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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jul 1883, p. 8

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'?<• " % t * t, i* t -*ri j~ ^ *" '**$? >*•. Hf,lf i«g t f < *n '^fil *K h' V- -wt-vv A J, • f< ^ ^ «rt.,(.,-. >s# * ' - V r, , lifi *', „ ; , ,) , ,. >«•.!.<." -«».< „«8lJ * u J >* •* -^-j * „n il s ^ la. * I ,s? ^ c '^mw * Of- «? jl " Wi p»w*» .t.c •:-,:.--.ti ;ivJWSir?iyS *?T\ ip«r. kilns, (it healthy ItHi* against 'journals wlilcli iti«tr Special object to minister iMte by seeking out and In • seductive form dlsgnst- fntlotie revelations, There Ion te belfwve tlmt the cfeiwi la more highly prized to-dav tbMftin» four or five years ago. It ;ji* ahoMft to |>redict Vol*, aa people I n " all lanfca *f life who protect their own. from contamination, become #MWV conscious of the pernicious influ- enee Of a certain class of journals, called 'enterprising because they are ambi­ tious to serre up dirty scandals, they WlH bi careful to see that tlie journals th«y p«nnit to be read In the family circle are the class that never forget tlie proprieties of life. Already men and women of refinement and healthy morals have had their attention called to the pernicious influence of bad literature, and have made commenda­ ble efforts to counteract the same by .causing sound literature to be publish­ ed and sold at popular prices. Theso efforts are working a silent but sure /revolution. Th« best authors are more generally rea^d to-day than at any pre­ vious date. The sickly Sentimental story paper, and the wild ranger and pirate story books, are slowly but sure­ ly yielding the field to worthier claim­ ants. To the praise of the decent newspaper, it may be said that where ft has a place in the family, and has been read for years by young as well M old. it has developed such a healthy tone and such a discriminating taste, that the life-natnre of the slums has no 'admirers. Fortunately, the number of such families is increasing in the land, and as they Increase the journal that devotes itself to sickening revelations of immorality will be compelled to find Ita supporters solely among those .classes who practice vice and crime, or ; are ambitious to learn to follow such waft.--Circular. *\ „• , Hmband* »s Luxuries..;. __ J * '"'A tfrorr.an writes to the BosMH* (¥ibbe efc' tea follows: Take my own case. I am &milliner and I have made between kj$ 91,000 and 92,500 a year in my business || * for aome time past. 1 married four |p^ •' ]ta(ta{0, My husband is kind and good fC , looking, Thii he never learned any trade jhfc . "ja«dno profession, and could not aver­ age 9300 a year. 1 loved,Mm, however, but I saw that it would not do to de- ^ '»pa ml upon htm, so I kept on with oiy s>/ iMMittese, *t,, " After a time I think he got a fittle ^ ' * laxy, and as we were both away during ^ tfce day we conld not keep house and 5 got side of boarding. Finally, 1 pro- ,v posed that he should keep house, and 1 WOttid mn the business and the money. p Wt k«re row lived very happily in ^ | CM» way far two years. My husband gets up and'bniids the Are, gets break- V; - fast, and I leave at 7:45 for my place or jf^% v business. He does the washing and fi' ironing, the cleaning, and I do not ,4 know of any woman who can beat iiim. ^ v, He is as neat as wax and can cook a^ual to any one in town. !C fi It may be au Isolated case, but I think the time has now come when the women who hare hnsbands to support should make them do the work: other­ wise tliej are luxuries we must do with­ out. for sale or rent. Two houses in the village of Ringwood. one house with ten rooms, the other w ith 9 rooms. A good well and bam on cacli, Flngwood has a good school, making it a desirable place of residence. On the premises is a shop and a good opening in the vil­ lage for a shoemaker, blacksmith, or any mechanic* For further par­ ticulars inquire or ^ WHILST liADD. King wood, 111. FIRST GUN". TltO Minneapolis Twine Binder sus­ tains its reputation. CocKKWitxB, Md., May 14,1S8S. Minneapolis Harvester Works. Gent#.