4 > -f. Vv^ ^ ^~n*v»w ^ *** ' raTHi'JWS -Vv rt^\ tm . e^Mii0 «44HiA * .«** [?WT Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty • VOL, 9, M VI'HENRY, ILLINOIS, W BUSINESS » 4*4 W- SMITH, A TTORKEV AT LAW ana ««ttcttas XX Chancery.--Woodstock. JW. w* CARDS. * * f*>> | st" yv~« 1 r*;- «««*»» PabU*H«4 Eve»>y Wednesday Uf . VJVSf ("IIjVKK, EDITOR AMQ PUBLISHER. ^ VI llflee in Bishop's Black, "p'ff t HiOrtOSITB PIIIT * OwnM%-tr -., ,\ •r TRRSfS OP StTBSCttrPTtO*. «ji*e Tsar (in stvww) .....,, 'Vlltt P»ifi within Three Hftitthi ' S«M«ription* rer.eivel far three 1 4t*atha in the same proportion. ... .$1.50 . . . # .00 or tlx '"^•:W a- '{ : »S»; Kates (ft Advertising. W. 1* ' I: c? I? • w* announce liberal rates for advertising tthe Pt,Afynt;Ai,ER, and endeavor to state •m so plninlv that thev will be readily un-rstood. They s*a ha fallow*: Jl«ch one rear - r * 00 Inches one year • « t •* «;»•, • IS •> Inchesone year . * , , ># *} 15 0# If Column one rear • • WS0 If Column one year. 'i < i * i AO 00 ;>•% Column en« year ...... 100 00 J^One inch means the n>e*»nreTn*nt of one '•?fp«"h down the column, single column width. - Tearlv advertisers, at the above rat®*, have |ie privilege of chansriwr as often as; they loose, without extra charge.' v' Regular advertisers (meanins those havin* Standing cards) will be entitled to insertion. Of local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line • Jfcich week. All others will bo charged 10 iifientu per Mne the fl-stweek, and ft cents per |Jn« for each subsequent week. • Transient advertisements will be charsed the rate of 16 cents pe line, (nonpareil po, snme as this is set. in) (he first issue, and cents per line for subsequent, issues. Th"», an inch advertisement will cost *1.00 for one freek, $1.50 for t«*o weeks, *2.00 for three v**oks» «° °®J tfc« Pl.AlNOF.AlKR will be liben 1 in givlnc Itterial notices, but, HI) a business rule, it *i 'III require.a suitable foe fro>11 everybody keVIng the use of its wlumna for pecuniary BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. BROWN, M. l>. AXI> SURGED. OfBce over Perry ft^Martln's t«r» the Pest Ofllce, opposite Pet >r* up stairs, McHenry, III. j|. If. SOOTBILX, Sf. D. HTSIOTAN AND SlTUuKON. CSlceoppo. •it* Ptst OBr.e, Fingwood, III. C. H. FUG BR, M. D- Jvirelet AX isn SITRliSOV. McUenrv, tils. iXBce at Residence, on the Corner, pposite ittake's Furniture Store. ,;«P-- o. .r. noWAitn, m. n. I»OTStCIAS AND SURGEON, 1 *v residence, opposite M. E. pcllenry. 111. Office at Church, [ONFT ItECKIVKD FOR INVESTMENT »n<i loaned on mortjrwjre security at car pet rates, without chitr;e to the lender, bras loans made at six per cent. J. \V. RAN^TKAO. land 2.Borden Itlock, Rl^in, 111. if1; i flnltMm n.nd R«»twiPiint, |"Sf BASEMENT of Knhncrt's ^lore, Jolina. L burgh, Til. The choicest'brands of Witie*. Llanors#ndC'ifars always 011 ^an<w Call nd see me. , . r: PJtATT HOUSE. r A. PRATT, Proprietor First class ac- I eo:nmodntions. Good Barn in connection r.iueonda. III. " BARHIAN BROS. HlGAR Manufacturer!*, Mcllenry, 111. Or- \j ders solicited. Shop, 11 OW Mctlenry, t Keiter Block, two doors west of Pj.^15- MAI.BS Office. » * .•jj RICHAltl> COMPTON. rtTSTlOK of the Peiceand Oonvevancer.- I Will attend proinutl v to the collection of ibte. Volo, Lake County, III. • ' I. M. OWEN ?yK EXERATi Dealer and Manufacturers :%JT Ag^nt in I-ortdiag Karm M ichiucry.-- . Prices a&d term 1 ^voralrie. McHcnry, a ' ' E. G. SMITH. |>OOT AND SHOE MAKER. Prompt stfen- • J tl»n given to llcpaivintr. Shop in Gru*- Iry's Harness Xhop, opposite Riverside House, be Henry, IUin<Hs. A ROUS' CERMAN J Manufaotured f1. MARCUS, --DEALER IN-- fURE WINES, LIQUORS AND J ; CIGARS. Woodstock III, The beat Tonic in the world. Pat up |p and Quart Bottles. •t. iw F. MARCUS, Patentee. TWELVE REASONS, rOR 1 MS URING wirtt W. Smith, Ol :Woodstock, 111. 1. Because he is endorsed by leading bus (ness men and the press, and particu arly the !• • i? k\£ ;-*s in. , «vhere best known. #;! SL Because his is the oldest agency hi untv. • 3. Because he represents the best line of ompanies of any agen«v in the county. *. Because, with 0n<s exception, he reDre- icnts the oldest cpnii»anies in the United >tirtes. ft. Becanse. In capeef loss, he gives his Ihatrons the benefit tei& long experience In .