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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Mar 1883, p. 1

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r««» 5^1 ** Itifi O 4** * - 1 fio* tu<* ,*«} <<H. r,*v A" ,*, •UHsV'*»^»* Iv".i v'"" 4'? *" , * 1 5 }s <& VoU?* * ' ?.V- l\ *";«*"<*'? **iu: «-:4Re> V »<?' - V "4-*^* ~#W <*. V. t-r* *r * '-*f; ^ ' '••> ^-4*§ ; -*• # > • . % • - , Mo Favors Win us and no Pear Shall Awe.'1 VOL. 8. Ĵ Jeiry piaiiletlep. Published Ewr WtdnoidM hy VA> SLYKE, •y-' & J ; BOITO t VXD PtTBLISKKB. BUSINESS CARDS. M ART G. BARRIAN. HAIR WORK Eit. AH KN.D* of Hair Work done in first clw style and at reasonable prices. Rooms 11 residence, nortli> eut corner of Public Square, MeHenry, til. '.JT *(1.V •n ^ M, Qiflce In Bishop's Block, **-OrrosiTn PKRKT & MARTIH'!* * C.?T GREEN. TrETKMNAItY 8URGK05T, V Illinois BiebmodH, TERMS or SUBSCRIPTION. Vear (in .MniiM) sl.SO Cf fit "ii l TU'iitT'irJi Months, S 00 Su ,m-.Hi>,;1'vh rMsiTjl f»r t'lrao or six ••nth* in thfl «m prnonrtlon. Kates of Advertising. We nnnnimcp liberal mtes for advertising In the Pr.AiNDmr.KK, and endeavors to state them so plainl v that they.will he readily un­ derstood. They aie as follows: 1 Ine.h one year - - - - - # S 06 3 Inches one year - - - - . 1ft AO 3 Inches <»no Vear Sr?4i- 15 w X Column one year! V V TX k ... 30 on Jf Column one vear ' \ ' «, *"U t> » - ' w 00 1 Coin in >i one year $ ;r.vf'iliT Ij, (X) One tireh mean* the mei'drmnunt of one Inch down tne column, single e.olu-nn width. Yearlr advertisers at fie above rate*, have tho prlvile7e of eha^sin? as often as they choose, without extra eljarge. Revnlar advertiser* (innanint those havln* standing cards) will hn entitled to insertion of lo\al notions at rite of 5 cents p»r line each week. All others will he ehar-red 10e,ent« per line first week, nnrl 5 cents per line for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will ho charged at rate of lOecnts per line, (nnnm,rell tvne. same a* this is sot in) the"' first issue, ami 5 cents nev lino for subsequent is*ne«. Thus, sn inch advertisement will cost: #100 for one vrirek, #1.50 for two weeks, #>.00 for three weeks, and soon. The Pr,VINI»K\T,RH will he libTil in LIVING editorial nniires, but. n bnsines* rnle, it will require a 8'iu*lde fee from everylmdv Making the use of its columns for .pecuniary gain. JE3SE A. BALDWIN, rAWYKR. Law business In any part of _j th« State receives prompt attention. Office room 41, new Custom House, Chicago Illinois. SIUNKT DHBROW, NOTARY PUBLIC AND AONVEYANEER, AI-den. 111. $ OR. C. E. WILLIAMS. KNTRT. Residence I>nn4ee. Will l>e at M'-tlenrr. at Parker House, the 10th and 25th of each month. When dates occnr Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday. • D1 rotTSE JOHV Kt.EIF«EV. Painter, Grniner, Calcimin^r and H- Paner Hnnirer. Resiil«nee one Tllock West of Riverside House. Work attended to propp'y and on reasonable terms. |Notice 1o the Public. TH WE built ;i shoo jnst south of E. T.aw-lus' on Itriek and "Wood Street, Where I nm nrenared to ilo all kinds of work in tnv line! As I have no boys to do mv work, I want very near what it Is worth f.tr doins it. I do mv work in * manner that needs no wntchiiig. ?. A. HEBARS- Mcllenrv, Jan. 0th, 1SS2. McHENRY HOUSE. PETER SMITH. PROPRIETOR. C>( OOD Boar«l by the dav or week at reason-¥ able rates Tho choicest brands of Winos, Liquors and Ciarars. ti<»o<l ^taliHnat for lforses. A tine Pixeon llol# Table in connection with tho House. Hlve.nie a caji. PKTKR SMITH. BUSINESS CARDS. M. M. CLOT HI EH. II. T. BROWN,M.I). PHY*TCTAX AXD STTRGKOV. Office orer the Post OfUce, onnosite Perry AlVartin's Hnro no otair*, McHenry, 111. r. 11. FEGKR5, M, N- rFtY'«TCi AV *NI> srrna";OV. JohnMnirgh, IIIIK.