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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jan 1884, p. 5

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JJejJesrj JHaiaJealw. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 9. 1884. >1« - -* ' ̂ • / h •v yni Railroad Time Table. OOIWO SOOTH.) •etieva f«ake 7:27 A. * ttsneea fAfe* Express •:*» ** Kfnn* Y.ake Freight 1 :<« P. W Geneva Ukt Passenger..... S:» ** »H* J «>ARN. Bsneva take Freight 9-33 A. * Geneva Lake Passenger . ., 9:5* " Genera Lake KifMM-- *rS7p. • Seaeva Lake Paeseaeer. .«:«T n » B. BCM, Agent. Hr.ttenrr, III MASOKIO VcffiintT T/OnoR, Not 15* \. P. and A. 8f.-- •eeniar Communications the Saturday na or feefere the full of the neon and «»erjr two week i thereafter. CHAS. C. CoLBT. W. M. !in. si R. M -- Rem- av Convocations held ni* the se<v>nl mad fourth MtoT* in each nsoaeh. Jomr L 8TOST, H. P. < • Tn* Public School opened Mondayj ' after clwo weeks vacation. « «re noir enjoying the fluent run J of fdelghing in this section known for IfkJIieny^yeat*. ^ THOSE WISHING to jaln the Dauclng - School will meet at the R! verside House ;'§j| oti Thursday evening at 8 p.m. TF\ RKAD the new advertisement of John B. Blake, Furniture dealer, in •••>! another column. . racmoffAU / DR.; J. H. SOOTH u.r., of Rfngwortd,, matfe us a pleasant call ou Monday. W. A. KKNNKUY, of Genoa Junction, Wis* waa tn town un Tuesday.' A. VAN VBLSKB, of Delevan. Wl#.# wits calling on friends here on Monday. Da TOMBAC on, onr new Physician, made our Sanctum a call this-morning. MORT NEAL. late of Wauoonda, a miller by trade, lias taken up his resi­ dence iu this village. MRS. ALMCRT WILLKT, of Chicago, spent a few days with Mr*. J. I. Story last week. „ MR. R. B. ISRAKL. a**tlst, of Chicago, made J. I. story a visit during the holidays and left hi* compliments In the shape or a splendid Crayon Portrait of liU daughter, Hattie, which cannot excelled. : UKO. HANI,* went to Chicago last week, where he expects to remain dur­ ing the winter. The llanly Brothers are running |fl^s$fiuai^e ̂ ^ iuisltt#M i» the city. - ivX «P | F. B* HARRISON. Wanconda. has a new advertisement In another place in this paper. IT Is understood that the girls have adopted the following motto for leap year: "If you see what you want for It.* THR Soldier's De^artnfienttiiS* been unavoidably crowded out the past two weeks, but will appear iu Its proper place next week. We have received from the publish* era a copy of St. Jacobs Oil Calendar for 1884. It Is the best thing of the kind wo have ever seen. ^ wr'tJC11. .examinations in A class: TH>5 ra|>Wt 'Mtfc IffitcTi new subscrib­ ers to the PUIHDGALEK are pouring in upon us siuce Jan. 1st, accompanied, as many of them are, with words of encouragement and praise. Is indeed gratifying to us, «s it proves that eur efforts to furnish a live, readable paper is appreciated by the reading public. We shall endeavor to merit that ap­ proval, and shall spare no pains in tho future to bring the 4>LAINI>KAI.KR up to our Ideal of a model newspaper. Send along your names. SCAOOL Report of District No. 4, Nunda, for the month ending Deo.3l*t, 1883: -fite.- h -; . « 1 Vo. dtys taught.. . ........ No. pupils enroll**! .. ....... .'..V.I 22 Average dally attendance... * 18 The following are the namc-s of those who have been present and punctual the entire month: Eugene Leisner, Alice Knox, May Ames, Allie Lel*uer, Eetella Let tier, Eddie Knox. IliglteH JCSTRM BROS., Furniture dealer*. In form us that they will soon move into their new quarters, the store now oc-1 cnpied by I. N. Mead, which they haveJ Alice KIIOT, Nellie Buck. B elays, Willie fkmes, Jessie Buck. No* of visitors 3. ANNA KNOX, Teacher. >iircha*ed. THB friends of a western editor, who has made quite a success of his paper, clsliiw that as an era of protpelty dawned upon him he become "stuck up." He imut have fallen into hi* paste bucket. ' *s«lj Now that a sleigh slips along so noiselessly the law forbidding young wen's driving tirlth one hand should he enforced. The only way it can be waded is, let the young lady handle tho ribbons, TIIR Ice business. under the supervf •Ion of Jolui Myers. Is progressing rap Idly, and the ice houses In this village are being filled with a No. 1 quality of lee, John is pinching the work with ilia usual vigor. Two tramps entered tlie office yes' iter day; we tipped the wink to the 4e*11 <t<o ttrlr.g set the shot-gnu; he proce«d«5t® comply and after n vig­ orous search reported it missing; some one ha.1 luckily aerated it away. Tlte^ •scaped unharm-d. 