#ecuiiog an equitable adjustment. 6. Becauc# he ha# arfa ays itjiued Cull pol •Jcies. (t; 7. ficcause he payslosses «n farm prftper^jr '•Lil'.v ligUtning, wheth<v fire ensues or uot. f.^1 8. B.cctiust' he insures live stock a^v^ofe VTfcgaiast ligntniiig. ^ s- bcc.a*se he m^\ires against tornadoes, • l^yclwse* and .wind ptornps. • ""iS. ^ Hi-cuuse you can tuus #av.e yoiu1 selves . •irom rliaiistei for a mere tri&e. » II. Because you Will lind him equally as i*tive teai^l yo^i in getting your utoney after oss as to secure your patronage for bis jegm- latiies. 14. Because anv one of the abase reasons f.^fcan be fuMv veri'flcd bv callingon E. A, Mnr. *»fj>hy, E. Sessions, J. W'. Miller, from their own £ 4BxPer'enfce.>*W ,fl on tiie entire eirele ot "" uHcquniutariccs from oUscrvatios. '* In behalf of Uic Old Reliable, the his M4KY (i, BAUBIAN. TJAI* WORKEit. All kii-dSVo# Hair XA Work done in first class stvie and at reasonable prices. Rooms st residence, north east corner of Public, Square, Mcllenry, III. C.«. GRBES. SVHGEQSr». W^kmond, eago, ill. JESSB A. ^ALDWiH, Layr baelness in i^i'ate receives prompt Washington St., Glii- A. IJAL.1 4 TTOttHEY AT LAW, J*. Every,jnart of the Stati attention. ROom 24, !>9 Wai DR. O. E. WILLIAMS. DENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will be at McHenrr, at Parker House, the lOfh apd Sithnfeach month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I ntake ray visits on the foUou'ing IfoniteF* JfOIfV KLKiraKK. HOUSE Painter, Gminer, Calcimin<»r a«ld Paper Hanger. Residence one Blocfc West of Riverside House. Work attended t<) prom ply and on reasonable terms. S, F. BENNETT, M. IK > AN ANnsUWi EON. Also VtiXf&l States Examining. Surgeon. Illinois. Richtuond, A. 9. CHII.D*, M. P., HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SUB-GEON, West McHenry, III. Calls promptly attended to, day or nijrht. L. TOMBAUQH, M. D., PHTMCIAN AND SUltGRQN. Ipeefs! W-tention given t« Obstetrics and the d'.. seases peculiar to women. Office at Besley's Drugstore. Ite-iilcnoc, ihruo doors west qf M. J£. Chuicn, ilcHenry, III. ------ --: '" . 1 " \ DR. O. R. WEI.LS. PHTSIOIAN aVD SURGEON, W*ncnt}<tlL Lakt On., in. All calls promptly attenn. pd, day or night. Office on Main St., east of Barker's harness s hop. H. Horsemen, Atteittion ! A11 lovers ot fine Horses are respectfully Invited to call at my farm, half a mile west of Mcllenry, on the Woodstock road, ami see fny fine Morgan and Draft Horses. 1 have a Percheron Norman Draft Oolt that is hard to beat. Call and see him. 4®"Nj business done on Sunday. N. S. COLBY. Mcllenry, May 1st, 1833. w C. H. CULVER," AUCTIONEER, Richmond, Illinois. Sales of Stock, F:uiniii<r Tools ami Goods ot all ifinis attended to on the most Uoasonahle Terms and satisfaction giwrauteed Post Office address, KIOHMOND, ILL. ; \ WWill attend sales and furniel) • nd advertising as chcanas can l^e procured elsewhere in the county. K. JOHNSON A CO* jF'lw % W RKPKKKKOKS. --Hon. J. A. Logan, lion. W. R. Allison, Hon. p. C. Smith. Pekin, M. E. Stone, e'litor Chicago AVtr*. Winner's Review, CI)jcago. Send lor inslruceions. SOLICITORS of Tatsnts, 1003 Washington, Ij. c JOSEPH N. FRETTNp. SALOOK AND RET YUR.VNT Bonslott's old staml, opposite Bishop's Mill. Mc Hcnry. III. The c uifcest Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be foupd in the county, fresh Ovsters in thoiv soison served up in auy shape desit^d or for sale by the On. GOOD STA.B LING FOR HORSfiS. ANTONY ENGRI N, C! AT.OON and Restaurant. l{uck's old stand O Mclfenrr, III.--The choicest Kentucky Whiskies, «our Mash, Wjnes Cigars, etc., alwa vs on haml. We buv none but the best, and sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Oy#tprs in their season. A. WI. CHURCH, Watchnmker und Jeweler NO. l<r. ST ATE ST., Chicnaro, Til. Special attention given to repairing Fine Watch es and Oiironomc tera. 4®"aF«II Assortment of floods in line ROBERT C. 3EMETT, IfUKLDKli. OF t A 'Ms 'mM RICHMOND, ILL. (FIRST pftEUIfj'K 4T MCHKVttr COUKTT |FAT)t.) My fowls are of'the celebrated DUICE OF YOltK strain, remarkable for their groat si/.e and laying qualities. 