ZJU Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe." #s- VOL. 8. -i-S- M'HENRY, ILLINOIS. WEDNESDAY. JUNE fi. 1883. f* PaMbhed Every Wednesday by | JT. VA^i SLYKE, **?„ * *PI*0* AXO Office in Bishop's Blocjt* 'tf * v>/'; •'• ^ ^ --OPPOSITK PERBYf A'- MARTI K'S.^ TERMS OP SUIJSORIPTION. •Illlrt Y«ur|(m" Advance) --...,...,.61.5* | If 3f-»t Pil;l withiufUroa Months,.......*« wseUel fiir tHrae or atX; i ag»nthi la tho evne proportion. BUSINESS f'iite.Oi,;),,-, CARDS. MAKT«. n \nni.\\. HAIR WORK KIT AH kn.DS of Hair Work done in flrsl class stv'e anil at reasonable prices. Rooms lit residence, north i east corner of PuIdic S<jn.ire, Mcllenry, III. •• ? '< : i $;•••. - Wl' . Kates of Advertising1. We announce liberal rates for nctvcrti«in!r in the Pr,vwr»K\r.t?K, and e-«de • vo« ro Wmte them so plninlv that thev wl'l be readily un derstood. . They ar^.^l**** :aEf, ,*»•., .. 1 Inch one year r\, -» « J~, ; ft s "• t Inches one year y «•>? ' .»» pi 00 * Inches one v-enr S: ^ 1"> "•* H Column one year,. .-*•! ; 3""" ' H Column one venr • • -') • M Ml 1 Column one year - • ' s :•. v ! joo iiO One ineti tn pirn* themen«nreme«t of one Inch down fhe column, single column width. Yearly advertisers at the nl>ove rates, have the privilege of chanxinu: as often as they Choose, without extra ch:tr?«*. Reprnlar advertiser# (meinin;r tho«e havlnp ((landing cards) will he entitled to insertion of local notices at rate of 5 c^nts per line each week. All others will lie en ir«reo lUcents per line tlrRt week, and 5 cents per line for each Subsequent week. Transient, advertisement* will ho diarorcd at rate of 10 cent* per line, (nonn'treil Ivpe. mme as «,his is set 5n1 the first issue, and 5 rents per lin« f>-r subsequent issue-. Thus, Nn inch advertisement will co««t tl.nn fir one week, #1.50 for two weeks, |3.00 tor three weeks, and so on. i- Ths rr,Atff«»K.\n,KR will he liberal in Birini? editorial notices. hut, as a business rule, «t. will require a snir*ble»fee from eterehody peeking the use of its columns for pecuniiirv Bain. C. SCREEN. j yRTKRTVVKY SUItGKOX, XtoHttoml, JB9« rAWYKR. Law business in any pirt ot J th° State receives prompt 'attention. Oflee room 41, Government Building, Chicago, Illinois. SIl)STEVDI<BltoW, N'OTARY P UBLIC! and Conveyancer, Al» den, III. DR. C. E. WILL LUIS. DENTTST. ttnsidence Dundee. Vhltbe at Mcllenry. at Parker House, the 10th and 25th of cai'h monih. When' dates <x*ciw Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday. JOIIV K»,RCMJIC*F. HOIT^K Painter. Oralnov, Ot;lelmlu»r and Paper ll-inirer. Rest lence one Itloek West of Riverside House. Work attended to promplv and on reasonable terms. BUSINESS CARDS. n. T. BTTOWX.M. 1). OHTSTOTAV wn StTRGEOV. OWc.e over « the Post OUce, (imnsile Porry & "Martin's Store up stairs, McHcnry, HI. O. H. FR'iKU . M, D- <in 9 tlhi.--omc.e hours * to in, m. J^HV^TOl VX \\n HTTR.lROV. Johnshnrgh, O. J. HOWARD, M. O. tlffYSTOTAN AND SffitOBn*. Office at * mv residence, opposite M. E. Clinrch, feteHcnry. 111. J. J. MY Kit*. ' . Saloon and Hestftiirnnt, fX BA«KME?fTof ICnr»nert's Store, Johns. I.iquors and Cii?i*rs al vv.iys Ind »eo me. on tiHJiu. Cul! PRATT HOUSE. PRATT, Proprietor. . Klrst mniodnft" ICauconda. Ill TA. PRATT, Proprietor. . Klrst class ne-co urimil'ttions. UooJ Barn in connection - JiAUBIAN B.RO«. ^ ^ rWWAlISi^ tiers solicited. Shop, i i Old Mc-Hcnvv, 41 Koitcr Block, two doors west Ot I'WIN- IRAKKR Office. mawim.. . March. I, lt<*t, ntOHAUl) CO MP TO®. TLT^TlOKof the Pe i'-em l Cmvevancer.-Will ittcu I pr.rnnll v to the collection of lebts. Volo, liiike Ooiintv, 111. , R. K. RICHARDS. H\S ft complete Abstractor Titles to land in M HcnrvCounty, III"iois. Office with Connty Clerk, Woodstocki 111. *•*• -/f K. W. OWEN • • GENERAL Dealer and Manufacturer!