WfcfrVRSDAY, MARCH 28, 1883. V-A ^ Hi Y ft tlitoi*. Wpee.Hl Dispatch to the Pt.AiNDRAr.KR. •f- PPRIN«Mm.l>, March 27th, 1883.--Hnr- pfr'< lllfh T.lwnce Bill ordered to flint v1r«*dliif by a £«o»1 majority, •IVA hill Ira* jtmc i»eeii passed by the Lejfi«lattire of Arknnms which pro fit It) ra for the next two v»*r*. the Mle l»f Intoxicating liquors within two fnttofi or Mtiv cNireii or school hoUM. nnle*« a ma|ority of the ailiiitlolwb- v limits putiflon therHU»r. y MV*Th« Ffon.Thnotliv O. Howe, the f*o«tma«ter General in President Ar thur** Cabinet, flierl very amMenly on ^nnii«T. »t the r»«tdence of his nephew } *t Kenosha, Wis., of pneumonia. Judge Howe was for eighteen year« n faulted States Senator, from 1SCO to 1879. and was 67 years of age. **"" |#^R««cne Conk line says that; "the •mallest conntry newspaper Is worMi •more to 1(8 country subscriber in one month than its price for a year, and does more for the neighborhood for nothing than any high official does for Ills munificent salary. And this I* true, •!«ft politically, it the amount of work the faithful journal puts in for the {party is taken Into account. Yet tlie politicians themselves--those who reap 4he ftnnncial benefits of politics--seldom acknowledge the country paper as a factor In their success to the least de gree. Mr The Massachusetts Democrats fere trylnsr to raise a boom for the ^Benefit of Governor Bntler for the Presidency In 1884. There may be feomething rich in this. Ben tried for ten years before he became Governor »f Massachusetts, and as lie is now quite ancient his friends who want him iMated tn the Presidential chair had batter begin right away, and then they* may perhaps be able to get him into it before he passes to the other world. By all means put up the the old gentle- *pnan for the coming campaign--he lias •0 awful supply of patience. -V. ======= •••• ' w*J. Warren Kelfer, late speaker of the house of representatives, seems to lirve been as nnfortnuate in the be stowal of places as ne was in hi? lan guage concerning the press. Having, with an excess of profanity, announced Ilia opinion of the newspapers, the feewspajters, with equal freedom, bun • with greater attention to detail, arc announcing their opinion of him; from 2. Mil of which it is clear that Keiferis not a gentleman in social intercourse mnd is a jobber In politics. His nepo- "l tism Is monumental. The way his son. | Jliis nephews aiid other relatives have taken Af !<<lini)|tr •nonijolni.. Keiter, however, can hardly be called a surprise. The job, which defrauded Frank Hiseockout of speakership, could have no better out come than Kelfer, Long may it be before Keifer is repro duced In kind in the speaker's ciiair. The old saying "The world grows more wicked every d.»y*" aeetua to be verified, judging from telegraphic dis patches In the morning papers. Item after Item until columns are filled and tell of horrible crimes, homicide, frati cide. paracide, nxorckte, suicide, being terribly prevalent; bank cashiers, presi dents, confidential clerks, dishonest public officials rob the poor of their earnings and tiie state of its Income. Railroad accidents and steamboat col lisions are an every day occurrence. And still although ciiuinala are caught and brought t«\what is termed "Inst ice," that term, as used in its former and true sense, is not carried out, and the criminal who rightfully deserves severe punishment, if r.ot death, la after a force of trial, allowed to go free and have as many privileges as our most law abiding citizens. It seems to be the custom of the timet to allow our worst characters to do about as the}' pl*>Mse. We cannot condemn our judges altogether there are a class of beings who style themselves women who recognize in the criminal a superior being, and not only court lilt society, but do everything In tlielr power l«» have the bonds of just |f« defeat*d, ' what tlsis cJass have done for Frank James--a lower scoundrel and n more cowardly man never lived; lie hit* been abased, and Is unlawfully deprived of the freedom "lie should Justly have, Bah! Wheeler,, the straugler of Ills sister-in-law, in San Francisco, Is petted by these idiots, and it' he is not pet free and given a vote of thanks for the hell ish crime he eommittod it will not be their fault. We could enumerate In stances by the hundred of this kind, and the more wc think of the way tliey act the more we believe these kind of creatures--called women--are as much to blame for lawlessness as tlte criminal element themselves, and they *hould be treated accordingly. Is there no way we eau stop the actions of these lunatics? 