'HE Marengo Republican says tli\ dairy and stock men thereabouts art paying out from 8800 to gl.OOOpcr d.iy for ground feed, corn meal. etc.. to leed their *t<H!k. This expense is mostly occasioned by the failure of their corn crop. " THKSK long evenings should be spent In reading good hooks and newspaper*^ And not In Idleness add dissipation. The young man who will sjieud a few hours every evening reading some in­ structive book, and will ,take note ofj the leading topics of the day. will luy 41 p for himself a good education in a| few years. IffARRIRD.-- At the residence of Joha rnnllper, Genoa Junction, Win, on Tnesrtav, Unimry 1st, 1834, lit Rer. timver c. Clark, MA.CLLAK1.KS W. Sl.4FTRR<«n<l Miss MINERVA J. OSTKANUBR, both ef Mr.Henry. The groom-noticed above has been in employe of this office for the past our years, and. without ev«n hinthig lie matter to us. he has gone off and leliberately stuck his neck into the natrimonial yoke, and we have notlt- ug to do but--(excuse these tears). Jut seriously, this young couple, vlio have now agreed tn travel ife*a thorny path together, have our •est wishes for a long, prosperous and happy life.; and when old nge conies :reeping on, may a numerous progeny urround their hearthstone, to make n|)py jJb«lr <lei:Uuto8 years. Selah HE citizens of Rlngwood have nuw a resident Physician iu the person of Dr. Jolui SooiluUr He is a young man who fiimes highly recommended from the college iu Chicago, where lie grad­ uated with li!gh honors, and win*re be is known it spoken of as a man of up­ right character and one who is sure to make Ijis mark in his chosen profession. The Hsrvartl Independent of last week has the following to say of liim : Dr. John Soothiil took the afternoon Ltrnin last Tuesday for Kingwood. III., rhere he lias located for the practice >1 Ids chosen profession. Mr. S. grndu- ited at Chicago with high honors and re have no doubt lie will prove a suc­ cessful phy«ician. lie is a sterling up­ right young man. nud we have no hesitation In reconimending him to the «*it»xensof Ringwood, His professional card can be touhd In the first page of this paper, "TBlt medical profession of McHenry is to have an accession to its ra^uks iu the person of Dr. L. II.Tonihnugh. late of Wauke^an, who has decided 'o tnke up his re*!deuce in this village for rite W* learn that Jhines Watson, oV practice of hlsjpi^ej^liM*. The Doctor iieen Ann Prairie, In this county, was u?mfr?tTiTg!dy* recoinmeiidedjboth as a Queen married on Dec.27th, to a Miss McCuuc* •of St. James, Minn. We have been aware that the "Captain" was on the "war path" for several yeart past, but had no Idea that lie would carry the war se far into "Alrica." However, we congratulate him upon his perseverance and wish hi *n a safe and easy voyag** kOver the tumultuous sea of life. MORTON ft CH A PELL, of Algonquin, advertise an anction of Forty Choice Cows, twenfv with calves by side, and two stock bulls, to take place in that. Tillage on Saturday next,January 12tli, to commence at 9 o'clock a. m. Tills Arm always bring in the finest cows to be found Iu the country, and dairymen should not fail to attend their sale on Saturday next. J. A. Sherwood will be the orator for the occasion.^ I» you find yourself sitting on the oitfewalk, and the last thing you can recollect, before you fouud yourself there, was of thinking how funny It would seem after New Year's lor some toody to ask you to drink, and for you to refuse, don't make a fool of yourself and get up and want to fight when there Is nobody iu sight to fight with, bat get up in a peaceful and unpreten­ tious way. and make straight*for home, and there sit and ponder long and silently upon the beauties of the law avitations. ^ • THR eoldest weather that has been known tn this section for many years was extperieuced on Friday and Satur­ day of last week, the therinemeter ranging all the way from 30 to 40 de- srepes below sero, la different locali­ ties. -Business was rlmcmt entirely suspended, froven ears and faces being the penalty for those who dared to venture out. It moderated a little on Sunday tnd at this writing, Tuesday •fteruoon.it Is what might bo called good, snug winter weatfier. If the. (tact week is what they call an ope, winter, we want no more of It. adles good lace shoes, any siu oUy 76c at Bonslett, Stofiel A Co's. physician of experience and a gentle­ st! and we have no doubt his resi­ dence among u* will be both pleasant all profitable. The Wuukegaii Gazette h«s the following to of him; ">ur fellow cltizer., Dr. L.JI. Tsm- iiifh. removed litis week to the vfII* <' of Mcllenrv, where he will engage in tlio practice of metlicinc. Although the doetor has "not been with us quite H year, he has made hosts of friends and is greatly esteeniend by all lor his maul.