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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Apr 1883, p. 1

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ftesdav for ty as n K xj* i mm •friCiy;.,. t. ~* :• »,•• i:fy^ : •' ir^c" i i : ' , . . : , " w : . : < f : r ? < "#te4g«4 tout 1 "W < » ' <* ' ' -- tf&*+ m #. * swat no Fear Shall Awe. MM BUSINESS CARDS. p . J W *•' > ' •*•*)> *'!;"(hie "Year fin' ;'...• .>"--*•«.«.'..2ili;i» p£ I ;n Affr witiiiTiireia Months,.....*.fie# *# ," .Ka^rloU?** wflriwrt' #fp'!*tifOd tor J;*l* twtth* lit tha «%nn wrwivwtlon. #">11111; • mi ..i.L'"-i.i..LI j^LaLaajjUii'is Rates of Adverttalug. e annmmw liberal rates for advertlslns M„ the Pi.uvms.vfcKW, and ("Hfivwn to state 'ttttw that H**AviH (MftSMlilf on. "" ' f.#».0 aa.fBMestlWjjp ' M i r ' one w - . m' %•< • *n* v?w '-4"; '* one year -• .<*•'.* S,nc M •'&'-i,v'V:' • l®0 i|pon»ply and on reasonable terms. ^i&toe IwA" mm»' the m»i«i»reiwnt of am "tech <ltwn tie w1nm«, single mlnun width. " __ lift once, without extra charge. • Vearlv #i|fnrlUors at Wjs'ww rut**. Wvfl: »rivil(»«;a of ehs»»'«jl»3 %s»ften *8 they tT"T«iir a lrortTsmr«4»i'if»ir»i'i'? t^iopn having ^"etandin-r «-.ai-ls> will be ontiltiH to Insertion nS; ' . - •jflrnM n«t>.<s» fl.trt.tft »f A cents #fr-llw eneh I i , irc»t Alt others will bpr'iarered lucent* tier »' ' Swt'srcel!. Jinrt Scents i«r lino for each " .;j j^bsacjne^t'week. ftg*#; *"•'.- ' vsjTrans'ont advertisements w*lt he ehsrsed '; ,<• '... ^(jf *»* !0n«nM. «j»r. I'll*. (nownarell tvne, ?'? •'* J"•'#»)»«»n»'W|f«'ls sftt InV tree flt-st, i«sije, and 5 J,. -, '•" «#ent* onfllw for. <W'*w>«i<>Ant <*»*•«•«. Th'n^,' " :*>JK> for «n*f> «wk,fl;M fivr two Vr«c%*. for tkm. nn'l «r> rtn. " WgjteHmflgki.fiti'Wtli tw %•, '*w^ ,%s .%• hn4l«it««4' ntip. It rj- '»ll|"la0RPi6l*,lLw,t,'tMe feo-trora -worviwlv ' V- M* |j-A i ! - its columns for pecuniary •M. CARDS. if. "P. TtTlOWN, M. !»., flHVSICT.W \vr> STTROK'W. OfHrft ov«r I;lw IVit OUiwr'oi>nosi»e f*-piTy AlMflrtlB's ' ISsS^oro Ufi .MeHct'ry, 1H. • '>J*« - C;-W. "* P'HO'lcn i M.'i*.- ' :' \vr» «»nTtf}KON'. -'ftSieftt&fh, hAMr»« to 1®, *. is* . I •*« CV J. .nOTTA RT>, Mi'.'JX- , ' . FAN \>rt» «TTRGI5jW, «#?>)» At mr. rflsV'lniihe, oiiposito «. R. Oftrirfth, frHwnrr. Tt>.' "."" 1 •"•...•• ».f ••..••--1 ; '"Jjw-Brj ' :JS. V. .^DKn^OJT, K. p,,:' MrsTRtAX »nn Snr«co». O«fco RemHence, >l«sIfi?lH'y, fllltiols. .Jut- "W'K •" 'J.' j; MYKRS " **l" fctfrffcrtn' ^ •Tf K BASKM>:STfe*dKnhnett*8 *trtr#. AlA|i»^ -X v".if .burgh, TH. bfantl* '*• '•• '•%»<]! n&vn ;i Mil • (ks9nnvan'i /oaf;: adrilaPwlili **• t »«•« m« A. PIIATT, I'r c.o^itnoif'itions. fnncomla; 111. iiricldv. Flr«t class no. iiouii'Uarn in «i<w«eetioi» J BAttBIAN BllO«. » IG All Mnimfacturers, Mrllom y, 111. <">r- ) de>-s solioiteil. Shop, ti Old MctT<»niT, Koitcr Block, two door# w«9t Of PkA.1*- iALKUOflli'e. RICH AW IV COMPTON. \!*V- 'fl "TT^TICR of t.hfi Triace in l Oon veyattrfer.-- Willuttoii'l nro'nutly to thA colIoeibMi .of >bts. Volu, Luke County, ill E. li. UIOttARDg,, kTAS» .MHtr!i«t of Titlos to Iflni 'TI in M Henrv Oouiitv, Tll'noi s. Office With ^flirty Clerk, Woodstock, III. . ,e ( ^ 1 • . 1 -- 1 . f • „ Jt.; E.M.OWEN 1 Vf jn EXEWAT/Pcftlflr -in'I Mannfflctnrors Aecnt in T-e i linsr Farm *rie08 i«w ami terms fAVoraWo., MfX'hinerr.-- Mcllcnry, ; x. s. cm.nr. T' cnF.Xltr, McIlonrvC»., III. ITreMer of *ivmlsh MftrlilA Sh« !i», Bnrk! nire hnd folan'l Cljlna ® win«. \ lot yoiin® |uck stock for stle. Plcise call antl texamine Before buving elsewhere. 