1 can *li«« it trio of last season's <*nicks Wroi>rlii 11 if :U pouii'ls. Bggs, iter setting'tf thirteen, fl.ftu, delivered to purcliiiser iu Richmond, Shipped, securelv iKtcked, ItOTiERT C. fjEMfETT. WM. H COWLIN [pCCCgSSOK >0 M. M. CUOTIltKH] 11 WAR CLAIM SOLICITOR AND ATTORNEY. ALSO NOT4-BV PUBLIC. Prosecutes pepsiot or any oilier claims again«t'the government, relating to the lute, »;• former Wilis, CoiinjlicMted cases and re. Jerled claims unfile ;t spccinHy If stani|H' are enclosed for reidy, all cominuuicationii will l»e promptly annwered. ( OfEtoe at Keiidsnos. MADISON ST., WOOOS$Ofif. ILL. References by permission as regards char acter, business'ability, reliability, Ac,., Jfcc : G4n. John A. Log^ri, U s. Senator, Chicago, Illinois. Gen. .1. C. Smith, State Treasurer af Illinois. Hon. U Kllwottd, M. C. 5th III. Dist., Syc amore, III. ilon. John c. sherwin. ex-M. C. 5th III. Dist., Aurora, III Hon. A. JJ- Jones, U. S. Marshal, Chicago, IIIs Col. Jus. A. '-o^ton, Pres Union Veterai£ 01 «b. Cliioairo, III. Je.-se A. Baldwin, Ass't U. S. ^Jttornev, Chi cago, III.' Messrs. S0I7., Schwab AGa, Wholesale Root and Shoe Dealers. Chicago, 111. N Also hundreds of county and Inane referen ces. W. .OWEN, -DEALER IN- 3L- I; Phoenix, f Hartford, Connecticut, I take Rreat ideas- re in returning the (hanks of the coniiiany > Mrs. I,. D.Kelly for her promptness ac'I nn- %i.ual presence of mind in c\l in^iiisliinp-a ilrc • Ifct her residerce, kindled from the burning ot . -ML. A Mnrptay's residence on tb« morning of c M.i urn . as by iior unliv iiiuai \-n<in, •' ttropnrtv »vas saved 011 which tiie > < lui any £41 a poiicj oft*.ooa. Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver prt! Plated Waref^ T%iftet)ln stock the celebratili. Springfield Wntch, which is prououuee i try all to be Uie best watch no\r on the market. Win not be Undersold, On any goods in my lino. McHenry, Feb. 20, 1S83. O. W. OWEN. CONTINENTAL HQOFJQI WTM£NT> CCBVi Cracked HooHii 'Sprains mH4TCHES AMD SORBS * IN HO iS£S, CATTLE & SHEEP- S sfc your Storekeeper for it 9? writ* di* satJto the Mmiujuclufer*. AMX&ICA9 L¥»aiC4TI*G QI^CO-. CLEVELAND r - - OHIO. FOR SALE T$ McHENRY QY If. pp .uv, Richmond House, RICHM7MD. ILL C. N. CUIiVJSB, - - PROPRIETOR. HAVING recpntlv nnrfiMfCd the above House, I have not It la thomu*h repair, with new fu'-nitue throutfliort, ami would respec-tful'y luvtte the p uron iTe ot the trav. eling public, aud others. The tables will al ways lie provided will) the best that can l(e procured, ami petite and attentive waifcrs will be in readiness at all time's to attend to the wants of quests. * to p nns Will he spared to make this a First Class House. Large and commodious b»ms on the premises. Free Omnibus to ami front all trains. Sample Rooms on first floor. M. Engeln, Spottsaeos' fie&d^nfttters , 1 . -*i- •' " **« " « * • < t . . r * i * '4 'M:* l < *Af't •: • v.i ; *4 OS»6>i*. err* Favors Win us and no Foiar Shall Awe." pgpBi FEBRUARY I.V i88i COJfD pCT| Thw niiml iastrad knd ill tiijf Jaiuuirjr Origin*). 400; restoration, < accrued pew act of Marcli • Th» pnpMij •!«n of a*ldt(irtf1 fwelra dol)aii« deserve* Mlon. r«c«ife (rem Mrely inadeqwii shelter «n<i eletl they ought tQ tliree esaentinla n \ g g * n \ \ x t l i o n wliic!) ?»UJI(!!•*' at the liftiiili of far does n pensti oioiitli go io»ar aii.l food that a nig fc»r Jt proper 1 dellura per me* wpek-- seven rti soldier** orphanp newepapers and deuotir.ee any It prpposi d In tlifsj •111 he |Mrt «f o| (he TreM^ry. At a meetings on Invalid Pe» seutative and member oflared the foil was miattlmi Resolved, committee (h* nient Itasenjiel Ills MTvlfea thf^t bo required. In fiiOII, (O IU'.l)VC ll |ji>iud ht^lUi * tl|«t Q(ivei'iiUI« from MTtiaf iii Isted prior to er The fact pf tit* riding or the P| wliicli npplii:at)ts { retired 10 p^ d^tii of enUftnu warrant |»i law. ^pcept$ n« coifcH rwvord ol rite {)<*• a c!aif}iaiit repeii lent. l»- ¥- Ion certificates |g the week end- as follows: re-Issue, 80; ,IS| arrears, 0; p«T>«!0tw under 1.4*8. ise tlie pen. front eight to inth i« one that Forabta copsid^r; iVliich iliej now Feritfuent is en- tl|eiQ food, >d< tit the leasts rlded .with these fe. Even mere the treatment have received rernmeut. How tws dollars per p|ng I lie clothes |needs and seenr- r.d (shelter f Two Hfty cents a lay to support id .y»t there are clans that would tlif»t might be *s an attempt, flits tq pjllage CEVERAL MERCHANT, And Dealer ih All Kinds of G R O C E R I E S , Farm Hani ware, Pot^kot Cutlery. Sportinff (»<»od.s, Fishing' Tack I p Gun Material, Musical liMtni- niontsf Tobicco, <Ji«rarw, etc., etc. Near liivjer Bridge, Mt;- iii. OW ••• "i ...i-.i • II I I I^Vli^.J^I*11'.