--Office hours 8 to 10, A. M. O. .T. HOWARD, M. O. rHTSTCTAN \XO RTTROEOV. HIT residence, opposite M. •feHenry. Til. 0%e at E. Church, Richmond - - - iLLixotSt MCHEXRY COUNTY. Prosecutes nil claims in all bureaus in the Department of the Interior. Special alien, tion given to difficult or rejected claims. Careful attention given to all matters of im­ portance- Office at ..the residence of Win. H. Cowlin, Woodstock, III. Business will be at­ tended to by Mr. Cowlin in my absence. I shall nlwnvs be there on Saturdays, :ind shall tie at the office of J. T. Held in, Ks^., Marengo, on the lirst Friday in each month. Al! letters of a business nature must contain stamp for reply. IT. V. AVOBtSOX, M. t»., PUYflTCI AV and Snrireon. Oi Resldenco, McHehrv, Illinrils. at J. J. MYERS, (htloon and Restaurant* til B ASEMENT of Kuhnerl's Store. Johns, hnrjhflll. The choiccst brands of Wine«, lwiys on Miw^ Chid PRATT HOUSE. A. PRATT, Proprietor. First •F eo-nnioditions. Waaconda. III. class ac. Goo J Barn In connection GEORGE CURTIS, - House and Sign Painter, McHENRY, ILL. Shop Opposite Perry A Martin**. Will attend pvomptlr to all work and guar- antee satisfaction Prices as low aa jfooil FINE CWA1M1WC A SPECIALTY MIXED PAINTS. I am prepared to fnrnish Mixed Paints of BARBI.VN 1VRO*. rllGAR Manufacturers, McIIcnvv, 111. Or-' ders solicited. Shop, 11 Old McHcnrv, jn Keiter Hlock, two doors west of PLAIN'- MCAt'ER Office. RICHARD COMPTON. TITSTICK«f the Peacem l Onvoyaneer.-- Will »ttoi» I nrvnotl v to tho collection of lefets. Volo, Lake County, 111. «. E. RICH VROS. |"f\Sa complete Abstract ot Titles to land 1 1 In M HenrvOonntv, TU-mle. Office with Connty Clerk, Woodstock, 111. E. M. OWEN lEXRRAL Dealer and Manufacturers . J Agent in I.eadinsr Farm MaeWnerv.-- Prices low and terms favorable. Mc,Henry, Il». all kinds at the lowest living prices, and fur­ nish an article far superior to the common Mixed Paints being sobi. Call and si e mc. CEO. CURTIS- MeHenry, April 12, W8.\ G1 ^ >W. «. (JOLBY. afcHEVRT, Mcllenrv Co., III. Breeder of 3l Spanish Merino SIVMI, Berkt hire and Poland China'wine. V choice lot of young Ruck stock for sale. Please call and examine before lmving elsewhere. •' * . E. G. SMITH. BOOT AVIJSHOE MMVKR. Promot atten­tion sriven to Reptlvlng. shoo in Grv>'J- arv's Harness Shop, opposite Riverside House, Mcdenrv, Illinois. M GERMAN B. RAINTHORP Rins^wood - - Illinois. . To the people of Rni«rwoo<i ami vicinity I would respectfully ssiv that f have opened a store near the Depot, where 1 will puv the highest market value for Es.ir*. Better, mid other produce, ensh or trade heinjr immaterial to me. I shall keep on hand a select .stock of Groceries and Flour, which with "choice brands of < i* wars and Tribacco, I am jroinjr to sell at prices to defy competition* and thouirh I have met with a much more liberal patronage than I had expected, I shall yet hold'out inducements calculated to increase my trade and secure a lararer custom. B. RAINTHORP. RINOWOOD, III.. June 13th, ltvSi Manufactured F. MARCUS, --DEALER IX- Woodstock, 111. The liest Tonic, in the world. Pnt lip In £tj|!au<i Quart Bottles. F. MARCUS, Patentee. JOS. WIEDEMANN, Saloon and Restaurant, HEAR THE DEPOT. MCHENRY. • ILUWOI8 *flM iMrt ItraiMs of Wines, and Cigars always on Hand. Good "Stabling for Horses. ALSO AGENT FOR Franz Falk's MILWAUKEE Lager_Beer, Bear In Largs or Small Kegs or Bottlo* al ways on hand cheaper than any other, quail tv considered. This itcur has a world wide reputation, and fjood judges acknowledge It cannot oe aur. passed in the workl. 