•<\»t' ifef * ^ S; WEDWESDAY, MAT 30.1883, Railroad Time Table* 001*0 SOUTH. iMmUkl PMMBfW..,, .7:25 A. * 6«*trt Uke 8xpreu....Jl.. Seaera Lake Kretjrht......... ootwo xoara. Btnm T.tke Prelxbt . 'fl*. * Genera Lake Express... K Eeaera Lake Passensrer.. .4:55 P. * 6:S8 " B. Boas, A treat. MeHenry, III MASOXIC MoHwwar Looon. VO 15* \. r. and A. M.-- Reaatar Oommnnirittion* the Saturday on or befere the full of the moon and every two weeks thereafter. CHAB. C. COLBY, W. N, I Mcswar CBAFTRR rfo. 31 R. A. M -Repi- ar CenvociUions held on the second and fourth Fridays ta each moiieh. E. V. AWDICKBOW.H . P. - Special Announcement. We take pleasure in announcing that , i ;/ we have made arrangement* with the publisher* of the American farmer 1. which enables its to- furnish that magn etite as a Premium to eor subscribers. The American Farmer, a sixteen page monthly Farm Magazine, will be sent fret for one year to all our subscribers who will pay their subscription to the PLAINBKALKR one year In advance. This means just what It says--the American Farmer one year for nothing. Sample copies can be seen at this office. •h^.v ARBANOKMKNrs have been made with the editor of this paper whemby stn- Oents nn, at any time, enter the West ern Normal College and Commercial Institute at one-third the cost of any oilier school. This school is placing a linst-cluf* education wlttifii reacri of every be Ue old or young, rich or poor. Any one ceuteinplating attend* In scliool would do. well to call at tills office before deciding where to attend. See advertisement In this Issue. PROGRAMMR for Young People's Temperance Meeting, to be be held in M. 15 Chnreli. Mcilenry, Sabbatli even- ing, Jim* 3d, 1883: L Voluntary Mrs. J. J. Vasey 2. Son*--No. 65, Gospel Hvrani . Prayer ; Pintor 4. scripture Reading Belle Stoddard ft. song--No. 1515, Gospel Hymns. ^ , Report of Secretary. . .« 7. Reading of |Ktrt or all the names ef tkoae having signed the pledge. «• 2?1"* ........ Mrs. II. II. Kint 9. Heading.. Kffle Tilton 10. lte.iding..., . .... Rose Kimball 11. ^""8 MKI-V liriswold IS. Heading ... Mrs J/ J. Vosey 13. Rfadinn.... Elrov O. Htreeter 14. Address Julius J. Vasey 15. Son?--No. 311, Gospel Hymns. V are invited to attend. BRLLB C. COLBT, Secretary. THB May term of the Circuit Court Is In session at Woodstock this week. DON'T forget the strawberry festival at the Riverside, to-morrow night. FOR S 4 I.E. cheap, a good double bar* rel Shot Gun. Inquire at this office. RKD HORSK have commenced running, ite a number having beeu taken out e past few days. RKAD the notice headed "Extraor dinary Ofier," to be found in another coluinti. fc v JOHN FITZSIMMONS, of Bull City. Kansas, has been calling an frle^ci* In this village the past few days. RRKAD and Cakes, Confectionery, Cigars and Fruits, at the News Stand* near the depot. AT the Unlversalist Church next f>t:nday morning: "Lessons of Decora- f* Hon Day* GKO. CLARK and family, who moved to Chicago a few months since, have returned to this village, w lie re they ^propose to reside for the present. THR Chicago B>ipti8t Association holds its forty-eighth session with the Baptist. Church in Waukesaii. com mencing Tuesday, the 5th of June. W HI LB In Greenwood last week we lefcrned that YVm. Righxm had just . purchased a new IMieaton. Blif wo promised not to tell of it. and we won't. MORTON A CHAPKI.L, of Algonquin* will sell twenty choice cows an«l three stot-k buii«, in that village.on Saturday next, commencing «t 0 o'clock A. M. J. A. Sher»vood will deliver tiie address. '•What is woman's spiiere." asks an exchange: To be mathematically cor rect. we suppose woman's sphere Is being always 'round when you want lier. and sometimes when yot» don't want her. THB rain of to-d:iy lias undoubtedly . spoiled the Decoration services at the different places in the county. A large delegation from this place had intended to go to Rich 'IIOIMI, but were prevented . fejjfcbe rain. A I/. E. BENNBTT, our Photographer^ / visited the scene of tiie cyclone north 1 of Richmond, last week, and rook sev Veral pictures of the rtiins^lle will harve reaujP rur Impcetion in a few days. THR ladies of th<* Unlversnlist con gregation give a strawberry festival.at Riverside Hall on Thursday evening of tills week. Fifteou cents pays the bill for berries, cream and cake. A good time is expected. Let all be pres ent. 1.SHERMAN has invented an improve ment on a farm Gate wliMi we think Is a little ahead of anything we ever saw. It Is simple, cheap, and durable, and we believe lib farmer can aflord to do without one for every gate on his He has one on exhibition near ilie Depot, and every fanner should go and see It when In town. / "Jim," Lew Holmes' favorite white / dog, came to an untimely end on Satur- I day last, by being run over by the I Riverside "Buss," For years he had I played his pranks in front of the team, I often escaping being caught by a I scratch, but this time lie made a nils- 1 calculation.' "Lew"* refuses to ha com- 1 forted, and daily shjila tears oyer his \remains. WE would F#N especial attention to the advertisement of Asa W. Smith, of Woodstock, to be found in another column. Mr. Smith Is Agent for some of the best Insurance Companies In the United States, and in case of loss he is always An hand to settle promptly, and pay policy bolder* iu. Aiil. Read his