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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Feb 1884, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, FEB. 20. 1S84. Railroad Time Table. i.'; 001*0 SOUTH.) #•*•»» Uk« Passeaeer. 7 :®7 A. m ; fJ»%€ Kxn*eM .8:1? •• Baatr* T.ake Pte'vht J-i«e. M , aeaev* Lake P»*#en*er...J;« «« ••Yi'-. • vint* v»ar«. ' - v »««••« T,a*e Fretvht ; ....#•*! A. V ». i®«*e»a Ti»k« Passencer..,,, , «• , !"Ceii(Ti Uke Kxprait .(:KTp. w ' BIMTI L»k* PMUtnr «:S7 •• . •<£ B. Bras, Asrent. f- i < McHenry, HI M^OVTf? GG MCIIBWRV T.OOGK, *0. IS* A. F. AND A. *.-- gfi Regular Cojaraitnicniiont tbe 4atnrrtar on or PI the fntl of the moon and every two f» week* thereafter. i|| CHA». O. COLBT, W. M, ^ Wievav Tuevw* 11 ft M--1te*n. "ar "oaveaatHns hell on the secoa tand fourth R rid AT* in Moh moneh. JORW T. RTORT, IT. P. Do not forget tlie School Sociable 'tomorrow (Thursday} evening. See the programme in another column. RBAI> the new Advertisement «f Helm A Peter, Algonquin, In another column. .4$ A party of ;enng folk*, from thi* place, attended the opening of a now I' 'Aekatlng rink at Nunda, on Monday evening, PlCKBD up #t» the streets. In this • Mfvlllage. a new Rubber Overshoe, aire 7*10}. The owner can have the same bv ' "illlng at thla office. OUR devil ha» got the shot gni» l«#ad- ed eight fingers deep for the first man who comet in to tell of having seen the liflrat robin, THI Georgia Minstrels plr.ved te a good house at Ri verside Hall on Thurs­ day evening Inst. and. so far as we can learn, gave good satisfaction, t F. A. TIKRARD started on Tuesdav mewling for Jacksonville, Florida. Fie 1# on a prospecting tour, and if lie Is - Milted wlili the country will buy liini a :-(,|place and mave there Inthe spring. •TUS.1EN BROS., furniture dealers, near the depot, have moved into their new •tore, lately occupied by I. N, Mead, Mr. Mead taking possession of the store vacated by them In the Lansing Black. ' WE understand that parties from lundee have purchased the land near le Rut I road formerly occupied by the Climax Brick Company, and will, in Hie spring, open up another Brick rd thereon.,) A* soon as we can learn ?§them we will give mare particulars. • MANT schemes have been devised to cure dogs of killing sheep. The only practical one that we know of is. If you find that vour own dog or any body else* manifests a craving for sheep blood, ia to give him n chance to con­ tract the gun shot complaint. ON Monday evening next. Feb. 28th, there will be a D::nce in Heimer's Hall. IN this village, tlie proceeds to lie used for (lie benetft of the German School. Good mu*fc In attendance. Tickets 50 rents. Ttiie is a worthy object aud we (Mist they 111 ay receive a liberal pat* ronage. . " Ax eceltange say* that * Irrdy in an adjoining county, eighty-two years of age, is a* much at home on a pair of fkates ai 1 young miss of sixteen, and Iter aged hut graceful form may be •een most any time among the young folks anjoying the eiiCliautiiig glides. Oh, what a lie,' , M. ENGLJCN, Gunsmith, at his shop, near the bridge, has put In a new lathe tliat is one of tlie finest machines of the kind we ever saw in this section. It U adapted to all kinds of work and Is simply perfection itself. "Mat" is •lie of the best workmen in his line in «fie comity, and is receiving a liberal patrooage. ESQUIRK JOHN MCOMKER made us a fcall on Monday, the first one since cold weather set In. He now lacks but a few mouths of ninety years eld and Is still as smart and active as mauy men of flftr. He came to the town of Mc- Henry in 1837,over forty-six years ago, and has resided here ever since, His health la good and lie bids fair to be [«r'tli us for many years to come. WOMKN are wondering why th»y can't mount the rostrum and get fifty '.jfr a hundred dollars for a night's lecture. We would like to know what Wan would be -vllling to give a woman twenty-Ave dollars for a thirty minutes lecture, when be can softlv steal away #0 the retirac? of his own home and fiear his wife lecture most of the night for nothing. THKRK W^S a large attendance at the 6katlng Rink on Saturday evening last •nd all seemed to enjoy themselves in the beet of manner. The Prize, a pair [of Skates, to the best lady skater, was fcawartled to Miss Tor* M'-Qmher^ On lpafurday evening next, FebT^Sd. there .frill be two Prises for lady skaters, MO .follows: First Prize, a Silk Skating Uap. Second Prize, a Dollar Tiaket. THE McHenry Brick Manufacturing 'Company are now making preparations for an extensive business the coming eeason. This company Is IUIW com­ posed of Amos Whiting ii»<l Isaac Went worth, these gentlemen having bought out the interests of the balance of the company. Their brick lust sea. eon gave universal satisf*etiou. and they will have uo trouble te sell ail *liey can make. / F H*VR often wondered