0fder»by mail promptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. •J. in. Aua. 10th, un. GROCERIES! GROCERIES! M. Engeln, Having removed his store to Colby's Brick Block is now prepared to offer to the buying public a full line of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Canned Goods. CIGAR. TOBACCO, PIPES, &c(, &c. My Goods are all freehand will be sold at the lowest living prices. I also keep a full slock of Gun Material Risliing Tackle, Minnow Scins, Hammocks, and in fact evervthing pertaining to Fishing and Hunting, enh be found at my Store al reasonable Prices Violins, A cord eons, Picalas, (lutes. Violin Strings, ami all other extras fov Violihs. My Stocks of f IN W ARE is complete. Call and cKiimiuc it. I gUiU'(iiit66 Pviccs that defy nil commute.. ESGEI.H Xi. Bonslett, Near the Depot, * ^ McHENRY - - - ILLINOIS. Keens constantly on hand the flnest biands of Klour and Feci of all kinds, which he Will sell at Wholesale or Retail at Bottom Prices. Five diflerent brands of Fiour always" on hand ami warranted as represented. Flax Seed Meal Always on Hand •S^PIour delivered any where In the Cor­ poration. Orders may be given by Postal Oard, Wmm. MB, Post Omeo. GIVE ME A CALL. L. McHes y, March 8th, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, States Examining Surgeon. Klehmond, Illinois. JOSEPH N.YRKUKD. " I ALOON AND RET A URANT Bonsletl's Henrv, 111. The " c H.lcest Wines, Liqi-nri- and digars to be tound in the county, t'resli Oysters in their season served up in any shape desired or for sale by the On. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. SALOON and Restaurant, Buck's old stand MeHenry. HI.--The choicest Kentucky Whiskies, <our Musli, Wines, Cigars, etc., "always on hand. We buy none but the best, and sell at Reasonable Prices, Fresh Oysters in their season. ' A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler NO. 103 RANDOLPH STREET, (Successor to E. R. P. Shirley.) .Chicago, III. EDNESDAY. MARCH 28. 1883. Department. CONDUCTED BY DR. S. F. BENNETT. SKETCHES, From a Soldier's Memorandum I.BT1KR !tO. U. . H-t*: id-.-v - " t '• 'V. •; tit < i* X.AjI t a .J A*' WT .-MP* 'S - • - ; **- ^ i. - f 4 - <• ^ ** Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and La M'HENRY, ILLINOIS Soldier* F. BENNETT, D. Also United AM ELK AMES d Poland China miles south of Yvlo, r sal*. BREEDER OF Hogs. Residen Lake County C. N. AUCT R(chm ANTONY ENGELN, rmin? Tools s attended nahle Terms guaranteed. Sales of St and Goo<]« to on the »iid Sift Fost * le Loading s Cartridges Breech Powder, Hnot for sale. Fishing All kinds of Sijopti AND REP Woodstock, July fe*:; • 'k.ii >• Clal attention given to reitairinj Fine watch­ es and Chronometers. WA Full Assortment of Goods In his line. Richmond Housev RICHA3N3, ILL C. H. CULVER, - PROPRIETOR. pure lint ed aliove HAVING recently llonse, I have put it in thorough repair, with new fumitne throuehort, ana woulif respectfully invite the patronage nt the trav- eling public and others. The tables will al- wavs ne provided with the best that can be procured, and polite and attentive waiters will lie in readiness at all times to uttend to tlif wauls of guests. No puns will be spared to make this a First Class House. I.:irg« and commodious burns on the premieett. Free Omnibus to and from all trains. Sample Roomaon Brst flowr. . , 1 •" -if #1 n E. WHtlTTMAK, i'r«»prictor. First class tilts, with or without drivers. fiMnlxhed at reasonable rates. Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice. A. WENDELL, CARPENTER AHD JQlNia MeHenry, III. WlH tnke I'ontr-.u'tc fur putting; up BuiMiiigs itnd ^tiHrniitei* mv work will compart; witli unv man in tliu State. I t'Kti HIKI will (In work from 15 to per wnt CIM'HIMT Limn other triir|M?nter.