--Exhibition in heavy, green rye here to-day. Never missed a single sheaf, with machine exactly as it come from the factory. Yours. D. SAGOR. The Minneapolis for sale at £. M* Owen & Son's. JUST ARRIVED. A LABGK AND VARIKD STOCK OR oxiQTaxifta, FOR MEN, YOUTHS anil BOYS, Heady mada ar.d made to order. Also a full line of" Gent's Furnishing Goods. Hats and Caps» BOOTS AND SHOES,I AT- MATMAN S 3XBTQ L; HOXTS8, AT WAUCONDA. What You Cm FOR S7. Stw Out orthB Ark af Safety •4" f #%< ^ 1 lftay yon are. * DANGER Id MFE ft PROPERTY Bsaet you on every hand. The matter of the •tycoon, sickloon, saloon, cyclone, tornado, vnditorm, or whatever name mar be given it, ts beard ia aome section of the couiilry aearly every day. The Fire Fiend May break out at ?*ny moment--the economv •falifetime be consumed. Death mun come to «I1. By a small parmen' encli year von c.iin •eeure to yourself a foi tune, should you live ®r, in the event ol death before the time expires, your familv is provided for. Sl.V).- W8.6O0 U represented by this agency. Our rates are »» l«w a* experience hat found to 1>e safe. You will save monev by insuring with me. General Insurance, 'Life, Fire. Lightning and Tornado a specialty. Thanking al! my frieads for their liberal patronage, and, hop ittf, toy square dealing, to merit a continuant' Si^hSMae, 1 beg to subscribe myself, • Bespectfullr yours, ' ' „ .. C. H. MO KEY. XeHaary, ItL, Jane 11,188a. WAUCONDA One Sice Cassiiaere Saltf Owe Hal; One Overshirt; • .< One fivlerMiirt; 4 •, One Pnir of l>m\versft lK » One P:*ir of Socks; ' Oil" Piur of Su9).iM\d<H»J One llandkeroUicCi rT^ ,C ^ "One Necktie; • •-<- Ont Cohav. •; v, <#iF%iihia THIttTT T>AY» «» e«B4i gains. MRS. H. MAIMAN, Has Just retnrned from the city with a full nnrt selected sfn. k of SPUING AND SUM- MKIi MILLINKRY, which she invites the la<lie$ <>f Waur.onda and vicinity to call and examine and learn prices. > H. MAIIMAN. Wanconda, ApHl ttd, 1833. FARMERS iKS&B. TBI ^ V-ri V 'V. Vt-'- J4 . r-"- "4. If you contemplate buyinjeranythingr in the Implement line we wish to announce to you that we have a /rood, honest lines of Good on hand of all descriptions, and tor reasons that we areroady to explain, know that we can aave you ra'jiiey on any Goods in our line. It is full and complete. AH (joods warranted to he as represented and if you find them not as represented we will cheerfrlly refund your money. Our stock of Plows is complete, consisting oltlbe Rockford Sulky Plow, the Skinner stubble extm double ahin-hardened, either in wood or steel beam, the Reloit wood or steel beam Stuhb.'e Plow with Gesley Jointer ; also the Gesley Sulky Jfc*low thatcan eusily be handled by any boy that can drive a team. ! Rakes K! Rakes 1 Dia ynrt 'siy Rakes t ^elt we haw oli liond * Ml Iin«. Tkc Red Bird, Ell wood Self Dump, Centennial.* Surprise; but not least, the Old Keliahlc Mollinjrsworth Sulky KaKe. No imitation in ours, no no, but the Original. It is 80 neur and uQtric4 impiement^ It stands king ot the field to-daj. : ^ ? - : / I The MeCoruiick Iron Mower. To make hay while the sun shines is a'good old adage, but to make hay at all-requires a good Mower. The McCormick has 110 equal. We also handle the New Clipper Mower. . t": all its IhfcltrfproWm^tits fbt ' The (nvriciw nf tfm wrmfoc^t farms now see it is to their interest to use the Twine Binder, as it eats nothing, never strikes for