WHF Mne jvopje tasist upon making thef* homes appear on the outside as if they were deserted or some one was dead, and V dungeoa like on the lusfrte, bv keeping " their bMiwI* cloged aud curtains down V |t makes a person feel louesAuie to pass ^•fuclt a liomse. Throw oppo tlu> blinds Alice In a while, at least, and let a little of God's Minshi tie in, and let people ' know that can are alive; aud nt night, ,'/ let some of your light sfijn* at:<l ^ght the traveler on bis way. AN Eastern exuiiange truthfully saya: The way to build up a town Is to be- Hey® In It--became Inspired with a faith that there is a future for K. and for every citizen to lend a helping hand In making it what it ought to be. This l« brief,- is IO^MI pride--it is a local public spirit which does net hesitate to make a present sacrifice in tlic faith that it will make the town in which we live iu some way bettor in the fu­ ture. * * PROORAMKC for the next meeting of the Ringwood Cemetery Aid Societv, to lie h»ld at the residence of Mrs. M. A. Dodge. Saturday evening, Feb. 2S: Opening Song ...Society Prayer fP"«C Katie naVr! Psp**"' .I.E. Crist v. Ed. Declamation,...... t||,|,. n',|frmtii. Re«.i 1 MIj,in ;i,IH.v n»dg.>. Sclecf Reading,..EHKH Carr. Soclet<( Dialogue,. Nine character'. Walter cvistv. Closing Song. Society. CARI, FAT. Secretary. Tfts following recipe Jt warranted to make flmclast scandal, and can be bad at little expense: ^Take a grain of falsehood, a handful of run ahout. the same Quantity of nimble tongue, a sprig of the herb backbite, a teaspoon- ful of don't von t«ll it. six drops of mal ice, and a few drachms ol envy; add a little discontent and jealousy, and strain through a bag of 111 iscoimrruc­ tion, cork it up in a bottle of malevo­ lence and hang it upon a skf in of street yarn; keep ic in a hot atmosphere, shako it occasionally for a few days and it will be ready for use. Let a few drops be taken before walking oi|(t» and the desired result will follow. WR have received a spec! ulen dopy of A M. Purdy's Seed, Plant and Tree Catalogue. It ia a beauty. Thf colored plates of his iiew.seedling Raspberry the Crimson Beauty, ami his 'JLaiest of AH"' si raw berry, the Jumbo, are very fine indeed and should be seen by every lover of fruits. The information given on growing strawberries, rasp­ berries. blackberries, grapes, etc.. is very valuable, while his prices for plants, trees, etc, are as low as any reliable grower or dealer. The Cata­ logue, or a specimen copy of his vain* l»le monthly paper, the truil Recorder can bo seen at our office, or by drop­ ping a postal to A. M. PURDT. Palmyra, N. V., a copy of either or both will bo sent to you free. THK Young Polks' Temperance So­ ciety will hold their nnxt meeting at the M. K, Church 011 Sunday evening, February 34. Following Is the pro- gramme* Voluntary ..lfsry Went worth Singing, (>oa|)el ffyinn* 9fe> W. .Scriptnr# Haading W,.>,.>;...,.%l|a Senvt Prayer, Uesiiinjf "Ker.kwlth Kecitaiion i........... ... Itote Kimlnl ... ...» ..On:i Ik'i'liHilh Rent.It ion.. ...Alice llenneu I»e«-1;int«tion.... ..; ... f.....Hari-y Blackiium Sonn Itcileaaing Love, No. 7». Addren* ........ ..H. G. MWHt Reading ....; L„Cy Mill "<»»S ..... .. .... .T...........Siar Quartetle R e a d i n g . . . . J . J . V a s e r Hecitaiio^.. »••••» •••. Ifrlilh 1 Carpeiuor Rea«iii)jr.^<s4. ,v .i..(ilara Wrisiit Reading.. o. HrrSialtci- Singing--Goepcl Hymns No} 155, All are mo«t cordinlly invited to at­ tend. SKCRPTARV. ---- < THE following is the PROGI^NJTTIE for the School Sociable, to be held at the School House, to-morrow, Thursday avenhig: 1 Instrumental Music,..Mr Weqtqrorth, fealer Dialogue, The would lio teaclier, 3 <;liaractc>i-« Song, Oou't put the workingnian down, >lnml Van 81 v • Heading, KateShplly's heroie deed .Stella Beckirit Duett, Mr and Mn Viisay Recitation, Where there'# a will there's a vvnv J A Sheldon Soug, Tell my lored oqes that I am eominir llatlie ilcail IK TE n MISS ION Dialogue, The»p<itl}|teary <*.ro*s.«xMninp'l, Tli reejh'.liarac tors Song, XFhere *rc the cM fulks M.U.ic Smii li MI I KfTlo Gilbert Heading, The collogiun iiinl the poitur, Alias Clara Wiglitman InAtruuientil Mti«in, Mary \y3«tworth and Maud Vnn S|yte Dialogue, flie YiiUife wiihuui ^«>ul.* u to. ' Nine ripr« Solo,.., J ,) VHSUV P/alogue, When the eats are a way tlie mice will play, Tea tcliuradiei a Public School Examination, The com:nittee having in charge '.he competitive examination work desire to call particular attention to the fol­ lowing point* given J11 the circular of .instruction: Let the paper used la eimth school be uniform throughout, taking care to leave the margins as directed in the circular. Write only 011 one side of tho paper, which should not be lo)ded nor ruled. Let each paper be graded and mark­ ed on a scale of 100 percent, exactly as the teacher tyoaildgrade tjie saine paper in ordinary school work, l*»vlf>g the best ones uppermost. AH papers must be sent to County Supt. Baldwin QII or before the last day of this month. The Superintendent will not pay ex­ press or other charge*; the teachers are expected to provide for this, SCHUUI, RJCPORT of District If4.4 Suhda, f«f" the mouth ending Feb.6th, 1884. No. clays taught. M No. scholars enrolled Average daily attendance....... ... 