«. a« 1 Uuve two ot my boys who work with mo. which makes it possible for me, to ilo so. 1II -InKiuiii tii(: Corf _ "inc a cal A good Breech Gnn. warranted T Wir.chester RiB« Mckel Plated61 Holt'cocking " A good Single Single Gun, warm* I^will iinderaettf Guns mid S|>orlii goon gun it will I warrant every • Clothes W,ri| new Kollri put , pair warmntef^l A' ECCNOM' Yon can save * JS • M1V «• RICHMONI (4o«tk, G DONE. Double Bnrrelcd 15 allot s, «2& ver. »S..V). log Pistol, fikflO. Breech Loading, in the county in If yon want a and" aoe ne. remired ttitd Price per SHgUMAN. ION ! 'EALTH. i ing your orders AD. ILLINOIS, A. WENDELL. HE<m- SIMPLE -Jri S •%ewiio^E^d •SEWmsriiCIIlfKECO CHICAGO, ILL, ORANGE, MASS. AND ATLANTA. GA. -- Repairing ot plows and nil other fhrm lin. Pi «;ments is given particular intention, in mv manufactures I use onlv the b"«t materl. sK »"d, keeping the very b*st workmen iu all departments, I am enulile I tn guarantee ami warrant all work that goes from my shop as first class in every particular. iFECIAL GUARANTEE OH WAGONS. All farm wagons manufactured at my shop arc warranted for TllBtiE VKAIUh AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. I sell everv agricultural Implement, includ­ ing, especially, Dowagiac Walking and Rid* inie Plow, N. C. Tlioinpson nnd Gesley Bros'. I'low •.-in Cultivators, F. II. Manny'Seeders md ""orn Cultivators, the Dowagiac Spring Tooth feeders, the Piano llaivester and Twine ltin<lor, the Warrior and lioiikint' Mower, and all other first class machines. Warranted first class or no on I a. BI.ACKSMITIIING of every kind attended to prouipti) and satisfaction guaranteed F I N E P A I N T I N G A SPECIALTY. I have engaged .1. STILLWELL, the boas painter of the Northwest, far one year, 3r longer, to tike charge of my paint shop, which is a sufficient guarantee that all work of that kind will be don<* in the best and most artistic style. It should not be forgotten that I employ J. Ilopasis, wood workman of twenty years ex. pcrlcnce, and L. Howe, carringe "blacksmith, ltoth in-surpassed asartizans in their line. Finally, come and see me and I wi'l miar. antee sntisf'iciion as to prices nnd. quality ot work to all interested. F. W. MEAD. For Tlie Spring Trade. GOOD GOODS, LOW PRICES. New Home Sewing Machine Co. 248 State St., Chicago. Q. W. OII EN, Agent. MeHenry. Til. writ iANFORD, VI«M'chaiit Tailor, In the store of b. H. Dickinson, Eaataida of >nblic Square, WOODSTOCK:, ILL. A good Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings al­ ways on hand. Suits made to order and a lit rarranted. Give me a call. W. U.SAN FORD. Woodstock, 111., Sept. 27th. 1875. CHEAP LANDS ' / v - - ' • i on lea# creAlc snd I easy terms, in a aiild climate, free from heavy snows, Might* lag frosts, and ax* MILLIONS OF ACRES | «««**• «»•»• for sale in the GOLDEN BELT of Kansas, by the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, of as rich Soil as the ran ever shono on, with gead markets eaaft and west. For Descriptive and IHuetrated JBool% *u>ith Maps, Sent Free, Addrcts LAND COMMISSIONER,--Kansas D?v^lc* KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI, JOHNSBtTRGH, ILL. Is again on hand with s fall line of Goods fnr the spring and Summer trade, to which he invites the attention of the buying puLlic, Iiis stoek consists in part of tan CROCERIE8, Notions, Soots ud SEets, TINWARE, &e., Ac, And in short everything ssnally kejKt in a First Class General Store. The Highest Market Price IN CA«H OR TRADE For Butter and Eggs, . ;f::. Oill and seeaie. Chas. Kuhnert. Jobnsbnrgh, March 5th, 188$. PADV THE ATTENTIONof Farmers V,'" / IV • is CHIIC'I to the Xorntandy Giant While nnd the Mammoth Yellow Kina Seed Corn, the best and most productive varie­ ties known. Will pay any Fannerpercent more than common corn. Send us your order, and if you are not satisfied on receipt of euro ire will refund your money. S ounce*, by mail, 10c; 1 pound for 25c; 1 peck, by express, 76c; 1 bushel $-2.50; 2 bushels <4.50. Rend for our Premium Catalogue--Corn, Potato and Garden Seeds. >Yee to all. _ \ J*. Hatk» * Co., Cincinnati, Q. 4 * c . '-ft •» i. ' •> i* > i *-"» Ai- +* f. •' 5 -V • f«, V •> 5 NO. an. OCCDPATION OF NEW ORLEANS. Th« forls below the city were taken on tlie 28ili of Afirll. 