^ • * • ' ̂ L 7 ^ ^ Hlfl ,,,. - ^a.* ^ ww. ,. ( V *&$BF* *% t s f M#&$ifi$£^^lS& *> f^c, r w ^ +f ^ * * < * V*9** ^ i/ / ̂ ',^jR * ir ^* ****"• • + -\'.* " • ' J • * . " ' ' 'ff:'5,'^<rr'^!riS*rl'\ '^w^ve***'* ."i 4 , WEDNESDAY. FEB. 27. 1884, ttliftroftd Time Table. J OOt!»« SOUTH.; knefiT.ake Passenger v.....7:27 A. HHTt Late Express...;... .... .8:f| " tee*va Luke Freight l:«5p. CeaevaLsIte Passenger ..*» a »i v > * utrtt. teaeve Lake Freight a-S1 A. M Cnm Lake Passenjar. »M Beaeva Lake Kx press 4:57r. *j Beaeva Lake Pm»en«r «;57 '• B. BUM. Agent. ^ Me.Kenrv, HI it MISOWIC Melfamtr Lencc, No. in \. F. and A. *.--j •scalar Communications the Rat unlay on or' lefcre the fall ®f the moon and every two treeks thereafter. OH AS. C. COT.BT. W. M. ltfunnr OwAPTBI !ia. SI n. A. M --Bef n- irOtiTMatimi hel l on the second and fourth FfMays ia each moaeh. ' J O H W I . 8TORV, I?. P. :<if* are under Obligations to M. 'M . J C&tliler for fi!ed|o( Oregon papers. Ifiss IIATTIE PIBRCE. of Hebron. hi been visiting friends in this riling*! the past week. H»2f. CHAS. II. TRTOH.T of Hebronj made cur sanctum a pleasant call on Tuesday. OHjierrors! what *wHP the printer do now? The slcknl ng report'eomes from Hartford that the codfish are aij Setting wormy. A woman says very h* Aen liiti the slightest idea how to hold a baby. No, not until it gets to be 17 er 18 years old. f ^Wi! understand that B. Gilbert W1M, the coming spring, tear down and're- model his old store, near the depot, and make it into two stores. RBMRMBBR that at the Skating Rink, Thursday (to«tnorrow) evening, there will be a Prize offered for the awkwerd- est gentleman skater. WK have received a letter from Key. W. H. Wilcox, of Greenwood, which, for want of-'space we are prevented from publishing. / THB dance for the benefit of the I German School, on Monday evening. I was well attended, and netted for the \ School the handsome sum of about 970. LOST, in this village, on Tuesday of last week, a bed quilt, The finder will confer a favor by returning it to John 4»-Smith er leaving It nr. this office. JLT the Skating Rink on Tuesday iffenlng next, there will be skating from seven until ten o'clock, and dan- clng from till until twelve. AN Ohio school girl was strung up by til wrists because she refused to sit with the boys. Surely the moral ways of the Buckeye state are past finding out. * OH! what a MIL**: Married. Feb. 16th 1884, Clins. Wheeler and Miss T>ctia Muss, of Chicago. While wish rlii«„ btppy couple all the jov Imaginable titer* U bound to he--a little muss. J tfOKTOX & ClIAPKLL. of Algonquin Will have an Auction in that village o Saturday next, M***ch Int. of one earn cholco new Milch Cows. Parties I want of first class cow* should net fal to attend the sale. ^CAPT. WAI.TI 'E. Griswold's Im (f Wit learn R. M. Owen has sold tli house now occupied by C. Henry, known aa the Gale house. to Mrs. Jntin L; Howe, who, having rented her farm, will move Into the villrge In ike spring. The price paid wa* 111500 • Texas man has invented a machine fer washing dishes. That Is good no far. Now if he will proceed to invent • whole kitchen on the same plan, lie "Will not only win a -fortune, but the ' gratitude of half erea'ion. WE are requested hv tlie collector for the Town of Mcilenry to sav that ti« will clone liis book on March 4th. and those who have not pa hi the'r taxes must do se before that time. Re mem ber the date. March 4th. A farmer wants to know what is the |||it to feed hogs on. lie, might feed tliem on the ground, or, if ho wished In a trough. We never did appro t-< fixing up tablet with marble tops fei hogs to feed on, ' PHII.LIP KOUBK. who lives near Slo cum's Lake, had the misfortune to fall on the Ice on Thursday last, breaking his leg near the hip. Dr. McChesney of Waucosida, assisted by Dr. H. T Brown, of *this village, attended him. and he is new as easy as could be ex pected under the circumstances. Do not fail to read the new adver« tlaement of Mayes A Bartlettvte be found in another column. They are offering great bargains lu winter Clothing for the next ten days. In enter ' to reduce stock. Read their advertise* mcnt and call and see them. It wUj #ryou. , IITKRS A CO., the proprietors *f the Skating RtnK, in this village, are^m- teinplaiing the erection of a large building 60x100 feet, for a Skatii.g Rink on the grounds of E.* M. Owen. Just west of the cheese factory, and keep a rink open here the year round. We think this would ["rove a paying §|yestmont. _ ^ARTICULAR attention is called to the new advertisement of B. Gilbert, to be found in another eoluinn. Mr. Gilbert will reiume business March 1st in the store formerly occupied by G. W. B«s- >•* oppoaite the Parker House, where lie will open up a full line of choice family groceries, salt fish, etc. Read hto advertisement and call and see hiin When In want of anything In his line. r I*another celnmn Can be found the new advertisement, of Price Bros., WIUJCOIIIU. wlio are located at the old ctand ef Roht. Harrison, lu that village. Tills firm have located there to stay and put lu a stock of goods second to noueMn I.ake County. au<l we predict for them a liberal share of public pa nnage. Bead the If advertiavmeiit. Steamer "Mantle." Oapt. T«ger. rwlll be remodeled before navigation opens, and put H> better shape than ever before to make quick trips to and from the Lakes. Capt. Yager, is now the landlord aC that popular hotel, the Riverside House, and will spare no pains to accommodate guests at the hotel or parties on his boat wins wish to visit the Lakes as hunters, fishermen or pleasure seekers. the skating rink, on Saturdav evening, there were two prises for the be«t lady skaters. The first prize, a silk skating cap, was awarded to Mies Cera McOmber, and thc'secend, a dollar ticket, to Miss Jennie Searlen, On Thursday evening next a prize will be ^or the awkivardest gentleman ikaterJJ^Lots of fun may he expected. iem have a full house. Admiasion 15 cents. With use of skates 35 cents.