higher wage.s, is a faithful, obedient servant* never wearies of work, always pleases the Jadie*, as it involves nw additional boarders. "* We make the easiest running Wagon, use only the liest seasoned material, vet up work in good style and finish, and sell at Lowest Cash Prices. Finally will say that our ttock is full and overflowing, and feel con­ fident that we can please you in quality of good? and Prices if you will favor us with a call. With thanks for past favors, we solicit a continuance of the same upon the claim that we will sell the best GoocU lor the least money. Yours It. BISHOP, V W t lifc * , k »» • 1 ' J»1 :g.; •stfV'-. ^ hit-} - ^ f-'v vrr, ' Doi^t be stuKl or footed but ' call arid examine our large s%cfe of FAR! NG TOOLS, which is tar larger this season than ever before. Ii you .want plows we have the old make ot Furst & Grande tone, Moline, Norwegian, Case and the celebrate In all styles of walking and riding. In Planters we can show you atd Stsll you the renowned Keystone* Union, Standard and Deere, cheaper than any one in the $tall. We have the R audal & Keystone Pulveiizing Harrow with their improvements that are far ahead of any other made. For a Mowei you all know • the Standard, Manny and Knolvlton are lighter draft and lead all the light Mowers in this county, by many a length. The lightest and simplest Twine Binder, in the market for 1883. is the Minneapolis, and is the only one that has Appleby's latest im- piovements. It takes only one-halt a team to run it. Call and wi will show it to you and, you will see it will save you time, horse flesh cm OU> iSTi «4: *• ffSrft'i; And all points In I tral, Eastern «rJ,J Wisconsin, Nox sota, Dnkot*. Maaitobm Northern Jfrbrttsnm. CW«> •»», n ingr, Utah, ItebOr Montaaft, Ml California, Or*tmm, WailhlngtOO \ tory, British CmhmMi, Ch!bt. J) the Sandwich ttbuula ttwm z, aland, and aU prinoipal point* ui tl» NORTH, NORTHWEST and WIST. low A, WISCONSIN, Northern MICH1. OAN, MI NNESOXA. and Central DAKO­ TA. it offers to the traveler all aoooro- moditions that can be offered by any railroad. Its train aervioe equals tluft of any road: their speed is as graat aa comfort and safety will permit: they make close connections in union depots at junction and terminal points with the leading? railroads of the West ana Northwest, end offer to those that use them SPEED, COMFORT AND SAFETY At CHICAGO it makes close connec­ tion with all other railroads at that city. It runs PAI.A€G SI IJEPINO CABS OH all through trains, PARLOR CARS on ita erincioal routes, and NORTH-WK*TEK!f INTXi C A ICS on its COUNCIL BUfK and on its ST. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS through day exnress trains. If you wish the Best Traveling Accom­ modations you will buv your Tickets by this route AND WILL TAKE NONE OTHKU. For rates for sinffle or round trip tickets and for full Information in re­ gard to all parts of the West. North and Northv/est, write to General Passenger Agent, at Chic ipfo, 111. All Coupon Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Line. J. D. LAYNG, MARVIN HUGHITT, Gcu. Snp't. 3d Vice-I'rc". and Oen. T~ W. H. STENNETT, > ; - Gen. Fmi. Agt., Chicago. ?-.&$ it'. mm SPRING DO YOU WAN! TO BUY Sewing Machine? ^Vith an un usually large assortment of Hardwui, Jinware, Stoves, GranitoIran?W«e,&c, AT BOTTOM PRICES-- JOHN I. STORY, 'At the odhtaud of Jacob Story, Mcllenn, invites the attention as the lowest, workmanship and quality of goods ^uaianteed. Tin Hoofing, EaveTroughin<r, Jobbing and Repairing promptly attended to J3gT*Keinember, extra good bargains can always be obtained Nothing but the Tiger, Holliqgsworth, Burst & Bradley, Know!