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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jul 1883, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, JULY 25,1883. ••3^ *1 m Railroad Time Table. OOINQ SOOTH. era TAI" P»8Senrcr.-..*». .7^7 A.fM neva f,ake Exoross.........:.. »8:St Ben*sva (,ak(* Ffeijht...... ;...l:'Bf. W Steamboat Express ....5:15 " (JOIVO *OBTa. ; Mum Tjtke Frelsht A. M Steamboat Kxpress vW>-<B " geneva Lake Kxpross -*157**-* Bttneva Lake Pawenver «:«7 B. Bru, Agent. ' *•:* MoHenry, 111 MASOSTTC tlCtlBWltT T.OOGE. No. 19"* \. F. anrt.A. M.-- (tecnlnr Oommnn (ration< the Saturday before the full of the moon and weeks thereafter. on or every two CHAS. C. COLBY, W*. M. f 'Mcit^rar rHUPTEK So. SI K. A. M --Wejtu. fi; Convocations heM on the second and fourth ftdars in caeh moneh. K. V. AMKR«>H1H . P. Newspaper Law. irne' flr»m the post-office--whether directed, to his name or another's, or whether he has snh- serlbert or not--is responsible for the payment. The courts have decided that refusing to tilfce newspapers or periodicals from* the post- ofllce or removing and leaving nncsMe«l for is prima facia evidence of intenttohal frand. If any person orders hi* paper discontinued he mast pay all arrearages or the pnblisher miijr continue to send It nntll payment is made aind collect the whole amount, whether the iliwr is taken from the office or not. RF.V. H. LEA. of Dundee, will occupy ti Pulpit at the Methodist Church in Henry and Rlngwnod. next Sabbath. *WE would call especial attention to the new advertisement of the Wmicon- d* Drug:. Store and Book Haunt, to be found in another place In this paper. REV. EDWARD RITCHIB, of Dundee. *f #111 hold services In the Episcopal church* Spring Grove, oil Sunday next, July 99th. at 10:30 A. M., and 7 :30 p. x. ;UK:: QUITE a quantity of wool was de­ livered In thia village on Saturday last, purchased, we believe. by 1*. D. Smith. Prices are low and consequent­ ly wool is not moving as fast as in former years. AN exchange says a ghost had It all Its own way until he stole a ham and ajbuck-saw. Then he was waylaid with ft club and sent up for sixty days. No ghost ha# any business with a buck-saw appetite. HAS anybody asufflcient acquaintance Wtli tye sex to be able to tell why It Is "<hat when a woman is hanging out clothes or working in a garden she In­ sists on adorning her fair bead with a man's hat, and invariably an "bid, dilapi­ dated one at that? AN observing scribe notes that ft com- •*>11 looking, uneducated bti£.1 the locust, can lay eggs that keep perfectly for sevc-nteeu years, while ail the science of the nineteenth century hasn't • produced a plan whereby t.iie egg of a lien can be kept fresh through a single Winter. WM. WHAT, of Spring Grove", the old Wimble Pedd!ar. is now calling upon the citizen' of the northern part of HcHenry county, witli a fine line of Pry Goods. Notions, Tin and Glassware Which lie is selling as cheap as can be bought in the county. "Walt for the 1 .;fragon," and examine his'hew stock b«- fore yon buy. VTHE following! Is « rePART of the School in District No, 2, Nunda, for the month.ending July 20.1883: Num- •iber of pupils enrolled. 16; average* daily attendance, 13; number neither absent nor tardy, 4, vl*.: Liable Pow­ ers. David Powers, Sadie Peck, Maud Harrison. ET.LA A. TVHRELL, Teacher. PKRSOMAI, SHERIFF UDELL was in town on Fri day last, on business. Miss EMMA GREGOKT, who has BEEF in Chicago the past i«w months, canu borne tills week. MRS. G. A. CANPIEI.D, of Rock ford III., is visiting with her mother, Mrs L. Stoddard, in this village. MISS MAMIE LAMPHERK, of Waucon da, is visiting with friends in this vil- l»ge. Mas. VAN LOAN, of Chicago, It visit ing with the family of Issac .Wentworth tliis week. JOEL H. JOHNSON, ESQ., of Wood­ stock, was in town oil Tuesday and road* the PLAINDKALER a call. Gov. HAMILTON and wife pa«sed through this place on Thursday last for Geueva Lake. JAMES REVOIR, of Kensington, IIi„ Is spending « short vacation In this vil lage. • ' .. . • MRS. TCTTLE and her daughter, Miss Allle Tuttie. of Michigan, are the guests of E. Uriswold, aud family, of this village. MRS. SMITH COLBY, of Chicago, spending it few days with her parents, Mr. and "Mrs. H. 8. Gregory, in this village. B. N. ANDERSON and wife, of Chie&go. are gue«ts at the Wheeler farm. Mrs. Anderson will remain here two or three weeKS. F. A. PARKER, and wife, of the ker House, started on Wednesday for a visit fcttli friends In Iowa and Nebraska. COUNTY' CLERK MLRIDITH, of Ge­ nera, Kane County, passed through here on Fridav afterhoen on s his way home from the Lakes, MRS. JAMKS DALZRLL* Miss Flora Dalzell and Miss Lniira May Bigelow, all of Chicago, are the guests of Rev. J. C. Bigelow and wife, at the M. E. parsonage. HON. ISAAC G. WILSON, Chief Jus­ tice of the Appellate Court, Chisago, made our sanctum a pleasant call on Thursday. He was on hi* way to Fox Lake. The Wnnkegau Gazette says; "Re­ cently three iieavy mid valuable stal­ lions have died. The first wan the