* worth and professional ability. Our neighbors of McHenay are to be congratulated in the acquisition of a valuable citizen and and a physician of thmuugh training, experience and ability. The Doctor Is now here and ready for business, and as he has not yet located his office he ean be fouud by Inquiry at Bcsley's Drug Store, Church 8ociable< And Oyster Supper at Maiman's flail* Wauconda. Jan.27tli, for the benefit.of the preacher of the M. E. Church. Music, games and other amusements will be furnished. Come yourself $nd ask your neighbor to come. Children's all calf, tip front se-ved shoes 80e, at Bonslett, Stoffel ft Co's. , It don't pay to sleep on tho floor when yon can buy bedsteads for #2.25 at Joliu B. Blake's. vr -3# Ta KM! Taxes I .•> » "Mrfitf undersigned. Collector of Taires for the town of McHenry. will be at the following places at the time named to recieve Taxes. Mondays--At the store of Lye ft Adams, in tho vilHge of Johnsburgh. Tuesdays--At the store of B. K, Doers, iu the village of Ringwooi. ^ Saturdays--At the store ot B.GHWlrt. in the village of McHenry. And the balance of the week at the Shop of Nor<lquest ft Weber, In the viiluge of McHenry. GKO. ROTHRRMSL, Collector. Tap sole, grain leather boots, only •2.60, at Bonslett, Stofiel ft Co's. Five feet high bedsteads, all Black Walout lor 94.7&I at John B. Blake's. THR TEAR THAT HAS GONE It has been in somfe respects a re- murk able oue, b6th for Calamities and phenomena. It lias seen the burial of those who could illy be spare-1. and the birth of those who were better dead. It is pictured full of frustrated and realized hopes, of »urprisals and ex liectancles, of broken and mended friendship*. With humanity it has been the saddest, and yet the brightest ell stitrt- guosts present. The eutertftiument consisted of mus1c,games, refreshments and lets of fun. It wat t joyable social event of the Wm. Morton and C. E. Chapell ed North on New Year's day to buy milch cows, and we don't envy them their enjoyment !n hunting up cows with the thermometer from 30 to 40 below zero. It i« hoped they will meet with good sales tor their cows when they get in. Our Bachelor Dairymtn took several breakfasts at the Hotel last week. On Saturday morning of last week the thermometer Ptood at $4 degrees below sero at this place. The cellara aod house plants suffered last week. Dion De Marbelle gave a sleight of hand show on Thursday evening of last week, and had a very fair turnout con­ sidering the state of the weather. It was pronounced a good show. Mrs. Chapell accompanied Ed on his trip to Wisconsin last week. We should think that last week was a joke on the mild winter they have been predicting all the fall. We should think that the weather prophets had better give us a rest. There were no hand-ear excursions of years. Meii have prospered amlydence, and there were about twenty failed, predictions have been fulfilled and made for naught. It has been a year of remembrance and forgetfuluess. But sentiment is useless. The fact that we still exist and realize that the past year has shortened by one step our dis­ tance to the grave, is a sterner subject for our consideration, and how to beet occupy the time used iu each such suc­ cessive step shall be the subject for us all to study iu the year that has come. Let us forget the bitter remembrances or the year that has passed and strive to only remember those of a pleasant nature, and as we begin the New Year let us do so with our spirits buoyed up as far as possible with the hope that Its close may find an Improvement on our part of a more satisfactory nature than that of the year that has goue. : V .. -- .' 'f • Vox Utk*. / .. "v. A writer iu the Waukegan Gcuette gives in a column and a half some­ thing about the Improvements made and to be made at the above resort. The Union club has added a detached dining room, 18x30, with kitchens and outbuildings concealed In the rear. Cost about #2,000. Two summer cot- ages are being built adjoining; also three elegant boat houses on the beach with all the latest devices* fof launch- i ug boats. At Saylcs' popular lioteT tlie rush of custom whs so great last summer that it was deemed advisable to erect at •uce an 18x26 two story addition, which in connection with a new veranda 70 teet long by 8 feet wide gives the house somewhat royal proportions,and to the guests ample room in tlie pur­ suit of pleasure. Mr. and Mrs. Sayle* in their cease less endavors to please sure justly entitled to these marks of prosperity. Tlie additions here refer red to Involve ait outlay of about •1,000. On Xippersfiik Point Harry Dtmnell is building a 28x46 house with eight een rooms, to cost •1,700. . The Englewood club is laying out about. 