*! ]jf»w». also Mi'ii.'ept hr me lit record th«if A TI E. WlwllTMAN, Hroprletor. rivft class riire, with or witlinut drivers furnished at reasonable rates. Teaming ot all kinds di^ne on sl^ort notice. ---u ---- 4 t J. P. SMITH, WATCHMAKER S JEWKLIB, ^Mclleuiy, - Illinois \w^p. Ilg III East ot Mrs Searle*' Millinery Store, I ai£ now prejMired to show to the buying public as fine a stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, As ean be found In the oounty, which I offev at prices that canttet be best. The f neat line FINGER BINq« Ever seen in this section. ; > , Also Agent for the Popular Sewing IbsUfp A Pine Stock of „ . Cluttct ponlecttoner^ *" * ' And Cigars, Always on hand. fffCall in, examine goods and learn prices- Penicmber £ will not be .ynde^dd, yuality of goods considered. J. P. SMITH, Mcaenry, IU -. Nov. 27th, 188S. WASHINGTON, D. C. The v«i'ular palace ^olel of the National Capital. C»nvjeniewtly located £ud accessible to ^11 the ̂ U-£el car lines of the city. Open all the yottg. O, Gr. STAPLES, pRo 'raiETbn. Late of the Thousand Island II«u»g. COIISETS. Afulllineof Dr. Warner's Gors^^g ̂ ?#*!? § Conmlttee t week. Re pre Z-Uniuii snlilier fGriod Army solution. Which d: he sense of this r the Qovern r a>idacpept«d should not obtahi a pen pniuiij and In «l{ and (ha M estopped ^ disability ex %r is that t^is Pfflce, lender ons hfv# been s*ti nd ness at r did liitve any Pension Office .Governmen I atmept i>'h|cli s)pnild It not the Govern *V»i»twl at dn*t» of cnllstuii'iit. He could no more have secured ndini»aif»ii to t*•«* army hud he not been in aouiiri health; than admit fion 10 thc lutfpiul had li» not >4tcuu d if a biff J. ' yst Thi»re is at Jeaat «>ne ine«« ire penij Ing lie font OnugreM that fj;«*re is no occiislon referring to a c<>niiulssi«tri -- the e<]iia|igalioit of bo|||i|[|es hill. It lias b«en debaiad tlnje and again in both fldiisesof CoiiKress; its tneriis ^re well known, ami. hut for Gen. Giant's Injudicious veto, it would IOIIJJ NJ(O have become n law. It i» deeply routed in justice, and ttye peed of |t is painfully npruient. Ta^cs the case of two soldiers who euiiKied at the samp time, from the sfypie-town,r ft>d in ths sam/e com pany rtjnl regiment. tj/^ end of f^o yeaiv' service eayh wouk1 be entitled to tiyo hundred <}ol|ars Upitjed Sjl.^tes bounty under the jaw. Juft 0410 njQiitli, however, before the e^cpiratjen #f this period, one of thes/e soldiers U liQiior vbiy discharged from the service by reayon of disability pr other jcuuses, lie receives no beuuty whatever. His (Conjrad*. on f l^e other hand, who selves i)iit t#ne mouth longer, snd is not dls-: sibieil. receives tpre li^ndived dollars i bounty. Is that fair or just? Is not the first soldier jijst a$ muclj entitled to bounty lor the |>erio<i he actually did servo-twenty-three months--as the second lo koynty far twenty-four mouths V And if »o, ought not the eqnalif atjen or boomUs bill po bscqtne a law ? 4I1, never will it be forgotten that It vu of tills iQeasure that our 'great statesman, Oliver P. Morton- Indiana's frtipous war goyernor--said, in h|s eloquent speech before the Seu- »te: Mr.'PresidentWMStlce to tfce soldier cannot ai,ways be deferred. It ini/«t and will trptmph somerjine. If It does net .coiiie thi^ Congress it will ^Qiiin at some other Congress. It Is a part of live w«r debt, as niMcii so as tlie 6 80 bouds or the 10 49 bonds. It Js foMiided on the sajQe priiusiple of jusiice. It is an ohiigatjou resting ti|>on this Nation 'and ir it tidies *20.000.000 or 000.Q00 can make DO di^erence. jit is a debt this Nation hQiiestly awns and ought to be paid. In oilier wo?df. let the homily be equalized; plit nil honorably discharged soldiers J^pon the same basis; pay them at the same j-ate. Tljey are entitle*! to pt. The justice of It no man can dippme, and that is all tl^at rids bill contemplates. 