die McOinber (now dei-cased) which they received as a Christ mas Present from their son. Ca«per McOuiber. of Chicago. It is a ('rayon Picture, aud is certainly as life like and flue a piece wl work as we ever had the pleasure of examining. It vm made bv Richard Israel, Artist, Wahach Avenue Chicago, and is a S |»ecitaen of whicli be need nev/-r be aslidined. Such a Christinas Present Is one that will be highly appreciated by Mr. and Mrs. McOmber. f?HE ladies of the U '.ii versa list, /huivh are canvai'sing the town lor <ie of season tickets for a course >f lectures. The course will consist of four lectures and one concert. The speakeTs.'will he;,^lt«v. Re v. W. S, Crowe, of C Boynten and Rev. The concert wil I)r. Kllis aud cago; Rev. 1^. Baloh. of El- announce«} ;.in 'Sttot. ttB«r," The .season tlfckets liave been put at the low price of one dollar* and all can afford to lend a helping hand. The object is to raise money to purchase a new organ for the church. The first, lecture is announced for next week Thursday evening by l)r. Balch. wtc.nniKa BKI.IX sr-iryoRR--OWKN -- At the residence of the in-'.!<•"!» fiitwr. K: M. Owen. Ks<;.. December iS'h. W5. ' y the Rev. fltAJSfi. • i TOn .Tnw 5riKT i. . \i» ts, noi nr MiHeinv. THE I'niversaltsts have a at the residence of Amos Wiiltlsijf. on tlie Nundaroad.ou Friday evening, this week. Warm candy., readings and singing are among the attractions. Thosa wishing to go *nd having oo i;enve vance. will he carried from, the »idence of TJev. T.. J. Dinsmore. • : -The l.adies <>m»Merr Aid ' ' '•ciety #111 meet with Mi«* .r'll 'a A. Story pn Saturday afternoon :it 3 o'clock to de. cjde upon dale of the • pound «o?.Tat»ie," to he given soon. All are urgently requested to be present. MRS. T. J. WALSH, Pres. MISS JUI.U A. STORT. sec. ^ KWWm J'Mr. a luhji and Epresr'<-(1 B;s puttl of i 't^d to THE Woman's Foreign Mls«l«»i#sar Society, of Ringwood and McMenry M. E. Church will hold Its first meet ing of the New Year, In Ringwood, with Mrs. T. E. Hall, on ' Friday, Jan uary 6th, from 2 to 4;#|. j\ jt. 4,,,go.r? r dial Invitation is extended to all. Bf order of the Secretary. WE would call espt-cial attention to, tho new advertisement of Asa W Smith. Woodstock, to he found in an other column. Mr. Smith is tlie -'Old Reliable" fnsuratice Agent of McIIeury County. He represents none but the best companies, and all losses are promptly adjusted. Read his twelve reasons why you ihould Insure with . l»lin. latives and invited guesf^ to the number of nearly one hundred, were present, and the spacious home of Sir. Owen presented a lively M|)pearance. A short but.Impressive mitn iage service was pronounced by the Rev. Mr. Dlns- iliore. pastor of the Vnlversalift church in tint; village, and after the custoOiary congratulation*, the company sut doA'ii to a sumptMnua'repas*, HI tlie prc'pi^i-a- t 'on of wtiich the hostess. Mbfe-Qwen. Ini"l fairly excelled lier^flt '. liour or t wo spent iu social c<rotSirl$lion the guests depaj Schnorr atM^his f; prosperous tife. aiil earnest wi*n tltak lite« that thly jKid, travel together; %iig] r«»Hes tu l)if end.. The presi-iits' were bdth numerous Midi valuable,-and went f'-tf t-» the hi^b appreciaiiou in which the U .ppy couple were held by theif fiends. LIST of letters 'remaining 1*. O. ;it Mcrlenrv for t Ite inou'li ending Dec. 31, 18S2: Letters -- MicliT Ryan. . 'og. F. Smith, Owen Jv. Marron. Frank Moxii- lieit, J. Q. A* N-'sweil, ' Janieo Nelsoif, Jerry O. Harrington, t?h:»s. Lovell, Jas. O. Kinihili. Nick Kinzie, Mrs. R. J. Smart, Mrs. Jno. Stewart. Mrs. Ella Moore, Mi^« Annie "M. Mct'lelland, Mrs. Sar-th Giflord. Mary A. Boner, Mrs. Aiigeline Sanett. Postal <Jards--L. H. Beach. Ed Kimhail. Miss Florence Bar- her. Cynthia A. Wuite. 