imported Norman horse, "Reliance." owned by Jacob Miller, of Sand Lake, which died on the 6th. The next waa the imported Clydesdale, "Champion,*1 owned bj Orrin Luce, near Half Day, which died on the 10th. ami the third was the imported1 Clydesdale."invinci­ ble Wonder." owned by Wm Shnmett, of Sand Lake, which died mi the 10th. All were excellent horses of their class and their loss is a serious one, not only to their immediate owners, byt to stock growers throughout the eiltf«t.y as Wi WK Had the pleasure of trying some lioney left u<t by John Hendricks, of tSpring Grove, and we have come to f)ie conclusion that in this line John is ^success. ft certainly Is as fine honey llf we ever tasted. As will be seen by his advertisement elsewhere. Mr. Hen­ dricks has yellow or black bees and nice honey for sale. Call and see him. WE learn from the Waukegan papers that the sol die rs' re-union of Lake County will be held this year at Wau- COnda on the 28th and £9th of August. We think the committee who have this matter in charge have acted wise ty in the matter, as no better place fo holding a re-unlon could have been se fceted, as the citizens of Wauconda are wide-awake on all such occasions, l|«id nothing will be left undone to .ifake It pleasant for the boys in blue 4kh the dates mentioned. WE would call the attention of our aders to the new advertisement of lie McHenry County Fair, which can be found in another column. As* we have before said, the officers are leav­ ing nothing undone to secure ft grand ittecess at the coming exposition, and <t«pecially Is the Secretary, Mr. A. S. Wright, making every exertion to se­ cure attractions that will be of inter- §£t to e*ery citizen of McHenry and fIjoining count!rs. Keep your eye on s column from week to week and you will be sure to find something to inter- ,r,r°"- THE following cure for paper bor- ** wing Is taken from an exchange ty ?§|nmediately upon receiving your paper ttirefully cut out wme item--It makes Bo difference what it is. Your neigh­ bor's boy .will come after the paper--lie Will take It home--within three min­ utes he will scoot down street and re- - furn with a newspaper of the same date IIS the one horrowed. By the time the flipped paper has circulated among the ffmale borrowers, the street will be :§|vely with hurrying boys. Not one ,#otnan would sleep without knowing What that cut out item was. Next day pursue tiie same course aud similar re­ sults will follow. In obstinate neigh- "iHJf-hoods these .proceedings may last ree or four days, hut uo longer. The rule U iiitalible--^s the ease of female borrowers. THE Board of Directors have engnged ithe following teachers fer the McHenry Public School for the coming year: 4. A. SheMon. Pilncipnl. Miss Etta Tor- ranee. teacher of Lnterinediate Depart­ ment, and Miss Belle Stoddard. Pri­ mary Department. Th« teacher for the Gage to wa Division lias not yet been Mr. Sheldon is an exneri- encc<r tfiiciier. and comes higlily recom mended, having tnuglit in some of tiro first schools in the comity. Miss Tr»r- rence and Miss Stoddard have taught in our fcliooi fer the past few years asid art; well known to its patrons. Me Henry is assured of a good school for tli« coming year. WE would again romlnd those of our subscribers who are In nrr«ars for the PLAINUKALKK that this Is the begin­ ning of a new volume, and we are very desirous of squaring up nil old ac­ counts. Wc havr now published the PBALKDEALER ei^ht years, and we are sorry to say we have some names on our books toho have received the paper al! that time and never paid us a cent To such we say you must pay up. We have waited long enough. We also have a large number on our books who owe us from one to three years. It is not a large amount to each one but we need the money, and trust that all who know themselves in arrears will send the amount at once. [ ^^THK Steamer "Mary GrSsweld,'1'-- Capt. Hill, niftdo her first Sunday ex­ cursion of the reason on Sunday last, and about fifty from thta village took advantage of the occasion to make a Ltrip to the iakes^ The day was fine aHd aH'seeirfetl to enjoy themselves to the fullest extent. At Nippersink Point, the party was joined by Smith's Bell Ringers Silver Band, who accom­ panied them around the lake, add­ ing much to the pleasure of th« occas­ ion by their splendid music. This Is certainly ft verjr line Band, and it is well worth a trip to the lakes just t<> hear them play. Capt. Hill informs us that, weather permitting, ho will prob­ ably make Sunday excursions about once in two weeks, of which due notice will be given. THE next meeting ot tiie McHenry Young Peoples* Temperance Society will be held in the M. E, Church, on Saturday evening, July 28th. 1883. The following is*the programme: 1. To the Work--No. M6....'