61,000 in remodeling its house. Adjoining at Morrison's dalace, about completed. It is 60x20.* Further east is Klne's, hotel, 28x40, with stone basement. It will cost from 83.000 to 84.000. The 'above improvements do *ot comprise all that Is being Oone to give Fox Lake a changed appeartyce. Oyster Sunper. 'fv "B»*^os<ve pre para t ions kt9' .mad* by the ladies of tho Ringwood Cemetery AW Society for their Oyster -Hooper. Friday Eve. Jan. II. at the residence of L. A. Waterman, one mile north-east of Ringwood. No .palus will be spared to make this eiiterta- ment the most pleasant of the season, and it cordial invitation is'extended tn all our friends wherever they inay be, to meet with us on that eveui.ig. We #111 do all Iu onr power to make It pleasant you. A special invitation is extended to the Editor of the PLAIN- Dfc.4i.KK and wife. Single tickets for sityper 33 cents, or 70 cents per coup IF, ALGONQUIN. KM TOR P T. ATNFMI AI.KK:--l'he New Year's party at 4he Algouqnln House was tnrt^as ill neb of a ajiecess financially as we hoped" it would^bf, but socially it wm a perfect success. -Theie were thirty-two fonples, and aftfr 12 o'clock the ladies had the choice of partners. The supper was Aiperb. On New Year's Eve Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morton save a card party at their resl- Wood stock Department* RTONTKIBCTED BT ASA W. SMITH. =F to *he Dundee skating rink last week, Hubbard ft Benson shipped a carload of cattle to Chicago en Thursday of last week. Johnnie Stehlik got his hand pretty badly hurt on New Year's day while coasting on the lit 11 on the east side of the river. Our public school opened ou Monday of tliis week, after tlie holiday vaca­ tion. Right Brown shipped a carload of cattle to Chicago ,»n Monday of tbls week. 1 MKS. J. W. GKIMOLBT ) V Mtcs. FANNIE GOKTON [-Com. NKI.LIEC. LAI>I> J V.." CREENWOO0, KDITUH PL.AINDEAI.ER:--Thirty sev­ en degrees below gero last Friday moil­ ing, which is quite {sold enough; no need of emigrating to a more north­ ern country* Jerome Adams, of Marengo, was Iu town a few days ago. Job Toles was quite sick a few day* last week, but is now on the gain. A son at Frank Mansfields residence. You'll all know why P. M, looks so smiling. The bee, for the purpose of cutting wood for the church. Is pos|H>ned for some future time, as it was too cold on that day to try the strength of on axe helve. Th*U. S. Mall was nnable to make the trip between this place and Wood­ stock last Friday, ou account of tbe drifted roads and cold weather. Bargains! Now Is a rare opportunity for purchasing all kinds of wlntergoods at cost figures, for cash, at the store of D. W. Sepcr. A donation, for the benefit of Rev. H. Happell, pastor of the Baptist chureh, will be held at W. A. Baker's Thursday evening. A cordial invita­ tion is given ail to come and get a square meal, have a good time, and donate a good square amouut to the minister. Mrs. Rawaon's four month old boy, died very suddenly last 8aturd«iy inorn'ng. Lung difficulty was the causM ol its death. Tlie funeral was held Sunday, Rev. W. Nickle delivering the sermon. Mrs Kawson is a sister to Mrs Jas. Crooksbauk, and but a few days ago had arrived from Now York to pay her a visit. . Geo. Garrison made a flying" veslt to Dakota last week. Mrs. C. H. Rathbun ^ visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. 0. Moses of this village. HOUSE AND LAND FOR SALE. „TJje undersigned offers for sale his hoose and one acre of land, situated in the village of McHenry, near the pub­ lic school building On the premises is a good barn and outhouses, and small fruit of all kinds. Will be sold reasonable and on easy terms, lu- quire 011 the premises. O. stegw McHenry, III., Atijrn«t 1st', Hft "The Westminster.", tlie boss coa stove on the market. If you don't be lleve it. call on E. M. Howe, and he will prove it to you in no time, and If you want a stove, will sell you one be* fore you leaye. MAftfNGO. EDtTOKPi.AiXDE4t.Kit:--Wherels the mau that foretold; an open and mild winter? He got left this time, for when mercury runs (town to 35° below zero, the presumptions are that It ts cold. The water froze In one of the Are en­ gines and It had to be emptied. A coat fire has been kept burning in the en­ gine house all the time, but the build­ ing is a rickety old thing and won't stand much cold. A little repairing Is necessary it' we would be ready to fight lire. ' • , The to a fru«ze up. What a nice time lor a fire and one of tlii engines empty now. A little