4» calling tor the above please call f«r ^advertised*' letters. C V. SrKVKHfl. P. M. , OHITtJAK*. - # 9ETER STEVEM# Stevens was boril In Vermont, Jan. 12il». 18 H. In 1829 he moved-to the State of Veer York, *nd in 1841 was married to Elizabeth Dart, of Drlden. In that stare. In 1843 be came west, and settled lnT.ake County, where be resided until 1S5B, when he moved to thi^ town,settling near Ring- wood, where be resided most of the time until .the past few years. Ills wife died In 1867. since which time he has mads It his home with his eldest daughter, Mrs. Frank Cole, of the tow.ii of Burton. ; M r, Stevens was a man of urictty temperance habits, never using either tobacco or strong drink of any kind, and was always au ?ndnstriou«, hard working man. In his death the Old Settlers Association loses another veteran pioneer, who had lived to see Chicago grow up from an obscure trad ing post on the frontier to a city of over half a million inhabitants. A little over a year ago he had a stroke •f paralv«ls. since which time he had been constantly confined to the honse% death coming on the Iftth of December, as a release from his long suffering. He leaves a family ol nine children, three sons and six daughters, to mourn his Joss. Truly "what Is their loss Is hi* rata.". '" - "• f ^' • fctchmoiwt, tlh. toefi ittth, *»S. One Wrtbe mo«t enjoyable events of fhe sea*on took place at the residence '%f Mr. I.ockwood Austin on Monday evening last. It was one of those pleasant surprises which are becoming so popular through the surrounding country, in which said surprise was to remind Mr. Austin and wife that th# 18th of December had rolled around which completed their lBth wedding anniversary. The friends and neigh bors began to gather at about 7 o'clock, and succeeded to their satisfaction in taking them by surprise, and especially Mr. Austin, who. seated iu. his easy chair, engaged In conversation with a neighbor'..hut did not so far forget himself hujt that he could greet them warmlv, also to send to 0ie village for • .goodly snpplv of oysters which he afterwards said he might lia^re had on hand, had they only let him ktiowjh It. And so. between the oysters and Wuer goodies all d! I ample justice, judging* by their pleasant countenances and social conversation. What with music 011 the piano by the accomplished player MUs Jennie Gillespie, also on the violin and piano by Mr. Cropley and daughter, the evening was one long to be remembered. The esteem in which Mr. Austin and wife are held by the community Is shown by the presents, which were welt selected and consisted of: 1 glass cake stand. Mr. f'hapin ; pickle dish and cheese dish, Mrs. *'Unpin ; gold pen and holder, Mr. dl. <jillispie and Mrs. Austin; match safe. Mrs. Redding silver castor, l>ne il»••/.<!> ttk'jtj- l. iii vas. «*a rVl jnf t 'liifh itiild furk. Sir. and MM, Boolli, Mr. and Mrs. Sln-1 don, Mrs. Ma?on,j^|§£, and Mrs. Geo. Stuart, Mr. Crtfpley and wife. Mr. Fleshlier a:il wile. 'Mr. Robblns and wile,.Mr. W. Johounott Hud wife. Mr. Lafayette AusHn and. >wife. Sir. Red' ding and wife, II.„ GIIMspie; Fancy plate and bowl. Mrs. Booth to Mr. Aus tin. The festivities continued until the "wee sma' hours," when all took their leave, wishing them all prosper ity iu the future, and many happy re unions hereafter. Mus. F.-G. A. Waueonda Department. ea-STTB^ORIPTIOK* for the Pr.MKDKAT,Kft will be rereiveri in Wanoonda.at P. B. Har rison's Prusr ̂ tore amt l>v John Golitinff THE rapidity with which new scrlbers to the PLAINDKALKR are cooV Ing in. Is gratifying In the exrreme^ as if proves to us that our eftorts to give our suhscribirrs a readable paper Is appreciated. We shall put forth •ven greater efforts for the year to conic, snd with the improvements which we contemplate making, intend making the PLAIN*DEALER second to no weekly paper publ ished in Illinois. T«K Owen brothers, George, Oliver N", and Ed W.. made their father. E. M. Owen, a very handsome present <j,n Christma9 day. It being no less than the fine large painting, copied from Rosa Bon»dieur's original. "The Plowing Match.