MORTO* ft Ch&pRLT,, Algonquin, will sell 20 New Milch Cow*, on Tuesday, Jan. 18r.h. Richmond Department. Wauconda Department. Howe's for llll|lnery OoXTKIBUTKD It F. HBKRBTT. WTsniKORIrTlOVS for Hie I*c*tiri>KA r.RR will've rW«tTe<T in Wuicnnlaat K. B. liar rlson's Orufc Store and br John OoUling ( i **^Shedd & Co. wl I mammoth Tee Hoi i»i liusint-fii lure.! Fishing Tackle of |l kinds Engcln*#, In Uaw«'i Block, new Brlilrf JAN. 10.1888. WEDNESDAY. Meetings are being lieM In the Bap tist church in observance of lite "week of prayer. Railroad Time Table. irtlTO _.ti.r T.alce PmwiiW...... 8mm M<n Kxnr««*......... bettor* Lake Preixht...«***,. , will proiwblr get their Hotiees rilled and clone rhlfl T*1^ There It some talk that they may commence shipping by cars as soon a* the Fiona?* """"jpfo *'"* *rA w® do no^ know whether * tliftv will do so or not. ***», . ,.14^». 4 T*anothtrco,"mn **frtnnd * c»r" D«ner»T.»Ve Kxnre«« 4-v>r. w ef Miss Mary G. Barbian, Hair Worker, ®*,,M T'*k* P"Men®ar'"i£'*r«V.'vrent. I w,l° has opened room* at the residence ^c.franrr. Tifforher father, at the Northeast corner of the Public Square. Miss Barbian learned her trade in the city arid will do all work iu first-clats ttyfi ai»J at reasonable prices. „»• M \«OVTn ff li^nrvBT T nnR»„ \n,tJ!W F.* A. M. |>»tnhr Pfimn'inlr^tlflrn the ®stnM»r W fee far* thf full of the moon and every two weeks thereafter. 4 • OKAS. c. OOT.BT, W. M. W«f7r*nr r«nso. si if. \. M helfl on the *w«n'1 an<1 fourth fAia'i in each moneb. «*TTH **. 1\ - %«*» «' »e>f: * &/1 k f.V :, «*>.*£ ••Wi ' \.*i I We are row enlovlng, In this «ection. the finest nm of sleighing known for, tnuiy yeiii*. TlIK notice to Physicians by Was. Avery. County Clerk, should not escape til# notice of tho«e Interested. Lost, strayed or stolen: Pair holder* for tines. Finder pieate leave the time wljth Geo. Owen. /%Khayea new advertisement for f5. V. Stevens, which will appear next .week.' • u, ©it F. A. Rkrarh ha* a "XotW Public" In another column, which readers should not. fall to read. Eldkedoe Is doing a "boom- business at his Poultry House. In his village. He shipped nearly a car 1 of dressed poultry to Boston last eek. and keeps a large number of hands at work every day dressing and If yori want the highest price for your Poultry call on El dredge, as# ̂ yon will be sure to get It. HU8PICIOD8 characters were see around arouad our village on Tueada evening, and visions of burglars float1 Ing through the minds of our citizens had the effect to put all upon their guard, and had those light fingered gentry made *M*ttemnt to ply their •nefarious workHTiey" wanld undoiiM- edly have met with a warm reception. One of thess suspicions characters. It is supposed, however, did call at the ^clothing store of E. Lawlns, about ight o'clock in the evening, and ee» ectiug a full suit or clothes, had hem put into a satchel and pretended to be waiting for some farmer, for whom he was at work, to come in and pay for them. But while Mr. Lawlut' attention was called to the back part ef the store, lie seized the satchel and quietly slipped out. and has not been $een6ince. Mr. Lawlus* loss was about •30. We also learn that an attempt was made to get into the office of Smith & Snyder during the night, but were probably frightened away. Now ^that our citizens are forewarned, let them prepare a little medicin* for Rr.K notice of Donation for the ben efit of K»v. L. J. Dlnsmore. which can ha found In another column. Wr learn that a so* of John Mver*^ who Is attending school In this 'village, |« quite sick at the residence of F. G., Afaves, where lie Is boarding. Butter Is one of the most gratify ing results of the modern cow. but the butter thdt is calm. placid and pacific on top of the tub. gaining your confi dence and then rising up Out of the bottom as you get down oh It, and Cleaning out the whole family like an army with banners. Is not the symbol of a glorious progress. David Powers, who for the past twe^ yt-srs ha* kept a saloon two doors west of Flt*«immona A »Evanson's store, died suddenly 011 Monday afternoon Inst. He had been around sll dav. but not feeling well, and while sitting by the *tove at his residence in rooms overJj,is place of business, suddenly fel' back 'and almost