4 B. O. -MTTH. |>OOT ,wn STTOR M V'CRI. Profit fttten. tlon sriven to T!oi>tilinar. ^ho|» in tirod- sirv's Unnwss Sltoii, oniiosite Uiversi'ie House, pi'Henrv, Illinois. A R G U S CERMA^ ^ ; £ M a n u f a c t u r e d MARCUS, . J ' --DEALER IN-- ffUREWINES. LIQUORS AND CIGARS, f titf » * V : *<*• • h t Wobdstook III, to.v^ jThe best Tonic in t he worM. Put "Hp In - ;.*i«»>tan<l t^uart 15t>ttl«?b. % \ • r. MARCUS, Patentee. m JOS. WIEDEMANN, Saloon aud Restaurant, •j NEAR THE D»POT, MCHENRY, - ILLINOIS. Tfee beet B»nJ* of Wlnwrj; I^r« in l ^urs always on liana. iiooU ^Stablhur for torse*. ALSO AGENT FOR S MILWAUKEE er Beer, ' Beer in Larro or Mmall K-o^s orfBottloa al flr tys on hand cheaper than any otbor. quali %v coivsidere-l. : This Beer ha* a world trule repntntion, and coodjudxes ucknowledse it o«nnot oe aur. jma«od inthe world. Order* by mail promptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN, I Mcotmy,pU Jm «»«>.• ' ft (1. ti VttBIAX. AIR irO^EIL All ktiidn of Kair Work dfooe in tfrat class style and at re * wqbp 1 ile prtPt?- Rooms st rrsidence, Oorth- e««t corner of Public Square, Melltnrjr, IIL O. S. GREKTf. IfKTEUINAUy SUBGBOX, V Illtaots ' • 'a» / JESSK A. BALOWIN, AWYBE- Law business in any part ot ,.j itie i?fiatc receires prompt attention. OfBe* room 41, now Custom Hoese, Chicago IMinoss. - AiOSBY 01*BRO#, NOTARY PCTBLIC »«i ooi>voy*nftoiip,&i-den. III, ? TSR. C. «. WU.l.T VMS. DENTIST. ReipMence I>rtn<i*»e. Will be at MfUenrr.at Parker House, the Wth and S6th of #aoh month. When rt.ifps ttccnr Saturday or'Snn^ay I make my visita on the following Monday. JOHN KLEIFtJEN. OtT^E Painter, «Jrr»iner, Calcimin«r and. Pan^r Hanarei*. Uesidenne ono Block ;pst of Riverside House. VVork attended to ",v:-^,k&tiC8.iii tha Public, i TII WE UniVt a Shop just aonth of R. T<aw-l(H'«n Brick and w0i»d Street, where I am prepared to do all kind* of work in my line. As I hnre no Itovs to do nv work, I want very, near whit It Is worth for doinsr ir. I iio my work « manner that needs 110 watching. F. A. HEBARD. Mellenry, Jan. 9th, 1^32. ".s,; McHENRY HOUS^i t*'ETRR SMITIT, PROPRT KTOK. f^iH*l> Board by tto <lay orweek at reason- vT able'rate* The n«toi<*e*t iitands of Wines, Ijitjnovs and Ciarars. flood ct!it>Hb^ for Hornes. A ftno Pi:ieoB Hoi« Taiile in conucetion witli the House. Give me a cali; PET Kit SMITH. ;.<••• v ; . J-4. :-- M. Mi CLOTHIE R, UiCimpNP IfcHFiNRTSfTT. ILLINOIS, Proven to* all cl*im« In all bnrenn». In the IlepArtincnt Of the Interior. Stiwial alten. tiwn jrivrn to difficult, or rejected .claims. 'Oarefni attention >rive* to all matters of mu1 .porvtauce onicoat the re«ule«;ce ofW®. H»* Cowllii, Woodstock, III. Business will yu at-. Winlort t.n l>r Mr. Oowlin in mv al>scnce, 1 . ill alwavs be there on Saturdays, and shall lie at the oftlce ot»J. T. TieMin, Ks>|.. Mavenco, on the !lr*t Kridav in ewh month. All letter.* of a bneiness nattiee must contain stamp for reply. IJ OXJRTISU . 1 Howie and Si^ti Painter^ mcHENRY, 8h6p Opposfta Perry A Martin's. Will att<$&! Afrtmptiv to all work an* jnijfe a«f«e. wutimflBM*!. *°,'k f TnE CffAlWIWG A SPECIALTY MIXED PAINTS. I nm prepared to tnrnipli Mixed Paints of all kinds at the lowest livinjc prices, and fur., nlah an article far superior to tlte common Mixed Paints being sold. Call aud sfe me. CEO. CURTIS. Mclfcnry, A|>ril 13, 1882. 'Jbr B. RAINTMORP Rin^wood - - Illinois. • To tb« people of Riii^woocl and vioiiiity I would ros pert fully say that I have opened a store riear the Depot, where 1 will pay the hiofhent market value tor -Egjrs. Hutter, imkI other produce, cash or trade bein<* immaterial to me. I shall keep ou hand a select stock of Groceries and Flour, which with choice brands of < 'i- ^ars and Tobacco, I am sroinir to sclU-it prices to defy competition, and though I have met with a much more liberal patronage than I had expected, I shall vet hold out inducements calculated to increase my trade aud secure a larger custom. B. RAINTHORP. RtNOWoon, III.. June lUtli, I38i *»BT JT si filin.d S. f. T!