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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Nov 1884, p. 5

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3m VAN SLYKE, Editor. H^-K. B. Richards. tli« Rinjp can­ didate for Circuit Cl*rk, was beaten In htl awn town, Dorr, %y 38 majority. That prove# that all the Republicans •f Dorr are not tliir«l-term*t*. »tnl will not npprove of a frami even In their •wt party. £<• IffiKhK A. Lockwooil. ^?4*i<tW*t« of (he National Equal Rights party, •aid In an lntervlew**at Washington, that SIIC WM aarlfttted with the result of tiie campaign, Inatmnch as she had e)aar4i] 9128 by her lecturing receipts. Belvt haa "an eye to 1MI«II»M*.M IfpA New York gentlemm maiTe a wag»T with a friend that there was not #80,0*0.000 in actual carti in any one bnlldlng in tills cenntrv. Calling at the sub-treasury they found thai In 'V •Mils of that bnilding tltere was tlie mn nf $140,401,000. all In legal tender «f t»w realm, f7l.000.000 ef It being In goW # Hi Illinois. State Is carried for Blaine and Logan by-36,0W majority, and for Goy eiJSt Ogltfsby by abont 12,000. The LogUJatnt^s is close with probably a aaiall Re|fiiblieati majority on joint ballot, thus Insuring the election of a Republican United States Senator to auowed the Hon. John A, Logan. MCIIKSRT OuDJtTT. At ttM time of going to press we biTM not received the official returns from this county, but understand the plurality for Blaine and Logan is about Ijjflft and for Governor Oglesby 1,815. The entire Republican county ticket is olaoted, but we have not learned bv majority. m , ggrThe Chicago 7V»6u(iesajs: The Untied States Senate now stands thirty-eight Republicans, thirty-six Democrats and Readjustee--Mahone and Itiddleberger. Mahone and Rid- d^lbcrger may fairly be classed as Republicans, giving that party forty, or a*najority of four. The 3d of next fferch the terms of twenty six sitting ,8MMtbrs will expire--fourteen Dem­ ocrats and eleven Republicans. Four Democrats have already been elected M successors to retiring Senators of that party--Blackburn, Eustis, Wilson, and i'&yue, in place of Williams. Jonas, Groom and Pendleton--and ene Repub­ lican has been elected to succeed Slater, Democrat, of Crogon. So that the Republicans have already made a gain of one. Should each party retain the seats it now holds by electing sue- eesaors to its retiring members, the next Senate would stand forty-one toublicans to thirty-flvi Democrats. IVA gentleman that met Gov. Gtoveiand on the street recently for the first time was reminded of a story he hod heard of President Pierce. When he was running for President a gen tie- Bad went up into New Hampshire to Visit him on campaign business. Ar­ riving at this place of business--Hills- boro. ( believe--he met a native and Inqo'red of iiiin where Mr. Pierce lived. "Doi.'t know him," said the native. *Wliy, yes, jrou must; the man that is VWiotng for President, Franklin Pierce.' *0; Frank Purse, you meanV The geot.«.'nan pr-HJ-eJa.i to quia the old farmer about him. aniu he. **ef iwas fer a county office 1 reekon Frai k would do ru«t-rate. and «i.»ybe On f State ofBce--Gure'ner, say--he'd mak<* a p'utty decent sort of a Agger; but wlieu you coiite to try to cover the whoie of the United States with Frank Pars 31 tell you you've got to spread htm /ut mighty thin,. Tuesday last for President and Vice President of the United States, but at the time of writing the matter *eems to be in as much doubt as it was on Wednesday morning, both parties claiming the election. Blaine has carried every Northern State except Connecticut and Netv Jersey with Indiana and New York still In doubt wiiile Cleveland gets the first