*' This picture was painted by Miss Clara B. Owen.whi'e in Paris, and Is certainly one of the finest works of art we ever saw. It is adorned with, n handsome gilt f rame, and is a pr«*»e t «.l whicli any owe might well feel proud. (5. '#• LESLEY and family, of this vill.-ige, went to Wnukegmi oil Thurs day la*t. tu attend tlie Golden Wed- dinjt of Mr. Besley'n father and motlier. which took place at their residence In thatclty. on Friday eyn•»ina»» A spec- fjil ifrom that place, speaks of the occasion ss fol lows: The event of the week in social clr eles of this city .was the celahrat i.»u on Friday evening, b.v the venerable ami respected citizen. Mr. Win. liesley <tnd his estimable wife of the fiftieth nr golden iinniveinary of their marriage which .took place at their residence oil the south side ol the river, and WH* participated in by a Urge-company of invited guests. The name of Besley is well known throughout the country, from its eonneci i"1 ' «'iih the celebrated Waukegau ale. which is manulactured here bv I lie itesl^y Brewing tjompauv. of which corporation Mr. Besley i« and has been for manv years the head and front. N'otwithsi.Hiding the fact thai the Invitation* bore the inscription "No presents," still the venerable pair were the recipients of many handsome and valnalde gill- Irom loving rela tives and • friends, including a g"old watch 'rom the six sons to the groom, and the same from the daughters to the bride, with mag iticent gold chains Irom the taufiiie*. of Dr. J. Ii. llollii>ter. Mrs. J. Hunt, ami Mr. Win. W imitate, aud numerous other valua ble presents. Mr. Besley is one of tlie oldest set t lers of Lake County, and Ids many friends in Mcllenry County send con gratulations i hat the fiftieth anniver reached • „ ONLY S-20. Fur a New York Siu^#?* equal to any slngei in the ma-ket. This is tlie sfhie style otl^tu- companies retail for $. rj0, AU lUAch/hes^wurrantc'd for 3 years. ^ O. W.OWEir. TR ACIIERS. • vr : If vou will send your name and address, togeth<*r with the Di'trjct No. of the school you are now teaching, we will send you -H* •hing the Raiijdropa," a beautiful Ten Color Oil Clironio to bang up 'ii vour school room ; al«o otJier j u format ion of nmcb Interest to you. v . -'-.-v. ; - Cleveland oilio. City residences for sale. Apply Asa W. siujilh. Woodstock, IU. to T.O?T. strayed or stolen: Pair holders t or i i lies. Finder please leave the Mime with Geo. Owen. Here We Are Again. you will ti id the names of tlie prominent farmers that have bought the celehiated fiitht running llapgood Sulky Plow within the last six weeks; James Barnstable, .Bernard Harrison, Nicholas Freund, Clias. Parks, Augustus Towuseud. Get». Parks,' f-irtis Harvey, Jake Snvder. W.i'i. Wood. Freeman Whit Ing A. «i. Fauver (3), R. R. Doolittle. Ask t h e m w h a t t h e y t h i n k of t h e m . Remember it is the only sulky plow m a d e t h a t i s w a r r a n t e d t o r u n l i g h t e r than any 14 inch walking plow. • We will mtke any man a present of the S n l k j . i f i t f a i l s t o t i l l o u r , w a r r a n t e e . I f I n W a n t o f a S u l k v P l o w , d o n ' t f a i l t o c a l l o n u s . a s w e a r e s u r e t o s u i t you. Sold only by E. M. Owen & Son. An effective medicine for kidnev diseases. I «w fevers and nervous pros tration, ami well worthy of a trial. Is Brown's Iron Bitters. • Richmond Dei CONTKIBCTKD «T i F. BENKSTT. Mr. .fos'yn, of Marengo, with his wife, daughter of If. B, Burritt, Esq., spent Chri«tmas In Waueonda, Wm. King, a