- C. B. CURTIS Informs US tiiat he will, early in the spring. op«n the butter and cheese factory, known as the Doran Factory. In thi* village, and hereafter keep It running the year round. He already has the promise of the mllfcbf lour hundred cows, and will largely In- crease that number when he gets to .r.imiii.g \Mf. Curtis i« well and favor- WfiU'y IcmTwn in thla section, and the fact that lie will take hold of it ensures the success of this factory. THB school sociable on Thursday evening last was a success in everv par ticular ami highly enjoyed by the large number present. The parts were all well taken, and reflected credit en both teachers and scholars. The receipts of the evening were *17.15, which are to be applied to the purchasing of a picture of the late Prof. S. D. Baldwin, which Is to be hung in the school room wlr>re he taught so long and success fully. SAID a lady: "I haven't been so free from dyspeptic symptoms in ten year* as I? have since [tried the hot wat^r remedy tor dyspepsia. I have learned to like it. When it comes eleven o'clock or four o'clock, I long for a tumbler of hot water as a toper for a dram. And, by the way. the old toper who wants to shake off the liquor ap petite will find a drink of hot Water an excellent substitute. Hot water Is a stimulus--warm water a laxative, A COUR9B of Free Lecture will be delivered 'in the Disciple church in Nunda. 111. by J. E. Remburg. Esq.. the Eloquent Liberal, on Marsh 4. 5 A 6, In the evening. Ceme Everybody and hear how subjects are seen through Liberal Eye glasses. Mr. J. E. Rents- burg is very highly spoken of as an in* teres ting speaker, a candid rea«ouer, and eloquent Orator. Come and hear him. Ke mem he r, March 4,5/ M 6, In the evening. KU HILL has purchased half of thenteamer"Mary Oriswold,** and leased the other half from the owners, and will therefore have entire charge of her the coming M»«WW»H. tMi« will be repainted and fitted up in better shape than ever before, and Captain Hill will spare no pains te make it pleasant for all who visit the Lakes the coming acasnu. utid who see fit to patroulge tiiie boat, lie is now at work making the ti*>c<'S«!irv repairs in order to be r$«dj when the season opsns. ; i •-- . . i . • -tiei E. BKNHKTT. Photographer, who has been sick for several weeks past, la now better and able to attend to husl- .essjind can be found every day at his Gallery, ready to wait upon all,who may call. We do not exaggerate when we say that Mr. Bennett is one of the best Artists In this part of thr» State. h!a pictures in every instance giving perfect satisfaction. In short he will not allow a poor picture to be taken from the Gallery. Persons in want of pictures of themselvesor friends should not fail ta call at Ilia Gallery and see his specimens. ^^OODSTOCK was visited by a serious conflagration on Friday morning last, the three story brick block, at the south east corner of the Public Square,owned iiit(1 occupied by ,1. C. Clioate. being entirely destroyed, and the block an joining, owned by Wheat A Richards, and occupied by Murphy A Blossom's drug store, and K. W. Blossom's jewelry store, heinir badly damaged. The fire caught in the third story of Clioate's block, in tiie Hall occupied by the I. O. O. F.. and it is snpnoeed from the stove, as the Lodge li^d had a meeting the night befo of afllBllllnar storai^Beef' heavy "the H-IORS U estimated at 925,000. two-thirds of which is covcred ij- insurance. experience of every news paper man. says an exchange, to meet with people who Imagine that if they withdraw their little support, the whole force from literary editor to the "devil," will fall at tlielr feet and beg them to have mercy on their helpless ness and continue their subscription. Did anyone ever hear of a newspaper being snowed in by the efforts of a few poor human beluga? Sot. if it had the right kind of stuff In the chair. A news paper man. If he lias had a few years experience can't be choked off with a little gal! frotu disappointed polStioUi) or angry subscriber. He has to contend with the natural or acquired oussedness of mankind every daf of his life, and if he lives a few mouths you can bet your homestead that he ia the toughest man iu the country, when it comes to a square push fer standing room. An editor usually has the greatest respect for a gentleman who requests his paper stopped, and it is none of his b<isine»s why he wants it stopped, if he dees not Insinuate at the same time that his support is the life of the whole enter prise and he expects to hear of a funeral. That always makes the plucky editoi mad, and it ought to. ,lle should rise up and everlastingly wipe the will with such a man and then give iiiin three aolumiis grati*.