two named States ami tliu solid South, with the exception of We*t Virginia which i» claimed by both parties. There are appreliei sions, and indeed sOjiue signs of the Democrats trying to eariy New York by fr.iu;!. The Tribune in si>e»kiiiic of this matter says: Chairman Manning of the'State Com- mlttee proclaimed through liis news- pajier (the Alti.my Argun) yesterday, hat "New York having b< ien in-ide Oemorrat ic b<' I he |>eoi>|f. will reinai-i, be declared, *\w\ be counted Deiiioerurie, and whatever i* neei'S-sai y to Ibis act ol justice will IM* thorough/j/ and fearleaty done.'. Such a liotive litis an uj/lv l«u»k. MTOne of the questions which an Bag lishman recently left Ms heirs to quarrel over was the right to his head. The deceased had told it to the looal lei an In consideration of hi* pay l«g the funeral expens««, and, when MM time came for th« delivery to be •Mdo, he called for It; but the heirs. Who «»id they were perfectly willing to pay the funeral expenses themselves, demurred and refused to carry out the Agreement. The aid ef the c6urts was than invoked, and at last accounts the matter was not decided. In the meai time the value of the head for purposes Of dissection, ifthat is what the ptiysi- •tan wanted it for. is rabidly diminish lag. and aoon will be of no account Winterer. The English courts have •t vxrious times held that tliore ceuld ba no property. In the ordinary sense la which the term is used, in a dead body; and the Interesting question now comes up, whether the ownership •ueh as it is, is vested in the person hlmaelf or in his representatives. MB"Captain Bedford Pim, of the British Navy, has been making a vlait of Inspection to the scene of operations •• the Lesseps Canal, In Panama. He la an expert engineer and'has surveyed vast tracks of sea coast in both hemis­ pheres fer the Brttifh Government He was Invited by the French officers having control of the Panama work to *lslt every section of their operations and he fully improved the opportunity Hi a published statement lie expressed t admiration for the plack, energy liberality of tlit French managers enterprise, and he is surprised amount of work already done, however that, while it is to d,I • canal between the which may bo navigable to ItWlt vet Us cost would be so *» t,,e estimates made and (Nfcvlded. that It will never _ H# *»«» both the VHMMpMia and his own Govern- •Wt that Fraaea u esublisblag a ea tfea Mhmus and means to u^ly Atthetnneit was written Maiming lid i.ot know, that New York is Di'in<» craiic. W by does he claim that it will be counted Democratic? Why does lie talk of acting "learl**ly" when the in- Ipectors of eiection. Hie Boards of Su­ pervisors and Ri'iurning Boards of the State are In the hands of the Demo­ crats? Tiie significant statement is also made that a dispatch was sent by promnen" Democrat and broker of New York yesterday to a still more proinuent D'inocrat of Erie. Pa., urging (he litter "to send Manning a good, stiff dispatch and put Some back bone into the peopit* at Albany." The closeness of the vote certainly ofters a gr«*a! temptation 10 tamper with the return", and there is ground for suspicion that something of this kind has been done already. But if Blaine he counted out in New York, the infamy will be exp-i^ed an I Weated as sure as there is a God in Heaven. Thus matters stand at this writing, arid from our standpoint and from all the light we can obtain from dispatches both public and private, we homtstly believe Blaine and Logan are elected President and Vice President of the United States. The following addresses were ISSU mI by the Republican National and New York State Republican (7oin>nittees, on Friday morning, and speak for tliem * selves: AM .TTLDRKSS. THE 1IOSBST VOTK OF THR STATU HAS BKKM OIVBM TO TUB REPUBMOASI TICKKT. NEW YORK, NOV. 6.