1863, by Oetiintjn* (lore Furragut'a Meet MIHI tlie city ol New OrleaHi at once capltnlate.1 to tlie same aiilliori'y. There wore some 4,000 J toldloft ou irmieport* in the river that (luring the bombardment of the fort* hat) rented iitly on tli« bosom of the ewlft ctirrent. But now duty called, and on the night of April 29th the transport*, bristling wl'li bavonstg. Rteaiaed tip lhe stream. The |>rinciple ^rt of the Union force consisted of the 9th Conn. Infy; 4th Wia. Infy; 2fitlt and 31st Mass. Infy, a id Oapt Nlm'a Boston Battery. Q«». Butler and stafl, with the 3!st Haas., led the van. N« lovlier M«y day could ever have cheered a human soul than the lirst day of May, 18G2. For a brief time the transport* stood "till opposite the Plain of Clialineth. Tlia warships were off the town, and at sunrise at a signal front the fleet the I rarsports moved on. The baud or the 46th Mass.--Gilinore's famous Boston band, and another, a stranger to us-- played the "Star Spangled Banner" Coining up with the Hartford a band on the Heet took up the same strain. The noidiers standing In line on the decks saluted the marines as they passed them by. Tlie tranaport Mis­ sissippi, with the 31st Mass. and Gen. Butlee and stafl oil board, at once came alongside tlie wharf and made fast. At this moment there was a dense mass of people ou and about the wharf, and In fact as far as streets were visible. there was one solid body of human beings. I however netlced one atrik* ing characterise of the occasion, I. e. along by the river brink were many men in grey suits, and with thetu a dense, dark, deep Hue of well dr«sseO women. As our steamer made fast there arose a murmur in the vast crowd ef tens of thousand*, and a moment later the suppressed murmur changed to a growling jeer that dr«»w*ied the music on the waters, and mocked the atttenrf&e Af Nature's lovlieM * ware« vt»«S ic.i" inrwnmim wihrtwr «rnimir as our regimentol flag was unfurled and iu uit instant Iter hemJ was pierced by a rebel bullet, and within perhaps ten minutes two other ladieb were desperately hurt at the hands of blood­ thirsty thugs because they exhibited some tokeu of leyalty to llie flag we bore. The great guns of the fleet were all trained on the town, and iu tlie twinkle of an eye could shake heave i and earrh with terrible volley* of Are, deadlv cansiieter, grape and shell. Iu a brief time tlie city could be wrapped in flames and every thoroughfare be run> ning with human blood, yet iu the full knowledge of these facts richly attired citizens, us well as thugs, m&le and fe- uiale, bond and free, drunk and sober, vied with each other in demonstration* »>f defiance and hale. Ladders were lowered front the dock of' tbe Missis­ sippi and one company Attempted to descend and clear the wharf so that the regiment might land. But for some cause, unaccountable to me, the com­ pany failed to clear the way and was recalled. This recall caused an uproar of derisive ridicule that the imps of black perdition might shame to dupli­ cate. The company 300k had however, with kettles and Ills musket established himself on the wharf and did net give heed to the recall, lit nas at once be- deged bj gre.v uniforms, seine wearing side arms (buwie knives), and the fol­ lowing aggressive au«l demonstrative dialogue followed: Reb. Q--" What are*you here for ?