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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Mar 1884, p. 1

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w?T V -., , Irt'I •: i^ifc :'-f V* , "*«C .' i<9» *t '*• =J^ **» ;. ' ' -•'" .'M «<f«ft**#*l%^ ^ ̂ vs v •.;** • ' .ft <*mn • • tf- '.- -OW J '« -- . S V* ^ i3!W •;) . •'<':•• •;?'. _ ' ̂ •UrT' -"-^j M Plodg«d but to Truth, to Liberty and taw I Ho favors Win ua and no Foar Shall Awe." M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 26,1881 - -A NO. bwmnr WfdilrtlT kr A SLYKB, IDITOt lHD POSUIHM. ss liNtnl T>»y tr« u: 1 teoh one yea* llMkd' iOfflc* In Bishop's B1 cj/. -Qrronrn Pimsr A OWM'I.*. : ' TIHKS or ttJBSCBIPTlO*. f# Tear<in A«tvas£e>.... ... -....,. _ RttftM within Three llo#th»...... .. 40# Oeeesrlptloaa reeelve«t for 'ttaroe o? tlx IWBIIW IN THE IMM proportion. - >»| m •; L 1 I .<1 111 • • I .11 Hates of Adrertiiaii iberal rates for ertvSTtistorf , awl endeavor to state iher will be readily an. > follow*: . . .. «a '522 ••ey*er.,.;;» »» J'•»•#* ]!2 V (Mtoam one year , s.. .-3 ,, % J®5J W Oelut*»*iii« feftr- . - - V>M 1 Oel«*ej»«e year . - .,•••• - 10000 Oee iaefc'means the mea«urement of one leeh down *he eolnnin, single eelirran width. Yearly advertisers, at the atoveTrates, have lie prlTllege of changing »[oftH as] they Sfceeee, without extra charge.l Regular a<tTerti«srs (meaning those having ittMiai eartta) will be entitled t» insertion ef leoal notices at the rate of ii cent* per line eaeh week. All ether# will be charged 10 eeate per *ine the first week, and ft eeets per Mae ffcr eaeh snkseqeent week. Tmileti advertisement* will be ehartred at the rate ef M cents pa line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set In) the first lesne. and • eeate per line for subsequent issues. Th".», a* taeh advertisement will cost • 1.00 for one week, ILH for twe weeks, 92.00 for three weiks, and so ea. The PlAlimnAt.SK will be liberal in giving editorial notices. b«t, as a business rule. It will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the ese ef Its columns for pecuniary gala. BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. BROWN, M.D. PMTSICIAX 4.KD SURGEON. OfBee ever the Pest OfHce, opposite Perry AIMartln's Mere sp suirs, McHenry. lll. J. H. SOOTH ILL, *. D. PBTSICIAW AND STJKuEOS. Cfloeeppo-site Pest Olu, Ring wood. III. C.». PRO EE, M. D PKTSIClAIT AWD 3TTRGEOV. McHenry, 111*, upee at Rerideoee.en the Center, tofwrtte Blake's Purnitnre Store. O. J. HOW A It T>, M. t>. fWrSlOlAS AWO 8TTRGEOS, I mt restdeaee, opposite M. KeHearr. til. Offlse at K. Ohnmh, M OUST RKORtVRD FOR IKVKMTMEST . aad teaoei on mortgage eeenrtty at «nr> jt ratee, without charge to the lender., " •" •5:v."\N,rt«o. 1 and S Borden Blook, Klgla, III. ~t. J. KfKRS. and Restaurant, TW BA9«M«KTef Kahnett's StAre, Johns- B hargh. Til. The choicest brands of Wines, Uaaers aa4 Cigars always o» *»na. Gall M *es •«. ' ' . I Pit ATT HOUSE. A. PRATT, Proprletw First class ae. eoutmsdations. Uood^Barn in eonaection 'aneenda. 111. c BARBIAH BROS. litiKuaiiiniurBn, .liliUy,1'-! Or- ders solicited. Shop, la Old MeJTenry, w U*r| IBuwitow. KI •- m Keiter Block, two doors west of PLAIN MALH Ofiee. i BTOOARI) OOMPTOM. rjJgTIC® ef the Pesceand Oonveyaacer.-- Will attend promptly te the collection er )|ts. Vele.Lake County, 111. m. M, OWBN •VBBAI. l>fM»l«r and MaeufMtnrere ' it IUI Leading farm Machinery.-- Vrlees lew a4 terms favorable. Ifasilenry, Il». G M A R C U S ' CERMAN Manufactured by F. MARCUS, -.