1!) TheM'ollowiiig are the names of those who have been present and punctpal the entire month: Emma McMillan. Alice Knox, Stella Leisner. Charles Mc Miilan, Minnie Knox. Allie Misuer, Kddie Knox. Enjtene LeiSner- In written eSiiminationa, A p|*ss:-*- Miuuie Knox 90, Nellie Buck 00, LijgjKle K:iox 93, Emma McMillan 81, and 4'^ Knox 90. Highest In class B:^->Vjllie Ames fp)d Jessie Buck; highest in Jeporl.nent, Allie Leisiier, Jot>ie Buck and Minnie Welsji. ANNA KNOX, Tamub«rf Notioa* , ̂ _ The UniversaliM Sunday Scljool is discontinued for an Indeflolte tjme, Tiuose iiaving books .belonging tosajd cliool will oblige tlie Society by leav lug them with Mrs. Curci«. ShlCRKTAItg. Strictly micolored Japan Tea only SO to GO cenu gt iJonslett, tttoflel & Co ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PLAINDEAI.BR:--On Tuesday morning of last week Officer Wand rack took the eight o'clock train for Elgin and arrested Mine Rentiu^sen for bur- glaey. returning on the 9:30 Main, and took him before Ri*<juire Philp.'but the defeodent was afraid he would get justice here so lie took a change ol veuue to the next nearest justice, that being 12<qnlr« Brink, of Crystal Lake. Tliey got Into a sleigh aud started for Crystal Lake, and when tliey got there tlie defwndent we.nt ovor to Nnuda and got Mott K lis worth to defend his sase, and the people secured tlie services of Dan Dufly to lielp them. After the de­ fense and the just'ee had held a coun­ cil, court $rgs called, when EIUworth got up and 're^ul.froin the statute of 1854 that any one w!|o breaks into a house iu the night time !« a burglar. Dofl; told theui that was an old stat­ ute, and he read from the present stat­ ute that any one breaking into a build­ ing with thieving intent is a burglar. The court then said that as the odeiice was committed inthe daytime It was not burglary, and he dismissed the suit. The ofleuce was as follows; Ou Sun­ day, Juno 10th, 1883. said Benthus«u broke into Jos. Wienks' saloon, went through the money drawer aud helped himself to what lie wanted of the stock in store, and Mr. Wienks coining in caught him there. Now If Crystal Lake appreciates such iustIce as that. Algonquin don't, and wo fjeel safe iu saying that them is not a single in- stance of a law-abiding citizen In this place who does not consider it an im­ position on tho public, and|that tlie de­ cision was given without any regard to law or justice, J. D, Ferguson, Jr., attended the convention of the Northwestern Dairy­ men's Association at Maukato, Minn., last week. . Rev, Pollard preached at the Congre* gaiional Church, on Sunday morning aud evening last, and wavtlie guest of Mr. and MIA E. A. Ford over Sunday^ On Saturday last we h-'id quite atf un­ usual amount of noted gueMs in town. There was Esquire Jackson aud Esquire Van Allen, of Crystal'Lake, and Ira Mallnry of the Nunda Herald. Charles Piugrv was in town on Sut- urday last calling on his old friends. Postmaster Chunn Is qnite sick with Inflammatory dyspepsia. Mr. and Mrs. II. Phillips, Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Sherwood, and Mrs, H. J. Brink spent a fait of last week in Chi­ cago, taking iu tho baby show anil oilier attract lens. Ou Thursday nfternoon of last w*ek the sewing society, in the Interest St. John's Episcopal Churo'h, met afthe residence of Henry Keyes, in this pl'ice. Tlie Algtouqiiiu bind furnished music for a dance at Nunda Thursday night, aud for the Dundee skating rink 011 Saturday night of last week. < Last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Morton enterUined twenty guests from Crystal Lake. C. E. Chapel) lias sold his matched span of Aiahinns to E. Slnijett. Dr. Merjill, who lofat^d here last fall, has given lip his practice, gull-we uiiderstaud thar lie has accepted a call Ironi western Miunetiota. U. E. Cliapell started north on "Fri­ day of last Week |o biiv milcb cow*. Mrs, Chapell accoinpaui«d him as far as Lodi, Wisconsin. L*ok out for a- choice lot ol cows soon. I). W. Thomas started novth on Sat­ urday last to buy milch cows, nnd dairv men may look out for some good cows when lie returns. ' The calico trade la booming atthe preBPut time,on account of the ?allCft dance given hy the hand hoys, ou Krl- day eyeuing Feb. 22d. They «re mak- li.g great preparations Tor a big time, and If the weather is lavorable we be­ speak for them a good turnout. Mrs. Miller turni«lies the snp|>er. Dome one, come