#• Iv«riil^iuc ig y*e paper ue*t *eelfe •?v -v. ^ ̂ A FlKtS KMGlttK. The frequeut and disastrous fires which have occurred of late In neigh boring towns has awakened our citizens to a realisation of the defenceless cou- ditiou we are in shoiiM such a calamity overtake us. That our village would be entirely at the uieiv.y of the flames* should s fire by any chance get started. Is a faet that cannot be disputed, as •ve have absolutely nothing, with the exception of pail*, to fight the fiery demon with. Therefore, we are glad hear some earnest talk In regard to purchasing a new fire engine, and we trust it will not end In talk. The pro- position now, as we understand It, Is this: That the council room and cala boose, which la now near the bridge, b" moved to the lot west ot the Dorau cheese factory. In the center of the town, and that an addition be built thereto for an engine bounte, and a new engine purchased with suitable hese, etc. There is an abundance of water handy In nearly ever* part of the town nd the material here for a No. 1 fire company, and there 1* no good reason why tills should he delayed. Delays are certainly dangerous. Aa we said before, we hope tills matter will not end In talk. Let ortr business men take hold of the matter aud push it forward a t . • - \ r z , ' -Os*'"' *e|1s •, •The following is the list of Petit i.irors drawn for the May term of the Circuit Court to be hold at Weodstock, commencing on Saturday, the 26th day of May, 1884: Kiley-M. O. Mctcair. Marengo - 'harlew Sylvester. Henrr Sears. l>unhn*-%. L. Chase, Frank Wit bur, A, J. AMerninn. Chemung-- If. H. Hildrcili. O. Mi Wilkinson, Joseph Swinner, O. A. Huc.lischitd. Bd Wit- kiiiKon, James Comae. Hurtland -- VV i 11 in in It * rri son. tieneei-John W:iil:iee.* Curat-- Rtlwin Morris. (Jrxflon-0. E Irwin, a U. PettdletO% H. Itjiitley, t). W. MiiixMi. /tori --Woolsey Knmtp, George Berdwell, MsrshHil Merrimnn, .1. O, Choate. Hebron--jitim J. Stewart, Lyman Pierce, K. it. St nil ion. Jturton--W M. Citrey. Mciltnry-- J tines c. "I.add. Homer Wattles. Nunda- Z. Wi-bi-ier, Orl»ado t'eek, llenrjr Macnoii, M. KitZKiinmons, Algonquin-- I.. P.dinitb, J. R. Jackman. FtTZStMMONs A EvANSON have fitted up reonis over their store, secured the services ot a flrst-cla« cutter, and open ed a new custom tailoring establish ment, and with a full Hue of cloths of all kinds the? are prepared to make single garments or full suits on short notice and guarantee satisfaction. Their cloths were selected with care and the most fastidious cannot fail to find something to please them. All persons knowing themselves in- delieted to me for professional services rendered prior to July 1st. 1883 are re- quested to settle by cash or note before April 1st, 1884. W, McCfUCSNBY, M. D. Waucouda, Feb. 27th, lS84i 32-w5, All persons knowing themaelver In debted to Jeucks A Andrews, Waucou da. are req ien«*d to settle the s*me wirlitu the next tw«ntv da vs. ;t4 we wish to close «ij»o*ir hook®, preparatory t«» icivig'j In business. .IKSCMA VVMRWt. v, r .. HEBRON. ^ ElttTrttt" :Pt. a IN i»ka i Kit:--'i'he -ICape Rod Sh<»" Ilfloiui as well as tith^r neighboring t«»«jiiH. Nellie Audit-Ms *pent Saturday and Sunday,witli (rii'ii ls !n !larvard. * ' The teacher and pii|»il«ot O. Thaver'a district visited our public>c!iool l-'rhlty last. Harvey Walling ha« bought the lot owned by Mr. Wukeley. and will commence building a !ion-e soon. Mr. and Sirs. H imlin Feuuer cele brated the Sftth IT II II I ve r«arv of their marriage on Saturday the 23d. A part of last week w:t* spent by the public school on tlie competit i ve exam ination for tlie state fair school work. A telegram .was received from Giiroy t'al., inlormhig her friends of the safe arrival of Mr#. Dr. Cln-sbro at that place, Cliet Stewart lias advertised to sell hi« personal property at. auction. He *(ill move w«*st f«» jtiin hf< ptrents, brotlien and sistera in Vcltraska. Surprise parties are the rage, A "select few" surprised Mr. ami Mtk. John Gates Friday night. However those who went report a pleasant time. The leciure* delivered by Rev. J. Currer for the uioiiiiuieiu fund was deserving a larger audience than at tended, as it was very interesting. The receipts of the evening were 946. It would he a goo I ii'oe just. - now for the people of l|e»»ron \to inform themselves in regard to the condition of our cemetery. A meeting should be called to make ari'ingmeuts toward paying for the original lot, as w« iindHestaud there i* atiout one hundred du||.it>« still unpaid, and lots are not sold enough to keef, nit the Interest. It wotild he a good plan to form a Cemetery Aid Society, or no doubt, those owning a lot at |»r«*eut would be williritr to lake two MO order to pay up tho del>t. Ttiis is a matter tlM*M,ii!»uld not be neglected. RING WOOD. EI>ITOR PLAINDKALKR:-- Real estate Is advancing. Seventy dollars per acre has been eflered for a farm clo«e to the village. Geo. W. Smith sold for sixty dollars per acre. Property is on tlie rise: such property five year* ago could lie bought for 940 to 945 per acre. What is now wanted Is a good black smith to start a shop on a large scale, of plows, carriages, wagons, and keep a stock oil bat d, as the growing deiiieuds of our people nee.I it. We are sorry to lose our merchant and townsman, B. K. Ouers and family. Th°v will be missed from our midst. They leave many warm friends here, but what we lose Wauconda will gain Geo. Smith Is going to Dakota on a prospecting tour. R. Lawsou was taken sick. Dr. Soot- hill was called, ami Mr. L. is now get ting better. Our people have conAdeuce in the