«ICIA>* ANn<*U«« Stai«M.KKftaiming iticamood, JOSEPH X. mttl). • AN 1> RRTAl^ppr ;Bon*let^a O old «tiad, opposite jBHwb>*9 Hill, Mc- HCb rir. III. The * c inirtfifTRncs, Liquors ami 'iigarR to l»e found irvtt»« eOunty. Fresh Oviters in their season (8<ery#>t up in any stoape desired or tor sale by the On. G<j01»STABLtSrt5 FOR HORSE^ - J IS. WEDNESDAY. APRIL II, 1883 •* NO.:«. Hons aHes ati^li^red fPolaud China fcee miles sontn of Volo, ;-.k fur a.tle. CULVER, AXTOVT ENG E I. S, ** J": SAT-OON ar.d Restawvasit, Buck's old McHenry, III.---The choicest Kentucky Whiskies, "*our M-*\sh, always on hand. We buy none but thc, M. and sell at Reasonable Price#, in their Wines, Cieur*, «tc„ b«t the * Ffssb O A. M. CHURCH, WatchnutUcr aud Jeweled NO. WI RANDifitPH STREET, (Snecewwi' to K. H, P. SWlrlev ) Chicago, III. Spe- clal attention s re» to repairing Fine W*Wh- es and Chronoraeters. 49"A Full Assortment of Goods in his line. Richmond House V* R^M9!»0. IU. €. sr. COTjVER, r" V HAVTXrt recenttv" ptirchaied the n'x-ive Honse, 1 Imre put it in thorough repair, with new fip'nitne tUi-ou»li<»i.t, aim would respectfnPv invite the pturon^o ot the trav­ eling public «nd others. The tables will al­ ways i>e provided with the l>e*t that can be procured,.and polite and attentive waiters will lie In roadiness at all times to attend to the wants of quests. No p «inf will be «|ifTOits to make tiiis a First Class House. LargoJMKt commodious barns on tiie premiers. Free Omnibus to and from all trains. ^an]>(e Rooms on #ra» door. - «.; - . :j t, WKiirrMAV, Proprietor, class via*, with or witbont # fiunishe lBt re.tfonalite rates. all kinds doae on short notice. Teaiutfj! sew A. WENDELL, CASPEITES AID Will lake contracts tor putting up Buildings ftn<)<£tMriMt.te« inv work will with :tuv tiirut in lh<j I (Mil and will do work froiq 15 to 2^ per wnt, cheaper Hutu other pn*)>eotttr«. as 1 have two of my 4»oy« who work with mo. which inukeB It f«| IBe^ to tlo i>0. . . *" V f . .'L teal A. WENDELL. id, Illinois. Farming "Tools kirns attended leasouable Terms m ^guaranteed. I 4*. PMrrter, »l( tor sole. dK, ILL, ilk Loading IMS. fads, and Cartridges le cheap. : A. (inn. Wii Ki^l self A Sinirlej I wif Guns flfl *oo«i A I trfcn CI tlf?W w« TO DONE* Double Rarrolod nlel, 15 sliots, U, jsvolver, M.iWt. Ill Doc Pistol, .1 .06. BieccU Loading, (sc In ths eountv in If ft! want a i coll and see mo. TrS iro4 «ud ce |>cr SIIEItAtAtf, tON S WEALTH. ftlvlaf ironrordon M018. Soldiers' Department. COKDUCTED BT DR. S. F. BENNETT. SKETCHES. From a Soldier's Memorandum I.BT1EX KO. Ift. THE WRONG MAN AT THE HBLM. Tn one letter of tills series mention ,was made nf seven guerillas that were raptured on a atormy night by Capr. Wm. Rockwell and hto men. Well these fellows were prhnoners of war a long time at Fort Plko. Many others wore captured and exchanged or sent away we knew not where, nor for what purpose; «but Rockwell's guerillas seemed Co bo with n« for keeps. We fed them, clothed th*m. read them the war news, (some­ times a little special, to suit our taste). The ret*, poor fellows, could not tell A Jrom D, and to their grent liouor dark­ ies prayed for Maesa Lincoln and his soldiers before them, and on their . ' 'bended knees coolly asked God to wipe lout such men ft* do in prisoners. The Johnnies listened with wonder to our martial band, and were amazed that wo submitted to such strict discipline. Tiiat every dog has his