all. and give the baud a lift. There was a burglary committed in Canada 011 Saturdny night last, Mr*, Aldrich's lions# was broken Into* and it is reported that tlie family jewels are ail missing. It se«*ms that there was no one at home at- the time. Mrs. Aid- rich spending the night wiili Iter son, Henry Bentluisen. Officer Beuthnsen. of Ifunda. stepped of! the eight o'clock train on Monday morning «f this week. a*id arrested Thomas Kahon. one ° of onr saloon­ keepers, on a warrant issued by Esquire Brink, of Crystal Lake, for keeping an open |i*mse mi ^niulay, He picked quite a uuinhet of wlmouses here. VOLO, FKB. 17th, 1884. KDITOB Pl.Al!ti)EA».KR:--1 see bv the last PJ,AINI>KALKR that James Robhius E«q., of Solon, lias reported that th<>re are four men in Solon whoso united ages are three hundred and thirty-three years, That Is doing well fur that place, Jipi. That's nothing to a liea!thy place i'ke Volo. We have four ladies-- I will not say old ladies--whose united ages are three hipidred and tifty-two. Tliey are as smar# as any of the ladies of Solon that are not over tlie age of forty yegrs. They do their own worK. raise their own vegetables, milk their own cows. etc. Esquire Rohhlns, yon live in the wrong climate to find cen­ tenarians. Why, Jim. a Life Insurance agent dare not travel Ihrougii there. Occasionally a Fire Insurance agent goes through there, and they are coti)- wonly German, that can stand grief. Particular Notice. ̂ All persons indebted to me are re­ quested to call and *etlle on or before March 15tli, as I 941) going out of bnsir iiess here and wish to Settle up my books. All hills not settled hy that date will be left in the hands of g Jus­ tice for collection. - JOSKFH X. FaajugU; Mcllenrr, Feb. 13£i>, JS84. ,v-w -- v Information Wanted Of tlie whereabouts of Jacob Spofm. Any one knowing of his whereabouts will confer a favor by sending his ad­ dress to CHARLES Spoiiy,' 31-w? Humboldt ^ark, III. •- 4 ; SPRING CROVE. EDITOR PLAINDKALER:-- Not teeing any iteifis for a long while IVOM tills plac«, %« will endeavor to gf?t you - '( ̂ •. Quite a number from Tiefe attended the surprise party at II. Rahom's last Thursday evening, and a good time is reported. Our school, which has done well dur­ ing the winter under the management of Mr. Burger, will close In about three week*. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Neisli, of En* glUli Prairie, have taken a boarder. It !s a boy and weighs ten pounds. The lumber has been all drawn for the new store which will be erected a« soon as the weather will permit. We are glad to see that someone is taking an interest In Spring Grove, and hope that 01 any more will follow the ex­ ample. J. Hendricks has been getting a sup­ ply of bee apparatus, and if the coming season proves favorable ho eXpecU a good supply of honey. 1 Rumor says that L. Hatch, of En­ glish Pr:»lrie, is Intending to build a saw mill where the old one was. We think that this would be a good thing not only for Mr. Hatch but for the iu- tire community. The "Rape Kod SI»o*' which waa held in tlie school hou«o last Monday evening, was very good although slim, ly attended. • "•»/?; HEBRON. I * _ IfrniTOR PLAIN OKA I.RR : O, Boughton Is gaining slewly. On account of tlie inclemency of the weather the lecture given by Miss Delia Washington Stearns was not very largely at .'ended. Those who did go report the lecture a« being good. About thirt)* couplo attended the Leap Year social at Union Hall. Thursday evening, Tho supper fur­ nished by the boys was 9 surprise to all. The table fairly groaned under the weight of pop corn, oranges, pea* nuts, candies and apples. Tho reveipts of the evening were fourteen dollars and seventy cents. On Thursday. Feb. 14th, at Genoa Junction. Wisconsin, Mr. Charlie Chap­ man was married to Miss Kinma Don­ aldson. both of Hebron. Mrs. Maggie Si vers, of Lake County, visited her friends here last week. Mrs. Emma Chesbro and mother, started last week for ^er new home In Gilroy.California We shall be glad to hear of their safe arrival. Captain Charles Tryon has lately con. trlbuted twenty volumes tothe Hebron Library Association, among tlie num­ ber are two volume* of Hie Geological Survey of the State uf Illinois, and one of the United States. Richmond Department. OOKTKIBUTRD BV V . RKNBVTT. A. R, Alexander Ind., last week. visited EJkhart% Do not lorjret il.C. Me airs lecture at Congregational Church next Satur­ day night. Popular admission only 10 cents Proceeds to go to rottof fund of Richmond Post O, A. R. RINQWOOD. KIHTOR Pi.AI\I>I AU.N :-The sick un> tier the able care of our youii? doctor are gaining and wo look for them out soon on our streets, Mr. R. Harrison is able to go to t l ie Store 1)11(1 Stop Iipd fc^e bjs ifi»|d fr|ppils again. B. K. Duers* move* tn W a won da this week, ' There was i| hn<-kout of < fit* bla.'k- «uiit!i sliyp and trade. Tfjp yopng dutclunan did not wa.it It. Prayerv,meeting; »n Friday after noon at Rev. Win. Nlckles*. cemir.rnc ing nt half pnst three. Bible reading by Mr. Hall in the evening, Mrs. Fowler |s hai-k loRii.gwood to live at her old home. Mrs. W. I>angham has a splendid show of flowers, C. Harrison keeps thi depot looking like a parlor. Tlie cheese factory Is gaining milk. Over 3000 pounds per day now. TI14 sleighing party on Wednesday night to Hebron lost tlolr way and some of them got slightly frozen.