Doctor's salli as a physician. The tri-mouthly journal.ot' Kingwood Is a new paper, and from its appearance and tone, takes well, Tltu young editor displays quite a taste for journalism. There was a fair attendance at the Cemetery Aid Society m» Saturday evening at Mrs. S. Dodge's. The cheese factory receives daily 3200 pounds of milk. Our faruprrs Hud it pays to keep cows, and am baying more. Mm. R. Mason is gaining fast tinder the care of our young doctor. The house of Nancy Coates caught fife on Saturday afternoon from some cause unknown, hut 'was promptly ex tinguished by the hook and ladder co:u pauy. jiq damage done uf an}' SPRING G«OVE. EDITOR PI.ATNDRAMRI--Ed (laid*- mah shot the first dock tliis year, aud W. Wilson the next. Scott's concert In the school house was a financial success, the receipts be ing over thirty dollars. There was considerable strife for the prixe. but. with the last vote I'urkey «<re«tc»me out ahead. Miss Jauey Neish bsing the luckj' person. 0»r lyceuins are well attended am) the questions ably discussed. Our next Is Thurtday evening of ibis week, the question is the l'ariff MI Meet. Our sclieol lias prospered nicely tin der the eflicient management of Mr.< JT. II. Burger, aud clwsss next week, Eugene Lawson, of Russell, Kausas, has sold out Ills i ntercst in the store to his partner, W. H. Meses. lie is visit ing with his brothers here now. The next sociable for the benefit of the M. E church, wll! be held at J. M. Westlake'a ou Thursday afternoon. Sam Mel I wain has his ho ise com pleted aud is moved in. He has engaged In the wood business. Mrs. Josep't Wcstlake, of Ant loch, visited her sister, Mrs. Wilson, last week. Wm. Shotlefl Is full of business. This icy weather makes U impossible to travel unless the horses are sharp sho !. Jo. Hrmhrv is going into the dairy business, having purchased one cow of Doc Kilburn for 930 and one at J. W. Law*oil's sale lor 945. Cort says lie has got the beat team In town, but be wouldn't bet with Billy. Mrs. M. F. Hatch, of New Tacoma. W. T., is visiting her mother, sisters and other relatives here. She says the flowers were lu bloom and everv'hing there looked as spring does here. That must be a tine country to lira in. Anyone wishing hams smoked will ds well to leave them with Jo West- lake. He is an experienced hand new, J. W. Lawson's Short Horn sale was iargelv attended by stock men aud breeders ot tine cattle. The following will show that it pays the farmers to (leal in this Vind of stock. A few of our farmers are extensively engaged now, and more are following In their wake, and the dav Is not far distant when the town of Burton will be at the head of the list for fine stock. N«. I of Mr. I.awson'u catalogue: Queen 2d, sold to W. H. Broad ley for 91 S«, No. 2. Beatrice, sold to Frank Law- son for 9116. No, 3. Lady Washington, sold to Geo. Vasev, ot Volo, III., for 981. No. 4. Richmond Champion Rose 6th, sold to Geo. Gridley. of Half Day, III., for S114. No. 5. Clierrv Bell, sold to Charle* Thompson. Greenwood HI., for 9!)». No. 6. Seraphic, sold to Win, Broad- ley for 9128. No, 7. Aunt Mary, told to il. A, Stevens for 996. No. 8. Lady, not sold. No. 9. Champion l.aily, sold to Geo Harrison, Ring wood, for 9106. No. 10. Champion Lady 9d, told to Geo. Vasey for 9137. No. II. Bull, Btythedale Champion 8th. sold to A Al. Wray for 950, 3 No, 12, Bull, Engiish Duk<\,bldln by the owner. iv No. 13. Belle Hlllhurst, sold to Fred Hatch for 850. This shows an average for the cows nil 1 liel fcrs of S103.40 per head. Why should the farmer* not invest when such prices are gotten for these cattle ut auction!' M\KRiKt>:--At the residence of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan 1 meson, uf English Prairie,ene and one pa'i miles north of Spring Gf'ove, en •'^Veduefcdav evening. Feb. 20 1X84. hv He v. Grover C. Clark, of lticlimo<id. 111.. Mr. John C. Craloe and \ii*s Delia A. lm»*on, both of this place. Alxuit «-ixty invited guests and relatives were present, Tlie c •remouy wan performed at 8 o'clock, ami after the UMMI IOII gratillations, a supper w»« served that would rival Delmonieo'* utmost exer tion. Mie credit of which |i due to the mother. sDter and bride. Mr. and Mrs. Craine start out in mar-ied life with bright prospocta and the best wishes of a host of friends. Both Mr. and Mr«. Criiine have lived here all tluir lives, and are w»ll and favorably known to lis all. Tlie following is a lis*, of the presents; Ratau chair, groom to bride; f atent rooker. bride to groom; set solid silver teaspoons, father and mother of bride; set solid . silver teaspoon*. Mr. and Mrs A M Glbbs; set tablespoons, brother Min.; large morocco Bible, father of groom : set geld hand dishes, 84 pieces. Mr and Mrs J Bavrd, Mis* .losle Craine and W W ler: china tea set. Win. Wrav; majolica fruit dish, Nellie Gihbs; pickle castor. Mr and Mrs K Monear; hanging lamp. Mr and Mix W Monearjset frnft kulves, Mr ami Mrs E E stone; si Iyer syrup cup and p'ate. Mr and Mrs L W Clark and Mrs lied field; silver sugar howl and toilet set. Miss Kinu a Craine ;set silver teaspoons and majolica plate, Mrs 11 Richardson; sugar sliell aud black walnut bracket with date of marriage. Miss Ettle Richardson s silver pickle fork and roll ing pin. Alfred Richardson; silver cake knife, Mr an4 Mrs A M Wray; silver card receiver. Rev Wm Patt Ison; silver bouquet, bolder. Miss Anna Flemmlng. Brighton Park. Chicago; wax cross iu