*» c --DBALRR IK-- BUSINESS CARDS. *A«T 6. BARBIAV. HAIR WORKKR. AH kn.de ef Hair Wort done in Brst class style and at reasonable prices. Rooms st residence, north- et center of Public Square, McUenry, IIL VKTBRIHAKT Ilbyi JBS8B A. BALDWIMt> .t j ATTOKNST AT LAW. Law business in ' Every part of the State receives prompt attention. Eoora S4, W Washington St., Chi­ cago, 111. JOHS KLEtFOEK. HOUSE Painter, Grainer, Calcimtner and 'Paper Ilansrer. Resilience one Biook West of Rirereide House. Work attended to prompW and on>easonable terms. Horsemen, Attention! *11 lovers of line Horses are respectfully invited to csll at my farm, half a mile west of McHenry, on the Woodstock road, and see my line Morgan and Draft Horses. I have 41 Percheron Norman Draft Colt that is hard to beat. Call and see him. WN3 business done on Sunday. N. 8- OOLBT. Mcfteary, May 1st, 1883. ' C. N. CULVER, AUCTIOMBEB, Richmond, IllinolSe Sales of Stock* Fanning Tools and Goods ot all kinc s attended to on the most Reasonable Terms and satisfaction guaranteed. Poat Office address, r ; « j * RICHMOND, TLU •TWill attend sales and furnish printing and advertising as cheap as can be procured elsewhere in the Musty. B0B2BT 6. BimTT, -BREEDER OF- Lislt powl^;-5:- RICHMOND, lit. ' c (FTVOT rKSMIUM 4T WCHKOTtT OOUWTT FAflT.y Mv fowls are of the celebrated DUKE Of VOilK strain, remarkable for tlieir great sise and laytag qualities. I emtt show a trio of last season's chicks weighing 31 pounds. Eggs, uer setting of thirteen. 11.So, delivered •to purchaser In Richmond. Shipped, securely packed, f2.90i ROBERT a BENNETT. % HiBE WiNES uauws Aim CIGARS. Woodstock III. ^^the best Tonic lu the world. -Pa^,pp If JmUniQ uart Bottles, S'fi F« MARCU8l!Nt*plBa. REASONS, W M . H C O W L I N f [§CCC«J5»OR TO Ms K. CLOTHIER! t S. WAR CLAIM SOLICITOR AND ATTORNEY. ALSO NOTARY PUBLIC. Proseeutes pensios or any ether claims against the government, relating to the late, or former win*, (.implicated cases and re- jected claims made a specialty. If stamps are enclosed for reply, all gcemiaunicattous will be promptly answered. Ofiot at SesidsnM. H49IS0V ST., WOODSTOCK, ILL. Reforeaess by permission as regards char­ acter, business ability, reliability, Ac., Ae : Gen. John A. Logan, U- S. Senator, Chicago, Illinois. Gen. J. C. Smith, Ptate Treasurer of Illinois. Hon. R Ell wood, M. C. 5th 111. Dist., Syc­ amore, HI. Hon. John C. Sherwln, ex-M. C. Sth III. Dist., Aurora, III Hon. A. M. Jones, U. S. Marshal, Chieago, III Col. Jas, A. fsxton. Pres. Union Veteran Club, Chicago, III. • Jetse A. Ualdwtu, Aea't U. 8, Attorney, Chi­ cago, III. Messrs. SeU, Schwab A Co., Wholesale Boot and Shoe Dealers. Chicago, III. Also hundreds of county and home referen­ ces . CK W. OWEN, -DEALER IN- Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Waraeto.* FOB INSUR4NO WITH . Asa W. Smith, «f! Oi |Woo4atook, 111. ^ • 1. Because he is endorsed by leading bus- . (BOSS men and the press, and partlca arly •rhere best known. t Because his !i the oldest agency la the J** j." ifccauae he represents the best line of Taimpenies of any agency ia the county, r 4. Recause, with one exception, he renre. iNPts the oldest companies in the United Atates. , . . A Because, in case of loss, he gives his patransthe benefit of his long experience ia eecuiiaga* equitable adjustment. 6. Because he has always issued full pot Mes. 7. Because he pays losses en farm property far lightning, whether Are ensues or not. A Because he insures live stock any where against lightning. 