1 am fQr It. } vote for it with -all my heart. Qen. Gordon was a strict disclpliya* fiitt, wiio wtwild never bare any \vprd6 with a private; aud heqce a joke: One day, one of the 107th New York Volun teers got ahead of the l/rjgade, when the General halted Idas and ordered him back; the soidler stopped, turned around, stared at G'Aeraj Gordon, and replied: "Who are you?" "I am General Gordon." "Oh, General, I am very happy to make your acquaint ance r wss jtfc* *!omplacent -answer. 4 roar of laughter burst froin the Gen eral's st* A. Hpcai»e si Soldier Alter All. , Mrs, Ci-jpsey, of Decatur, III., ^feo^e husband was fJhaplain in an Hlin/ds ^e^ime^t^relAjMsd ,t# a y^itor iyfny in wed of resf; years ago i^er little baby, while playing in the street, fell down, and began to cry, a very tali young man. w|»o was just then passing by with a yoke of oxeu, picked the chihl i|p and handing hi in inside the gate, said cheerily: "Yon will never make a soldier if yon cry for that." Tlie little leilow at once banished his grief. The tail young man WAS Abraham Lincoln, aud Mrs. Crissey Introduced lo the yisltor * jrouug Cap* tain, home on a furlough, as her son, who had become n soldier after all. Such ure the qdds ijnd etpls which t"rn up with the whirligig of «ld Father T|ipe. fl9*Tl|e loilowing is a portion «f a letter written by G. P. *TF*ite, giving a description of 4 trip fr^m K^iisas Olty. Mon to A|emph|s, Teun.,-which |s pub lished by reqqest, and may not l|e un interesting to our readers; KANSAS CITY, Jan. *1,1W4. The party consisted of fti'ry Sir Knights s»<l twenty ladles, together wiiii the Oralg Uifle Haul, making eighty-five persons iu all. We st.<irte:l in the evening of the 8th itist. a-id arrived at Memphis on tlie lOtli at 8 P-.ni. Tlie distance is about 500 miles. We traveled south ihrough tlie «asteni part of Kanstis. then sou'heiist IhroHgh Southern Missouri and Northern Ar kansas. Tlie country through Kansas is entirely prairie. Missouri is more rolling, wltli iml» timber until ySa reach Springfield. Mo., a place of pbout afi.000 (it \va« here tliaf Gien. Lyon was killed during the la|;e rebellion, at tlie battle ot Wilson Creek; tlie last men tioned place, or tvnter course, being but a short distance from the city). The country after leaving Spriuglleld is perfectly wild; plenty of deer and wljd turkey. We pns»et1 oyer what is known as tlie Ozark Mountains; (they amount to nothing more than foot hills). The scenery here |s beautiful; the timber is mostly white pine.. We passed several saw roiljs lately con structed. turning out a flue qualiti of jvh'le pine lumber. The road we passed over is railed the Kansas City, Spriug lleld & Memphis It. R, beipg » con tinuation of the Kansas City. Ft. Scott & Gulf, to the smith. Hitherto all the traffic from seuth to west and vice versa was Compelled to go by way of St. I.ouis. This route atlords a great cut. oil. nuifle looked upon commer cially as a big thing. The feeling be tween Memphis and Kansas pity are very friendly indeed. In a business sense, and therefore thejr expectations are great. Kapsas C|ty is hlready shipi.ing i mine use quantities ol beef pork south over this lino. But. I digress. I started to tell you about the pilgrimage of the Knight Templars. Wu toi<k dinner at Augusta, Mo.. ju«i on the Hue bet ween JMIssnuri and toiWri1tsas. The hil»'aT'il^fhlRlWN«'eiirW' Sr. Lluio Coin, of Mempflns. and on ••Very plnie was a handsome memorial ol 1 lie journey. Tin country through Arkansas is very wjld, witli scarcely a Imhitatioii. with the pxreptipn o| rail way stations. W« traveled for about 80 i||Ib-s along the hnuks of Spring ftlvpf. :i in>»M curious sireain. It takes irt* rise iu mammoth springs situated in the northwestern part of Arkansas. We passed these springs. They form a small like about the size of the old mill pond All over £he surface can be seen boiling springs There is no visible In let, so the water probably comes from 1 lie bowels of tlie earth, is gs cle^r 4s a crystal and very blue. One of the peculiarities Qf tills remarkable rjver Ig that there are 110 fish to be found in It. Another curiops thing abput the stream which makps It very Interesting are numerous natural m)f?iaUiro dams along Its course They sesm to be a uatpral formation in fl'.