day may be perhaps a vulgar saying.yet it contains more than a grain of truth. Aii order at last came to the commander of the fort to deliver said Johnnies to New Orleans at o»ce. The order was tele­ graphed from the city late in the after- itooa, aud these identical rebs with a guard oi four Soldiers went on board a schooner. We got under way just In the haee Of evening. ' A reb by the name of O'Rpiike, once a sailor on these waters, was Intrusted with th^ lie!fit, aud Ills confederate friends, under liis Instructions, managed navigating the craft. The prisoners, natural enough, would congregate to­ gether and uur commander, a non-com- missioned officer.gave them the liberty of the deck. Night set In very black, the waters were rough; so dark indeed was the night that It was difficult to distinguish friend from foe.. In cross. Ing the lake (i'onchortratn) It was necessary to keep dose within bounds oi * well defined channel until we should pass a spur of laud about 8 miles from the fort, when we would have an Open nea and could readilv brace up iiuil hold Ilia jtfMtljjf SSSSf. IT !?SS " U me pairing. Paint smith injr, iener.il Elack. tc., Ac., fte. .'ssassi GROCERIES! CROCERIES! M. Bngeln, Ha vinjt removed his store to Oolbv's Rrick Block is now prepared to offer to tue buying public a full line of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. Canned G ood^j; CIGAR, TOBACCO, PIPES, &c,, &c. My Goods are all Iresh and will be sold at the lowest litrinff prices, I also keep a full stock of Gnn Material^ aishinjr Tackle, Minnow Seins, Uaiinnoeksi and in fact evervthinft pertainiiipr to Kisliin# and Hunting, ran be found at my Store ar reasonable Price* , ,. f Violins, Acordeoiis, Picalas, Flutes, violm Strings, an«i'all oilier extras for Violihs. My stocks of TIN WARK is complett. Call and exiimiue it. Iguaianlee Prices that defy all competition ' M_ EKGBL!f -k l. ' "r ' Near the Depot, :i McHENRY - - • ILLINOIS. Ki;ens coustintly on hand thtf finest brands Ofi1 lour aud Feed of all kinds, which bo wtli sol) at Wholesale or Retail at Bottom Prices. JTive diBerent brands of Fiour always^ on hand and warranted as represented. Flax Seed Meal Always on Hand c^Flour deli vcred any where in the Cor poration. Orders may Ue giren by Postal tJttFU, WJ, Post Office. w . QOTK MIS A CAM. L. BONSLETT. lietlOB .y, Mavob Wly _ •ssans&tecaffiSGO- GJiiCACOJLI..* •• O R A M G E. MASS.' ^ AND AT?.AMTAj_GA r~ J < •--• • • • •*. ••' •' -•« •-•'-- -^v ReprtirinKOf plows and all other farm Im­ plements is srivert particular attention, la mv manufactures I use onlv the l«'8t materi­ al! and, kecpinst tl«! very b#st workmen in all deiiartmeuiM, I am enaliln l to guarantee and warrant all work that poos from my shop as first class in every particular. •SPECIAL Gtf ARAN TEE ON WAGONS. All farm Macrons msnufactarod at my shop are warranted for tukkk VKAR8. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. I sell every njrricultnrnl Implement, inclnd- in ir. especially, Dowagiac Walking :l»d Rid. in£ Plow, N. C. Thompson and Geslcy Bros'. Plowaand Cultivaiors, F. H. Manny Seeders and Oorn Cultivators, the^Dowagiac. Sprinit Tooth feeders, the Piano llaivester and Twine Hinder, the Warrior and lloiikint' Mower, and all other first, class machines. Warranted tirst class or no sale. BT, ACKSMITIIINiJ of every kind attended to prompt!