9. Because he insures against tornadoes, eyclones and wind storaaa. n Because jrou can tans save yourselves , Horn disaster for a mere trifle. IL Because you will lind him equally as •etive to aid you in getting your money after fill as to secure you r patronage for bis com. aaales. It Because any one of the above reasons «an be fully verffled by callingon E. A. Miir. >hy, B. Sessions, J. W. Miller, from their own experience, and on the entire circle ot his acquaintances from observation. In behalf of the Old Reliable, the Phoenix, of Hartford, Connecticut. I take great pleas­ ure in returning the thanks of the company to Mil L. D.Helly forh.r promptness sou un­ usual presence pr mi ad in extinguishing a are at her residecee, kiadled from thebumlag of 1, A. Murphy's residence on the morning of ghe 13th inet.. as by her individual etort, •roperty was saved on which the company :pa a pelfcy ef fS,ooo. « ' /. • i ASA «r. SMITH. TTORKKT AT LAW aa« SeUcltor la L Chan eery.--Woodstock, IIL 1MITP I Sta Illinois S. F. BENNETT, M. D. ICIAN AND SURGEON. ATso United States Examining Surgeon. Richmond, C. S. GREEN.. SURGBON, Bicbmond, DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. DENTIST. Residence Daadae. Will be at Mctlenry, at Parker House, the 10th and ?,ith of each month. When dates occnr Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday. •. S. CBILDR, M. D., HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AKD stnt-6 EON, West Mo Henry, III. Oalle promptly attended to, day or ntrht., L. H. TOMBAUGH, M. D,i PHT8ICIAN AND 9UR(;EOX. Special at-tent ion priven to Obstetrics and the di­ seases peculiar to women. OBlce at Besley's Drugstore. Residence, three doors west of M. E- Church, McHenry, 111. DR. C. R. WELLS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, WauCOnda. Lake Co., III. All calls i>romptty attend­ ed, day or night. Offltesn Main St., east of Barker's harness chop. company ASA W. SKITS. -*"J'ltie Pri*• Acorn, Black Acorn aud : Zreyal Acorn Cook Stoves. Hag ao ua- 8trior. At S. M. oppoaiU Mill, l keep in stock tho celebrated ,aPriPJflf'*i Watch, which Is pronounced by all to be the best watch now on the market. Will not bs Undersold, On any goods in my lino. ^ QWXy McHenry, Feb. *>, IMS. CONTINENTAL HOOF OINTMENT, CDRE* Cracked Hoofsj Sprains, SCRATCHES AND SORES IN HOiSSS.CATTLES: SHEEP. A tk your Storekeeper for it or writ* db set to the Manufacturers. AMEBICAH LUBfilCATIlTO OIL CO.. . CLBVBLJLSB^ r Q^IO. FOB SALS IN McBENBT Br H. COLBV, H. E. JOHNSON * CO^ SOLICITORS of Patents, 1009 F Sit. X. W Washington, D. C. * BBP«ta*cas.-Hon. J. A. Logan, Hoa. W. B. AIMson, Hon. D. C. Smith, Pektn, M. E- Stone, editdr Chicago A>»r*, Farmer*t Aeutew, Chicago. Send for instruceious. JOSEPH N. FREUND, SALOON AND RET A URANT Bonslett's old stand, opposite Bishop's Mill, Mc­ Henry, 111. The c loicest WineB, Liaunrs and tjlgars to be found in the county. Fresh Oysters in their season served up in any shape desired or for sale by the Can. GOOD 8TABLING FOR HOUSES. ANTONY ENGELN, SALOON and Restaurant, Buck's old stand llcHenrv, 111.--The choicest Kentucky Whiskies, *our Mash, Wines, Cigars, etc., alwavsnn hand. We buy none hut the best, and sell at Reasonable Pricea. Fresh Oysters in their season. A. M. CHURCH, Wntohmaker and Jeweler rOu l<tt STATE ST., Chicago,-111. Special I attentiongiven to repairing Fine watch. es aad Clironome ters. «TA Full AssortiaeMt ef Goods la hi* Una ^Richmond House, .. RICHMOND. ILL - - PROPRIETOR. dir. CULVER, HAVING recently puroba»ed the above House, I have put It In thorough repair r- P»'r/ with new furnltue througlioiU, aim would respectfullv invite the patrooage ot the trav. • ling public and others. The tables will al­ ways lie provided with the best that can be procured,and polite an<l attentive waiter^ will be In readiness at all times to attend to will uc in reaumw w» •• • ^ " T the wants of guests. No pains will be spared to make this a First Class House. Large and commodious barns on the premiees. Free Omnibus to and from all trains. Sample Boopiaon first floor. M. Engeln, SpotUsuos' Hiadquuttn. GENERAL MERCHANT, and Dealer