An t|fc«Ci*Vtng tavfcto hRV« a InettlJ^ •*!»«• M.C. T. A. on tho flm a. - ... .^5, T*rch. tat tn tire fftmllyfrartiKe^ my oaFpbni«ry*3d. latfo^dti® tl*« few ie#s wl»o w«re th^rc.' 4 W* Wish «v#ry teaotier fu the cou#ty *vMiTdl«ot<re and read carefully the |iH>c*cdi«£l of lire Stat« TtaolietV As- iocfitJon/ Send to "Tht Schoohn&Sler. : If t*ach«rp fnd VKHild-be-ieachers Ifotild bcar in wind that * 0»unt|r "^puperlntciufent can grant certificates ©illy after an ex.iinhiatlon, and can jf*oew only tliose wliieb he has givan, » |fo»d deal of annoyanc* and some t>*«tag« B>iglit be savad.u* *> «* »»>, =•? Thoae teacher* who wilt attempt the j. Examinations fof the "State Fair "> Soheol Work," please aend in* word - |it once that I may mall y«n the qtta«- Ifous. The «xati]iiiatioiM for country i; . 'jlohoola on February 20th. and 21st, ' country schools include all the fr'. * ichoels except the high schools and |/> graded schools; with eight or more a*. ||l»de% •; >' • < » Is it not Strang* that people will " . ^rorrv about the health of the children |tg| ||it tctioel, wlien, as a rule, they *ne i ,. jTullr as well cared fa^ there *a jt- ' *%ouid be at home ? How many parents liare any personal knowledge of the temperature of the' tciiool roriras where heir children are Attending school? Would it not be a good pftn to see Whether they are iialf warmed, etc., t,'_ In id if so, te ascertalu the cause? Do $he people who And the most fmult 11 with oar schools know the most nboat ^ them? Let the grumblers answer. If . Envelopes were first used in 183*. ^ .* ' The first air punap was made in 1850. t> \ The flrst stee' P«n was made In 1830. f ^ Anaesthesia was first discovered In ^ tut, " f, 'r'ie ®r,t balloon asoent «ra| made * • |783. " ; ;; i .v t The first lucifer match <waa nsds ; >W. a _ » The entire Hebrew Bible was printed \ in 1488. f The first iron steamship was built. In - 18SC. ;; Coacijes were first used in Eaglaad 1&C9. The first horse railroad was built In in iu Chicago & iorih-Western OLD C8TABL||^OsllOIIT LINE VMS TED •STATES^? Asft MAIL ROUTt It io tlio Groat Thoi'ougiirai-e irom and t® C,H ICAGd And ail points in Northern Illinois^Central, Eastern and Northwestern J;\tra, Wisconsin, Northern Michigriii, Minnesota, l>niu>tn. Manitoba, Centra L and Northern Xrhrtixfcn, Colorado, Wyom ing, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Nevada^ California, Orcrjon, Wesliins-ton Territory, British C'flumbirt, China, Japan, tho SmdTvich Islands. Australia, a>»» Ztalam!, and all principal points in tlio HORTM, NORTHWEST and WEST. With its own lines it traverses North ern ILLINOIS, CoufnU and Northern IOWA, Wisconsin, Northern MlCHi. GAX, MINNESOTA, and Central Ji.WiO* TA. It. oii'er.i to tho traveler nil aecom* mod-Miens that can bo offered by sny railroad. Ita train service equals that of any road: their speed i-3 t-s p-veat as comfort and safety will permit; they make close connect ions in union depots at junction and terminal points with the lsadingf railroads of the West and Northwest, end offer to thoae that use them SPEED, COMFORT AMD SAFETY At ClItC.KiO it, makes close connec tion with nil ether rsilwndp fit thrt city. It runs PALACE si.Kr.riNO CARS on all through trains, PAlttftR CARS on ita Erinmiril routes, snd N<>HTH-WTNTE RN INlNir CARS on its COIT>OII. irM'KFS and on its ST. PAUI» and MIXXEAI'OLIS.. througii day express trains. If you wish the Beat Traveling: Accom-mod -tions you T*i)l bur your Tickets bv this route ANI> WILL TAKE .NONE OTI1EU. For rates for single or round trip tickets and for full Information in re gard to all parts of the West. North end Northwest, write to General Passenger Agent, at Chicasro, 111. All Coutxhi Ticket Amenta Bell Tickets by this Line. J. D. LAYNG, MAEVJN HUGHITT, Gen. Sun't. ?