more care at the proper time would save a>(Md deal of trouble and inconvenience. Will Caselv and Richard O'Brien, ot Chicago Medical College, spent holiday vacation with parents and frieuds in M*«vugo. Hozel M. Curtiss, of tho College of surgery, Chicago. *)>#ift his vacation with his wife and friends In Riley. Miss Nannie Patrick, of Lake Forest Seminaryt wa» koine during holiday vacation. ^ We notice a new clerk In our post office. Miss LIllie Bumstead. We can not give particulars, only we have seen her there occasionally. In speaking of the changes In the post office we would say that Miss Allen succeeds to first clerkship since Miss Peterson departed. For nearly a year more than half of the work In the office has devolved upon Miss Alteu because of tlie 111 health of her helpmate. Miss Peterson, but she performed it willingly and well, as the many patrons of the office can testify, and we congratulate her u|>on Iter pro­ motion and, of course, added salary. We thought the gentleman who wrote the communication from Maren­ go two weeks ago, would have occasion to write again last week; indeed, that was the understanding between him *nd your co: respond*^t/but as he did not write, and as we were not expected to because of tlie above arrange men t, no communication appeared. We aro sorry to have disappointed your read­ ers. It is rumored that C*pt. James Wat­ son. of Queen Ann Prairie. III., while on a hunting and prospecting tour In Northern Minnesota, met his fate--and they were married. That i* nice, but wo would like to know who she was. Next week Is court week* "with# light dockeV'a*-ns«aJ;' Venuer is threatened with proseen- tlou for creating "great expectations'* of a mild winter. Tho bi-colored Herald heralds Its spicy] news with the compliments of the season to its many readers. With Nei weakling It down and out." Ho stood, studyiug the mercury, all unconscious that about a half Inch or the tip of his own nose was while with the cold, tho mercury Indicated. The distinguished Railroad attorney. Barge, of Dixon, II'., was In townJ.ou Wednesday, getting ready to tnfco tes­ timony in tbe case of Carey hoirs against the Ry. Co. Lewis Hammond and wife, a former resldentjef this County, now of^Cham- paigujare visiting friends hero as the guests of T. McD. Riebards and wife. Lewis wears the marks of prosperity. KARKIAOB LICEKIH. fiSKtsssrtfsasttfe- Axel W. m H«a»fth J. IU nna Meirhof e Peters Charles M. Posdtak 10 Kiln R. Bnrren 'Cornelius Nolon to Mary X McCabe. MAKKIED.--At Ja Vear'MUay, by Ear SMITH to vilie, Wis.,, on New A worthy pair tbus begin anew their "journey and their life.** deserving of prosperity and happiness and the good wishes of all. When Conklin was asked to name a man for Vice President after Garfield's nomination, he is reported to have petulentiy re plied, ".Give it to Arthur.** Now In answer to the question: Who will bo eur next President? the people more graciously say, "Give it to Arthur.** 1 > The Rev. W. A. Evattt distributed for his New Year's Greeting a card bearing tlie following beautiful senti­ ment: , ,JT \ 1BS3.--OKBBTINOS.--ISS4.», ; A bright New Tear and snnvy tfOek ~ Alongfan N I>\VH rd way, And a sons <>i praise on looking hack, When the yeur has |>at«e4 away. , And gulden sheaves nor smalt ner few. This is my New Year's wish ter you 1" Siocerelylyear Pastor and Friend. , W. A. EVAKS, Woodstock, III. On tho back of one of tlieso may be found the following Parody: A dark New Tear and gleomy track Along a ntisty way, Aed a sigh of grief enflooklng back When the year has pa««ed away, Aid blasted 3heavet, and small aa4 few las lead of pleasures, grtefs renew. TRANSVSRS. <? W Mallory to Town of Uiler, Cot's bond. K A Murphy to M I. Sloey, release deed. J Burroughs et it I to M K Itichl, wdeod. «faine« smith te J no Kaupin, release deed. M A AG H Ciaveoa to Jas Wilson, m deetl. ' James Lane to Julia t'arriMi, chut mort. Jwi WWhiH nnwver, nmlttaort. " K J HerrimsoA T Davis, rhsi mort. Jar Miller et tlx toFeterUoiiiermnl,nt deed. K M Owen to Jos I'ekovskr, « deed, J H Scott te Town ef Al'*eii, Cnl'j bond. J W Winnie 10 Town of Nunda, Col's bend. T 8 HuniTey lo Henry Wnnett, w deed Heavy Hmith 10 M Smith, Sr., mort deerl. A W Smith to Henry 8e*ith, release >lee<l. K H GfMsberh to Hunt A llelm. chat raert. K4R Brenner to J no Bucklin, w deed. A f I>eiry to W K I Man, chat mort. T C Nottingham to € It Donnelly, r.'mort.' A M A U Pierce to J Paulson, mart deed.'