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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Dec 1883, p. 8

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A * - J- : "V % ^ -: V\ yv-V;K<'<^ ayg^^,^.^. 'mi*--*. ,i^L . *"w,,. ; ->,»*• ^->w< i -^^r- ,-l . A C-, ^ ~ *^-?fi'4y i; , ^ ci" * ' >• " >*s - VW V «. , l! . «a „>* •. "t 1\* . i « ' *L.'. .*.* .,^,,'^ri z*?- "*tL-~ "^>.1. fi . . # +1%;^ ;> •*• r sA& 5* -v ^SNf 'A IT •lowly feather w«l men atood m*<lne»R by tlie inn calling their he got about -\ yard ami t uniolled he suddenly laid to the ticket a£«i)U t clock right P . if Uf ',** promptly replied the Agent. IHf" elioutert the startled papsen- gwr. Steeping down and making a end <W* cStttch at a lean and hungry carpet bag. •"Taint right?" Well what'n the name o'eem men sense do ye have H*H?k up there for, then f ,- **To feel people,"' calmly replied the nt;"that's what we are here for, to people and misdirect them." "Well, by gell," aaid the passenger, lilirriedly rolling up his wallet, '"then r*e oilseed my train. 1*11 report yea, I win r "Won't do any good." replied the t^ent; "It's the company's erders. They pay a man fS5 a month to go around every morning to mix and mud­ dle up all the docks so that net une of them will l>e tight and no two of them : "'illke/* . .;• '2|yThe pa«#engerga*ped twice er thrice, tat cot ltd not say anything. The ticket Wlfer went en: •'It's the superintendent's Idea. He m fond o( fun, enjoys a jeke, and ft * il*»ee hlra goed to see a man prance « Mhonnl and hear him jaw when he buy* ft ticket and finds hi® train has he.sn gt>ne two honrs. It saves him the ex pen we of going to the circus." "Which war l« the clock wrong" the ngef asked in despairing aocentF, or slow ?" * Don't know," replied tlie agent _ ,'s part of the fun. not to let any- t»dylnthe building know anything 5 i About the right time. All that I know if that it's about ninety minutes wrenf, •ae way or the other." With a hollow groan the passenger propped his carpet bag and wallet and * tfaade a rnsh for the dnor, upsetting #very man who get in his way. In , * fcbont two minutes he came back, crest­ fallen and meek aud took his place at "•'* ) the end of the line. When once more ^ J- ^ he walked to the window he said, as he £ < Earned hfs station and bought his ticket like a sane man: -• «S, , ;* "What made you talk to me like a \ *arr' • \ ' ^ "What made yon ask questions like *'* ' * fool?' answered the ticket seller.-*- * - jBvrtingtan Hawkeue. | DEALERS t* Furniture OF ALL KINO8.1 Store ia Lansing's Blldk. NEAR THE DEJPOX, V m X t W K W - ' •iVnaMM • ' '* *>? y ,;fi< 'v ̂ i t*. »> uirfis We hsreene of the Inrgett stocks of Fnr- ultnre of all kinds to be found In the county, and our price* will be as si. LOW AS THE LOWE We keep none but the best and persons wishing i® buy Furniture ofaajr kind will sftve money by giving us a call. We also keep a full line of samples offt r. "v Ana can sell you one from the cheapest grade to a Brussels, as cheap u any house ouistdeof Chie.apo. Give us a Mill Mid we are sure we can save you money on anything in our line. U ndertakmg. A full Assyrtment of COFFINS AND CAS- KlSTS always on nantl. , AUSTEN BRCW8U McHenry, Nov. t8th, wmj: Mi» ! m ? Y MOItK RKALISM WANTBD. ( , ^ "••Good day, gentlHmen," "I A rather pretty young lady »w»l ..i|he doorway of the Chicago Tribunp /Editorial rooms and paused in graceful •% #xpectancy^after announcing her pro#- imoe. • J "Do you object," she continued, -'te ijiy