} and satisfaction guaranteed. F I N E P A I N T I N G A SPECIALTY. I have onmicod J. STILLWRLL, the boss painter of the Northwest, for one year, ~>v longer, to take charge of my paint shop, which is a sufficient iruarantee that ail work of that kind will be don" in the best and most artistic style. It. should not be forsrntten that I employ J. Repass, wood workman of twenty years ex- iivrience, and L. Howe, carriage blacksmith, both ursurpassed asartizans in their line. Finally, come and see me and I wi'l Kiiar- antee satisfaction as to prices nnd quality ot work to all iuterested. F W. MEAD. f(w>Tfae Spring Trade. 1 •"•mm GOOD GOODS, LOW PRICES. New Home Sewing Machine Co. 1^8 State St., Chicago. " » ' r O . W . o W E P f . A g e n t . "•"• Me Henry. IU.. %. H. SANFORD, Merchant Tailor-, In the storeof O. H. Dioktnson, Baatside of ?ubllc Square, * WOODSTOCK, ILL. A tood Stock of Fine Cloths for Suitings aK ?ayson hand. Suits made to order and a lit wranted. Give me a call. W. H. SANFORD. Woodstock, 111., Sept. 27lh. 1S75. long credit *nd | easy terms, in a mild climate, freo from heavy snoirs, blight- inst frosts, and ex- cessiie rains. AMDS WON PACIFIC RAILWAY, of cs rich Coll as the ann ever shono on, with good marked east and west. For Descriptive and Illustrated £ool}f with Map*, Sent Free, Address LAND COMMISSIONER,--Kansas D?vi5icl ; : KANSAS CITY. Al8S0Um> MILLIONS OF ACRES for sale in the COLDER BELT 'of Kansas, by the ? JOHNSBURGH, ILL. 1 Is again on hand with a foil lino of Goods for the Spring and Similiter trade, to which he invites the attention of the buying public. His stock consists in par| of promt MAN QRIDIAT. There Is no brighter page In history than that which records the work of the Sanitary Commission twenty years ago. Its labors contributed Indirectly, tf not directly, to the success of our arms, and It they did not avail to strip war of its .fa®"01"®* th®T» at least, alleviated many of Its pangs. The patriot lent of those who. for varloits causes other than per­ sonal cowardice or positive disloyalty, remained at home during the rebellion, • found a practical outlet in the work of the Sanitary Commission,and although the men who founded It And carried It forward to the height of Its usefulness have passed almost entirely out of pub­ lic remembrance, they are as deserving of a monument as those who perished 011 the (leld of battle. There were many interesting Incidents In the history of the commission, but none, perhaps, more roniAiitic than one which the Grand Army h|s recently undertaken to commemorate In a substantial and enduring form. We refer to the ex­ ploit of B. O. Grldley--"Flour Man Gridley," as he came to be known--who sold and resold a sack of flour from one end of the country to the other until It netted the Sanitary Commission the magnificent sum of t*275,000. This i* the story: Grldley, who was a merchaut at Austin, Nevada, and a Democrat In politics, made a wager with one of his fellow citizens, a Re­ publican, on the Issue of the local elec­ tion, the loser to carry a fifty-pound sack of flour on hit shoulder through the streets of the town. As it hap- peued, Gridley lost, but he displayed so much pluck and. good temper in pay­ ing the forfeit that his march through the town became a tour of triumph, and at its close, In a moment of enthusi­ asm, he put up the sack of flour at auction aud ran the price up to 9300, at which he bought it in. He then put It up for the iwootid time, but with the understanding that ttfe purchaserelioiild donate it to the Sanitary Commission, to be tigai 11 resold. The excitement grew, the Idea took like wild Are, and tiie news ot what had occurred at Aus­ tin having been telegraphed away, what migiit otherwise have remained a mere local episode, becaine an event of national inteveet. Gridley with his flour Mck started for the East, and Jits e©««!«jS *??