--Tlit following address has been issued: HEADQUARTER* REPUBLICAN NA­ TIONAL COMMITTEE, NEW YORK Cinr, Nov. 6.--The Republiean National ComVlttee rejoices that the returns; now received warrant it in announcing the triumphant election of Blaine and Logan. The Republicans have cartied every Northern Sttte except New Jersey and Connecticut. Virginia seems also to have given a majority for the Republican cause and the ticket, and there Is a strong probability that West Virginia has also while other Southern Ststes are still in doubt. The Northern States alone, however, give to Blaine and Logan 225 Electoral votes and insure their election. In New York attempts to tamper with the returns have already been de­ tected. The sctunl votes cast in New York City, in Kings County, and in 2,852 other election-precincts, give at the utmost only 148 plurality to (irover Cleveland, wiiile 163 precincts, not yet fieard from, give 2 171 plurality to Gar- iWeld. There is, therefore, no ground for doubt that the honest vote of the "*tate has been give to the Republican candidates, and though the defeated candidate fur the Presidency is at the head of the election machinery in this State. Hie Democratic party, which has notoriously been a party of fraud in elections for years, will not be per­ mitted to thwart the will o< ,t!te peo­ ple. ' " l'he Nation il Republican Commit­ tee callso \ the C.iaim»II HO I in livi I ual memtiers of all county commiue 8 to take the proin ptest nud mos: stringent means to protect the sanc­ tity of the ballot. The Republican candidates have benn honestly elected beyond question. A.iy attempt to cheat the people and defeat their will thus expressed at the polls must be sternly exposed and resisted^ every law-respecting citizen. B. F. JONES. Chairman. "SAMUEL FESSKNDKN, Secretary." The State Committee's Addreaa' THK REPUBLICANS ITILLUMLV THE VICTORY. NEW YORK, Nov. 7--6 A. M.--The Re pub: lean State Committee lias issu­ ed the following. "In view of the claims made as to the result of the election in New York, tiie Republican State Committe* deem it their duty to announce that, while the vote is very close, tiie returns and estimates from the most authentic sources justify the belief that the people of this State have cast a plur­ ality In favor of the Republican candi­ dates. We have received copies of the official returns as Hie<1 in the sever­ al County Clerk's olHce in all except eleven counties. Besides this, we hav* caused careful examination to be made of returns forwarded to police head­ quarters In New York an-l Kiu^sCoun­ ties. From the remaining nine conn ties we have procured direct informa­ tion from the most reliable sources, and feel justified In asset ting with entire confidence that the State has gone Re publican. The result thus arrived at is confirmed by an entirely different investigation ha«ed upon the returns collected directly from every flection district In the State. SAMES D. WARREN, 7; , ••Chairman,** In a Coral City. w0he of the most remarkable sights (Wat I observed."' remarked the d'ver. "were the coral beds. From a boat they present nothing unusual--a brown mass of pointed stems or b~auclies; but one day I had the boat placed on the edge of a channel, mid gradually walked down Irto it until 1 attained the bottom, anil I tell you the scene was impressive. I seemed to be in the streets of u city. The bottom u|>on which I stood was a pure white amid hard and firm, and perfectly free of coral, but on either side ro«e a per­ pendicular wall of the branch COEBI nearly forty feet high, all