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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Oct 1883, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, OCT. SI, lS8l ,1. V iM lliYKa Kditor. *m (Chicago conies the hiter- iwtl«*jr #mt«ment tlmt .1. I. Caw, the rtf the \vbntl»rful Utile'- horse <%«, has'rofiwctl ail ofier of tft0.(>0n (r.r him, placing the |>rice at' •IW.lKlfKTJfe mtwt seom an awful re- •pooitihliiry t6 a'besrt whose Instinct Macho* him, a# Jay-Eye-See's doubt- 1»m doe*. Hint lie is worth as. much as :#ith«VMt *vlshlng to turu the |t#a<1 or rcmicr »ervr>«®tlia.£.<iU of the great tr^tor, w« wouhl remind him that thte whlow of a man who was It Iliad hv a corporation in the South- weft th$ ether <3av, only received ; tll&OO. Hor»e, 1100,000; man, 912,500! )t laoks as thonsrh the man must SCO, f®»0«veriier^forr;iy. of Utah, re- partls the situation as critical, and foret&tfr; In the firilu^ of the Edmunds bill. tlte growing power of the Mormon*. a deadly foe to order and good government. His suggestion that a legislative council should be ap­ pointed in place of the legislature is worthy of tlm profound censidorafion of Congress. The Clrtirclt of the Lai; ter-J)*y Saints-was never stronger and more insolent towards tl\e Federal "G»rertim«nt.tlian it is fo-day. How to rid the country of the growing evil of polygamy is one ef the most difficult political and jsoclal problems of ligk hour.--JEr. s .. "[J- - • 1 |$*A New York dlspatOT siysiT^In the Investigation of the Jersey Central lease to the Reading road at Trenton, Friday, Mr. Gowan asserted that ex* Senator C«»i»kling'8 method of examin­ ing a witness was "violent, brutal and outrageous." Mr. Cnnkling retorted that Gowaitie language ' was foul- mouthed, when' Judge Nixon infer* fered and secured peace. Later on Gonklln whispered to one of the audit­ ors,' when Gowan excitedly claimed that the ex-Senator had called the wit­ ness a d--d scoundrel. Conkling's re­ ply to tills was that one who repeated » remark tliin overheard was a black­ guard. »This resulted in an exciting scene, the clerk, in the absence of the judge, finally restoring order." ,J9»A dude looking young man with sin all cane and eyeglM8S0S,*tepped into a New York saloon th3 other day and CHlled for birch beer. The proprietor thinking be had a chalice for lome fun with a gre<M» 'un, and winked to his bar keeper and replied: "Young feller,ask­ ing for birch beer iiere means fight. How do you want to get licked ?" The dude looking young in an backed away stammcriug Hti apology, but the big bloke of a pioprietor followed him with a blow'which..was meant to scare If not to hurt. But somehow the blow fell short, anil the dude dropped III* glasses and cane, pulled 6fl his coat ai.-d before the astonished proprietor of the dun could take an observation, Ifnded a blow under the latter*^ chin tumbling him into the corner. The bar keeper saw the situation' ait-,1 sailed in, biit met with a reception which reversed him. landing his hair in the coal scuttle and placing his feet on the counter. •'StejY right up gentlemen for any needed refreshments.'* said the ex-dude "I've lots more left'." But they didn't toe the mark. "Are you Sullivan?"said the proprietor sheepishly aiuf cautious­ ly as he collected his personal efiects frbm the mint' "*Oh, no," was t!«• re­ ply, "I'm •••'-" - instructor of boxing in the-^--r-- athletic club, and I'll trouble you for-some birch beei*.'* He got ft. .