' % i'iie*] » moet critical «t more nMure ., ,11... t that mi from the tnt ^tf-iktuie and Justly aocort'd; ftitoa by |T*M" was tt» wonderful laTMti«d to save erring man. IMly atoMiseet Be kaew how te IMtl ttw effect* of hi* *wn aad mistake. JTeir this WM «IM doctrlM *t good Parson Brown, not loaf sloe* la * naall oonn- Ml|*^J '̂(a||d4WraMt|Ma could so ex. tft deiftfWtaf Ike torments of •inner* In hell, g ftuaoaa revival commenced IB the ferthaadreda «r seals SNI«4 "salvation by Bat lie IWt he had not attained his desire fill he taut converted one Peter McGuire. TWi Ma was a blacksmith, fmak, fearless tad bold, With great brawny sinews, like Vnlcan of old, He had little respect for what mialsters preach, ' Aad sometimes was very profime in Ma speech. Hi* opinions were Hounded in elear common ; sense, . 4L«1 he spots fts fce thonght, though he oft gave offense. Sat however ranting in whole or in part, lie was sound and all right when you oome t his heart. One day the good parson, with ptons intent, To the smithy of Peter moat bopefnlty went; And there, while the hammer indu%triously swung, „ He preached and exhorted, he prayed and he sung. MMd warned and entreated poor Peter to fly Praathe pit of destructloa before he should die, Aad to wash himself eleaa from the world's slnfal strife, lathe Mood of the lamb, aad the river of life. Well, aad what would yoa beiochned to ex- Whs MM yvohaMe I sane aad likely effect? Why, he « swore Ilka a pirate." and--what do yoa think? fna a little black bottle took something to diMrt Aai he eaM, "Illsot meatioa the blood of the l«a* * Aa«t as Car the river, it ain't worth a --' Then, pausing, as If to restrain his rode force, Ha qaietly added, "A mill-dam, of coarse." Qalck aat of the smithy the minister fled. As if a Mf hemb-ebell had burst near his head; Aad as ha aoatlaaed to haste on his way, Ho anas toomach excited to slag or to pray; Bat ha thought how some wsre elected by bethought ' tort of the llaayofy^W DA • y. vf r «j- .^¥>d TO MFE PROPERTY Beset yon on every hand. The mutter of the s tycoon, sickloon, saloon, eye lone, tornado, wmdstarm, or whatever name may be given it, is beam in tone section of the eoaatry nearly every day. The Fire Fiend May break out at (any moment--the economy of a lifetime be consumed. Death must come to all. By a small payment each year you can secure to yourself a foi tunc, should von live, or, in the event at death before the time expires, your family is provided for. 91.t0.. €00,000 is repre»vnte*t by this agency. Our rates are as low as experience has found to be safe. You will save money by insuring With me. General Insurance, Life, Fire. Lightning and Tornado a specialty. Thanking all my friends for their liberal patronage, and, hop ing, by square dealing, to merit a continuance of the same, I beg to subscribe myself. Respectfully yours, C. &. MOREY. McHeary, I1L. June 11, 1883. FARMERS READ THIS, - WI <VF { 4 '• T t ' '*f'f - • Si:1 If you contemplats buying anything in the Implement line we wish to announce to you that We have a grood, honest Hues of Good on hand of all descriptions; and for reasons that we are ready to explain, know that we can save you money on any Goods in our fine. It ig full and complete. All Goods warranted to be as represented and if you find thfem not as represented we willcheerfrlJy refund your money. Our stock of Plows is complete, consisting of the Kockfbrd Sulky Plow, the Skinner Stubble extrs\ double sfttni-hardened, either in wood or steel beam, the Beloit wood or steel beaim Stubble Plow with Gesley Jointer; also the Gesley Sulky Plow that/can easily be handled by any boy tha t can drive a team. •? - ">i #3' 11' M V"J ^ •' s.' Stfi o.i >. t. ..J?. ..'fe,; *»"&• *> T77P' »» ' T «i 4 . * > ; „»,<•*' ' " . -v / - rt ».V Jd ; •»* ^ RlJ, } swM"*"!1"1 111,1" i RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHENRY, ILL. Jamea Robbins, Stoloa MUls, . . •>$>& • --Dealer Farm Machinery. We have the CHAMPION mm& m mowees, And the Beat HA.Y RAKE in the market. MTBeatirsof all hinds constantly en band. Call andsee me. James Robbins* Solon Mills, June *>th, 18d& ; ? Rakes! Did you say Hakes ? VfeW we have 011 hand Bird, EI I wood Self Dump, Centennial, Surpri Old Reliable Hollinj»sworth Sulky Rati;e. No no, but the Original. It is, J^Q I^QW king ot the field to-day. '• The McCormiek Iron Mower. To malie hay y a good old adage, but to make ̂ iay at all requires lie full line. ,v:3Phe Red but not least, the imitation in ours, no imp^mei^t* - It stands hile the suii shines is a good Mower. McCormick lias no equal. We also handle the NBW Clipper Mower. The R. O. HILL, WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS, "I'Mmram nr-- Am heirs ot Um Kisgdosu, sMde sure of their WWts sfbsrs wan doomed to the paias of hell . «TS, AM it e'er there was s«flh oae, twas Pater McGuire. Viit aigbt. wbsa the storm Uag was riding on high, JKMA tha red shafts of ligbtaiag gleamed bright through the sky. KM ehuroh of the Tillage, "tha temple of God," Wtts struck for tltftai of a good lightning rod; ... Aad, swiftly deaceadung, the element dire, Sat! The oalnUter's house, close beside it, on lire, Wkllf jkp faaeefblly alvmberea with never a Agricultural Implemenls, OI ALL KINDS. We keep a full line of Farm Machinery of the best swnullactare aad seU a| Bed Rock Prices. ,; ̂ Mn Want anything in the Agriculmra Machinerv line, do not fiiil to call on me be. tore purchasing, as I can sare you money. I am also agent ter Lake and Mcllenr} Counties for the ^bHAMFnKV Feed Cutter OCthatarrtble work of destruction so near. *baie were Mury, aad Hanaah, sad Touuay, aad Joe. All •vattlr asleep In the bedroom below. While their father was near, with their moth- * S«va« rest, (Likatlw wife of John Sogers, with "one at tbe breast,") Bal Alice, the eldest, a gaatle yoang dare. Was asleep all alone in the room jnst abqpre; aid when the wild cry of the rescuer came, Sfta oaly was left to the pitiless flame. The fond mother counted ber treasnres of love, Whaa, lo! one was missing--"O, Father above," Bew a|dly she shrieked in her agony wild-- •Hy Alice! My Alioe! Oh, save my dear -child!" Then down oa his kaeas Ml the person and prayed, * That the terrible wrath of the Lord might be stayed. • MM Peter McGuire: MPs»yer ts foed %u its plaee, Bat then, it don't snit this particular case." Re turned down the sleeves of his red flannel V shirt. To shield his great anas, all besmutted with dirt; Then into the billows of smoke tod of lire, Met pausing M iastwat, dashed peter Mc. Guire. Ot that terrible moment of anxious suspeasel Hew braathlesa their watehlngl their fear, how intense! Aad then their great joy which waa freely ex. pressed. Wluso Peter appeared with the child on his breast. A shout rent the air whea the darling he laid la the arms of he# mother, so pale aad die 9 SMyed; . looked ap am) aanit gratefully owed dpwn his head aad he wept Uke a child.' O, those teais of brave manhood which rained W - ? e'er his face, •hawed the true graoa af nature aad tbe aa* tare of graca. •Twas a manifest token, a visible sign Krf Of the indwelling Ufe of the spirit divif '̂ Consider suck natures and then. If yod Ji, Preach of "total depravity" innate iu man, Tatkaf blasphemy! Why, 'tis protaaity wild J9» say that a father thue earsed hi* awn child. Oa learnt tha stars, aad tha daw-spangled aod, tkat all tillage rejatea ia the goodaees