the points extending directly outward or towards me, and presenting a magnificent un­ broken surface of a ricii olive-brown line." "Hidden ami ..only noticed when the coral was broken away, were my raids of eirgs or Echini of all shapes and col ors. Some were jet black with spines like needles. Another kind had short spines, and were albons, or perfectly white. They are eaten in some parts of Italy, and considered a great luxury; but they are not used in Florida. They have no lobsters there, but. their place is taken by what they call the cry ff«h. It looks like a lobster, only is yellow hue, and iustead hf having two large claws, has two enormous whips or feelers. This great mass pf coial was perfectly undermined by these crea- lures..theii wiiips projecting and wav­ ing to and fro contiuu i!}y," --Liter view with a Diver. A Might Differ*nc*f Judge David Davis, who for eight years rode the same judicial circuit in Illinois with Abrahau Lincoln, related many capital anecdotes about him. One was a scene in court soon after Davis was appointed Judge, when Lincoln had defended a fellow named Lindsay, who had been indicted for highway robbery. Lindsay had plead-' e-.l guilty, in the hope tli.it the court would give him the lightest sentence imposed bv law. The crime, however, had no lenient features, and the character cfits perpetrator was very bad. At the close of the term Lindsay was arranged for sentence. The Judge alluded to the youth of the prisoner, and dwelt upon the enormity of bis crime. He had robbed a helplees man of his hard-earned wages, and commit­ ted a crime that the law characerlzed as akin to murder. Gathering wrath as he proceeded, the Judge closed his philippic with the words: "Lindsay, I sentenced 3*ou to seven years in the Illinois Legislature.*' Abraham Lincoln was a quiet ob­ server. He arose with a quiet gleam of humor 011 his face, and said: "May It please your Honor, as the friend of the Ceurt, allow me to suggest that the Constitution does not permit cruel and unusual punishment. Your honor has sent this man to tiie Legislature when he ought to go to the peniteti iry." "The difference is so slight that the Court has no hesitation is adopting th« suggestion of its learned and expei" icenced advisor," tlit Judge responded* Thereupon lie imposed the full sen­ tence of the law, and everybody laugh­ ed except, the defendant an.l his counsel.--Ben Perley Poore in Boston Budget. Notice To thoae that want work done In my iine such as Tanks, Yata and all other work dene In a shop, as I get lumber direct from Chicago. to SODA Best in the World. t < ouiiiir^ arefflKLER % force Pump, PRO I Err TOT'TJ FTT',T"f'»TT' vnrr, KtVK VJlT. 11,0* . Cf ,V,'vcr t.iat uiPKts iii*T)*o) ons ' ' t f • j ,[ v ^r ..7. i t U i r c w j a f u t i r r™jh V,'? ^"k-trc'iasi.c' i; nafi.-utioBuou.rcr.pri-y. 1 - v * windows r c rni R «, anil fh< we: law *, g»r«lea» and "Penh-,., *. H ba, , •> c. It j,u<Upt*a to i.qn'd*. lift nn of J i"^l« to d< ^trnv i -Mdoija nl),| J, (,4 , fcv'i'.-y u^ture, oilplant, • lorn MI [ 'J l>° fc.pt in every boiue, n :ry •"'» I- otoctloa "So , ~ 1 ' Tw'hrig An*..It. ; r »irtu ar» ulU Viico liuU. F25WAMDO B. SMITH, !cr & pat' ntfO, ISO L^s,t 4vhKu, Canl.m, Ohk DO YOU KNOW THAT Plug Tobacco, A large proportion of the diseases vliich cause human suit'ering result from derauga- meut of the stomach, bowels, and liveif AYKK'S CATHARTIC PILLS act directly apo* these organs, and are especially designed te eure the diseases caused by their deraug%. meat, including Constipation, Indlcest.: tlon. Dyspepsia, Ucaduche, Uj'sentery, a n d a h o s t o f o t h e r a i l m e n t s , f o r a l l o f which they are a safe, sure, prompt, and pleasant remedy. The extensive use of these PiLL-s by eminent physicians iu regular prac­ tice, shows unmistakably the estimation in which they are held by the medical profes­ sion. These PILLS are oompounded of vegetable Substances only, and are absolutely free front ealoiuci or any other injurious ingredient. A Sufferer from Headache writes: "AVER'S PILLS are invaluable to me. and are my constant companion. 