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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Nov 1883, p. 8

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, , >•*»» To «p*II l|»«k-HfrT It to? long, water tlieni VsSfci H • ,1 W f i f'.#> ;sa u 4 ̂ 4-.1»f JrJ *~V " I : etter Than g#ei« The Inter Ocean for 1804 #::• f?r « "•* ®L f p-'- i-i I. V . ? - • : JJfc not Or §<Nlrp«t--•flip It with * ^«Nfrn broom. "Fotpill p*n-<*nk<'8--bake them en a JfrltMle, a Irukfttt-gramblatll the le von are eating. T« fpoll potatoes--let them He and •Oak In water alter bol.lliig. To epoll hreaH--use poer fleur ami yeast and let It rise antil too light 4 It mm over. To spoil cclmera--cut everything a sheet of paper to a bar of cast ^To spell! garmertte In making--cut out carelessly and n» all the To spell a school--change teachers «*err time some onra ln the district jfen<l* fault, gyT» spoil flhlldron--humor them to illverytking they happen to tklak they I^C sf; 'f';-'-"1 JOee Bimek'a Boyhood. Be was one day rldlne along the tintrr read, toward a neighbors house th a companion a year or more older than hlmeeir. He Imd just returned, frues the winter's school at Somerset, tnd was the coming f^ill to realize his heart's desire--to be sent away to an Institution where there were greater opportunities for learning the higher branches of an English education than Jfbout homo. ."I am going away to school for two yeata." said young Black to his com­ panion, as they rode along. The boy looked at liim In astonishment, for he had always held the apeaker to be h fffOdlgy, and was wont to say, when **o country lads asked information tbout anything: Ask Jerry Black; he knowa every- Jolng." €3U Why, aiat you learnt through yot?" ho Inquired, when he. recovered from lie astonishment that Black was going H waste more ti mo over books. "Why, no, Tto hardly begunf pras Who reply. The boy cast a sort of half-pitying t'Blaek and said: "Jerry, if doa't stop this bonk nonsense soon you'll be a Uwyer yet." rK m •>?/» •, f , » N. IS" & i: Tarring • Mat. Bats are wonderfully clean animals, d they dislike tar more, perhaps, than anything else, for if it once gets •n their jackets they find it most dlftl- enit to remove It. Now, I had heard It Ipeotiened that pouring tar down at the eatrancefof their holes was a good Miaaedy, also placing pieces of broken fNpCfcj their b*l«s was another good remedy. But these-remedies are not •fleet! v*. The rats may leave their old he lea and make fresh ones in other parte of the hoase; they don't, how* •vor, leave the premises for good. I ikeofht I would try another expert* I had not heard of before. > evening I set a large wire-cage rat , attaching inside a mott seductive of ktrongly smelling cheese, and •est morning 1 found, to my satisfae- Hen, that I had succeeded In trapping • very large rat, one of the largest I fcad over seen, which, after I had be- •aeared htm with tar, I lot loose Into Me favorite run. The next night I tried egalp, and suoceeded In catohing UrnIher equally big fellow, end aorvod lla la the same manner. I eeuld not •oAow theee two tar-besmeared rata Into their Mmerons runs to see what ereuM happen, hut It Is reasonable so riomo that they either summoned te­ther all members of theireommunity And hy their crest-fallen appearance gave their eemrades allont indications ff the mlsfortnne which had so sudden- befallen them; or that they fright* id their brethren awny.for they one ill forsook the place and fled. The tpertasent was eminently successful, from that day in 1875 till now,1883, my house, ancient though it Is, has been entirely free from rats; and I believe l« no remedy equal to this one. If atch your rat alive. They never hade to the house again.