^•fiT^apt. Mayne Re id, the advent- ' ii^er, Indian story writer, and gallant •oidier, is dead. He died on Monday in London, which place has been his 110 e for some time. Born in the north of Ireland in 1818 and educated for the ministry, he often thought it strange that itis life sltouH have been so differ­ ent from what his parents designed, {^joining to this conntry at an early age. «£4 d«tt,ermi»ed to wo the whole of it tJ^ait-iit eitaily imagined thatlie saw ... m lis bad t» work his way. But itis travels here proved, of value to him in after yeanyas it was in describing what he l^ard,»nd saw that made his books £© iHtertsting. Although well known on Recount of his writings, it is onacconnt •f his heroic exploits in tli^, Mexican war that Cap. Refd will have a name 111 American history, lie led tiie storm­ ing of 'Chepultepec, and although severely Wounded, he raised himself from the ground to cheer his men on t# victory. That battle saved 'the American army In the Mexican valley. Capt. Peld was mentioned for jiis Iratery then, and ought to be honored^ tor all time to come by Americans. New Books Received--CoppV 0. S. Sajary List and Uivil Service Rules. Our many readers will Welcome the solid information contained In the 160 pages of this recently-issued book. It l#prepared by Henry N. Copp, a law- vercrfjWashington. D. C. .All the Government salaries are given front ^o?iwjpt Arthur's . $50,000 to post masters with $500, officials of the Treas ury. Interior, War and Navy Depart­ ments, Custom Houses, post-offices'and fully 20,000 federal office rearranged by States and Territories. Specimen ex­ amination questions for admittance to the Civil So *vice throughout tiie coun­ try are ad Jed. The price of tiie book is only 35 cents. Every young man and woman who lias not decided upon a calling in life needs this publication. The government oflers lucrative and honorable employment. Every citizen who expects his Senator or Represen­ tative to offer him a government posi­ tion, by possessing this manual can decide at ouc« whether to accept or decline the offer, . Ittpoy save cancR- dates from decliuingfnt officej* through wrong Information. Should the Demo­ cratic party csirry t^e next Presidential election every Democrat in the country would want this book without a doubt. Politicians alone have heretofore held this knowledge. The people now have a chance to learn Into whose pockets their money goes, and how th«uatlon's Income is expended. Concerning serenades and -til* Rich- mend Baud.lf I mistake not. 14 is m.iny a time that I have "tripped the light fantastic toe" at tlie mueicand the call Of the sire of.'(It# leader of tliat pros­ perous blind. And as I road the name "Repa«s, loader" I wn«. In soul at least, carried back to those halcyon days wlwu Billy RepitM and Arthuf West*, colt led us Ih the'%ii»ar.y danco" through th« "wee hours morning," "till daylight doth appear." And now In iiiOMOjry thereof 1 tend {greeting to the Rlcfftftend Band and Its leader. it Is stated J>ii good authority. that statistics show that over 6600 women dip annually In the United States from the attempt to destroy unborn chil* drihi* "To the railroad engineer, red Is a signal of danger. It applies equally as well whtfh on the top of a man's nose." Frank Brady's team ju«t dashed through the Pnrk, threw him out, and he is badly hurt ; but how badly is not known. As It Is mail-Closing time I cannot wait for particulars. PRKTKN.SA ;• will, for the sake of ap penroiMje.'pretisnd To forget, us yon wish, bul If 1 nil end By settmln-x too cohl, it Is only pretense, And you will forgive and forget my offense, Itemember, I only pretend to forte! -- The <1ays awl the years will be full of regret; Hut if, as win hapnen, von need i true friend, I will, at your bidding, forget to pretend. The sun throws a/smile as he sinkhf\ the wwt, And e:i« h little flower holds t!*n breast ^ ^ IRFORMA1 -- TIIE VlLUABLK BUSINE8S CUIOC. •SllOltr PULKS tor the convenience of Mtnclmntu, Mnnul'wUnrers, Farmers, Tencti. cis, students, Clerks, Kvoryboiy. Sliort methods for iiieHsurtnK sire, weight and ciipacity of everything. THblux for tor.®., telling weather, all easily understood and a perfeH mystery to those who db-' ftot uuder- stund ttioin. •• I3lfeIIN ESS LAWS I . Interest TnblMt Comp'eteT ilile» f«r labor­ ing Men by the Day, Wei>k or Month, and ree* ords of universal interest. A remarkably useful Itook, nicelv houn I in eolors. conven- rent for the jK»ekei dr offlce desk. Sent post- paid for 15 cents. 4;ent*' wanted. W. O. WEEKS, Delavan, Wis. Z.I ; « irs.'