1 have oeen a severe sutferer from Hcadaclie, and your PILLS are the only thing 1 could look to for relief. One dose will quickly move my bowels and free my head from pain. They are the most eifective and the easiest physio 1 have ever fouinl. It Is a pleasure to me to speak iu their praise, and 1 always do so when occasion otters. W. L. PAUE, of W. I,. Page St Bro." Franklin St., Kichmond,Va.,( June 3,1882. "I bave usod AVER'S PILLS in number­ less instances as recommended by you, and have never known them to fail to accomplish the desired result. We constantly keep them on hand at our home, and prize them as • pleasant, safe, and reliable family medicine, FUU 1>YSPJSPSIA they are invaluable. J. T. HAVES." Mexla, Texas, June 17,1882. The REV FRANCIS B. HARLOWE, writing from Atlanta, Ga., says: " For some years past I have been subject to conciliation, from which, in spite of the use of medi­ cines of various kinds, 1 sutlereil increasing inconvenience, until some months ago I began taking AVKR'S PILLS. 'J'liey have entirely corrected the costive habit, and bave vastly improved my general health." AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS correct irregu­ larities of the bowels, stimulate the appe­ tite and digestion<jtnd by tlieir prompt and thorough action give tone and vigor to the whole physical economy. PREPARED nv Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell,Mase. Sold by all Druggists. YOUNG, OLD, AND MIDDLE- AGED. All experience the wonderful benetieial etl'ects of Ayer's Sarsaparllla. Children with Sore Eyes, Sore Ears, or any scrofuious or syph­ ilitic taint, may be made healthy and strong by its use. 8old by all Druggists; ?1, six bottles for $5. rpmigj 9COTT iia 0x1 ecuj. Opening December 1,1804; Closing May ?T,1388. Hsig • " --CNDM TH1 OF T|IB -- United States GDverament. 01, v<iiu00f000, Appropriated by the Gencrnl Govvromsat. $500,000, Cobtriluitcil by the Citizens of New Orleans. 0200,0c Annro|>ri;it('(l hy Mexico. 0100,000, Applroprintcd bv the State of T.oiii»i<uia. 0100,000, A ppnii.fii't d by Ihe City oi New Orleans. From $5000 to $25,000, Appropriated bv Innumerable States, Cities and 1'oreign Countries. Every £t«t» tnd Tamto'y in th* Union raprcontsd, •nd nearly «llth» Leading Nations and Countnsi o< World. The Cljgest Exhibit, the Biggest Building sn< ths .^igjest Industrlsl Event In tbs World's History. sm.fsTiox* riR KXIIIHITS *T.*F*nrRFcame CUVKit M.l l iKSI 'ACK *NO A ORKATKB VARISTT : HUIUKRI's THAK THOSE or AMT ' KXIHMITION RVKB HELD. The cheapest rates of travel ev«r known la the annuls of transportatibn secured lor the people r-vrrywhere. For information, address * K. A. BURKE, € Director General, W. I, A C. C. E., NEW OKLXANS, LA. SHORT HAND BY MAIL. ̂ Theroirxbly taught by practical stenograph­ ers in Rnwell A Hickcox' Corres|Hinilenee Class of Phonography. Tuition a term (12 lesHons) two tei'ins iu the t'nil coursu. The most nopuhir, the l.trjrest, the (IMCMI, n-o*i re­ liable o.lans of shorthiiinl In existence. Through it bnntireils Imve acquired a thor- •UKh knowWMI^C of i>honogniphy. Write ler particular- itn<l ciK'nlar^ B0WELL ft HICKC0X, Boston Mass. The Americaa Shortbaad Writer. (KOinirH YKAIt.) The Cheapest Shorthand Journal in the United States. Each number contains fac. si nile reporting