immediately ex- bh-i'ii. He was a single man and about these gentry and be Mire aud make th« -he rM„u R1M, race was appoint- dose Strong. ed for Satnrdi^y. A years of age. »hn v--'• Indiana. PARTIOtifl.Ait attention is oill to th<* notice of a'Donation at the M. E. Par- 'Ootrage on^Friaay evening of tWs week, the 12th, which ein W found ill toothet column. K hear a rumor that negotiations^ re in progress to purclrise the old Brick Church. In this village, and after repairing open It as a German Cath-j ilie Church.... Garoiisir the throat with alcohol Is nald to be a preventive of diphtheria. Tlmt's the rea«on so few are troubled wtth tlie disease during the Holiday seasotu • ; ffP? HrWUT IIooav, eldest son of John ^ Hogan. Is at home for a short vacation. 1 Ry an exchange we leafrt that a Tan- He Is attending school Valparaiso, »»as '"st Invented a suspender that ^lFso contracts on vour approach to wat«*r ^ytliat the moinfiit you come to a puddle HIPP Bros, sre building a new V lifts von over and drops vou on the Shop'on tlie lot three doors 1 {|„,r „ New. as the ladies do not weat of Fltz'lmmons A EWMonV^pnr suspenders what are they going ^atore. In this v^li^ge. ^0^ to do* A gentleman would feel a little sheepish to be walking with a lady and IK January tenW while he was lifted high and dry over the wet places £he would have to wade through. That Yankee had bettor try again. Tickkts have been issued for a ^Social Party at tlie Riverside Hons* n this village, on Friday evening of his week, the 12th. Anderson's cele brated Quadrille Band, of .lanesville. Ave pieces, has been engaged to fur nish the music, and tho<e who have heard them, pronounce them a« equaled by f«*w and second to no Band In tlie We«t. Ticket® have Wen put at the low price of S1.&0. and all who uttend can rest assured of having^ good time fttrcol ^ ihisi '*> m»vTStt w wire «»»v «rra week, 'riio docket <hows seven <'rlm-| Band. % Inal. tweiuv-six C<»mtliot^.> i««wrr ^ " ̂ ^forty-two Chaiu'ery cases, ite«T TiitI W: SunscRtPTioss for the Pi.\inm»ea?.k« will be received at Volo at the store «fj Henry Rogers, who is authorized^ to receive money add receipt *He same. ' .^ttentiov is called to tlie new a*1- ^ortlseineut-of the Chic igo A Mortli* Western Railroad, to he found In an other column, which our readers should not fall to read. , / Programme for tlie Young (TlVniperam-e Society. SuikImj* evening 02 ' v Tl*B L*dles of the Cemetery Assocla- tliii. have decided to 4ield a Pound Sociable at the residence of Richard Bishop, on Wednesday evening. Jan. &4tta. Full particulars next week. <*"rkv. L. J. DissMone will begin next Jan.14th.I88J. 1. Voluntary 2, Soiiit--i.oipe! S. Prav«r •. ntiailitisrof Minutoft.r... .SeiTetary 5. 'Sons.. -.Mary <>ris\voli) 6. Uocitition '. llo«e Kimball 7. A'tlre-!*, J.J. Vmey ReiMin*... ...Rtelli R<'«'kwlili 9. Oiiett. ..Mr̂ iRiSbOp avil Mrs. Biarelow 10. Rt'ji'lhiur ... Pinri'e 11. Re.-t'lin r̂ Delilia Krancioco I'.'. Hon* /' 13. ««le«'.t lte*«lia*. Lnuilev 14. Hcvilation ... ..Kate Hill 15. I-assinsrof Ple t#». <" IB. Son*:--Uospel Hymns • All tre cordially invited to otte Sj^nd encourage u« by your presence. ' IJEt.r.F CoT.Br, See rotary. Sunday evening a course of lectures on Controverted Theological Topics, the first lecture being "upon the Ques tion at Issue betwoon.:tiiB -Universal 1st and Orthodox.*1 P Aw ontortaliiiiient will lie given In ^ the Methodist Church next Friday evening. January '12th. at 7 o'clock, of ivhicli the following Is part of tli« pro- ram me : Dr. C. E. Wii/liams. Dentist, will be ftfc the Parker (louse, in thin village, to morrow. Thursday, and all who wish anything in the Dentistry line should bear It in mind, and be on hand, as lie roinalnft but one day. Mountain Mlftpr'SCnoruS. »on? rK«a<liii|t. . . Fat tie Song.....:.. lMi'Mt .. .......Mr. Rt'.