*1 Yauk A--"Taught I'd come en 'long with the boys." Reb Q --What do you do with them kettles?" Yank A--"Bile coffee and 'taters." Reb Q--'"How many soldiers lias But- If r got»" Yaiik A--"That's the smartest boat 1 ever seed. Guess we run by 5.000 or 6.000 soldiers coming from l'cusacola. Don't touch my kettles, Cap. wouH like it. Reb Q--"What 111 Ii--I do fou know about guard duty?** Yank A--"pon't raise any 'bout here du yer." Reb Q, (bitterly)--"You are a h--1 of a man, you are j s--n of a b--It,' Thereupou the left flst of the Ya.nk, like a lightning stroke, planted with cruel force uuder tlie Johnnies right ear. laid the latter senseless on the planks. Another company was then descending the ladder and the regi­ ment was hurrying iuto line. In an­ other* ten minutes tlie soldiers were moving in column of platoeus towards the custom house. The 9th Connecti­ cut lauded a few moments later and toek up a position with a section of artillery near the Prtydvas market. I think the 40* Wis. and the 26th Mass. went ashore Immediately, but of this I am not certain. The seathing. growl­ ing, cursing mob, a Babylon of tongues. would without stainlr.g Imagination pass for a duplicate of literal hell, ex­ cepting (perhaps) that in lieu of Are tM® ^ M«nle4 «H<i ft < 1 * Something upon many a soldier's cheek Washed off the stains of powder. We had not been in possession of the custom house three liourd^ when a tall lady clad in black a-nd heavily veiled was brought iu by the officer of the guard. She was a native of Maine. For over four months this lady, on account of her northern blrtli, Itad been sub­ jected to the most cruel treatment, in contrast to which murder would have been a welcome boon of mercy4 It ap- n»«w»y VUV in and about their house and yard, the Inst resort being in a hogshead partly tilled with syrup; and in this incom­ parable prison we found him, delirious, a living skeleton. He was kindly cared for by the soidiers. and In a few days after Ills release he was shipped north, but early on the journey he died and his remains were consigned te a watery grave. That noble, confiding, and talthful wife deserved a gold medal ot honor, grander than was ever bestowed upon a liero of mortal combat with armed foes, on laud or s»a. Her name Is forgotten. The willowy ferm and thoughtful faoe may be lost In the cumulative vista of passing years, but we wilt not forget the deed, and inter- associated with gallant deeds of the son* of New England the devoted cour­ age and tlie exalted heroism of the lady from Maine should ever shed the halo of reflective glory upon the daughters «f i4«e i*in« Tree Slate. M. ^f.C. wallowed In a .conflagration of cotton pud molasses. Old Basin Street levee. Carondelet, Canal and St. Charles streets were steaming and smoking. Hundreds of barrels and hogsheads of sugar and syrup had been pilfd to­ gether in the center of those thorough­ fares and burned by the rebels. The ador trom burning sugar, oil. cotton and filth seemed a fitting and appro­ priate accompaniment to the taunts and jeers of the god-forsaken medley that thronged the house tops, packed balconies, jammed sidew alks and surged indiscriminately even against the ad­ vancing troops. In that vast sea of wlld. animate commotion, midst those causeways christened in the fumes of hell, there suddenly appeared a ene-legged man, poorly clad, whose locks were whitened by the hand of time. He cheered the old flag, and on his crutclses swung himself along near the line of blue. The old man had fought in Mexico and lo>t his leg at Montery. His clarion hurrah for the United States echoed in strange contrast to the wild, excited cheers of the dense mob of the confed- acy. A citizen snapped a pistol at the old man but missed flre. Again some one in the crowd attempted to take the old soldier's life. Two shots Were rtred. (This was near the custom house). Both shots wounded citizens but missed their mark. At the Instant of this fir­ ing, one compauy, without orders1, hailed, biought their bayonets to the chargo and cocked their muskets. An officer declared that If a hair of the old man's head was harmed no quarter would be given to any live person in the crowd regardless of age or sex. The brave old veteran and his younger associates moved on to tlie custom house, and there In a few days the old hero died. We gave hint a soldiers burial, and *1 wo fired our farewell volley - Allee Blaine's HnsM*4L When Coppfnger was stationed at Cainp Verde, Arizona, as the captain of one of the companies of the Twenty- third Infantry in 1872, a band of reOl^g emits arrived one day, filled with fear and terror of tlie oflitter under whom they wer« to serve for the ensulne five years. Report and rumor had pictured I'opplnger to them as being a pirate Captain and a persecutor of the rank nnd file. Copplug. attired in a suit of clothes that might have distinguished ateimster, was iu tlie sutler's store when one of the recruits entered. "I would like to see this Captain Coppln- ger," said tlie recruit, "I understand lie's n hard man." Eveiybody present expected Copplnger to annihilate the newcomer, but he did not. On the contrary, he engaged him in pleasant conversation, lit which Captain Cop- pi nger was abused in a manner that caused his listeners to fear that the private would be punished for his temerity. Finally, when the vocabulary was exhausted, Coppinger Introduced himself to the. astonibhed soldier. *1 hope you will\hink better of what you have said," remarked the Captain, as he turned to leave. vWell, see here." replied the recruit, "I suppose this means guard-house and ball and chain for me, but, If I liavu to die for it, 1 must insist that, according to all re­ ports. you are a ---- tyrant." Coppiu- ger leoked the fellow in the eye a roiu- ute. "I like your courage," he said. when at length he broke the silence. The recruit was soon alter eointnU- Sioued as a Corporal.--Denver Tribune. Japanese Crepes. In order to introduce onr Japanese Crepe goeds we wlli send postpaid to any address on receipt or tirtv cents, or 17 three-cent stamps, the following: 1 window banner, size 13 by 24 inches, with rich color and deep border; I tidy, size 8 hv 11 inches very handsome; 1 lamp mat, 37 inches in circumference perfectly lovely; 1 wall screen. Urge anil handsome. Address. E. Florence A qo^PjOvbo^lSQO^Seuth Beni\ !u<|. KEYSTONE. EDITOR PI.AINDEAI KR.--Geo. W. Conn was at Keystone Thursday. Mayatewait. a Utile daughter of Geo. H. Stewart, has been quite sick but is on tlie gain. Mrs. Henry Marsh has been nader the doctor's care for a tow dajrc* Mil Ii ou the gain at present. Mort Dean* an old Massachusetts bojr, visited at J. N. Mason's la*t week a few days. "They all know Jim."' George Havens and Ills mother havo been visiting at L Bacon's a few dajrO , before his departure to Iowa, where IM goes to take charge of a large cheetc# factory. George Is a flint class work­ man, and we wish him much success. Harvey Stewart will net go to i»ft this spring, as was stated iu last week** communication. "All Harvey neotfo4 was the sand. Frankle Mnson ims been very side Dut is better at this writing. Frank Tryon, who lately cut his foot. Is out around. He says ho think* ho will be able to rnn the ftucius