of Gad-- That each thing creates it good ic Its plaee, Aad aatare is but an expression of grace. Tott can hav4 a grinder attached to jrHnr at tbe same time you arn cut ting, Kvrvy pm ehas6r gets a written guaratUfie with his tna chine. It Is ^ositivelv the EA IET MUX- NiNtiFKED GUTTJStt IN i'HK JdAKiiKT Give me a call. R. C. HILL Waneanda, 111., Dec. M. 1882. With all its late improvements foi 1883. The farms now see it is to their interest to use the nothing, never strikes for higher wages, is a fai never wearies of work, always pleases the Ja< additional boarders. We make the easiest running Wagon, use material, get up work in good style and finish Cash Prices. ' finally will say that our f tock is full and overflowing, and feel con fident that we can please y6u in quality of goods* and Prices if you will favor us with a call. With thauks for pa$t lavors, we solicit a continuance of the same upon the claim that iwl Goodi lor the least money. Rfspct, Yours wners of the smallest wine Binder, as it eat3 ful, obedient servant, e», as it involves no ly the best seasoned and sell at Lowest will sell the best BISHOP. R E A DO YOU WANT TO BUT Sewing Machine? I have on hand and am selling nt the Low. est prices, the Domestic, EMredge, New Home, Surinsrlleld, New American, ami Singer e wing Machines, and w <11 not be undersold by any agent 111 the county. A good Singer Machine for 20. warranted to do the work of any Singer Machine in the world. Call and see me. O. W. OWEN. McHenry, Feb. SO, 1888. A. wtthootM eucihe. *11? sH m rli Isl THI8 MAGNETIC BELT IS Bakery Supplies. 'M. Engelo. at hie store a few doors 'tffcrtti or tbe Riverside House, lias made imanU Uauppsy his customers public generally, with fresh Supplies of all kinds. taMti Bread, Biscuit, Cakes, Pies, etc.. CM be found at hfs store at all times, aed tee respectfully Invites the public to give Mia a call. He also keeps on band Chick's and Spencer's Flour. «rbi<A will compare with any to be fjfraad lu tbe market. Give me a call . jMeHenry, May 8th, MM. Work Given Out. On receipt of your re will make in oflcr by which jroa£*n earn $3 to t7 evenings, nt your hotfte. Men. woesen, boys or j^iris can de i*. H. 0. WllMjI^oi. A Co., 195 and Stroet, Sew York, wsar Fine Shoes. « Our stock of Foster's celebrated ||eloit Shoes is complete. For style and durability they cannot lie excelled. Ask to see them. WARRANTED TO CURE& .,3ns ..wing lUmiiei In tkekxk, klM, head, or :o. (caeral fckllltr, la, MlaUea, dbeu- j, torpid liver, coat, mMteaey, MthM, heart dl*. „--. --»wl,ill«», cndpclai, ladlse*. •aittu all tk«M flmm af a per. ••aal irtfra. from whatever cause, the continuous UaOHINAL SUrnitTIR. a TO THE UDIES:-^.^ griiaartl--,B»spea»la,arwith IMaeaacaaftha Liv ely Kllieri, BWIMM «r (j«U FCTT, Iwdlci er Weak AaVlee, «r Swollra Feet, an Abdominal Belt and a pair of Ktgnetic Foot Batteries have no (upetio* inthene'lef aDdenre of all tbecf complalnte. They cany a powerful Mgaatio foroe to tbe seat of tb* With an utiuauaUy large assortment of Hardwsp, Tiaware. Stoves, Granite IxmWm &c. AT BOTTOM PRICKS! JOHN I. STOtBY, At the old htand of Jacob Story, McHenry, invites the attention tof Dairymen, House-Keepers, in Jact everybody, to his large stock of TVJilk Cans, Creamery Pails, and everything in the line of TIN AND GRANITE IRON WARK, which he is selling at prices as low its the lowest, workmanship a lid quality of go ods guaianteed. Tin Hoofing, EaveTroughing, Jobbing and Repairing promptly attended to J2j|PRemember, extra good bargains cam always be obtained MAYES & BARTI.KTT DEALERS IN-- i READY - MADE CLOTHIR G At Centerville, McHenrv. McHENRY, ILL., January 23d, 1883* CHEAPER THAN EVER. Far Laae Back. Weakaeaaaf