« jSwwHta- -- 1 spume d»oVE. EDITOR PcAncwtALifRf--Xewa Itemed are pretty scarce iu thl« plaee thief* week. _ B. Tweed 4t S<ni, have fcNW»£:*lltl«»<r,^ some Improvements In their stmfW past two week*. They are aI«o histijif j it painted, which adds to Irs liiiiiB great deal. . «• . •. M Sammy Diiym-nt was visiting fHwsdsli in this place last week. Come •gafa<|| Sammy, ail are glad to see yen. Those in Aeed of a stow sewing ma«^ ehilie just give John RVmlrk-k* a celt and he will furnish you With one. Misses Maggie TnrneV and Hendricks have gone to Valparilii^ Ind., to attsud school, .- AH wiek tiiiNff success. v Our cheese factorr te clolng a thrlv- ing business for this time of year. Any one will do well to jiatronise Jim for he always believes in honest antl up­ right dealings. John Carr an 1 family hare moved to Richmond. Jack Is going1 to Join 3* Billings in the meat market. That leaves the old hotel ready for a new occupant. When you want to get your bona shod or wagon mended just call on Wm. Shotleff. He is th| man tfiat can do s good job for yon. FROM ANOTHMR eORRESPOXDIXT. ^ "R HI tor P laindraler:--! wish to tell you and your readers that Jade Carr has moved away from here and is living at Richmond, He will run J. Billiog'E meat wagon for same time. The farmers iirouRil here are prepar­ ing for spring. i| it ever comes. Libbv Hendricks has {11st come horns from teaching and is going to Valpar­ aiso, IndM at ^c* where she will stay till fall. Maggie Turner Is also going. The people ht this town are doing well now. Henry Ilaymeut keeps tha old mill humming all day. R. Tweed 4 Son. W. Wileon and Wm, Wray ara : kept busy counting eggs and selling goods. Sliotleff, the blacksmith. Is hammering from morning till night. Haldetnau, the boss earpenter, has all tha work he Wishes to do. J .HendrkkS, the insuraiioe agent and beekeeper. Is doing well; He says that his bees ara C all right and hopes to be able ta *« sli his friends with honey and beesf summer.. ':+• :S , .".-SM CROCERIE8, SotieBs, Bootsj and Show, TINWAR And in short everythi First Class General Stori &c., Ac, g nsnally kept in a The Highest IN CASH O Price For Batter arket TRADE Eggs, Call and 4e me. Chafl> Kuhnert. and Johnsbnrgh, March 5th, MS. r* a r> v T,IK AT T U IV j.\ . is called fENTIOXof Farmers I. to the Iformnndy (tianj While and the M'mmoth Yellow King Sveil Corn, the lie«tand n >st jiroductive varic fies known. Will pay a more than common corn and if you are not salistid on receipt of corn ive trill refund your monci lllc; 1 pound lor -25e ; 1 pw liushel W.50; i bushels S..V. Send for our Preiniuni Cataiojjuc--Com, Potato and Garden Seeds. Free ts> all. Taor. M. HAYES <1 Co.Claclnnati, 0» Farmer 20 per cent Send us your order, .1 ounces, by mail, k, by express', 76c; I the deck hs a sentinel was from a to p. ill., but as I fancied tii.it the soldiers who would in regulur order relieve me was a careless sort of fellow, and also in my humble opinion our worthy com­ mander was a little off his base. I vol­ unteered to stay on duty from 8p.m. to li. I was not, however, confined to any particular spot, and could stand, walk, or sit down, just as I pleased; anywhere between the rails from bow to stern. At about 10 p. tn. the other three guards laid down On the forward deck and slept. There had bsen a thunder storm some miles away, and the lightning from the far oil clouds occasionally llghred the seething waters and gave me a glimpse of my confederate charge. I think it was about 11 o'clock or lator when I first thought I had detected a diabolical scheme on the part of the robs to pitch the sleepers overboard, overpower me, and run the schooner, iqto a bayou, or pass (so called) ou the right had shore. I had scarcely one