in All Kinds of « G R O C E R I E S , fK*f*tt Hard ware, Pocket Cutlei-y, Sporting Goods, Fi«hinjf Tackle Giiti Material, Musical Instru­ ments, Tobacco, Cifftirsi etc., etc. Near River Bridge. Mc­ Henry, III* .? si 45* r- WtM 4.,- HE. WIGHTMAN, Proprietor. First , class rigs, with or without drivers' furnished at reasonable rates. Teaming et all kinds done on short notice. Hwifrfc ------ J. P. SMITH, WATCHMAKER S JEWELER. > llcHflqrj, - Illinois. moved into my new storo, eae4oor East ef Mrs -Searlos' Millinery Store, I am new prepared to show to the buying public as fine a stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Wart, As can be found in the county, which 1 offer at pricea that cannot be beat. The finest line of FINGER RINGS Brer seen in this section. Also Agent for the Popular Stv Hraw Sewing Kachlns A Fine Stock of Choice Confectionery, And Cigar*, Always on hand. aVCall In, examine goods and learn prices. Remember I will pot be undersold, quality of goods considered. J. P. SMITH, McHenry, HI., Nov. S7th, 1883. WASHINGTON, D. C. The popular palace hotel of the Natiwal Capital. Conveniently located and accessible to all thi street car lines of the city. Open ail the year. _ O. G. STAPLES, PROPRIETOR. Late of the Thousand Island House. We now are closing out a lot of cap* at 36 to 80 OBufci «n tbe aolUft fl*ary Colby. E. C. SMITH, BOOT and SHOEMAKER, In Kelter's Block, Tkn« Doora We»t»( Riverside House, MoHenrjr, Hstoia Shoes, ft»r Cash. Old ys on hand for those Id feet. Slaughtering ami Gents & SHOES prfetea CstP mrE A Specialty, and satiefectton promptly attended to oed. G. SBIITH, MM. McHenry, 111., M Eardwait, Stores, n&vus, Idimber, SHlifflea, Lath, Fence Pi Coal etc Iii sburt, W#":^kcep evcrythm^ in the above nRentioned lines, which we are oflfe ing to the buy­ ing public as house in this Cal an JOBBING p as any other ion. See USL PAIRING PBOML'TLY ATTENDED TO. HELJLIFC PFITGB. Algonquin, Feb. A, 1884, HEADQUARTERS -w- ssrss, Ami all kinds ef Vehicles, at J. W. CRIMOLBY'S Riai|p-VFOo«l, III. I will not he undersold, material and Workmanship considered. General Blacksmlthing, And Iicnairinpr of uH kinds, in both Wood and Iron. Virstclass workmen employed and Satisfaction Guaranteed. J, W, CRIMOLBY. ftingwoed, March 11th, tMA ; Infants and Children Whet gives our Children rosy cheeks, What cures their fevers, makes them sleep; I'Hutarjju When Babies fret, and cry by tu rns. What cures their colic, kills their worms. Castorla. What quickly cures Constipation, Bour Stomach, Colds, Indigestion : Castorl*. Farewell tlien to Morphine Syrups, Castor Oil and Paregoric, ami HalICi»»torl«. MCsstorla fa eo well adapted to Children that I recommend it ss superior to anj modi- doe known to b>s."»-II. A. item, M.D.» W3*4&*?4SL. Brooklyn, M.:Y. . . ^ IEWTAUIb IINIMENT sbsolate pure far Rksn- matlsm. Sprains, Pain in tho [ Back. Pnrna, Galls, &o. AnLa- s4pataasow Pai»» reliever. • m ATTEVTIOV. SOLDIERS, BAlLOlto AM^ 1SVISTOBS. S, B. CLIMMTI. 8. B, TUEPIN, CLKMBNTS ft TURPIW, iTOMITa AKD OOUMSKLORS, Washington. D. O. P.O. Box 430. / All business before the Departssests prompuv attended'vo. Special attention paid to Pensions, Bounty, Back'I'av, patent and Land Claims. Under litte liberal laws thousand* Of pen­ sioners are eniitlbd te an increase. Vow discharges obtained where theorlginais bavo be a iv lost, All communications promptly answered wwl bniiness promptly attended to* The (/ortlr.iid side-bar Tpp Buggy is light and fine, and is the most thimble hu£<?;r made. Can always se* them X. It' Oweu 4 Sou's. / WHO TILL BE GOVERNOR ? The Claims et the Bloenstngten Candidate Presented toy a Keen-witted. ttanstl testate. EDIYOK PLAIN DEALER 4 OL renter with the above heading