advertisement and before and see him before you insure. p< fompai 1'HB M^Henry Brick jrompany Are now burning a small kiiu of one hundred and fifty thousand. They were obliged to hurry this ahead of their big klin In order fo get brick to supply the de- . mand.f Thej are receiving orders 'alirio'st every dny. and have been siiip. ping to Elgin. Chicago, Marengo. Woodstock, Geneva Lake, and otjier plaxi Their brlcWVre giving universal tatisfaction. Call and examine those RUel; Wnl- lint Extension Tables at fl.00 per foot y a* oil^ - ft R called, one day last week, at the Willow Street Stock Farm, near Green wood, and were shown, by the gentle- manly proprietor, Mr. W. A. Baker, Ills stock of Chester White Pigs, of which lie is quite an extensive ^breeder and importer. We saw iu his yards sixty- eight pigs, from three to six weeks old. and they were as Hue a lot as one could wish to «ee. His stock is pure bred and admirers of tills tine breed of hogs should not fail to call on Mr Baker. He iiiis a limited number of pairs or single pigs for sale, and as they will IN> ready to ship «oo« person* desirous of getting them should call early. THE rapid increase in the subvertp- lioil list of tiie Pl.AINDEAI.KU ill the tft^t few months has maJe it absolutely necessary that we have another Pres.*. and we have made arrangement* to put in K'ithiu a few weeks one ol the cele brated Campbell Country Presses, whereby we will save a large amount of labor, and do our work much more rsidd. In doing this we are uece^sarity put to a heavy expense, and we wUli right iiere to respectfully a*k all who are indebted tons to irome forward ami help us. No matter if your nii-ouiit I* only one dollar. A thousand of su>li wotild pay for our new pres». The amount to each is small hut in the ag gregate is large to us, .and if all will "step up to the Captain's office and settle," we will make llie PI.AINDKALKR the best equipped office in Northern Iliineis within the next thirty days, We trust that ail who know themselves indebted to^us. either for subscript ion. job work or advertising,.will not only read this article but act upon Ha Sug gestion at once. HKRE SSIIOW ahrotlie* journalist puts it: "We presume that some people think that newspaper men are -persist" eut dims; hut. let a far n-r pl ica him self iu a si'iiil M* hu4MM»s4 position, and see if he would not do the sar.ie. Sup- posiu^ that he sli>>u1<l raise ou<> thoiis- aml bushel* of wheat, ami his neighbor SHITULII CITIIIC and huy a IKI«.H>!, au<l tlio price wa« only the sum of two dollar^ or ies«, and the neighbor says. "I will pav you the amount in a few da vs." As the farmer does not wish to be small about the matter lie sny* all right. Another come« in the same way, until the whole of the one thotis and bushels of wheat are trusted out '.o one thousand different persons, and not one of tiie purchasers concerns himself about It for it i* a •small amount the y one the fanner an ! of course that would not li<'|p him an v. He does not realize that the farmer has frit tered away Ills large crop of wheal, and that its valuers due in a ilioir«and little drihlets. and that he is s< rioiisly embarassed because his Jebtors treat it a« a little inatrer. But if ail o them wouM pay him promptly, which they could do as well a« not. It wotild be a vi ry large amount, tit the farmer, ami enable him to carry on his hu*i- ness without difficulty." The above compirlson i* toa true of the difficul ties a li&Wiipnper man hat to contend with. ":V" f 1 Excursion* fT^m Steamer "Mamie^ wIM Ieafc her dock at Mcilenry, Sunday, June 3d, 1883. if weather will permit, at 8:30, A. M., for WHmot, Wis., and retiiMv Fare. 81.00 round trip. WM. M. YAUER, Captain. IN* NEW HIGH LICKNAK HILL. EDITOR PLAINDKAMCR:--Does It ever occur to your readers that tli« "high license bill," over which the Legisla ture is struggling and will probably pass, will, in all probability, prove a snare and a delusion? Will not the unreasonable discrimination in favor of beer saloor.s have the inevitable effect of making beer sellers also the sellers of whiskey on the sly % Its cer tain result will be the increase of fraud and deception, and additional difficulty in the regulation of tiie liquor business. Does any one suppose that one-lialf the men who will sell whiskey under the new law will take out the proper license? Temperance people need not plume themselves too much 0|, this new high license bill, for It will prove a bitter disappointment. L.J. D. CUCUMBER SEED. • The later the season the more impor tant it become* that good seed Is used. We have the best there is. It has been tested and Is suie to grow. It was raised bj- Mr. Buckland. of Rit.gwood, and Is the best kind. Get your seed soon and so be sure of it. and not liava to take iHMir stuff when the good la gone. TERRY A OWEN. FARMERS' Toucan And the following first c!a*s Corn CuMvalors at E. M. Owen & foil's: Standard. Climax. Bert rand & Same*. Ct-se. Graii.letour, New Norwe gian. Knowlion. Monitor and Fur-t A Bradley, wghicli we will »ell l >wer ihaa any: other house Iu either couutjf. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--In Justice to my friends and myself will you kindly publish the following. Tiie Harvard Independent ef last week says; C. L. Curtis, onr most valued WoolstooJ; correspondent, who hits l>cen in the railway mail service for the pa ft nve months, h:»s temiered his resignation, to laka eff<;e«. last week, hut lw whs .