walnut frame, and camp rocker, Mr and Mis Frank Lawsou; marble top eentcr table. Mr ami Mrs J W Lawsou, Mis* Anna Broadlev. and Win II Bmadley; bed spread. Josio Craine; table cloth, set tea plates, set cups and saucers, Mr and Mrs Peter Sill; little chair, J W I.nwson; chair tidy, Mrs M F Hatch; lump mat. Mamie Bavrd; silver butter knife, pickle fork anil sugar shell I.i satin ca«e, Mr and Mrs Roht Tweed. Jr: handkerchief. MMlie I.nwson; pair linen towels. Mr and Mrs R Lawsou; one doz napkins. Mrs S t*ihh«: china bed room set. Messrs John. Frank and Guy Wray; bracket lamp, brother Bob Imesou; German student lamp, n'ckel plated, John aud James Fleuiming; parlor shade lamp. Clara Reynolds; silver but ter dish, Mr aud Mis«f W Lawsou; cov ered tureen with handle on one side. Frank Lawsou; 8 day clock and large mirror. Mr ami Mrs B F Gihbs and Mr and MrsCG Gihbs. Mr ami Mrs O'cqr Glbbs, Mr and Mrs II T Gihbs Mr and Mrs II E BoutrlJe. Mrs Einmor s] carv- lug knife and fork. Thos Lnftus. -------------- :V f.M'tj, Book of Se«d«. *' f , i "" Messrs. niram Sibley A Co., o^^ocfi- ester, N. Y., and Cliioago, 111., will send, free of oharge, on application, to any of our readers, a book In which Is described all tlie new and standard va rieties, of vegetable, flower and field seeds, which is well worth sendiug for and reading carefully. * Free lecture at Haineavill* ,1. E. Reinshurg the Kaunas Champ ion of hitelluctua! Libert)', will deliver A tMiurso of Lectures at Haineaville March 7, 8. and 9, every body are w»r- dially invited to attend and are pronils- CHI a rich Intellectual treat from an affable courteous and cultured gentle man, who entertaining honest views, of his own, Is frank to express them iu a logical and argum«titaiive manner, free from vituperation and abq»e, .•4diqiMioit Free, Kichitiotkd Department. OOXTB1BUTKD BT *. P. ItKKMBTT. The iMirty at the Cutver House oa the evea- ing of the 2&t was a granl success. Xever before have our boys suit (irle seen •neh ctMalinf as this winter. And the; have been ont in force, day ami night, to enjoy it. If notification had lieen Kiveu.it would have been noted last week, lh;U the date of the next lair ef the Richmond Market fair Asso ciation ia Thursday, Feb. SS. George Osmond, with Co!e, Cooler ft Co., has iiought John Brown's place in "Brooklyn" and Mr. Brown thinks of going west. George has got a geed place and he bought u at a bar gain. Thursday, Feb. ti, J K Hyde will eell ser- lain household effects at auction, and also one bugler, one new three-spring wagon, a three qusrter Jersov cow, etc. In fact, Jo is going to make a closing out sale, preparatory to seeking bis new home in the far West. MARRJKD-- At thn residence ot the bride's fiitner, in Burton, Kelt. Sa, is.it. t»v Iter.ti.jO, CURK JOHNO. CKJLIMK and Miss DKIXA A. lUBSON. Mr. and Mrs. Ctalne have our congratula tions and good wishes. The lecture of II u Me id, ea Satnrdajr|even. in-g wat a very entertaiaing and instructive a flair. We have otten paid a big prir.efora •>ig gun to tenture for us. and not got one-half the instruction aud pleasure that Mr. Mead gave his audience Sstarilay night. Remember the Soldier JBoj's Ball:--On Fri day evening, Feb. 7th. be it remeVnbered, the Richmond Post, OAR, gire their grand ball at the Culver House, for the benefit of th* Post. Every effort will be .made te have this one of the pleasantest events of the winter A cordial invitation is extended to the comrades ef neighboring Posts to come out and give us a lift, and to bring all their daaeing rriends with them too. Last Wednesday Mrs. Margaret Stewart, an old resident ef the Town of Richmond, rtisd very suddenly at the residence of her son. at Keystone. We are informed that,(*.ominRilown stairs, she suddenly became faint and gidUy and called toi help. Betngassisted to a lower room, she survived only a few moments. Peart disease is supposed to have been th£<eause ef her death. The funeral services were held at the Baptist church, Richmond, the sermon being presetted by the Rev. Jlr. Wheeler, ef that denomination. The last Ma rim 70 Kepubliom has the follow tng com pliinenUry notice of our Ke presents tire, O H. Tryon: * Hon. O. II. Tryi»n, of Hebron, was In Marengo a short time on Tuesday Mr Trvon has served a |<>rtn in the •'Utte [.i>?i>larlire :is Represen tative from this fjounty, and is wlllinir to serve another term if tho peonle desire. Thus early in the campaign it is difficult to guess with stv degree of ccrtainty who the success ful candidates for nomination may l:c,or what complications tiny arise. So f:ir as wo know, Oapt. Tryon made a sroo 1 record in tho I.exis ts turj, an I stands well with the people ef this county. There was a vast deal of comment in ihe village on Saturday, over the faet that Mark Koote had received tho apitoinimenl of Post master, superceding D. A. Potter. The effort to secure tho appointment of Mr. Foote has been a protracted ene, and much hnr«l feeling has been engendered between the factions-- just as always happens in such esses. We can ssy of the retiring incumbent, that he has al ways been obllgitf snd attentive to the wants ol the patrons of tho otBc.e. and so fir as we can judge, has performed his duties to the best of his ability. Rut this PostotBce busl- ness is a ̂ rhlrlisrig In which tlrst one man is on top and thi*n the other, and the people, like Mmbs driven to the Hl:iu«hter, bear the inflic tion with what grace they can. TUB lUwiTir w. nniMiMAi. LAW:--The name ofO. II.'Tryon willPnlxvays tie a notable one In thea«oal<<of tlio si-ito of Illinois, from the fact tint he N the author of one of the most iu;nitM!it !»»