-' TELEPHONE nile ib its In loving embraee, nn«Ht does nolt forgot, Though it welcomes the son wrtii tours of regret. ? '• '-t, Enoiish hns been snltl; if you wish It, farewell. And vet if von questioned lijr lie.irt it would tell Its story of 8f»tine»s, Its tnles of regret, Aud would bid you farewell, Imtf^vMnot forget." . . MARRIAOK MCBNSR8. * ! Joh(Wtomlr to Ann Simmons. . Edsnn D Wilcox to Minnie Prink. C la re n -.e K Austin to Ol.iri M W;itroaS. CONVKYANCES. S E Baldwin extx, to J A Baldwin, p«wer oft attorney. J K llfTisman and W J Miner to S L Burton, Chat Mortgage. G H Olaysou to Beckley & Johnson, Cbat. Mortgmc. B w Smith to WnrScott, Release Mortgage. O T ll*wverto P D llawver, bill of sale. E M Titcoinb et rex to Frank Gaili, warranty de<*d. Allen Giles to John Tone, warrnnty deed. M M Clolhrer et rex to C W Carter et rex. Y L Peterson to M M Clothier ot rex, re­ lease ilee'l. W II .Stewart Clothier et rex, release deed. C W Carter et rex to M M Clothier etrpx. mort. cieed A Edwards to It OsboPH*>ha t. TiiorKrage. Mich. Keery to Jaimcs uanlnet, reletse mort. Ifm sharp to John liardner, release mort. John Gardner to M C Uardner, warranty deed. Frank Westerman to O H Donnelly, chat. mort. . Kdwftrd Kitz Patrick to Mieliael McAulifT, release deed. W 11 McAnliff te Mich, ileAnliff, warranty deed. V Mich. MnAutiff to W II AfeAiiHS; warranty deed, : - • * - MlttbiSfeAulinr to^usnn Mv'r>«mofbdeed. || aorlf auy of our rulers iu Itigh offl* cial position still indulge the delusion ;^ttiat the Mormon authorities are loyal to our goternm«o.t and its laws, they kutsl itave been undeceived by the * »utspoken defiance of the leading rep- »8ent»tiv«ft qCfciie church, at the late Salt Lak« Conference. President Smith jlxhorted ' ftis ehtluisiastlc hearers to lltand by the church aud to resist any Interference from the United States, wftmi Bishop Hebcr Grant unsparingly > denounced the timid saints, prophets and apostles,among whom is President ' Taylor, who has conformed to the law a time, by putting away their ox- ^|ra wives, and urged all who could to practice polygamy as the distinctive ol. th*ir faith. Apostle Cannon Imed that their utiinbers in Utaii numbered 127,294, In 23.000 families, ' ':.}*-ond thftt thev have 24:000 cliundi offl-and that they have 24.000 clinrch fleers! Still more amazing was his^boast tat 23.040 new members have bren v%dded to their church In tfte past six . ..months. Iiowlong will our government continue the timorous policy which is ionlv fostering a treacherous aud im­ placable enemy, whose strengthening >;„|iower bodes only evil to our inPtltn- W« are glad to see the Intima- ,h"'" 'tlon that Senntor Edmunds, who lias J.been studying the odious institution at its headquarters, sees the failure of fi:x Itis well-tiieact measure of reform, and 'intends to . propose more tborotigii .'--reaiodies. • *2 A Itlch Country, • When George W. Peck was out 111 Colorado he wrote home that wtieu he P§, went to the Teller House to have his " Clothes brustied. the porter haudciMtj|n «*, ten cents. He asked what that meant, 5^4 ^ r mid the porter said that whs the difler- •t • ' •nee, though 1 could take the dust if I - , J wanted, and. give him ten cents. 1 rjf didn't understand, lie says, and dually «. lit said lie estimated that he would get & *" twenty-five cents wortli of gold of! my shoes, so lie paid me the difference, vi ' Boon a dog came Into tiie.ofllce all pA" and began sera (citing for a flea. I1" ' proprietor of the hotel snappod hi* lingers and the porter eume on tlie run w' h a pa i and held it under the .dog cfe's . a«d «*«i<glit she du^t. The duft yielded #lv-. 