-siwin ordere<l for iliuy |<ist .tiomiar. >ir. 1:11m* was rum»elicit lo tnke this step because of poor health and the «x- tniordlnary Hard run between Ohioajro and lluriington. He wilt leave the service ns soon a» Im successor is appointed. Now, Mr. Independent why not come right out squarely, luce the mii-fc, and acknowledge that C. L. Curtis, "our most valued Woodstock correspondent" got Ihe "grand bounce." That when you called upon the *• powers that Iw" to try and have him re-Instated, you were Informed that be did not have the capacity, either physically or mentally, to till the position. Also that It was arranged that Charley might put In his resignation and not have it published^ that he was removed. "Oh! how the mighty -have fallen." This ^valued Woodstock correspondent." wlie has presumed to criticize men who forget more every morning before breakfast than lie ever knew has finally been "weighed in the balances aiid art found wanting." He is a prettv specimen to be writing about ilieu being "shyster lawyers." war horses," etc.-- itoodsfoc/t SentineL The above from the Sentinef, which was written by the "shyster lawyer" therein referred to. and who Ims re peatedly acknowledged by ids own lip# that he commanded tiie Invalid corps for two long years at Elmira, N. Y„ during the late war, and who has been unceremoniously kicked out of every political gathering Into which he hat forced himself during the past two years, and not by the whiskey guxxling "editor," who Is also superintendent of a Sunday School, and it is an acknowl edged fact that it Is a disgrace to the Sunday School. Iu regard to tiie above I wish to stale a few facts which are matters of recort' and can be verified in every particular. During the two months previous to my resignation iny friends were aware of my determina tion to resign at an early dav for the reasons given above by the editor of the Independent. My resignation, dated the 7th lust., was In the hands of the proper authorities on the 9th. On the following weeK I received a tele gram from James E, White, Superin tendent of the Railway Mall Service, which read as follows ; CHICACSO. ILT.., Mav 14, W3. to C. L Cttrti*, Postal Cltrk, H'owMtrt, IIL Report her? for duty at once. WHITE, Supt. I Immediately obeyed the above or der and made three round trips be tween Chicago and Burlington, Io*va. during which time my successor was appointed and qualified so as to allow of my resignation being accepted. -.At tl*«* time that "the shyster lawyer" was writ lug the deliberate lie for the Sentinel, as quoted above he knew tlrnt I was on- my regular ru»i as a postal clerk, ai d to prove t!.at he wilfully lied. I will quote the following "Gen eral Order'* which e very lawyer, though he may be a ••shyster;' knows is in force: WASIIIMOTOIT, D. O., Feb. fi, 1880. General Order Xo. ill SKO. 1. PermriH bUthnrfjed frwx th* Service not to bp, ewp/ni/r.d as Saf)ntiiute«. Any person who has been discharged from the service for any cause what ever mu«t not be employed a« substi tutes or iu any other capaci ty , nor must he be allowed to enter or ride HI any office whatever. Approved. n. M. KKV, Postmaslei Uetieral. To prove to your readers tliat. this coutemptable liar published the above lie. through spite I would state that iu my correspondence to the Harvard Independent- some two weeks ago I challenged him to show that he had not maligned and villi tied one of our mo«t honored citizens, which lie has not and can not do, and what we here state lie dare not deny. We are in possession of many damag ing facts in the life of ti'is assumed christian end Superintendent of a Sun- flay School which we propose to give to tiie public in the near future, and one which lie d»re not deny is that lie spent nearly every evening during bis late visit to Wasliii>gtou I') drinking whis key and playing cards. We despise personalities in the public print, hut as this bloated beast has opened the ball, we propose to see him and go him one better on every occasion. We have never laid claims to groat mental capacity, bul when this alleged "editor" who "can not write even an estray noticc" (and every reader of his paper is aware of tiie fact) talks about meiita! capacity. Great God what next P Respectfully Yours, CHARLK8 L. CURTIS. Work Given Out. On receipt of your address we will make an offer by which you can earn 83 to $7 even Jugs, at your home. Men, women, boys or girls can do |». H. C. Wilkinson & Co., 193 and 197 Fulton Street. New York. Woodstock Department. E. W. Blossom is home from fhkoM. The Hay term of the Circuit Court com menced lust Monday. Mrs. J. P. Pinnev, of Ohio, visited with her mother, Mrs. A. DufleM, la ihu city, test week. , Mrs. Com 8er*ennt unit fnmllv, of Tnrner .lun.Mion were the gueauof Thomas Whitson and iamily iilll of last week. Quite a sroodly nroonntof money was raised to this citj* last wlp the<*volone Miflferor® ar Hie week previous Who resfdei in the see- lion visited by the cyclone in this county. J. It. Estee, who watHnnerintendent of the public school, this city, the vear before last, has been ajram employed to the saiue position for the coming school year. K. A. Murphy will build a new residence iipen the old site and a me foundation that his former house stood upon, which wss con sumed j»v Are last winter, A contractor from abroad has secured the putting up of the new issidence. Mi. Conrad Reeraan, father-tn-taw of Ed Purer, died at the residence of Mr Furer early last week. The deceased was quite area, being 76 years old. tieneral debility was the cause of l»U death His funeral ser tyco-v took place on Tuesday afternoon. May The Rev. Kvans, ot Evsnaton, is to become the pastor ef Ui* OonjrreinKioiial church, this city. The reverend gentleman is said to »>e a mowt excellent spetker, ami comes to his new c ha rue highly rccotnmended in every respect. The lecture by the Rev. Mr. I 'armlee.nt the Baptist church la*t Sun.lav evening was a «ne»ess in every particular.