* Agent in Leading farm Machinery - Prices low and terms favorable. McITcnrv, IP. K. (;. SMITH. Prompt ntten. BOOT AxnsuoK M vKEit. tlon siven to Ropiiving. Hhop in. Ur«g. jry's Harness Shop, opiwsite Riverside House, McHenrv, Illinois. . * r-. M A R c t r s ' iOERMAN Manufactured by F. MARCUS, --DEALER IN-- POKE WINES, LIQUOltt AND CIGARS. Woodstock- III. best Tonic in the world. Put |t» f|h ind Quart Bottles. 7 F. MARCUS, Patent**. JOS. WIEDEMANN, Saloon and Restaurant, NEAR THE DEPOT. MoHENRY, - ILUMOlS The t>est Brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars always,.on Hand. Guou Stabling for Horses. ALSO AGENT FOR Franz Falk> MILWAUKEE Lager^Beer, H«er in Lar^f! or S nail Kegs or Bottles al way* on hand cheaper than any other, qtt&li tv considered. This I Jeer h:is>a world vide reputation, and sood judges acknowledge it eanuot oe sur- |jaaaetl iu the world. v Ocdera by mall promptly attended to. 408. WIEDC^IIIIj. ICeHenry. 111. Aug. 4Mb, 189#. . • ----k #1"' •' a week made by tffe Industrious. 4B Best bitstoess l>efore the publit-. Capital uot needed. We will start you. Men, women, bovsaud girls wanted every where to work fur iis. Now is the time. You can Wors in spare ti'ne or give your whole time to the business. X<»»th«r iiu«iness will pay you nearly as well. No oho ran f.iit 10 m ike enor mous" pay by eng.isfin^ at once. Cost fy out it mid terms tree Money made ta*t, easily and nonora'ulj. TuUt 4 0O. ( A'JqJo1.i, Horsemen, Attention ! All lovers ot tine Horses are j-eaneetfully invited to c.ill at my favin, half a mile west «»r McHcnry, on the Wooilstock road, and "oc my tine Moivran and Draft Jlorses. I hsve a Porchcron \o>-m«n Draft «'olt that is hard td bent. Call and ••ee him. *8"N3 business done on Sunday. N. S. COLBY. Mcllenry, May 1st; 1*31. Notice 1o the Public. T"*""H££V K built »i shop just «onth of IN. Law. Iii«'on Itrick and 'W„ iM | Street, where I am prepared to do all kinds of work In my line. As I have no l»r»vx to do my work, 1 want vi'rv near •win'; it Is worth for doing it. I do mv'work in a manner that needs 110 watching. _ F. A HEBAED Mcllenry, .Inn. 9th, IMi. M. M. CI.OTIIIEII, 1 0. S. Pension Attorney. Prosecutes claims in al! Bureaus in the DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. Careful attenlion given to complicated cases and ItKJKCTKD CI.A1*8. A Competent assistant and Votary Public always on dtuv. My only hu»>iuess ofllco is at tliu residence of Win. II. Cowlin. . nr.VDREDS OF RJShEltENCE* iyOfljftMOOK, McnBNRT <y., ILMKOI# W1 sm im. Please come up to t'W. Hingwood Nuraerv With vour tnnin, and l*»ad 110 wlih K HIT IT. SHADB. OUNAM'ESTAT. and EY KRH It .EE V TREKS A fine lilocfc of BLACK WALNUTS and the much talked of CATALPA, ; • ^ Gr»|ie Ylnevctc., all cheap for em S. V. BE < SETT, M. D. I^HYSICIAN AND SUUUKON. Also United 1 States Kxamining burgeon. Richinoiid, Illinois. JOSEPH N. FttEUNU. SALOON AND RET AITRANT old staad, opposite Bishop't ' Win Bonslett's , "jjiiwa,,*: i>.9n"u» Mill. Mc Henrv, III. The c loicest wines, Liquors and Jigars to he tound in the county. Presl; Ovstcrs in their season served up in anv shape ilesircd or for sale by the On. STABLING FOR noRSES. ANTONY ENGELN, 1IOXEY HECEIYBD FOR INVESTMENT iT.I and loaned on mortgage security at cup- rent rrtfs, withottr charge to the lender. Farm loans made at *ix per cent. a. W. RANSTKAD, « land t,ltavten Block, Klgrtn, |11^ C. N. CULVER, SALOON ar.d Restaurartt, Buck's old stand Mcllenry, III.