-- Walter was equil ti. the emergency ami went and called up some of the farmer# and got tlicm to show them the road. They got to Ringwood at quarter before seven iu the morning, after several hours of driving. They Hpnt do that again you bet. y/*u the ladies leap year party. "t -J---- . IMARENCO. Kftfvoit FI.AINDEAI.ER:--We lear iihat "Jurtge" Hills has gone to Allison, Iowa to vwiji among relation. Hr Hills Is eapablc of taking in a heap o' lun and we with hiin a good time. Mis Uelos Pnyej* baa gape to Shell Rock Iowa, to risit her daughter Mr* Cha* Avery. Kd Kperry, from Denver, Col, U visiting vgain in Marengo, lie docs not slay |ong with us, Perhaps tlie mountain rose holds an at- Miction for fllii), If ill Seward, who has lieen staying in yer- mant thr p»st winter, was in Marengo this weflr. He goes to Kunsa* soon. J a red Teeplc is quite sick and at thls| writ­ ing suffers a grciit deal, He hopes to be better soon mud we hope he will. Tlie entertainment given by the Georgia, Minstrels is reported by ma))y to be a flrsf class sell. The Jpera llijiise, Si^lurpay even: ing, was pacKed with a select audiencJ? onp well beroming a more worthy oration- l.af, us hope that min>'treliy of a low order >yi]l not be encouraged in our inid«t, .nor pur Opera House tendered 10 such ti'QMpes. The Marengo Kirc Corps gi{rc a (ball at Skinr ners skating rink Tnprsda? evening, the tidtli, Inst, Fkaifnfr to wusir. from < :3U tp p:<I0 P M. The different committees are sparing no pain* to make the ball a succeos, and insure to all who may ai teud a jolly gcKxl time. A pop vent ion of the W C T U was held ia Marengo Inst week Wednesday ami Thursday and a signal success as a whole, is r«ported.-~ Wednesday fvening Miss Francis Willard lectured in the op,era home upon the subject of teu||)erance, She was favored wltfj a lull house and spoke very well' liut a number were disappofnted for she had been highly eulogized ami did not meet theirexpectatioas, She is not an eloquent s| eaker and her ppm- parisonsand Illustrations were too far dr^wq to be forcible but nepsrtheless she does not words nnd inenns what iii« wyf -- • Farm for Rent' (; I offer my farm for Kent on rjsitsonr able terms, if applied for soon. STKPHEN P, SMITH, THKRK wili lie a dance at lleimer^s Hall, on Monday evening. Feb~uary Sift, for tlie benefit of the German School. All are invited. 'I'ipkets. 50 cents. BT QKDRR <IF OOXMTTTEI. lib whole leaf Jap Tea for 25 cents or Cite tor 91. at Bouslott, bioflel A Co • -:.-r : . . t' ii li:::- ' • l'. -• >aii» ~ W> nre indebted to M, M, fTlothler for late numbers of the Northwest iViswa Portland Oregon. Why don't M. M. let some of his old frieniiK know what ids post office address is? How can they write him or send him tt letter unless they know where ho is? By reference to advertising columns It will be aeen that Henry Krumpen offers his farm of 03 acre* for sale. It lies northeast of this village and is de­ sirable as a small stock farm, having living water and other conveniences. Terms made known on application by letter or otherwise. PoatofBco address Richmond, III. "Doc" Kllburn, Spring Greve. h*a« the nicest, lot of Plymouth Rook fowls we have seen In muny a day. Thej seem to be the kind to have, for they are laying right ftibng, as if It were sum­ mer, lie will furuish settings of eggs to interested parries. Tonus made known 011 application, < Quite a number of our citizens went up to Genoa. Saturday night, to listen to Mr. Handford's lecture on Oliver, Cromwell. ' All pronounce It one of 1 he very best addresses ever given in this vicinitj, Mr. Ilanford lectured to the children at the Richmond M. E. Church, Sunday P. M. on "Half an hour iu a Picture Gallery in London, , , to a delighted audience. Tlie tickets are out forH' ;4}#ftn<J Ball to be given by tlie Richmond Post G, A. R.. at Culver's Hall on Frllay even- in*, March, 7th. It is determined by tho Committee.seconded by Landlord Culver, to make tlilsfAe party of the season. The profits sre to go to tho Relief Fund of the Post,. Invitation is hereby extended to all the old sol* dlers and their friends, (and thftt means all good people) to attend ahd have a good time. H. C. Mead will deliver his very popular lecture,011 "Travels In tho Yellowstone Park" at tlie Congrega- tlonal Church In Richmond, on Satur­ day evening next, (Feb. 28rdk) for the benefit of tlie Relief Fund of Rich* mond Post, Grant) Army •' tl|o Re­ public. He gives a history of the won­ derful region, and discribes its mam* moth hot spring, geysers, mountains of glass and sulphur, the "Devils Hnlf Acre," "paints pots," etc, etc. That all may have an opportunity to hear thi6 interesting lecture, the admission fee Is pot nt •«ly ton cents. The church ought to he crowded to over­ flowing, Coiue early aud procure a good seut, A mnycrpept ||ii« been juaiigl)r^|.ed in Richmond, Y*-> to organise the ex- Confederate soldiers into "(lumps" modeled nfter the "Posts" of the 1 G. 4. ft. Tli" "Lee Camp" of Richmond are getting up a big fair and soliciting donations from tlie G. A. 3; Posts throughout the (J. S. To illustrate the fraternal feeling between the "beys In bine" and thp "boys in gray" we ven­ ture to njako public the|foKowing cor- regpundeijue between I)iciimoi|d Post nnd tlie Adjutant and Secretary of tlie Committee on Fair: RICHMOND. Feb. 5th 1882. R. H. Fox. Commander if. Ju. Lee Camp, C. V, D|FAlt SIR:--Your esteemed fnyor of Jan. 9tii ultimo, addresftrd to me lis Commander of Richmond Post No. 280. Department of Illinois, Grand Army of tlie Republic, ipid asking contributions to your fair to raise funds for the wouipled and jnjigpnt Confederate Veterans, is received. It gave me great pleasure to bring,the matter before our Post at its first meeting after the re? ceipt of your uouimuiiicatiou and let me assure you It was received und dis­ cussed in a true fraternal spirit, aui) had not our treasury been enipty | should have tlie pleasure to send >olJ substantial proof that the n»e|» of the North who once met yon iu deadly conflict have buried old animosities and would as quickly extend thp help­ ing band to tlie distressed "boys iu gray" as to tlie distressed "boys iu blue." But we are few in numbers and have only lately organized, and to-day our "relief fund" does not hold a dol­ lar. I haye, however, t|ie pleasure to sem) you by torday's m^il 9 copy of the TestoiiipuL and Psalms, supposed to hipve belonged to a Confederate Chap­ lain. ]t was found iu Camp Ifobcrt IS. Lee, two pr three d^vs afte|- tlie eyacu- a*|ou, by A. A. Sherman. Co. K, 25il| X Y. Cav., and now a member of Rich­ mond Post, aud preserved by him up to this time. It seem* to ha ye been a Christinas gift from S. C. Young to Rev. 11. Brown, Christmas Day, 18A8. jt is iippr Sent bark, 4? have been many tattered battle Hags frotu both side*, hoping it ii)ay be xu object of interest to your fair, a inpniis of its restoration to its rightful owner, or "Mit its sale, *s a relic, may add to your funds. It i« influx ted to you to make such disposi­ tion of as tlie circumstance* may seem to make right. May I hope to hear of the receipt of the book, and a|so be in­ formed of its disposition> Qupting the wprtls of your Comrade T. W. Sea­ man, Lincoln Post No. II, G, A- H-i Newark, N. .1., '^Remember IP# to all the bpys in gray? I remain Yours Fraternaljy, 5 fll.l.MOftJt BRWltltTT, Commander of Itichiuqud So, Mp, U. A, ^ B, iiiciimo«'i in. ' • ' KicRMoxp. V»., Feb, 12th. |8M & Fillmore Bennett, P. Vo. 9SQ ' Department 0/ Jlltnqi*, (J. 4. if. DKAK SIR AXI> COMHAPK:--Yopr fa- of tlie Stli ii)st. is at hand, also the copy of Testament and i'sahns (ou'id bv A. A. Shermap. Co. |i. if. Y. C»v,. pow a cOinradeof Ric'iinond Post G. A, ft., of Richmond. 111., marked from ti, C. Younjf to Rev. H. Buowr,, Clirlstnias Day 18a8. for which ihp poinmittre on Fa'r return their gratPill! tliapK# to Comrade^ Sherman Hl)d Bennett and will hare ,<1 notice published in onr Richmond paper, ««» that if possible we can restore th* Biide to its original owner, and will al*o keep it during the fair.suit.th|y inscribed go that qur peo­ ple can see this nmnog other tokens. The spirit of brotherly }ove and recou- clliutlou that U pow going on bei^'««u the men who did tho lighting 011 both sides of the "inevitable conflict.'" and iff this iiirivemeut between the G. A. R. anO C. V. Is properly fostered aud en­ couraged we are convinced wIM Uo 1 more to extinguish the last spark of sectional enmity than the efloris ol all fbe politician*, statesmen and dema- ifogues «n "»i»ur own, our native land." In consequence of the huge dimensions our Fair has assumed (xomething en­ tirely tiulooked for) and at the urgent requests of otflr friends aud sympathise ers throughout the United Stales, botli I11 ami out of the G. A. K., we are com­ pelled in postpone the opening of tin Fair until the 1st of May in order to give each and every one an opportunity to contribute their mile. We sliail have a book published for distribution, glvi lg the proceedings, etc., names of Hll donors ami donations, many letters received, extracts from newspapers, etc., which we are satisfied will give a lietter understanding