-- r'l Journal. f- J ' ADVIOH TO MOTHRR& .1 Are you imtaroea at night and brok­ ing your rest hy«* Sick child suffer in Ind e^lec.wfth pain of cutting teeth |f ee.eeitatt m»ce and get a bottle of It*. WlnatOWft Soothing Syrup for blkhran teething. Its value is incalcul ft will relieve the poor little iuforer immediately. Depend upon It lifthera, there Is no mistake about it. ft euros dysentery and diarrhoea, regu ftfeea the atomach and bowels, cures Jrf«MI,eolfe, softons the gums, reduces inalhnmatlon, and gives tone and en­ ergy to the whole system. Mrs, Wine- poqna (Soothing Syrup fur children teething is pietmit to the taste, and |s the prescription of one of the oldest #ud host female physicians and nurses fo the United States, and Is for sale by ill dtugglsts throughout the world. §*rtee 9 cents a bottle. -V Cloaks. Dolmans, Shawls, of the finest labrlcs and latest styles, now open wltsslminons 4c Evanson's, directly dp* lioelte West MeHenry postofflce. K. Lawlus beats Chicago on lo»jw4- •ea tor clothing. ; Fine Shoes. • Oar stock of Foster's celebrated §)elott Shoes is complete. For tyle and durability they cannot excelled. Ask to see them. wmz • Henrt Oolbt. - r Bakery Supplies, (ngehi. at his store a few doors of the Riverside House,has made (emeuts to supply his customers public generally, with fresh Baker*' Supplies of nil kinds. "Freeh Bread. Biscuit Cakes, Pies, etc.. ,Oan ho found at his store at all times, »ud ho reepeetfully Invites the public $o give him a call. He also keep* on hand Ciiiok'« and Spencer's Flour, rhicli will «H*mpare with any to he ind In the market. Give me a call M. Fli'tinfc¥i aaellearr. 1U; •l>. ** ^ • • Moro new features tmve b«cn tntrodttred in the Weakly Tntnr Ocean in the 'Mt W ssenth* than in tiny other ]>aj>or i>ul>lishe4 {• tie coun try. Retaining *U ilieold tipockitttesand de- nnrtments, the publishers Iirv« added lllua. irated biographical sketches of persons iironi- Inently before the public at date of publica­ tion; illnsLrated articles on important blstsrics! ! o!.:rr-:-«t evertie, or in elueidntion of antiquarinA research, or interesting t>ngi-< neering aud mechanical protilemi; cabled letters from London coveting the field ol European news for each *r«ek; special contri­ butions devoted to reminiscences of army and political life; ai»<l new series ot articles given up largely to personal gossipand recollections' Of prominent literary jM>ople. The Inter Ocean wfil remain uncompromis­ ingly Republican; will maintain its present attitu le on the question of protecting Ameri- c»n industries; wilicontinue to devote special attention to trade, trans|K*rintion and econ­ omicquestions; will re'.-tin the departments of The Curiosity Shop (a current encyclopedia of curious, interesting, and valuable tnforma tion cilled out by inquiries ot subscribers);! 7he H'o»wn'« A«»ij/rf<»'«(devoted to the progres-* sive movements m which women arc interest­ ed); TaeFtirmanti Jlome (covering topics ofr special interest to l iliners, their wives, and their childron); The Veterinary (containing answers to questions as to the treatment of horses, cattle, and other animals by one of the best veterinary surgeons in the west); and Comptirnfions (taking in puzzles, enigmas, con­ undrums, etc.); all of which arc peculiar^ to the paper; will give as raiwh space as hitherto to serial and short stories, original and select­ ed sketche* a'nd |M>cms. and with increased facilities for news-giithering in the shape of tpeeial