-i'tinsr ...Mary Orlswolfl .Relle <>>1l»y J. J. Vasey »n<t Mr*. Biffcloxv Clara Wi^litman Mohdat night was decledlv the cold est of the season, the reports from I thermometers in the village showing; from 20 to 34 degrees below zero at different points. A trifle too cold foi comfort. (rmbmbkr the Party at Grand Hall barker House, on Tuesday evening1 next, the 16th. No invitations will be Issued as notice w>i« given at the Party Fan. 1st. Music b]r the Janesville Llgbt iuard Band. b. - Farmers and others desiring a gen teel, lucrative agency business, by which 95 to 920 a day can be earned, send address iCt once, on postal, to H. C. Wilkinson & Co., 195 and 187 Fulton Street, New York. regular Convocation of MoHenry Chapter No. 34, R. A. Masons, will be i§t* on Friday evening of this week. - January 12th. Every member Is ear nestly requested to be present, as thete will be work. By order of the M. E. . cowctorl with Ills vil- ••Kre tli« "<un Goes Down"--Quartette. Keoitatiou. Mrs, Grander volo Mrs l>i*lioi> Ifes'liitir Kloise Waite 1 Himil I n - "ttPVrWni. Nickel, of Ringwood. and Rev. G. A. Clark, of Rithmond. are ex pected to be present. At the close a Donation Supper will be given at the Parsonage. An admission of five centR will be charged for the entertainment at the Church. Alt lira cordially in vited to attend." 3 Br Otibfitt' of Committre. Donation There will be a Donation,' for the benefit of tlie Rev. L.J. Dlnsmore, at his residence On Friday evening of next week. Jan. 19th, afternoon and evening. All are cordially invited. -J? <-# Donation Tlie re will be a Donation for the benefit of tlie Rev. J. C. Bigelow. at the M. E. Parsonage, on Friday evening Of this week, Jan. litll* There will be refiesTiments, music, readings, reclta tions, etc.. during the evening. A cor dial invitation is extended to all. to couae out and enjoy a pleasant evening. Conie and see us if in want of bar gains. J. R. Wells & Sou, Wauconda. W. R. Smith who has been farlth the Jewelry business brother, tn Bishops block. In this lage. has sold his interest to his broth er, J. P. Smith, and the firm is liow 8mitli St Clark, they being sole prletors. Thk Newsroom of E. W. Wlieeler has) »en removed to the Riversido House, where all who desire can procure DaUy ©r Weekly Papers. Magazines, etc.. at the lowest club rates. Call and leave your order for any paper or Magazinej published in the United States. The Ice Houses connected with the ' Meat Markets, and other private Ice Houses, are being filled tills week, and the Ico being put up Is the finest we ever saw. Jfrom present Indications we shall all be able to "keep cool" lim woollier comes. Br a Piano dispatch in the Chicago papers we learn of the suicide on the 4th Inst, of ('has. E.SIocnm. mail agent en tlie Chicago ft Byron route. From what we can learn, Mr.Slocum has been visiting his family at Piano, for the past few days and 011 account of some family difficulties, committed tlie rash act of shooting himself, causing death almost instantly. Mr. Slocum was for merly a resident of Woodstock. In this county, and was well and favorably known by a large number of our read ers. lie was at one time connected with the New Era. aad afterwards published a paper at Forreston, In tills tate.* He was a gen!al, whole-souled ellow, and whatcoil'd have caused lilni o commit the rash act, we know uot. I? you want Winter Goods of any ;i ud, cheap, call at the store of J. B. Well* A !Sou, Wawcouda* The attention of farmers is called fee" were old Sfelim. a, the advertisement of Thos. M. Hayes & Co., Seed. Merchants, Cincinnati, Ohio. which appears in another column of this paper. Every farmer should try their corn. Let thein know you saw their advertisement in tliis paper. They will do you good or will refund your money if your are not satislled. Jj'I^. Wyman dl^d In Chicago last S«n.i«i» fiv had been In the v'ilage liar Ay long enough to be come closely it^ntifled with its Inter ests, but his quiet, gentlemanly man ner lii«s personally popular with our oltl»ns. aud he In turn Is said to have been pleased with the place, his health being much better In Wauconda tbao !$ the city. We un derstand that no Immediate change is contemplated fa!«he business here. A horse rate on the Lake was the principal event of interest New Year's day. Itwe* a>.