*•* plieed upon tlie Statute It'ioke, vii: "The HuMtual Criminal Law." This Isw provide* that, wherever any person having heon convicted of either of thecriiiies ot burg lary, grand larceny, horse-stealing, re'tnery, forgery, or count erf itin:;, .sliill theresfter l>e cou vii-.ted of iiny one ef such orimes, commit ted lifter such lirstconvictioa, the punishment shall be imprisonment In the penitentUry for the full lerm proviueil by law tor such crime at the iinieofstic.il U-«t conviction lucre for, ami that foi the thir l elfense the punishment shall not tie loss than 15 years The "full term provido 1 by law" is, for burglary, JO years; lor grand larceny, 19 years; herse-atealing, SO years; rob'iery. M yetrs; forgery* 14 year* countcrfeirlnx, '2C ye:irt. We clip from a late miraber of the Chicago Tribune the following urticlc, us showing the estimation in which the 'Ii#-1st eld by a prominent eriminatlaw- ver: •A H %«tn CASK.** The Itfmsrk of s Iswyrr a* he Looked ot hit Clie nt and lleelted the Hobltorl Crlm- inal» *ct. "t would ntther miss a good fee than <lcfend that nvin." sai'l :i lawverat tho OiimUy J;iil ro a repor er for the Ti'Vtun* yesterday as he pointod ton prisoner *1 the other 4i<le of the gratinx. The ro)>«rter looked incredulously at ni» comivtnlou i\iul then Inquired lor the reason nf his assertion. ' lie is an 'old-timer,' aud this is l»is third offense," explained the Mtornsy. "lie is chsrged will) larceny, and the prosecution will provo l>r the recoidsof tho court thai he lias served two terms for similar olTet *os iu the penitentiary." *'I should tliinli that this is a good rate to Siiread on. Tou can employ your t loquence and prolnhlr gam tho sympathvof ihe Jury in favor of you'r client," suggested the rojiorter. Theliwyer smiled sixniiicaiuly and then said: "So amount of jwthos in I olo<|uence ci»u Siive him now. Yoii forget the li ibiiml Orim. InaKtnt, wliicli pioviiles punisliment at not less than ilt'iocn vn.ais af'tor a necond ronvic, iion. Vou see too law is e\plieit. If it can tie shown that mv oliont has committed Some aggravated crimes, aivt that he is constitu tionally b<i l, which undoubtedly will ticdone, in all i ' liKelihood the peoaltr will be very severe, lie may go down for life. I will not me.ition Siis name before trial for various res- tons. (t may hurt my case. I accepted It under peculiar circumstances. It iieenis that I am a»t the only one who practices nt the imi Who shows reluctance to holi.tf retained in eases of this kln'l. My Client 's wife came to wy house and uifere t me a rt tamer. I iuti maiad that I woaM rather see some 01m else einployeri. She lieg^eil, criet, and pleaded tin'il tin.ally my wife lioean to feel an interest iu the woman, ami asked me to take the mat- tor into court. I consented, but net before I told my visitor that any le^il steps and the exiie.viiture.of money will lie in vain Klie is still hopeful, however. All tha Sfato's.-Attnr- ney will have to do at the trial will be to show a <iul>'-aulhoiiticatod copy of the record of former canTirtions and judgment of any court of record tor cither of the crimes afrainst the pidictud party to eecuro conviction. The recoint \yill Uo accepteil as prima-tacie evi, dpip'e. There is no hope; the law is peremp. terv, and must l>e enforced. "'While 1 oympul.iio with tlje relatives and friends of these habitual criinuiiils, I cip^not help at the same time expressing iny approba tion of tlpi'ict passed by the last l.egttlslure, which will ccrta :u|y have a teinlcncy to diminish crime in this State, it should serve as a warning to all ex convicts. They must retnim or j?o Im^k to ^orvitude. Tiie applica tion of tl;e law lias already resulted in tlie re. tnovttl of scvoral dangerous ctiar.icters for Ihe next twenty years, and the good work will not stop there it' tho court* and juries do (heir duty. It several recent sentences are to lie taken as a sample of thoir future work there will he uu grouud tor cauiplaiut iu that direc tion." In creating the Habitual Criminals act, lfr. Tryon has performed a service t» the Stale thai should not be forgotten, or go unrewarded and his constituency will maks a grave mis take if he ii not returned to the Legislature, where in so many ways he hae shown 0rst- class ability, and where his career pf useful ness is hardly more than begun. We hoiii the Tryon flag, J; is not yet determined whether Mcilenry County shall be accorded the *ena tor er the Uepreaeutative at the next election but whichever way that goes, Tryon will All the bill. Let us hoar what the people have to say. . Sugars, pure atifl idieap; 16 pounds for 9! at Fitaiduttnnn* A KvausottY, (WN'Nlil) GOODS. Cherries, Goo-eberrie*. BUckherti**. oujy U wu at Fit^iiumoui A Kvaiisoul. W<M>dtitock Department. OOSniBCTIB BT ASA W. SMITH. Charle* Murphy's house in Greenwood caught fire last Friday and burned a large hole near the chimney. But a* he was insured he will probably not lose anything. The revival meetings are still in ses sion, with vefj marked results, aeon Ian Sunday nineteen were baptised ii the M. E. oliuroh, where tin servieef have been hold. KARBIAQB LICBBSBS,|-5C; Niles Peter«on lo Christy Wind „ Leopold l.llne to Helen ee-huyler!