ITow- berry this summer. James Randall will work for hts tee uncles, W. atul H. Randall, tho comlug season. If any one Is in need of » rhromo they can get the at tioned by only waiting unHI Will comes along, as he has given up farm­ ing and will canvass tlie coming season. Edwin says lie Is better. Mr. John Walkington has so Im­ proved that he can drive to the factory wlUi ills milk, but lie has tho IMO of only one hand yet. Hon. C. H. Tryen lias ^turned to Springfield, taking his wife with him.. Some of the Richmond yOung folks had a surprise on Miss Mattie Myrea last Friday night. Everything went off very pleasantly, and they all ,oa* joyed tripping the light fantastic too n»itil the large hour of twelve o'elook* after which they had a very nice sup­ per and departed for home muett pleased. Saturday morning giving promts* of such a beautiful day. a load of onr youiic folks started for the Hub, bnft what after we know not. unless for Pic­ tures. silk dresses or a suit of clothoo• We will mention a few places whMi they called at after arriving: First* they called at tbe Boston Utof#. Sfot finding what they want*^ """"" wry aiu pictures taken. Mr. Borbank ti very hard to keep ttio children still, but somehow, just as the time cam* for them to sit still a load of calvon cttne into town, and one of the partio* being in that business, stopped any- plctures from being taken at that place,. From there they went down to tlto- next place where they got some pis* tures taken, after which, getting quit* tired, purchased some salt fish and her­ ring, which one of tho party did not like, but the other thinking theat splendid if they did not hare sack % terrible smart. After visiting UMI County Clerk's office they departed for heme, and, we understand, they ar* rived safe. We thluk tbe only way to get out of it, "Hank,** ia to brtiqg around tho tin-types and set up tho , HEBRON Ebtfa* PLAINDKALKK:--Wlj * only a few days out of the way with hi» big snow storm. We were groetfd on Sunday with quite a blow. Tlie dauce at Union Hall on the Ifttfc was well attended and among the sinik countenances from abroad wo noticed Mine Host Parker and wife,of MeHenry, and Culver and wife, of tho Richmond House; also several otbers from Richmond, among whom recognized "Flossie.* Tlie Hebron school closed last Weil" nesday. after a very successful term, Mr. H. C. Faber has gone to bis liomo in Mendota to spend his vacation of two weeks. Miss Fannie Sears hat gone to her home in Linn, and will ro» turn to her duties In the primary da* part me nt at tlie begiuuing of the suta­ mer term. Mrs. Miller lias returned from ho* visit iu Crete. Johnny Gates lias moved Into No. tS» and Mr. SyUesfev iuto So. 7, Suuftower street, Charlie Merrick is going to mrtMI :: cheese lor S. W,COMU for the com lot year, John Pierce had a horse break Its leg last week, aud waa obliged toliavot4 shot, V-J tSySo soldier of the late war laotK titled to auy government laud for hi* services. The fallowing is a reply of secretary of tU« Interior to a letter from J. W. Wilson,of Wrlghlsvllle, Pa.: *1 have received, through the commie* sjpuer of pensions, your letter of tho 20th insu, stall tig that you had sent money to --~ of this cUr, lit reference to a circular iss:ied hv them offering t» locate and sell 130 acres of land for sol­ diers homestead law.aud that yoo hato not Iteanl from the l*tul and van get n* reply to yen* letters addressed to *al«t firm. You are informed that soldlera are not entitled to htad unless they go on a tract and settle upon U. awlh** prove and cultivate it. All statementa to the contrarv are false." Fancy Window Shades tt FWf || OweuV

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