--The choicest Kentucky Whiskies, <our Ma«li, Wines f Pjgnrs, etc., aiwavson hand. We buy none hut the best, and seil at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Oysters in their season. A. IW. CHURCH, Watolimnltpr and Jeweler NO. m RANDOLPH STREET. (Successor to E. '{. Shirley.) Olucngo, III. spe cial attention given to repairing Fine watch. «s and (/iironomtters. . mr\ Full Assortment of Goods In bis line. Richmond House, ; ' HI C HMD >13. ILL ;>* C. N. CULVEIL, - PROPRIETOR. HAVING reccntu pntCh^fetl the n'mve House, I liave put it' in thorough repair, witlMtflw furnitne' thronsrhor.t, ami w«nM ipcci ful'y invite the p it-<>n'fe.» ot the Irav. elin-z imbli<' and others. The tallies will al ways be provided with the !>exi that can be procured, an>1 polite and attentive waiters will lie in revlinoss at all times to attend to the M-.ints of srnexts. Vo ]iuns will be spared to make this a First Class House. I^iirg« and commodious barns on the prom lees. , Free Omnibus to and from all trains. Sample lioonison first floor. I'miii' ... itm 'ii'l 11' 11 i • m'1 STA91 r 3*Z&& FT. E. WltJHTMAN, I'rnprietor. First clixsiias, with or without drivers, fiunirthe I at reasonable rules. Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice. Est&blishcd f855i JOHN STEBBA, Woo«lstoek Woodstock, Formerly of McHcnry, Chicago, lias retuni'-d to and Illinois, largest and Plants, Roses and SeeHs* WE will mail, postpaid, any one of the fol. lowing collections, upon receipt of Ox E DOLLAR: 12 Unu-Ever-blnnminsr-HOSES. 1(1 Ro.se-, all white, pink, red or ..yellow s!»*-de«. I<> HE- li.\N!l !MS "ii'sl? »I double. S .Djihlias. 20 packets of lies!, K I.OW HI!. '•IKEDS 20 pack ersof VKLIKTABJ.K SEKD-t. l« GLADIOI.ITS BTTI.11S. 10 a* MIR ted BKDDIN'U PLANTS. 12 TITBEUO^K ill'LBS.. I'rice -Lists KltKlv. Satisfiction guaran teed. Thirty (ire-en houses iu operation. Address, N ANZ & N EL*X ICR, Florists, ,J.oi tsvii.i-t:, i tr. EQBEKT C. BEHIEXT, - BREEDER OF- Lirtt Br FOWLS, . RICHMOND, ILL. (FtltiST IMJEMIirM AT MCHKNItV COtTIfTY FAIR > SI v fowls 'are of the eelebr-ucd DUKE OF YORK strain, remarkable for their great size ami la.ving qualities. I can show a Uio of list setsoii's chirks weighing 31 pounds, tigg's, per settiifar >f thirteen. Jl..Vi, detivereit lo pupchasei- in Uiohniond, Shipped, securely apncl.ed. $2.00. ltOBERT C. BF.XXETT. 5 B. RAINJHORP Rinejwood * - Illinois. To the people of 111 HIT wood and vicinity I would ro»pectfully say thiit I have openetj si «tore near the Depot, wlierq I will pay the liiffhest nwrket value for Ea^rs, liuttei, and other produce, cash or trade bein«r immaterial to me. I shall keep on hand a select stock of Groceries and Flour, which with choice brands ot ( i- <jars ajid Tobacco, I am jaroin^ to sell at prices to defy competition, and though I have met with u much more liberal patronagre than I had expected, I shall yet hold out inducements calculated to increase my trade aud secure a larger custom. B. RAINTHORP. RINGwooi>. III.. Juno 13th, iftii And hn* now on liand the sto- k of READT MADE HARNESSES COLLARS, WHIPS, Sc., to he found in tha t'ountv. and lii-< evervthing- u^atle of Jhe UKST MATERIAL. Call rui.i see me. 4 JOHN STERBA. Richmoflli, Bilinois. Saes of Stoe^ Far mill <r Toos and Goods ot a^kiii( « attended to on the most' and* Kittsfuct] 1'oSt Oriicc ndd| b. s: mi&bs- Mas sisonab e Terms, guarauteed. I), ILL.; J :* irman, iCK,LTL, Breech and Shot] Powder, Hnot, t^ausJ for sale. Fisliltig Tucj All kinds of AND REPA1 izzle Loading iuns. 'ads. ami Ckrtridfcs ile cheap. Ooods, tINGDONE. A poort Itreech noafiiisr, Double Ilarreled i"ii. wairantoi TwisC^t". .Wii.chcstci- Rifle. TO fi»r,i |<>l, lft Shots, M. *>Nirkel I 'niteil C shotRevi lver. « .50. ^Self corking rriUsli 'Bull Dog Pistol, 5.09. A good single lti»#oi, Bleech Loading, jungle tiun, «aniliit«-d|#.r>. I will undersell H I I S » fetuise in* the county in Guns ami Sporting Gnftls. If yon want a good jrun it wilt.oav yojtto cat I and'see me. I warrsint every gun l.