brother of Antony King anil former resident here bnt re- c*ently a resident of Iowa, has returned for a visit but may remain in this sec tion. Mrs. Johnson Millard was thrown fTom her csrrlage when returning from the Christmas Tree Saturday evening, and sustained quite severe injuries. Dr. Wells was called and sh« Is now Improving. Miss Allle Pool*, who has been teaching school at spring Bluff, spent the holiday week with her friends here. Aunt Sopbronla llubbard has so far recovered that she was able to be moved to the residence o^ her son, Mr. George Hubbird, on Friday, She bore the journey nicely, and seems to have been benefited already by the change, Mr. Justin Wyman, proprietor of the store formerly occupied by Robt. Har rison, has been yery^ sick In Chicago for some weeks. Saturday bis parents residing here, were summoned to Chi cago, by a telegram stating that their son was much worse. No later news has yet been received, hut his recovery i* considered doubtful. If indeed lie Is still living. Mrs. McChesn-y"slurred for Edger- ton. Saturday, to spend a week or so with l»er old friends. Francis Courtney, son of Mr. Bryan Courtney, goes to Valparaiso, next week to attend school. Mr. Courtney bore au excellent reputation as a stud ent at the Waueonda school last win ter. and his friends are glad of his op portunity to avail himself ol the in creased advantages at Valparaiso. Th<*grand social event of the season occurred at the hotel Wednesday even ing. when Elder Brooks united Mr, E. A. Golding to Miss Augusta Pratt in the holy bonds of matrimony. The happy couple received many beautiful presents, which, however, laek of space prevents us from enumerating. The school exhibition for the benefit ' ofth«»school library, occurred Satur day eyening at Maiman's llall. The exercises were very good, but they wonid have been better if the audience could have heard more of them. The hell seems to be a1 very difficult one to speak in anyway, and the acto>rs ap peared to fail to realize tlie effort nec essary in order to be distinctly heard. Protracted meetings have l»een held at the Methodist Church during the pa«r week. Considerable religious In terest is said to have been manifested, s«4 through the present week. R. R. Crosby,. who had a light utroke of paralysis Is. happily, about again. The sale of cutter* in Richuiot^! tills season has been simply immense. ^6 Of holiday goods. Frank Wrav and Frank Pttrdy started last week for River Falls. Wis, to at tend school. We wislt^he boja much success. iBttckaye Force Owen's. We are glad to state that Mrs. John Vosbutgh, who had her coftan hone broken In a runaway, is doing well under the care of Dr. B. O. Reynolds, of Geheva. The mention of the marriage of John 'Dermont. of Richmond, and Miss Sarah Parker, formerly of Mcllenry, comes so late that we shall have to be content with offering our congratulations and wishing the newly wedded pair long life, prosperity and happiness. Dr. S, R. Ward, who has for some years practiced medicine here. Has dis posed of his practice to Dr. Bell, for merly of Genoa Junction, Wisconsin, and goes west to engage In other business. While regretting to lose Dr. Ward, we feel assured that his place will be worthily Ailed by Dr. Bell, wjiom we cordially welcome to his new field of labor. It seems good to see 4. R. Hyde again at his po«t in the old reliable drug store. To Ills friends his return from Colorado was saddened by the thought that while there, his youngest boy, as bright • spirit as ever blessed the home arid the world, fell asleep iu death. He brought Clamlie home with him snd brings the cheering intelligence that Mrs. Hyde's health is improving. How many friends ivill be giad to hear it! Kmm the Chicago Journal. LIUERTYVII LK. III., Dec. 30.