is being sent ns a campaign document over this part of tho Stato. So (ar as that paper refers to the •tying* or doings ef Governor Oglesbv personally, I hAve nothing to say, well knowing lie needs no defense at nriy hands, nor have I one word to gay against Gov. Hamilton, personally, knowing him as I do to be fully com­ petent to discharge all the duties of tlie high and honorable position he now holds, shonid tlis peoplo of ttiis State see fit to continue hi in there, and in every sense ef the word the highest type or a gentleman. But there are statements In that «fr* cular personally Implicating the friends of Gov. Oglesby who were members of the last Legislature, and placing them In a false position' so far as their ac­ tions there relate to the election of a U. S. Senator. I quote tbe following language found therein: "The selfishness of tlie patrlotio and popular 'Uncle Dick' was shown at the last session of the Legislature, when he and his friends tried hard te defeat Culloui. Oglesby went on the floor of the House and helped tne Democrats to pass a resolution declaring that Cuilom was net eligible for the Senate, and all the Republicans supporting It were Oglesby men. Then after (Juliem was fairly nominated in the caucus the Oglesby men met every night after un­ til tho vote was tftken and tried te get their men to bolt the caucus noaiina- tlon." I confess to having been favorable to Gov. Oglesby in the caucus nominating a (J. 8, Senator, and therefore claim the right to a heaflng so far as the above criticism may be construed to refer to myself. First, then, I deny the faet that •Oglesby went on the floor of the House and helped the Democrats to pass a resolution that Cuilom was qot eligible for the Senate." On the oontrary, I know from pergonal conversation with Gov. Oglesby at his headquarters at tbe Leland hotel that he opposed any such action on the part of his frieQds as the supporting of tho ineligibility resolu­ tions introduced by the Hon. Mr, Her­ ri ngton, 1 lie Democratic member from Kane county. wain i ly nominated In the caucus the Oglesby men met every night after until the vote was taken and tried to get their men to bolt the caucus nomination.11 This statement I also deuy and chal­ lenge proof of its correctness. On the cbnirurv, when 011 the iifth ballot Gey. Cuilom was declared nominated, on motion of Senator Morris tlie vote was ! *y mn<u uiii&Mimsys, f Oglesby man supporting the motion, and it any efforts were made by tbe "Oglesby men" to organize a belt of the caucus nominee tbat fact never oame to tlie kuowledga of the writer and 1 deny that statement also aud here make the assertion tbat Its truth can not be verified, Oue word in regard to Gov. Oglesby "sulking under defeat, and tlie story of "tbe school boy who took bis ball and went homo, breaking up the game be­ cause tliey would not play it his way." and I am done: Gov. Cuilom was nom­ inated on the fifth ballot. The candi­ dates were Cuilom, Oglesby. Rauot aud Henderson, the names of Messrs. Rlna- ker and Payson having b^en dropped after the first ballot. A committee was sent out to invite the'damlfdates to ad­ dress the oaucus. Senator Cuilom spoke first. Gov. Oglesby following, approach ing Senator Cuilom who had taken his seat, and taking him by the hand his first words were ; '"Gov. Cuilom, / con- gralutale you." He then addresfed the caucus, and ooneluding his remarks he> referred to the grave and responsible duties of a Senator, aud declared that "in submitting his uame to tbe Legis­ lature lie realized the magnitude of the labor to be performed. As a citizen re­ lieved of those responsibilities he should remain In private citizenship to stand by the grand old Jinpubtican party? He then returned thanks to the gentlemen who so heartily and cordi­ ally supported him, and "urged a for­ ward movement to victory enco more to bury alt bitterness and disappoint- ments and unite for a common cause.'