- ton and others. All first class. You will always lind both Platform Wngons and Carriages of all kinds and styles at our plaue and will sell lower than anyone. Also the Celebrated Sames Wagon rumps, Pumps, all kinds with the:']j^terprjm of ^irbine lrpn Wine Mill at low figures. Be sure and call if in want of anything in our line as you are sure to be suited. E. M. OWEN & SON. "-DEALEB ANO Agricultural MacM&ery, J Richmond - Illinois! 'Vnell every Implement, Tool or Madfiine i fanner wnnts. PLaTPORM SPRING, DE­ LIVERY AN l> FARM WAGONS, TOP AND OPEN BUCGIKS, One, two«nf1 tlfrec spa toil., at low^r prices llwn any other coiieem norihweut of ChicHgo. In MI«j Aftvlcultural Itep.irtirient I have the Moline, l»iivonpi)vt, :iml tho John Doere Plows IMilli Sulky iiiul Walking. The Kev»toncand {iflHiioud Champion l'lantern. The Klch> monil Bvo;nic;ist and Supcripr Seeders. Har- rownot'all kiixls at lower prices than ever ltefore. Corn Cultivaiora "fall kinds, Mow- era, Reapers m.d Twine Hinders. In whorl anvtliiiisrn man wants In the farm Machinery line, FROM. A CLEVIS TO A STEAM KN UINE. FINE PAINTING. Gen 1e on Hand and am eellingat the IjOW- est priceri, the Domestic. Eldredffe, Ifew liomv, .•»iirinKiie!d1 New American, and Singer e wing Machines, ami w'll not be undersold by any agent in the county. A good singer Machine" for 20. warranted to do the work of any Singer Machine in the world. Cm 11 and see me. U. W, OWEN. Mcllenrr, Fet>. W, 183S. • « . Will uoon be here in vast num­ bers, and many ol their wants you can promptly supply #S ° at the Dru^ Store. WITHQUT^DICINE. Ifl THIS MAGNETIC BELT IS For the POTATO IIUG We have lots of Paris Green. "c' fi fl i * • r « T o r s h e e p t i c k s t h e u n s u r p a s s e d •CARBOLIC SHEEP DIP. * 1 'or Flies, Lice on Stock, or un­ mentionable household vermili ?./ the celebrated Insibct Powder. WARRANTED TO CURE! Or BfflB'f Re-drd, tno tot. ing di^eaaei \vl(hnutmH!oinft-- r»ln In tliebncl., head, or llmbti iicrt oil* iU-bi!U) tluiiiliu{ro, gt'lieruldel'llltfi rhuumHtl«ni, pur«*1 v«!•, m-urulj^B* ficliitti'iie dl«es»- f* ot the kldnvve.epinal dlHi'tt<e», torpid liver, s«Mt» Hiinlnul ciuImIuii*4 lmpot«*ncy9 ua(hma« heart die* fnw, «'on«rlptttlofif frynlpcluni hidtfM* tloii. iu rnla or rupture, Ctttarrk, plies, epll«m flunib ateu«'f etc. WiH-n :iny d'-bility of ttm CKNFKATIVEOR»\N9 ncfurs. 1 oftt vitality, lurk ofnerve fori*e and visor* Ku*tlnn weukne«M<«, aiud nil ttio»e dl^eici of a per* •onal nnttire, from vvliafover cansf, the continuous r.tr»>am <>1 Mu^netiMm pii meutliig tbr#»gh the parts r ihcitj to u healthy §ctlei> Xlitre If no MAYES & BARTLETT -DEALEIIS IN- Dry Goods Groceries^ mi READY . IktAXIES.- At Oenterville, McHenry, • ---w ^ McHENRY, ILL., Jinnftry 23d, 1883.? J RIVERSIDE BLOCK, JicHENRY, IUL. /•f our attention is invited to our magnificent new line of season * *t •> Ui' „ ; ; able and elogani styles for sprinj? requirements. Every department is very complete and prices uniformly low. ig Department I have secured II. 11. N ICHOl.S, who is well In my Painting the services ol' known in Mcllenry and Lake Coiinties as otia of the lx st |>nintei:8 in this part of the conn- try. Call ami see his work, which speaks fof itself, for "Artistic Style" in this line, w« defy competition. BlacksmithiiiK, and Repairing Dono in a workmanlike manner nnd war runted. Call and sen me before pujchating us I am sure I cun save you money. A. P. QhAY% Itichmend, Marsh Sth, 1883. mm fOR BUSINESS! Kf'HpI I SijCCESSoR TO ^i & COLBT] ;' ';S Having purc.hased.the stock of Hardware of O. I'. Colny, in the Store opposite Bishop'* | Mill. I am now prepared to offer to the buy­ ing public any thing in the line of McHenry, Illinois, March" 5,1883. tnlbtake »th< nt this appliance. * *« our less humble triends we l have a supply of -• liiEi TacUs. Arciery Gools, Base Ball Supplies, Etc. When in ueed of anything in out­ line, don't tail to call. F. B. HARR1SOM. tr«uconda, Juuc ii, I3|t. lad,eJaGNET|C ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER. If TO THE LADIES: ' job ore aflWd l(h l{liei>motUiav| !N(>iir«lflm >ervou» Exhaustion.Ilvftpepatftforwllli IHteMesofthe Lin­ en Kldneym lIcMiiiu'lie or Cold Fett, Swollen or H'euL An(«)<•«, orKwoilrn Fce<» an Abdoniinal Jiclt and a pair of Foot BattericH Iiave no superior In the • and < urf* of all th^se complaint*. Tbejr carry a powerful magnetic force to tb© scat of For IiHine Buck, Weaknmof the Spl?ie» Fill- Ink of womb. liCiit'orrliaa, Chronic Infiumma- tloH and rU'iratlod of the Womb, lncl<U'i»tal orrhoco or I luodiiiji, l'ulnful, KupprcMf<! ir» reinlar Men«tr«Htlon, HarrennetM, »nd ehftsfe |jfe. tble U the iicet ApplWac^e nod Curative igwt ltn<.\rn» „ . For ail forms of Female IMfficnHle* it li un^nr- PHHSC'.I hv jH-ytinii;*- inv«'i»t**fl. lM>th a* o cuimtivo iti-'a b'hi• ol' ;»ov.rr and vitali/ation. Itbvr licit v jth Mapn t:r F«»ot HatU'Hri. flO. Bentt y exprten C.O. i> ,aad 4:x;aianaUon avowed, or by triMil ott receipt or piie«. In oraerltMr, wn«J ni«an«unr oT vaist and yf fb'>«. lieniltt.-'nc*# can be fiiadtj Incttr*/1 rtiicj, H-iit inieUci ai ov.rrirk. jf The M »xnf?ton Gannr'ntn are adapted to all a£*w», air© ^orn over the uudor etothinif, (not ii«xt to the body like tUe munj Uolvante twtl 1'Kctrlo llum< 1'Utf* ad wo 'I? > i , rnl »ht»ti!il lie taken off at la^hu l'h^v bold tlnir attd ajm'worn at nil HeaaoriM>f thevear. __ F^jP'1 »'taint> f- " :: ^ w T»« - n* tnre in M*dl<*al Treat' IT'i Jsi V* ^c«A4C>iuCt" with. tuullMtUU»o( UtoU*i«o* 'Xiii. ii^sU^VTOS AI'l'MAM KCO- k--i ii zw, iol* atrct. Prb FIIUITDur ..... % CHEAPER THAN EVER r :'M> Two boors North of Perry & dwe||| ̂ My stock of 7urnitui*e is complete with a larger stock than ever, and will be sold as cheap as any other in the comity, and it will be to the interests of the buying public Joca j^pon me^whea ia want of anything in that lino. In this department I keep a first-class assortment of Caskets and Coffins and Shrouds of all kinds and qualities. A Hearse furnished at reasonable rates. ^ ^ •. BL ̂ KE» tiiSRr ^ 'i'ii '!• irfltbi --OF-- SPRING AND At the Old Reliable Boot and Shoe Bpuse of H. House Established in Come early and examine my new goods which are now being received and placed upon the market to be sold lor very little money. Our Stock is the Largest, the Cheapest and the Most Desirable be found in the I^orthwest^ in and take a look and get my low Cash Prices. H. DWIGHT, Woodstock, 111 - Stoves. &c. • t*r pcic«s totnltthe V; ' • DA IBYMENi Willalto find a large assortment of Dilrfl men's tf tensils. Milk Pans, Milk Pail*, Mill) Cans and anything In tbat line at price* aa Low as the Lowest A full stock oi BABB WIRE always 6^ hand. JOBBINC AND REPAIRING Promptly Attended to. WDon't bnjr *D'_ thing in tlie Harlware Line until you n»T| examined iny stock and learned prices. E . M . H O W E l ; ' WMcHenrjr. ¥*fonwrj SJ. Wtt JOS. WIEDEMANN, Saloon and Restaurant, NEAtt THE REPOT, IfPCtpipY, - - The beat Brands of Wine*. Cigars always on Hand. Quod Homes. S4«Moi* i ,'SlaMlat ALSO AGENT FOR Franz Falk'i MILWAUKEE Lager Beer, fteerlm Large or Small Kegs or Bottles! ways on hand cheaper than any otker. ft t* coiisMcrpd. This lleer has a world wide reputation, (X'mi juds«» acknowledge it oannot im i as*e<l ia the world. Ord*rs l>y mail promptly attended to. JOS. WIBDCMANI ^McUenry. IU. Aug. 10th, MflJ. oft & Call ami i*xaiiilii« tliofiA Black VI nut Extension Tal»lea at 91.00 p»r at J. B. Blake's. 3| |H?r cent. .iwm *>*. ...W. ~^jifia#

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