^eil, Clothes Wrin^i's rei>air©d obd new If oils put ^jfk. rricw jier pair warmntetl, |i..r>(U ^ /l SHERMAN, Woodstock, July l&ttii I8S2. • ATTKBftriC^WF ECONOMY >6 WEALTH. to Yon can save money 1$ giving your order* F. W. RICHMOND, ILLINOIS, waiStyft, Carrlsff^* •CABFESTEB AND ^ McHenry, IU. Will take fontracts fut it|» Builtliiitrs iiii.l arii-:iraiil«'H mv ivoik will i'uui(»arn wiili aiiy man in |U« Start' «'sui ami will 1I0 work from 15 to per ceiit-elM'jijMT i liau ot Iter rarpoiiN'.-s. as I have two ot my lioys who work will nu*. wliioli makes it possible lor me, to tlo fo. All Jobs • in the Carpenrer line promptly attended to. Give me 11 cull. A. WENDELL. [\mm : ' •! f* • "*. 5 "V? 7-i • & sm UiCHil CHICAGO, ILL. ORAWGE, MASS. ANO ATLANTA, GA: Repairiusot plow< and nil other farm im- pleiuents is arivcu iiartie.ular attention. 1 it my manufactures Iuseonlv Hie beet matcrl. al, anil, keeping the very best workmen in all departments, I a in enabled to guarantee and .warrant ail work that goes front toy uhop as flrst class in every particular. ' S-PKCIAL GUARANTEE ON WAGONS. All farm irMgnns tnnnufactured at my shop are warranted for TIIKKK VKAD8. 1 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. I sell ererv agrirultnnil implement, includ ing, especially, Nor\V"giitn Walking and Rid. ing Plow, N. C. Tliompson mid tjesley Bros'. Plows and Cul I i valors, F. H. Mimnv'Seeders -nd "lorn Cultivators, the lV»wagi.ic .Spring Tooth »"eeders, the Piano and D. M. Osborne (lo's. iiaivester and Twine Binder, the Warrior and Hopkins' Mower, and alt other first clti.ts machines. Warranted ilrst class or no sale BL AOKSMITIUV«I of every kind attended to promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. F I N E P A I N T I N G A SPECIALTY. I have engaged ,r. ST ILL WELL, the boss liainter of the Northwest, for one veer, Jr longer, to t:ike charge of my |>aint shop, which is a sufficient guarantee that all work of that kind will bedon-' in the beet aud most artistic sty re. It shon'd not lie forgotten that I cmplov J. 1'cpnss, wood workman of twentv vears" ex. perience, und L. Ilowc, carriage'blacksmith, l«olh iiesiirpasscd as arlizans in their line. Finally, come and see me and I wi'l guar antee satisfaction as to pi-ir-ea and quality ot work to all interested. 1 F. IV. MEAD/ Soldiers' Department, COS DUCTED BV DLT 8. R. BENNETT. The number of pension certificate* l*snc<i mid #ixu»d during the week ending May 12th wag as (nltowd: Orig inal, 1.113; i.tcreatn. 142; re-i*cue, 61; restoration, 32; ilit|>Kc»te, 12; accrned lieiifiniin, 56; pensions under act of March Sd, 1883. 760; total 2.1G6. 'r 1, *ifi j u K A Xew Lando'i, L'omu vel-erM Of the late war applied Tor a petition Tour year* ago. *)t was grunted nnd not iflcalion was tsent Samrdny | that •900 w*«re due him. but li« had xdied the day be fore.--Exchange. (yases like the above are by no means ttnti9tin], yet because Commissioner Dudley to mak-ing great efturt# to dln- of these loii^iwndiiis eialms, he is charged, by irresponsible newa> papers with wastiug the mouej, I ' PltSSIOS M>K A TOOTH. • "" Commissioner l»u«lley'a Patlenre Kxhanst- jd--A lfer«i»t«nt Applicunt Cram Harris* burgh, f W(u>M*gtfm ditpatchto Philadelphia Timet.] The work of tiie Pension Bureau is Very much increased by the worthless character of a large number of claims which require attention. Commis sioner Dudley aald to-day that a trery large proportion of tlies# claims are fraudulent on thei*-face, and many of them are urged upon the Aim*ie>«t evi dence aiwl (or the most trifling disa bility. Whenever claims of this chif- acter are preseuted aud their fraud- ulent cft.iracter ls quite clear, tlie claimant is not!Hed at once that tils claim will receive 110 further