--The Chi cago and Kvanston railroad surveyors have been at work this week running a line for a road from Lihertvville to Nipplslnsr Point, via Halnesville. They are pn«t ttie latter point. It is beHeved a road will he built over this line to Lake Geneva or Madison, Wis., and be controlled by the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul road. Parties from Lake county Inrform us that a party of surveyors are now at work iu the vicinity of Halnesville, In Lake county. Our faith in that road has been sorely tried for more than twenty years, and now--but wait till our ears actually bear the whistle! Auction east of Jotiu.«burg. nary 4th. 1883. o'clock, A. M., the folio Two mares, eight and one horse, tifieen years old, 4 cow*, springers. 28 sboats, I seeder. 1 reaper. 1 set double harness, 2 lumber wagons. 1 democrat wagon. 2 plows, 1 double 'Iraf, 1 pair trot*. 1 roller,! hay rake, and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS OK SALE:--M( SUMS of 910 and iiuder, cash. Over that sum • credit of one year, on approved note* at 6 per cent, "interest. FREDERICK KETCH EMEU. F, K. GRASOF.R, Auctioneer. KBS. P. A. SOL, f Milliner and Dressmaker, Would most respectfully Inform the ladles of Mcllenry and surrounding country, that she will, on FRIDAT, NOVEMBER 34TH, at the store formerly occupied-by P. D. Smith, near the Depot, open a full line of Millinery Goods, <>f the latest styles and patterns, and invites 'tie ladles to call, as she is eonndeut she can please thein, both In quality of goods aud price. Every thing new. No old goods. 1 am aho prepared to do all kinds of Dressmaking on short notice, aud guarantee satisfaction. Give me Ea call. MRS. P. A, HILL. Melletrf, November Wit, WSJ. A delldosw odor Is impartfd fky FleiwtOfcfiwn^ne. which is alwitya w io matterjhow freely BMd. The finest line of Silver and PlaC«4 Ware to he found in theconnty, at O. W. Owen's. _________ S««l«ly Bclln. On account of Its remarkably* <Hf» ilcate and lasting fragrancr. sorl^tjr belles are loud in their pralsva of Florestou Cologne. FOR SALE. of land in Seet!w»' .li.Jijr fenced. Also 80 acres of land, with ft good house and barn thereon, with timber and water iu abundance, In SM« tion 23. Also my homestead on the Crysurt Lake and Nunda road. Good N* house, barn and oilier outbulldlrig«iw Apply io JOHN FixaKti.^-9 A I' O. W. OWEN'S You can bnv the Domestic, the Kl- dredge. the Crown. New Howe, Spring- He M. atui New York Singer Sewing1 Machines, at a better figuie than you can buy of any traveling agent. Re member it and call and see them. .WE get ail the principal Migizine* and papeis at club rates, a id both old and new Mihscribers can rec ive rlie l><-ite lit ot. redilced rales by subscrlhins; thr< ugh us for such other publications as" they may desire. Remember the fact that Dwight bought au immense stock of Rubber Boots, . 'lioes and Allies before \he irreat advance. HHJW give £«« bar gains in these goods. than ever Cotton Bats, before, ai C. V cheaper^ MeV ,«.v ,,r warrl,.*.. I,». to.-., r.«sw.. i 'g,,,.,,.,.,,,.,,,,,. a t F lvi will. HMllli, iMw^rlw «..J I y.rd U C V. awwa.' . . - * . . . . . . . . SOION- EWTOR Plaini>ka1.. --The sleighing l« splendid and the young people are hnppy'."Jin?le. Jingle all the day." Everything passed ofl nicely at the f'hrisfin-a/ tree Monday evening. Nearly everybody present had tne pleasure of bearing their names called at least once. A dialogue was spoken by the children of the Sabbath School itrwhich there was singing so that all took a part. All the Sabbath school children wore remembered, thanks to ,fhe thought fulness of their superinten dent, Mrs. Brown. A handsome photo graph Album was also presented to their School teacher, Mr. Wire, by his pupils. The presentation was made 4»v Rev. Mr, Soule