talking to you gentlemen a little ^hile on a matter which may be of ||iterost to you?" *»i don't." replied the hone reporte*. MThe purpose of my visit was to call four attention to a work of art I am ^' ^iogAged In selling." and she unfolded, -4 picture which repeseutod two boat* V lying alongside of 4»ch other on a l^lMld sheet of water, one containing a ' fWMg man and the other a young •Is that the work of artP".aiked the reporter. • "T« sir." "What's the name of it?" "The title Is 'On the Lake,1 tad It Jb considered a very fine picture',** con- «|luued the young lady. , "I suppose so, I see the young man ,%as got hold of the youitg lady's hand, that's that for?" "Why," said the Tisitor, blushing violently, "he's--that I suppose--they +eem to be--why, the man is making , levs to the young lady/' "Oh," said the horse reporter, "he is peeking to win her young afactions, is * iie?" •-- "Tes, sir." replied the fair act mer- pant, "I suppose that is It." •4 "But what's he lying down in the Jboat for? Has he got the colic?M "No sir,", was the reply, fallowed by l-tnore blushes, "fits position la one of tjtoegligent ease,made so by the artist In order to more fully carry out the> jthouglits suggested by the picture." the following critical opinions of "Bullet andbhell." 'A book of really absorbing interest.*--PMIa. Am It remits »thousn It bad b^en written on the fteld of battle y. crttfe. "It will bo tlie raoct widely cir- cala ed work on the CWI War that hu been poblUbed." --Boston Olob*. "Warmly welcomed ererrwlier*."--; Sj/raeut* Time*. "Itle a pleasure to heartily endorse! 'Bullet and Shell.'"--CIMXIDO Tritmne. 'It isaeryeor- rect hiatory."- Otm. u. 8. Oi--' "" * Orant. "I have no heiita- tlon in recommending it to tte reading poblio of Amer- lc*-"--0€%. W.T. Bktrma*. AGENTS WANTED for Dill I CT DOLLCI selling at M^iSlun of theOlA.B..and B IIII cially .and profttable SHELLi A.Q. HETTLEIM A of thousands of eop- getic men, members others desiring espe- •mployment, should investigate ana secure agency With exclusive territory. Bpe- ' terms and full paction* Jree. Address rTz.mn.%*,' i Mm. POTTKBY PALACE! AffF MUSEUM!! «4» iMi WW; ' T • jiMT^ T*> 4 T\ "f'; fjfiU0-' • t >' • ?*' * «'Jl<Kf 5 j : " • " ; ' 1 ' rriiii ' m w> F.s-4? H WINTEI HIDE f m, With an unusually large assortment of "v Hardware, Tuiware, Stoves, Granite Ira-Wife, ft?, Iillist aM Apitletari. -AT BOTTOM PRIOKS- 1 ^'1 JOHN ll STOBT, At the old Htaiid of Jacob Story, McHenrj, invites the attention of Dairymen, House-Keepers, in fact everybody, to his large stock of Milk Cans, Creamery Pails, and everything in the line of TIN A-ND GRANITE IRON WaHK, which he is selling at prices as low as the lowest, workmanship and quality of goods guaianteed. Tin Roofing, EaveTrotighing, Jobbing and Repairing promptly attended o {^"Remember, extra good bargains can always be obtained : ••iuiiv •Salei of Stock, Farm ing Tools, intl ijooiis of all Kni'is 1'romplly Atieuiiea to w UeasoDAblc I- * I1TI1I! THAN EVER. HIS J*EW STORE • •' • !' .%rwwt 9 I %:3 I?; MiitfiTt 0" ^L-siTr. mois 1' ^dbale* ,:: it#**" •:fc» Drugs, Medidnre,: faints, OUs, Toflet ArUelfifi, It. The felfowing are a few of tlie articles to be feund In otir S Hanging Lamps, "I Braelret {Amps, All kinds and deslfel Fish lilnses. Imported China Moustache Onps. ...s-'-i,; Vases, Toilet Sets, Smoking .Sets, " *'••&&& Odor Casest Jewel Caskets, Gipsy Kettles, Choice PerfnmeiT, all kin'ls, very fancy sets. Florence,Cellnloir), Rubber Dressing cases in blue, red and green plush. Hand Mirrors in bine, red and green plush Florence Hand Mirrors. Hair, Cloth nnd Toooh Brushes, all kinds, Combs. Fane? Toilet .Soaps, Puff Boxes, Spectacles. Face Powder, Cosmetics, jFancy Box paper, writing paper, all kinds sTeiU'hers schcdnles, Iteward Card.", ^Oesks, Pads, Itlankbooks, Memorandums, al) .. kinds and sizes 'lAutoRraph Albums, . Pencils, plain and fancy, Pens, Inks, all kind, JInkstands, tnncy desk,Elates, Mnsciisge. *Toy I'Hints, 1'layirg Cards, Checkers, |0 hecker boards, Dominoes, Dice, I>ice Boxes. Violin Strings and Bridges, school Crayons, BANKH, Jolly Nigger, Kicking Male, TOjjr lron ; Gymnastic, Tin, f Tin Toys, all kinds, Wni-serv, D B, »- Dol is--wax, bisqne, all kinds and sise*. from 2 cents up, . T"y Dishes, Castojs, . I^i'iief Bags, Packet Books, Purses. Specie ltags. Harmonica Floten, Hsrmonicas, all klm ' Rickter, Famous Double Uickter. v;t• • Concert. S i > Pipes, all kinds, Meerschaum Cigar Solders. Cijrar Cases, Lorillard famous I>. Ping, Silyar Coin, Navy Plug, Fine Cut. Cigars--Famous N'e. 1. Mary Ann, Little Jolin, Gertie, Bouquet, Barbian Bros. Standard S|« Tea Rests. JWzors and Strops, Famous Dn^o T^yf- Tooth Powder. • •*;. .. ' :-s Face Powder. Pockct Mirrors. Iwr' j Tooth Picks. Lead Pencil Erasers. Smoking Tolmcco--Old Judge, Old Rip, Tonsv Navy Clip., Golden Chain, Peerless. Just Thing, Plash Picture Fmmea. inee and Liquors for Medicinal use. Bottled Ale and Porter .for Family use. OHN B tuiiTsmsiniiiH! Without a _ . Ctoektry,. . .1"jSl&si M W«M» Jlwwy Q(M Toys, Vertltias, 1 T Ghasdtliei is K«t i- ' '•Wall, i don't know," said the horae |reporter. "Maybe you are right, but it doesn't look natural. I guess he's nort el crouching down that way In case the jgirl's father should happen to be over |there on the shore ef the lake with a "•Perhaps." said the jroung laclj, un- relling another picture, which repre- aetueda pair of lovers standing under a tree, "you might like this. It is en­ titled 'One Heart, One Thought.*" ^ '•Ne," was the reply. "It's too Ideal . again. If you could get tip one entiled .'One Heart and Four Spades,' It would |Mll well In Chicago. Such a picture Jwould appeal to the artUtic nature 0f ^vour most pfomlnent citizens." Ip "Uoorf day, air,'1 said the young lady. ; MI atu much obliged for your courtesy *^and advice." ^ , '•Don't mention ft. Come in again ' and I will let you look at some of our V'prlse stories,'"-- Chicago Tribune, Whit© Sewing Machine. ifcf W. H. Ogbln. Algonquin, hits the ex­ clusive agency for the White Sewing fiehlne in McHenry county. Tills ma-ine haa no superior. Call and see him auldreM him at Algonquin and leurn t.aerm«. % He ts also agent for the Stever Buck- jejre Feed Mill. $$ HOUSE AKD LAND FOR SALE. IS The undersigned oftera for sale his "Ihonae and e*»« acre of laud, situated ia tbe fRbkl Pt McHenry, near the pub- .vJIcachool bull fling On the premises iPa a gjooa l>arn and outhouses, and I fruit of all kinds. Will be sold jasenaMo and on easy terms. Iu- |iiire on the preuilsfB. * C. -STKOEMAVK, McHenry. III., August 1st, ISitl ' Don't forgot the fact that Dw-iglit lia* the finest and largest ae?nrr<uLf-iv |of men'* aud woinenV Holiday Slippers The stock Ready for the Holidays. This is the place to buy. Prices are low. Prices will please. The display^ will astonish. ;The show 'Willj surprise. f'ome before the assortment is broken. Come now and ses the novelties. Come now and secure rare articles that cannot be dup­ licated by and by, The gold finished Lamps and Chandeliers will £ive the hoi^e a modern appearance. The new house an elegant completeness. . The Grocery Department will be especially complete. ORANCE8, LEGIONS, Grapes, Flg^^Aprleots, Waialwi Cfendjjrft Jfco, Nov, Choate. " WOODSTOCK, ILLV 20, 1883. PATENTS. Inventors, send model or sketch ot yoor in­ vention and I will maktj careful preliminary examination, anil report, as to patentabilitv with advice, civriilitrs, etc., FRKK OF CIIAKGK. All business before 17. s. I'alcnt OfUire nt. tended to tor moderate fees, KG CIIAKOE OK- LBSS VATKNT IS OBTALKKT). X- B- LITTELL, P^m^|ttterne)r^ ^ lia. ngton, Two Doors North of Perry & Owen. My stock of Vurniture i» complete with a larger sttock than ever, And will be sold as cheap Hs iuiy other in the county, and it will be to the interests of the buying1 public to ca upon me when in want of anything;; in that lino. UNDERTAKING ^ ' In this department T keep a first-class H«soi;.tirfent of Caokets and Coffins and Shrouds of all kinds and quulitie«#;A Hearse furnished at reasonable rates. „ : JOHN B. BLAKE. FOR SCHOOL BOOKS. Now And Second • ... Q-o to the Drug Store, ! Having ascertained the different books used in all tte different districts tributary 'to Wauconda, we can carry a stock which, in quantity, quality and variety, will be sufficient to promptly tupply your wauts. "Tou will also remember that this is the place to get bargains in Albums ot all kinds, Pocket Books, Ladies Hand Bags, Stationery, C*rds, Music, Spectacles and Rattling Goo&PTr (<• r'k-fji?. -> V. X ,/« WmaM ;s>^ &(•* t^-TUY ONE AND YOU WONT VORGrET IT. F. B. HARRISON. > Wauconda, Sept. lst, 1863. Ml* u$ dFor Rent. . :f Um ;"T:. A new house, situated about three miles east of the village of McHenry. la on land "vhere there is grubbing and other work to be done, and a good chance will he given a tenant. For full particulars Inquire of JOHK A. SMITH, Al*o for saie six yMirlimj*. five h«*il. w ai«4i oiM» tV ill tie sold r»*u- •ouatilo. JOS. WIEDEMANN, Saloon and Restaurant, < «/ ,1 * ' • : ' jKEAU ««fc BEFOii ' iWcHiNRY, - 1LLIWOI8 The best ltran<ls of Wines. Liquors ar Cigars always on Hand. G<K>«1 Slabliog Horses. , > ALSO AGENT FOR Franz Falk's Lager_Beer, Beer in 1<arge or Small Kegs orfBotttes a ways on Iian4 cheaper ttan any otber. qual ty eonsi'lered. This Beer has a world wxle repntatlon, aa>l frooiHmtge" acknowledge it cannot oe su> passed in tlie world. OrUov« Uy ntiiil promptly attemleri to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. Itettearji ill. A««. . 5= DO YOU WANT -TO BUY- Sewing Machine? I bave on hand and am selling at the Low­ est prices, the Domestic, Kl<lred(tc, New Home, Spriofrfleld, New American, and Singer e winis Machines, and w^ll not.be undersold by *ny a^cnt in the county. A good linger Machine for 30. warraated to do the work ofany Singor Uaciiinu in the world. Cal i and see me. U. H. OWES. ttileiiry, V«U. i»>, HM. The best brands of Ci_ and Smoking and Chewing Tobacco always on hand. % •• iPhy sician# ̂ Prescriptions B N-W m Chicago &¥orth-Western RW3^a»MffiLf*ATJ?fr!LraW C H I C A G O And all polnte In Northern IUinoit, Cen­ tral, Eastern and NortbMc 'vv irn Jotm, v Mlc îSuva, Minno-i" Itobayg&ntî andfe , Colorado, Wyom«/ --- ~ - - Nevada^ ' -,*n? -tif CEO. W. BESLEY. 'November 28th, 1883, i Great Bargains in men's and boys' Yeal Calf, Stoga Kip, Fine Calf Pegged and Hand Sewed Boots. \ Men's, boys' youths' and children's Rubber and Gum Boots, .T. men's women's, misses?A and r children's iJBuckle Arctic ̂ Snow Ex­ cluders, self-acting Alaskas tod women's Siberian But­ ton Arctics, mens, womens, misses and childrens staple and fine Shoes, mens wool lined boots i% grain leather. Abo a tremendous stock of Men's and Women's plain and fancy Siippers, bought expressly tor the Holiday tiade and received this week. It will pay you to coran from all - over the county to trade at Dwight's old reliable cash store. N. II.--HOUSE ESTABLISHED IN 18H5. tll W. H. DWICHT. Cor. Main tt and Pubile Square, Woodatock, III. And will t»c pleased to sjiow you our stock, consisting of DEI -GOODS, NOTIONS, CL0THIN3, AND- .'U» f r€*J> {« . f x '- I" Ladies* and GenUf Underwear, Ladies' and Gents' Goss:i 44 ** ** Glovos & Mittens, ** *• ** Bosiei A nice stock of Cors«ts and Hoop Skirts, an KXTRA QUALIi" ?; of Woolen Yarns, Carpet Warps, Cotton patting, and al) the S . 4 Articles kept in a General Store, and at prices to suit the pr t depreciated markets. GOOD BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED, e Highest Market PrjcePaid. M4XES& BARTLETT?5: - w.' • w ̂ " '""r t •Vyp?'™" >T " ~ ~ ^^bonsin, N •Otfk Dnkotm. BBa Mormern JfewaM tafc UtM, Idabo. Califbrnia. Orei/on, Waahlnpton Terrl-tory.jBrUwk Columbia, China, Japan»* the'8andwlch blanda jSutraiia,1^ amttmd, and all principal points in thePf NORTH, NORTHWEST and WEST. With its own line* it traverses North-# ern 1 ixisois, Central and Northern# IOWA, WISCONSIN, Northern MICHLi^ OAX.iUNNESOTA. and Central DAKO­ TA. It offers to the traveler all accom­ modations that can be offered by any*- railroad- Its train service equals tBat ! of any road: their speed is as great aap oomfort and safety will permit; they:V make close connections tn union depota at junction and terminal points with, the leading railroads of the West and. ' Northwest, and offer to those that usefo SPEED, COMFORT AND SAFETY _ At CHICAGO it makes close connec­ tion with all other railroads at that city.' It runs PALACE StEEPINO CARS on' - all, through trains, PAKtoit CARS on its.' principal routes, and north-WKSTEIW X»INIXO CARS on its cor WO 11, BLUFF*,! apd on its ST. PAT7I, and MINNEAPOLIS - through day express trains. " If you wish the Beet Traveling Accorc- : Nihtions you will buy your Ticket#! •s Ms route AND WILL TAKE nonks -IV- •;! ""5It. rates for single or round trip " 1 , "3 and for full information in re- , , i all parts of the West. North and . * invest, write to General PasseRgei- j'ent, nt Chicago, 111. 4AU Coupon Ticket Agents sell Tickets. tot this Line. J. D. LAYNG, MARVIN HUGEITT, Gteu. 8up*t. 2d Vice-I*r<*f». and Qcn. Maiiafmy, W. a STENNETT, Gen. Pass. A#., Chicago. B. Sherman, HI WOODSTOCK, ILU, -- DEAT.EB IN-- ftreech and Muzzle Loading bhot Guns. 'K'i'i*" - Powder, Sn<>t, Caps, W.vts an<1,> , Okrtridgee lor sale. Kishlnjj Tac icle cbcap. . s Al. Kinds or . Spo rting . . oodsi AND REPAIRING DONE. A fftmrt Breoch wa,1liijr, Double; Barreled Gun, warrnnteil T\vi»t 4t20. Wir.chesler Rifle, 7« model, 19 shot s, 25. Nickel Plated R shot H«volver, #2.5(K Self cocking British Bull Do(f Pistol, .00. A good Single Jlarrel, Breech Loading, Slnjrle Gun, wnrrunted, $5. I will undersell any house in the county In Guns and .Sporting Goods. If you want a good gun it will uav you to call and' see me. I warrant every gun I sell, < Clothes Wringers repaired and new Bolls put oii. Price pep pair warranted, $2.50. • B. SHERMAN. Woodstock, July JMb.1883. , ATTENTION -""•J BCCNOMYIS WEALttt i Ton can save money by giving -yourordort m CHIMONO, - > ILLINOIS,!! --forII*. , ij Wagon8, Carriages of all descriptions, Be ' jMlring, Painting, i>:nei'AI ilacK. smithing, &c., &<>,, 4«. Repairing of plows anil all other farm hu- pigments is given particular nttcnlmii. lo i my manufactures I use oil I v the best materl- •• ali and, kcepiiii; I he very I rent workmen in all J departments, 1 am oiinttled to gtifrantee and ' - warr.ant nil work that goes from my shop as i lli'st class in every particular, ; II * SPECIAL GUARANTEE OX WAGOX9. 1 All farm wagons mnnufactuved at my sbo| ure wurrauted for TMKKE VGARS. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS I sell every agricultural implement, incliui* ing, especially, Norwegian walking and Rid" ing IMows, N. <; Thoiiipson and tiesley Bros' , Mowt-and Cultivators, F. II Viunny seeders ^ and Corn Cultivators, the Dowaginc. Spring j,-'! Tooth ?• eclers, the Piano and l>. M. Oslxtrne 4KI Co.'s Harvester and Twine Binder, the War- riorand Hopkins' Mower, and all other Ilrst- -4| class machines. Warranted lirst-clnss or ao sale. .. I BLACKSMITHING of every kind attended r • to promptly uiid satisfaction guaranteed. '$ \ F I I 9 B P A I N T I N O A SPECIALTY. t have engaged J. STILLWEI.L, the !ms» painter of She Northwest, for one year, ot longer, to take charge of m; paint shop, which is a sufficient guarantee that all work of that kind will be done in the beat and most artixtio st.vle. It should not be forgotten that I employ J. Repass, wood-workman of twer.tv years'ex- uerience, and L Howe, carriage 'blacksmith, both 111 surpassed as artizans 111 their line. Finally, come and see me and J will guar­ antee satisfaction ns to prices nnd quality ot , work loall interested. . F W. MEAD, DR. J0HN BULL'S Sni'sTmicSmi , FOR THE CURE OF FEVER and AGU E Or CHILLS and FEVEH , " ARB ILL •ILJtltlAL DISEASE!. ,a The proprietor of thia celebrated aedl* «tne ioatlr oleims for it s saperioritor over ill reniediea ever offered to the pnblio tot the SAFE, CEBTAIH, 8PSBDT and FS». XEAVSVTonre of Ague ead Fever, or Ohilla ud Fever, whether of short or loag etend- iag. He refers to the entire Weetern and Southern eoontry to boar hint testimony to the truth, of the assertion that ia no ease whatever will It'flail to eure If the direo- tiena are striotly followed and earried oat. la a freat many oases a single dose haa been soAeiant for a omre, and whole fiuni- Ilea have been oured by a single bottle, with a perfoot restoration of the general health. It ia, however, prudent, ana in every oase more certain to oure, if its use is oontiuued in smaller doses for a week or two after tbe disease has been checked, more especially in difioult and toag-etaadieg oases. Usu­ ally this ntodioiae will not require any aid to keep the bowels la food order. Should the patient, however, require a cathartic medicine, after having tafcea three or four doeoe of tte Tonio, a single doee of BULL'S •MUTABLE JAMXLTFXLLS will be suf­ ficient. BULL'S ia the eld and reliable remedy for impurities of the blood and Scrofulous aflbcooas --the Xing of Bleed Purifiers. I PB. JOHF BULL'S VEGETABLE WMUt % BBSTB0TXB ia prepared in the form «f eaady drope, attraeuvs to the sight aad pleasant to the teste. OR. JOHN BULL'S SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, BULL'S SARSAPARIUA, 1, BULL'S WORM DESTROYE*,1 The Popular Remedies of the Day. s f 6 M e e , 8 S i * a i a S M M » i a g V l i , i-iK t

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