the Wn», Fall, la^ef the womb, LeiHrrkaa, Ckrmtc Intluinma- Uaaaa4 ClwratlM af the W«ak, lacldentai Hem- •rrhace er Fleealag, Palaflil, Hoppr«««i <l and ir- ranler Mnutnuttea, Bamnew, and < h»nao •( Life, this lathe BMAWUUM aad CaraUve Ageat For*Jul forme of Teaiale PtflnHlM It Is nn«nr-bjr anjUiJDK before invented, butli at: a cujauve ajcer.t and as a aoorce of power and vi ta lizat! on. Price of either Belt wltn Magnetic Foot Bottcrle*. SIO. Bentbjr exprewC.O.D..and examination allowed, or Ijr •nail on receipt of price. In ordering, send m<>ni are of wautandaiseofrhoe. Remittan<« can be made in cur-reiicy, sent in letter at our rule. The Magneton Garments are adapted to all ages, are Woni over the ander clothing, (not neit to the wdr like tbe Man J tialraalc and I'lectrlc If hiu-uuc» ndvcHlar4 ea ezteavlTclr) and Bhor.ld bo taken off at nfffht. They liold tlnir poutc/oceicr, and areworn at al! »uaHonsof theyear. itftmp for th» "New Dca' tare in Medical Treat, merit Without Hediclue," with thoiuand*of teeti"M>> main. OH APPLIANCE COJ. State Nt., ClUca£or&.. Two Doors North of Perry & Owen* My stock of Turniture is complete with a larger stock than ever, aud will be sold as cheap as any other in the county, and it will be to he interests of the buying public to ca uponMme!.whenin want of ttnything in that line. UNDERTAKING. In this department I keep a first-class assoi-tmeiit of Caskets and Coffins and Shrouds of all kinds and qualities,. A Hearse furnished at reasonable rates. . 1 ' # JOHN .8, BLAKE. • Z, K » % j.,.? ! _% 0 i f l| * ' * •'- * * ^ Grand Closing nle'«(„ * t.. . • SWEEPING REDUCTION IN PRICES TO CLOSE. Fancy Straw Goods at 25 to 50 cents on the dolltr. Linen VVear at less than one-fourth what it cost w. f-j, ! •-r.' A' & I'» > / Lawns below cost. Parasols at cost. M - " * - 1 Walking Shoes at cost and below. - ^ ' 50 pairs Ladies' Cloth Shoes worth from $1.50 to #2.00 per pair reduced to 85 cents. And many other goods at prices that will pay close buyers to inspect. ^ McHenry, Illinois, March 5,1883. s tiifeii THE REDDY Oil STOVE f ii till World. Five diffeveut all fuvui^liod complete, and sold as cheap o\ cheaper than any other house in the county. Call and see them. E - M - H O W E - . When GOLDING BROTHERS, <!• s 7 WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS. Are ready to fulfill the promise made to show the people of that place and vicinily the .IiAllGliST, MOST ELEGANT And varied stock of Goods for the Summer trade, 'consisting in part OF DRY QGODS, NOTIONS, GBOCERIES. ̂HATS A1>D CAPS, Boots, %hoes. Crockery, Glassware, lbe.y A6 Which they are bound to sell as cheap as good Goods can be bought anywhere. In short, everything that can be found in a general store will be kept and sold as low as the lowest, and everything warranted as represented. When in want of goods in our line you will find it for your interest to call and see us Wauconda, III:, June 1st, 1883. --OF-- SPRING AND SUMMER At the Old Reliable Boot and Shoe Bouse DWIGHT. Come early and examine my new goods which are now being received and placed upon the market to be sold for very little money, „ Our Stock is the Largest, the Cheapest and the Most Desirable . ,p the Northwest. Drop ia and take a look and get my low Cash Prices. - ? - "f H: DWIGHT, Woodstock, HI * ins, Utah, Cttli ' n, Cotora*Wyom- R.'FTST&US'ISSLI: OLD E8TAI wm And all points in Northern traJ. Eastern and Northwestern KS«. XT-- Mixm*-and . ft. rofMvuCii. TXT* , Idaho. ifomin, ITRNJITN, tory, liritinh Voluntbin, the 8andwich Islands, Xrtc Z'-aland, a^d all principal points m NORTH, NORTHWEST and WE8T. With its own lines it traverses North ern ILLINOIS, Central and Northern , IOWA, WISCONSIN Northern MICh£ GAN.