*j * • William l.eve to Mrs Watson Konnsl * Edward llagan to Sarah McShull iu ?v{ J L Hoyt to Ad?la.d Wells Alien II'Wager to Hanush Schuyler » J <i Loveridge to Miss Rva f #'&{ i'slcr Adams to Ifcirtiara Weber , . * , Jefse 5 French to Jessie K «he ,dd|t ,;.| !J ' , t '1 '" W'lliam Ktller to Jane Htiffinaii. i JBmtiness Notices. Oa to Mrs. Howe*s for Xilllnory •#: Dreaauiakitig. SMOKKRS, rail for Barbie* BrO« lliUli Art." Tliej have rew eqwals. No t ton hie to show goods or BMkerOEf questions ot K. Bishop v. Buy the Estey Organ if yon wast thai best. O. W. Owen. &l«-llenry. Agent. City residence* for sale. AMIT W' Asa W. Smith, WrHidelotSi, III. do to Sirs. M. •ST.'hunischer's fer Mill :.i*ry. Dress Making and Faery Good* Case and Furat A Bradley Sslksf Plows at £. II. Owen A Son's. The southeast cornel of the square looks a* if lire did not atgiee with it. as nothing hut the walls remain to shew what fire can do. But as all of the parties were insured it wit! not be a very big loss to any one. J. C. Choate wll! loose the most in all probability. Murphy <fc Blossom, i. T. A A. L. Salis bury. Capt. A. K. Bourne, Wheal A Richards, A. S. Wright Mid the I. O. O. P. lodge all being loser*. Wa have te thank the Harvard people fer their prompt response to the call, and for th# service their new engine did. TRANTI-KHS. M A Gahes to .1 Giles, quitclaim deed J Hogitn te K Hogan, warranty deed j B M Prason to tl Kmry, mortjfsge deed' * It Smslldriitge to 'V |, Morse, release deert W L Morse et HX to E L Stoddnvil, w deed S K l»imon to I' S Griffith, warranty deed II M Unffcv lo OS Tanner, warrantv deed Wm Hecil to Wm Butler, warranty deed J P Renrdsley to J Martin, wsrianty deed )l J Christy to S Friend, release mortgage S Friend to J H Kline, warranty deed J II Kline lo N G Christv, inort'dee<l : C II Cornish to A F Davis, chat mortgage .. ; J K White to S H Campliell, w deed T Itysn to K Wilson, mortgajie deeil K Hitchcock tf J A Lewis, chat, mort Fre«t Ohl to C A lluch.chat mortgage Fred Trask to L II llartiA-in, chat mort A M Thompson et ux to Mich Keating, w d James Foster to Geo Foster release deed P Hatch et si to I) I.umliard, quitclaim deed F Uenwick to Oan l.iimhard Dan Lumlinrd to C.tJ Spitser, w deed C Sweeney to Bridget Merely, chat mort. Notlcoto tho Holders of McHanry County Orders. Notice Is hereby give that otf tlie 1st day of April A, P. 1884. I will pay the following 6 per uent, $100 Mcilenry Cornty orders viz: Nos, 2, 4, II. 14,19, 2<t, 30. 35.44,47,49.60,63. 67, 69. 76, 80. 88.90.91,93. 96, 144, 146, 153, 154. 156, 161,166,168,175. 180.187, and 188. Interest will cease on the above county orders on the first day of April A. D, 1884. JAM its XISH, CO. Treat, Woodsteojt, 111, Feb, 36th, 1884. IMS It don't pay t» sleep en the leir when you can buy bedsteads for at Jotin B. BlakVa. Five feet high be«l»teads. all Black Walnut for 84.75. ai ,f«ihn Bt Blake's. A I. the leading Owen A Son's, Walking Plows at Everything in the Hardware llae at. bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. ' Call in and set the suits E. Lawlns l* selling. Heavy winter suits eu>y 84.71. Royal. Pearl. Prices, Atlas. Baklaf Powders at Beoslett. Stoflel A Co.'s. Waln«» Bureaus are cheap. Ulack for 97^5, at J, B. Blake's. An elegant line of coreeta M cealt and up at Henrv Csllir'j. E. Lawlth beats Chicago oa tow pit ees tor clothing. Ladles and Gents scarlet all red underwear 98 cents pieties, at Bonslett* Steflel A Co.'s. hmOut-- ^ ; Hew This Week. Mrs. H. II. Nichols has commnnoed paintiiitr.papering and generally tlsing up her Millinery store, and will next week put in a large new stock of early Spring Millinery; also Notions aud Faury Goods. Corsets, Collars and Neck Wear of all kinds.Rcndv-niade Dresses, Ladles' Underwear, aud all other goods usually kept In her Hue will be new and sold as cheap as the cheaper., ^ FLOUR! FLOUR! "V Spring and Winter, Buckwheat, Gra ham. Corn Meal.etc.,of the heat brands known to the trade, at FitashmuouaA Evansou's. Information Wanted Of the whereabouts of Jacob Spolin. Any one knowing of ills whereabouts will confer |j4§0r by Sending his ad dress to ^ ^ CHAKI.KS Spoil*, 8I-W3 Humboldt Park, 111. IF your liorse is lame or sore In any way. do not fall local) at lleury Coltiv's and get a box of Continental Hoof Ointment. It is noex|ierimaat. It has been tried and never failed. Headlight Oil, 175 test, best In the market. 20 uents per gallon at Flttslm- mens A Evanson'a. ONION SKEI> FOR 8ALK. I have 50 pounds of Yellew Danvers Onion Seed which 1 will sell atiiiQ per pound. C. BKCEWITH. Mcilenry, III;, ¥th Sd, WM. Lemons and Oranges, choicest fruit. 25 cents per dozen, at Fitzsiimnous A £yansou's. - s Wagon for 8al%. . A one horse lumber wagon, Stmost new, suitnlile for uiilk wagon. Will be sold reasonable. Inquire at this office or of ALliVT FBBTT. MoHenrjr, Veb. «tli, ISS4. BARGAINS IN CLOTHING. 