* If there is anything that sounds like "sulking" I11 that, the author of the cir­ cular in question is the first to discover it. The truth is the friends of Gov. Oglesby supported him fairly' and manfully, the game as .the frieuds of the live other candidates did the man of their choice, and when the result ef the caucus showed a majority iu favor of another, gave him their united sup­ port. Respectfully, CHAS. H. TBYOV; Croat Russian Remedy. Russian Liniment is a sure cure for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Diphtheria. Toothache, Earache, Sore Throat, Sore­ ness of the Limbs, Tumors. Ulcere. Sprains, Lame Back or 8houlders, Swellings, Contraction of the Muscles, Chilblains, Inflammations (uo matter how long standing); in ssvere cases ap- ply a cloth moistened in the Liniment over night for thrar nights. It Is equally as good for the horse. For salo by ail druggists, and Henrv Colby. *»<H» the evening »gr*'>d camp cfff * £J, DKJK'INROK A SOK, fire will .BE a PROMINENT LEAUURO IU j Bstrringtop, fl).^ prosequi ive's Hail, ^ rma apRinopiiLOt, Prom OUT Regular Correspondent. SPRINOPIELD, March 24:--J, Carroll Powers, custodlaa of the Lincoln moan- meat, following the action of tho Sen> ate of the United States,sent President Arthur a dispatch, dated from Lincoln's tomb, saying in substance:--"If you would Immortalize yon rue If in the minds aud hearts of these western sol­ diery, who make frequent pilgrimages to this shrine, veto the Fltz John Por­ ter bill." . As far as known President Arthur baa not yet responded, and all the while Gen. John A. Logan Is being boomed for the Presidency. Logan vs. Treason sad Traitors will be tbe fesne The feeling here Is that should Arthur sign the Fftz John Porter bill and re­ ceive the Republican nomination for President, the next President of the United States will be a Democrat. Western Jsoldlers will Hat endorse one who upholds men l&ho, In the trying hours of the rebellion, found themselves to be traitors, and In consequence caused the sacrifice of so many of their noble comrades. Powers' voice from Lincoln's tomb is the voice qf {Ul the Illinois soldiers. In regard t| ' STATE POLITICS but little has come to the surface ifrlth- In the last week. In our last letter it was stated that the Governor on the Republican ticket would be nominated before tbe "MV were reached In the call of counties, which ef course meant that Oglesby would receive such an en­ thusiastic boom that further calling would be unnecessary, Sangamon coun­ ty is claimed for both oandidates and a boated contest la expected between the respective friends. Hamilton's exhibi­ tion of bad temper towards tho news­ paper men, especially towaris the Springfield correspondents, has not been forgotten, and the recent Inter­ view, published in a Chicago paper, io which he claimed ho referred only to tho State Jtegister, has provoked a re­ vival of tho matter, which Is being worked to Hamilton's serious damage. The machine politicians hereabouts are somewhat discouraged. The flattering prospect of Oglesby's nomination gives them the blues. He has made no prom­ ises. entered into no bargains, and has steadily refused to be a party to any 00mblnation. Tho Oglesby boom seems to be one swelled by the people, #hioh the machine men, those who make pol- smlltan ftt Home" Is hard to Bad. He is continually moving from plaee to place lo the State, talking te soldiers and telling them that ho might liavt been a general,had it bten possible for one who was