in behalf «f the children, iu a short and witty speech, in which lie described the different kind* of Wire. James Rohbiu* Jr. started for Texas this weel. If lie likes the country, he Is to IKC up Ills abode there. His many friends wish him success. Mr, John Putton has given his house a new coat of paint for a holiday pret est. thereby much Improving its ap pearance. The question for our next Lyceum \i "Resolved that Grammar i» of more importance than Arithmetic." The leading disputants are (Negative) W. E. Wire. '(Affirmative) Mr. Conlev. J. Bobbins Pres. and Fred Collison Jr. Sec. The question to be decided by three judges appointed by the Presi dent. Several of the smaller scholars will have declamation*. The larger ones a*e chosen to take part in the de bate. A paper is made up every two weeks by the school, and read by two Of the scholar*? Thus far the Lycaum lias been attended, ami al.l have seemed { leased with the exercises. We liav1* heard several persons speak in praise of a pjece spoken at tlie last Lyceum by Willie-Greeley of tlie "Washington"' School, Xet our boys , try an<j[ 8o ss well, Please Take Ntitice. AH parties knowing themselves li£ dented by open hook account to the old firm of Colby Bros, are for the last time requested to make settlement on or before Jan. 15th, 1883, at which time all unpaid accounts will be left for collec tion. Save costs by givfrlg^tlie matter your Immediate attention. O. C. COLBT. HENRY COLBT; The.events of the holidays jln Rich mond were about the same as citstam ha-" established and that warm hearts alwt«vs carry out In the contented, peaceful vilUge of ours. Chrl*ripas gave to Mother Earth as her present a mantle of tleecv snow, making the sleighingexcf llent. and slight additions once or twice have kept It good since Jf has iieop well improved? AH day, and nway Into the night, the slelghbeKs Ijave tilled the air with their music, and the merry laughs that came from numberless skimming sledges showed that the "hofi" or "holy"-days were also happy days to the occiipants. Family gatherings were many, the absent children came home once more to seek a blessing under the branches of the old roof-tree, and friends, sepa rated for a longer or shorter period, gathered again at the same board. Nor was the beautiful love-custom of giving presents forgotten: (how could it be). Little tokens whose intrinsic value may have been small, but precious as pearls to the recipients and fragrant with affection--as well as costly gifts which, perhaps, made hearts no glader than did the less pretentious ones. Christmas trees grew up mysterious iu utanv Richmond houies, and a grand one at the Baptist church. There uaay have been some sad hearts during the holiday* just flown..but we hope they were few. At their advent we joyfully pronounced the greeting "Welcome,' ami at their departure, regretfully •'Farewell." TAXES! TAXES! • Oo «nd atjer Jan. 15th, 1883, dersigned will lie ready for tlie collec lion of Taxes for the town of McHenry and will be at the fallowing places at the time named. Mondays--At the store of Lye& Adams, iu the village of Johnshurg. Tuesdays--At the store of B. K. pu*-!?, in thp village of Ringwood. Wednesday--At the store of Perry & Martin, in the village of Mcllenry, Saturdays--At the store ol C. V. Meveiis.iii the village of Mcl-Ie.n Two Good Books. Chamber x Information for the People, or 11)01 Things Worth Knowing, eotn- prisinsr the liiMorv and mystery of everything in common use. Crabbers Handy (ydopertia; or Explanation of Words and Things connected with all the Arts and Sciences, illustrated with over engravings nicely bound In cloth, gilt, size about 6 by 8 Indies and nearly tw«S inches thick. Retails at $:.r»0 Samples of either, to agent* onhj. for 81. or both.for ii. Address E. Br©nt<ft Co.. South Bend. I lid. Get tho Bes§|-i;j Webster's Dictionary it the best. Ever« ramilv should have a copy. Al lison's Webster's Dictionary.containing over 3<K) illustrations. 