%ry important race, and the PViMfjljBnn* ^nr lt> <md Hie d mo«t of the after- lined at about $10 oonev's horse Selim. said, to be 24 yeai^ old. To put it mild ly, we will say ttjnt there was consid erable di*«atisfaiJt!nn expressed over race Itself noon. The fiJ was won by'.I, F, The Colorado Independent publishes a sympathetic notice of the deaths of Coy and Charlie Newcouib and Leslie Hyde. GREENWOOD. Ei>itor Plaindealer:--O. Garrrisou does not like keeping hotel. Job Toles has a man renovating hit mill. Donation thls.we-k Thursday even ing at J. J. Westerman's. % Ens. Barnard is slowly recovering from a s vere run of fever. There will be preaching in the Bap* tlst church Saturday eveniii];. Old Mrs. Boyd, who has been sick for some time, I* not exacted to live. Carpenters have finished their Work on W. A. Baker's new house. ^ After a short visit at home, Herb Cou-liy has returned to the city. Marble has the new additiot to his liwuse nearly finished. Rumor says that potatoet are get ting quiet iu Harvard,' or at least you can ask Marble. Estella Parker, who lias been keep, itig a milliner shop at IndependemM^ Iowa, for some time, Is now at.4touie. Young man, it is time te ask your girl out wiieu she has a had cold, it it. Grant Mrs. Lyon, a daughte#of John Crooks shank, is visiting her relatives here. E. F. liewps. of Hebron, made his Greenwood friends a vist last week. Greenwood now has % jeweler In ti»e person of Mr. Murhtt, who eau be I'ound at tiu« re«!<!~:;cc of W;::. &• jfhs:r.. A. Stevens aud Mrs, S, Baldwin have ,..*rsfc. a.from Califorwfa viek^ng wttti PeoplesXl',eu,« Geo. H. Garrison ha* sold til* farm of 240 acred to a Mr. Waterman of Bar- rington. 111. . Consideration.II3.C00. ' Of tho#^ who received Christmas presents, none appreciate theirs -more highly than Dr. Hart does tlie valuable works of theology which ho recelyed. Dr. A. E. Baldwin lias some -Hue specimens of cotton, which he ^r^ught home witli him.aud is quite ai'iiVioslty to many here who were never in the •uiiny •ontli. The Doctor has Invited upwards of twelve thousand miles since leaving here for California,.hut 'found no place that suit^j .fttil-. (hau lorthern Illinois. j Several of our young men have been olf hum log lately. Up to date '.'O Erolves h ive been killed or seen, hI-hough Clarenec Goddaril and Jud ridains have shot three foxes--one Wev and two .red ones. When these lellowsget after any game it has to be mora cunning than a fox to get away Wm. Forth, one of Greenwood'shigh- I IT respeeted citizens, living one mile 4 ast of this village, committed suicide on Friday atterueon by hanging him self in an old house a short distance from his residence. When found by liia sons lie was still warm. No cause is known for his rash act; He was a man of some peculiarities, one in particular being strict honesty, which many of tlie present day don't have. He had no family difficulties and was a well-to do farmer. The coroner litld an inquest Saturday. Funeral Sunday, at Ring wood. A sleigh load of Hebronites, consist ing of six young ladies and the same number of the opposite sex. made us a short visit Saturday evening. Their first salute was a loud call for peanuts. It at once struck us that this was the noted peanut crowd of whom we had heard, the same that had paralyzed the good people of Alden and other neighboring towns. Well, we were In a dilemma. We knew there was .not a bushel of peanuts in the whole town. What could we do but simply inform Levi and let hi in get on to the racket. When the masticators of this particu lar kind of nuts learned that there was none, there was d'sapuolntnient min gled with com pi 11 i lit g; But Tom aud, Jerry, who are always on hand, got to tlie front and tried to make a sale of two or three bed springs, but without success. The jolly party were soon on their way ba:*k to Hebron, glad that they had visited Greenwood, but sojerx that they didn't get much peanuts. - TAXES! TAXES I On and after Jan. 15th, 1S83, the un dersigned will be ready for the collec tion of Taxes for tlie towrn of Mcllenry ami will be at the fsliowiug places at the time named. Monday?