moment in which t^decide, and In fact was entirely uncertain what was best to tlo. when a flash of light from a friendly cloud and, oh, Godt we were Just entering the mouth of a bayou about 300 feet wide. The confederates were joyful, 1 could not understand their language, but their tongues worked with wouderful energy. In­ stantly without forethought (simply tho Impulse of that moment) (.brought my old Enfield to my shoulder, .levelod It af. O'RotiKe, aurt cr'ed out (one sound still lingers) "tfring the boat about! I am going to count three, one, two--? The schoor.er hove too, sails fluttering and flopping, f made a lunge for the sleeping soldiers and aroused them In the nick of time. ' The rebs were on hand iu a twinkle, but the four bayo­ nets were triumphant aud we delivered our grey-clad brothers as per order. M.M.C- The steady increase In the number of cases adjudicated at the Penson Ollice from week to week is convincing proof that Commissioner Dudley I; a man ot his word and that his.announced inten­ tion to dispose of all unsettled claims within the next three years was no idle promise. The number of original claims disposed of last week was 1,151* agaimt but 1,075 for theweeV previous, or nearly double the number adjudi­ cated during the first week of the pres­ ent year. It is evident that Commis­ sioner Dudley's new force is now tn excellent working order, and, as its efficiency Increases, we may ]<M>k for still larger allowances. This U what It is to have at the head of tho Pension Bureau an honest and capable execu­ tive. instead of a heartless and self- seeking obstructionist. According to the figures nf the Pen­ sion Office, there are more than a mil­ lion Union soldiers still alire. Of Mils hum her more than eight hundred thousand are still without the ranks of the Grand Army. I« not that reason enough for setting apart tho anniver­ sary of Lee*.isurrender--Monday April Union, until, as we h«va said. It nottod the Sanitary Commission $375,000 In hard cssh. It mads Grldley famous, but it ruined him absolutely lu pocket and iu health. It was Gridley*s life rather titan the sack of flour which brought $275,000. Hs returned home only to find his business gone to pieces and his health shattered. He died afterwards at Stockton, C*l., in com­ parative obscurity and sosolute pov­ erty, and nothing but a plain head­ board now marks his last resting place. That Is Gridley's story--short, butsufc> lime In its lessons for all America, The Grand Army, as we have said, now propose to commemorate his ser­ vices by the erection of a monument o*er his grave. Rollins Post, No. 38,of Stockton. Cah, Is the pipneer In the movement, and at the last annual en­ campment of the Department of Cali­ fornia. the enterprise was heartily In­ dorsed and the co operation of all other Departments earnestly invited, A pamphlet has been prepared containing a sketch of Gridley's life, and is for sale at the headquarters of the Department of California, at San Fraucisco, * at twenty-five cents per copy, the profits should thore be any, to be devoted to the monument fund. The movement has our hearty Indorsement and we trust every Post in every department of the Grand Army will contribute something towards the erection afa monument to thst eltlzen-patrlf|-- • Flour Man Grldley.