of the feelings and sentiments of the masses of the l»eopl j of our common country, and bo|«e it will do a vast amount of gao«l. We receive the Veterans of the 6Ut Pennsylvania Volunteers 011 the latter part of May. and we also understand several Posts of the G. A. R. contem­ plate visiting Richmond during the continuance of the Fair, and when they come "on to Richmond" we'will grasp the baud of eafch and every "boy in blue" In the true spirit of fraternity, charity and loyultj1, ready and willing to march shoulder to shoulder hearts beating in unison for gone country, one flag, one destiny." You will please present the soldierly greetings and right hand of friendship and fellowship of tho "boys iu gray" of Lee Camp 19 their Comrades of RlohmsmJ Pot* G. A, R. Fraternally Yours, J NO. K. LAKH, air. Q. M. and Secy,. Cum, on Ft Taxes ! Taxes! Tlie undersigned. Collector of Taxes for the town of McHenry, will be at the following places at the time named to recieve Taxes. Mondays--At the store of Lay & Adams, In tho vilhge of Johusburgh. Tuesdays--At tho store of B. Rain- thorp, in the village of Ringwood. Thursdays--At tfie shop of Nordquest A Weber. IN the village of Mcllenry. Saturdays--At the store nt $Mtg$l:p- n»«ns A Evauson, In the village of Mc­ Henry. Gao. ItoTRRititP.L, Collector, Tax Collector's Not tee, The undersigned. Collector for the Town of Xuiida, will receive taxes at the following named places: ^t But­ ler & Warner's. Nunda, Tuesdays, At the store of C. Shales, Barrevllle, ou Wednesdays. At Fitzsimmons A Evan- son's, Thursdays. At Perry & Owen** 011 Saturdays, Nu*4MU„reUl,1«t. Farm tor Sale, » ' * l^^'wy Farm on Twin "i* miles northeast of Richmond, for sale. There are 65 acres of laud. A. I for dairying, with tyro houses aud out­ buildings, abundance' of living water, etc. Terms made known 0:1 applica­ tion to UKNKY KltDMl'ICN, [uo30w9] Richmond, 111, Farm for Sale. The farm known as tlie Orln Hale rami, three miles southeast of McHenry and a mile and a half north of Mudgett's Cheese Factory, is oRercd lot sale, con­ taining 120 acres of choice land, good buildings, etc. Time given it desired by purchaser. For particulars Inquire 1^or dale* • Thp Undersigned offer Air sale their Shops and Lots, si tinted in West Mo- Henry, nearly opposite tli* Post Office. A flt-ftt class business, location. For particulars apply to A. N. Tripp, West McIIcnrv, 111, T» Poultrymen. • For Sale: Full Blood Black Java Cockerels, Brown Leghorn Cockerels, aud a few Plymouth Rock Pulie:s and Cockerels, at my residence. Wauconda, I"- . • . G, W, Pg^rr. flaueonds, Dec. Blh, 1883, S0-m2 lp your horse is lame or sow* |n any way, do not fail to call at tJepry Colby's and get a bo* of Continental Hoof Ointment, It is 110experiment* It ha8 been tried and never failed. To closo out our broken lines of Overcoats and Underwear, special prices will be made. Call aud 'examin them at Hfiirjr Colby's. Bu»iiieg8 5oticfi>, Go to Mta. Howe's for Milltnery aad Dressmaking, SstoKEits, call t..r Bar hi an Bros' High Art." They have lew equals. No ; rouble to tiiuw £<H>ds op answer questions at R. Bifhop'r, Buy the Estey Organ.if you want tk« best. O. W. Owen. M«*ll«*ury, Agent. City residences f.»r sale. Applv t* Asa W, Sinilh, WomUtock. III. Go to Mrs. M. Mchuinacher's for Mill uery. Dress Making and Fancy Uwods a Silk Yelvets Perry & Owen's. #«d Velveteens ;iH It don't pay to sleep •» the f|rr>r -when you can buy betisirad* for *?,26 at John B, Blake's. Case and Furst $ Brn.Jipy Plows at E. M. Oweu & Son's* Solkef Five feet high bedsteads, all Plael| Walnut lor W.T6. at John B. Blake's. Cloaks, Dolman's aud Ulsters for Ladies and Misses at Perry 4 Owen's. AI. the lending Walking Plows at Owen 4 Sou'*, • A flne line ef OvoftHtats j«»c recotved at Perry & Owen's. Kverythlng in" the Hardware line at bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. Call in and see the suits IL Laivlos la telling,' Heavy wiuteV suits only *4,76, A flue lot of Clothing at bottom prl. •es, at J. R. W«||fi A Sen's, Waneondar Qotlt Combination aud Platform Wagons at R, M. Oweu A Sen's, of tbt bostinake. Good Goods, low prices, and an boo* est deal, can be had at J. R. Wells 4 Son's, Wauconda. Lumber Wagons. Mifk Wagonsi Plat­ form Spring Buggies for aalo at If, Bishop's wartlmm-e. The finest line pf $i|ver nnd Plated Warp to be found iu the county, at O. W. Owen's. ____ If you want to buy Cloaks and Dol­ mans at bed roek prices. oaU on 4.R, Wells A Sou. Wauconda. The Banner of the World, the tiobbl* est little Parlor Heater ui*de Howe's. • Drags Drags, Drags, g lot eu hapil, ateel tooth and must sell. For sale bf R. Bisliv ).. '> Extension Tables are cheap. It #II| pay you to buy now. Call and aea theiQ at John 0. Blake's. If you want anything less than tho Estey Organ I can sell you ope for 94Q and upwards. 