ouly 13 years of ago #hen the first tocsin of war was soundad. Uon. J. N. Carter, of Qui ucy, ex-mem ber of the Legislature, was in the city last week. He bas been spoken of for Attorney ueueral, but says lie wiii uot be a candidate. Being questioned in regard te the Governorship In Adams county, he said: "Our peoplo are about equally divided," which led this corres­ pondent te conclude that Carter was after all lucliued toward tho Attorney General's ofQoo. Since our last tbero bas boon a largo number of Republican politicians ia tho city, among them being HOB, T. B. Needles, Gen. James Martin, Col. Ike Clements and Gen. Rlohard Rowett. Tbe said gentlemen at once concluded that they were hers for the purpose of sliapiug political matters. Part were for Hamilton and part for Oglesby, The former were very much down I11 the mouth, bat the latter were in high glee and showed a disposition to have created a political machine. The better Republicans, Oglesby's ardent support­ ers, however, protested, olalming that the people had become tired of such work. Oglesby, taiuus a machine, Is their cry. The gossip In political circles here embraces the names of Gen. Rlclisrd Rowett, of Quincy, as one ef the Re­ publican delegates at large from Illinois to the National Convention. In this Congressional district Hon. William Jayne, of this city, will be supported as a delegate. It Is also announced that the friends of 8enator Cuilom will urge his selection as a delegate at large wi tli a view to having liim head the delega* tiou at Chicago. Geu. Charles 15. Llp- plncott aud Gen. Green B. Raum are also spokeu of for delegates at large. Cullum. Rowett, Llpplncott And Raum as headers would no doubt make a good showing for Logan. J. Otis Humphrey, a yaung man of considerable oratories) ability, and an active political worker, Is being urged by his friends for Presidential elector. Col. Jonathan Merrlam, of will no doubt be retained A* member of the State Central Coiiimlltes, These three last mentioned pesltiuiis will bs dlslgnated by the Republican emigres* sionai Convention, which conveues at Petersburg, Menard county, April 0, ILLINOIS' BATTLK JM.AU*. As heretofore announced in the papers Memorial Hall at (be State House It being prepared for the final conslgs- inent of Illinois battle flags, will be formally opened aud dedicated en the 20th Inst. A large gathering of Illinois soldiers are expected at the capital on t|)j|t occasion. Gens. Grant and Sher­ man have informed the committee that they iutend to be present, Gev. Ham­ ilton will deliver the dedicatory ad- WHKIBOTOR urrTMl Prem eoT ̂ Sgalir Osivoepeodooi.. ^ Wnehlegto.. «X *seeh n, wmftk The galleries paid ItMisr Legaa 4 high complli&fat by wetting^ tltte* hours la tf»« mephltie air of thaflonat* oh am her te baar hie spaaed awtfeePBr. ter hill. It was the ftaat tlsaa thlases­ sion that the Senate assttinet tliet tap heavy appearance if csmmsn during; " the exciting political controversies ef a few years ago, when afH|;*mt«rs * Blalite, Coakltng, OnrpeMgr, JUBBMII and 4Iear were eoa^smUi>c wtlh Melt worthy fcemea as Thnrman, Beck, M4 Ben Bill. There wat oometitlag almost pathetic In the last charge ef General Logan on Fltz John Portfsr, and as ha sat in gloomy silence listening to the final roll-call which, after twenty years £as "reversing history.