tnre* to New York and Washington, and experienced correspondents well placed at home and abroad, will more'than maintain Us high standard for enterprise ana accuracy In all departments of news. Wntle so irwnv improvements have been made in the Wee kin inter Ocean, the price has been reduced to One Dollar Per Year, postage included. This puts a large eight-page (thero are frequently twelve pages) pap<>r in the hands of the reader at the low rate of Itvo cetUs pcrteetk, The^reduction iu price and the re­ cent improvements make the Weekly Inter Ocean not only the best familv newspaper in country, but the cheapest, l'he subscription price of the Inter Ocean is as follows: Weekly Edition per year, postage paid..f 100 Somi-Weekly Kdttion per year, postage paid 2 50 Daily (including Sunday) per yer 12 00 Daily (excluding Sunday) per year 10 OS Wednesday's Edition (with .Musical Sup plement) per year S0C Saturday's Edition (sixteen pages) per year 2 00 Sunday's Edition (sixteen pages) per •ear 2 CO Postage prepaid In each case. Sample copies of the Inter Ocean will be sea on application Send mo.iey in Registered Letter, Money Order, Bank braft, or bv Express, at our risk, and be sure and write the name and address of each subscriber plainly. Address > the Inter ocean, Chicago, III. HENRY I ITVITB9 COLBY VXOTIOM To his large stock of seasonable goods for fall and winter wear, consisting iu part«ff .. Jl,'nTp-' .X ' ' . , .* • K ry U -siA ti-' " vA r< ••if i". . , , 1 Kni mtm /ny'tt" (SUCCESSORS to c. P. BOOTS AND SHOES,; DB All the following critical opinions ot "Bullet and Shell." ••Abook of really absorbing interest."--Phlla. Prttt. "It re Ada a* though it bad b^n written on the field of --X. Y. Critic. *'lt will be the most widely cir* Cul& ed work on the Civil War that has been published." --Boston trtobe. 4*Warmly weicomod everywhere.M--> Timt's. "Itis a vlea^ii'© to heartily endorse 'Bullet and Shell.9"--Chicago Tribune. 'It isverycor- rect; history."- Qtm+ V. S. Grant. "I have no hesita­ tion! n reeomraendittff it to the reading pubUo of Arner- Ica."--Qen. W.T. Sherwian. AGENTS WANTED for Rill I FT A fresh, taking,book, showing U U L L L I "war as the soldier saw it "ana selling at the rate • of thousands of cop- kly. Ener- Jk M |1 getic men. members of the G. A.R.and U rail others desiring espe- ciauy profitable •• 1 ™ I# employment,should || •• | | investigate and secure agency V 11 !• I I with exclnaive territory. Bpo- il li LI I cial teruis and full partiou- W •• lara froe. Address A.C. NmUTOM A CO., PUBU8HEM, CHICAOB, 111. XlM\ %• 1 CHOATE'S •• *""&• I i ' POTTERY PALACi! ABTHDSEDS!! Without a Ri AND AH iew wa"d^sfnlMe j^edds. De partment complete, as usual andprices very guarauteed on every article. i. HENRY And otir Gtoccr low, Satisfaction COLBY, RIVERSI0C 6LOCK, McHENRY, ILL. A L L The only cash store in Northern Illinois. The largest/ the best filled. Size, 140 feet long and 22 feet wide, Pwo stories higrh and working for the people that PAY AS THEY GO. Not a dollar's worth aroes out except for Hard Cash. We sell c i v w v a n i t , ' » , - v - • - v DRY GOODS, CLOTHING iftfe Boots A Sho9B, Sats <& Cfiips, h \i . • " 680CEBIES, CROCKERY, And our prices will make it pay you to come forty miles to trade with us. We sell ffoods of the best quality and guarantee everything as represented. Read our price list aud bring it, and make your fall purchases where your money will do you the most good, VVillJyour credit dealer make you the following prices? ' Best Prints.. S cents 44 9 With an unusually large assortment of Harare, Ipware, Stoves, Granite Itoa-W^ &c, Finest Bleached Cotton , 9 Best Unbleached Cotton .... 7H M Standard Ginghams 8 " Ne 1 Corsets 60 " Ac A Tic-kin* 15 •« JElegnnt Dress Goods . .... 6, 7,9 A 10 •«: HI inch P.lack OashmerM 60 o Dress Drills 8 " Cambrics...*... 6 •• fsl.adiea' Cloaks, all pric.es. Cotton Flannels 8 " |No 1 Flannels, 23 cents to 88 " 'Ladies' Fine Handkerchiefs 6 " S and 10 cent bargains in abundance. |Gooii Cotton Cloth 6 " No 1 Denims 12 Besi-r Dentins made .... 15 " Extra Waterproof 65 " I.miles' Slippers, worth 75cents... 45 " Ladies' Shoes |] no Ladles' French Kid Shoes, line 900 Gents'Boots, Good .%. 900 All kinds for men and boy* and only good Goods. AT BOTTOM PRICES---- JOHN !• STORY, ' fi- - . ' v v r . m • * • ' ¥ > At the old ntand of Jacob Story, McHenn, invites the attention of Dairymen, House-Keepers, in fact everybody, to his large stock of Milk Cans, Creamery Pails, and everything in the line of TIN AND GRANITE IRON WAR 14, which he is selling at prices as low as the lowest, workmanship and quality of goods guaianteed. Tin Roofing, EaveTroughing, Jobbing and Repairing promptly attended o Remember, extra good bargains can always be obtained e as e, for eached l oo 18 Kiud ompity lUenUoU Beasonabl tJIJUlU Art ftew, Fancy km ft " . tsl ftd re- nugly leep. Toys, |#Ttlti«rSai iher of bnrg, at Umps, iChoadittp/it ; Wiil- Baked "He hour!" ked at (ng near C0Siis tail is now ftortli of irranireir and the f The stock Ready for tho Holidays. . the place to buy. Prices ̂ wlxat- Prices will please. The\ tlie ti_ will astouish. The sh^ God.g surprise. !jie fero- < 'ome before tbe assort! broken. Come now and^J0 t.ate novelties. Come now an^ie rare articles thai cannot wh0 licated by and byt The gold finished Lan Chandeliers will jjive the modern appearance. 1 house an elegant complet The Grocer y Departm be especially ̂ m|flete. hroand in ie still!" see that for the he "Why, I am surprised to hear you express such unchristian sentiments, and you a church member, too. How do you make out that prohibition is against the interests of the land­ ladies?" "If prohibition goes into effect all the saloons will be closed up and then all the free lunches will stop. Now, I've noticed that among my young men boarders the dissipated ones are the most profitable. Before they came to dinner they always step into the saloon and get a sour beer or a schooner pf toddy, or something of that kind, and they fill up on the free lunch, and when they come to the dinner table they don't hardly eat anything, while the steady young men who never drink just gorge themselves. O, my, you ought to see 'em eat! They just take the profits off, and if it wasn't for the free lunches and the "next morning" feeling that some of the boarders suffer from occasionally. I don't know what we poor landladies would do. There'd be no profit in the business. Yes, I am opposed to prohibition for purely econ­ omical reasons." And the "Widow Flapjack sighed and went out and gave orders to cut the pie into seven pieces instead oi six.-- Texas Siftings. Religious Note. "I had the funniest experience the other «lay." said Blinks. "I rode fifty miles on the Wabash with a car-load of nuns before I know it." "You don't mean to say you didn't recognize the nuns?" "That's exactly what I mean to con­ vey. and I didn't know they were nuns until I asked them for a chew of tobac- a iiiost charming nspeut, because we had become so heartily tired of the weary waste of waters and were overjoyed at the near proximity of land, but because it was really a pretty view. Like Quebec, this city consists of an "up town" and a "down town." The latter is the row of houses on the beach, and the former, which is the larger part of the city, is on the sum­ mit of a high, precipitous bluff. An elevator connects the two portions of the city. The houses are all of a glar­ ing whiteness or colored in light tints t)f pink and yellow, and the contrast with the abundant tropical verdure plentifully intermixed with the build­ ings, the hazy atmosphere, the shim­ mering surface of the bay, undisturl)ed save by the ripples caused by the little boats speeding hither and thither-- verily it was a scene of rare beauty and ample recompense for any unpleasant­ ness we had experienced en voyage. The city of liahia is the second in size and importance in the empire, and is the seat of the religious government, it being the residence of the Arch­ bishop--a functionary who is in reality higher in authority than the Emperor himself. I've often thought I'd like to be an Archbishop. Notwithstanding the city is nearer the Equator it is said *o be much healthier than Bio le Janeiro, owing to its elevated posi­ tion.--Will Wayward* "Exile hi Bra- til." Cities Warmer Than the C'ouiitrr. Those who happen to live at a little listance from the heart of the city, says Science, must frequently have noticed \ lack of accord between the readings Df their own standard thflrmnwotnw - -• • i* Boys Suits .. fSCO to 130ft Men's Suits 325 to MO# Men's Overcoats and Boys. 2 25 to3#|R Clothing is our great specialty, ff : and we carry the llnest »toek in Northern 'Illinois. We have the goods. Buffalo Ilobes direct from titt Northwest, all sorts. - Spikes, wit rtoyrn. Sugar at Chicago.-cost|>i(l(l|frolg'ht. M cent Tea Good Tea Best Uice Best Koasted Coffes Good " " standard Raisins •No 1 Tobacco, Smoking Fine-lint Tobacco... i 'Plug Toliacoo Long Box Mntches 5-rent 15ox Matches.... 10-ceut Box Matches..., Babbitt's Salerat,us ... " Bnst Soap... Siove Polish , 44 cents 25, 30,35 X 40 <• 7 " 15 •« ....... ID A li » 8 •' 25 •• 50 " 50 » 10 «• •sw .... 1 " « " 7 " S " 5 •' Now we want to see you and know that we can make it for your interest to come, and will do it. Just come once aud see. Oijr £oods are SowgrhH: and Sola W Ouljr. AXD THAT Tells thi Whole Story. We want the far-off trade that buy BIG BILLS, and to such we say, come and see us, and if we can't s:ive you money, will pay your expenses. We are getting in Im rsraius every day, and they go an bought, very cheap for cash. Yours for good goods and low prices. 'I HALL & SHEPAKDgrr |^-SEND YOUR ORDERS. DUNDEE, i S j ILL. AN IMMENSE STOCK, --OF-- y winter use, at Dwight's eye mo; loni of s curt and exp simj The 11 BOOTS & SHOES i RU IFor fell •j ust received Sold reliable cash house. "We have bought an extra large stock this fall of very desir­ able goods. These goods were bought for C ASH and will be sold for CASH at great bargains. H. DWICHT. Cor. Main 8t. and Public Square, Woodstock, III. • ,• •• -'-Wr - ORANGES, LEMONS, Grapes, Flg^ Apricot*. IlaiaiiiM, Candjr, / * J. C. Choate.* : WOODSTOCK, ILL. Nov. 20, 1883. :-T jte PATENTS. Inventors, oenrt model or sketch of votir in- vention anil I will makn cnrelnl preliminary examination, an<l report us to patentability with advice, circulars etc., kkkk of <'iiakgi£. All business befere IT. s. Patent Office at- tended to for moderate fees., ku ciiaiiOI u*. LESS PATKKT 18 0HTAINKD. J. &. LIXTELL, Patent Attorney. C. JOS. WIEDEMANN, Saloon and Restaurant, NEAB| THE DEPOT. MCHENRY, - ILLINOIS The best Brands of tVines, Liquors ar Cigars always on Hand, ttood 'Stabling fo Horses. ALSO AGENT FOR Franz Falk's MILWAUKEE Lager Beer, Beer in Large or Small Kegs orfBottles • ways on hand cheaper than any other, qual tv considered. This Ketsr has a world wide repntatlon, anri goodjudges acknowledge It cannot oe sur passed in the world. Orders by mall promptly attended to. J08. WIEDEMANN. Kelienry, IlL Aug. IMS. .£} DO YOU WANT BUY Machine? Sewin T have on hand and am selling at the Low­ est prices, the Domestic, Eldredge, New Home, Snrinjrfteid, New American, and Singer e wing Machint'S and w«ll not be undersold by any agent in the county. A good Singer Machine for 20. warranted to do the work of any Singer Machine in (be world. Call and sue mo. j- ,* • Mcllenry, Veb.io.issa, :kM: -AND- Go to the Drug Store. Having ascertained the different books used in all t^e different districts tributary to Wauconda, we can carry a stock which, in quantity, quality and variety, will be sufficient to promptly mpply your wants. You will also remember that this is the place to get bargains in Albums ot all kinds, Pocket Books, Ladies Hand Bags, Stationery, Cards, Music, Spectacles and Rattling Good FIVE CENT CIGARS. | tgg-TRY ONE AND YOU WONT FORGET IT. ; * r F-u.. harriso*. : . - ' " I . : ' f M ' V C N-W 1TUC i-- Chicago & North-Western OLD ESTABI ORT LINE m a'awHaiaa-'OT.: C H I C A G O , And all points in Northern Ttlinoi*, Ceo* tral, Eastern and Northwestern X«wwi,s Wisconsin, Northern Michigan, Minna < , •ota, Dakota, Manitoba, Central and Northern AVftmika, CoioreUto, Wyom- * inf, Utah, Idaho. Montana, Nevada, California, Oreyon, Waellincfton Terri-: tory, Britixh Columbia, China, Japan, ' ^ the Sandwich Islands, Australia. N»w. J Zealand, and all principal points in tb» NORTH, NORTHWEST and WUT.f 1 With its own lines it traverses North- fe '; ern Illinois, Central end Northern • IOWA, Wisconsin, Northern MICH1. • 1 GAS, MINNESOTA, ana Central DAKO-. > i TA. It olfers to tho traveler all aooom- ^3 modations that can be offered by any- railroad. Its train service equals of any road: their speed is as great aS v -jj comfort and safety will permit; they - % make close connections in union depots at junction and terminal points with - ^ the leading railroads of the West and ; 5| Northwest, and offer to those that use * them i SPEED, COMFORT AND SAFETY ' fj At CHICAGO it makes close connec­ tion with all other railroads at that city. M It runs PALACE SLEEPING CARS on fl all through trains, PARLOR CARS on its • principal routes, and NORTH-WESTER* . ^ DINING CARS on its COUNCIL BLUFFS","'"/?1 and on its st. paiil and Minneapolis a! ! tbrousrh day express trains, " - 2 If you wish the Best Traveling Accom- ' l ^dations you will buy your Ticket# ! '.his route AND WILL TAKE NON3 ' ^.,,4 •SK. rj-tes for single or round trip s and for full information in re- < jO r.H parts of the West, North and 1 «hvrerjt, write to General Passenger 1 ^ent, at Chicago, 111. , Jaj All Coupon Ticket Agents sell Tickets m by this Line. •.-•Jh J. D. LAYNG, MARVIN HUGH ITT, M Gea. Sup't. 2d Vice-I'rcH. and Gen. Muntwr. :l W. H. STENNETT, - :i Gen. Pass. Agt., Chicago. : •„ ATTENTION I ECONOMY IS WEALTH j Ton can save money by giving, your ordert l° F. W. MEAD, RICHMOND, ILLINOIS, -FCR- Wagone, Carriages of all descriptions, Be pairing. Painting, funeral £lack. emithing, &c., Ac. Kepah-ingof plows and nil other ftirm im-.' pleincnts is given particular attention. In my manufactures I use only the best niaterU nl, and, keepinc the very best workmen in al( departments, 1 am enabled to guarautee aud warrant all work that goes from my shop »• drat class in every particular. SPECIAL GUARANTEE ON WAGONS. All farm wagons manufactured at my ahop are warranted for thkke yeaks. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS., / I sell every agricultural implement, includ­ ing, especially, Norwegian walking and Rid­ ing Plows, N.'C Thompson and Gesley Bros*. Mows and Cultivator*, F. II. Manny Seeders* and Corn Cultivators, the Dowagian Spring TOoth freeders, the Piano and L>. M. Osborne « Co.'b llarvosicr ami Twine Binder, the War-' riorand Hopkins' Mower, and all other first, class machines. Warranted tlrsi-class or no sale. BLACKSMITHING of eTery kind attended to promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. F I N E P A I N T I N G A SP&CIALTY. I h«v« engaged J. STILMVELi;, the be®« painter ot Hie Northwest, for one year, or Jonper, to take charge of my p;iint slioj', whicli: is a s^llicient guarantee that all work ot that " kind will 1)0 done in the best and most artiHtio style. ? It should not be forgotten that I employ J,' Repass, woo<t-workinan of twenty years' ox. nerience, and I. llowe, carriage ~hliicK&initi>t both ui stirpnssed uk artizans in their line. Finally, come and sec me and I will guar­ antee ftji'tiMfaction as to prices and quality ot work to all interested, F. W. MEAD. i li'. • i1 • ' 11.. B. Slierman, WOODSTOCK, ILI^, - DEAI.EB IN-- Breech and Muzzle Loading 5>hot Guns. ' Powder, snot, Csir»« Wfia and Cartridge* fors^le. t'lsliing T.ac ttlc cbeap, . • f. All Kinds of . J AND REPAIRING DONE. A good Breech*'leading, Doublef Barreled Gun. warranted Twist'fclft Wlr.chesier ltiflc, 7'» model, IS shots, 2& Nickel Plated fi shot Revolver, #?..SO. * Self cocking British Bull Dog Pistol, 5.00. A good Single liarrel, Hieeeli Loading. Single (inn, warranted, f5. I will undersell any house in the county in Guns and Sporting Goods. If you want a good gun it will nay yon to call and" see me. I warrant every gun I sell, Clothes Wringers repaired aud new Rolls put on. Price pcitv pair warranted, $2.50. B. SHERMAN. Woodstock, July 16th, 1883. OR. JOHN BULL'S FOR THE CURE OF FEVERandACUE Or CHILLS and FEVER, AMD JILL MALARIAL DISEASES. < The proprietor of thi* celebrated modi- oine justly olaims for it a superiority over all remedies ever offered to the pnblic for the SAFE, CERTAIN, SPEEDY and PES*, K ANE9T core of Ague and Fever, or Chills and Fever, whether of short or long stand* ing. He refers to the entire Western and Southern oountry to bear him testimony to the truth of the assertion that in no case whatever will it fidl to cure if the direo* tions are striotly followed and carried oat. In a great many oases a single dose haa been sufficient for a cure, and whole fami­ lies have been oared by a single bottle, with a perfeot restoration of the general health. It is, however, prudent, and in every ease more certain to cure, if its use is continued in smaller doges for a week or two after the disease has been checked, more especially in diffioult and long-standing oases. Usa- . ally this medicine will not require any aid to keep the bowels in good order. Should the patient, however, require a oathartio medicine, after having taken three or four doses of the Tonio, a single dose of BULL'8 VEGETABLE FABIILYPILLS will be suf­ ficient. BULL'S SABS&PA1ILLA is the old and reliable remedy for impurities of the blood and Scrofulous affections--the King 0f ' Blood Purifiers. DR. JOHN BULL'S VEGETABLE WORK DESTROYER is prepared in the form of candy drops, attractive to the sight and pleasant to the taste. DR. JOHN BXJZ.Ze*fli SMITH'S TONiC SYRUP, WILL'S SARSAPARILLA, BULL'S WORM DESTROYER, > Thi Popular of tha Day. IjUMlpal Wee, SSI aaUSt.,L0CIS71LLE,X%

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