* O II Uilmore lo H J (?oyne, release deed, tt Snyder el a! to Xnison Law son. w deed. B K Kllit to Town of (•ratten, Col's bond. (S W Oakley lo M K Avery, chat inorl. Calrin Spenrr>r to Hulet Smith, quitclaim d. II It Itice to Wm llarimnn, chat mort. J D ItaUrutili toSI.it AM llai tman, w d. B Flnndoas to Trustees Township 43. Kaaae 8* school niurt> A Lawyer's O^ginlon of Interest J. A. Tawney. Es<j„ a leading at* •orney of Winona, Minn., writes: "After using It for more than three years, I take great pleasure In ststlng that 1 regarded Dr. Kiug's New Dis­ covery for Consumption, as the best remedy in the world for coughs, colds. It has never failed to cure tlie most severe colds I have had. and invaria­ bly relieves the pain tn the chest,** Trial bottles of this sure cure for all Throat and Lnng Diseases may be hsd free at Henry Colby's D, Largo Sice, 91.00,. v' ' »» NOTICE, Notice Is hereby given that the Com­ mittee appointed by the Board ol Supervisors at lis late session, to Inves tigate the feasibility uf establishing a County poor farm, solicit proposi­ tion* for a farm, consisting of from 100 to 200 acres. In proposition give locality, number of - arres. etc. All propositions must be made on or before Jan. 90,1684. Address, LKSTKK BARBSR, Chairman Committee. Marengo 111, ; ^ Farm For Sale. What is known as the Kenneally farm, in the town ol Xundn, two and one-half miles south of McHenry. now held and occupied by James Kenneally, contain­ ing 220 acres of good land with good buildings. Titio perfect. For priu^ and terms Inquire of t-12-m3* JAMK? DopEKTY, Tlie residence of James Shelly, about two miles southwest of Woodstock, was burned, with contents, on Friday, the 4tli inst.. at between 3 and 4 o'clock p. m. Loss altouWSl ,200; $800 insured in the Phceuix, of Hartford, Asa W. Smith, agent. A defective flue"caused the disaster. The mercury at 30 belAr sero makes a[demand for fires that tries the soundness^if chimneys In a manner very suggestive" of the necessity of great care and watchfulness aroitnd every kind of heating apparatus, as well as an examination of insurance policies whether they have expired, whether issued by sound or unsound companies. It Is bsd enough to burn at such a time with reliable insurance, but how ynstly more so without good insurance. Look well to your chimneys and to your Insurance, ns tho Are fiend "cometh like a thief In the nlgbt, te such an hour aa ye know not.** An Anewer Wanted. Cae any one bring us a case of Kid­ ney or Liver Complaint that Electric flitters will not speedily cure? We say they can not, as thousands of eases already permanently cured nud who are daily recommending Electric Bit­ ters, will prove. Bright's Disease, Diabetes. Weak Hack, or any urinary complaint quickly cured. They purify the blood, regulate the bowels, and act directty on the diseased parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at ~~ bottle by Henry Colby. Wood for Bale. I Geed Dry Wood for sale by. r. A. BKBAKD. < fBucklln'o Arnica Salve* Tlie host sajve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Soriss. Ulcers, S»lt Rheume, Fever Sores. Tetter. Chaped Hands, Chilhlaius, Corns, and all Skin Erup­ tions. and positively cure Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to*give perfect satisfaction, or money refun­ ded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale by Henry Colby. ADTICK TO MOTORS S. Are yoti UI&uroea at night and brok­ en of your rest by a »h»k child suffering and crvlng with pain of outting teeth? If so. send at mice and get a bottle of Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup for children teething. Its value is incalcul­ able. It will relleVe the poor little Niiflerer immediately. Depend upon it mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regu­ lates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, sortons the gums, reduces ^Inflammation, and gives tone and en* lergy to the whole system. Mrs, Wins- low's Soothing Syrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United State's, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. E. LawhtM beats tiiiicu^O M few pri cos lor clothing, Richmond Department. 