attention. The Commissioner some time ago very summarily dismissed a claim of this cliaiacter. It was In the name «f Warren II. Anderson, of Karriibtirc. Pa., and was for the loss ef a tooth. Among those importuned to aid the clnimaiii iu obtaining a pension were Senator Logan, Senator Cameron and Speaker Kelfer The Commissioner thus caustically addressed the claim ant : ' '"Now. let me say, I think you are puttir.g litis thing a little too stroug, I have called up your case, and have ;i»|irev<i out nu my desk be to re me this morning nine letters writteu by J'Ott within u period of twr> months. You start out by writing to me in Novetn- bei" that yonr aupli0^14!^itv*wliich \yas burden. He took ofl her houses, cut her to her plank shears, and then first put on an arched deck of heavy timber, completely covering her from stem to stern in the shape of a turtle's back, finally plating the whole with two thicknesses of railroad iron, bent and fitted so as to form a smooth surface over the whole outside to the water's edge. Two short smoke-stacks alone protruded above the even surface- of the whole outside. The prow was con structed with heavy Iron projecting in front about 5 feet. S} feet nnder water. She was steered by a wheel entirely covered ucder the deck. In case she idiould be boarded by the enemy. It was so arranged that hot water could be tlirow.i In streams upon the board ing party. Tlie construction of such a novelty at Stew Orleans attracted pub lic attention. It was visited by many hundreds of people, was called the "Nondescript," and was very generally ridiculed by the public. But Stevei- son was strong-minded, had faitli, had money, and was encouraged bv his friend.Captain Charles William Austin, now a resident of Savannah, Ga„ who superintended la her construction. It is from him that all the fasts herein mentioned were obtained. When com pleted, which was soon after the battle of Bull Run, the next thing was to ob tain a crew. Federal gunboats, heavily armed, were lying at the mouth of the Mississippi, and it was these which it was intended she should attack. Com moi\ore (loll I us. the Confederate naval commander at New Orleans, refused to detail men lor service in her, bat gave consent to Captain Austin to obtain volunteers. If he conld. from out the navy. Nineteen were ahtsined. With these the Manassas proceeded to Fort Jackson, twenty-two mlle« aho/e the blockading squadron. Commodore Rot* llns allowed Slevensdn and Austin the use of his dispatch-boat Iva with which to reconuoltcr tho eneiti}' in the sft.^jp* noon, preparatory to n night at tad. They approached to a point just out of range. There lay the steam-sloop Rich mond next to the east bank of the rlvor, with twenty-two guns; then the sloop-of-war, Vincennes, with fourteen guns; next the sloop-or-war, Preble, with fourteen guns, and next the steaui sloop of-war Waterwitch, with six gnns. They all lay abreast, across the Missis sippi at the head of th« passes, headed up stream. \v From Omi FOX SO» FACTS Some time in the ear!j a number of crtigenia|| meeting to disca^l! establishing a pemlM where within e««y whither the members tl with their f&mlifes, mt| Joy the delights of conni Ing fishing, hunting, boitl fascinating and lieii The format Ion one of the most stantial organisation*^ entire West, was tlie this informal meeting":**#"! members may. well 1 healthy and vigotonii«l day the t'htb has a handsome worth nearly twenty thousand including magnificent grounds, house elegantly furnished. liard tables, and in fact ev#V that goes to make tip the con»pI*teibea* of such an Institution, The Fox I.ake CteiblsartgnUri company, the shat^lMi^'1^ members, each individual share being tsttthd to alt and privileges of the club. T tion fee Is two