80c w«>rth. WAUCONDA. ' George Hiibbanl has returned frimiir his visit te his western property. Mrs. G. W. Pruttand son are- visiting in Kenosbft. A large partj* of relatives and friends assisted Mr. Lyinan Powers to celebrate Uis<82d birthday Wed-nesday. Usually the boys^aro a little tired wJieu they get into the eighties, and are rather compelled to take tilings easy, but they say Undo T,ym:in Is apparently, as strong and vigorous as ever, and. asks no odds of anybody on a'days work May he long continue so. Edwin Fletcher and Miss Mamie Lamphere started on Friday for a visit in Minnesota. We understand that Frank Barker has reopened his father's liarneS3 shop and will run it for lilm. ' . . W A UCOHDA, Oct 29th, ta Grcr*d Army Republic: A. «l. Miksfli. Special Mustering OtH cerDept. «>f 111. G. A. R. will be at Wuucoiida on Saturday evening, Nov 17th. to organize a G. A. R. Post. A1 ex soldiers .vho wish to bwcoine mem bers of H Post at this place are cordially invited to be present. Arthur Cook, Com. An oyster snpper and festival to pro­ cure dishes to be used at the donations of the church societies, is advertised for next Wednesday evening. Every boby considers the idea a good one consequently everybody will probably go and make it a success. HEBRON. fCnixoR Plaindkai.ku:--Mr. Cyrus Mead and wife returned front a long visit in the East last w*$k. A number of our boys attended the dance at Geuoa Junction last Friday night, Mrs. Sant Rotiionr's brother--Mr. Green, from lojyu--has beeu visiting her. School In the higher room has been closed for one week, on a<$buiit of the scholars being so very studious the first week of school, It was thought best to give thein a short vacation. Mr. B. Young and family have re- turned to their old home on the far<n. Biuo is determined to be a farmer yet We learn, to-day, of tlie death of Mrs. Merchant, whose husband *va" ®S~For Private and Priblic I.ines; Latest, Best; always reliable. The only Telephone having an Automatic liirie Wire Tightener, and is protected by an ou'-door Lightning Arrester. Illustrated circulars free. Agents wanted. V. 8 .Telephone Co., Madison, Ind. P.O. REPORT OF THE O O I V 1 ) 1 I 1 i O T V -{•OF-' THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, Illinois, -Al­ dose of Business Oct, 2d, '83, • RtSOHKCKS -'J" -j i T.oans and discounts .,.,..i:»-.tl!M,75105 Overdrafts ... 1.0.M•* tJ. S. Bonds to secure circulation... 80,000 00 U. S. llonds on hand 700 (10 Due from iivi>rov<cl reserve agents. First National Itsnk. Chicago 26,587 68 Due from other National Tti'nks..... 4,2f>4 2i Ke.il estate, furniture and li\tures. 3,300 CO On-rrent expenses and taxes paid 1,831 H9 Cheeks and other c»sb items 200 92 Bills of other banks..... 6,063 Oil Krc'l liaiier cnr. nickels pennies.. 46 40 Specio . 7,15170 I^egal tender notes 7,000 00 Itedemptiol) fund with U. S. Trens* urer (5 per cent of.circulation).*.... mmmm (SUCOHSSOBS fO m m WAMjLY,~f^ ,vr .1.^ / fnl^oHKer^ lllin^i. *flie largest, b^t nllea. Sizo, 140 feet longr and 22 feet wide, two stories hi<rh and working for the people that PAY A3 THEY QO., ^ worth iroes out except for Hard Cawh. \\re sell 1 ':\;h GOODS, CLOTHING, • • Boola dEc Bheftar $' "••••• ' > . 6R0CERKS, CROCKERY, &C. « >'»• 'o- -t' ^ h' ̂ U' 'V: 1? J. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS, m NOVELTY & QUALITY ... SPECIAL D1STLAY I J ' -if! - ^i..i (.amps & Chandetiefiil Norelty Night. Hand I.amps. ,3 Stand Lamps. Han^iDK Lamps,Old 3tyle(r*rjelnsp) .; Hanging Library LatupO, new atjle. Polished Bruss, Hanging Library Lamps, with Prlstnt, ; ; l*®lished Brass. $3 Chandeliers. Elegant Old $tyle Finish , (very cheap.) ,.S Chandeliers. New Style.Polished Bram Old Gold Finish for Parlor, Rail and $p* Chnreh. -r SPECIAL DISPLAYS .a. . . / ..TI- . S • I*? . i-'r 1. '" t <*•%- . W •'&./ : f. h , owr prices will make i>. pay you td come forty mil^ to trade with us. We sell goods of the-best quality and guarantee everything ns represented. Read our price list and bring it, and make your fall purchases where your money will do you the most good, Will your crcdit dealer make you the following prices? Best Prints... Total... 1,650 00 .$301,415 3D MAHIMTIKS.~ Capital stock paid in 50,000 00 Surplus fund 8,WW U> Vn'iividfd profits . f»,475 *2!) ^latioim! Ilank Notes outstnn Iliiir.. • 45,000 oo tmlividnaldenosits subject toclliJrk 197,070 91 JlemaiuVJertiiicates of iieposit 800 00 9 ** 50 15 5, 7, 9 * 10 50 6 •v--• Total STATE oriLT>i?fbrs; $301,446 39 |ss MCHBStt T <%tT NT V, I, John J. Mnrpliv, Cashier of Hie alw>vo named Hank,, do S>'»lcninly swear (lint the above statement is True to the best of my knowledge and belief." Juux J. Mntrnv , Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Oth daw* of Oct., 1883.. • CIIas. H. DONNKLLY, Notary Pobli'.. Finest Itleachcd Cotton ..... Kest Unbleached Cotton .... standard Ginghams........;. No 1 Corsets Aft A Ticking Klegant Dress noods . " . 42 inch Rfack Cashmeres Dress Drills Cambrics.. Indies' Cloaks, all prices. Cotton Flannels. ... 8 No 1 Flannels 23 cents to 38 Ladies' Fine Handkerchiefs 6 ft and 10 cent bargains in abundnnco. Gon;l Col toil cloth ...Vaji': 8 No 1 Denims 12 llest Denims made .... ivii ; 15 Kxtrn Waterproof 55 l.adiet' Slippers, worth 75 cenls... 45 Ladles' ShoeH . |f no TiRdles' French Kid Shoes, line SOO Uents' Rotits, (iooil 2 00 All kin<ls for men aurf Miy» an<i T ' only good Goods. s, , "* . 8 cents • 1 # John J. Mrm-iir, 'Wi 'H. •8TKWABT, Correct Attest v . - 'V "••y • £. A." Mt'Ul'IIV, to Direc(|k< - Loan On Ileal Estate, in sums of $500 to $ 10,000. Time and payments to suit borrower.- J6IIN J. Muiti'iiy. 'C Merchant. buried a short l!ine sliiee, t)Otli victim? of typhoid fever. T llr. E. F. Hughes went to Harvard lust week on important business. Last week the monument was erect> ed to the memory of our soldiers. Great credit is due to the comrades of the U. A II. It speaks for itself, and we think it cannot be excelled in Mc- Henry County. ' NUKDA. Editor PuAiyDKA^R:--The past week has been one of pleasure, rain mud, and very little sunshine, '1 pleasure part w«s-the entertaiuincnt of the O. A. R., which came oil as ud vertised, consisting of son^?, speecht's and stories, with a good supper? n( meats, cakes, oysters--Iu fact a grand supper. All had plenty to eat kut thet fellertli:i4 bought two tickets and then his girl would not go to snpper with him. lie was tiie only one that did not get enough, ft"d it was the fault of no one but himself there was plenty after all had had supper. The evening began with soijjj of "Red, White and Bl.ie," sung hv Win. Huflinan, assisted by the choir. Our teacher. Miss Andrus, recited "Barbara FriU'hie," and rrn-j dered it in a manner that is a great credit to lier as a rising elocntlonipt. TI.e choir sung "One Thousand Years,*' then M. F. Ellsworth refreshed the memory ol the boys >Fiom Rock ford to the end of the War," which was very interesting. Win. Butler, R. Rowley aud others plso made short addresses. Rev. J. M. Coulee gave a history the Rooster, and haw it disappeared, and nothing was found of it but the feath> ers at the camp *f the soldiers. Tie r.Is« thanked the people In behalf of the G. A. K. for the beautirul silk flag bought from the proceeds cf the ice cream and strawberry festival last sum­ mer. Take It ull In all the camp-Pre was a success and the net proceeds $23, which will help the boys to tlx up thfir hall for winter. The Sunday School Concert Sunday evening was good, and'did the little folks good as well as the older ones. The pastor talked to the little folks, and to the yo.ing and older ones, and told them that they must set a good example for the younger ones. Uegxve It to the druggist for keeping his store open on the pretense of selling drugs when lie kept open to sull cigars anil pest his books. Grandma Lewely, as she is known by all. Is very low and cannot live long. She is one of the old settlers and was esteemed by all who knew her. The brick work is nearly dune on the school house. They will get the roof On within two weeks if the weather Is fayorable. J. I. C. STOLEN HOUSES. , Taken up by the subscriber at hit place of residence live inilr-s south \ve;-t from Richmond, a team supposed to liMffi !><>•• ii *t«i|<!ii and abandoned by the thieves. Tiie owner is requested ta orove property pay charge* and take iliein away. 'Address for informa­ tion, (J'.iaS. II. 'i'ryon. Hichmnnd, 111. 's Notice. Eetate of f|.>lom.f>)uDo,.ljre deceased. uiidersigniMl h%viSig' been appoinle l ministratrlx <d' i lie estate of Solomon t •2 00 to VI Og Boys Suits . Men's Suits 325 to S5 Men's Overcoftts anftBovs 2 25 to 36 0ft Cloihiimrls our great specialty, and we carry the finest stock in » i; Northern Illinois. We hwve ^the goods. ;u Buffalo Robes dlreet from the - Northwest, all sorts. '. Spices, w) v down. > . Sujrar at Chicago cost add freight. 50 cent Tea <Jood Tea i*-^- Rest Uice Rest Roasted Coffee. >od 44«eets S5 4 40 •• 7 •« 15 " " .....i.......... 104U^ " standard Uaisins ..., > jPS " So 1 Tobacco, Smoking '* Fine-Hut Toliacco ^#0 " Plusr Toiiarco .. 50 «• UnK llox Matches ^ 3 X%0 ** 5-cent Bix Matches ...%*£ it •• lO.cent Hnx M-tohos.... ........... ^*"8 •« llabbitt's >aleralus .. Best Sonp:.. MiveruUslt.... j". vi vX;- •*#» •rip. • • •f:4\;^v. * ' f ; r ^low we want tq see>ou anrlkaow .that i^for yW Interest to come, and will ,4® ^ ^Just oomr^mm ftndseo. |)ur goods are t Boii^ht and Sold, foi* Cash Only. AND THAT ltrm"mh«"r llie faot that r>wli;!it mak- e a *peeialty o4' the Mel* celebrated liaiiil madf Boutin for ii>en and boys and t tell (lit;tit much less titan you can j* S|iijtlity of anywlterft ' - Magr"Wha:, is that you are wearing?* asked Farmer John of his fair city boarder. "Oh! that Is my red - Jersey." 'All right," was the reply, "lint don't iio near my brown Jersey over in that lie'.d, unless you are good at climbing t reef.*' . • Great Saving to Dairymen Seventy-five dol la r s saved by giving Aim ftottle of Dickinson's Cow Prescrip­ tion soon after th« cow calves, to pre­ vent milk fever. Never was a case of milk fever known wiiere this medicine vvhk given. It will hUm prevent <rarg»*t aud all other diseases incident to tiie cow. For sale b)'all druifviKts. Manu­ factured bj <3. Dickinson & Son,,* Barringniu, II! We have an imuieii^e stock of.Men's ard Boys' Gum Bonis, Mens, bnvs, women's, misses', and children's Buckle Arct ics , men's and women's Ala«kas and self acting Alaska8, heavy Kubbers. Fiini'V and l-i^;it Hu'ibers, :.ud iu fact anything you mav want in the Botit and Slm« litif..U.ood_go_ods at low cash I • ' W. H. DWIOHT, ippodstoelc, III. HeineinJ|>er that von will experience no dltticultv in getting repairs for any mac'i'ne" m|i| fiy H, Bislm|», thus pre- vcuiing vexatious' and expensive de­ lays at a critical time When time means money, «, "t Call In nnd *<'e fie s«tit« 15. is selling, iJeavy whiter suits only *i,75. The f Ad- Doijrc dc'cca-ieil, late nf tiie Comitv of Mcllenry, and State of HtinoUvJicveby give* notice that she will a'pneur . U?-V<>r£r>,llij . (IniinIy Court of .Mcrt-imry OounWajM, ae 'Court llouse, in oodsldr.U, nt. t.ncr 7i<Hr<Miiher term, on the third jloivlay'fn' Voveihber next, at • which time all' -persons .hnfinj? claims against said estate. Are nolille I and rein'O^ted to atteivl for iIn' purpose' of Having llie same H<lju#le<i, All persons j• ><I<'t>ttv.1 to said Kstat.eare re que.Hteil lo make t.mnortiate piymeiu to the midci'si^iied. Dated ihis 2oili day of .Septciiibcr A. P. 1883 ilf.lA'}' iI7, Adminislrdtrtr, are eoriect, as we deem them to be, it is cleat the law in question cannot be sustained by any grant of legisla ive power made to Congress b§ the Fourteen h amendment. 11 But the power of Con ress to adopt and di3 rect primary as distinguished from corrective legislation on the subject in hand is sought Id the second place from tbe Thirteenth amende ment, which abolishes slave rv and gives Con-j gress power to enforce the amendment bv ap­ propriate legislation. This amendment, as' well' as the Fourteenth, is undoubtedly self-execu-i tory without- any ancillary legislation, so far as | its terms are applicable to any existing state of circumstanc s. By its own unaided force and! effort it abolish ;d slavery and established uni­ versal freedom. Still legislation mav be neces­ sary end proi er to mjet all the various cases and circumstances affected bjrft and to prescribe proper moie< of redress for its violation in letter or spirit, and such legislation mav be primary and direct in Its character, for the amendment Ih not a mere pronibili in of State laws establishing or upholding slavery, bat an abso­ lute declaration that slaverv or involuntary s ryituiie shall not exist in any part of the United states. Now, conceding for the sake of argument that admission to an inn,» public conveyance, or place of public amusement on equal terms with all other ci izens is the r ght of every man and all classes of men, is it any more than oae of those rights which the gtates by the Fourteenth amendment are for- Bidden to deny to any person, and is the const! Int.on violated uiitti tiio dmlal .of right has some State sanction or authority? Can the a " of a mere individnaL t ie owner' of an inn. pul lie conveyance, or |9$ce of tnoiginjDt In refus­ ing ac cammodattonbe impost DH. JOHN BULL'S Sitli'sToiicSynp FOR THE CURE OF FEVERandACUE Or CHILLS and FEVER,i* . AND ALL MALARIAL OISEASES,/ The proprietor of this celebrated medi- 4iiie justly claims for it a superiority over all remedies ever offered to the public' for the SAFE, CERTAIN, SPEEDY and PER- MAKEK T cure of Ague and Fever, or Chills and Fever, whether of short or long stand­ ing. He refers to the entire Western aad Southern country to bear him testimony to the truth of the assertion that in no case whatever will it fail to core if the direc­ tions are striotly followed and carried out. In a great many cases a single dose has been suHieiont for a oure, and whole fami­ lies have been cured by a single bottle, with & psrfcCt restoration cf ths ™£2!£r£l It is, however, prudent, anl. in every case moro certain to oure, if its use is continued in smaller doses for a week or two after the disease has been checked, more especially in difiioult and long-standing cases. Usu­ ally this mcdicine will not require any aid to K£3p the bowels in good order. Should the patient, however, require a cathartio medicine, after Laving taken three or four doses of the Tonio, a single dose of BULL'S VEGETABLE FAMILY PILLS will be suf­ ficient. BULL'f SAHSAf ABXLLA is tbe old and reliable remedy w impurities of the blood and Sera I iou» affections--the King of Blood Furili^-s. DE. JOHN BULL'S VEGETABLE WORM DESTROY E R is prepared in the form of sandy drops, attractive to the sight and plapsaxit to the taste. Tells £h.e W&ole Story. ' ' i • ^ ^ ^ - W _ We ^rade l^at buy '""HftsTiSr"nl¥flPto sn^h we suy, come and see lis, and if we cau't ssivo you money, will pay your expenses. We are getting in IK rgains every day, and they go as bought, very cheap for cash. Yours for good goods and low prices. HALL & SHEPARD ^roo»U»«s; DUNDEE, ILL. 100 French China Tea 8et«,3S EUA«F«iti Klesant OeeorationSk ' ' Golil Edge and Sprig. r 4 ~ i -s Wide Gold Bund. , , , # v Ked Japonloa. Blue Ivy Wreath. ^ t"- Moss Hose aud Gold."- ..»»• f.-"' * * * Blackberry. ^ H&- Blossom. * ;• Sunflowf-r (very estlietli) •-4 And many others. Tliey are tinder my own ili'PljrtiF. are new and surprisliig- '• lv ln»Hntifnl, from Tow cost to liigli. French China Tea Cups aud 8au- r^. Cltlltlren's Tea Cups and Saucers, Norel pr corat ions. ? « \ Motto Tea Cnp« aiid Sancera, Kew^ * Shapes, v :: Motto Munstaclie Ooffe# Cups and Sao- cere. (n«*<*- slinpes) ' ' Bread and Milk Sets. Bowl and Plate Sets. Pitchers Decorated with Bouquet* ot FUiwers. Fruit Plates' with Fruit Centers, natur* nl colors. Fruit Plates with Flower Centers, nat­ ural i'Oloia. rffvi;. Fruit Plates with Landscapes. K " 500 Mugs from Low t® Illicit Cost* SPECIAL EXHIBIT" a t o i L ICA| Inallofthe New, Sure, Beautiful 8 ha pea. nn(4 Colors. . Breail Plates. ... <• (Jake Plates. . ' - - . . • Broai? and Mllk'iM^f#. A'Grent Assortment of Piatti^t * Tea Cups and Saucers. • j Coflee Cup* mid Sam'ers. Moustache Cutis and Saucer!!'* " Covered Butters, Covered Sugars. t «n o a ^ l ea Nets. Fruit Bowls. Cuspidoj-es. • ' ^J Mnjfs, Et<;. , s ; Pitciiers in Fijti, Owl, Fable, Oak, Etc^ The aliove men tinned special exbililta con- (titulenn exhibition of exqiiMite lovellueui and rare beauty. The ART ROOM ' T* filled with specimens of Petttry fun* Forei«n Lands, v . . r « WE STILL LIVE And will be pleased to show you our stock, consisting of cLOTEINs, A N D •' V J. C. Choate. PURE BRED POULTRY; A Few Choic3 Pairs & Triai FOR SALE. Hsvinp,"nin<le a «pocialty of I'nro Bred Fowl 1 now offi r for sale a few Pairs and Trios from the liest strains (o lie found in the United Shite*. If you want any ef . the following birilsgiTeme aeall ?s' and GelUs' Underwear, Ladies' and Gents* Oossameis, *V '* ; " Gloves & Mittens, " " " Hosiery, A nice &tock of (Jorst-ts and Hoop Skirts, an EXTKA QUALITY of Woolen Yarns, Carpet Warps, Cotton Batting, and all the Staple "Articles fe«pt in tt General Store, and at prices to suit the present depreciated markets. GOOD BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED, land the Highest Market Price Paid. MAYES & BARTLETT,^ Ceatrevills, McHenry. 0S IB* HENRY s COLBY 1'. ^ . To his liu*ge stock of seasonable goods for foi l and winter wear, consisting in part of _ • DRY GOODS, CLOTHING DR. JOHN BULL'S SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, A BULL'S SARSAPAR1U.A, BULL'S W0R« DESTROYER, The Popular Remedies of the Day* •c _----- • Principal OS re, 8S1 MalnSt,LOClSTlLtB,El Mrs. Schumacher, near the Depot ti.'H ft full stock of Fall and Winter Hilliuery j aii^l Goods. OGT« AND . - ^ -~s, %;•All new and desirable goods, ^^"Yon will find onrgrocery BN^rtment complete, as u.Mhtl sVrtd prices very • low. Satisfaction guaranteed on every article. HENRY COLBY. RIVERSIDE BLOCK, McHENRY, ILL, White anfl Brown Letfcoras ̂ ;r Black Breasted Bed Game, A Fev Black Java Cocbrclfe, A Fev Lisbt Brabma CocMr I wnrrant my liiiila nil Pure Bred, estRif l», want of any of tliote nninvtl (five dm a call •«§ yen arc.suie lo be pleased. Eggs in their Season^ C. W. PRATT. Wauconda, HI., Aug. 8th, 1833. ' " ' _ : f r . f i ' "4 ATTENTION ECCNOfyiY IS WEALTH^ Toucan save money by giving your order* "•F. W. MBAD, RICHMOND, - ILLI«I0I8| --rca-- Wagons, Carriages of all deecriptlona, B» palrinfr. Painting, 3eneral {lack. smithing, Ac., Ac., Ao, Repairing of plows ami all other feral la# ' plement* Is siven particular attention. IS my niaiiufactiirea I use only the beat rontarl»- al, and, kecpiiiK very best workmen in alt department*, I nui eiiabled to guarantee aait warrant all work that goes from my »bop a# first class in every particular. JTEOIAL tiTTARAKTEB ON WAflOltt. Alt f.irin wagons mannfactnrod at mjt ibopi " are warraiitcit for thkkk years. vi|'2 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS^ 1 sell every Agricultuv&l implement, inrltul* ing, especiafly, Norwegian w.ilkfng an<l Rid* IOJC i'iows. K. O. Tii.vr.i(iss'ey Sre«V)3|ii Mows ami Cultivators, F. M. SJanriv feeders ^ and Ooru Oiillivaiors, tiie Uowagiac Spring-. To«klli !recd<!r«, (lie Piano and D. M. Osborne A Co.'s Harvester and Twine Biiuler, tbe Warw rior and Hopkins' Mower, and all other IIrat* . class machines. Warranted first-«la» w M : sale. * ¥ BLAOKSMITHIK« of every kfnd nttefMic* " to .promptly and satks£a<«tio» givv*»»tcei|. « F I J N E P A I N T I N G | A SPECIALTY. J I have engaged J. STILL.WELL, the bos» ij«inter ot ;tie Novtliwi-8tv for one year. o| • longer, to take charge of »««• paint shop, whicfc is a sn'.fflf ient guarauteu that all wotk of that kind will be done in the best and meat arti*ti* st>le. 'It should not be forgotten tbst I em ploy Ji( •• Repass, woo<l-workmaif of twei:ly years* ex# tS: periciice, and L. Howe, carriage blark.nnilli, " bo!Ii in surpassed as artizans tn tlieirline. , Finally, come and see me and I will gnarw:^">?; aalee sa*l is faction as to prices h«ut quality work to all interested. F. ir. MEAD. PATENTS. Inventor*, send model or skoioh of your la» veiitnm ait.i I w ill ui:t!;» ciircful prelimiiiar* eMMiiiiintioii, and report as to patcntabil. f- witli advice, rircHlurs, etc., PSi:K op citak . All UiiMiie*s before IT. s. Patent Offlee iu, temled l<> tor moderate fee#, ko OHAKIJe t .<• UU l"ATK> T 19 OHTAINKP. •

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