£ bed of the stream, and in every instance extend from bank to bank. They sonieiipies form a letter S; at others a quarter circle, hjit most frequently straight. The w^ter in falling over these small cascades makes >1 beautiful white con tract with jtlie blue water below. After we |eave tlpis river we enter the swamps of Arkansas. 1 don't believe I saw forty acres of cl*ar jaiui from this point to Memphis, a distance pf nearly pne hifiidred miles; but you sep some of the finest timber yon ever saty. cedar, glim, cypress. j|iid other kjuds too nuinerou« to mention. We siplenty ol mistletoe hanging to the tree*. To huild a railroad through the^e swamps was a very difficult pi.epe of jyork and took a Jong time.they having t» trestle a greater psrt pf 1^. The inhabitants ar rather the poorer class 9f Inhabit ants are well represented bv the story of "The Arkansas Traveler,** wlii^h I think you are familiar with. A family bearded the traiu at Hoxle, •r Hatehie-Cooo, (I don't remember which) and took seats iuoqrcar. There 1 were s«yen orei^ht cliiidren. the ojdest uot more tbau ten or twelve. The way the mother pufled these children about would make you laugh. You! couldn't understand a word £he said; at 1 least I couldn't, Long, jean and lank was her make up. The candy butcher came through the train, apd she asked him for a "chaw t.erbacker." He said:| "Do you clie.w?" She said: "I reckon." He gave ber his plug aud phe 'gnawed off a piece about the size of a mule's ear ami stowed It away under her up per lip, gave the children each a clip over the head, and then settled down fn the seal perfectly .contented. I threw ; tpv plui£ away, which by tlie w$y va»< 9 very fine brand of "Ifappjr Thought.'" We siriyed at West Memphis at hail past 4 p. 111. There is no bridge /st this point, .They ferry the cars oyer the sa:n« as at Detroit, Mich. I took] especial interest in the boat and looked 1 Iter all oyer. She Js entirely new, built especially fjor the business. Ilereapae lt,v is six coaches. A double tra,cK is laid in the middle of the lower deck, lengihwjse. They run three coaches ̂ on at a time. -When- we landed op the i Tennessee side we had to go two miles further up to Memphis, which is situ ated on tlie olufls overlooking {he river. river item from the Judge: .••Why William where liave you be'-n? Y^ur bat's ^nocked in, your coat's torn »nd yoyr legs ate weak as baby-'s. ^Tl- tHred out, wifey. Been working hard, you know,? "What have you tyeen doing to fatiguo you liko thia*' **Helpingsome.schooners ofl'n the b»r." "Poor boy I What a good sonl you are. Now let me help yon to bed- you are WASHINGTON I.KTTKH. Ffoiq ®nr ltugular Cwrruspondent. Washington, D. C. Feb, T|»p most marked aud str^ing Rer- sonagct in the Senate to-day la G«iie«l John A. Logai|. Qf medium hlglit lit Is bruad shouldered, dark»comp?extoneri has ft wealth #f long black hair, an enormous mustache, a fine broad fore head and eyes black as jet that seen to pierce yon with llielr brilliancy. H« la a splendid speaker and few op. ponents dare to measure words with him in d|iin;}tp. If« is calmt pool, de liberate and at th« same time quick to **e bis opponeuts* weak points and read} to send home the sharp, incisive words that seem to wound w^th every utterance. )io |s courageous to a ff)ti|f, $ perfect Hon when aroused, and still lie has a heart full of sympathy for tlio poor, the weak and oppressed, and is Ills family one of thp kjndest and piKt indulgent of husbands i^nd fHthefS. His wife Is one or the most brilliant ami charming of woman, an active Christian, a wise counselor a»i* juitly proud of her iuubnnd. He has been before the public for nearly forty years, aud is a national politics over twenty-live years, having been first elected to Congress in 185S, and yet to-day tiiere is uot single blur or blot upon his fair fame. Even the cmell of jobbery is net upon his gar ments and his worst enemies aocord liini hojissly of purpose aud character John A. Logan was born in <fack«on County, Illldois, Fob. 9, 13*J6. wljere he lived a quiet, uneventfq) life until the war wl(;h Mexico, when he enlisted in the First Illinois Regiment ai)(| before }ts close was njatfa Lieutenant and Adjutant. After iiisreturn from Mexi co he studied law and was elected Dis> trict-^ttorney for Jackson County, lie was also sleoted to represnt viscounty In tin States