hundred a dollars, and the yearly dnes dollars. The financial condlt club Is peculiar. In that the tlon Is entirely free of debt is money in the treasury, Tl intention cf the orgaulseiM establish tin institution locality near Chicago, fishing and hunting groui ing. etc.. and liow #1 purpose has been accom to Fox Lake will For gentlemen wl direction this club Vantages of any West, not excepting clubs near Detroit. rather peculiar to that should uot ben selfishness is not tolerai member has the privilege entire family to tho House, and in fact It Is:j^|| thing to do, men, women all alike rseeivtng « most c*ri come. . Ills benntlfwl, situated upoi|:4 its E. LAWLUS, Uerchani tailor, lvEKI'S Foreign and Domestic Cloths. WARRANTS A FIT, OB NO N4.LE. ALSO CLOTHING, Men's " Boys* and ( iiildretr.s sizes, cf the hegt qual ity and at Chicago prices. Store opposite Rivers He House, Illinois. McHenrv - sa» ';-•" ' -^-DEALER IH-#» Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware etc. XJ. Bonslett. . Neitr the Depot, MCHENRY - • - ILLINOIS."' Keens constantly on hand tlie tlnesi hiands of flour and Feed of all kinds, which ht> will •eU ait Wlicili/iHle or itetitH at Bottom Prices. Five diflerent brands of Fiour always" on hand ami warranted as represented. Flax Seed Meal Always on Han£ WiTKIour ileliverwi anywhere in the Cor pora lion. Orders may ins given by Postal Oiird, Box 107, Post Office. . : "EIVK UK A CALL. . ' L. BONSLETT. New Home Sewing Machine Co, 24 State St., ChicafiQ, J/P, SMITH, Agent. McHenry. III. ' •nDlTCITflTiTfl FOIt oldiers on any difcease PENSIONS ri:r ̂ 'ihiitfres for Deserter*, etc., procured. 14 -yours experience. Aildr"»«: C. M. ITES, A r ^O.,*"** K St.., Washington, I>. (J, not, life is sweepinjr by, (to 1 dare before vnu die; sortie- tlunic iniyhtv aud sublime, leave behind to comiuer tune." SGK a week in your own towiv.. (T> oi.tlit tieo So risk. Everything new. Uipit-il n«»t required. We will furnish you eveivtliius. Many are making fortunes, Ladieri make a4 much as. men. and boys ami ; jrirU ni.iUe great pay. Header, il you want •busmen-at which you can make great pny nil, (lie lime, write far pirtirulurs l<j il. tl.VLr ta, i'ortUWl, T keep in stock the cciet»nite<1 Rprlnjfflelrt Watch, which is pron-unu'ed by atl to be the beet watch uow on the market. Will not be IHidersolp On any goods in my line. h JHcUenry, Feb. 10,1883, :<?ip la^t, was emlorsod by Senator Cameron •please hurry.' That statement I found to he absolutely 1111 true aud so in formed you on tlie 25th of November. You then begun a ftisiludu of letters upon this otlice, each one of Which has, up to thi<* time, received from me a resprc'ful answer. Now 1 have simply tills to say, that the certificate of tlie birnrd Which examined you discloses that the only disability from which you suffer Is the loss of the second lu- ci»or--a disability which, in my opin ion, does not enti lid you to any pen sion. 1 have consequently directed that your ca6e be rejected, as it is uot susceptible to proof thai you sufier any disability Iroui the alleged case. 1 think, all things considered, that your actions iu this case have been charac terized by the most monumental cheek of any case that lias been presented during 1113* administration of tho otHcc. A man who will wait twenty years be fore applying for a pension, and then ask it for the loss of one of his teeth, then swamp the otlice with useless correspondence, tli« only effect of which has been to Impede the adjudi cation of claims ot worthy and deserv ing pensioners by coiiMimlng the time of tlie clerical force of the office in answering such letters, and then, as if that were not enough, try aud enlist the sympathies of two Senators aud on® member of Congress, all on