^r^NEHOTA. and Cen^l DAKi TA* It offers to the tricolor BCCOZM- modation3 that can be offered by any railroad. Its train service equals t.h«A of any road: their speed Is as great as comfort and safety will permit: they make close connections in union aepots at junction and terminal points with the leading railroads of the West H Northwest, and offer to those that use them . SPEED, COMFORT AND SAFETY At CHICAGO it makes close connec tion with all other railroads at that city. It runs PALACE SLEEPING CARS on ! -- -v --.--.> \J\X i uo Mlitll'iV and on its ST. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS I throuyrh day express trains. If you wiflh the Best Traveling Accom modations you will buy your Ticket * by this route AND WILL TAKE NON13 OTHER. For rates slncrle or round tickets and for< full information in re- for trip rc „rd to all parts of the West. North and xVorthwest, write to General Passenger Agent, at Chicicro, 111. All Coupon Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Line. J. D. LAYNG, MARVIN HUGHITT, Qeu«3up"t. MYire-lY,-*. and Gen. MauMMf. i W. H. STENNETT, . • Gen. Pass. Agt., Chicago. \ HEADQUARTERS **r.' ""V'1 x - ANO Agricultural Machtsiiy, 1. P. tMI'S, Richmond - Illinois. I sell every implement. Tool or Machine a farmer wants. PL.\TKOUM SPRING, DE. LIVJSBY AND FARM WAUONS. TOP AND OPEN BUGGIE3 One, two and three seated., nt lower prices/ than any othor concern northwest of Chicago^ In the Agricultural Department I have the-; Moline, Davenport, and the.John Deere Piows^ poth Sulky and Walking. The Keystone and i.iclimonrt Champion Planters. The Kich> moml Broadcast and Superipr Seeders. Har rows of a 11 kinds at lower prices than ever , hefove. Corii (/iiitivfuorsni'all er*, itditpnip tutd Twine Hunters, iu anytl».in«a >(<an wants in (he lan;i line. KKOM A CIiKVW '10 A STEAW R!1* ! •3I31E. .• PINE PAINTING. In my Painting Department I have securer! the services of II. H. NK'IIOLS, whr* is well known in McHenry and Lake Counties as one of the lir st painters in this part of the coun try. Call and see his worlr, which speaks for itself. Kor "Artistie Style" in this line, we defy competition. Blacksiuitliin;, and.Repairing Dono In a workmanlike manner and war ranted. Call and sen me before puacha&ing as I pm sure I can save you money . A. P. OH A F, Richmond, Marsh 6th, 1883. BEAUT (OH BDSWISS' E. M. HOWE, SUCCESSOR TO O. C. COLBT] Having purchased.the stock of Hardware ot O. 1'. Colliy, In the Store opposite Bishop"! Mill. I am now prepared to offer to the bujr* ing public anything in the line of UASDWASB, TIHWAEE Stoves.&e. prirM to suit tho times. \i Will alFo And a larg-e assortment of Dairr men's Utensils, Milk Paits. Milk Pails, Milk Cans and anything in that line at prices as Low a$ the Lowest . A foil stock »1 BARB WIRE always « hand. JOBBINC ANO REPAIRING, Promptly Attended to. WDon't buy any., thing in the Hardware Line until yon har* examined my stock and learned prices. E. M. HOWE, McHenry, February 27. KJ6S. JOS. WIEDEMANN, Saloon and Restaurant, NEAR! THE DEPOT. McHENRY, - ILLINOIS The best Brands of Wines. Liquors and Cigars always on Hand. Good jStablfag foi Horses. ALSO AGENT FOR Franz Falk's MILWAUKEE Reer in l^arge or Small Kegs or Bottles al ways on hand cheaper than any other, quail tv considered. This Beer has a world wide reputation, and good judges acknowledge it cannot be Imr i.assed in the world. 1 Orders by mail promptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. McHenry, 111. Aug. 10th, 1883. ^ Call and examine tliosn Bl.ick Wal- nut Extension at J. g, B]*ke' cash. cn in I lie tiioso BUCK wm- II Tables at #1.00 per foot e'8. S| per «**>% fit . ' ii,