l>«?isUturd. and In 1853 was nominated mi l el«cted to Congress He was the devoted friend and chain, pion of Stephen A. Douglass am| never allowed an opportunity to pass without speaking the praisa of the "Little Giant," and at tlie death of ^1}* latter his maiital seemed to fall upon Logan He served Itis full term^ln Congress ajpl was re-elected in 18Q0. aifd attended the called sessen In^hp fumpijfr of 1S61. When lie^aw that froldiers were ueeded]t() defend Ills govornmeut and flag he resigned his seat iu Congress aufl refi)fned to lllfndls, »1fl do4iiu In the very heart of '• Egypt" by daring bravery, Iudomitable energy aud thril ling ejoquence he gathered around him to en|lst under his banner over 1.100 men, tl)« Thirty-first Illinois Infantry of which lie was tpade Colonel. He was ordered to General McClerti§u<)s command. a:id hp the llrst fight *t Bel mont, Mo., had h|f iiprje shot from iinder liliq. He next apiteared with his regiment in the attacks on Ports llcnry and Donaldson, apt} Iu tiff latter was wopntjed iu the breast and cariied Qflftlje Hold (of iload. But it was not so ordained ^liajtt lie should die. Iiisser- yicesjwers needed by Ills country aud the MGod of battles,*1 and the angel ministry of his devoted wife restored l^iitf to the army Stjd tl)« country, and for hi^ gallantry tlie Martyr Lincoln placed ^n Ills fh9i)|iler the sjQgle a ar. In March, 1862. ho reported to Grant *t IMttsburg Landing, a BrigadterrGen- cral. He was as^igt)ed to (he command of (lie Third Division, Seventeenth Army Corp*. ?nd D*r^cipatod In all the grand uioveipents of Grant** Aainy. ai.d for Ids bravery and soldierly <^nu|« ities was made a Major General. His division was tlie f)rst to enter yicks- burg on Its surrender, and tye wif mail* mllitai/ governor. Wlien in Novemlier. 188^. Grant was delatched froiq the Armv of the Ten nessee and Slp*rw in placed In com mand, Logan was g|y*n the command of Sherman's old corps. |)L^e Fifteenth, and iiejd it to tlie close of the war. He wu* iu every |battl£ fought by; the Army of th,e Tcifpepsee. The day after the b*tjtle of Dallas, ff/e Mas wounded in tlie left arm hut never left the lield.ipit carried his arm in a sling. At Resnca lie Ij.eld the ndvance to the Ariny pf jth,e|Tenn1e*see; at Dallas he met and ye^ulsed Hardee's veterans; at Kenesaw Mountains he drove the enemy fronj hlgljpe of works, i^nd ft Atlanta .wlifn tlie gallant McPfier«eu was shot down he assume^ pgiut^aud. aud by h£s personal dasli 9nd bravery inspirited his trooP* to syc^ deeds of yalor a* to fweep «yrefytl/|ng before tl^em. He acponipauifd the ari^y iu jits "March to tl^e Se^,1' *nd after the grand review 11,1 Washington resigned his commlssivti. He returned to Illi nois, was ejected to the Fortieth Con gress frouj the State at large and ft onctt to^k the ccmpvandii.g position whicli|liia talents, patriotism and plurk entitled him to. becomi»g the leader! of tl^e House in which sncli n^eu as Stevenson, Boiler, Garfield, f'*d tlieir compeers were oiemherp. Qe was1 again elected to tli* Ho.ti^e of Rep resents! i 7es, *ud Ip 1871 was elected to the Senate to succeed the brilliant Dick yates. I^e seryen one' term aud, then was defeated by » combination. Four ye^rp Jatcr he was elected to suc ceed "Uncle Dick Oglesby" and is now1 serving omJK Itl^aJt terin, lliat lift is tlie peer of $ny man in the Seuat* to day jg flfkncfwledjed, the hearts of tlie patriot masses are with him beyond question, while tlie Soldier el«ment of tl^c couutr^r worsblphiiv jtbejr ff^est friend and benefactor* Prominently qamed fur the highest oj^pi In tho gift of the Nation, should he get tfto uoiflinatinn, which lie rlclily deserves^ snpli i|n enthqsl^sin would be raised as was only equalled, '"^hen 4nh«|ny can^o niscuhiug hoiqe.1* Qen, Hitler and H> feinton* ha00 bfen |n Washington fej|t ^ f»mple of week* past trying to tend Democrat! into the idea that ft would b# wt«e the proper time to bring forward Ibf hero or Great Bethel. Fort Plshec. ^ Tewksbnry as the Demrcrat iceondidole for the Presidency. The iea<|ll|f ns^> ber* of the party, however, u*f* aboi^t as much coulldence la Butler's ce|labil ity as 1 Deiftocrat, *9 tl}« deapon had faith In Id* clqck J|s * t|oif- piece, which wo»tId, with the l(and* P*l»ting to fen piinptfs