the same day (a feat which surpasses any thing that has come within my knowl edge)--such a claimant does not seem to be worthy of much consideration. You are at liberty to publish this letter If you des!re. I shall take pains to answer each of the letters written to me to-day ny Senators Logan and Canleron and Speaker Kelfer, calling their attantlon to the condition of your case and your action in connec tion with it. I believe this letter closes the sorrespotidence. You are at liberty, also, if you desire, to appeal from tlie action of this office In reject' ing -your case. In that event you should address your letter to the Sec. retary of the Intelior." It is scarcely necessary to add tha' Mr. Anderson lias not appest#i! up to the present time. THk MANASVAB. A B«Ml Bam That Was the Progaaltor or the Merrimac, The history of the ram Manasca and of her projector aud commander should be placed upon record before it is too late to get the truth, John A, Steven son, a wealthy retired sea captain, was living 111 New Orleans at the breaking out of the civil war, ahd the Mauassas was wholly liis conception and inven tion, and II was put afloat entirely at liis cost and expense. Bofore the bat tle of Bull Run he purchased the Enoch Train, which had been constructed In Boston and used as a tow-boat on the Mississippi river. She was a double propeller, with two engines and power ful machinery, 180 leet long *22 feet moment's notice. These four Federal boats, with fifty-six guns, and well manned, was a mighty power for the single Nondescript, with nineteen he roes ind no guns to attack. Some of the Confederate naval officers had said that the Nondescript would be blown o.it of the water. Lea ring Fort Jack son at about 8 o'clock on the morning of October 12,1801, with Captain Aus tin, her comniauder. as th« only man on deck and each of his men at his proper place below, the ram proceeded to ami arrived at the scene of action about 3 o'clock In the morning. The Richmond bnd been selected by Captain Austin in the afternoon as the Federal boat first to be attacked. Nearlng the Richmond, the Nondescript was got under the utmost headway, and not un til she was too near the Richmond and until it was too late to withdraw with out discomfiture, perhaps disaster, was It discovered that a schooner was lying alongside the Richmond nu the side of tlie attack. The ram proceeded. a)l steam on, and, striking the schoorfer first, cut her In two and rail' tlife Iron prow of the Nondescript clear into the Richmond. The rum thep hauled ofl* The schooner sank. The Richmond dis charged her broadside of gnns at the ram, but withoutefloct. The Richmond fouud herself disabled and leaking and withdrew, giving signals of danger to tlie other boats, and the blockading squadron all disappeared down the passes. The blow which the ram struck the schooner and the Richmond pro duced such a concussion upon the ram as to disable one of her engines and render her unfit to attempt further aggressions, but it did not destroy Captain Austin's footing on the deck. The ram was uot aided or followed by any fire-rafts, or any steamers, or pro peller astern of her, nor were any shells tlirowu or guns fired at the Federal fieet, as some Federal accounts have described. The ratu was taken back to New Orleans and repaired, was adopted by tlie Confederate authorities, and Mr. Stevenson was fully compensated for Imr. The Nondescript was named the Mauassas by Stevenson soon after the battle of Bull Run. After her victory, the Confederacy having been thus taught by Mr. Stevenson how to build effective war vessels, then, and not un til then, began chnuging the Merrimac into an iron-clad ram at. Norfolk. Va. Mr. Stevenson, in building the Mauas sas, buihled greater than he knew, lor iu a practical way he gave the public new ideus us to carrying on naval war* fare, which have since been adopted aud developed in diflerent. forms in all the uavies of the globe,--N. Y. World. FIRST GUN. The Minneapolis l'wino Binder sus tains its reputation. OocKKTVittK, M«l., May 14, MM. Minneapolis Harvester Works. (7ettt».