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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Aug 1884, p. 5

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l&ix ;• S '- • ,, ; ... "•"V ;V^ »V ':X:Xv 'W\ • -i ' ̂ X-'r , -v,. P™ I WEDNESDAY, AUG. 20, 1884. Railroad Time Table. On aad after Monday, June 'i3d, Trains will 3MM« McHenry station ss be tow: i, tOlNO lODTlli Sonera Lake Piisaenjer .A, X tfenera Lake Express .... .8:25 •" iJcn^va t<ake Kreiarlit. ........... 1 :i>5 r. V (ieneva T^ake Passenger ..3:*20 •* Ateamboat Express ..»* ....5:3t " (jr»l!*f> t ' on#** Lake Freight . ,.i*.;...9-ll A. W teniuboat Express 9:53 " eneva Lake Passenger ...9:58 " eueva Kake Express 4:4Sp. H i their future home. enuTtt li»ke Pasaencer 6:57 " B. Buss, Agent. Mcllenry, III I'KRSONAL. P. J. O'CONNELL. ef Elgin, WA# vialt- jug McHenry friends lust week. Miss MAMIR POWERS, or tin? Elgin Watch Factory, spent Saturday -and Sunday with the Misses Walslis, South ol tliis village. KARIN \V ...of Gilbert Station, caino home to attend the Picnic, on the 15tli. rE. D . S LAFTER AMI Mrs. Chas. W. Slafter, started this Wednesday uiorn- 'ing for Pine Island, M inn., where Charley lias bpcn for the past fev i mouths. They propose makiur tl»»t MASON ID " »MCIIENRY LOBGE, NO. 15S A. F. and A. M.-- Regular Communications the Satunlay on or lierore the full ef the moon and every tw» Weeks thereafter. OKAS. C. COLBY, W. M. MCKNRY OHAPTKR NO. 34 H. A. M -- Regu- ar Convocations held en the second and fourth JFrida) a in each moneh. JOHN I. STOKY, H. P. ' % • States Attorney. Te tne people of McHcnry County, Asa VT Smith, ot Dorr, hereby announces liiiuselfa ramli'late f«r the office -of States .Attorney, Subject to the ratification of the Republican County Convention to beholden for the pur- «j nominating countv officers. MM. "" ANNOUNCEMENT. ' • I hereby announce myself a candidate for States Attorney, subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. ' C. P. BARNES. , Announcement. the norotOK'tlon for States Attorney, by LkeyRepublican County {Convention, ami submit ray candidacy te its decision. A. W. YOL KG. For Circuit Clerk. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for lb a office of Circuit Clerk and Kecorderof Mc- Ilenry County, subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. W. I'. MORSE For Couny Superintendent. 1 herebv announce myself as a candidate for petinty Superintendent of Schools, of Mc­ llenry County, subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. J. A. SllELIXffit. . if For County Superintendent. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the officeVtfjSuperintendent ofiSchoels, subject t» the decision of the Republican County Convention. HKNRY C. KABEH. REV. J. E. BASSETT will preach in the M. E. church next Sunday morning. QUITE a number from this village and vicinity are attending the Des Plainer camp meeting this week. THE choicest Fruits, of all kinds, at Miss Gregory's Restaurant, in Keller's Block. , i THE Republican County Convention will be held at Woodstock on Saturday next, the 23d, GEN. JOHN 0. SMITH. State Treasurer, will accept thanks for a copy of the vote of Illinois for 1882. THE L. L. C. will meet with Mrs. C. V. Stevens on Thursday evening Aug. 21st at the usual hour. SEC'Y. THERE will be uo services in Ring- not 'tjS'ju.'lay on account of caoip- meeting. F*A. ENGLEN is building an addition /on the rear of his building. Charles i Karls, of Jehnsburgh, Js doing the Vwork. - • F CUCUMBERS are being received at I both Factoring tu large quantities, and \tlie prospects are that there will be a \ig crop this season, AN exchange wants to know what the paragraphists will do when ice creaui is gone. Don't worry. It will be time for stovepipe jokes then. FOUND, a small sum of mon^y, which ' the owner can have by calling at this office, proving property and paying for this notice. THE Second Nine Ball tossens of this village, met the Hebron club at Rich­ mond or. Thursday of last week, and got scooped to the time of 23 to 9. Tlicy evidently cuugHt a tarter. having purchased the of E, W. Ho*ve, next to cutting an arch between the double store, and other- tiie premises generally. E. H. BARTLETT, of Hastings. Minn., (formerly of the firm of Mayes & Bart­ lett, in this village) will please accept thanks for copies of Minneapolis and Hastings papers. THE call for the Democratic Con­ gressional Convention for this, tjie 5th District, can be found in another place In this paper. It .will be held at Elgin on Thursday, Aug. 28th. A RATTLESNAKE was killed In from >fO. W. Owen's store, in this village [on Sunday afternoon. Hu was abon two feet long and had four rattles. Hi was coming from under the side wall kWhen discovered. This Is the first OIK MI In this section for several years. E.M. OWEN had a piece of Wintc Wheat oil the laud just west of hi house, that it would be hard to beat There was a little less than four acre from which he threshed one hundrei and thirty-six buahels of as flue, plum wheal as one could wish to see. ANh> can beat that for village farming. 