...Gospel Hymns Prayer Scripture Reading... Mrs. J. C. Bigelow Minutes ot previous mooting-- Soc Son< Maud VanSlyke Recitation Edith Carpenter S«lect Reading M«ry Jecks Almost I'erbuadeil--No 75..Gospel Hymns Kei'itat ion Vornie Xi<-kel Declamation .....Carlton Kiij' Duet Clara Wright, Loreina Unmo'by Recitation Vint Luinley Duet Carrie and Frank Mariin Declamation Passing the Pledges. .Officers What Shall the Harvest Be--No. 7»..Gos­ pel Hymns. Hope all will bear in mind the change: Saturday evening instead of Sunday. A most cordial invitation is exteiuleJ to all. BEI.LE COLBY, Sec. I.LAWLl'S. Is selling 9uits at less than Chicago prices. A good Cassimere Suit for 94.50. Call and see them. GET your Sheep Wash «t B«rbi»n Bros. y aORSR TBIKF CAUGHT. " The thief who stole the horse and buggy from H. E. Wightman about two weeks ago. Was caught on $trn<lay last at LlbertvvlUe, by Constabfts Lake of that town, and on Monday morning was brought to this place, and, after being examined before Esquire Perry, was taken to the Woodstock jail. He says he drove the horse aud buggy to Chicago and from there to Joiiet, where lie left him In t. livery stable and touk the cars for Milwaukee, and from there returned to Libertyviiie after bis trunk, whlch he liitd left there JTflTsavs lie dflh^ot sell,., the horse, but left him there f<>r Jfeepi He is a young man aj^it years of age. ^nd *ays h Zigie^rfna^tiat hi\ ^trents CiiUwg^. IliKJhas^'the ikflipearauoe ty((t heirt* o^ tions heliejhfs loit^pf, ak tjiey show to be ft&H^ewiKyslipitery,,^Stseal. He eviil^mly th^rtjiht in cjwviaing back to Ij^lfertyvMJ^ that t^y would lr»okii!g/or him t^Htire, but/ffiere was wiierenie made his mistak^. He has sccu^d a steady home few years, at least. "• "j, g'--~ ivrithifl the nbove|Mr. ^Vigiitman has received * dispatch from the party whephe sent to Joiiet, next informing him that be found the horse there ail right and is uow on the way home with him. ?. DIM--In this village, on WcdncfVisv even­ ing. July lSth, 1S83, bHKi.uoM CoLtRK. aged 57 years, ^olver was born In Montgomery County. N. Y., in November, 1826. and came to McHenry In 1857. He was ft miller by trade, and fer fifteen years was employed in the Mill • of Owen Bros, in this village. By his economy and thrift lie had accumulated quite a little fortune, and fer the past few years had not bothered hitnself with business matters. His long residence here had given him an extensive ac­ quaintance throughout the county, where he had many< warm personal friends, who will be shocked te learn of his sudden death. He leaves a wife to mourn his less, who has the sympa­ thy of all in this, her hour ef affliction. DIKD.--At Nuuda. July 1st, 188.1, of consumption, Amanda Jane Dilley,aged 14 years. Go quit your sorrow, gi seek relief, She is no longer your dove; < And while you are buried in deepest grief She dwell; in the home ahove. Go learn the lesson sorrow would teach;- Your heaven i« netr »t hand, And a true, earnest faith will farout-reaeli And guide you to the sacred land. Grieve not,--heavenly missions la mercy are , sent To civil the wenrv ones home, And dear heavenly angels lo earthare loat To l»rightea*>(ir dark gloom. Weep not, spirit, friends are watching fnrysn Waiting till yonr life work i>» done; Guarding tne path of the faithful few, ( tilt the victory is wou. *T -A FR!E*D. ALGONQUIN. We made a brief visit to the thriving little village of Algonquin one day last week, and found, notwithstanding the dull season of the year, considerable activity among her go-ahead merchants and businesH mei, The Hotel had just received a new co«t of paint, both Inside out, which much improves its appearance. The travelling public can always be assured of being well taken eaire of When stopping at this house. C. WANDRACK, tiie "boss" Harness Maker of McHenry County.has his shop of new double and single harness, and is prepared to flt your horse with a n<vw rig that for style, finish, dura­ bility and price canno; be beat. It will be recollected that he took first ^premium ftt the Fair last Fall for the »st set of double harness, and It la a tell known fact that he makes pre- hum harness all the time. If In want ff anything In bis line do not fail to call a»d see him. HELM A PETER, tiie Hardware men. are doing a good business, mil together with their lumber and agricultural machinery .business, are more than busy about these days. J. D. FERGUSON. JR.. IS on hand-with hi« usual large and well selected stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, etc^ and Is prepared to oiler some rare bargains in his line. The dalrying'bnsiness In and around this village Is Increasing from'Jyear to year, as is evidenced by the numerous Auctions of cows, b\r the firms of Mor­ ton & Chapel) and Ferguson ft Lynch, a car load being sold about once in two weeks, on an average. The Algonquin Station probably stands as the second Milk Station in ti|» United States, and its shipments are increasing every year. Our short stay prevented us from looking tip more facts of which we wish to spenk, but we propose to soon spend ft full day in the town, when we shall have more to say. -- „ THE following is a list of the jnrors drawn for the September term of the McHenry County Circuit Court; « OB A NO. J Hadsill * .....Rtte? .........Marengo do .........Dunham ..... ..Chemung ........ do Alden this lift Itt Memorlam To Alice IVixte-, who departed July )6th. 1883, A loved one gone frwm her enrth'v e*Te, She has'Vtrtrefl tier~%a.y i«f the fyatm more ISW <ione from all pain and fr.im «orro»v freo, To tluu lieuitit'uI lnven beyomi life's sea. A sweet voice hushed by the hand of death, A voice like tiie lark on the morning's Ureal h; Too pure for t!ie eirth, hut ha* (l.nvn, like u dove. To sin.? with the beautiful angels above. „ Like the rose thrttls dipped in the ilew of the morn, ' " And open4 to welcome the day newlv lv>rn; It, blii'Oiinic to meet the full gize of the sun. It nlttcke I from ita parent, is withered and goue. We saw her form borne on the dread, ernel wav.e That will carry us all M the old silent grave, Aivi we dreamed of the days that are gone wiih the years. When her glad heart sang In its ecstaey here. And with fond recollection wo knew she lived well, That her hetrt with its earnest coliviction did Stt'Cll, That *he loved and was loved hy all she knew here, Tliu friends who will cherish her memory dear. Ali well! whit Is life bnt to live and expire, To prepare for a rest tnst is iMttcrand higher And should DJUII. while we're Y«W»Jg, by his hand on o'ir breast, It will s-tv.e us life's Ihrfe we've gained a rest.' And yet ll seems useless to mourn this, our loss. She has passed o'er the river, that each one must cross, For brighter reflfctiors to memory come, Sweet Alice hat gone to her heavenly home. --K. 1'. A. July 20th, 1S83. Solomon Oakley I'liarles Svlvestev...'. Ed llubbel Kd Wilkinson.... ........ Kd Maxon O R Latten Wauconda Department. i>nbtou .« •>.»«* .1 Jacob Allen Hartland Micliad Grelbel....,..!.......;.....^,. do Daniel Sheldon.... V J stevens A filblts rat IC Garry......» .Veil X e | M > n . 7 . 7 . . I<ufiifl Itrown .1 err v Qu inlan... •. •• .i»... Henry Rowe ret Collison.. A ••• •• .. .Senoca ilo Grifton .« ,,»,***.•• do ..." Dorr ....... do .........Oreen wood .............Hebron , Richmond Fre>i \01 nMon Dennis Haldnrawa..i.,., »....Bavton Samuel ^hevman ,,,.Mcltenry Monroe ««hale* Ntind'a Amos Whiting..iv.'.'s.". ... do WK Thompson,....v ^^ifgUgooquin . MtTIT -V <M ft Underwood. Riley ,\ TetivcK ... do " .lolin Keihl ..Marengo John D f ringle ...... ... .. .... do Charles Olcott .. .. . do P T. ItiiKAcll.... ...Dunham S 1! lo ha idson ...........Chemung VV D H a l l . . . d o . A l <len do At the old soldiers* eonventlon at Wauke­ gan a week ago Saturday, the Waueonda del. egatlon succeeded In getting the annnal re­ union to be held here the latter pai t of Aug­ ust. The storm Friday nleht wa« an threatening that a number of familiet repaired to their cellars fearing a cyr.lone. Fortunately no in­ jury, more than the beating down of heavy grain, wax sustained. Crops are looking finely, especially hay and "mall grain Corn Is a little backward, and in some instaners farmers were obliged to plant over, owing to poor seed. The hog cholera t> threatening, Mr. Hale having lost several. Milk fever Is nnusnally prevalent among the eows this summer. A number of self-blnding reapers have bee.i sold recently. The junior base ball nine of Harrington de. feated onr Junior nine on the grounds of the latter the other day. A defeat is sometimes better than a victory. If it spurs np people to greater effort, Onr hoys had plaved little to- get tier, and prohablv hardly expected to win J. R. Wells A Aon are beginning to receive large quantities of wool. They also have re. ceived the thank# of a crowd of hungry boys by bringing in a lot of water melnns. Mr. Thomas Monaghan of Minnesota,'who honght out the other heirs to the Brady term last Spring, is again In Wanconda. Mr. Galand Weagant.of Minnesota, a grand­ son of Andrew Cook, is visiting here. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Cook and their little dan ghter,nf Waukegan, start this week for the west, to try and find. If possible, some place where I heir daughter's asthma, of which disease she has always been a terrible suflferer, may be relieved. Messrs. Andrew Oaks and' Wm. ftevmonr have returned from their western vhiit. Mr. George Rates. Senior, has returned from his Tisit to New York State. He has moved into R. O. Hill's house aear Mr. •North's. . . . . Mrs. It. O. Rlh goes to Minnesota, Tnesday for a visit. We hear that Mr. and Mrs. A. Calkins will keep house tor R. C, dnring his wife's absence. Ambrose is working at blank- smithing for Antony King. Mr. Hill's pony, "Midnight," was hadly eut on a barb wire fence at Mr. I*. Courtney's dance the other night. The pony's wonnds were dressed and it will doubtless be all right again soon. J. D. McCalie and C. M. Hill attended the Chicago races 1aNt week. R. Hubbard was In town the other day. His eyesight has been taillnx for a year or two. and he Is now almost totally blind, being hardly abie to distinguish light fTom dark­ ness. Lyman Towers, telegraph operator at Bar. rlneton, waa in tnsrn last week. Mrs. O. E. Whitcomb aa<f her ana f.ouis, from Chicago, arrived at