19"The jurors at Uniontown, Pa., who to unaccountably acquitted Dukes, the murderer of Captain Nutt. have been made to feel the force of popular Indignation to a degree that must im press upon them the scandalous nature of their verdict. They have been hung In effigy together wirli the acquitted murderer, have been hissed and hooted on the etrests. and at an indignation meeting of the most respectable citi- tens of al! classes in Uniontown they were vehemently denounced "as en a par with the assassin." Furthermore, one of them, was assaulted on a street there last night an1 severely beaten. This is certainly extraordinary treat ment or jurors; but it is no more than the men who acquitted Dukes deserve. No more amazing or disgraceful verdict than theirs can ever have been ren dered. for it was In flagrant defiance of all evidence, humanity and decency. . JM^Tlie Massachusetts Republicans will be compelled this year to learn a few lessons in practical politics. -In the past they have stood by and com placently watched the progress of lieated campaigns in other States, and mentally congratulated themselves that they were not as other men are. That period of high-toned politics is over, for the present at least. If the Republicans expect to defeat Butler next f»ll. In ease lie decides to run again, tliey will have to couie down to work which they have heretofore de spised. A kid glove canvass against such an opponent aa the •'Widow," i* out of the question. The Republicans In most of the States will have a season of repose tills year and they will enjey teeing their brethren In Massachusetts engaged in a rough and tumble contest witli their versat'le adversary.--Ex. KUNDA- Editor Plaindea i eb :-Great chicken lawsuit from Barreviile Monday. Theatrical performance in Ballou's Hall Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this weeK. Rev. Coulee Is again able to ocettpy his pulpit. Mr. Doming was again In onr midst on Monday. It seems to be settled that we are to have a Union Graded School between Nundaand Crystal Lake. Miss Nellie Mailory bade her friends farewell arid started for Wlliinette, where she will live with lier brother and work at Ids office In Chicago. Choice uucolored Teas at Smith Bros. A new harness shop will sooli be opened in Mr. Calkin's building. G. I.. Hubbarff proprietor. Isaac Venuilya. or Erie. Pa., has been here visiting his brother. Geo. White is now baggage agent. I'lias. Andruss havirg resigned. Floyd Beards.!?y is Hosea Tliroop has been bidding tys many friends farewell, preparatory to commencing his summers work at Aberdeen, Dakota. F. W. Slack, who bought the D. C. Mailory stock, will soon opeu with new goods. Mr. Conover expects to be a resident of Nuiula soon. We notioe one of the Ililbert boys, who was wounded while blasting stumpa. is again out, Eldredge sewing machine takes the lead. For sale by smith Bros. Cltas. McDonald loaded a car for Da kota the 19th. He intends running a livery business there. Choice uucolored Japan Tea at Smith Bros. The Sociable al Mr. Win. Huffman's was well attended. - Rev. L. G. Boynton Will preach Jn Ballou's Hall. Nunda, on Tuesday even ing. April 3d. Subject, "The Goiden Rule." Services to commence at quarter to eight o'clock, prom|>tl|V The last party given by tlie Rain or Shine Social club was a decided success and the boys litre disbanded in good spirits and extend their tliauks to the dancing public. • Hoinnepathic remedies for sale at SinItli