'o. W. Ovrgg The Waverly, G|en A^orn, Rouad Acorn aud Foprest Acorn Wood Hagt« ei's^at K, M. Howe's, opposite £ishpp*t The T'rlae Acorn. Black Acorn gad Loyal Aiorii Cook Stoves. Has ao so- PT/'V-, At K. M, Howe's, oppoaftp BUiiop's Mill. . 19 boxes matches of 3U0 paph ftp 3600 for 9ft cents at Bonslett, Stoflel & Co.'s. Wagon for Sale. A one horse lumber wagons almost uew, suitable for milk wagon. Will be sold reasqnable*1 |ttquire at this office or of ALBANY FKBTT. Mctlenrv, Keb. ftli, IBM. A" elegant line of corset a |Q- cents and up al Henry Colby's. ONION*.SEED FOR SALE. I have 60 pounds of Yellow Datttors Ppiou Sped which 1 will soil at fl(K) per poqud, C. BBCKWITU. jgcHenry, HI.. Feb. 2.1, ltSI. • Woocf for Sail, Good Dry Wood for sale ^ F. AR UBBABD. Ifoyal. Pearl. Prices, Atlas, taking Powders at Bonslett, Stofle) A Co.*#. Bureaus qre cheap." BlacH Waluqt for 97,2$, at J, B. Blake's. "The Westminster.'" the boss ona stove np thp markpt, |f you don't be lleve it. pall 011 E. M, Howe, aud he will prove it to you in no time, and If you w.'pit a stove, wil) aell yoq one be- forn you leave. ladies and Gepts- scarlet all wool underwear 1)8 cents pieces at 6oi}»lett, Stoflel A CQ.'S. best Woven Wire Waitresses, the for only #3.30. at John B. Blake's, FITS AH fits stopped free by Dr. Kline 's Great Nerve Restprpr. No Hi* after first day 's use. Marvelous cures Treatise and 9*2.Qf> trial bottle free to Fit cases. Send to Dr, Kline, (Mil Areli St., Phila,, Ha. House and Barn for Sale or Rent. In thp village of Ringwopd. Hou«e has tet| rooms, and Is hi «o.»l repair. A gf»od garden, well and cistern, iu connect Ion*, and all other necessary iMinveniencps, Wil| be gold rea?«»n-. able or rented to a responsible party Inquire ol w«ti*ar i*»o- 9in*w«od, Jsa.iut MM. Cbildrens calf sewed, tipped «hoe* ; 8 to 11 for 80ctsa; Bon«lett, "rofle! Co WE now have "tlie finest assortment of Visit jug Card* ever see# In this section. Call aud see tbetu. Everything iu farming im pie meats from a Swill Cart to a Mct^tnatefc Twine Binder, can be found at the warehouse of JK. Bishop. For first-class insurance against flra and Lightning, wind storms. cyelfMt^e, tornadoes, etc., etc., apply to Asa W IS1111 tli, Woodstock. III. " , - JJ t The Cort|r,pd si dp-bar T°p Bpg^r If light aud fpie, and is the most durable tiijrgy made. Can always seji thpn at E. M. Owen 4 Son's. CLOTHING. A complete stock 01 Men's aod Clothing at bottom prices, .« l'itHT^|IWB«. Qv«rcoi)ts that will wear 3 years. .SS M Heavy Suits.... )H UP Boys' Pants, lieavy lined | {SQ Also Boots below Chicago prices. IS. LAWMJ*. The Westminster Cea! Stove. b»»tl» Bound aud Square. For beaitty aad durability has no equal In tlie inarket. For sale by E. M. Howe. . >!•' V M The lightest Drop Sulky Plow In tw world ia the llupgood. found nt E. M. Owen & Son's, apd spjd ^ ioyr a* t|jp pomuiou splfcey- : ̂ , , i FINE SHOES. ^ ' Jnat ̂ tfsirfd, The finest #11^ Ladies' and Children's Wear la tha county at bottom prices at Perry A Oweu's. Buoklin' a Arr^icq Syiv*, ' ' . j The best salve iu the world for CqtKif? Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Silt ltheiime. Fever Sores. I'ptler, Chaped Hands, Ohjlhlains, Corns, and all Skin Erup­ tions. and positiyejy cn|p I'ijes, or nq pay required. It U guarap(P*d 10 glva perfect satisfaction, or luxury refpu- ded. Price 25 pepta per bofc ~ m for Saje by Hciiry Colby, • •, •*£ E. Lawlita beats Uiticitgo en1 '" ee« tor clothing. 1*' T { Farm For Sadep ̂ The underpinned offers for «a1e lilt farin,sit|iated nnp milp fr«m Ringwood station and Cheese Faptory. ••onlainl"* 1#50 acres of cboiec land, 4<> acres ef which is limber and pasture. There are gond t»|iiidings on the premises, at) f orchard, and iu short it is one of tha most desirable farms hi 1 his section.. For term# aod other oariiculars iq? quire of ' « <7. GBIMOLBX, McHenry, 0-34-mt " Brussels Carpet Lounges only ff,Q§ at John B. Blake's. | CA|.p and see the nobby neyr Spin at E. Lawlu*'. l|e l«i|%«oli) 2d suite pf one Itinu. . r> Piano for •;£. A fine Square Piaop Is »»ftpred fof sale. WHI bp sold cheap H applied tor >uop. C. L. I'K-VTT. _____ ^a„e«**t* m FUR WANTED, will bfiv all classes of Jfnr. poo 11. SKlink and Mink, olid aijl |*«J thp Hi "best Marker Price. G. W. PRA IT. VTatippuda, III,, ^ . f.-i . See ̂Barley for Sale. ' 1 have a iot <tr {'itip Mensury Bartaa for S»lef {f called for soon. HOMKIt WATTLE^ McRepry, 111., Nnr. «. I*<J. ; ;i ;. Call for Nimble Nitkl" softft. market *1 Bou^fett. ST..D»T| A Uf t \ Examine the Juliet. Hprpinp, uuibia and Coraline co|3#l* ||t. slett, Stottel «& Cu.'s ; Pfense renien»iM»r that wr Mwk ^ every ib-jmriment Is Very VMHplels ami that onr prices are always the lowest that caa he made. We uiil ml le- undi-rsold bv any 5;0»wNf lit Mttlit U| Co. Henry Colbjf. . • •

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