•' Vic'M'rcs. and Gon. Mauazor. W. E. STENNETT, Gen. Pass. Chicago. CHEAPER mAM EVER. JOHN STEfiBA, , Woodstock Woodstock, And tats now on band the sto^k of Illinois, and • >v McHENKY, ILIk ' •&, *~> • \ -i-.'r -DEALER IN-- Brnpf Taints, Oils, 'tbilet OfiMk 4 Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Use. v Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Family Use. lhe best brands of Cigars, and Smoking aud Cowing Tobacco » ' i" ^Sit' al%ays on hand. We have the largest stock Evfti" brought to McHe^ry ooiluty* Mnong wHicb cap be found the Bomifir Library, Princess Library, Harrison & Smith Safety Lamp and a tine line of Bracket and Hand Lamps of every description which will be sold at prices that defy eompeUtSo^.^fel'islid see their oefpre purchasing^; v ? m a^mn Give me a Call. Carefully Compounded. •: & v. tmW:-. t" ' ' ' t M'%<!• M Sil I , . j J *» . «t . MeHrmrv, Bl, Jan. fhd, I8£3i C.WBESLEY > GoW «ra» first discovered i« Ctllfir- in ..1848, 'K' i'1® flrst steamboat plied the Hudson fr «n 1807. g ,> The irgt watcltes were Ma4e at £ iNnrembuQE in 1477. .. . ,;,3 i I'V'j.Ii f: \ OraniUnset jrere iotroducei in New x . "Terit ia.1830. 1 ' kr-h::l ^ The first newspaper adreAlMrient appeared in 1652. The flret copper oent wu coined in ^||Q3few Haren In 1687..... [ Ktrasene was fit«i3nea~$r yoepmes in 1826. ^ :< iCy- "The first telescope aW»?< pnobably I ^'Wed-in England in 1608. ¥ » j ; Tto fiMt eavmakei^s »$4 brought to America iu 181#. % t'he first use of a leoonacstire ta rtkt* p. _ country was iii 1 "" h The first alwi'nac was printed by Gee, Von Pur bach !b 1460. |> ^ The first chimneys were introduced |;v into Rome froas Padua in 1368. I?; The first printing press ia the p!* United States was introduced in 1G20. r7 Tho first steam engine on this eOu- ^ . tloent was brought, from Eupland in |<4, *763. • ' •'", ; r ,._ Glass windows were first introduced f,, - Into England in the eighth century. The first complete sewing machine was paleuteJ by Ellas Howe, Jr., in 1846. Glalis was early discovered. Glass beads were^fouad" (fifn mummies oyer 3,000 years old. ^ The firit algebra i>rlg|r^|ed with Diophautii8 in either the fourth or the siyth century. ^'he first society for the promotion •f Chrietian knowledge was organized lA 9698. - The first attempt to} manufacture ]4ns in this country was made soon alter the War of 1812. The first national bank in the Unked States was incorporated by Congress, December 31st, 1783. Organs are said to liste Wenjfirst tatroduced into clturches by Pope Vitaliunus about 1780. The first glass factory In the United Mates of which we have definite knowledge was built in 1780. 1'he flrst temperance society in this country was organized in Saratoga County, N. Y„ Iu March, 1808. • The first compass was used in France in 1150, though the Chinese are laid to have used the loadstone earlier. * The fir*t ujaeiune for carding, roving and spinning cotton made ia the Uni ted States was manufactured in 1786. The first society for the ezclusivo purpose of circulating the Bible was organized in 1805, under the name of "British and Foreign Bible Society." The first telegraph instrument was saocessfully operated by S. F. B. Morse, tbo inventor, in 1835, though Its utility was not demonstrated to the world until 1844. The first daily newspaper appeared In 1702. The first newspaper in the United States published in Boston, (September 25th, 17»0. The first relig ious newspaper, the Boston jR&cwd, •established in 1815. § *i W\± | The Model Newspaper. The Inter Ocean for 1883* -< f To give the news without indulging .iu of-f fensive sensationalism; to be coumjfonus find •iff'Xressive in the advocacy of wull estalilisti-i «rt principles, without, oe'ing narrow.niincltKl or unfair; to cater to the tastes of all cl.fc»*es. of intelligent readers, without panlerinft to the prejudices of :n<v ; to present in niott »t-trnct