-~Kxhibition in heavy, preen rye here to-day. Never missed a single sheaf, with machine exactly as It couie from'the factory. Tours. p. SAGOR. The-MinneapQltg for fait »t £• M. l>e§iu, 8 feet holdt an J about 90 tons Qwew $ Spifa : rfC Mcllenry. The house Is of style of architecture and was tlafljfMtMl by Mr. Edward Baumann.the anetkttiipK, a member of the dub, and it is siot to** much to say that It Is one of tlko HMft striking and complete for the pwrposo It has ever been our pleasure to view* It is a graceful monument to the artis* tic taste ef Mr. Baitmantr as well as an additional attraction to lite natural scenery by which it Is encircled. Tho house contains sixteen rooms, indudk ing parlor, reciptiott room, dining room and bed rooms, and is furn|site«l throughout without regard to •xpeaee, . while the interior apuointmeiits aro simply perfect. On the edge of tlm lake and immediately In front of the club house is the boat house, a happy conceit of Mr. Banmaim's. The dull owns eleven boats, including .a Jaunty sail boat, while there are Dumemai: pleasure boats In addition. Hie prop* erty of individual members. Fox t^ako, Is famous as a fishing resortml •Mis understand that the club will,litis s*&« son stock it With carp aud trout. Thei* is probably no better hunting grounds in the West than those aronnd Fo* Lake. For the preservation of fresh meats and game the club has built an ; Ice house and cooling room, so that si all times the table is laden with thi| most inviting viands. It is proper fa| this connection to say that tho meni« bership from Its iuciplency has been a mo<>t congenial que. always act ing lit the most perfect hatinony aud aiding the official management of the eitib lit the most substantial manner in thei# I conduct of the affairs of the organiaa* tlon. I ' It is to this nnlform Interest rnant* fested at all times by the Individual s members that the success of the Fo* , Lake Club Is largely due. Mr. Charles . A. Alexander was the first President and was succeeded ty Mr. M. A. Faiy'S well, who was untiring in his seal l4 -. its behalf. Mr. Joseph M. Miller hs« been one of the most active officers of the dub. having tilled the position of manager with rare efficiency for tho past four years. Mr. J a me* W. Nye^ij treasurer for several years proved nfe most valuable man in the financial de^f part me nt. The present orzauitttio|| ' speaks for itself and Is aa follows 1 President. C. F.#Hill; Vit* President. Edward Baumann; Secretory an4 Treasurer, J. O. Henning; Managers, J- M Miller and C. J. Mauran. The list of members includes the fol lowing well known Chicago gentlemen f A. M. Bassett, E. Bauutann. P. J. Bev*.--: eridge, O. C. Calkins, George C. Clark^ Thomas V. Connor, A. II. Dainty, l!avl«| B. Dewey. Augustus >*, Eddv. Kminous. >1. A. Farwell J. F. Fcatliei* stone. E. H Goodrich. Newton Goon* win, E. R. Harris. Phillip Ileum*. J. Ouj v Hemilng, 11. A. Ilersey, C. F. HHV, IV K. Ill il, Chas. E. Hyde, Edward god , tieorge A. Lvford. C. J. Xauran. Uora* tlon N. Mar.'J. M. Miller. Chas Morris James W. N%e. Maurice Pit cnS^SE*. Prentice. James F. Pride. Win. H. Kojt* ers. Jno. Ropar. F. W. Rufiner. ter Sibley. Leo. Schmidgt. R. W.S«raa* bingcr, J. B. Suilivau. M. J. Siilltvao, J* - W. Thomnson, Henry C. Tiliittgteatt. M. Ullrich. J. W. VU W. ry, B. F. Weaver, Al'tert Willey. J. F. W.dlensak, C, W WilaugUby, Lioits U. 1 m •V. A: -r ; nf..