** the Stalwart Senator had the sympathy of naiqp -i who did not share his views. When tht ! vote by which the bill passed was an* neunced, the gsllery vonted lts feeling In mingled applause and hlsees. The bill has gone to the House for its con* cur re nee In the Senate amendment* but under the rules It Is readily and It Is expected by soaai that It will be taken up from Speaker's table the first part af week under the head of bills feturnid to the House from the Sonata with amendments. No doubt Presidaai thur would be Tery well pleaMd If It would hang fire between the Houses of Congress until the end of the seasloa, for It will be a disturbing ten-days guest at the White House whoa It gycT there. Nothing better Illustrates the 4*ea4» enco In the power af that mysterloua Influence called **the lobby" than cerv tain transactions in the present Con* gross, notably the passage of the acts returning the land grants af a d|«ea ar more of the great ratlraad corporation* te the pubiio domain. The lobfcy was mustered In great farce and avitj ap­ pliance known te It was breigjt|tt bear an members ef Oongresa against the repeal of tho grants, but fop w this the ceuntrjr Is richer by about 90y| 000,000 acres of the best land la thf Union. "There ia loss tohhyUyas thl Capital thlssaMloa than at ang III sinoe I have been In Congrats," aald aid member af the Henna to mef days ago, "The prop sled whlskj letlon seemed teopoa big work, bat thtjr Waco There seems te be a detei the part of the frteads of measures te kesp ehtr of ttp labbjr sharks. Nothing would Jt|)l» sQaiara quicker uow than for tl to hoaaaso mouthed about th»t It iirM being lobs hied," Apropos of whisky leglalatlen, II la claimed by Its supporters that tho flght is uot ended,And that the bonded e*» tenslea bill Is aot dead by any means. They say that It came up at aa.fnfor* tunate time, wheo many of tie friends were absent, but tbat It will msa wboi they get to It properly. Oa thoethep baud, tbe opponents of the bill In tb| House ridicule the claims of Its fMendb that It has any churns af poaalag. How ever,aewtbat the whisky bin has bee* defeated It Is dleeevered tfeat aocaif#" lysm ef trado la impending after all. There were suaplcloas to ftbo efltat al) along, ter predictions af rule are thj| commonest arguments wbea nay Into* est fluds Itself threatened by tho attl* tude of Congress, Tbe dlalMsia naturally enough, are disappelntod an$ vexed, hut evea the whisky man oof admit that the failure of the bill, whl# it will csuss some locauvauioaoa,wlH bring no disaster, 1 M •.fi Kaslnoat Oplsisas^ Boscee jgmkling being latonrlo««4| says: anxious for the success oil the Republican party, and hope tliat the Presideutial candidate uiay be a man in wham the people have coof|» dence--If such a one is selected, hft election is certalu.4* •_ ^ George William Curtis romarkst-w ? "Whoever the caudidate af the A*puh| lican party may be, I have av*r cava fide nee in his triumph eleotioa, for ^ do uot believe tbat the convor^ wliicb meets at Cliioage June II will numiuwte ail unworthy m< the candidates meationed. I Mr. Edmuuds, the able Senator Vermont." The grare and sensible Phi Press says:--"The Republi possibly win the Presidency New York, as tliey have done before{ hut they csnnot succeed wlth^ftOhlo, Ohio l« the eno great October Auta. It Is tbe eeutrai pillar tu everyRspnbs lican calcultlon. lis verdict In Oa» lebtr will be acoepted as deelslvo af the battle to follow In November. (Jo» der these oirctiinstanees tho Republi* can campaign must tja as p|aaue«laat% ^ put Ohio beyoud Asubt. Our aMaif egy must hold tbat eltadel at aft JMVRK arils. Wba is tbe man to sura lor the Republicans. •ucklln'a Anile* Sm^fte . Tho best salve la the work! far Onto, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers. Stlt IT*"-- Fstar Sores, l'etter. Chape*! Chilblains, Corns, and aH tioos, and positively ears pay required. ItlsgM perfect satUfaciiou. or iled. Price 25 centa porbn*' For Sale by lleury Calby. lib whole leaf Jap Tea ftsr r Ut far tl. tOk»nslett,S * . c ^ ' *

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