50.000 words and phrases, comprehensively defined, use ful facta and. tables, foreign words and phrases, pronouncing vocabulary of scripture and proper names, list of mythological and classical names. Lni- te»l States census for 1880 and manv other useful tables. Postpaid for only 50 cents. Address K. Florence & Co., p i^y 1800, South Bend, lnd. Farms For Sale- Apply to Asa W.Smith, Woodstock, 111. The fliiest^AVriting Desks In town, at Besley's. ______ Call at Henry Roger's. Volo, and see the Red Line edition of the Poets, nicely bound In cloth, gilt edges. At 78 cents per volume. Silk and Linen Haudkerchlefs In Inrge variety for llolidajs at Fitzsim- mons & Evanson's. , Call at Maye* & BarttettV l|i»d ' 'get anything you want in the line of Dry Good*. Groceries aud Ready Made Clothing. Carriages .old low at B, M. Ow.n & SOU'S. ' . CROCKERY TO CLOSE. To make room for other goods we will seli Crockery and Gbeware at cost until closed out. _ „ 'v. V« oTETCwf* CUTTERS! »;t I TERS! All styles aud prices at E. M ASou'8. OYSTERS! OYSTERS I E. W. BROOKS, Waueonda IM.V dealer in Gro ceries, Canned Goods, Confectiouery, Cigars, Tobacco, Notions, Ac. Also Headquarters for Piatt A Co.'s celebra ted Baltimore Oysters. I am now pre pared tb furnish Fresh Ovsters by the ('an or Dish, at all hours of the day or evening. My Refreshment Parlors are cosily fitted hp. well warmed and light ed, and uo palnS will be spared, to please all who cull. . 1 also make a specialty of all kinds of Can Goods, aud keep a One line of Confectionery, Give me a call. B. W. BROOKS. Call at E. >1. Owen A Son's and see the celebrated llapgood Sulky Plow that is warranted to run lighter than a Walking Piow. Hean A P*rr Nauril J«u Voter Co tor The strongest Color on the market, only requires one-half the amount of other Colors. For Sale by Fitzslminous A Ivansou, Mcllenry, 111. A full line of choice groceries always t<! be obtained at HMM COLBY'S. A complete line of Groceries, at reduced prices, at C.JV. Sieveus. I < you have not gi ven Bennett a call go in and see what be is doing. All the new aud desirable Ill Hats and Caps at C. V. Stevens*. Clothing. Our stock ot" children's boys' and men'* clothing and overcoats, we think the largest ever shown in this village. When in town we wouiu be pleased to show you through our clothing room, whether you wish to purch«se or not. Good goods at close prices and always as represented, is the motto by w hich we hope to re tain the very liberal patronage so geuerously extended to us iu the past. We appreciate your trade, aud shall at all timesdo our utmost to please you. HENRT COLBT. Fttzslminons & Evansou are closing eut a Lot of Suspenders at half price. CLOTHING AND UNDERWEAR Just opened. You are going to have a fair of Boors. Call ou C. V. Stevens anil buy good ones. . Fancy luk Wells, cheap, at Geo- W, Besley's. Call at Henry Roger's, Vol^lpiil see what a Nice Vase be cau show you at 48 cents each, COIN TOBACCO, A very fine article. Every other plug contains a eoin from ten cents up. A great rusli for it at Henry Colby's. FOR THE HOLIDAYS Gfs. W. Besley has a full stock of China Cups and Saucers, Odor Cases. Fancy Ink Wells, Writing Desks, Dolls of all kinds. Autograph Albums, Vases, etc.. aud invites all to call and see blm before buying presents. Call at Henry Rogers', Volo, and see Chamber Sets of 10 pieces Ir. pink, blue andcolors At ®3.79 per a#f« . - , NOTICE. . Sheep for sale; mo«t ft 11 Ewer in good condition for breeding. In quire of Andrew Thomas, 3J miles uorthwest of Mcllenry Station. Please rememoer our prices are al ways as low as the lowest, and we stand ready at all times to meet any and all competition. A, HENRT COLBT. FIFTY BUSHELS OF OAT9 Wanted in excliaiige'fbr^urolturo, John B. Blake's. Case, Furst A Brauley, Mollne, Hap* good and other^Sulky plows gat X.flft. Owen A Son's. • CARRIAGE*! CARRIAGES!