Mr. Kben Whit, comb's Friday. Mrs. E. WMtcomb's two married daughters from Kansat have been visiting their mother here. They started for home to-day. Editor Riggs, of the I.ibertyvi|le waa la town aome days ago. He reports that a rousing big fair is anticipated at Libertyviiie this fall. Miss Julia Vandy Is taking a two weeks' vacation in ChiragA. Mr llerliert Werden. for many yesrs stead­ ily employed as book keeper by Wayne A Low, Chicago, has at last been obliged to leave business on aceonnt of III health. We hope Wauconda air will soon make him all right again. A party of recreation hunters visited Fox Lake Sunday. Thev took it all In and report a good time, A heavy shower coming home was something of a dampener, but a picnic would bo a pretty dry aflhir without a Mmwer. It is one of the standard incidents necessary It n EDITOR PLAISDKALER:--"A Prioria" says he is disappointed. That he is it disappointed man 1 have no doubt. (The paper 1 have mislaid; I aim to give tiie 8cn?e). That an ex-judge should fail to prove from Matt. 24 a per­ sonal appearing of Jesus Christ and a literal ending of tiie world disappoints no one who has looked critically at the subject. He fays 1 appealed from my pastor. The right of au opinion in bibli­ cal matters and tife right of expression 1 suppose should be allowed. Infalli­ bility is not claimed by my respected pastor. Elder Bigelow. and I suppose "A Priori" does nut claim it. Prove all things, hold fast that which is good, 1st Tliess. 5 M. J. E. BASSETT. Old Settlers' Meeting. The Executive Committee of the Old Settlers1 Associatlbn of McHenry and Lake Counties are requested to meet at the Riverside House, in tht village of McHenry on Thursday, Aug­ ust 9th, 1883, for the purpose of mak­ ing arrtugeinents for the annual re­ union. The following are the names of the commit tee: For McHenry County.--C. B. Curtis. McHenry: C. E. Chapell, Algonquin; Richard Wray, Richmond. For Lake County.--Waiter W?ilte« Hainesville; J. R. Wells, Waucondu; A. V. Smith, Fort Hill. All old settlers are respectfully in* vited to meet with the committee. J. VAN SLTKB, Secretary. FARM WANTED. WANTED.--A Farm in LakiK «r Mc- Hcury County, with lake or river frout. In exchange for Chicago prop- et-ty. how* aud lot, and Iowa land. F. S. RAIKD. • 86 LaSalle St., Room ft. Young men. we are now receiving our spring and summer stock of ti:ie Shoes, aud can show you tiie finest assortment ever found in this market, Call SQ4 see them st Heury Colby's, rj-nsou.; I'at,rick Mi-Ottbe...... .........(lartland Miclui'l Huffman do Patrick Driscot,.*........ do John Rose Heneca J II Koote . do IMnicI CI u to ...» Coral .11) Bliss do It M (!urtl*s do John Hawley .Grafton 1> Glazier ...........j..........»,i». ,... «lo K O Jewett. Dorr W H Sanford..........*,*5* Peter Weidritfk...» '».i, A L Austin ... i.il M I! Cole John Pierce K R Phi'lips., ..... ...... Frank Hatch ... -H' J Kittle. G W Thompson do ,V. Richmond a do .. wt do .. ,,<^reenwoo«| ...... .Hebron Itu rton ...Nuuda Algonquin ( ' rm- er'fr. CHEENMf 900. EDITOR PI.AIKDKAI.ER:--The proved Novelty Wringer st Sope Price 84.00. L Mark I>awsnn been >iid«r the weatlier" for the post few (lays. One day Inst week ft beam in E. Wes­ son's barn broke in two, but was dis­ covered in time to prevent any.further damage. P. Diiiley's folks made their son Charles, of Janesville, a short visit two weeks ago. It escape^ notice in our last. Ed Toles had the misfortune to have Ills team run ftwity while hitched to it mower, but fortunately except from minor details no damage was done. Jas Crooksliank, our boss blacksmith, has been building three walk*, ending in one, extending from his house to the road. Attorney C. Marble is improving the looks of his place very much by having a new picket fenoe built in front. Daw- sou and Wash bum are doing the job. Friends of Mrs. H. Freeman will be sorry'to learn that her millinery store, located in Elgin, with its entire stock was destroyed by tire on the 19tli Inst. It is supposed to baye originated from a lamp, but It is not known for ft ce^ talnty. 3he Is expected here this week. ' , ' < H: R. Baldwin hits rented the former Baptist parsonage and will toon tak e possession,when the needed repairs are made. He was obliged to give np at­ tending theological school on account of his 11! health. The frame and picture business will be continued by him. and if you don't believe his prices will be as low as the lowest, call and see for your­ self. W. A. Baker has lately received a pair of Chester White pigs from Bona­ parte, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. S. 8. Sterns, of Harvard, with their litile boy. Willie, called on their many frien ls here the 17th. Mrs. C. P. Wiley, of Carleton, Neb., ft sister of Mrs. Toles, is raakt.ug her a visit. All summer goeda *re being sold at discount figure® at D. W, Sopor's £eu- eral store in this village. to make the variety complete, ^ Koss Burton and family have moved to Mieh. igan Where Mr. Rurton's father resides. We ^ • wish hhn seecess In Ms new, or eatber old, home. A barn dance was held nV James McCabe's new barn one w«fek ago Friday night. A dance in the old hotel hall will ocnurnexf Friday night. Music by Tidmarnh't bend. Tickets, 38 cents. The ladies* sewing soeletv met last week at Mrs. Gardinler's. The principal purpose of the society is understood to be to manntsr. ture articles to sell at a fair and festival to he held in the future tor the benefit of the Rap. tist society. We overheard a sotir old fellow explaining to a lot of congenial spirits that these sewing societies were no earthly good but to give the women a chancs to dissect their neighbors' chara »ters. Consistency is a Je<vo« and we placed no con Idence in the re< i port.. Our Rtngwood brother has, at yet, Allied to notice the interesting item concerning, Ned Ducrs. He might vave mentioned that he was marrlid'tn Chicago onj the Uth inst, to Miss Faniiie; Raintliorp, of Rlngweod. Np«t aad his wife spent a day or two in Waucorjda, last week and received the congratulations of their friends. It is estimated that n,* to Saturday nifcht they had had the pleasure of listening to "I wish you much joy," seven hundred and ninety.throe times. By the way, justln confidence, let us whisper that wed­ dings in the Ducrs' fsmilt may not stop with Ned. It does actually look-- so they say--as if "Pa Ducrs" had matrimonial designs upon one of Wauconda's fhir daughters. V vv NOTICE. j wlfe havlng left my hed and board wi thout just cause or provotration I hereby forbid all persons to trust or harbor her on my account, sa I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date. * STSFKBS X'.SMITH, f IfoBMry, Jftlf «4tb. RIKCWOOD. RiiiTOft Pi.AianKAr.KR:--Owing to the wet weather we are allowed tune to pen a few Hems for yjur paper, some of which should have been written for la at week's news, yet we hope may be acceptable to your readers al tliis late day. Mr. Drake, whom we mentioned aa beluga visitor here has returned to his home in New England. His stay was a period of pleasant­ ness with our young folks, and all would bo glid to hearat some not far distant day that he has made up his mind to return. All who attended the pienic held at MeCel- lnm's Lake on thd 14th say they would not regret a day spent in the rime manner quite often, for the pleasure of'thc little ones"and for our part we won't go back on the crowd. If it's any pleasme for "the little ones" to see us masticating pressed chicken we'll go every time. P. H. Hai rlson and Carl Fay, who retnraed from school at Aurora, about the 4th have be­ come actively engaged at home In haying. The boys are workers, at school or at home, aad won't be Id'.e. Richard Harrison Is not as rugged as usual, bnt we hope to be able to report Mm better st next writing. J. W. Cristy is shipping a few oar loads of pressed hay from this station. Under the management of Mr. Mason the new cheese factory is in successful operation and we believe the Messrs. Oatman have in him a man who will prove satisfactory to the patrons as welt as to themselves. Those who visit the cemetery will notice a nnmber of stonss and monuments erected within a year. Among the latest is a very neat monument erected to the memory of Solomon Dodge, and a tasty little headstone lurnished by Mr. G E. Stevenson, of Paines- viile, Ohio, in memory of his little son Harrold Botn jobs were put up by Henry Miller, of Johnsburgb. Among the news we negleeted to write last week was the marriage of Mr. S. B. Duers to Miss Fannie Rainthorp. The marriage was celebrated in Chicago, where tho bride was made the recipient of'many neat and sostly presents. The yovrng couple returned to Ringwood, where they received the cougrattt- tlons of many ft ieuds and relatives. Our best wish would be health, peace aud prq^^ttUiy with longevity. Please remeuioer our prices are al­ ways as low as the lowest, and we stand ready al ail times to meet any R|.wrrfHn Richmond Department We notice several fieldsof winter wheat and rye already harvested. Onr thanka aie due to E. S, Johoanott for a nice sample of clover honey. At this writing, Richmond Is free from a ease of diphtheria. The heavy rains of Friday and Snnday nights caught a good deal of hay la the cock and wlnrow. A nnmber of persons have expressed thank* for the kindness of the Pr.AiwnKAl.RR in re. printing I he Diphtheria Circular of the State Hoard of Health last week. la onr notice of the action of the Bonrd of Supervisors in regard to bridges, we made a mistake in naming the McHenry bridge aa one to He examined and reported on by the com­ mittee. The next regular meeting of the Richmond Post Q. A. R-, will be held on tM evening of the first Tuesday In Angnst. All charter members not yet mustered are requested to be present on that evening. The Tennesseeans gave a very good concert at the Baptist Church, bnt I be andience waa not very large, owing, we think, to the price of admission being double what .Is asnally charged la a country vlllag^ Mr. ̂ nd Mrs. Henry Marsh,of this bailiwick are very proud just now, but the? apeak to common folk* jnst the ume as If their daugh­ ter Jennie, Mrs. Jewell,, of wheaton, was not the mother of a fine hey who will call them Grand pa aad Grandma. Congratulations are in order. In his 4th of July Oration at Powers' Lake, Mr. M. f'oote, of Richmond .pays the following tribute to the memory of Tom Paine, and gives a side eti t at lll-assortcd marriages: From the discovery of this Continent, over 2*0 years intervened until the Revolutionary war. When the Declaration of Independence was signed it found in many hearts a warm support. One, In particular,left home and his own country, enlisted in tho cause that all men were born free and eqnal, and possessed inalienable rights, with pen and voice*stimu­ lated the people to stand hy the Declaration and the pledge it contained. It is said of him on being asked why h« was so interested in the cause of the Colonists, said to: "The world is my home and its inhabitants my brethren." Words that should be admired for the noble, pure and sacred principle tbey con­ tain. No words were ever spoken l>y mortal man, in or out of the pulpit, that at* <nore in harmonv with the words ti Him who said. "Love one another as I have loved you." That man'u name was Thomas Paine. Oh that the world mi£ht possess in the heart that princi­ ple, -'The world is my home and its Inhabit­ ants mv brethren!" wars, atrlfe. contention, sacriliging, would cease. Fellow citixens, judge a man by what he says and does, not by what others say of him. Tlua woild was the home of Thomaa Paine, aad It is <>ur home. Mav we all be brethren. Cease to Tidicule so noble a name. Slavery was Introduced in this country in ie», hy n Dutch tracing vessel; entered the .l imes river with negroes and sold them into perpetual slavery. Thevwere not tbe onlv ones who were to blame for the institution "of slavery. The same year about one hundred women of good reputation ar­ rived hero from England and were married to the planters, each man giving for hl's wife 190 pound* of tobacco, the price »f her passage, sold themselves into perpetual slavery. It is hard to tell who was cheated. I don't know whether they amoked, chewcd, or kept it for a ktepsake. But this they did: sold them­ selves for a little line, but a fair price com­ pared With some sales In these days. I feel safe In saying that I know of some women who have sold themselves torn less sum than it took 4* Jaeob to buy the Mrthrtght of K*ia. NOTICE. Up until noon of Thursday, August 9th, 1883,1 will receive sealed proposals for tiie building of a school house In District No. 1. For plans and specifica­ tion? apply to CBAS. HAI.DF.MAN. Richmond. 111. •t Th. Great Revolution Over west KIM. Abonttl0.000 worth of go6rh| to be converted into cash nt once. We want to sell everything we Imve. but more particularly such goods as Parasols. Lawns. Dress Goods of every descrip­ tion.Buntings.Alpacas, Brocaded goods in different shades and variety, Ging­ hams, etc. How would you like to buy it few yards Lawn st S and 7Jc per yard, worth double. Clothing way down to bottom. The profit on Shoes has b?en cut In two; come end try on * few. J000 yards Bleach Cotton st 7J cents; cheap at 10 cents. In fact cash will buy all kUudt Of goods extremely low. Try It. 4 FlTZSIMMOKS A EVAN90N. NeW Ifcesttturaiit at Nunda. The undersigned having fitted up his building on Malu Street, Nuuda, es­ pecially for the purpose, hai now opened one of the finest Restaurants and Ice Creitm Parlors to be found in the county. Ice Cream, Lemonade, choice Confectionery.and In short everything usually kept in a place of this kind can be found here, nnd no pains will be spared to please all who may give me ft call. Canned Goods of all kinds, and of the best brands to be fonnd in the market, always on hand. Call and see me. A. SoKiinisoman. Nunda, III., Jfnly Wth, HU. Hurricane! Anil hnrrv Mrs. Cane, and hurry Smith and hurry all the rest of the inhabitants of McHenry and vicinity, and go get some of t lie hue photographic views of your handsome Utile village, at E. W Wheeler's book and news t-tand. And you who have fine houses will never have a better opportunity to get beau­ tiful pictures made of your homes. Call and see samples of work at Wheeler** and leave ardors there. i n: HAKBT I.. NlCOLBT. Photographer. fiftilea* fine Cloth Shoes, former price #1.50 to #3.00, now offered at 85c at H. COLBT'S. For first-class insurance against fire and Lightning, wind storms, cyclones, tornadoes, etc., etc.. apply to Asa W. Smith, Woodstock. III. fc 1 Secure The Original. .. ERE THE SUBSTANCE FADES. J,. E. Bennett, Photographer, wifches to inform the public that lie is now prepared to do all work In his line in the beet style of the Art and warrant all work just as represented, or no charge will be made. Being perma­ nently located In McHejiry, I am in a condition to make m» guarantees good. Hiitl will allow no pictures to leave my Gallery unless satisfactory. I he fol­ lowing from the Nunda Ueraid speaks volumes. Our people are hereby cautioned about dealing with strangers, espec- ially not to pay for negatives until you get vour photographs. We have heard of people getting left by transients. We warrant satisfaction If yoti de*l with our advertisers. Ask Geo. Skin­ ner how he liked hie pictures. Call at my Gallery over Perry A Owen's store, take a look at my s|tecl- iuiens. aud il you waut any pictures either of yourself or friends. w« will guarantee satisfaction or uo charge will be tu*<h!