to strlko seyen at thirteen minutes past fire. The public d*bt was reduced a lit Do over eleven millions qf dollar* t||* mpi4b °f January. llllO«ls Political qoMl^ As far as heord from, there |rt aspirants for tlie Republican ||oniln^> lion for State Treasurer--Jacob Grossf ot Chicago; Colonel Stimming. of Chi cago; David T. Littler and Major John Peters, of Sprlugfteid, and Mr. Better, Belleville. The only ripple of opposition to tho rOnomluation of Cap ain Cf|arles T. Swigorr, opr present papulae Stajp Aiplitor, comeg froin Lower Kgypt, lq the person of State Senator Dan Hogan of Mound Olty. But Dan haying two years of his Seuatorship stijj jo serve, his claims to any wtl|*f e$|» §t pr**oti« are not apparent The official tf|?nj of tlio Hqn- p|«lrney H. Walker, of SclM)yler tioqptr^fl^adgo of tlte State Supreme Cow*, wfU oyftlM J*ap, *nd his successor i||II h* ohi.sen one ypar from next Junfk It is ilie genera) expectation pf thf Republicans tiirougliout the Stftp thftt the appointment qf the district del*- gates tq the l^eppblipan j^atjonal Cow* yontion In thle wfll l» left to conventfqn# in tl^ Congressional 4)». trictg themselreffljwd tiiat the SU«o Convention will Jmilliio its powers t<| thp appointment of only the delegate* at large. This Is the right prtacif»lef and it must be respected by the St^te Committee If It wants to avoid trouble. State Senator Horace 8. Clark, ef Mattoon, will be a ândldatp for ti|0 Repnbtlcan nomtnat lmi^f<^||(i|(| ' ' the Fifteenth District, now represented by *Iv. Cannon, who. It is ex|>ected, will be a cmididato lor repeq|lnation, Mr. Camion is now 9*r*ii|g hi| f|Xtl| term in Congress. The Qemocr*tic opponents of <^rUf H. Hnrrison for Governor have as yo| brought out 110 conspicuous ctmliiltip with whom to defeat him In tho con vention. Congressman W. R. Morrison, who has been the first choice ef iqfMf for the Governorship, is now generally understood to aim at tome thing asndi hjgliep--he wants to rnn for President. Ppok County h${i two eandhlalff fpf tlpe Republican upipjpa|.ion for Llety- tepant Governor--State Spnat^r Con- dee, of llyde Park, and nx-^peakap l^orin C. Collins, ef Norwood both .Ch|c:igo lawyers. IJeii. Gporge Hunt, ef Purls, IJ|.; yhf) hfs been £lie fJliairmaq of the.i/j//|)f:}ary Comip|ttee in the S|ate ̂ eijate fof tprft sncjcessfv* teriqf, aud jrlip pn^eratfndi the lawi pf tlir State a§ w<*ll 0* i^ny lawyei In flip *l ,l bf » caudi^atjl for Attefney General iu the Republican Sta^s Cenvention. Mr. Huut I* eae of the ^cognized leader* in tlie uopnty district, and those who kmif hiip personally or prefecslonally ' #r*re that |ie would fill the oUceef Attorney Genera] with markedoMU|y. It is also understood that Mr. MfpMffr fiey, the preset^ Attopisy Qj*Min|i«E pi res to a re-election. The next Legjsfa^ure jq| tjUf 9#$* will elect General Logan'} sugfialpor the United States Senate. Tlij> e^tfre membefsbip of tlie *nf) oM^«|f of the Senators jfpe to be .elected neqt|l Fall. Tli.e Pfphjbitienlst* ef tl;is Stat|| leem t# be resoiyed to uomin*te | State ticket ef their own this y.0f|E; Many discreet fflepds of their caiM^i feginfl §uch a .course In the yjar of * general and exciting contest betweeg the regular great |io|itica| paytjlesas^ fftal mi§ta^e, aud so it wlff no jdo(^t tprp opt. As far as we can team, tlpefe jrjjj |§ no formidable opposition ty $njr flf present ineiubers of Northern Illinois fof a reuoi^l^ftjiOfa. Rut it is a little eafjy yet. The contest fnjr the |j>pubilt«>sii ,C*)|r didacy for Qoyeynoy is still virtually congue^ t» ̂ o/ernor l|a.mll^^ end e$> Goyy^no^ Qglesjiy.and the|f |9Sf^ectlV§ friends are warming n^. : Hon, Heury J). Dei^e^ wiU |^ohab^ have no opposition 19 hj$ re^^gsjioftiwi , J for Secretary of Slate. ^ :-T Hon. Thomas B. ̂ r»*edle.«% w4«p* ttr*| as State seuaj:«)r expires thia Jroor.lf? forms his triends thit hi-; priy||o |^nlx ness Is of ej^cli a character tliat he <aftf uot run fgr any ottce this Tiie>e is some talk amei^g t erfr* of nominating 6en«4£i|j^!2^ ef Dapvijlle, for Goveruoi^ J"" ...'.'"Bilg* " ¥fj$ AIJ tits stopjted fref to Kline's Great Nerve Rest MI er. S< after Urst day^s iw. Marvei»«i(^^ Treatise and §2.00 trial bottle Fit cases. Send to Dr, Kline, 9M Pk. *' st* niiim hk >w. .M-Nfr-i-r-. •r- > J. ,i.d .,.J