10 and *20 per cent, discount for cash. Having decided to clean out our stoek of rendyntade Clothing, we will give cash buyers a discount of 10 and 80 per cent, from regular market vaiun. The stock Is very desirable, both In style, quality aiul assortment. We think this opportunity of securing good clothing cheap, worthy the cash buyers inspeo* tlou, FITZSIMMONS A ETAKlttN, For Sal*. The undersigned oiler for sale their Shops and Lots, situated in West Mo Henry, nearly opposite III* Post Office. A first-class business location. For particulars apply to A. N.Tripp, West McHvnrv, 111. , Yriur* Baoa. McHetvry, FeK 8th, MM. - Particular Notice. All persons Indelited to me are re> qnested to call and settle on or before March loth, as I am going out of busi ness here and wish to settle up my books. All hills not settled by that date will be left in the hands of a Jus tice for collection. . JOSEPH N. raaunD. Hellenrv, Feb. 121b, 183*. We ofler lo caMi buyers 10 per cent, discount or. all kinds wool llannel for SO days at Fitsslmninuo A Evanson. Great Saving to Dairyman. The use of one bottle of Dickinson's Cow prescription, will cause the cow to dp well alter calving, will prevent Milk Fever. Garget Horn ail. Af, Will eau*e an increase in the flow of nilSk. aud is worth one hall the cow lo every one using It. For sale by all Drug> gilts. Sold by Henry Colby. C. Dickinson A Sou sole proprietors, Barring ton, III. A Cr«*t Olacoverjji ^ Mr. WM. Thomas, of Newtort, fbwa. says: * My wife has been seriously af flicted with a cough for twenty-five years, and this spring more severely than ever before. She had used many remedies without relief, and heing urged to try Dr. King's Now Discovery did so with most gratifying result*. The 8r«t bo*,tie relieved her very nmeh aud the second bottle i»a* absolutely cured her. fche ha» not had so goo.l health lor thirty yvaf*.'* '4'eM bottles Free at ll«'iirv Colby's drug store. Largo »iao f UW. . * r Woven Wire Ma.tressea. the for only $3.30. at John B. Blake's. 12 boxes matches of 300 eadi or for 25 fceuts at Bonslett. Stoflel A Co.'*. Call lor Xlmlrt* Nlekl* soap, host lot market at Bon>Iett. St.»Ael 4k <)o.'a " Bnissels Car|>et Lounges only 97J0 at (0I111 B. Blake's. CUt.L and see the hobby new Suits at E. Lawlus'. Ho hat sold 19 sul ts of one kind. Examine the Juliet, Her vine. Col* nnibia and Coraline corsets at Boa> slett, Stoflel A Co.'s g| Lumber Wagoua. Milk Wagons, Plat form Spring Buggies for sal* at R. Bishop's wart house. The finest line of Silver and Pfatod Ware to be found In tho county, M O. W. Owen's. Drags Drags. Drags, a lot 011 hami, steel tooth and most sell. For Sale by Ii. Bislio|.. Fitzsimmons A Evanson have tho choicest Jap Tea to be found 111 Hif county. Price 50 <vms. * Extension Tables are cheap. It will pay you to buy now. Call and see them at John B. Blake's. Ir you want anything lees than tho Estey Orican I can sell you one for Ml i|and upwards. O. W. OWEK The Prize Acorn. Black Acorn ai# Loyal Acorn Cook Stoves; Hae oe fierier. At E. M. Howe's, eppeelto Bishop's Mill, v The Cortland slde-hsr Top Buggy ,. light and fine, and Is the most^riurabt* ^ itggr made. Can always see then al E. M. Owea A Sou's. Overcoats that will wear S yesrs..tS W Heavy Suits ft U0 Boys**Pants, heavy lined 1 80 Also Boots below Chicago prices. K. LAWILOS The lightest Drop SulWv Plow in t|i# world is the Hapgoetl. found at E. ]§£ Owen A Son's, aud sold as lew as ife# common sulkty. , To close out our broken lines of Overcoats and Underwear, special prices will lie made. Call and exatulK them at Henry Colby's. House and _ ©nt. Iu the village of Kingwood. lloWNp lias ten rooms, and Is £ 11 good rs pair. A gooil garden, well and cistern. Its connections, aud all other necessary conveniences. Will be sold reason** able or reuted to a responsible party Inquire of waaier LAOO Kingwood, Jan. 91st ISM , ...Sift ,',Vi lor Sato. leflfer my Farm on Twin EiWife jf miles uorth-i-nst ef Hichiuoud. for soli. There are 65 acres ef land. A 1 lor dairying, with two houses and out building*, abundance of living wat«|||,C etc. Terms made known e:i »pplic§s tlon.ia UKNUY Ksviiriiit. [noSOerd] Riehinond, lil^ Rarn for Sato or •r Honor Qlvo Hp. If you are suffering from lew and 't»> pressed appetite, general debility, dia* ordered blood, weak constitution, hefti ache, or any disease uf a bilious naluro by all itiesns procure a botti* of Kleo> trie Bitters. You will be surprised tat see the rapid improvement that will follow: you will he Inspired with new life ; strength and activity will ret urn; pain and misery will cease, and hi-iics* forth y»>u will rejoice in th«* praise nt Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty vents bottle by Henry Colbv. . y Farm for Sale. ' 'C' ? The farm known a* the Orln Hal*, farm, three »nl>s southeast of Mcllenrf antl a mile and a half north ofMiulgett'l Cheese Factory, is offered lot sale, co-ife I Mining 13t» acres of choice l<«nd. K»<II§ buildings.etc. Time given Itdeslr**" by purchaser. Fot particulars inqui MsHeary, Feb. 4th. ISStu Cba,l m Bueklin'a Arnloo a»hM«': - The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sore*. Ulcers. Silt kh«nme» Fever Sores, fetter. Chaped llaiide^ Chilhialns, Coma, and all Skin Erttp* tions. aud positively cure Plies, or no pay required. It Is guarautcod lo give perfeet satisfaction, or money.,faj»jiM<; ded. Price So cents per box. For S4|e by Henry Colby, 't 1 Farm For 8*k The undersigned nSera lor «ale fc|| farm.situatvd one utile t rent Kin*wtMi* station and Cheese Fxctory. voMatalng IflO acres ot clioisc # OWgK of which is timber and pa&twe. There are good buildlnss na the |MWl|ays. Mft4 orchard, and in fh«r» It Is Refill' most desirable larias ?n thiaaeetilWh For tonus and other t>artleulars i«» qelre ai (XGaiMOUtf, MeBurr. FITS Ail III* stopped free tf Ht^ Kline's Great Nerve iteaieier. NOlltaX, after lire! day » use. MarvelMM 4Wrea Tivatiseaiul SIM trial » ir cases, vi.,,,1 in j>r> KRMK|K tfcu, Phila* Pa. I : v: