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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Dec 1883, p. 5

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- - . is * v" *• -SW». sifc-vw* *" >.>,* mtt ' <t „ 1; ̂ :fjt$,/:̂ sĵ f • . ;,n, j ft .- -* **&*' * » . '/?"<#*: V, . X% ST. * :A'W3 *• Alf** /"" * ai^iWssSfeS^ llf ' 'f!' V /'H^,,/^ ,lv,M ', ^ Aft WEDNESDAY, DEC. 19. FL»3. Railroad Time Table. •eneva Bum •eneva Qimt* •111 vi x »a fit. Seneva T.afce Freight .#•** A. * Geneva Lake Pa«wen*er., i»:-W ." Sonera Lake Ksprcs* vi « Soaeva Lake PMsenee# «:»» ^ B. BRU, Asrent. Me.flenry, Til •'•••i M VSOVIC WclfKintT Lonoic. No. iw \. F. mirt A. M.-- Ki(n|iir Pommiitiiwitions the Mturrtiy «n «r •mere the full «f the moon and every weeks thereafter. „ „ _ „ OH AS. C. OOLBV, W. M. *_-<A Vavav nt%PT»!I <?->. li 1. *T?e®lV 1ST Convocation* hell on the sewn I ami loartn /frlMa*s in each moneh. K. V AWNKRMVF, H. P. *.- a n or # twtiW M. MBe wire and hear Mlsa Anilnii • ijlhoel entertainment. - > *THE Board of S*ip-r' I nrS nr \IuS*s- "?"(|o!» at Wooilntook this week. -SCHOOL Entertalnuient.Fridajr '• ttjg, December 21st. - :VJ .. *. Tint fall term of our public school Friday, December 21st. The • , ' '.innt«r term begins January 7th, 1884 » Remember the Christmas Tree at * the Universalis Ch irch, oa Mo ml as* e*«wnlng. December 24rh. '"THE Richmond Market Fair take*) fdlace to-morrow, Thursday, Do not' ftBl to Attend. THR Volo Butter an 1 Cheese Factory I Ik paid >1.17 cent* for Oiinbftti This fac- V*Ory always pay* promptly. THORB vrloliiiisi Now Year's OaiNil* Should not fall to call at this office ami «*• the styles. We have some beau- • tie*. ftKMKMBKR that Nevln's Military Band play at the Now Yrar's Partywat the Riverside House, on Tuesday even­ ing, January 1st. G THE first snow of the season, lb this f nectlmi. made Its appearance on Snn- „ I day last, although not enough to make V.lelgblng.J Don't forget the New Year's rarty At Grand Wall, (Parker House) on Tues­ day evening; .Tamiary 1st.' Music bjr blocum'e Orchestra. /T poiiu'l bey a» Mr King's, at tlie Cheese Factory, on Sunday and a ten pound boy at C. T. Eblredge'* on Tuea- day morning. Who. says our popula^ tlen is not increa«inff. / \\ PKumiu R. NOLLT returned from liii Kansas tr*p last week. FRANK OIUMKS, of Nunda, WAS caller nt tbis otHce on Mniidny. JOHN J. LCMM, Jr.. of Algonquin, was in town on HON. F. K. Git.vsfJKK moved Into bis bouse last week. He lias one of finest residents in town. MRS Du BROWS returned on Wednes­ day last from a five, weeks visit In Chicago. WK are glad to be able to say this week that George Owen Is still Im­ proving, and with no pTill-back will be roti'itl again soon. PROP. POTTKR, who waa a school :u'lier bore twenty nine years »ff«, tna.ie us a call one day last week. He FMVS times have changed here some since that time. GIDEON FWK Clifton, III., spent* Sunday In this til­ lage. They are leaking arrangements to buy out a large Clothing House at Geneva Lake, Wis. ; * * RKV. CHAS. SMITH. t)ie new psstnr of the Gfrman I<utheran Olmrch. in this village, preached bu Sunday last, and will be here every two weeks in the future. Services at the M. E. cbrtroh at 2 p. m. f E. GRISWOI.D and wife start t0-'"'? for a trip.through Mississippi and Ten­ nessee. They expect to be gone abjifcut lour weeks. Mr. Griswold informs us that if Ite finds a place to suit Uiiu he will move there in Hie spring i. i^. i BONSI.ETT, STOFKKL name of the new firm & Oo. is the who aie now MLL.LHIKD W.tlTK. DIED.--TN , Illinois, on SstnnHy rmomiiut. De^-emtoer I5lh, !"«#, of nonHumoUon, MII,I>RIU> WAITK, AJJA l ii ye«r», 4 luoothii, p days. Mildred waa the daughter of R. nnd >M. A. Walt", iintl w;is 'torn In the vil­ lage «f Motlenry. the 8th of Angu«t. 1 W»S. She WHS taken sick about "two years »g<», when she was confined to the house for several weeks. After her recovery her health 's«*emed good, and she agnln entered school, where she was welcomed by a kind teaeher an«l many loving classmates. During the following winter she took a severe cold, which terminnird iu consump­ tion. Her friends confidently hoped that she nil^ht be cuted. although lier constitution seemed so frail. But it could '»e seen that*she was gradually falling. She grew weak"r and weaker. For over two months previous to her death, site could only rest iu a reclin­ ing position. , She guttered hut little pain until tin last week of her life, when, at times. It seemed beyond en* durance. Qo Saturday morning, De­ cember loth.^be seemed usually bright but her friends saw t here was a change. At eight o'clock site quietly passed away. During her entire sickness. Miss Mildred was very patient, and re­ peatedly spoke of the kindness of her friends. The words that she utterpftl at midnight before her death were aflecting--"Everybody is ao good t» me," The fuuetal servicea »ook place at the bouse, and were conducted by ReV. S. Searl, pastor of the M. E. Church. Tba public schools weS(! closed and among those present were many classmates who met to pay the last tokens of respect to one they opening a flue stock of goods in the j loved. I bus one who had bright prom- new store of L. Bonslett, one door <v*»t | i"^8 f°r the future, lias parted from lis. & J. W.CRISTThas again beei) appol 'ed Porfinaster at Rlngwood. the present incumbent. H. K. Duers.being about to close mil his business at that place. > j JffiTKNiPKBKV and Police Magistrate r rUwoy have rented the room in Helm- y . | «r's Bni1dii«g. opposite Perry & Owen's !• #-fr»« -#rbt<e. wb1«li will be used hereafter as a \ Justice"* offc*e. H. ELI.woon *111 please of lite Parker House. Tlieir stock will consist of Dry Goods. Groceries, end ii^ short everything usually kept in a first class general styre. When they get fairlj open we will teli our readers more about them. AKTKR January 1st t'nov*of ohr sub­ scribers tn this village, who are now receiving flieir papers hv carrier, will receive tlien: through the Post Offices, The reason for this cluuige is that it takes a good deal of valualiJe time on the most busy day of the week for us. aid as all go to the Post Office at least once a day It will be no Inconvenience to them. Wc trust this will be satis* factory to all and will certainly be a great help to us. IK the proposed plan of numbering the hours from one to twenty-four is adopted, it. will sound funny to hear spell talk as this; "Here it is nearly half-past nineteen! Yesterday night -ftTwas twenty minutes past tw«-nty-onp von came home, and to night never came hear I be bouse till twentv-flve minutes pa«t twenty- <hree. " This lvis to «top. If you can't get home at half-past thirteen, or a quarter to fourteen I'll let you bay® t he lionse to your-t^f a<'d back to* mot iter," s* ,'»«#;!-.• THK AIUA LAWUKNCK Dr*matiQ Company opened loi a season ««t •!»•! She will not only be missed by pareuta, brother and sister at homn, but by a large circle of friends and acquaint­ ances. 1 The family desire to return sincere and heartfelt thanks to the many friends and neighbors who rendered iiivaliiahle assistance duHng the afflic­ tion and bnrta! of one who is so sadly missed in the home circle. When v VMii ne «fpt thank* for copies of the "Com pen ^flum of the Tenth Census of the fJnlied States." which we have jnot te- eeive^i. Arm # STWON STOPHKM.. of the Arm of iBonslett, Steliell «!fc 0<». aiTtl Mi«s Ann i I G. Bonslett, daughter of I/enuard Bon I slett. were inarried.at the Oliiitci* in \ JoliHSliuiy. on Tuesday morning. THK Anutial M«cting of the State Tea li rs' Asvoii itlou will be iiehl ii ' tJ»e city of Sprlngtk»M next week Wetlue«daj\ Tlmr-dav and Friday. Dee Jfttb. 27th and 38th. An interestiu^ |)Mgramme has bean-prepared. AN Iowa journalist who recently fe- UTed from the field, made the assertion that no trite Christian cauld he an edi­ tor. W« have several reasons for thinking that he was more tliaa half rigN, - • DWM'T staud around and scratch your tn?aA«ver what yon.-are going to buy for Christmas Presents, but go to John B. Bla1te*s and Ke will show you a hun- . ilreil appropriate gifts, and «11 oft hem |Kt priees that yen can afford. Don't j|ai!toeaM«n him at once. ON.C, E. WILLIAMS. Dentist, wishes vs to say that as bis regular «?ay comes •n Christmas, be will make his visit on the 26th, Wednesday of next week, and will, perhaps, remain the 37th. Those who wish to enjoy the Holidays bv hav­ ing a tooth r>nlled should bear this in mliul. week, at Riverside Hall, on' Monday eve«iug last, awl, notwithstanding the bad weal her, have be*Mi greeted with fair bouses. Those who have heard thein are unanimous in pronouncing them tlirc l»est trotipi* who -ever visited ibis section. Mi»s Aida Law­ rence, the star, is ably supported.every 3iember«f the Company taking tkeir part in an unexceptionable man*<>r. Ail lovers of the play wlut do not wish to mi^s a rich treat sk<n«l<l not fail to go to Riverside Hall to night, at which time will lie presented the bBSHlil'Hl drama of East Lynne* r 'thr A HEOtrLAR Oemmuiiicatlon of Mc- llenry Loilge, No. 188 F. & A. Masons, 4,j will be held OH Saturday evening next. Dec. 22tL for the election of officers for the ensuing year and the transaction of other important business. All mem­ bers are earnestly requested ^ "be present. By order of the W. ^ ; ̂ THKSK long evenings sbolild be spent in reading good books and newspapers, and not in idleness and -dissipation, These young uien who wMI spend t tew hours every evening rea<Mng some Instructive book, and will take notes of the leading topics *f tln»«1ay. will lay for himse.lf a good educatiou iu a ̂ few years, HE red skies of the pMst two «r ee weeks are a puzzlin-; phenomenon for I lie meteorologist. It was no or­ dinary condition which produced the glowing sunsets over the whole conti­ nent of Xortli America, and how much fui titer ye know not. The red was not iu local cloud^, but in the sky above the cloudrf. The "yellow day" of two or three yenrs ago. wa« less general jand was caused by the smoke «»f the Canadian woods. In this case we can gnees that some uiiglity volcanic dis­ turbance has throw n av vast layer of gas or dust into the upper strata of the air. such' as was supposed some days after the Java convulsion, to have caused the "green sun'" in India. Or we may ciili- jecture tlnit the earth has struck a re gion of meteoric dost, reflection from which produces the general eflect. Any conjecture, however, has its difficulties, and the phenomeuoit is Hkeiy te be carefully studied. -- THKKI: is a general complaint of the difficulty iu making collect) its every where just at this time. W||ple« sale merchants say their trade'^ias largely fallen ofl as the fall Ii# vanced. and money com's in vety* slow­ ly. This is a good t ime for everybody to "go slow" and keep out ol debt, for with three years of comparative poor crops it csnimt fall to be a hard ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PLAINDEALKR:--At Morton A Chapell's sale ot cows on Wedn»sdii'y of last week, cows sold on an average of 857.07 and Mr. Morton started on the next day Norihwar-1 after anotlier car load. ' Helm ft Peter have pot* lit a new show case, and they have a fiiie assort­ ment of plated ware and cutlery which is just the thing for Christmas presents. Hubbard & Benson shipped a carload of hog* to Chicago on Tuesday of last week, and just struck the tmem In the hog market. l)r. Nason has a flue assortment of goods suitable for Christinas presents. John Adams and bride made their friends a short visit on Tuesday of last week. They were married on Monday. D c. 10th at the Richmond House. In WoodstocVf. They intend making Elgin their home. F. D. Colt rin has a fine assortment of confectionery and other goods suitable for the holiday trade,. Wnt. Spregcl arrived in town oh Thursday of last week wltit his bride . They were married in Lake Cour.ty, on Dec. 5th. They have gone to house­ keeping in the Chas. Knblank house. " Wen bolt» Ac Philp have a line display htdlday goods. Mrs. F. D. Coltrln spent part of last week in Chicago vis!ting relatives. Ther© were arrangements made oil .Saturday^ evening of last week for a Christinas Tree iu the Congregational churcli^and all are cordially Invited tn take part, as there will be an oppor­ tunity^) put on presents for big and Ihtie, old and young. There will be literary exercl*c» In connection with the tree.. Come one, come all and have a good time. At D. W. Thomas* cow sale on Satur­ day of last week cows sold on au aver- age of S1G.-M. Widow Wiliner, from near Barria*- ton, ha- ni^|<nHntooi>e °f R. Slilifeldt's houses on 'the 't^st'side of the river. The tickets afte out for a New Year's party at tlio Algonquin House on Mon­ day evening. Dec.3Ut. 1S:13. Music by the. Algonquin Bnnd. Tickets 91.75. Mrs. J. II. Lund is on the sick list. We ar'f to have a telephone office in It is going to be in store, Unnie of the blirte. St Ran !i, ISi«, Mr. Otmrl«*s W»n. ami Mist Alb;t Argard, of Kichnioitd ^department. COSTHIBUTED BV V . BKWSKTT. year we are soon entering ott"«- wlch Argun. -Sanl- town this'week Dr. Nason s dru MAUHIKD.--A t t Claim, Wia., Do <lr<ick, of Algnnqn Eau Ciiiiie. " We must, per force of circumstances, maicearery short c<»mmnnicution this week. The fact is local happenings have been few and far between, aud it won't do to manufacture items "out of whole cloMi." Tiie iiniet of winter has Settled down on our little burgh, not yet disturbed by the pro«|x*et of the Holiday season. Up tn December 10th our farmers have l»een busy busking corn and plowing. It has seemed strange to rU'e through ;he country and see the latter work going on so near Christ­ mas, The beautiful and inlld weather has been without precedent for years, if we remember rightly. In many years. The farmer who has not got ready for winter must be n slow and lazy fellow, for h? has certainly bad time enough. Tills week «tnd next there will, doubt­ less be a rush to town to buy holiday goods, with which our stores are more than usually well supplied^ Happy are they whose purses ahoirid in Green­ backs for they may enjoy one of earth's greatest pleasures--giving pleasure to others. From now till New Year's.we shall realizo bow strong the claims of the children are upon us, and the sweet family mysteries of arranging for the* holiday gifts will make tens of thous­ ands of hearts beat hi unison. 'TIs the heart beat of vthe Christmas and the New Year's, one and joyous, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The social atmosphere harbors a storm of pleasure as wide-spread as the equinoctial. The electricity of love pervades the air. The lIcii and the poor feel it alike. The cheap and humble gift of the poor laboeer can-iesas ir ucli love with it and as much joy as the princely ofleting of the millionaire. The ragged boy's Christmas whistle lias as much music in it for hi in as the grtmd piano has to the. daughter of wealth, and the 25-ceut dolls will be as carefully preserved and tended as the 025 ones. The air or Christmas morning will be tremulous with exclamations of surprise aud pleasure the circuit of the globe. All bail the Christmas! All hail the New Year! , mon.l Cornet Band, and the first regu­ lar club dance will be held In tlie Band Hali on the evening of Dec. 31ct. A s«ries of ten dances will be given tnem- hers ot the club for $6, one-half pay­ able at the first dance and tlie balaiv at the middle of the series. Sup pel will be furnished when desired am teams taken care of. Hurt Rogers i- caller for the series. Case and Furst & Bradley Sulke< Plows at E. M..Oweu & Sou's. Go to Mrs. M. Schumacher's for Mil n»ry. Dress Making and Fancy G«od» SHk Velvets Perry A Owen's. and Velveteens at Cloaks. Dolman's aud tJlsters for Ladies aud Misses at Perry & Owen's. All the leadiiig Owen & Son's, Walking Plows at The largest line' of Ladles' a^il Gents'Knit Underwear at II. Colby's Zinc Boards, iu all st vies and priees. JOHN I. STORY. A line line •( Overcoats just received at Perry & Owen's. The Jewel Parlor Base Heating Wood Stove, a perfect beadty, at .John I. Sterj's. CaU and see the Universal Coal $toye at tloliM 1. Story's. Abo the Jewel Star. Tni5Infest styles ami lowest priees tn Millinery and Fancy Goods, ait Mrs. Nichols'. We have a lot of Hats worth from 50 cents to $3.00. Your choice far 50 cents at 11. Colby's. 1 tippy la\% I RE EN WOOD- „V •. ENIFSI^Pi.AIND KAI KR P»%frtr sre beginning to look at slejghfl ftUil cut­ ters, but that is all, ' "W. II. Moses made a short vlsll In town the li'St of the »vi-<*k\ D. W, Super lias a fine assortment, ol •holiday goods, #blcli l& iiifelliiigTery low. -v..-,"" We hear that Mr and Mrs Wilcox;ln tend inovinu to Woodstock. We were much pleased to see a poem :rom Rev. B. Aldeu lli last «fisek*s Self * ; : v A ladies aid society is being organ tzed for the benefit of the Baptist Church. The first meeting was held at J. H. Garrison's Tuesday afternoon L. McCarter w;l| soon commence wnjk in tlie Rock Island car shops, where lift intends remaining until spring. Win-Bighani has ju«t received another 1*rg<» lot of lantern lighters aud paring knives. Surprise parties are quite numerous. About fixjv pe«»ple gave Rev. Ilappell and wife a sj»rpri«e'la«t Tuesday week. A few davs later a cliiblrens party was he|»l at -lob Tob*s. W. A. Baker lost a valuable cow one day last week. It ; Slipped and lell while running and w'a» so severely in­ jured that it bad to be - killed. Died. Saturday Dee. lnili Francis Mc- Doiiald.-age ten ycai«. A large circle of friends and relatives greatly mourn her loss. John Crooksbank informs us that he i« grandpa again as. Hr, and.MC!. l^J'on, af cihitonviiie nvI«,have Another son in tlie if family. - ';?<*'•; / WK lesrn that Disc McLean assaulted a ruan with a« ajte Ui a saW»on at Giu- «va Lake. W?s„ one day last week, in- fllctlng a wound which may prove fatal. One report says that lie Uai since died McLean ft 4i*w in this village, and claims t<» liliee done it In self defense These are all the particulars we have \toeen aWe to iearn. HAVK we a Board of School Di­ rectors?" Is a question that srorild nat­ urally arise In the minds nV any person on learning that the "Principal of our public school was obliged, on the first real cold day of the year, to himself work a full half day replacing broken gla«s IN the windows,'IN order to keep out the snow aud wind. The Principal of our school was obliged to do just this on Monday last, and it certainly is jm etredit, to say the least, to our elH cient Board. We believe it i» tlie duty *f the directors to see that the school ro«m«are in a comfortable cr% iliriou for both scholars and lenMiers. i a id «*nainly the upjier m«»»n in mir public school building is not. When scholars will sli'ver with the cold, and the lunch in their dinner j>ailsIreeae to a solid mass as they did ou Monday last.it is high time that *some one woke up to the situation. The facts are the stoves in this room listve been xvoru out for the past live venre, and are entirely inadequate to sufficiently beat, the room to make it comfortable. Then why this false econ »;ny in -uol buying new stoves? Is the health of the children ot no importa«w.e? Again Have we a Board oil School THfCKtc will be a Christmas Arbor a the M- E. Church on Christinas even lug, December 25th. It has been de ended to charge an admission of te4 cents for adults and live cents for chll-\ W(J !ISK. dren under flfteeK years to defray the'^)irectors among us?" expenses. The exercises will begin -- promptly at 7:15. All are cordially in- vited to attend and enjoy a pieasaat evening, ; 3 By ORDER OF COM* Son's, Waoconda. od Goods, low prices, and an hon­ est deal, can be had at J. R. Wells 4 fo the Darrcing Public. Tb« undersigne<l would resjiet'l ftiHy auuouno- to the dam-lug public tha* Riverside Hall has been refitted iu the best of manner, and with the new floor lately put i:i is now in better shape than ever before to accommodate th«»s^ who love to "trip the light fantastic." NKVIX'S MILITARY BAND, of Chicago, five idece-. will furnish music for the \ew Year's Party, and are pro­ nounced bvall who have liear«l the II So l»e the best Band In the State. Prof. Xevins hlinSelf will be |<resent. and during the evenlng will give one of bis celebrated; Drum Solos, which of itself is worth going a good w-iys to hear. AV'ith ,tl»e HaM. well fitted, warmed and lighted, we can promise nil who favor u* with their presence on New Year's nlgWt, a pleasant and enjoyable time. " •f Wv. M. YAOKR, Prop'r. Great Atractions for Christmas Holiday Goods! Everyday Goods! Goods that are useful, ornamental ami cheap. If ynu happen to have business over in* Gagetowu. the "West End." mean, just (step into Fitzsimmons & Eviinso'u's ai.d look over their elegan line of r.ew goods ju*t received. Uuods that are miit'ahle for ChriMina* Pres i-nis. New Year's Presents. Wedding Proeuts, Birthilay Presents, and" in fact all kinds of present". Also. Ladles, MlfseiJ and Chi Id reus 11 -se at great dis­ counts this week. Underwear. <»loves a^d Mitts the same way. Call in whether you intend to buy or not. iioods arc sold cheap now *t KITZSIMMONS A EVASION'S. Go to Englen's for Christ til as and New Year's Presenis. v^. , ; MAUY ANN. Little D'dm AN4 Ifo. I. for smokers, at Geo. W. Wesley's, Do not fail to call at B**sley's store before buying your Christ mas presents. New ami attractive Holiday Goods rew",eU&»»»«.. 4 .v̂ iow, We sell tlie celebrated axe called the Wood-chopper's Pride. Fully war- rati ted. IOHN 1, STOKY. _ Bnslnets ; •*** Go to ! Dressmaking. No tto«l»le t« quert ot i|. Bislio^iV. Br Y Barhta.i CijuifT are ine o«.-»l. Velvet*, b»a«* and i» setose, at ColbyV. - Buy the Estey Org*« if w.nV Ike best. O. W. Owen. Cilj residences for Kale. Apply Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, til. Lumber W>gr.ns, liilK Wagona. Plat­ form Spring Buggies f«f sale at *»\ Bishop's narehou»e. FisViing Tackle of all kind* al M. Eugeln'i., l»» lluwe's Block, uear' th# new Bridge. The ftuest Hue of Silver and Plate# Ware to be found In the comity, at Ot W. Owen's. . An elegant line of dresa buttons trim in logs always to be fwaud at Kesri Colby's., v! ^ ; coKSkTs. f A full llne'of Dr. Wamef*s in several styles at Perry, jt Oweu'e. The f^ortlr. light and tine, tuggy made. Can always see then at E. U. Owen & Son's. "tut side-tiar Top BAJRFY L| I te, and is the most durabi# Both Combination and Platform Wagons at E, M. Owen & Son's, of the best make. Protracted meetings at tbe Ii. E. churuli. Mrs. Hugg Is idttk with Inflammatery rheumatism, < Wednesday, the 12th, and held a recep­ tion in the afternoon at the residence of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Panha. the mother of ihsftgroom, where they re­ ceived tlio congratulations of their rela'iv»s and some of their most Inti- iiate' friends. The groom and bride were invited to come to Sfmiett's Hall In the evening, as they were going to have a little dan^« on tlio occasion, anjl when they got to the Hotel they found thirty two couple assembled in the parlors, and the bride and grooni were marched to Urachal! fallowed by their miyiy friend*. When all- were in tl.e Jlall John Ada>o:tek stepped forward and made sohie ' very appropriate re­ marks in pres.MjM,ug the many beauti­ ful and useful i^H'sents that h id beea brought there by their friends. To say that Charley aiul his bride jxxi'e sur- l>ri u»d does not fialf express^lt. They danced nut ii 12 o'clock, when they par took of a sumptuous supper prepared by Mr. and Mrs, Sinnett, and we must say that it was a credit to titu host and hostess. We all join in wishing tlie young couple a long life, and a happy one. - , --L-, • ' • NUNDA ' EniTOit PI.AIM»KALK«:--Winter lias nt-last made its appearance. 'I'he boys are happy. Good skating. Our s)ores have $he usual supply of Holiday goods frir old and young. Everything is quiet since tlie city paps stiowed up t^ie whiskey element lie re. Our new Hardware man savs lie has come to stay. He la about |o buy F. Grimes' place, and Grimes says he is going South to live, where the orange blossoms grow. Our school house is read}' for plaster­ ing, and as soon »»' they get salaman­ ders in will begin. It se« uis queer that I hey do not gi«-e their home mechanics work, for it was uiidc-rstood that they would build It as far as possible among their own help; anil there are good workmen that live near that have ask for work a number rtf times and got. none to do. Fair play is fair at all times. Christmas tree at>the M. E. church. The new enirineblouse Will soon be completed, ami jiejit a new depot to accommodate jjj^fh rmfiils. which will be better for Mie'^raveling public and be an ornament to nor it»wn. Wm. Haight Is very l»^tl"again with rheumatism. % South. Will, where there are no frosts. The Aida Lawrence Troupe were here three nights and gave a good show. The}' have a good iroupe; all they lack is good n>u|ic. Before yon go*N* firess again we shall see Christmas, so we'leave von not a turkey, but a Merrv Christmas. # A. Native r, of the Parker Rouse wii-hes to annouitee to the dancing public, that N. K.. slocuin will have three extra men 1.1 his hand on New Year's night, making in all seven men. playing nine instruments, viz: 1st and 2d Violin, CI;»rion«t, -Bass. Piano, t'or- iiel. Fibre, Piccolo and Harp. During the evening Mr. Slocuni will plav a Clarionet Solo,, "Coming Thro' the Rve."' with vaiiations. Prof. Thlele, of Milwaukee, will also plav a combi­ nation Solo, ou Cornet and Piano. play-< ing both instrumeuts at the same time, a very difficult feat. This mi^ic is not only expected to but will positively play at the Parker Houie on New Year's night. F. A. PABKBR. A. T. Brown and Klnyon Reynolds, of Ro.k'f^tl, were ou our streets last week. Regular meeting of Richmond Post G. A. R.. next Friday evening. Dec. 21 There is to be a muster In. The donation for the benefit of Rev Mr. Barker, of Solon,'was a pleasani aflair and a financial success. A large assortment and complete line of Coek Stoves, the best ftl lhe market at John I. Story's. A full line of the jusily celebrated Buffalo Boot# always to be obtaiued at 11. Colby's. The largest assortment of Coal and Wood Stoves, to be found in the county at John 1. Story's. ^ NECK TIES, -,'.F The finest line ever alww^flPlle- Henry can be found at H. Colby's. The Jewel and Cr»wu Jewel Coa! Stoves, with or without ovens, at John I. Story's. Tlie best stove In the mar­ ket. The lightest. Drop Sulky Plow In the world is tlie Hapgeod. found at £. M. Owen A Son's, and sold as low as the common sulkey. i •• • wrainnv "XIDMT-Wo*t 1m UM mort «aao--FTIL remedy I Iwinuwl" nr. r. C. IMloa, llonkton, VT. "lUdnaj-Wort U alwaja i«U»ble." Dr. B. H. Clark, lo. Hwo, Vt. "MNTJ-WARTHMOBWDMYALLNNWLWOYWUI •aflteinc." Hr. O. X. Snwurttn, Sim BUI, Oa. [ IN THOUSANDS OP CASKS CLOTHING. ii- A complete srock ot MenVand Bojr^ Clothing at bottom prices. FkaarAUwas. Drags Drags, Drags, a let on liau^, steel tooth and must sell. For tale by R. Bishop . ' IF you want auything less than tli#^ Estey Organ l uaii sell yi»u one for Mp aud upwards. O. W. OWXH ; A full Ho© of choico grocert«|^ :| always to be obt; itro<l at * - -jj MEKKY CoLBi*e. V The Waverly, Glen Aaorn, Ro»u»t|%- Ac«>ru and Forrest Ai-orn Wood lleat« , ers. at E, M. ilowe'e, opposite Bishou't ̂ 1 Mm... • . t;:I Celluloid. Florence and Rubbed y.% Dressing Cases, at Geo. W, Besiey's, DIAMOND DY^, * We have all colors of the celebrated Diamond Dyes only 10c a package. HENRY COLBT. TF We learu that a stock of Holiday goods Is to be opened In the OlilFisher store for a week or two. Parties attending the Market Fair will get a square meal at a re as on able price at the Culver House. P. J. "Krcaiibrack was "circulating" among old friends in Richmond last' week. He will attend the next Market Fair, and a horse buyer or two may accompany htm. Oliri* Dagnell. of Genoa,' lrae< atruck on the head with an ax and nearly kl'.led at Geneva last week. The assas­ sin is "Doc" McT.ean, formerly of Mc- Heury. The last news we get, he had- not yet been captured. •In the fine stocks of silverware and Jftwelry to be found st Paxson's and Alexander A Hyde's, purchasers cannot fail to find something that will suit. In other lines all our merchants have prepared to meet the demands. Those who Contemplate the purchase of silverware, watches or jewelry may be Interested in knowirg that George Olmstead, of Elgin, will be in Rich­ mond and vicinity for seine time to come, and will fill all orders in thoae lines and guarantee satisfaction to his customers. l»!F,n-J)e<\ ntli, 1883, at Fort Scott, Kanraa, bfcVKRKTT STEKLE. He was noru at West Hartford, Conn., Jan. 12th, 1819. came to Illinois In Sept. 1841; settled at Solon Mills, III.. May 1S42. and was engaged in business with R. R, Crosby several years. Removed to Fort Scott, Kan., In 1867, where he has since resided. An honest, upright man. Farewell, dear frfend. R. R. CROSBT. \A neat poster from the PLAINDKALRR bffice announces that a masquerade ball will be given at the Culver House on Wednesday evening, Dec. 26th. Hssks can ^ procured at Alexander & Hyde's. There will be lets of fun no doubt. If some party Interested were to take hold of the matter,#ve presume a cos­ tume r might be induced to come from the city with an assorted wardrobe Tor rent. We predict that Landlord Cul­ verWill have a hoifte full. Chicago prices for the next thirty days, al Mrs. H, H. nery Goods nt lie Nichols'. Goods suitable for Holiday Presents of all kinds, both useful and ornamen­ tal, at Geo. W. Besiey's. Ladies, call at my store before you buy your MHlinerv. It will pav von. MRS. H. H. NICHOLS. Wheat Wanted. WANTKD, at the Fox River Valley Mills, good Milling Wheat, for whteiK . tiie highest price in cash will fco MtJR./ MeHcnrv, 111., Oct. 10th, WSS^ ** •"* r- S The Prize Acorn. Black Aeorn asl Loyal Arorn Cook Stoves. Has no s»> perlor. At E. M, Howe's, opMslMI Bishop's Mill. # Everything la farmiaf |p»p)omea from a Swill Cart to a McComli I Twine Binder, can be fouud at tb* \ ware house of K. Bishop. • j[ ' • i For first-class Insurance against flr* anil Lightning, wind storms, ejcleneal tornadoes, etc., etc., apply to Asa W%, 8mltli, Woodstock, 111. _ , % ^ HOLIDAY GOOD* In endless variety, at O* C. Nun da. CHRISTMAS and Birthday cards, all styles and very liandsoMo, at Owen's. 5 • ; trgan for Bale* A new Kimball Organ, new style, and all the latest improvements. Will sell very cheap for cash or on easy pay­ ments. Inquire of J. J, .? MoHonry, Nov. At, I8S3. F A ' H ;'{ ;• Farm to Rent* - A farm of 120 acres. s| tuated one-half mile south of Fox Lake. It is well sup plied with wood and water. On H are p'ood buildings, meadow lauds, aud everything desirable. Terms easy. . Mus. JAMKS MCGAVICK. > ' Fox Lake, III Call and see the great bargains now being oflered at Mrs, Nichols' Allllliiery stoie. IN SELEE^NSR Holiday Presents, buy -Something that will be of last I eg ben- e.lit to the receiver. At tlie Jewelry Store of J. P. itmith. Mclleiiry. yo'u can find any number nt desirable arti cles. such as Ladies' and Gent's Gobi and silver Watches, Chains, Kiu^s, I'ins, Fine Silverware. Clocks, etc.. aud bis prices are as low as any dealer In INortUeru Illinois Attention,sportsmen! There will be> a Glass Ball Shoot at Richmond on Fr'day, Dec. 21st, at wh'cb prizes will be given for the best shooting. Among the prizes offered are a table castor, silver sugar bowl, set Rodgers Bros', knives, forks, etc. First match at 10 a. HI.; second match at 3 p. m. We understand that Charley Green am.' II. L. Chevillon aie the managers, which is Hifficier.tguarantee that tliero will be a square deal al) aroniuf. Thursday, Dec. 20ih, should he re» me in be red as the date of the next Market Fair at Richmond. Tlie an­ nouncement !s made by the manage­ ment that these fairs will be held j monthly hereafter. Whoever wants to buy a pairot choice Kirk wood colts, a yearling and a two-year old, will have a cha-'ce next Thursday. Milch cows aud other stock will be in good supply, and should the weather be propitious a "big day" may be «xpected. A large (lancing club lias been organ- Ueiltuuler the auspices of the Rich* THE UTICA FAME. U'ics Jem and Mohawk Cottage Par­ lor Wood Stoves can all be fouud at JQIIII I. Story's. ' , ' Seed Barley for Sale. 1 have a jot of Pure Mensury Barley for sale, if called for soon. « HOME It WATTLES. McHenry, III., Nov. «, ISSJ. Call in and see the suits E. La wins Is selling. He.ivv winter suits only $4.75. Remember Mrs, Nichols is selling choice Winter Millinery at cost for tlie next thirty days. Call aud sxaoi- Ine goods and learn prices. Overcoats that will wear 3 years. .93 50 Heavy Suits..... 5 00 Boys' Pants, heavy lined 1 60 Also Boots below Chicago priees. K. LAWLITS. Freneh calf morocHS leg, hand sewed Opera Boots at DwIghtV, Woodstock. CALL and see. the nobby new Suits at. E. L iwluaV lle has sold 29 suits of one kind. . GREAT REDUCTIONS. In order to close out my entire stock of mens, hoys and childreus Overcoats before January 1st, I bave.marked them down to prices that defy competition. O. C. JOLBV, NunUa, J. II. Bagley &• Son, Woodstock^ Ills., will furnish you with Bran and all kinds of Mill Feed. Corn. etc.. at very iowest market quotations. Prices fur­ nished on application. JUST REPLENISHED. I have just received a new supply of mens. 2>oys nnd tiiildreus suits especial­ ly for the holiday trade. O. O. COLBT, Nitnda. FOR THIRTY DAYS, I will make very low prices in Cloaks Dolmans ami Shawls--a large stock to select I rom, is . . F . - O A. COLBT, HEADS. FIXE SHOES. Ladies will find the best assortment of flue shoes In the county at O. C. Colby's. Nnnda. The Banner of the World, the nobbi> est little® Parlor Heater iu«de, at E. M. Howe's. "The Westminster.'" the boss coa gtove on the juarket. If you don't be ileve it.vrtli on Ki M. Howe, and he will pi>»ve it to vou in no time, aud If you want a stove, will tell yott OTTS be­ fore you leave. Wc desire to call the attention of thf ladies to our ilreni goods departments We have added a fine line ot casliinerei,? Camellettes.. silks, satins, tie*, wtihfe will be sold on very close ; w hekkt OoL»r.ff- For Sale i»r Rent. 1 The building one door north of III# Riverside House, is oflererl for bale 4? or Rent. Will be sold at a reasonable figure, or rented ou reasonable tense. Persons wishing to look it over can fimt the keys at the saloon of A. Engleo, STiHun p.® I nts si J* Substantial Holiday Press R. Well* & Sou's Wanconds. Wanted--To Kent a Farait Wanted, to rent a farm of IrcmlM J to 150 acres. Cash reut will be paid. j Apply to this office for further parttsu* lars. - FINE SHOES, Just Received. The finest Stock Sf Ladies' and Children's Wear la the 'd county at bottom prices st Perry £ ^ Owen's, ^ "" 'S --7-- :-4- •••% A fine lot of Clothing at bottoai pr|f% .• ces, at J. R. Wells A Son's, Great Saving to Dairymen. Seventy-five dollars saved by gleta* one bottle of Dickiu*ou's Cow Prescrlp* « | tion soon after the sow calves, to pre* 4 | vent milk fever. Never was a case of - milk fever known where this medicine was given. It will also prevent nr«|; and all other diseases incident to tlip cow. For sale by ail druggists. Maiug* lactured by C. DICKINSON A S»s. I Bnrringtoo, 1)1 Farm For Sale. What is known as the Kenneal'y farm, in the town ot Nunda. two and oue-halr miles smith of McHenrv. now held as# occupied by James Ke lineally, contain* Ing 22U acres of good laud with goo# buildings. Title perfect. For pries and terms Inquire of %L 0-12-11)3* JAMKS DOBBSTT. Our stock of drills, oh«nticalt ami patent modieines was nevsr more complete. Goods reliable aud prices right. Tlnuur Ooun. The nobbiest Hats Is tows st esst si Mrs. Nichols'. ;'v11 Men's fine kip. veal calf, stoga kip. lined and unllned Boots In sixes to 13 al Dwigbi's, Woodstock. ' ' d S Everything in the Hardware Hi bottom figures, at E. M, ffowsV The Westminster Coal Store, IStC1 ' ' Round and Square. For beanty si»£- durability lias no equal la ths asarkeC For sale by E. M. Howe. i * Piano for Sate. ' " A:' ^e Square Piano is offered fcf sale. Will bo sold ebeap If applied fsl soon. C. L. PRATT, i » Waueoad^ .<• FUR WANTKD. ' #Hf huv all classes of Fur, Yfct* Coon. Skunk and Mink, ond will tlie Highest Market Price. G. W. PRATT, WaueoodsaU* fa FoaltrymeB. t, For Sale: Full Blood Blacfc Js*e Cockerels, Brown Leghorn Oaeketely and a tew Plymouth Rock Nlh4 SMMi Cockerels, at my residence. Wkstsia, HI. * O. W,r»4Tfc ^ •Vaucouaa, Dec. tth, WML SMsfe " - , T . - . ' * - # 1 * j* vf:-^

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