0»NTHIHUTBO BT H. 9. at Ros*l*5»Mrirel>**h drifted art#*14 r i g i d . . T r : ' . . : : W ' William Ashton Ux* diphtheria ofs severe type. 4 Public school opened on Wednesday. Jan. S, after the holiday vacation. - * -• The club dance wae postponed: one week. Too Cold last Friday. Rev. Grover C. Clark wa. detailed bj A. A. G. to install officers of Richmond Post No. 286, G. A. R. A good miny of our youn attended the New Tear's parties McHenry. A postal card from oor nephew. S; B. Wright, GreaJy. Col., reads as follows: "Isaiah ix. 6. flrst clause." Look in yonr Bibles, eud see what did'« the fellow all. That staunch and able Universalist organ, tlie Star and Covenant, ha* ceased to exist in propria nomtnis, and The Universalist, takes its place. The Rev. Dr. Hanson retires from editorial labors. No. 1, Vol.1, of The Univ€r*rtlist gives promise that the Star and Coven­ ant will live again iu Its successor, and ably live, but it will take Mr. Hanson's old roadets a long time to become habituated to ihe new order of things. At tho special communication of Richmond Ledge No. 143, hold on New Year's day, the following visiting brethren were present: Ell Manor, Jr., Bloemfield, Wis., No. 100; I P. Rleli- and inend Otto Freeman, Geneva, No. 44; Goo. Watson, Rockton, III., No. 74, and N. G00kIn. Hebron. No. 604. After conferring tlie M. M. degree upon Dr, Kdwiu R. Bennett, all brethren who could stay repaired to the Culver House and partook of an oyster supper, perfect in all Its appointments. • Mr. and Mrs. Culver were at McHenry, but their accomplished daughter. Miss Georgle4,<dld the honors as landlady witli grace and self possession: and if that supper was a sample of her skill in the culinary art, happy should be the man who sometime wlus her for a Wife, The Hebron correspondent of the SSentinel goes considerably ont of his way to make really mean remarks about the masquerade ball at the Cul­ ver House. They were not only mean, but uutruthtul, and, If one can Judge of a writers animus by what he writes, the deliberate intention was to injure the reputation of the hotel and dam­ age Its business, and no doubt Mr. Cul­ ver could sustain an action at law against the writer, for damages. The landlord Is of the opinion that the JSentlneCt correspondent la the same fellow wl^» brought two girls to the Insiqnerade, and, Instead of getting them their supper tike a man, went down stairs and ordered one oyster Stew and three spoons, which he bore away with satisfaction and magnanim­ ously shared with the hungry girls. Christmas Is hardly a time for prim, tfcal jokes, but our friend Carr, who teaches the yourg Ringwood ideas how to shoot, was made the victim of a joke on that day, which is too good to keep. We get the particulars by tetter from Nunda, and if not truthful in every respect we shall hold our correspondent responsible at the revolver's point, and will make tho amende honorable to Mr. Carr beside. Therefore, on supposably veracious information we may state that friend Carr is the pesfessor ol an ancient cow, whesto teeth have gone the way of all the earth, and whose value is mere In memory of the butter she has produced than Th prospective usefulness In that direotlou, A jolly friend manufactured a sot of leather teeth for the cow, wrapped them up Iu a nice paekage. and expressed them to the owner. O11 its receipt friends gathered to see the package opened. Tableau: "AMittle nonsense, now and tbeu. Is relished by the wisest mea»* . Farm For Sale. The undersigned offers for sale liK farra.slmated one mile from Ringwood fixation and Cheflse Factory, containing 160 acres of chbiec land, 40 acres of which is timber and past tire. There are good buildings ou tUe premises, ait orchard, and In short It Is one of tlie, most desirable farms In this sect ton. For tewtfr mid other particulate In­ quire of . s -a. ©• OamofcBV McHenry. Mt mt . .Jlf - Brussels Carpet, l>OMUgaa only 97.00 at lohn £. Blake's. w. _ Qne ponnd whole leaf Jap Tea 26c; S pounds 91,10, at Bonslett.Stofiel ft Co's. WR now linvo the finest, assortment o' Visiting Cards ever seen iu, this section. Cull and see tliem. • fio to Mrs/HoweVffi* Millinery 1 Dreusmakiug. % Uucolorr'd. inn cm** Jap^ Teas it, 5tof!»-l & C«V. 175 test Snow While rtfl, jM0y Bonslett, aiuSerjc Co's." SMOKKRS, call !ur High Art." Thi»y hiw lew eqiiafe. No trouble to show% goods Of i at It. Bishop's. Cloaks. Dolman's "Ladies and Misses at Buy the Estey Organ if yoo war O. W. Owen. Mclfeury, A|r|t. Ity r W. ! City residences for sale. Apply le Smith, Woodstock. HI. Go to Mrs. M. Schti(u*cheT"« for Mil! nery, Dress Making and Fi Silk Velvets and Perry A Owen's. tnd Ulster- for Perry A n«v«-n's. All the leading Walking-Pb>*e Owen A Sou's. A tliieliue of OveruoatS just re<*elved at Perry A Owen's. Everything iu the Hardwrtre line at bottom figures, at E. M. Howe*». ( Call in and sea the snits l5. Lawbis la selling. Heavy winter suitaenly $4.75. A line lot of Clothing at bottom prK ees, at J. K. Wells A son's, Waurotida. BOtli Combination and PUtfvrm Wagons at R. M. Owen A Sen's, « f he best make. Good Goods* low prices, and an hon­ est deal, ean be had at J. SL Wells A Son's, WaucOiula. Lumber Wagons. Milk Wagons, Plat- Spring Buggiee for sate at Jl, ~s warehouse. * •I The finest line of Silver and Plated' Ware to be fouud In the county, al O. W. Owen's. . CALL aiid see the nobby «e*v suits at E. Lawlue*. Ho has Sold 29 Mil u of one kind. If you want to buy Cloaks and Do). man« at bed rook prices, «a|l uu JJt, WelU A Son. Waueouda, ( The Banner of the Werld, the tt<>bbl» * est little Parlor Heater*ata<i», e* I^M. Howe's. v-/;1 Drags Drags, Drags, a lot w t>lud, steel tooth aod must sell. Fur salt- by K. Bishop.. ' * lr you want any thing'less nno the Estev Organ I can sell you on*' t. r «4fl and upwards. O. \V.-t;\v|ts The Waverly. Glen A«trt..v Rm«ad Acorn and Forrest Acorn WV«<? Heat­ ers. at E. M. Howe's, opposH* .tyi;hop's Mill. -/"'m 'A .vM f*" Nimble Nickel Soap, best Be bar on market at Bonslett, Stoflel A (Jo'k Monoy to Loan. Money to Loan in suras of treat #500 to $1,500, on Roal Estate- security. For further particulars iuquire at this olHce. Extension Tables are cheap. It «U) pay you so. buy now. Call and see them at John B. Blake's. 22 Inch silk brocade ribbon, any shade 14c, at Bonslett. Stole) A Co's. The Great Russian Kemedy. C Dickinum & 6m, Barnmg)em, JHh GKNTLKMKS ir-1 was suBering with rheumati»ui so that 1 could hurdly walk and a friend receiatnouded your Kussian Liuiiuent, and alter using two small bottles 1 was completely 'Hired. 1 And It equally as good (or sprains, bruises, etc., and I would recommend it to all as tbe best Liniment In use. MVS. M. M. MCKIKOK. NT faiiou Street, Chicago. It), For asle by all Druggists. C. DLCKWSOK A$ON. Infants plush, silk embroidered but­ ton shoes, only 20c, at Bonslett, Stoflel A Co's. The Prbie Acorn, Blacfc Ae^t u and Loyal Acorn Cook Stovee. |!»» no su­ perior. At E. M. Howe's. #.t.iWlto Bishop** Mill. ' • • - Everything in farmlnf I nip!* meats from a Swill Cart te 9 Mff'ormiek ' v Twine Binder; can be warehouse of K. Bisltop, For first-clasS iiHtiranco agai ' st Ore and Lightning, wind storm*. > tones,. _ tornadoes, etc., etc.. atiply tu^ A«» Smith, Woodstock, 111, • .<-•<**& . % 1 'V- • •- CORSETS.' -h* ' A full line of Dr. In several styles at Perry A The Contend side-bar T« p Ro^jry la light and Hue, and Is the mi>s; d|jral»(o l-uggy made. Can always M-e th«-m at < K. M, Owen A Son's. CLOTHING, y A complete stock ot MenV^nd Beyls Clothing at bottom price*. r^EitrA ywae. Overcoats that will wear 3 yeattt. .W 30 Heavy Suits .J. . . . . . . 5 t i O Boys' Pants, heavy, lined . 1 50 A|so fioots below/(;hlcSgo >. . ' • ^ fc. i.AWI|^k The .Westminster Can? Sri4M. fcottv Round and Square. For 1WHH*V ltd diw^bility has no equal te *s«i'kct.. For sale by £« M. Howe. The lightest Drop Sidkv l'!ow in H . world Is the Hapgeed. fountl at K. Si Owen A Sou's, and sold as Um' a» ||ua» conuion tulkey. ^*« _ f ' X <j FINE SUDS*. Just Received. Tlie (lu»->.t «lo«'k op « LiwHes* aud i^tiildren's W ear Fr tho. , • comity »e bottom prices at Perry Ac * Owen's. ^ ^ lr your horse is lame or s»!>#o- JUt way. do not fktll to call art'vurv r . Mu-'fc. Wp j a n d g e t a b o x o f f W r i r o w t a d - f l ^ Ointment. It is no exp« rimeMf. II ha»* boee tried and never fai»«>«!. ; r •Hano ter SatOk#' , A ffne Square Piano 1* ..fl^rrd foi» sale. WUI be sold ubeay U ^p'i d f«r- SoOIW f. t;,m. {,! ' W.1 uruwts^.ll^l,. pun WAKTEa Will 1»HV all classes--of • F«r. Ha»w Coon. Skunk and Mink»-•Mid. u at pav% the HigheSt Market Prh^ o. w. PitArr. * Tir> FoultrjlUciio For Sale:. Full Blom! IU^tk Jhe^yp Cockerel^, Brown Le<t<.. r«» «*»>rke re I» and a tew Plymouth limk INiile s ml Cocke wis, at my resid^n III. tr. *. I'UArr .Vauconda, Bee. SMi, »«,• r Seed Barley . ( have a lot of Put*. Vi^aurv Ritlrf *' lor sale, U called lor ^ HuitKt, 4 lioHearr, 111., Nax.S, Bureaus are cheap. Black for *7,25. at J, B. Blake's. Walnut Wore# Wire Mattresses, the best, for enly 93.30, at Jobu B. Blake's, Harper^ Yor.*:5 ̂ cop^ AX 1LLC»TKATKI> WKVKl t-la rViC* •oitedta lays sad Oixls Frm Strte K^tssik ' Tears et Aga^ IV. K Ganmence* C &(trier's Xowtg. fVgjSfc- s"ftv "a tor chtMrea iu Amtne*,-'. 'iif er <, C*«*- Ham Atlvo^mttK \il Itml Hi® artist's ski' *•» , the way of tHu&tiHlioe beit tnieut of lite conn!!"- f »* w| t , its text--iftii' JCiitlmtl ti AUi'veSto-'s, Uiislun. In it* apeetslSel-t iN'f '«• wilMn- *hir be <uU|«r«ii \\ itk it.- H »» A4 ; trkjl# . j: •ARmca'S TOi"«i rrrt- I Pff Xmmr, Postage »• f Single Numbers, Vive ., »V S»e«-linen popv seul « • • «*»» Toe Volume* "(if Hw*+•>'*> JN^tie' W»l. 1S8-. nml \ . I t»miw» ate<l Cloth, wilt !»• sent - t l>ai<t on reeeipt of each volume, >»« W out i»y man, |«u>t)>aM, »•«>»-«• *» *»" *'»•••• Wll. _ Keitiitisnc»« M»nrr Or*ler.or |W«M • W "S .AVH'ifwrier* "n*>.»••-•« ** mitktnu tAe

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