--At the store of Lye A Adams, in the village of Jbhnsburg. Tuesdays--At the store of B. K. Duers, in the vIll-age of Ringwood. Wednesday--At the store of Perry &, Martin, in tlie village of MoHenry, . Saturdays--At the store of <\ IF, Stevens, ii,i the yiliag* of Mcllenry, jamks Laod, OoU«ef|% I" ;:>r The competing :1 one owned by F. Iiuson of VoToT Mr. Huson's horse won the first heat by a large margin, but Sellm came in ahead on the other two. The result has caused the sporting f>a|priiity to render the air perfectly sulphurous by the expres sions of their disapproval. It Is a lis- tie mysterious bht horse racing is one of those tlilrgs "what nobody can't tell nothing about already" hardly ev«r. Quite a company attended the New Year's ball at the Parker House in Mo- Henry and e*pre»s themselves as high ly pleased with the party aud the en tire management. So far as they could learn, not a person in the room allowed any indications of being ^tlie worse for liquor. Captain Doming delivered a lecture in the Babtlst Church. Tuesday even ing, on the subject of Life Insurance. Protracted uieettng being held at the Methodist Church, and it also being a Good Templars Lodge night aud the notice of the Intended lecture net being very extensively circulate 1. all combined to render the Captain au dience rather light. He Insured a num ber of people during tbe week. Mrs, Miner,front Connect 1 cut,Is visit ing at her brothers, L. Todd. Charlie Well bbrnt his bands very severely the other evening whilt at tempting to make molanscs candy. Tally, is a good thing sometimes to be sure, hut it needs judicious handling to> make It valuable. ; M. Fagin. in tli^ Unrpl# of J. Grace, had Ills right Hjid terribly cut by a heavy milk cau other day. One fl iger so nearly <$it of! as to hang liy a mere thread, was*removed by Doctor iivCh«*i»iiey. vie oih«-rs wilt «e Saved probably, b.# tojiay Vm&m? Hnm ran tf*e. Hughs A Golding are buying large quartitlesof live |u;d dressed pork. They sent three or*four loads to Chi cago last week. J.v F. Roney Is .also buying. He packs the hams and shoul ders and inauufacturea the into lard. •. The protracted meetings have held through the past week, and we believe are to coutituie through tUe coiuing week. Prof. B. F, Brush preached a very interesting sermon at the Baptist Chureh Sunday mori.Ing. |n the even ing he delivered a lecture on the "Mis takes of Rabt. lugersoll as stated by ' ' " " ' ^ KtNUVfOOD- [ I'ha following Was Intended for last week, but was received too late. --Ed. Editor Plaindealer:--Trying to pass a happy New Year we use as an attribute a few minutes to furnish the first paper.we always read with a few 4tems from this place. Miss Cherry Walton, who has been attending school away from home, was called home on Christinas, and, we are told, will not return. Her schoolmates and teacher^ will regret her unex posed stay. j, J. Yasev, our singing master, has been engaged to conduct a class in vocal music at Genoa Junotion. Suc cess to Julius, and ttyit tneans success to the class. *4 Robbie Law8on Is fast gaining strength, and it is hoped that ere the warm spring weather appears, he will be able to quit the sick room for t he play ground and join i^js playmates in their sports. His friends are trying every means of ̂ encouragement, and Christmas brought hloi many presents. Among the re$t is a fijhe watch aud chain from his uncle u 'Gene," who never forgets his little (friends. Joseph Cari^ an old resident of this place, is very il^at. present writ- . -V . ' 1 On Christmas night: a^lrow frlends^a*- sembled at the residence of Mrs. Ann Vasey, of thlb yilf%e, to witness tbe marriage of her dftught^r Jennie to Mr. Harvey M. Steves, of Iioulsville, Wis. The ceremony was performed by ths Rev. Bigelow. of. Mcilenry, after which the party repaired to the dining room, where the supper of suppers was served. The happy cottple departed the following day for their future Jiome, carrying witli them the' liest wishes of their young friends. u please Take Notioe« Alf parties knowing themselves In det»t'ed open hook auoouiit to the-old firm of Colby Bros.jire for flit* last tiwe requested to make settlement on or before Jan. 15th. 1883. at which time all unpaid accounts will be left for c^Elec tion. Save costs by giving the matter your immediate attention. _ CI, (\ f'oLBT. * ^ HF.nht Cui.BT ihi|*: tbf Casadav Sulky Plow for t«,to. t»y t. Q. H^rtman, Hid^e%ld, 1H, The magnificent sleighing Is being improved by everybody. Wood is coming into town at a great rate, as well as large quantities of hogs and poultry. Peter Birch, formerly with C. F.'Hall A Co. an 3 later with Alexander &Hyd*. intend) to return to his old home in New England in the early spring. He