- ^ T--R PrnrrircT H*Ueury,m., *8*. Go to Mrs. Howe's for Dressmak I ng. Down's celebrated Corsitti*' H. II. Nichols*. • ' No trouble to show gfeJNi* questions at R. Bishop's. Carriages sold low st tt. I. Owe* & Son's. f • i ' Ladles Wraps, DohHnwM.Jackets and Ulsters, at Perry A OwesO. -i m, ...i Farm BeiU cheap, at John 1. Story** -- 1 1 1 1 ; ; Building Paper, e!»cft|>, ,W Join L Story's. • Gents Fine Slioes* sevfpit styles, • v: Perry A Owen's. ' ' ite Iron Ware st John 1. Storjft Corvets. Corsets, Corsets, ftt Perry Owen's. • Buckeye Force Pumps, at K. M Owen's. Fine line of Lace and Colortul Bnal« ings at Perry <1 Owen's. Carpets. Wall Paper and Wlndiwr Shades, full line, at Perry A Owen's. j A large variety of Missfes Conettf* cheap, at Mrs. H. IV. Nichols'* The "Boss" Barrel Churn ftt Jo9ts T, Story's. • * The Istes: Cultivators wftfl # and • Hhovels with the Boss FoOt Lilt at Kr M. Owen A Son's. • < Tiger Rake, with Pole. At S. M. Owen & Son's. Is tl*e boss The celebrated Bi^eil for 11 The best thing In list ftt John I. Story's. Lumber Wagons. Milk Wagons, Plat­ form Spring Buggies for sale at JL Bishop's warehouse. Fishing Tackle of all kinds ftt M. Engeln's, in Howe's Block, near the new Bridge. The finest line of silver »nd Plated Ware to be found in thfe county, at O. W. Owen's. Aa usual we -hnve this spring thl finest line of Embroideries In town. Hutitr COLBT. An elegant Hue of dress buttons slat! trlmmlugs always to he found ftt Heury Colby's. ^ Madam McGee Corsetto. The best on the market at llayes j •artltHl'"*' "r • J v.1 ijf. \ • • ,2 CLOTHINGS vis: A complete stock of Men's and B«y% Clothing at bottom prices. Psisritnria , 'J »;•" Drags Drags, Drags, a lot ln hand*. Steel tooth aud must sell, Fov sale by K. Bishop A full line of chotott grocerte* alwayH obtained at > , HENRY COLBY'S. , "K ------ ^ "BUNTINOSI in black and color*. If win Veiling, Cashmeres, Summer SHkS. A full line of summer iTress Gohds aoift Trimmings at Perry A Owen'* < ,fi -I BIRD CAGJBS. * ^ : Bird Cages, in all stylet sn^t prieea. stylet and at John I. Story's. A lot just reoelved- ?al! aud see them. Ladies, we think we can show yon the "prettiest" line of laces |hat was everbronght to this market. Ask to see Cbem at Henry Colby's. ; Everything iu farming ̂ Implements from a Swill Cart to a McCoraldt Twine Binder, can be found at tho warehouse of K. Bishop. DIAMOND DYES. ^t have all colors of the e«)ehv«Ci|4|^i Diamond Dyes ouiy 10c a package. J HKNHY CVLBT. ." 4 CLOTH 1 NO, Onr stock of Clothing is nnnsoaVy complete and will be sold ver dieap fay cash. HKMKTCoi.Br. Our stock of drugs, chemicals and patent medicines was never more complete. Goods reliable % and prices right* V Kamtr COUIX. ^ We desire to call the attention of the ladies to our dress goods department. We have added a fine line of cashmeres, camellettes. silks, satins, etc.. whtoh will be sold on very close margins. HENRY COLBY. Yonng Indies, onr new walking shoes and French nnd Mat Kid button vboes are Mjust lovely." Call and se at Henry Colby's, THK choicest line of Dolm Ladie*' Neck Wen; In town E. Wi Howe's. at Mis GLASS 1 GLASS*/ We keep Glass of all sises censtswtly on hand. Special«sixes cut withont extra charge. JOHN I. STORY. Rakes, at E. M. Own «t Son's: New Hollingsworth, Tiger and Furst 0 Bradler Self-Dnm^b. Knowltou, Archer and Coates. All warranted. The bottom droppetl out. Hut I still live to meet or best soy and all Cuts that has been or may be made, on Barb Wire. JOHW I. STORT. The Ladies will always fiud a fine ' line of Laces aud Neuk-we*r at Mrs. H. H. Nichols'. She keeps a full *•» sortineut of the latest styles to be found iu the market. Farmers, in buying a Twine Btmltf for 1883. see that it IwS the 1«B Ml i proveiueuts. 1 See that it has an Angtfe Iran Bar, See that it ha> AppTeby's iatesl Packer Trip. Don't buy a clogging Binder. Don't pay your utouey tor an exper* iment. Buy ft Binder which has a well tried and successful Trip. Buy a Binder which has a Knotted known to be tx'rfeetly reliable. Buy a M/yffEAPOLlS. and y«xt wiilg*t the latest Improved aud an**! reliable Binder ottered. Sold by JE. M. Oweu & Sou. BINDERS. TWINS BIN DBAS. Fanners, do not be <l«*l|»4 by the claim that the Ap|>h>by Btndnrs are all alike. Tho MimwapulU tiie ewijr uiachtne that iias Mr. Appltby's late iiiiproveineiMs. All 'MV' haivestrr eoni|>.-tui«s u»e only i« ui. •$> to iStSO. The MinweaiWisle tne "FULL BLUOir himleroa ket. Take m» a^^utV woml fur youiselves. Ib-meml'i apoU»«ath« hast, *4 J£. M+ OeWi / • ' - • . . ..........

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