*' •&"Xo person who regards lbs health of Ills family shoutd neglect to whitewash every spring. Country places, especially farm out-houses, fences, etc., are generally Improved in appearance by an annual coat, and, it will add to their permanency more than one would imagine. It is cheap aud easily applied, so that neither expense nor labor can be pleaded against It. To be durable, whitewash should be pre­ pared in tho following manner: Take the very best stone lime and slake It in a close tub covered with a cloth to pre­ serve tite steam. Salt--as much as can he dissolved In the water used far slaking and reduciug the lime--?houid be applied, and the whole mass care­ fully strained. A few pounds of wheat flour mixei^as a pasto may be added, and will give a greater durability to the mass, especially when applied to the exterior surface af lite buildings. With pure lime proj>erly slaked and mixed almost any color may be made, hy addition of pigments. Granite alatc, free-stone and other shades may bo imitated, and arlthout any detri­ ment to tho durability of the wash. H^A young Criifornia lady itaneed Sawyer, has made her debut In a eon- cert under the stage name nf Giannini Savini. If they call her'"Ninny.** for short, the appropriateness of tha aame will not be questioned. shahadfceeftW Mrs. Killgorev •'*•*" Jud Stewart's children. Who been ill, are Improving rapidly. Frank Reed has returned hoota wtt|k his fair young partner for life. Mr. L. H. Toting, of Hebroa, oftr former teacher, came down Saturday and spent the Sabbath with ffcnaar members of his school. Mr. Ralph Mason has been engagad to make cheese at the new factory somi to be built in Ringwood. Ralph la a flrst-ciass cheese maker, and no daubt will give general satisfaction to all Ma patrons. Mr./ Ed Dates, af Ringwood will work for Jud Stewart tha earning sea» san. Ben Whitman has not |*t returned from his northern trip. His buslnesa we do not really know, but rumor saya he has taken up with God's advice to Adam, "that It Is not waU far uaaa.t» be alone.n Mr. B. A. Bacon has been eogagad to work for John Waikingfon the coming season. We congratulate John on bis success In engaging so competent a hand. Rob also is to be congratulated for they will be pretty handy, woa*t they Rob? Hebron's fair correspondent for tha PLAiKiMtALKR lias made, we understand, certain acquisatious against a young man of Hebron In regard to Keyelona affairs, and his relation ta the Plaik* dkalkb. which were not true. Tha "poetess* should be careful and not accuse an innocent. She should remem­ ber the saying in the good book,that "it is better that ninety and niue guilty persons should go utipunished,** eta* Now don't au#i»se any more, if --. Frank Mhsoii lias securer) a situatlaa as cheese maker in the Mnnger facta*}" for the com!n? season. A correspondent of tha New York Times writes as follows concern­ ing gapes in chickens: u| have lost many chicken* by the gapes--some­ times a wltole brood, Last year a Iiea came off with a nice brood of chickens, and at two or threa weeks old one be­ gan to gape and died. I thought ( would try something new. Having some oil or tar In a vial, t took a feather, and aft*r putting it in the tar ran it down the chicken's throat. Tha next morning the ohlcken was well. It| a couple of days another was taken, and 1 served that the same; 'he next day that was well. In a short lime a third one began to gape, and it also was eared. I won't say it wit! cure att| I will say It curad iniue." An elegant line of dress buttons and trimmings always to bo found at Henry CpUtj'a. Mr A little girl in Long Island tha other day, like tue y*»ung woman la the poem, shut kneif In a trunk c4o»« ing with a spring. It was ia the ga»* ret, ard the iid clased down upon he»* She roinainei ii> her prison >everat hours, for no one down below c«>ul>| hear her cries. Luckily she was n»l**e | in time before there was a fatal eat to her frolic. She was discovered Itf*

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