is a hatter by trade and takes the sn- perlnteii'lency of a manufactory, at a liberal salary. We bad not the pleasure of attending Mrs. Allen's readings at tlie Baptist church, but we hear that they were ex cellent. Intellectual entertainments are not of as frequent occurrence in Richmond as they ought to be. and when one ie gtaeu it should draw * fall house. ". C . ' " Now tfrat fife club dances at llic fflll are closed, the young people are per fecting arrangements for another serlet to be given in Culver's HaH. The in itial dance Is fixed for one week from next Friday night, Jan. 19th. "The Lake Geneva String Baud" art to fur nish the music. Frank Packer hat opened a restau rant. up stairs, over Billings' meat market, in the rooms formerly occupied by J. Sherman. Frank proposes to fur nish a hungry man a square aieal at sight, and will comfort him with a good cigar after it, should that indul gence be desired. A good restaurant is really needed In this town and we think w|||;be well patronlaed. Tlie surfreyorrwho have been running the lint for a railroad from Eyanston or thereabouts, to Lake Geneva, rt? turned from their work between here and Geneva, ou Saturday and remained at the Culver Ho ise over Sunday. They left here Monday for Nlpperslnk Point in which vicinity we judge they yet have considerable work to do, as the man who brought them from Lake Geneva is engaged, with his team, for sixteen days, ife (tope this, unlike similar surveys made heretofore.means business. The new route if built on( would so shorten the distance between Luke Geneva aud Chicago, thai it would tako the bulk of the summer travel to aud from the "Saratoga of the West." Let us wait with patience and "see what we aliall see." Mrs. G. W. COLBY would respect fully inform the l.idS«* of Nuii'ht and vicinity that sh* hsr. opened a Milli nery store In the rooms over tlie post office aud has just received a ftdl line of Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons I.aces, anti Ladies Furnishing Goods generally, of the latest styles, and Is confident sin- can please all who may give her a call" My good* are nil new aud of the latest styles to he found in the market. an<? as I buy for ca<>h l ain confident that I can sell as cheap, ifnot cheaper than any other place lit the county. Call and see my styles and learn prices, be fore you purchase. Mas. G. W.;uot.BT. Kun<1s, Sept. liHi, T*J. OYSTERS! OYSTERS! E. W. JBTt OiWECS, Waucondalll., dealer In Gro ceries. Canned Good-', Confectionery. Cigars, Tobacco. Notions, Ac. Also Headquarters for Piatt 1% Co.'a celebra ted Baltimore Oysters. I am now pre pared to furnish Fresh Ovsters bv the Can or Dish, at al! hours of the day or evening. My Refreshment Parlors nre cosily fitted up. well warmed and light ed. and no pains will be spared to please all who call. 1 also make a specialty of all kinds of Can Goods, and keep a fine line of Confectionery. Give me a call. • - K. W. BROOK*. Bncfceyc Force Puuips, af.%, Owen's. l Always Refreshing. A delicious odor is imparted ;by Floreston Cologne, which is always re freshing. no matter ho* freely nsed. The finest line of silver and Plate# Ware to be fnund in the county, at 9. W. Owen's. Society Re Ilea. ' « On afcconnt of Its irwnrk«Wj^ icate and lasting Irsgrarn-e. society belles are loud in their praisat Of Floreston Cologne. FOI* SALE. ' 4# Acres of land in Sertis* wa# fenced. Also SO acres of land, with a good liotiae and barn thereon, with timber and water iu abundance, in Sec* tion 22. Also my homestead On the Crystal Lake and Nurda road. Good new house, barn and other «<utbuildinga*--• Apply to Jonn Fllski. FIFTY BUSHELS OF OATS Wanted in excha»ge(for Furnitute, nf> John B. Blake's. Call at E. M. Owen A Son's and see the celebrated Hapgood Sulky Plow that is warranted to run lighter than a Walking Piow. We hear that the entertainment given at Hebron last Friday night f«»r the benefit of the family of Joel Elliott, wat a success In every essentlsl parti cular. Mr. Elliott and hit family were stricken with small pox.and had a hard tcige ol it. It is ssid the supervisor of the town neglected to take any ttept for t ieir relief, and bad It not been for the humanity of M. M. Clothier and a very few others the whole family might have died of ueglect. The entertain ment was an honor to the oltlzens and schools of Heoron. Elliott served his country faithfully during tlie whole war and canio home at badly disabled as most men who escaped with life. Ue carries on his person tlie marks of rebel balls and sabros. He was no kid glove soldier, but weut to fight, aud did his whole duty iike a man. Such U the unanimous testimony of all who were witli linn in the service. We.owe a people, to suuh'inen, that they nor their families be allowed to stiller In sickuess or any other trouble. To take care of theni it.a part of the*debt we contracted when they took their llvat In their hands and fought to perpetu ate the blessings of a Republican gov ernment to us and our own posterity. That is a debt that should be paid on demand, and without discount. By caring for our disabled private solditrt we can do a much more noble work, than did England iu conferring tlllet and an immense sum ef money on General Woolsey for commanding for a few weeks the British soldiers who defeated and slaughtered a mob of half clad, undisciplined and half civillatd •i . , only m... For a New York SHigtr, equal to any Singer in the market. This is the same stylt other compaules retail for 950, All machinet warranted for & years. O. W. Owkjc. TEACHERS. If you will send u# your name tnd address, together with the District No. of the sohool you are now teaching, we will send you "Catching the Raindrops." a beautiful Ten Color Oil Cliromo to hang up Ui your school room; also other Information of much interett to you. Address, Homk Companion Pub. Co., Cleveland, Ohio. AT O. W. OWEN'S You can buy tlie Domestic, tlie El- dredge. the Crown, New Howe, Spring field, and New York Singer Sewing Machines, at a better, figure t|>an you, can huy of any traveling ageut. Re member it and cnll and »ei' them. Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, in large variety for Holidays at Fitzsim- mons A Evanson's. Call at Maves A Bartlett's and get anything yon want 1n the line of Dry Gomls, Groceries aud Ready MadO' Clothing. Carriages sold low A Sou's. at V; M. Owen Farms For Sale- Apply to A?a W. Smith, Wqodttock. 111. . . City residence* ft>r sale. Apply Co Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, ill. Go and see tlie new atovH at ̂ V, Bteyt««\ • : • - ,."V •; . , . . " , i u( ^fc.vlt Rraa & Parr itaunil Jane Rntw Colw The strongest Color on tlie market. only requires one-half the anipunt of other Colors. For Sale by Fitzslmnioiis A Evansou, McHenrv, 111. A full line of ehoico groceries always to lie obtained at « Hknuy Colby's. A complete line of Grot^eriet, at reduced prices, at C. V. Sieve us. if you have not given Bennett a call go iu aud see what he is doing. All the new stid desirable stylet ill Rati and Capt at C. V. Steven%', U m Clothing. ' • Our stock ot ehi I<1 reri*! fyttys* and men's clothing and overcoats, we think the largest ever shown iu this village. When in to«yii we would be pleased to shoWyou through our clothing room, whether you wish to purchase or not. G ood goods at close prices and always as represented, is the motto by w hieh we hope to re tain the very liberal patronage so generously extended to us in the past. We appreciate your trade, and shall at all times do our utmost to please you. Henry Colby. CLOTHING AND UNDERWEAR Just opened. You are goiuir to h»ve; a lair of Boots. Cull oul/. V. Steveus aud buy good ones! _ . Fancy Ink Weils, cheap, at Geo. W. Besley's. " Call at Henry Roger's. Volo, aud see what a Nice Vase lie can show you at 48 cents each, ^ : COIN TOBACCO, A very flue article. Every other plug contains a coin from ten cents up. A groat rush for It at Henry Colby's. Call at Henry Roger*', Volo, and see Chamber Sets of 10 pieces It pink, blue and plum colors at $3.79 psr set. .Please re in# nine r our prices are .al ways as low as the lowest, aud we stand ready at ail limes to meet auy aud all competition. Hknhy Colby. Case, Furst A Braitley. Mollne, Hap good and othei Sulky-plowa {at F.. M. Owen A Son's. . .;sSEt» iia ii -- CARRIAGES! CARRIAGES! CAB- KtAGES! Any in want of a Carriage, Buggy or Wngon. should not fail to cull on E. M.Owen A Son and see the large car-load just received. The finest finished lot ever come to the county and will sell them ctie4$>, HEAD LIGHT OILj - The best Kerosene Oil in town H. U. Nichols. 