it« form the greatest display of mutter, without curtailing or lowering the standard of any department; to grow in interest and c\cellouce with each succee liug yeiir of ita existence, is to be the model newspaper. Kruin t»>e lirst it has been the aim of tbe publishers of *l'h* IiUer Ocean to have the pa per reach this lugli standard, ami in cachet the ten years oi" its. existence a notable step forward has been taken. As i-very change had met with encouraging response from the pub-, lie in the shape ot increased patronage, it. M fi»iv to assuiue thai the efforts of itic pulilish-j <«rs hiive been in the right direction, ami hate' b*e»! appreeiiitwl. The l'tfer Oc-:m will remain iiiicniiipmmiS' iugly Republican, will maintain its piWeut'ttt-tttude of protecting American -industries; will continue to devote special atlentioiv to trade, li-ansportation.aiidoeoitiiimc, uuestious; «tti;retaiii I he departments of lh>>~ CurioiHg Stoop (a current em-yclojiedia of enfioits, in-tereitiutf, and valuable infoniwtion. c,alie<t out by inquiries of subscribers';; The U'onhin't Kui(t<iotu <tl«v«>^ed to the progre-sive more-mi-ius in which women are interested); The Farm and llama (covering topics of special in. tert'St to farmers, their wixes, arid their c.liil- dreu); The Veterinary (eoutaininic answer# tri <jnestions us to tiie treatment of horses, cattN and other animals by one of the b^^t veterin. afy surgeons in the"We«t): and ('ompHrndoM (t::king in puzzles, enicmas, connmlrums, etc), all of whscli are peculiar t» the'paper; give as much space a* hitherto to serial *Ui<t short storifs, original aud selected eke (dies, anil poems, »nil with increase I t'ai-ilil i(;s for news gathering in the shape of xptrixil irir/-.<i to New York an l Washington, and experience.! correspondents well placed at -home atid abroad, will more than maintain its high standard for enterprise aud accuracy in all departments of news. The hiler Qc«an, always closely Identified "'iii; t L.;' It ̂ i.-t * * r i'.H: '.V v. o i, u 11 ^ i in i no work of development of both tlie Sorthwest and the Southwest, and it will confintie to make prominent the characteristic fontin'es of the progress oi the newer communities to- ward iitaieliood. No paper in lite country iMtn given so rmi c h a tt en lion to imuirgrattoii move, menis. railway and etiterprises, ratee and economic jirobljmis, and other tojjifts re* latin? to the prosperity of the older states and the development of the newer sectiuns as the Tuler O'eeqn. , . •_ „ .Uecsusi* it is constat!e*1*rKifnf tl;e; fl^ld of iicws|»aper discussion, an ! grappling un. hesiutiugly with nil new 'ideations that comti before the people, it has increased mpiilly in circulation among all classes of ira'ieni'iieu and farmer*. Ib'canse of its enterprise in [coxing tp-Ti it trt- iroph icire* to the great news centers, it has urown hi favor with all who like couipletenes-' and nci-nracy in dispatches. I'.ecause of it^ nii !idl'ist Rep'ublicanism and lis close sympathy with the best elements of the p;i»ty, It has grown steadily in favor With putj men. Because of the high character and wide range of it* literary and special departments, it has become a greater tavoril^ in the tumie than any other WATJCONDA STJEPRISE it. u,*v Everybody Invit « - J. i. We have been selling the beautiful It edged for less than 75 cents each foi some time and works for half price, price . > . ma mm i»oeti other new standard WefurnWluury book at short notice at u right Wfci: KEAST HADE HARNESSES iCOI-T-ARS, WHIPS, Ac., to lie found in the IfWntv, and han everything made of the BEST'MATEBIAL. Call and see me. JOHN 8TCRBA, Two Doors North of Perry A Owen* My stock of "Vurniture w complete "with a larger stock than ever, and will be sold as cheap as nny other in the county, and it ̂ ill be to the interests of the buvinsr