Bros. E. his Editor Pl ainijkaler:--In your issue of last week, Mr. J. E. Rassctt Irs fa vored i s with an expression of his views In reference to Mark 13,32: "But of that day and tlntt hour knoweth no man,*' eU% It Is to little purpose, to cite a long list of text* without at the same time showing their connection and ap plication to the case in hand; and It Is equally futile to remind us of the mere •pinions of commentators. As Mr. B. states liis position, we understand him to bold that Christ in said passage, re fers to the destruction of Jerusalem exclusively, with no allusion whatever. to the final judgment. For one, we are glad of an opportunity for having cer tain stumbling blocks appertaining to this subject cleared away, and trust Mr. B. will be able to elucidate what has hitherto perplexed us not a little. In Matt., chapters 24 and *25. we Ami a more detailed and complete report than In Mark, of the remarkable dis course of Jesus to his disciples, where the passage above cited also occurs. In ehapt, 24 the disciples interrogate Jeftiia In tlild wise: "Tell us, when shall Iheie thing* be? and what shall be the •Igtt of lliy coming, and of tlie end of the worldV It is highly necessary to keep tills In view in ourellort at an un derstanding of what Jesns intended to cniMiiiuiitciite in his reply. And here I may be permitted to say that I am not aware that any one denies that the des truction of Jerusalem was one of the events then foretold. Here, there is no room for doubt. The question is^'does this prophecy In Matt. 24 include also the second coining ef Christ, and the final judgment ? The questions pro pounded by the disciples in some of their aspects would seem to reach to events of more importance than the mere destruction ®i' the Jewish capitoi city. And in this connection it is im portant to notice that a sign, which should preceed or accompany certain events was demanded of Jesus by the disciples. In the logical construction of the whole series of questions here alluded to, this sign is precluded from having any connection with individual or national distress accompanying the operations of the Roman army in Its assault on Jerusalem under the first question, "When shall Sfmen these things be,?" The sign, as is ap parent, refers exclusively to tiie secom coming of Christ, and the end of tinfte killed world. The answer in reference to this re sign will be found, .if anywhere, in Matt. 24: 30 31. Now, what is wanted is for Mr. B. to give us an exposition o these two verses. Are they figurat ive or are they literal? fliera ^of Mc- Ordors. Notice to. Hwiry €< Notice Is hereby given that on the first, day of April A. I). 1883.1 will pay the followfiigjpit ptr cent $300 McHen- ry CouiUv or9§rs. viz: Numbers 3.5 t «. 10.17. 20. 31,St. 28. 33, 38. 39.41. 45. 51. R3. 58, 69, Gl.fl8."t0. 72.82.83, 80.95,98 135, 142.145,150,152, 159,163, 104.171, 174. 179,184. and 185. Interest will cease on the above Mcilenry eounty orders on the first day of April. A. D. 1883. James N'ish, County Treat, Woodstock. III., Pel). 27th, W93. www sjjwse* .. 7H * *f- -v?" ^ » /- We are critietantly wedvhig a»4 pe&t&fc Good* V * 4 ; 1 -i ;» " STATE OF ILLINOIS, county of Mcflenrr, 88.--Town ot McHsnry, OiHce of Town Supervisor. The following 1« a Mn tomcnt of J. W. Oris, tv. Supervisor of the town of McHenrv, in the county and Slate -(foresaid, of the amount of public, funds rcreived and expended by him during: the fiscal year ending on tho 2!th day of I uty. 1M32, show in :r the amount of jmb- li«" funds on hand at the commencement of snid fiscal year, the amount of puhli'-. fund* received and from what sources received, the amount of public, funds expended aud for what purposes expended during said time, ending as afoi-esiid. To Itnlance received from rfredeceneor in ofllce # 1867 Ain't ree'd from county collector, being bal. of tax for 1881, 'lc9S li'a com'an... 274 52 Total am't received frpm all sources.. ..