'I'AKG warning. Should the plan © the editor of an Ohio THE Re-Union of the Wih 111 Vol., takes place at Harvard on Thurs­ day, Sept, 4ih, the same week of the Belvider? and Woodstock Fairs. Let all the surviving members of the 95th, as well as all other old soldiers, remem­ ber the time and place of the R^-Union and be on hand, for a gooti time. WE would call especial attention to the Short Horn Sale* which is to take place on the farm of Spencer Cottiug. Richmond, on Wednesday next, Aug. 27th. Mr. dotting itas some of the best blooded Hock to be found in tlte county. TIIEUE wtll be a social IIop at B. Rainthorp's store, in Riugwood, 'ou Thursday evening, August 21*t, for the bei-etit of the Ringwood Cornet Band. Having had two, ajid both being a suc­ cess, everyone may feel assuted of a jolly good time. There is room for dancing six set on the floor. ' BY Co*. AT the Republican Caucus, held a the Council Room, in this village, oi Saturday last, the following naine^ were chosen delegates to attend th County Convention, to be held i Woodstock on Saturday next: C. ' Eldredge, B. Rainthrop, A. O. Whi ing, F. K. Granger, J. Van Slyke, J. V ('risty, E. It. Thompson, C. V, Steven #abez Carr, James B. Perry, "WriKN Jennie Meets Ma at tl: gate." is the title and bjg^len of a nei song. If the lii'ght' is clear, wlwn tl Stars are "I'wiukling, T<ove. koep 3*01 weather eye out for the old man fa about the time Our Grandfathers Cloo strikes ten, far he may bn Co 111 in Thf»' the Rye from the village ston with Towser; in which cas» • j'«u ha better get Over the Garden Wall wlill she goes in and-Pulls Down the Blind f> make pa believe she said her litt] Now I.Lay Me DQVVIV to Sleep AT tiin o'clock." WE understand that a party f licago has purchased the WIedeman property, .near the Depot, and Wll immediately open the earns as a Saloon and Boarding House. Tlwi price paid jjv as *11,000. FROM the O^Io County Reporter, published at Oregon, 111., we learn that our old friend, and former citizen of this County, C. L. Curtis, has opened a Photograph Gallery in that place. Mr. Curtis is one of «lie best Photog­ raphers in the State, and we congratu­ late the citizens of Oregon on their good fortune in having him settle in their city. They will find him not only a good Artist but a good citizen also, and one whom they can bet their bot- tomdollar no ring or clique will con­ trol. His many friends In McHenry County wish him miuoundet! success. THE Picnic for the benefit of the Catholic Church of this village, which was held on the Driving Park on Fri­ day last, drew out one of the largest crowes that lias been seen in this vil­ lage for many a day. The day was fine and all seemed to enjoy themselves Ni the best of manner, /and from ap­ pearances we should judge was a sub­ stantial benefit for the object for which it was intended. The dance at the Riverside Hall in the evening was attended by i*bout 200 couples, and was a very pleasant and enjoyable aflair. Those who had the arrangements in charge, itave cauce to congratulate themselves on Its perfect success. OS A GKAKO reunion * of Soldiers an sailors will be held at Chicago, on Au< ust 26, 27, 28 and 29, 1884, under tli auspices of the Reunion Aesociatio of the Northwest. The Chicago Driv ing Park has be* 11 secured and arrange ments are being made for tlu accommodation and entertainment 4erty thousand veterans. The prd gramme will he Interesting, and wil include rpgimentai meetings of Ulinol soldiers, and meetings of other soldier The Northwestern Road will sell tick ets at all stations at tisual exCursioi rates. - ";7\J \ . .. L.„ 1 WE inadvertently omitted last wee^ to"call attention to the new advertise4 ment. of the McHenry County Fair.Jt* should be borne in mind that the Fair commences Sept. 2d, one week from next Tuesday, and every farmer should ask himself the question, "what have 1 done to help make it a success?" If you cannot answer this question satis* factorily, go about it at once, and see what you can Oo to help the officers in their efforts to make it worthy of the name it bears, «f the best Fair in the State. Remember the time is short, Jess than two weeks yet remaining. THE evil days have come when the dealer shall say, I am sick of this. At the rising sun he goetli to his place and 110 man interferes with his slumbers. He sitteth all day like a bottle of castor oil, but the people with sheckeh come not nigh him. He advertiseth not his wares and his place is forgotten on the face of the earth. Who had dried ap­ ples? Who hath baking powder with­ out end? He that sitteth like a lump on a log! He that knoweMi not the way to the printer's and the latter end ot that man shall be worse than the first. Leave the fool alone with his roily.--Ex. f'Yuv. investment in Summer Resorts pt PI«t:fqm Bay, by citizens of Mi?- 11•• 11 :uul nt 44kiMH9jS3£M» h:re assumed a regular boom. Property litis been bought there by the following parties: Owen Bros., F. A. He bard, John 1 Story, Dr. II. T. Brown, O. W^ Owen, H. E. Wightman. and Jacob Story, of McHenry; John Wightman, Mr..Pales and Mr. Pike, of Chenoa, 111.; Mr. Williams, of Spring­ field, HI., and Mr. Milne, of Fox Lake. Some twenty buildings will ^>e put up 011 these grounds this Fall artd early next Spring, all neat and tidy cottages. The situation on the west shore of Pietaqua Bajgris the handsomest to be found on eltWr Lake, is accessible to the Steamboats, and is the best fishing groundsill the Northwest, The grounds are now being cleaned and pnt in shape and building will be commenced at. paper be gener-l oucejN^e also learn that the east shoje ally adopted, delinquent subscribers to ibis Ba newspapers would be In a bad fix. He threatous to take his wife and six chil. dren and board out with the delinquent subscribers the amount of their in- debtedness. OUR frleud Eastman, forme^editoi of the Sterling Qazt,tte% who sold his paper a year or more ago. and started the bauk of Huron, at Huron, Dak., we regret to see has'ialled, ft is not a bad failure; deposits will be paid in full, ^biit what surprises us is to see that a man who can successfully run a news­ paper, should fail at the much simpler and easier task of running a bauk.-- Sycamore Republican. xy will be immediately sur­ veyed oft into quarter acrtii: Jots and yut on the market for sale. "* Ant. FOOD.--The state of New York has prohibitory law in re­ gard to adulteration of food products. The standard for instance for Baking Powder should be Cream Tarter and Soda only, 110 filling whatever. The firm of DeLand & Co., made their Chemical Baking Powder on above basis before that law was passed, and their Saleratus and Soda is sufficient guarantee that their Chemical Baking Powder will be made as above and of the very best of ma|eiitl?. Try it. tut up in'caus only. THE memorial services at the Uni- versaiist Church pn Sunday afternoon last, being the Fiftieth year of Elder Joel Wheeler's ordination to tbe Christian Ministry, and the Forty- seventh of his arrival at this place, and the holdi i;g of the first public service in McHenry county, was attended byf!* tlie uftial assemblage of our citlzensj His text was Mat. 9.3'J. "When lie saw^ the multitudes He was moved with compassion 011 them, for they fainted and were scattered, as sheep having no shepherd." An unspeakable mass of incidents, of equal importance to all. for the space of filtv years, all being engrossed in a compass of time for an ordinary discourse, subjected him to very limited reminiscences, and to the slightest sketches imaginable. His dis­ course throughout was listened to with the closest attention by all. and to many brought back vividly ttie days of trials, hardships and deprivations of pioneer life. Elder Wheeler is now well advanced in yt-ars, and has practi­ cally retired from the ministry, yet he is always ready to promptly attend calls made upon him, whether it be at the sick bed, to attend the last sad rights over departed deni ones, or the mon- cheerful* gatherings of old and young settlers. No man iu McHenry county is more honored and respected than Elder Joel Wheeler, In hi6 behalf we would return thanks to the society for the use of their church, to the citi­ zens for their attendance and attention^ and to the choir for their excellent! din'ottttnal music bu ftte occasion. That Elder Wheeler may be long spared to mingle among 11s is our sincere wish. PERSONS wishing to attend the Northwestern Soldiers and Sailors Re- Union, held at Chicago, from Aug. 26th to 29th. can purchase Excursion tickets at this Station from Aug. 25th. to 29th, good to return until Sept. 1st. Price round trip #2.05. \ B. Buss, Agefat. Notice. "' INS persons wishing to ilttend the Camp Meeting held at Cherry Valley from Aug. 20, to Aug 28, we will sell Excersion tickets from Aug. 16, to Aug» 28. good until Aug. 29. Price round trip $2.65, B, Buss, Agent. Notice. ^ 4'o persouswishlng to" Ttfferd the Camp Meeting held at Des Plaines from Aug. 14. to Aug. 26, we will sell Excurson tickest from Aug. 14, to Aug. 26, good to returc until Aug. 28. Price round trip $1.55. B. Buss, Agent. Examination of Teachers. Teachers' Examination will be on Saturday, August 23d, 1884, instead of August 25th and 26th. A Great Pacing Match. Johnston and Richball Matched for $5,000 a side.--To go at the Chicago Driving Park, Saturday. Aug. 23- The most exciting and important match race of this season will be a race at Chicago on Saturday next, between Com. N. W. Kittson's b. g. "Johnston.'" who has paced the fastest mile on record, 2:10. and Jno. S. Campbell's br. g. ••Richball," who is the winner of nearly all the great pacing contests of 1S83 and 1884, and has met and van- qufslied all the fast pacing celebrities, hotli East and West (Johnston only excepted), secured a record for him­ self of 2:12}. It is a bona Jied match race for 35.000 a side, all, including the money added by the Association, to go to the winner, and the victor will be more than likely to retire from the contest not only the "King of the Pacers," but with the fastest three heats 011 record placed to his credit. Both horses have warm confident friends and backers, those of ••John- ton" reiving on hl<» great speed to keep him to the front, those of '•Richball" claiming equal speed and superior en­ durance in a hotly contested race. It will be a hot contest, and the best horse will win. It may interest read­ ers to know that Johnston was sold to Com. N. W. Kittson, of St. Paul, Minn., In October, 1883, for $20,000; and that Richball was bought by liis present owners, Jno. S. Capbell & Co., in July, 1883, for $15.000--the highest prices ever paid for any two pacing horses.A Fitzeimmons & Evanson, of the West End, announce a great Remnant Sale, commencing Monday; Sept. 1st. Mere particulars next week. LOOK FOR BARGAINS. The annual Clearing Sale comntefl- cee this week at Fitzsimmons & Evan> son. . 1f . Silk embroidered scarfs all colors fine quality, very cheap at Bouslett & Stouel'e. . ^ Jfa- INSTITUTE. WOODSTOCK, III., Aug. WUi. WW. * #•*>?• pleasant week of Institute work was given to the teachers of McHenry county.who wished to attend last week.' Mr. Baldwin was very for- tnuats i« securing the services of two so able workers as Proft- Sabin and Knepper, Prof. Ilursch, who is secured as principal or tbe Woodstock school fur the coming year, gave the teach­ er? two very pleasant talk*, as also did Mr. Kingman. It was thought advisable by Messrs. Baldwin, Sabin and Knepper, to divide the institute into two classes--experienced and un­ experienced teachers-- which has in­ deed, proven very successful. This made a class in each, of about thirty teachers. The. study oflthe common branches, Geography, History. Lan­ guage, Reading and Arithmetic, with theory and practice, and civil govern­ ment, is the work under discussion Work with primary pupils in each of the above branches was the beginning ot th^work on Monday, and continued to advance from the first years work to .the list. About seventy-five teach­ ers were in attendance at the closing of last weeks session, and seemed to have a great deal of interest in the work being done. A lecture was given on-Thursday evening by G. E. Knepper on Education. M. Knepper showed himself thoroughly posted on the Subject, and it was listened to by a large and appreciative audience of teachers and citizens of Woodstock* About one hundred teachers are in attendance at the beginning of this week. A sociable Is to be held on Monday evening of this week. Two lectures, on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. UESI'BCTFULLY, «ARV Blaine and Logan Soiig. •V :•* BY R. D. SCOTT. [May be Sung to the 'air of tbe John Brown isong.j ' Ihe Plumed Knight and Body Guard are com­ ing 111 their might, The Black Kagle, l.ogan, screams his war note tor the right, Columbias Myriad voters now readv for the fight, Beheld theft) marching on. CUORt'8. <Jlorv, glory hallelujah. <ilorv, glory lialloluj ih, (•lory, glory halleluiah, Behold them marching on. flies beforo the Low treasons lustful loader coming storm. Lit slandois veoomed tongue, rebuked, be silent with alarm. Southern shotguns, mas<i«eTad«rs, '%iftekly Behold them marching on. • j i Chorus. -• •• -- •• . How Cleveland's host ia hewllSf now A liun- gry, inotly crew, V • 1 ; Free lover.*, Free traders, and Free-liooters not a tew, St. J«lin the Baptist junior wfth old grandma JJutler, too. Behold them straggUngftiiv Choi us. The party that his saved onr land from trea­ sons hateful power. And guarded our rich heritage for twenty years or more, We won't forget, my contraries, when Novem­ ber Idee draw near, As we go marching on. Chorus. • -K,; * H-X. Congressional Convention. The Democratic votc.ia of the several ties comprising Ute, KiUli Coiigr-eptioiuil dis­ trict of Illinois, are requested t* send dele gates io n I)emocr.H»c Congressional district convention to be held at Klgin on Thursday, August 28th. ISS4, at 1 o'clock I\ M. for the purjioseof nominating a candidate lor Con­ gress ami for the transaction of such other business as may properly coine before it. The representation will tbe ai follows, wit: Kiine County McHenry " ! OeKalb «• Boone " ....* Lake " A. II. BARKY, Kane, 3 UEOKUE VAN VAt.KKNIMTRO, W. D.SWAIL, Boone, _ C. O. BOYNTON, DeKalb;' J. C. Ct'SHMAN, Lake, . Congressional Committee. to- 16 11 8 » 10 For Sale. Cider and Pork Barrels at Cooper Shop of Cristy, Walker & Co. Old barrels repaired. Prices very reason­ able.. ROBERT WHITE, An Eitraoriliary Ok : •To All Wanting Employment We want Live, Energetic and Capa­ ble Agents in every county in the United States and Canada, to sell a patent article of great merit, on its merits. A11 article having a large sale, paying over 100 per cent, profit, haying no competition,and on which the agent is protected in the exclusive sale by a deed given for each and every county he may secure from us. With all these advantages to our agents, and the fact that it is an article that can be sold to every houseowner, it might not be necessary to make an "Extraordinary Offer" to secure good agents at once, but we have concluded to make it to show, not only our confidence in the merits of our invention, but in its sta­ bility by an agent that will handle it with energy. Our agents now at work are making from $150 to $6b0 a month clear, and this fact makes it safe for us to make our offer to all who are out of emploj-ment. Any agent that will give our business a thirty days' trial^nd fail to clear at least $100 in this iime,a6ove all expenses, can return all goods unsold to us anil we will refund the money paid for them. Any agent or general agent who would like ten or more coun­ ties and work them through sub-agents for ninety days and fail to clear at least $750 above all expenses, can return all unsold and get their money back. No other employer of agents ever ciared to make s.ich offers, nor would we if we did not know that we have agents now making more than double the amount we guaranteed, and but two sales a day would give a profit of over $1*25 a month, and that one of our agents took eighteen orders in one day. Our large descriptive circulars explain our offer fully, anil these we wish to send to every one out of employment who wil! send us three one cent stamps for post­ age. Send at once and secure the agency in time for the boom, and go to work 011 the terms named in our extra­ ordinary ofler. We would like to have the address of all the agents, sewi "g machine solicitors and carpenters in tbe country, and ask.aity reader of this paper who reads this offer, to send us at once the name and address of all such they know. Address at once, or you will loose the best chance ever offered to those out of employment to make money. REKNEK MANUFACTURING CO., 166 Smttbileld St, Pittsburg, ra. I0-2-m3 Notice To those that want work done in my line, such as Tanks, Vats and all other work dona In a shop, as I get lumber direct from Chicago. . F. A. HEBABD. Tbe Boss Barrel Churn, at John I. Story's. ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PI.AINDEAI.KK:--'There was a sad accident occured east 01 town on Monday of last week, which resulted in the death of Clias. Berkley. Dr. Nas'on was called as soon as possible, and also Dr. Zahu, of Elgin, but there could be nothing done for him.* He lay in an unconscious stare for twenty two hours when he ^expired. It seems that Mr. Berkley was topping out a grain stack, and in reaching lor a bundle he lost his balance and fell to the ground, a dis­ tance of twenty feet, striking on his head and shoulders. The deceased was 44 years of age. He leaves a wife and three sons and two daughters to mourn liis loss, as well as a very large circle' of warm frieiuls. Chariie was one of the best hearted men, always having a pleasant word for every one, and al­ ways ready to do anything in his power for them in time of need. The family have the sympathy of the entire com­ munity in this their sudden bereave­ ment. The funeral was held at the German Lutheran church 011 Thursday, Aug. 14Ui, at 10:30 a. iu„ and the re­ mains were Interred in the cemetery on the hill. The funeral was largely attended. , . • # The Lawn Festival, given by the Organ Society 011 Tuesday evening of last week, was a grand success both financially and socially, all present seeming to enjoy themselves, as i« usually the case at such tinijps, The society received $33.25. Y^ith what they raised at their concert in May last they have enough to buy a very fine organ. Much credit 1? due Mr. and Mrs. Cliapell in giving the use of their lawn and the active part they took to make everything pleasant for all present. At. Wm. Morton's auction sale of a carload of milch cows on Friday last, cows sold 011 an averago of $46.28 per head. Mrs. Murry and children. Trom Chi­ cago, are making her mother,Mrs. Vin­ cent, a visit for a short time. Miss Birdie Morton is visiting with relatives and friends in Elgin, Among the visitors in town the past week were Capt. Patrick and wife, of Ottawa, Kan., David Babbitt and wife, of El<*in, and W. II. Chapman and wife of Chicago. At our town caucus 011 Saturday last the delegates were instructed for*E. E. Richards, for Circuit Cl»»rk; A. W. Young, for States Attorney; Lester Barber, for Superintendent of Schools, and Ira R. Curtiss, lor State Senator The following are the names of the delegates chosen: Jas. Philp, Charles Wjindrack. C. C. Chu^n, C. E. Cliapell, Wm. A. Nason. O, S. Frary. Harvey Hamilton, Sam Sebert, Fred Duensing, E.A.Ford. ? Frank*"Poultney. of Chicago, spent Saturday and Sunday here, the guest of F. 1). Coltri 11. CREENWOOD EDITOK PLAINDKAI.EKQreenwood instructed for Morse. Did you go to the Harvest Picnic. Prof. Knepper spent Saturday and Sunday with the family of 8. Baldwin, The Baptist pulpit was filled Sunday evening, by Rev. Severns. Orlej' Richardson and Will Dailey have diphtheria. M rs. Bell Crittenden is visiting with her pareuts, Mr. anil Mrs. Moses. Mrs. Sarah Garrison returned httlne from her visit last Saturday. \ \ Miss Florence Weeks is visitiivg \v1tli tier aunt Mrs. Cowdry, We had the pleasure of reading a card from Bradford, Iowa, announcing the safe arrival ol a pig shipped by. \V. A. Baker; the card spoke very commen­ datory of the swine of W, A, Mr- Baker is also one of the awarding com­ missioners on Victory and Chester White sweepstakes swine at the State Fair this fall. More than the usual turnout on such occasions, was at the caucus last Satur­ day. The calj was made by the town committee at two o'clock p. si, The Circuit Clerk question seemed the only absorbing topic of the day. Captains and Lieutenants marshalled each, their forces, and commenced,balloting ; the Richards men seemed to have the best concert of action, and by the plurality ride captured,8 as far as we know Richard's men. The ..Morse men. it seemed were not under good organiza­ tion and apparently were voting all over the house. Many of theui could not see the trouble and had given up in despair. The RichaHls men looked jubilant and the Morse men down hearted, but when instructions came and the clerk announced forty-nine votes cast, Richards twenty four, and Morse twenty-five, the expression turned. Men looked one auother in the face and said: "What eight llich-, aid's men instructed for Morse!"- "I don't understand it," said the Dr., tut it was very easily done Doc. The town also instructed for Asa Smith for Stares Attorney, and VV. N. Willis fot CoUilty Surveyor. WAUCONDA. EDITOR PLAIMDEAI.KR:--Mrs. Bams, a sister-in-law of Mrs. Thomas Slocnm, came to Waucouda about four weeks ago to visit Mis. Sloctim. She was sick at the time. She failed rapidly, and died Friday of last week. An excursion to Clinton, Iowa, took in a number of our citizens last week. They report a pleasant but necessarily somewhat tiresome trip. * Frank Barker is closing out stock of harnesses and other goods in that line. It is said he has some first-class stock, and Is selling it off at extremely Idw figures. The Spencer family has just been In­ creased bv the addition of a little gitl. The Barrington nine came up to play a practice game with our bo.vs, Satur­ day afternoon. We didn't expect to (|o much with so heavy a niHe as Barring- ton furnishes,so Were not disappointed at the result.- The annual Christadclphian meeting will be held at Wauconda on Sunday, August 24th. Good speakers will be in attendance. The public are cordially invited to attend the service*, com­ mencing in the afternoon at 2 o'clock, and in the evening at 7:10. Mr. Hollenbeck will speak lyornir g and evening at the Baptist church next Sunday. He has the reputation ot being an umnually fine speaker. The old town well in the street op­ posite Esq. Bangs' has been repaired, and will soon afford opportunities for refreshment for man and beast. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Hammond are at Andrew Oakes'. W. II. Ford and C. M. Hill have re* turned froub Dakota. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is deeigit«& for those whe need a medicine to purify their blood, build them up, increase their appetite, and rejuvenate their whole system, No other preparation so welj meets the want. It touches the exact spot. It* record of forty y»ars is one of cons tant triumph over disease. For its soothing and grateful influ­ ence on the scalp and for the removal and prevention of dandruff. Ayer's Hair Vigor has no equal. It restores faded or gray hair to i,ts original dark color, stimulates the growth of the hair and gives it a beautiful, soft, glossy and silken appearance. An end to bene Scraping. E d w a r d , - d . o f i l a r r U b n r g . 1 1 1 . , Says. "Having revlcved so much bene­ fit from Elect 1 io Hitters, I feel it my duty to let suffering humanity know It, Have'had a running sore on my leg for eight years; my doctor told me 1 would have to have tho h.nno scraped or leg amputated. 1 used, instead, three bot'les of Klee ric Bitters and Seven ' boxes Biu kkii's jAi nica Salve, and my leg is umv Pound and well." Elec;ric Bitters ar»». sold at fifty cents a bottle, and Bucklen's Arnica Salve at 25c, psr box by Henry Colby., We can now show the' largest, find most attractive line of Beadv-Made Clothing, in medium weights ever brought to this market. You are asked .to examine goods and pricesjit Henry Colby's. Cleaning and Repairing done In tfte neatest manner, bv E. Latvlus. Old Settlers' MKETINa, . v £ Annual Ee-Unioa. OF TIIE OLD SETTLERS ASSOCIATION ot McHenry and Lake Co.'s AT SLUSSER'S PARK, Hainesviile. Illinois, Thursday, Aug. 21st, 1884. Orators: HON. LUTHER LAFLIN MILLS, States Attorney of Cook County, one of the finest orators in the State, CI1AS. WHITNEY. Esq.. of Wadke- gan, and IION. JAMES POLLOCK, qf Milburn, will be present and address the meetings - ' DR. S. F. BENNETT,.^author of the ' Sweet. By and By." will read a Poem written fyr the occasion. ifi A Good Band of Music#e Attendance. - -" . A general invitation is extended to ail to come out and help the Old Set­ tler's Re Uue. Good accommodations for all. A Social Dauce will take place in the evening. •L CoMPTOJNvPres. J. VAN SLYKE, Sec'y. ;7 CHOICE Confectionary at Miss :Or#|g- ory's Restaurant.'Keller's Block. Good fitting pants of gnod cloth, a! vvipol, jonly $5.00. Made by E. LaWltis Wheat Wanted J At the Wauconda Mills. . ('asli siiid the highest market price will be paid for good Milling Wheat, at the Wauconda Mill*, ; JOHN S^BKCEK. Wauconda, Aug. 3th, 1881,„ -• \ Farm for Sale- " 4 ' 'I^ftiidersigned offers for safe his Farm.'containing 204 acres, situated" one iii'le West of the village of Mc­ Henry. on the Woodstock'road. Good buildings, living water, plenty of small fruit, and a young bearing orchard. Is well adapted for a stock farm. Handy to Railroad Station and a Cheese Fac­ tory, For terms and other particulars inquire of the unders-igtied on the promises. . r,lllHlillftaf»»*«»,'-j McHcnry, July 10th, 18*1. OKAJVOKS. Lemons, Apples, Berries, etc.. at Miss Gregory's Restaurant, Keller's Block. House and Lot for Sale. The undersigned offers for sale his House and Lot. situated in this village, Is'finely located 011 the West side of the Public Squa-e, has -considerable small fruit, a,'id will be sold reasonable, Forfurther particular* inquire of Mcllenry, JuncZ'Sd, l.-S.t. K. D. SLAFTlvR. Screen Doors, all complete, ftt «teltb. I. Story's. Call and set theui. FOR SALE CHEAP. . One set of new Heavy Double Har­ ness. Will be s.oH cheap if called for at once. IT, S, G HECJOLLY. MeHenvy. Aug. liito, 1S84. MOWERS ! MOWERS ! The Standard, Crown, Manny. New Warrior.and Knowlton. are the light­ est running Mower's made, an E, M. Owen & Son's. Spring Pigs for The undfir.-igiied lias Thirty which lie will sell cheap if once. WII.KARD " McHenry, July 2*1, im. Sale. Spring I*If BV. SKVKUAL l ine Young Durham Bul ! | fu l l ped igree , fo r Sa le by John W, Smi th . Wi l l be so ld reasonab le . Also six tine Hellers same breed. Great Savin# to Dairymen- The tne of one bottle of Dickinson's Cow Prescription will cause the cow to do well after calving, will prevent Milk fever. Garget, Ilornail, etc. Will cause an increase in the How of mijk, and is worth one-half the price of the cow to every one using i'. Sold by all Drug­ gists. C. DICKINSON'& Son, Propi ietors Barrington, III. 'A Startling Discovery. Mr. Win. Johnson, of Ilnrou Dak,, writes that his wife had b<-en trouble*! with acute Bronchitis for many years, and that all remedies tried-gave no permanent relief, until he procured a bo tile of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds, which had a magical effect, and pro­ duced a permanent cure* It i? guar­ anteed to cure all Diseases of Throat, Lungs, or B onehlal Tubes. Trial bottles Free at llenry Colby'1: Drug Store. Large Size .$! 1.00. Great Russian Remedy. Russian Liniment is a sure cure for Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Diphteria. Toothache. Earache, bore Throat. Sore ness of tiie Limbs, Tumors, Ulcers, Sprains, Lame Back or Shoulders. Swelling?, Contraction of. the Muscles, Chilblains. Inflammations (no matter how long stauding). In severe cases apply a cloth, moistened in the Lini­ ment, over night for three nights. It is equally as good for tbe horse. For sale by all druggists. V. 1>1CK1XS0S $ SOS. of all sizes constantly al frizes cut without JOHN I^STOBY, i4; Barringto extr « Business Notice*. Go eo Mrs. Howe's for Milliner^ Dressmaking. SMOKERS, call for Barblan Brat High Art." They have few equals. No trouble to show goods or tuvt^ki questions at R. Bishop's. < Buy the Estey Organ if you want best. O. W. Owen, McHenry, Agent. , City residences for sale. Apply t* ~"*fl Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. Go to Mrs. M. Schumacher's for Mill- in*ry, Dress Making and Fancy Goods. We sell a 40 cent wheel fan for 10 cents. BONSLETT & STOPFEL, We carry the largest line of Clotb- sng in the market, and our prices are always as low as good goods can be cold Henry Colby. H, Colby sells Polish. Yrv it. the Excelsior. Shirt McenU An elegant line of corsets and up at Henry Colby's. For good crockery, glassware and Masons fruit jars go .to Bonslett & Stof- fel's. The Lyman Barb Wire, both plain and galvanized,decidedly the best Wire in thfe market, at John I. Story's. B1 aek and colored Jersey's goods, only §1.90 at Bonslett & Stoffel's. 16Jibs strictly pure Bonslett & Stoffel's, sugar for 01 at 40 inch all wool Nuns at Bonslett & Stoffel's. veiling 38eU. Colored all wool buntlngs t9 cent* at Bonslett & Stoffel's, i/ounuigi'i 10 sue tne rlying] trail, while In town, atE M Owen A Son's. The finest assortment of Bird Cajges in town, at John I. Story's. Bishop's Roller Mills Flour. For Sale In Wauconda, by C. 13. Jeneks. Try a Sack. It cannot tail to please you. ______ Frank's Polish for Ladies sheei will not rub ofi or soil the skirts. For sale by HENRY COLBY, •SSS Building Paper, cheap, at Joba I, Story's. A fine assortment of very fine Gran* iute Iron Wire at John I. Story's. An entiru new stock of shawb. jack ets and wraps at Bonslett & Stoffel's We have just received some Jerseys. Call and see them at H.Colby's. The latest, cheapest and finest Stock of gloves at Bonslett & Stoffel's. -Examine our new lawns, dress cam- brick. ginghams and prints. Bonslett i Stoffel. ' ' The latest styles mid very lowest prices on parasols and far.a at Bonslett & Stoffel's. FITS All fits stopped free by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. No fits after lirst day's use. Marvelous cures Treatise and 02.00 trial bottle free to Fit cases. Send to Dr, Kline, 931 Areli St„ Pliila,, Pa. , "Yovu COUSIN," the finest flavored 5 cent Cigar in the county, at J. Pekov- sky's, next door to the Post Office, Eastmans*patent soap for toilet and polishing, 7 cents a bar or 4 for 26 ets. at Bonslett »fc Stoffel's. / : 11 ̂ -M \ THE finest assortment of Sewing Machines to be found in the county, at O. W. Owen's. Everything in the Hardware line at bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. Lumber Wagons, Milk Wagons, Plat­ form Spring Buggies " * ~ Bishop's warehouse. Co* sale at The finest line of Silver and Plated Ware to be found in the county* at O. W. Owen's. IK JOU want anythiug less than the Estey Organ l can sell you one for 040 and upwards. O. W. OwEN We have just added au elegant line of dress goods, which are ofleredat oui. usual uniform low prices. Henry Colby Wheat Wanted. WANTED, at tbe Fox River Valley Mills, good Milling Wheat, for which the highest price in cash wNI be^j?aid» McHenry, 111., April Hth, 1881. Please remember that our stock lit every department is very complete and that our prices are always the lowest that can be made. We will be un.dei'Sotd by any house In' fienry Co lb ' li ^ j • X . 1 T1 •* N 1 < Co. iry Colby. See our all wool men's suits, In Br*f* brown, and light brown, perfect liuing and all sizes, only $5,75 a suit. Very stylish young men's wool suits 15 to 20 years, at §5.00. BONSLETT ft STOML. NOTICE. rite**eady to fill oTcfers for und Liquors by the gallon and by th«» box at Chicago bottom AJso bottled Beer by the Oarj StMI... Ill^ Wheat tftaaa Cigars prfcM* WANTED, at th Mill, good Milling the highest price Fox River Valley g Wheat, for which in cash will be R. Mcllonry, 111., April 11th, 1881. Drags Drags, Drags, a lot ou hand, steel tooth and must sell. For sate by R. Bishop. • Bucklin's Arnica Salv*. The best salve in the world for Cut*, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Silt Rheume, Fevor Sores. Tetter, Chape«l Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup­ tions, and positively cure Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re fun­ ded. Price 25 cents per bo«gj» For Sule by Henry Colby. ^ ADV1CK TO MOTHERS. Are yon disturbed at night eu of your rest by a skfk child sufferiog and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so. send at once and get a bottle of Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething. Its value is Incal­ culable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend mothers, there is no mistake It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, lates tbe stomach and bowels, wind colic, softens the guuis, inflammation and gives toi ergy to the whole svstf in. low Soothing Syrup foi teething is pleasant to the is tbe prescription of ore of and best female physicians in tbe United States, and Is all druggists throughout the Price 25 cents a bettie. : - - f i - X X X

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