* A collection for the benefit of Itev Wm. Ostler was uken st the close ot the lecture, which amouuted to Parties were In this city Ian week loot ins to the erection of a telephone line between heie and Klgin, Marengo, Harvard, and Mc. Henry. Thi* would lie an untold Itlesning to the three latter towns, and would eivtble the Independent, lifpubliMtn, and to get the news from the "Hub" before it is a month old.--Democrat. Yes, .John, you are right; and It will also be an "untold blessing" lo the Democrat, as it will "enable" t at paper to get the Woods.oe.k news usually copied from those papers beiove It is ttve weeks old, but proltahly owing to extreme modestv or forgetfulnesa" you failed to think of that "untold blessing." The scene of the late disastrous o.vcione in the town ot Chemung WAS visited dining the past week by C. L. Curtis, who, in the inter est of J S. Medlar, sjcured a tine series of views which were taken at different points alon? this path of rain. Charlie was -ssistcd by Mr. Dee I'arks, who though not a profes sional photographer, conlriimted materially iii securing the only views of these disastrous ruins that have been talien in this county. The views are on exhibition at «he gallery of Mr. Medlnrln this citv.aiid also for sale there. Anv number can be obtained bv mail t>Y re min ing to Mr. Medlar at the rate ef #:l.(»0 per dozen. They give a correct idea of the des- triiction wrought, aud should be seen liy everybody. Memorial services wer# held at the Presbv- terian church, this city. Hist subbath morning. The members t>l the G. A. It. and many other old veterans, preceded bv the Uunrds com- manded by Capt. Geo. Kckert (who,was aUo an old soldier) marched to the church and were sealed in the centre aisles. The display of flowers around and about the pu I pit was v.ve vy fine. Tl»e singing by a picked choir from the different church choirs was excellent and the selection ot the pieces very appropriate. Toe address by the Itev. Mr. liay was cer* tainly eloquent and suited the occasion pre cisely. The Itev. Parinlee, of the Ilapiiat church, assisted Mr. llay in the servi«et, and the houi-e was crowded to overflowing, there being no services in the other chnrchet in consequence of those mentioned Wall Paper at Terry A Owen'a, AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER To All Wanting Employment. We want live, energetic aud capable Agents in every coun y In the ITnited States and Canada, lo sell a patented article of grent merit, on it* An article having a large sa'e. paying over 100 per cent, proils, haviirr no competition, and on which the agent Is pro. tec ted inthe exclusive sale bv a deed given for each and every county hu'niiv secure of ns. V" Hh all these a<tvantages in our agents, and the fact thai it is an article that can ho sold to every house-owner, it miirht noi he necessary to mnite an "Kriittordinnry Oflttr" to secure i?ood agents at. once, l.ui we have con- elu< ed to make it to show, not only our r.onll dence in ttie merits of onr ii vention, but in its salability by any ageill that wilt handle it with energy. Our agents now at work Hre making from $158 to iW«H> « month clear, an I this fact makes it sat'u for us lo make our oiler ton'l who are ont of emDlnviuent. Any a^ent -lltMl will p->ve our »MIsSwe^'.Ttlitrty d>»yS' trial and fail to clear at least in this t iine,n6oiv> at I erp?nxi-x, can return all goods unsold i«> us ami we will ret and the money paid for theei. An; agent or General ngeut who wounl like ten or more counties and work them through sub airents for ninety days,and fail to cluar at least *750 above alt erpjniies, can return all tin. sold and get. their money back. No other ein. plover of agents ever dared to make such offers, nor would we if we did not know that we have agents now nnik!iig double the amounts we guaranteed, anil that hut two sales a day '"111 give a profit ofover flift a month, and that one of our agents look eigh teen orders iu one day . Our large descriptive circulars explain our offer luliv, and these wo wish to send to everv one out of employment who will send us three one cent slam'p* for jw-lage. , Send at once and secure the agency in time for the lmoin, and go to work on the terms named in our extraordinary offer We would like to have tiie address ot all the agents, sewing machine solicitors an«' carpen ters in the country,and ask any reader of this paper who reads Mil* offer, to send us at once the name aud address of all such they know. Address at onc.e, as this advertisement will not itpjtear again, and you will lose tho best chance ever offered to those out ot employ ment to make m«nev. JtKNVKK *1 AN'UKACTl!RING CO- UGSmilhUeid St., Pittsburgh, Pa. BINDERS. TWINE BINDERS. Farmers, do not be deceived by the claim that the Appleby Binders are ail alike. The Minneapolis is the only machine that has Mr. Appleby's late improvements. All oilier harvester companies use only his invention; up to 1880. The Minneapolis is the only "FULL fiiOO/)'* Blnderon the mar ket. Take no ngout'e word but decide for your selves. Remember Ihe MIUUH* Hpolls is the best, at E. M. Owen & Sou's. Rakes, at E. M. Owen «jfc Son's: New Holliugsworth. Tiger and Furst & Bradley Self-Dumps. Knowlton, Archer aud Coates. All warranted. FIRST GUN. 'The Minneapolis Twine Bin tier Wtt- taius Its reputation. CooKBvviLt.it, Md., May It 1S3S. MinneA|K>l»s Harvester Works. , GentH.~~Exhibition iu heavy,"ffrien rye Iiere to-day. Never missed a single sheaf, with machine exactly as it come from the factory. Yours. D. SAGOS. The Minneapolis for sal* at £. M. Owen A Son's. Cultivators. All khids ftl tli« llouM ol E. M. Owen A Soil; ware- - BARB WIRE. The bottom dropped out. Hut T still live to meet or beat any and all Cuts that has been or may be inade. on Barb Wire. JOHN I. STORY. Genuine Moth Proof Pape". for put ting under carpet*. Warrauted. At John I. Story % THK .lime numiier of the North American Fieviewopens with an article bv Joseph Xnnmo, Jr., Chief of the Treasury Bureau of Statistics, on "American Manufacturing Interests," iu wjiit-h is given a singularly full and instructive historical sketch of Hie lice a:id progress of manufactures in tiie United States, together with a very efleetive iireseiitation of their present comlitiou. and of the agency of larifl legislation ill promoting diversified industries mid encouraging the In ventive genius of the people. Should this author's advocacy of protective legislation prove distasteful, the read er linds ihe needed corrective in an article by the Hon. Wm. M. Springer, on "lneidenti.i Taxation," which is an argument for free trade, n. C.Gil man. president of Johus Hopkins University, writes of the "Prnsei t Aspect of Col lege Training," as afteuied by the in crease of wealth mid luxury, the de velopment ol natural science, and the influence of a larger religious liberty. Edward Sell presents some weighty considerations on the "Abuse ol Cit izenship," as exhibited In the machina tion* ot the dyuanitists against, a friendly power, iu disregard of the ob ligations ol American neutrality. Prof. l»-aac I,. Rice criticises gome of "Herbert Spencer's Facts aud Infer ence?" in social and political science, and Christine Nil If on contributes **A Few Words About Public Singing.*' Flnaliy. there is a symposium on "The Moral Influence of the Drama.'* the participants being, on the one side, the Rev. Dr. J. M. Buckiet. well known a» an opponent of lite stage, and. on the other, John Gilbert, the actor; A. M. Palmer, theatricil manager; and Wm. Winter, dramatic critic. 50 cents a number; $3 a year. I'nbiisfaed at 30 I.afayctte Place^New Yo|k. Farmers, in buying a Twine Binder for 18S3. s.»e that it has the 1883 im provements. See that it lias an jingle Iron Bar. See that it lias Appleby's latest Hacker Trip. Don't buy h clogging Binder. Don't pay your money lor an exper iment. f Buy a Bindor which hfl* a well tried and success fitl~Trl p. Buy a Binder which has a Knotter known to be peVfeetlv reliable. Buy a MINNEAPOLIS, and you will get the latent improved and most reliable Binder uttered, gold |»y E. M. Owen A Son. Farm Bells chean, at John I. Stores The lafesr. «>»t:iv it'>ra with 4 and 6 shovels with the BW F*»ot Lilt at E- M. Owe-i A Hini's. ' Richmond Department. WCoaTSIBOTBD »V i. r. ItSNKBTT. The family of TIMIMI Fisher are to return to ttichraoud to live. Poxes are killing off the young lamfct nertk- east of Rlchmoml. A fox hunt is projected, The annual road work has commenced in this vicinity. Kites Burton went to Whitewater, Wit., on Sunday, Mrs. Burton has hcea visiting In Whitewater some time. v Seventy couples attended the dance at the Culver House on the evening of May tltb. The music was excellent and the party a very pleasant one In every respect. At this writing all the pieparatlnns forthe observance of Memorial IMy in Richmond are well under way and are Interesting time Is anticipated. Particulars next week. In an account of the School meeting held in District Xo. 1 we made a mistake in getting the name of John llodge on the building com mittee instead of Joseph Richardton. Mr. Richard«on is the roan, and we make the cor- rection accordingly. The people of that dis trict have determined to build a flrst-chut house In every respect, and it will be con siderably larger than the old building. . The Commissioner of Pensions issues a clr cnlar to Examining Surgeons, informing them that no orders far examination will be issued during the month of August, rxeept in in crease claims, and that such as choose may avail thenMelTes of this opportunity fhr need ed rest. Now, would it not be well for Mr. Ot.dley to audit the Suigeons' accounts for last quarter, long past due, to the poor fellows can ha*e a few shillings to take a vacation on ? A late number of the Chicago Evening Jour. wit has ihe following in regard ;o that R. R. which we have lieen writingabout for the last twenty.live years, and always declaring would be built sometime: Articles ot incorporation of the Chicago, St. Paul and Northern Pacific Railway Company have b* en tiled at Madison, Wis. It is the intention to construct, maintain, and operate a railway commencing at a point near the state line of Illinois and Wisconsin near the village of Uenoa, in Walworth county, and running in a northwesterly dire< tion across the Sine to I.akeStiperi ir near Superior Citv, With a branch commencing near Xerednh, in Jun.'au county, and running northwesterly to a point on tiie St. Oroix river near Cliftot Mill*, in Pierce eounty; at so with a branch commencing near Ueneva and running to Mil waukee. The main line is to lie sliont S52 miles in length, the branch to Clifton Mill* 145 miles, and the branch lo Milwaukee about U miles. A subsequent dispatch to the same paper gives an interview with Hon. A. J. Turner, a Director of the company, wto says that Ucn oral Kotecrans is the President of the new Corporation, that It Is hacked by ample east ern eapita 1 and means business. A meeting to arrange ihe preliminaries, and the plan of operations, is to be held at Geneva Lake in June. It is supposed the old Chicago and St Paul Co. are at the bottom of this move and Of course the Intention must be to extend the line front Lake Geneva direct to Chicago, as it would be all nonsense to build a i«ad whose main line is 3A3 miles In length connecting With the Northern Pac.ilic, with branches to Milwaukee and Clifton Mills, measuring ItfO miles more, with a little village liko Lake Geneva as its permanent southeastern termin- niis. The late surveys from Chicago through Richmond to Lake Geneva and farther north were probably in the interest ot the compat.y just incorporated by the Wisconsin Legists ture. Marengo. KntTon PT.AIKIIKAI.KR:--It Is about timo tn«re was something said and done about a 4th of July ceiebratiou. We ought to have one this year. Mr. Kby has bought Walter Fillmore'* house and lot., while Mr. flltmore will build again «n a-rewervod lot. Mr*. Robert Smith has purchased the house and lot where Mr. I.ondeniieck now lives Ward ttlackman has rented Mr. Read's place jnst casi. of town. We hear that Mr. Joslyn has bought David Rcdpath'ti house and lot. Memoria! services, under the management of llarley Wayne Post. of Mareneo. were held in the Opera* House last Sunday ntternoon. The services were opened with prayer: then followed music, responses from members of the Post, and discourse by Itev. J. M. Olen- dennen. Music wax freely interspersed. The Opera llonse was filled to ils utmost capacity w'tli an intelligent, appreciative audience, who had assembled lo pay homage to the memory of onr departed dead. Decoration Day i« to lie observed here in a very appropriate and beautiful manner. A procession will start from the Opera llense ami proceed to the cemetery, where flowers will lie strewn ii|ton the graves of ourdead herons bv lady hands. Then the exercises of the day willo|>en, the main feature of which will lie an oiation by Judge Giimore. of Wood, stock. My the tune the above rea.'-lies your readers the day will hnvf passed and the pro gramme ended; but such it is. A Mr. Lowry, living about seven miles north of Marengo, died very suddenly on last t-'ridav. He had liecn at work as usual, had put out his leain for noon, and was nbout to enter the house when he threw up his hand« and fell dead. II is said that he was afllicted with rheumatism of the chest, and that the afTectlon reached the heart and caused his death. Funeral services on Sunday at tho Calholic church. Tiger Rake, with I Mr. i&the M.II, M. Owen A Sou'** WAU CONDI RntroR Pi,AIXI>KAI.KU:--The oM fcame of quoits has again become theragein Waucondn ni d furnishes lots of amusement, not only to the players, but to numerous spectators alio. Dr. Thompson has been here again for two weeks. He intends returning airain after almut two weeks spert in Libertyviile. Nathan Hubbard, an old WancondA settler, died at Aurora May ITh, and was buried here theUttli. Mrs. iturns, mother of James Grace died In Chicago on the 12th, we believe, and was buried here nn the ISih. Chns. Coggln and Prof. Allen spent a few days visiting with old friends recently. Roth of the nriiI routes have been secured by a Kentucky contractor. He was hero last week and sub-let the ItHrrington route to Sir. Grey, and tho Wnukegan route to a Mr Judd, ot Waukegan. > Mr. Oakes was so unfortunate as to loose another valuable horse on his return from Waukcgnn Thursday. J. P. Rooney has leased Mr. Swenson's meat market for three years A house-warming liall was held in W. H. Ford's new house Saturday. The Messrs. Kingsley, from Harrington, wi'h.their two brothers'from Massachusetts, took dinner one day last week at the hotel with a numIK?r of I Heir old neighbors in Wan* conda, who formerly lived in the same town in the East. C. I.. Pratt has returred from Dnkota, where he lias taken up a tract of land. He will go back in a few weeks. George Curtis, of Mcilenry, is doing con siderable painting in this section George Pratt, Sr.. Iiegins work for him to-moirow. Another dance in Mam'an's Hall is adver tised for next Friday evening. GREEN rifOOD IEDITO* Pt.AIM>EAI,K!T:--People in this sec tion ot the country do uoiuow coinplainot the weather. The dividend of the Greenwood factory for March was# 1.30, Mrs Ed Teles is visiting with triends in Mo- Henry. J. A. Baldwin waa in town over Sunday. Mr. Eastman and wife, of Avon, Wis., wore at D. .Jones' tiie first of the woek. Frank ltarlow and wife, of Willow Springs, Kansas, formerly of this place, are visiting their many friends in this city. Don't forget the exhibition in Bailey's Hall Friday right, given by Martyne, the charac. ier*ariist. Wm. Itigham repeatedly asked us not tr say a word about his new phaeton, ami in order not to hurt his tender feelings we refrain from mentioning it. * Our friend, Adam Westerman, who lately returned from an Eastern >lsit, is settling up his business here and will leave for Saratoga on Thursday of this week, intending to make it his future home. We understand that he is loemlKtrk in the mercantile business, having purchased an interest in a largo establish- ment. v The $.:tfc||r»w 13x16 itn'h Pulverizer, gireatly irt^roved, and as tnr aa draft ca|)H«elty, reliability and durability are concerned It lias few equal* and no superiors, for sale by Bishop, Mc- Beury^Uif^ Building Paper, obeap, at John Story's. Dress Goods aud TrimtnlHgs of every description at Perry A Owen's. Ocnts Fine Shoes, Perry A Owen's. several styles, at A flue assortment of very fine O an ite Iron Ware at John 1. Story's. 60 pound wool Mattress for 94.75 at J. B. Blake's. T ' Corsets. Corsets, Corsets, at Perry A Owen's. . » . The Richmond Champion Drill for sale by R. Bishop. ureat bargains In Cane Seat Chairs. 6 Chairs for £4.75 ac J. B. Blake's. The Rockford Sulky Plow for sale at R-. Bishop's. OaVpets. Wall Psper and Window, Shades, full line, at Perry A Owen's. A large varietv of Misses Corsets citeap. at Mrs. II. II. Nichols'. Barrel Churn at John I. The "Boss'1 Story's. Lumber Wagons, Milk Wagons .Plat form Spring Buggies for sale at B. Bishop's warehouse. Perry A Owen ha?e received their new spring stock of VVali Paper. Call early and make your selections. The famous Plow, the fJesley Sulky. Don': fail to call and examine It before purchasing. For sale by R. Bishop. The celebrated Bisscll <>arpe' Sweeper for 92. The best thing lu the market at John I. Story's. Call and examine the Richmond Champion Force Feed Seeder at R. Bishop's, Drags, Drags, Drags, a lot on hand, steel tooth, and must sell. For sale by K. Bishop, The late improvement on the T,a Dow Pulverizer takes Hie cake. Call and see it at R. Bishop's. It will pay you to call and l hose Bureau Waslistands for J. B. Blake's examine 93.25, at Call at the warehouse ef R. Bishop. Mclfunry, III., and examine gaa&jtud learn prices. OIL STOVES. , Four patterns aud the llnest artlele lu the market, at John I. Story's, Madam McGoe Corsetts. The best on the market at Mayes A Bart le it's i The Oesley steel or wood beam walk' ing Plow on hand and for sale by K. Bishoft. , CLOTHING^ r; A complete stock of Men's and Boy's Clothing at bottom prices. PKRBTAOWEN. A. full line of choico groceries obtained at HENKY COLBY'S, BIRD CAGES. Bird Cages, in all styles and prices, at John*!. Story's. A let just received ' Call and see them. Everything lu faruilug Implements from a Swill Cart to a McCormick Twine Binder, can he"f0tttt#>:l§^the warehouse of it. Bishop, Ladies, we think we can show you the "prettiest" line of laces that was ever brought to this market. Ask to see them at Henry Colby's. Young ladies, our new walking «hoes and French and Mat Kid button *lioes are "just lovely." Call and see them at Henry Colby's. THE choicest line of Dolmans and Ladiei' Neck Wear lu town at Mrs E W.Howe's. Before you huy a wheel-Harrow, call and see those for sale by John I. Story. It will pay you. GASOLINE RANGRS. Certainly the flueH thing In tb.f mar ket. at the Hardware store of John 1. Story. / • Remember that you will experience no difflcultv in getting repairs for any tnnchines sold by li. Bishop, thus pre venting vexatious and expensive de lays at a critical time wheu time menns money. FOR SALE OR RENT. Two houses in the village of Ring wood, one house with ten rooms, the ol her with 9 rooms. A good well and bnm on each. Plugwood has a good school, makiijjr it a desirable place of residence.'""Ou the premises is a shop aud a good opening in the vil lage for a shoemaker, blacksmith, or sny mechanic. For further par ticulars inouire of * ? WESLEY T-AT>D. Ring wood, 111. iew This Week. A very large stock of Summer Millin ery Goods just received nt Mrs. II. II. Nichols', tills being the tlfth invoice ot Millinery Goods rcceitcd this spring. Our stock is now complete, and the tinest we ever had on exhibition. The ladies of Mcilenry and surrounding country will And ojtr eiore open every day earl)* and late; also ready and wilU into show goods and give prices that can not be hear lu tlie county. It will pay nil to c;dl and examine out stock before purchasing. Bakery Supplies. M. Eugein. at his store a few doors north ol,the Riverside House, lots made arrangements to supply his customers and the public generally, with fresh Baker*' Mipplies of all kinds, from Miller's celebrated Bakery. Woodstock Fresh Bread, Biscuit. Cakes. Pies, etc.. can be found at his store at all times, and he respectfully Invites the public to give him a call. lie also keeps on hand Chick's and Spencer's Flour, which will compare with any to be found in the market. Give me a call M. KKOKLH. McHenry, May 8th, 1883. ADVICK TO MOTHKRS. AM you disturbed at night and brok- en of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of mtting teeth? If s(v. send nt once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething. Its value Is incaicul able. It ;wil! relieve (Ite poor little sutlerer immediately. Depend upon it mothers, there Is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery aud diarrhoea, regu lates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, soflons the gums, reduces inflamma'ion. and gives tone nnd en- ergy to the whole system. Mrs, Wins- low's Soothing Syrup fur children teething is pleasaut lo tiie taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States and Is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 35 ceuU t bottle. Go to Mrs. Howe's for Millinery i Dressmaking. Down's celebrated Corset*, at M H. IL Nieliels'. , Fancy- Window ttiiadee at Perry Oflreu"»i * City residence* for »ale. Apply Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. No trouble to show good* or questions at R. Bishop's. Carriages sold low at A Sou's. E. A four drawer, black-walnut for 97.50, at J. B. BUke's. bar«M Large veneered Panel 92.90 at J. HI Blake's. Bedstead Buckeye Force Owen's. Puwpe,;^ I.ad lea Wraps. Dohlaimift, Ji and Ulsters, at Perry A Owenl. Ladies and Miss«s doe Walking latest styles, at IVrry A Owen'a. Fishing Tackle of all kind* at 11, Engeln>, in Howe's Block, near tia» new Bridge. The flnest line of Silver and Pim«d Ware to be found In the county, at O. W. Owen's. _______ If you want a black silk dtvMr .. 93 a yard for 91.60 yon can fet It calling soon at Henrv Colby's. • «' As usual we have tills *pring tlM» flnest li»e of Embroideries In town. HKNUY CUFEBT. ',? An elegant line of dress buttons and trimmings always to be found at Hear# Colby's. * The Skinner neel or wood beaift walking Plow lias proved itself to be the farmer* friend. For sale 4» fL Bishop. DIAMOND DYES. We have all colors of the celebrated Diamond Dyes only 10c a pnekage. CLOTHING. ,v; k of Clothing Is unusually complete and will be sold ver cheap fo^ CASH* HENRY Com. For flrst-class tl»<urance against fire and Lightning, wind storms, cyclone*. ^ tornadoes, etc., etc.. apply |e Aaa Smith, Woodstock, III. Our stock of drugs, chemicals and patent medicines was nerer more complete. Goods rellfclikl, _ and prices riffht. l -BlWKYOom.,^,1 HORSE FOR SALB. ; N 1 A goc.d Horse for sale. Will #11 her double or single. ItiQuIre ' J. A. Goi;;g, at Fltasimmona A sen's store. '-ffH Gossamer circtilarf* and coats for ladies and gentlemen, and % tull line of rubber goods alwajt to be had at RENFTY COLBY'S. The Ladies will* always And a ftitfL '.'i I'ne of Laces and Neck-wear at Mi*. H. II. Niciiols'. She keeps a full aa» sortment of the latest style* to be found in tiie market. The Richmond Champion Drill and Broad Cast Sender is the great sonrvi of attraction at the warehouse of Bishop. Come and look itov«r aud « come ciuivinced. We desire to cull the attention of tta§' ladies to our dress goods department. We have added a fine Hue ot cashmere^ Camelleites, silks, satins, etc., whlell will lie sold on very close margins. HKN BY COLBY. Young men. we are now receiving our spring and summer stock of An*" Shoes, and can show yon the flues|S assortment ever found In this market^: Call and see them at Henry Colby**, ^ BARB WIRE. The celebrated Lyman Barb Wirt, Second to none. Has been in use fef severnl years and lias never been con* ; de in ued by one. For sale by A; WS JOHM' I. ITOKT. RIG forRent, In tho Village of Nunda. a goodf Livery Barn 30*60 feet, built es|MH-iHi4 ly for the business. Will be rented reasonable. Apply to RUTLKB* TABMII. : ' Nnnda, IIL. May tat. 1681 ;• Fine 8hoe|| ©#%tock ofFostor'seeTet,rate4. Beloit Slioes is complete. For style and <lurahilit> they cannot be excelled. Ask to see them. ' HKNRY <>D».BY REPORT OP THB c o r v D I T I O --OF -- THE FIEST NATIONAL At Woodstock, Illinois, -- AT-- Close of Business May 1st *83| BKSOI7BCBS Loans and dUoonttto «s Overdrafts 4.*» U. s. llnnds to secure rlrcnlatloB... " tT. >». Bonds <tn lumd One frinn ap|in>red reserve agents. Due from other NalMmal Ifc»nks.".,. Keitl estate, furniture and tlxturee Premiums Paid Cherts and other rash itera* Bills of other l>ants. Krc'l |vt(ker rur. nickels A pennies.. Specie I.eira 1 tender notes Redemption fund with U. 3. Trtaa. uror per rent of cimilittioa) I»ne from U. Treasurer other thaa &por cent, redemption fima., Total LTABILITiaa. Capital stoek paid ia ,.,. s>*,<*»u(} Surplus fuiKt .......i. 3,(44) |A National ltink Notes outstanlity... 4B,flSS M - tintivi<In:i 1 deixislts sultUr.t toeheek SM»7 aa Demand '."ertitl<*»tes of deposit...... tjl3% a%:' ," Due tootlwr Xaitonai Banks. ... 1,0tg| Total s*4** or ILLINOIS | i f J'l MCHENRT OOITNTV, > I, John J. Murphy, Cashier of tbeatw»e<a4.!')?| aained Ibmk, ilo solemnly »«rear thitt tk»<* alH>ve sutteineut is true IO the keet knowledge uad belief. - Jottx J. MuusT.GteUw. . ....y Subscribed »»d sworn te before mm tkie SU| "lay ef M»y, 1883. - fi Cma«. H. DomtiUT, Xotaiy MMk, | Correct AtteM W. H. tnwAWt ' <4. •»»<! K. A. MrNriir. -.-ii •p-:jeaaj.murnr, DMreetw*. igp oney to Loan - On Real Estate, in 8UBMI of t«» $10,00). Time aud payment* to suit borrower. si.eo» ....**7.705 74 ».v *, ;• u Joint J, MU&TST.