public to cull upon me wheu in want of "Wains'" that lino," " . JOHN JB. BLAKE. IN WAUCONDAin: J. II •m iu kn-i;-* C LOTHING I For Fall and Winter k full )m« of piece goods of the latest atylei •nd^ at the lowest figures. «• CLOTIIIN G ! A Bigger Stock than ever. (LLlNOlSy SUKPRISIIW | ASSORTMENT <p " ft Wall8t8,Purse3^&cM at Surprising Prices. W« hare them at 10 cents, 15 oeuts, 20 cents, 22 cents,- 28 cents, 30 cents, 35 cents, 38 cents, 40centjj, 45cents, 50 cents, 55 ceutii, CO cents, (>5 cents*, 75 cents, Ho cents, $1, $1.10, $1.25, $1.35^ el.45, etc. Are you supplied? Surprises ou lots of other gco(^ goods, If bur little 'experimen t works-, and we fi«»d you want go6<& aV'v'iy down prices, we wilf jxive you some surprises in a week or stT"-that wiik'*isuijro yoilr eyes." Fact is, if we can sell you $5C 'dollars worth of goods iu a day at 10 per cent profit and make $5, we would rather do it than to sell $10 worth ivt 5C pel* cent, profit to make the same $5. Its more fun fo# us and more ftiii for y^v ; VVe itiean busiu^sa. Il^tbat is what you want call at : ! ;; ; F. a .'HARRISON'S ^iuebuda Di ug Store and Rook eiPtiooi'vely prilitieal jiaper In the country. The niin h.n Ween to nmke it the bent paper for city, suburban, or country reader; tbe lietl paiier fur the hiiiiinesM mauaud hi.-, fami ly; the best paper for the fitronjr partisan us well as ttie general reader; and tiie circii-l*tion ot the edition's htii iuc.rea^pd more rapidly the p:i-t yerr than in any previ ous year, aud us it i.s now larger than' lUal.of any other went of New Y*>rk <Mtr, llie |iul)li-ilu-rs, feeling that tliev have fair 'ireis^ «r« of popular approval, wi^l continue inllie course marked out. mnkinjf such improve* tnents Hi will keen the tnU-r (>#eu/tat the head of the liet of Auieritfhn jotirnalt as the model uewsifciper. J The cireulation is best shown hy the amixnit of pOHtasre paid ou the papeu went to actual subscribers. Judged IJV llna standard, llie /nf/?r i"! t'nr alweiid »f aII of it s Chicago contemporaries, as shown l>v the table below. Tititt tabic give* tlte amount; M postage pafld ;®n civi-.olwfton by uew^UBpcr nAnied (all f l p - 1 \ 0 S u n f J j O i 1?82: The J-'Ur Ocean The. JSmjm T)f Tini't » The. Tribune... The IlnmlML... .4 Jii 1 ]»(•• *.• . ... 7.1* 14 fi.Wl'lO Thin statement needs no comment. It epoftis for itself. • . The sutacrintMu price of the Ocean ia follows; ., - ' , „ . *'ft . • 'i » WeeUlv- ediTion, postage paid... vwf 1.25 pr*|'r semi-Weetly edition, posta^B paitl. 2."A) Jir'j, r Daily edition, pwU^e paid..... ...10.00 pr^'r .Sample copie* of the Inter Ooean will be dBB t 011 application. t Sfnd monet in Registered T.ettcr, Moiuiy Order, Hark Draft, or bv Express, at our rlsV, and be sure and write the name'and address of each Rubscriber plainly. Adiire><8 111K INTKll OCKAN, Chicago, lit. 4 '-A .J.wl - J 1 •si • BOOTS AND SHOES, We have just received an imtnense Stock ior the • f 1-fWrl ' FALL AND WINTER TRADE And can show you the finest line of these ?oods ever brought tqi McHenry Couuty. liemember we buy and sell /gr Cash, buy ou^ ffoods t, iu,.- a Jfcl.-.s; *»'V" .L!', Prices, }<& % TWELVE REASONS; f"OR IV<5TTRl*0 WlTfT W. ; /Oi Wooflfstoc*lc. III. . • j" i Farmers! J ^ If you want free «»«pl.e copies of tlie )M*ge«t and li«8t n^rietiltuini -piper in IWS country, write yours aii'l your jiel^hbors'uuiuus uo a poetal carcl *ud mail H to Farmers' Friend Pub. Co., South Bend, lad. Price 30 ceuts a year aud i*(«uikmis to every fcubscriber. - m get*ll tita (M-iuuipal Maeaziira^ and papetB at club rute^, and both 'old and iiuw eub^cribtsrs can receive the b^nelii ot reduced rales by subscribing through us for suclt oilier publicaliouB l»"»y bud u pyicy of $2,two a* they rniy desire. ^.3^ \/t SMITH. ' -'i -1. Because he is endorsed bv lennlnjt l>u«l ness men anU the press, and particularly where be-»t known. 