* C*B» K1AGKS! * Auy one in waut ot a Carriage, Buggy or Wagon, should not fall to call on E.M.Owen A Son and seo tho large car-luad ju«t received. The finest finished lot ever come to the county aud will sell theui cheap* HEAD LIGHT OIL., The best Kerosene Oil In H. ii. X Icliols. 175 F1 re Test. r 1 FENCE POSTS FOR SALE. 2000 seasoned Burr Oak Fence PaoM for sale. Inquire of JOBS DORA*. , Our stock of drugs, chemicals and patent medicines was never more complete. Goods reliable aud prices right, HIKKTCOLBI, CARRIAGES. j£Mv Have on band a few first-class car riages which we will sell at cost to close* E. M. Owen A Sum. Fine Shoes. Oar stock of Foster's celebmtftd Beloit Shoes is complete. For style and durabilit> they cannot be excelled. Ask to see them. HKNRT ( OUR BARGAIN* COUNTER Uever was more complete. It con tains some rare Bargains. Call aud see them at Henry Colby's, For first-class Insurance against fire aud Lightning, wind storms, cyclones, tornadoes, etc., etc., apply to Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, III. Don't buy your Coats and Shoes until you have called at C. V. Stevens. He will save ^ou money. The "Aurora" Road Cajt, the easiest thing out on man and horse, *t S. M. Owen A Son's. Go to Bennett'** for your pictures Mrs. Searles will open this week ft large stock of Ladles' and Attentl'tD. Bean it Perry's Natural June Butter Color has uo equal. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. For sale by Kiissiuimons A Evansan,McHenry, ill. OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS. Best stvles and lowest prices la !!•> Henry or Lake Counties. ISO ne'w otikM j -- just opened. C. V. STKYICHS. - 1 1 ' Gossamer circular* and coats for ladies and gentlemen, and ft i lull line of rubber goods always | to be had at • B**RTCuiJflrtL LAiirS. LAaiPa. Office 1. a nips. Parlor Lamps, Hanging Lamps, Bracket Lamps, and the cele brated Oscar Wilde LauiKak Beolefll * Drugstore. W • II»H I „MMM, "" ' F._' W • .*1 Bennett does not let any pictures go out of liii rooms that ttre uot satlcfo*> lory. " ' - - Overcoats and ulsterettes. large line aud the latest styles. You tire asked to examine at HENRT COLBT*S^ BUTTER AND EGOS. I Wanted*. Butter and Eggs at -FaS^y Prices at C. V. Stevens'. FOR SALE. A first class new Parlor Organ Violin--with Box--for sale very thoay^ Inquire at this oflice. . | ' The celebntted buffalo bo«it8|S i a full Mne of men's and boys' al» ^ ways to lie had al HENRY COLBY** E, Waueonda. 111^ ^un I»-j Fancy .Gpoceri^-; 'Canned Goods, ' Choice Confectionery I JfOTJOm TJVWABM, CVTLSBTk *** CIGARS, TOBACCO, Ac., . Frani » to» rents per |H>und. We HOhO S ^ specmltr of the»e goods. *s call and see ui« bvluro purchislns Quick Haleo cV Small Proflt ViS."i«o'oW Wan«M>a«ta, Oct. Wh. Mt f ' mmm-S £8 -si ' j Call at Henry Rogers'. Volo. and see Tea Sets.'5« pieces iu pink and Wue colors at $4 7» |»er set. A. Sonnerscheln. At McDonaliy® old stand. Nunda. 111. keeps a lull ^i<«ck ol Wiu«*s and Liquors ol tne l»esi 4tiulii>. which lie i> selling at whole >.le as cheap as the same can be„bough' Iir Chicago. Call and bo coiiyinci'd that what I s«y I* troe. A. !)UK.NCKM;UKU(I Nunda, Dec. 5tb. 1862. - A -»11 BUTTER WOBHEII Opentfing «mi theprin«tplo«C DIRECT AND POWERFUL PRESSURE, - - __ - - in-tMul "f r^nina. «irlBdla|Se upon tho Wcwrks iu toe *1% CERTAIN, EASY, ajJICH, STRONG. CHEAP. MbA f *r fnlt .l.n«TiptlV» ©fcealSM toth»lwp|ip| •ad S01.K a rOKTEB BLlNCHUUi'S COWCOKO. W.H* W'1 ' ! j : " ~ 7 *