175 Fire Test. FKNCE POSTs FOR SAl.E. 2(100 seasoned Burr Oak Fence Pontt foriale. Inquire of JOBS DORA*. stock of drugs, chemicals and patent medicines w»f never more complete. Good$ reliable and micc9 right. ^ „ H KNRY *COLV» . CARltl AGI'S. Have ou hand a few tlrst-elsss tar- r I ages which we vr UI sell at cost to eloto. E. M. Owkk & Son, Woolen goods at prices lower thai tver before heard of, at J. R..Weils A Sous, Wauconda. For first-class iiiMirance against fire and Lightning, wind storms, cyclones, tornadoes, etc., etc., apply to Asa W. Smith, Woodstock. 111. Don't buy your Coats and Shoes until you have called at C. Y. Stevens. He will save you money. The "Aurora" Road Cart, the easiest thing out ou man and horse, at E. M. Oweu A Sou's. Go to Bennett's lor your plcturot Mrs. Searles will open tills week a large stock of Ladies' and 3iiUdren*t Cloaka. Attention. IMtrymen. Reap A Perry's Natural June Butter Color equal. 11 is guaranteed to five perfect satisfaction. For sale by 'itssitnmons A Kvnnsan, M^Henry, 1II( Call at Henry Rogers', Volo, aud tee Tea Sets. 56 pieces, in piid£ and blue colors at $4.79 per set. A. Sonnorschein. At McDonald's old stand, Nnntff, 111. Xeeps a full stock of Wines.and Liquors of the best quality, which h« is selling at wholesale as cheap as the same can be hought iu (/'lilcago. Call and be convinced that what. 1 say U true. A. SOXNKXSCUKIN, Nunda, Dec. 5th. 1882„ The largest and b<«st assortlaent of Gloves and Mittens ill triwii^ Stevens'. LOOK HERE. ^ We nre selling Fourteen and a Half poui'ds of good Sugar for one dollar. Don't, forget it. . IIknrx CoijttY. Madam MoG«t> Coraetts*. The hest on (he market at Mayes A Bartlett's 4-*1t pays to trade on the west side." 14 pound* New Orleans Sugar for $1.00 at C. V. Stevens*. O.dor Cw>( a xejry fine artiele. at | G e t t h e WebgterV IMctionary is t.he hest Eycr» family should have a copv. Al- |is.oi-*s Webster's Dictionary,containing over illustration*. oO.OOn words and phrases, comprehensively defined, use- nil facis iind tables, foreign wortls aod plua.-e8. prtinoin'clnjj vocahularj.' of df'rij tore nnd proper names. l|«t of niyt ho logical an*' clnssicni names. Uni ted si.-ite* eensn* for lssfl and manv other useful tatdes. Iwipnid lor only 5U items. Address E. Florence A Co., I'.Q.bexl^aeua* s fine Sh<ie«. Otir frtock of Foster's celebrated Beloit Shoes is complete. For style and durability they cannot , be excelled. Ask to se^ |^ent. " JBkki«Y^LB^.4 OVERCOATS. WiCKCOiTS. Best styles and lowest prices Iu Henry or Lake Comities. liU new onet lust operted. C. V. SXKViSKS. Gossamer cii*cularf and coats for ladies and gentlemen, and a lull line of rubber goods alwaya to be ^ IlEKRYrOLBra. - lamps, Office Lamp-.. Parlor Lamps, Hanging Lamps, Bracket Lump*, aud the cele brated Oscar Wilde Lamp, at Bealej% Drug Store. Bennett does not let any pictures go out of Ids rooms that are not taiitfa^ lory. Overcoats and ulsterettea. A. , large line and the latent stylen. You are asked to examine them at BtXH COLBY*». «a UUTTKK AND EGGS. Wauled. Butter and Egg* at Fapt^ Prices at C. V. Stevens'. CLOTHING! CLOTHING.! The latest styles aud lowest prices t» be fo^id iu the county, at C. ^ The eeleKrated buffalo 1>oot»» a full .'ine of men's aud boys' al ways til be had at Henry Colby*!. Wauconda, r -* ,Vf«f . , ' f c • ' I f - * f Fancy Groceries Canned Good*, Choice ConfectieQea NOTIONS TSXWAES. CCTZJW1V CIGAUS, TOBAUUO, Ac., Ae» . 3 • • '* 3^* *- *1 i if i f ^ IhwA Ki(vti rents per pooad, •iwcal ty of tbese gomti, My «toek is fresh amt complete in every ^tariii'itlar, auil I will not U.' i.i>ilcr>t>M, <tual. itv of coiisiilerv-d 1 )>uy rinne but tbe best, and |iur(-ltii.Nevt- will flint il au object at call aud »«e ne before purclvtaln^. Quick Ai Pmnll Prof Is ajr aollo, sad It wlH t>e ttvert tip In. ^ WaaeoMta, OeA MM. ' "4' . ;v - ri IIBUTTER-WOBHEH OpwwUac on «ha frtuotfl*of DIRECT AND P0WEKFUI PRESSURE, iartiaA rolUi^, goadiaf m upon tUe butt*.'- . io la CERTAIN. EASY, ttUICK. STRONG. CHEAP. Ml for MX ttoMvipttve eitculwa A* hmatpVb •ad SOLE MAKERS, " PORTER BLANC HARD'S SQK^ COKCQBP, W.M