$293 19 Total amount patdrtnt, and the accountoii which the same was paid are as follows: By am't paid J, Van Slyke for publishing Supervisors annual'report i 689 By am't paid B. X. Smith attorneys fees on bridge case 50 00 By am't paid M. L, Joslvn attorneys fees on bridge case . 5000 By am't paid Harriet Holmes, pauper... 10 00 .< •< rp jj. jjau jOI. jjetpjng Chris , tina [futson, pauper..., By am't naid Jacob Miller for keeping John ll Kipp, pitnper ............ .... By am't paid It Gilbert for supplies fur nislied Johanna Lnwler.;.. . .... By am't paid J W Cristy for services as poormuster ... By ain't paid F K Granger, Supervisor balance on hancl ..... Jcafvh » Mr *J 4 IJ» REACT MADE CLOTHING, Jn Wall Paper. In.tJwpets,. In Bpots and Sljoes, ̂ T; yalises, I»» • - iksand [successor to o. c. colbt] ^Havlnjc piirchased the stock of HardWMMtff *n " :e store opposite Bi(lu>p'i Mill.f sl atii now prepared to offer to the bay. tng public anything in the line of BAEDWABI, THWABI, Stovea, &c* ;n*.. ,}tc r At prices to suit the times. . 'ifcAlRYMEN^"4 'f Will alto And a large assortment of Dnirr. ing Utensils, Milk Pans, Milk Palls, Milk ' - Caps, and anything in that line ut prices a*. . V-" ' - Total... 3295 »2 35 12 00 5 00 94 00 «29» 19 IpHOICE FAMILY You will make a mistake if you <lpn*t ^ome and 8^9 for your- 1 PERRY & OWEN. A fight lied and b are re- for the eatown, lille en- Tlils point comes >d coal- fought Date*1 at Hcl)[enr|r t|iis 25th dav of Jnly 1^82. J. W. CK18TT, Supervisor. The said J. W. fjristv being duly sworn doth depose and say that the within state ment by him subscribed isacorrect statement of the amount of public funds on hand at the commencement of the year within stated, The amount of public fiuid* received, anil the sources from which received, a»*d the amount expended Hnd purposes for which expended, as set forth in saiu statement. J. W. CRI8TY. Subsci ibed and sworn to before me this 27th day of March, 1883. JAMBS B. PKRRV, J. P. Togaa ttieDog whom by the 'ore the nf? year 250,00c minion "tnat eral •Sows that . . O^len, amounting - to £2,000, isatnd in one year. The averaj they were in circulation was six dayi ing that there was no foundation idea thafegiey would be devoted to nent nee as currency. The United oenta, can be issued, as already sta any sua from 1 cent up to the. British notes can be issued ten fixea amounts from 1 8hillir| BhlllingB, no provislonH beine made f<i mediate litjana. Our postal note will only a single blank form, whi British system colls for ten d blanks for the ten gyades of orders, for the lowest British postal note penny; for the highest, 2 pence. Tli« United States postal note will be the ill raBfa ~r to $5--•! cents. The n he cause »dern, which are to soinj To a ffteater or less extent at this season of the year, stock a full ' SSmS1® ft y® iu stock a full Hue of Dyeing Matenal, British poital note. ^ The note, costiri , _ Rememl^r, A Isa, • ! isf Do they relati^"°t^ Tl^jln existing rates, are at th. second ™™l„g or Cl.rl.t, ...I?" last jmlginent. or to mere fecniar a flairs? In Mr. B#ssptt'« exejjjetical presentation, it i» remarkable lie lias taken no notice of the«e text?.* We <lo not kno v wliat he thinks of tliem. Cer tain difficulties of which he reniiiulo lis. It would he idle to discus* until t&is matter is cleared tip. . A I'kioria lack of good eultivaj To balance received from J W Cristy < predecfssor in of|li«(. ...$ 0100 To amount of tax ol 1882, received from Town Col lector. '2703 40 To anionnt received from Dog Lieense fee fund . 195 02 To amount received from Jno Harrison on 4 town orders, 400000 To amount rei-eived froip James M Oarr on one Town or ier 60000 Tn amount received from Isaac Harsh on one Town or ler.. 400 00 Report of the Tremurer of thz Cym- tnitssionera of Jligkway*, Toam of Ilickmoiid. '6 STATE OK ILI,IXOIS, Countv of Mcilenry Town ol Itichinond. Office of the Treas urer of the Commissioners of Highwavs. The following isa statement by K. S. Jo. honnott, Treasurer of (lie Commissionei8 oj Highways of the Town ot liichmond, in the county and State aforesaid, of the amount of public funds received and expended bv him during the Jlscal year just closed, (n<(ingon the *27tli day of March, 18KJ, showing the amount of public, funds on band at the com- menecment of said fiscal year, the amount of public lands received, and from what sources received, the amount of public funds expend ed. and for what purpose expended, during said llsral year, ending as aforesaid. The said K. S. Jolionnott, being dulv sworn, loth depose and nay that the following stale, ment, ly- him subscribed, is a correct state ment of the amount of public, funds on hand at the commencement ot the llsca' vear altovo stated, the amount ot public tunds receivetl, and the sources from which received, and tlie amount expended, and the purposes for which expended, as set forth in *aid state, ment. E. s, JOHOVXOTT. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th flay of Maroh, MS3, , A. it. Alkxanukr, Notary I'libiic. Date • Amount <HP 'fml»liR funds on „ hdnil at the coinm'cem'lof the llscal i'ear com'nc'g the I8lh 1882. "dav of April, I8S2. Apr 18, Uec'il of il Wray bal on hand.. " 27, Kec'd of (-ounty Treasurer... Jun 10. Kec'd of W A .McOonneil .. .. July Uee'd ol County Treasurer.... I*H3 Feb 27, Uec'd of Town Collector, Mar 21, Kec'd of Town Collector.... Total am't received ffom aUniunren'...97902 42 The amount v»iid which the same W;v l i '1 MV ni iind the acconnton ' ' ire «*f<»lbnv6: A 920.00 Biblical lie ward. The publishers of Rutledge'g Monthly offer twelve valuable regards in their Monthly lor April, among which is the following: We will give *20.00 In gold to tlie penon telling us how 1 many verses there are in tlie Old Testament Scrip tures by April l«tli. 1883. Should two f»r more correct annwers be received, the reward will be divided. The money will be forwarded to the winner April Iftli. 1888. Persons trying lor the re ward must send SO cents in silver (no postage stamps taken) with their an •wer. for which they will receive the Slay QfonihU/, in which the name and addreesof tlie winner of the reward and tlie correct answer will be pub lished, snd In w hich several more valu able rewards will hp ottered, A'Mr»«*. Kuilfdye Company, E*Woa, ***** - ' - "* A,.lill J! ALCONQUtM Eijitor I'i.aisuka i.KK.--George Chapell spent one day among friends last week. James Marshall, living between here and Crystal Lske. wild Ills farm to Dr. Cleveland of Dundee, for 665 per acre. Also hi* entire dairy ol cows at 840 per head. Did not learn where Mr, Marshall intends removing to, but hope he may decide to remain among us. Ed. Balcli, ef Elgin, visited with his friends here over Sunday. John Stewart lias rented, and moved on to A. Goodwin's farm, north of Cary Station. Mrs. MargaretGillilau commences at once to erect a new house, tlie lumber bein^ already on the ground. ' John Adninek is daily receiving new lots of farming tools, of which lie in tends handling: largely this scas.on. Give him u call before buying else* where. •' f Much slcknees prevails In our midst Sehooi opened again Monday morn i"g. W. II. Ogbin. one of the largest sew ing machine dealers iu this county, has lately fitted up a second wagon with which lie will be ready to supply «us tomers witii anything in his line. Tlios. Emerson is very sick with in flammatory (rhemnat isiii. Our merchants seem to be antici patirg a good spring trade as^they are receiving new goods daily. Miss Mirtie McKee i« teaching in tiie primary department of our school. 9 -15 .19 l!Mi 00 no 3d 03 400 00 367 13 TSy am't paid C II Morcy for making plat ot town ( 2500 By am't j»aid S II Oovil Treas Board of High way commissioners 5000 00 By am't pr.i'd J Van Slvk-eior puiiliwh'g notice Money Wanted 100 By am't paid c'orlel.t, town order old issue No. 19, prin A{iH), int fin 31800 By am't paid K Whiting town order old issue So. 14, prin *100, int $27 20... 42720 By am't paid 1'ricl.ctt town order old issue Xo R, prin 9t(M> int $4 40(00 By am't paid 1'rickett one year int on 6 town lionds. $!•>(! u ihh 114 CO By am't paid K W hi tin rone year int on 2 town IkmkIs, 940ii each 48 00 By am't paid John ll irriton int on 4 town bonds to feb 1st, $1000 108OS By am't paid Isaac Marsh int on I town bond to l*'eb 1st, Wi'O - 1080 By ain't paid James M Carr one years int on 2 town bonds old issue, ftjao . 48 00 By aiut't paid W Barge in bridge suit in Appellate Court 108 50 By ain't paid IJeach A Barnard print'g argument 22 00 By am't p'.id II X Holmes beating and lighting town house for elect ion 200 By an't '.>aid J lineman assessor service lSh2 138 25 By am't paid moderatorandclerk town meeting... 3 00 By am't paid l>r II T Brown medical attendance on Mrs Holmes.. 300 By aai't pai.i Pro J Howard medical attendance in ISHlon I* Sutton Total oash received 1)482 Apr 18 18 .9 1,187 65 KXPENOKD Amt S I. Orv,l8 lilting bridge contr't 9 1000- B It Crosby int note up to date, bonds 2) Win A McConneli iwn-owed" money unit interest May 9 C ft S (V It R Co freight ou Under 23 Alexander ft Hj'Ue legal advs'r bill books 'June 10 S 1'cnnoc k Sons ft Co road grad eraudexchange 13 Oriler to John llaldeman re pairing briilge. Jnly 8 Order to A 1* Gray repairing scraper 81 Order to J Bobbins foi SOrv'^s on ll ling contract Sept 12 Order to J llodge work ltich- ' f mond briilge Oct • Order to Jclin Hodge damage > to plow 9 Order to Jno .-itvilliciirii work on Itiehinond bridge D<h^ 1 8 L Orvison illing contract... Jany 10 Glover ftliacku* lumlier bill.. 10 F CJ «<kinkle work on Kiclun'tl bridge Feby 27 AV in A Mct.'unnell note and int 28 A It Alexander making road naners Mar 6 papers *17 Jno Skillie.orn building .wing to aliiituii nt..4 '. Mar 21 Milan lliciis bill nails, ete " 21 IC It Crosby imoii lionds *9 21 W A M'-Connell int on Ix>nd8 " 21 J H 11 v le, C>rp del ta\ " 24 J Merrill lumber tor culvert 2' 5 at Solon' " Sft J Sutton, rep bvidge, sec25.. 8 75 10104 930 1160 147 00 15 75 8 42 15 00 SOo 8 00 7 6» 10 00 92 70 200 157 i't 10 HO S*5 90 2 4" 85 110 S4 (K) 17 88 8 43 7 50 Total am't ree'di... Total um^t exp'd.... 1.187 «l m 90 Itaod •322 75 E. S, Jot(r».\s(iTT, Com in'r of Highways. 400 4AO 8100 76 38 15 no 100 800 6 50 Tao 700 (UNI 1145 10 00 2ccn 12 00 Total am't paid»out for all pur poses.. 97,114 18 Being a balance in the hands of the Super visor of 9878.24. The Amount awl kind of indehtrdnrxt of the Town, l>ue and unp'tid are us follows : Am Mint due to K. Whiting, 2 town orders, I'rinciital.... ; 9 803 00 Amount due to C. M. 1'ric.kotl, 5 town • orders, I'rincipal 2,000 OC Amount due to James M. Carr, 2 town orders, 1'iincipal 800 0( Amount due to John Harrison, 4 town.. orders, I'rincipal 4,000 00 Amount du«*rto Jas. M. Carr, I town order, I'rim ipal 603 0C Amount due to Isaac. Harsh, 1 town order, I'rincipal 400 Oil Tofal Principal... 9fV>"0 00 Ilated at Mcllenrv thl« S.'thday of March, 19*1. V. li. OR VSOK'l, Supervisor. By am't paid Itoard appoitument ...... " " " Board review <d'assessm't By am't paid pauper bills as follows: By ain't paid Mrs Jl >lmes from July 21 to March 28, 1>H1 By am't paid support (Jiistinc Hut.son from July 17th to March 24th 188,1 .. By am't paid support Jo;m Kipp from July 12th to March 24th 1883 By am't paid Mr l.anghaiu on account of K B Beach to April 7th 1883....... By am't paid Mrs l.awler By am't paid Mrs (Jibos 1 cord woo i 95 cash 93 Bv ain't paid II W Me 1 cord wood 95 flour 91.1V) By am't paid J Weideman,2 tramps S L and U. By am't paid Father O'Xeil returning poor sick person to Chicago By am't paid Van slvke pub notices... By ain't paid K (J Mayes town clerk. .. By am't paid F K < J ranger, surpervisor 4"a vs out of town.... By am't'tiaid F K Granger, service as po«>vmaater By am't paid telegraphing and express By am't paid 2 ine jtings Imard audit... Which proves be not oiily cheik^i bat easily applied, and su perior to ordinary cnlciminin<r. The farmers ure renninded that they can always find PINE TAR, u any quantity at the Drug titore. Alro the jiwtly celebrated Carbolic SI xeep Dip, So convenient ohd effectual in destroying" ticks and other vermin on stock. For testimony repnrdinjr the practical value of the Sheep Dip, we can refer to Messrs. Moses Beech, Wm. Brooks and others. For the ffoods, apply to j . . ^ • .Wauc°nda Drug Store and Bcmli Haur^ •DEALER IN-- General Merchandise. RIVERSIDE BLOCK. McHENRY Yonr attention is invited to onr magnificent now line of season- able aiivl eloaranl styles for pprinir requirements. Every department is very com pi ete and prices an iforml y low. McHenry.yillinois, March 1883. MOXKY HK(;KIVKO KOU IN V h>TMKNT and loaned on mortgage security at cur rent rites, without charge to the lender. F*rpa io*u« nwulc at six pur cent. ' -J. W. ItANSTKAD, land 2 ItOTden Block, Klgin, HI. An elegant liu« of rir«iis but ton* ami trimmings always to be i'ouutl at H«iiry Coiby'a. A Tour drawer, l>l iek-wau»ut bUr»9u rot «7.50, ttt J. B. Blrtkc'l. Corporation Klection. THE Annual Village Klection for the village of McHenrx, will be held at the Council Boom in the village ol Mcilenry on Tuesday, tiie 17tii I)«y of April, 1883. at which time the folk wing officer* will be elected: Three Trustees and one Clerk The Foils of said Flection will be open be tween 8 and 9o'clock in the morning,and kept open until 7 o'clock in the evening of that GKOIttiK W. OWKN, Clerk. Henry, March 2 it:i,'1AH;t. open dav. • Please re me inner our price* are al ways as low a* tlie ioweft. and we Manri ready «t all times to meet any And all ct»wp»»WI«Mfc V - fl.fc)iit¥ Cu|.»V. iderator to preside Annual Town Meeting. NOTICE is herebv Kiven to the r"itizon<», l.egal Voters of the Town of Mcilenry in the t'ounty of'Mcilenry and State of lilt, nois, that the Annual ti'wn Meeting tor said Town will be heb; at the Council Itoom, in said Town, on Tuesdav, the ;M dhv of April next, bemsf the tlrst Tuesday In said Month, lor the purposes fallowing, viz FlllsT.--To choose a Modern at s:iid meeting. »SKCONIJ--To elect One Supervisor (who sha 11 be ex officio overseer of the Poor), One Town Clerk,.One Assessor. One Collector, One Commissioner of Highways, and as inanv 1'ound Masters as the Electors may deter-, mine. And to act upon any additional subjects which may in pursuance of law, come before said meeting, when convened. Which meeting will be called to order Ik;- tween the hours of eight and nine o'clock In the forenoon, ami kept 0 |ien until, seven o'clock in the afternoon. Given under my hand, at Mcilenry, this 20th day ot March A. D 1S«1. F. <i. Mavkb, Town Clerk. REPORT OF THE C O r v D I T I O ^ THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, Illinois, -- A T--' Close of Business Mar 13'83, RKSOl'llCKS Loans and discounts fliw.soofts Overdrafts .. ; 1, |:V» :-Mi U, S. Bonds to secure circulation... BO.MKi on U. S. lionds on hand 31,000 no One from approved reserve agents.. 22,K4rt Dim-from other National Itenks.... Ileal estate, furniture and fixtures. •.'.'fi n1 Current exoeimes and laxespaid... , 1 I'remlums Paid AjS^O 57 Checks and other casn lieiua..44 Hills of other banks J..; |;039 On Fr.*'l paper cur. nickels & pennies.. 103 24 Specie S2,ftf>8 75 Legal tender notes 4,0000' Redemption fund with U. S. Treas- .. «• •••"--» 3,000 00 1,600 ro «3A3.2»7 35 tow as the Lowest. ^ V A fnll slock of BASB WISE alwayi «k v Mnd, JOBBING AND REPAIRING, Promptly Attended to. fi®"Don't bny uf. thing in the Hardware I.ine nr.til you hays examined my stock and learned prices. E. M. JiOW& Mcilenry, February 87. 1883. AKD j^licaltuial Uachiae:^, AT Richmond Illinois. I sell every Implement, Tool or Mnchi| fanner wants. PL \TKoiJM sPKlNU, L1V CRY AND FARM WAGONS. TOP A D OPEN BUGGIES/ One, two and three seated., at lower prices * than any other concern northwest of Chicago, In the Agricultural Department I have lh» Moline, Oavenpori, and the John Deere Plows, poth Sulky aii'l Walking. The KevstoneaiMi Richmond Champion Planters. ^The Rich mond Broadcast and Superipr Seedtr*. Har rows of all kirn's at lower prices than ever before. Corn Oultivalora of all kinds, Mow ers, Reapers ai.d Twine Hinders. In short anything a man wants in the farm Machinery line, FROM A CLKV1S XO A STKAM KS." GINE. FINE PAIKTiNC. In my Puinting Department I have seenrwt the services of li. II. M(;UOLS, who ia well known in Mcilenry and Lake Counties as One of the M at painters in this imrt'Of'tt«e try. Cal laud see hi» work .which sp«nk«fuf itself. i"'or "Artistic Style" in this liuCj we dely competition. * *. ^ Blacksitiithing, > 1 and Repairing^ Done in a workmanlike manner and war. ranted. Call and see me before puachaaing, as I am sure I can save you money. A. P. QliAY% Richmond, Marsh 6th, 1888. WB HAVE A FEW QOODS WE WOULD LIKE To Show Tou. Unbl'd Table Cloth, 2T>c. to3»c. per rani, ll'f Bl'd " 84c. to !Wc.. ". •••• " Red Border, 3#c., 6:Je.., and 57c. '* " Bleached, 57c., V2c. ami 94c. " ltod fast colors, 48c., '9c., and 82c. «« Napkins. 8iC.i 94c., $1.10and 11.15 " Aiso ourjllne of Dress Goods, At 8c, 1IW'. A nice line of 5Sc and 88c perfjard. 13c, lie. 17e, Sic and 26c per yard. COLOKFD CASilMFKKls. »» A line line of GARDEN (the season, fnilv descrthed in tneir BiANIIAL I nf EVERYTHING forthel urer (5 per cent of circulation)...... Due from U. S. Treasurer other than i percent, redemption fund -- Total.. MAIUI.1T IBS. Capital stock paid in WMioono tliidivlded prolits 8,l<>4 71 Vitlon il llank Note* o-.itstan ting... 4.1,000 00 Individual dei>o»its sulijcct tn check 255.04'i 41 Demand -ertiltca tes of deposit S.I00 0" Due to other National Itanks. ... fwti 'W which for lflgt. contains PETHR HENDERSON'S uRrmsed Instructions on VtZftablt >nd f/wrrCw/* Iture" makintf It m condensed C*rdenin(f Book, naving all the latest information known to the author of vmr* dealRC fter Proflt," Mailed free on application. iP/e/tse state in what y°** s"w (***)• Peter Henderson & Co., 3S & Vt Cortlandt St., Hew York. NUN'S CLOTHS, 54 Inches whle, nt fl.B7 per yard. A flnef line of CRliTONNFSat 14c, 19c, 25c, and 2»c per vard. A good line of CORsE'l'TS yit 48c, 69c, 79c, Odd #l.'2o and #1.88. In addition we have a lull line of Goods usually kept by us at very low prices. Call and see us, we can show you some good gopdf at low prices. HKNkY R( . VOLO, ID.. Feb. 28,1883. Total .. STATE OP ILLINOIS ...•8B5,®7 >SA not. , l fe '• "wcephiK by, ggi-- 1 dsre before vou tlie; some, thinjr ini(thty ami sublime, leave behind to conquer time." W! a week in your own towtl. (A or,tilt fice N(» risk. Kverythinjr new. t'lpital not required. We will furnish von evervthinjr. Slnnr are ir.akinir fort nnen. Ladies make as miie.h as men. an^l ><oy« un i cirts make prei'.t pav. Reader, il you want business ut which you can make JJMtlU pav «ijl ttte tlnio, writ'* for pirllciilarl To ft, ft Ah' JvUTT * CO., I'ortland, Muiu«n. MCIIKNKV OOITNT Y, > I, John J. Murphy, Cashier of the above named Bnnk, do solemnly swe ir that the above statement is true to the beat of iny knowlodge and belief. T John J. Munrnr. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of Marcii ifWI. C'iias. II. IKixKKLtiV, Notary Publio. Correct Attest K. A. Mrnpiiv, W. H. Stkwaiit, FRKKMAN WlllTIN Dire Money to Loan On Heal Kstate, in sums o to $10,000. Time and payments wit borrower. JOHN J. EQBERT C. BEMEXI, i lUfEEDER WT--- It Bra FOWLS, RICHMOND, lit. (FIRST PREMIUM AT UCHEKKT COCJTTT FAIK.) M y fowls are of the celebraied DUKE OF VOrtK strain, remarkable for their (?reat size and laying «iualitica. i can show a trio ot last season's chicks weighing 31 pounds. Ktrjes, iter settinir >f thirteen. •!.»», delivered to purchaser in Richmond. Shipped, securely packed. riU«. jtOUEUT C. BESXETT. PATENTS/ NO PATENT, NO PAY, ia our motto. We hare had U years experience iu procuring f a'teuts, Careatc, Tr ide Marks, Copyrurhts, etc., in this and other countries. Our Hand Hooks, jrivinp full instructions in Patejits, free. Address: tt. i*. ft A. P. LACF\, •at Att'j s, 604 K 8t„ Washington, 1>. 0. PULVERIZING HARROW. CLOD 4 a Crusher and Level0%> The l»est Pnlverizer on earth. A trial riven. The undersifrned is sole Agent for Mcilenry and West half of Lake Co's. 8ent| for cata* losue (IrM). All of ^RM MACHINEBY, For Sale by Jr,H«Hartman, Ridgefleld, II u sim. ,d