2. Because 11U is the oldest agency in the count v. • . . " j 8, Bc'-ause he represents the best ling ofi companies of any aflfency in the county. ; 4. itecuuHc with 0110 oNcep'ion, he repre sents the oldent companies In the United states. 9. Uecause In case of loss he gives his patrons LUo bene lit ofliij) ioutr experieuce in »e cin-liivr an ettuituble luljiiKiment. , (i. Because lie lia« always issued full pol-ides. 7. Because he pays losses on farm properly by lightning, whether lire ensues or not. *8. Because he insures live utocu anywhere ajtain>.t li^htnin^. " 4 It. Uecjiu*e ho iumvvee tW'nadoee. cyclone* and wind •turin*. 3 - Jr *). lb-cause you can thus 8-re yourself frttm di.~;t^ter for a mere trifle. |l. liecauee you Avill titul hint ,45'Utallyj f» active to did you in jrettihSir your moae.v nttdv lo«h .1,-. to esecurt your piilnma^e lor his c^ntl-patue-. 5 12. Becau«e every one of Die above, reasons can b.- fully verified by calling on E. A. Myt-l»h.v, L. Sesiioiia. J. W. Miller, from liie.r ofen oxperiuutve, and oik the entire circle of Ills acqnaiuiaiicert Irom ob.-i'ivHt 1011. In behalf of the Old Unliable, tlte 1'Wnii. of llai-iford, Connecticut. I take tfi-eat pleat, uri- 111 relitriilng the the thanks of. t'hv co®-ljililiy to Mrs. I-, I). Kelly for her prom ptnels ind uuuojmI wvstyuijiMX.. min i in extiuKiiilrfl- stifftar s««iii6bce, 4iud)*U .Jnm He bn i iutit; i»f K A. M ii rphy's rcnulence on the in or 11 ill:.' ol I ne Hit b i nsi,. a.s bv her iud n i dil.'il ciloi l, piopci ty w*" >-d on ttiiicli the coui- uwfl will >ri#fycii 6u(Sl bai-gaitfe th|t it wjll pay yoti to comi from ̂ iny part of the County to*'t mde with us^ upj^natter how great tfea distance. We k^epa ftiH Mn» of the SELZ dfeLEfeRATED CUSTOM MABE GOODS, (Jonsgii^i)1! han|, both fiae |nd eoam, for men, wom^^| ' to H[ 'DWIGHT, Woodstock, 111. Tn ndditioti to their sreneral stock, have a full line of sroorls suit able, for substnnti:il Presents, to which they invite the nttention of the buy in sr public. A, niee line ot Blankets. Quilts, Underwear, Woolen Goods, (llove^. Mittens, etc., as cheap as the same can be bought outside ©• thei ei^Tv In short our fall and Winter stock of Drv Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ready-made Clothing-, Hardware, Crock ery, etc., never was more complete than at present, and prices will SUITS AT •4.50. Suite all prices at surftf A1 $5.C M a i m a n ' s cLOTHiira • H OXJSB, For inything made to order, Malraaii'*!* !®* place to go. At so a full line of , , Gent's Furnishing Goods. KAT8, CAPS, Also have a due lin«> <# ! A M«l UIIU Wood StGVCS* Towhich we invite the attention ofthe public. (Jail aad VVaucouda Ac* Mrs. Ms-imwa., fins received a flue Stock of Kali nnd Wintet Millineiv ^oods, mid of tlie bitest kty'ek, A nice 'lot ol liibb. n« and riumes. Th« l.ndies <>f Western Lake County are e«peri»ll» nvitcd to call and < .\nh.iiit K«>od» and .»rices. Kss M A Ii IN'G done tn the best style a i u l a t . l ' l i c e s . o v H. MA I MAN, W»ttroi da, Sept. tCfn, MM. . 1. ^ Farmers, feo you want first class machinery j»#iethi!ig we>ut touch ol that you get the benefit oi it? We know of some dealers that buy so much that "they claim to sell low, but you get all their prsces and then come to us atid we you the s»uic goods oh*aper *imu \ny othei dceler f ^ , have just received the finest car of CABHIAGES. AIX STYLE^ h>. ft. J to Tliat ever came to this county. If in want of f.ue dfillS t as the finish bents them'all. A guarantee of our own tor oue year u/ i th <ui rt'ltitrfl. . 0fr- it mp'-Sm HENRY j.COLBY! erchandise, W- Z %'as V-j'vy.^'sS 4*v"-& •Milim. ftl' RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHENRY, ILL, W» ^ i,nm r**-' *tr*r& fc..* »>.«•••«*• * *0 1 • . _ , f .T ;;v.;3 • ; ' Fall ands WinteT Vf^Mich*ie re^pectfrlly Kolicited, HENRY COLBY. Of Pumps we have botli wood and iron. For a wood pump we keep the Kenosha, Temple, Toledo, Bushnell and Mishwaukeee, and tor an iion pump the well known 'lrakem and Buckeye. ways repair or put J|rc%<to|yu any depth. Cau al- E. M. OWEN & 80* -DXALElti IN- OO "id# to '0m •-if •m%m • . : •••!•%% K ^ • WADE fLOTHUN O, m jLt Centerv McHErNRY, ILL., January 23d, X883. tnn TM* Mrctnal Life cf ITe-w Ttik ' 5BK»WWS i» the oldest b III Uniud states with tliirty-nine years ®f ex-peri< 11 cp, llecflit^e it is the biv^rst Conipnnv in thi uortd. Ahisri^, ^'4,71-2,^58, rieniiy floilbl# thai ofany oilier Co'-j'Ui y. Been use ft is the ntost fV^piilnr Cellfyasy. its policy hold) i-t> liuiiilicr over lufl.Oi'Q. Bcciiuse every dolTfir of the ai>ov« immensa sum tut!)* pulift/ hotdrr*, ;nid th« s«r> plus over \\ htit. i« iicnuillv required, is nunllv divided .•iiiioin_rht them, which surplus »nny be upplied •» of two viirs: Kirst, to piiv a port i< 11 of the »)<until preriiiiiK, thus materially rcdiM-nia the cost, or it nifly t»» used to purchnse f itdiiioiml iiiHiirnr.ce. In the l:itt<'i- w:iv forty-eiffht policv holders •( the j e;ir jn-t b<ili!in« policies, the laca viilne oi' which vh# tW.COO, were <-iirried fat an avei-H^e.terHM'f years lit. low rate*, anil the «ddii iond brought t he snuff kuui of a lii tla over #r>im,tH:0. Many of these policies* lind bean fcellMiKtiiiiifnfi loryeftrs. ' Jiecituse tlie rates ef every other Conpnay arc nearly eighteen ptr cent, higher thai thereof the Mntnttl Life. Pernuse Its running expenses ara 'owai than any other. Tne sworn statemenfs of tha Equitable Life Ass 11 rn nee of New York, a coin pa ny several millions less than half a* large as tha Mutual l.ife, show its expenses of management to have rive rutted 14.23 durinir the last three years, those of the Mutual Life 7 8 tha •diUerence of lirst cost, of pol'cv, and mtinntra- meut evpeiises alone, ureeiiuu'l to 23 per aent in favor of the Miltital Life. Rceanse it can and itoes afford tlie cheapest,* safest and most s;U^f;ictory insurance investment of any ('oiit imny in the u ortd. As it will be impossible for me to see all who ara desirous of obtaining Life insurance at actual coal, I will bay lo such that a postal card M ill always rca» h me al. this place and on receipt of same 1 will forward different pl-ins and ueliutl results^not estimates) whicfc tire certainly astonishing and out do anything in the history ol Life Insiiriince. This CoiMpanv issnes only repular T.ifa and Kndowment policies and li'keother Compsnyt of the highest, standard refuses to hate anything to do with Tontine gambling. C. H. MOKKY. Agttit, For McHenry County und western parM ol .Lake County. MCHKNKT. ILL, 30 12 Free. CAUD . , „ CHE0M0S g U Chrcmoa with the Pkovi.k's Magazisk. The most magnificent premium ever given, and one oi the best magazines published. Only eighty cents a year. Sample sent free on receipt ol 3-cent stamp, or three mcntha on trial for H cents. A'JEXTS WaSXKI). Send 25 centa for complete outtit, including all the chromoa. Money returned if not sniislled. Jil? A MONTH F .nd Iward in yonr oyr* 4P*T i coupty. Men or Ladies. Pleasant bitaiaeaa. Addreas, ?koju's Magazine, Philadelphia, Fa. That Wonderful Book. CUIDE TO SUCCESS WITH FOB 1 AND "fcf: SOCIETY- Is selling 1>y fetif o^hoiiPa.ide, It is thf most tinivevsallv usefftl f»ook ever published Ittwllf complefelr BoW TO DO F.VKKT TlilNU in the best,way, How to be YourOwB Lawyer, How to no Rlisiness Correctly and Successfully, liow to Act ill Society and everywhere. .V gold n.ipe of varied inform* tion to ii 11 classes for constant reference, A»;KN1S WAtTKD for rU or >pn-e time To know why this book of HEAL value and attraction* sc. I la belter than any uth«r. applj for terms to 11. It. SCA-UBiKJLL A 00., $U Louis, atifisocrl. .V .