netes of eminent stenogrnphers in the various systems of Isaac and Ben Pitman, Graham, Munsou, Ttkurafy, etc., and all ihe news in­ teresting to ttie profession. Contributed (• by leading s tenogi-uphcrs. StIISCIPTION Sl.OO A TB*B. Single lumbers, 15 Cents. ROWKJ.L A HICKCOX, Ritsten, Mass. DO YOU WANT , TO BUY r Sewine: Machine? iminin selling at the l.ow Domestic, Ki>lre<lgc, New I have on han<t est prices, the . . Home, Springllelil, New American, an<T'sliiger e wing Machines, ami w'll not be umietsoM by any agent in the county. With Bar) Tin T... » , x A goo<l Hinger Machine for SO. warranted With Red Tin Tag, Itose Leaf Tine Cnt Chew. | to «io the work o' any Singer*-Machine in the ing; Navy Clippings, an I Black, Brown and world. Call and see me. Yellow Sniiffg lire the best ami the cboiee«t. I il W /I WJSU qaallty e«nstd*r«t. * \ Mellenry, .reh.», -- * * Uwjujf' r" k. ,aif ".a*x^ : j.J: HUB THI BID 8 ̂ NEAR THR t>KPOT, West McHenry Illinois. You Will Again rind, ^ "Uncle Ben," At ell hours remlv t* show old customer# ami new ones a clioice line of FRUITS, GEQCEBXES ABD PROVISIONS. To exchange far the Produce of thaCoualrj# or even Cash, for <hat it |i worth. ' Canned Goods* Green and DrM Froits," And in short everything usually kept in a Brst class Grocery, and at PRICES as Low as the Lowest, quality of Goods considered. IfSrThe Highest Market Price paid for all kiirarof Country Pioduce. B. GILBERT, West McHenry, jftl., Mept 16, MM 10-9-3m. HENRY SIHIES, MAKBH. Shop opi>osite the I'arher House. McHenry, IUinoi*. Hnving purchased and taken possession of those well known Shops, I am now pre^rad, with first class workmen and good material, to manufacture Wagons and Buggies on short notice and at as Low Prices as a good aiticl# can be purchased elsewhere. I ALSO DO A General Blacksmithing Business, and will do your work in the best ef manner, and with the least possibla daisy. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. R E P A I R I N G ^ w«gi» f&wsp&vi HAVE At, •ii*. - t •* m n i r' f - 4 Z " t ^ STOCK OF tfe Wmtife mrr ' " Ladies and Misses Cloaks in the latest styles, Boots |i and Shoes, Gloves, Mittens, '$ Underwear and Hosiery, Velvets, Cashmeres, Dress Goods, Etc., Fresh Family Groceries. Call and exam- j ine our stoc]§ before {pur- f chasing. PRICES THE LOWEST1. PERRY St. OWEN. Of all kinds see tor yourself. to. Oalt and HENRY SIME8. McHenry, IH.. Oct. 7,1WI. 9BO SSWAED $50 TF YOU FX?7X> THB EOUAL OP "MIAMI tOWSHAlT^^^^ For Sale By Fftsslmnons St Evanson, West McH«nry, l ||> ' C F Hall A Oo, Ricnmond, III. A H Alexander, Richmond, III. J F Packer, Richmond, IIL O C Colby, XundM, III. P Howe, Hebron, III. E S Smith, Alden, III. J Mr Cristy ft Sons, Ringwood, 111." Knckmaa ft|Rice, Wilmot, Wis. H 3elp, Lake Zurich,Jill. Goidlng Bros. Wanconda, 111.. R|Tweed|ft Son, 9pring'Grove, Ili, Ley A|Adams, Johnshurgh, III. E Maner, Genoa Junction, Wis. C A|«auer A Co., Lorg Grove, III. H Rogcrs,iVolo, III. IS-14-1 in SALESM EIV » WANTED to canvass for the sale of Nor tery Stock! steady employment guaranteed. Salary and Expenses Paid Apply at once, s l a t i n g age. ( I f e f e r t o t h i s paper.' CHASE BROTHERS, Rochester, H Y. V, J. P. SMITH, WATCHMAKER § JEWELER, , McHenry, - Illinois. Baring moved into my new store, one door Bast of Mrs. Searles' Millinery Store I am now prepared to show to the buying public as fine a stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Silver and Plated Ware, As can be found in the county, which I offer at prices that cannot be beat. The „ finest line of Finder Ringt, Ever seen in this seetlea. the Popular Also Agent for Hiw Boa* Stwfsg llachint. A Fine Stock of CHOICE CONFECTIONEKY, AND CIGABS. 9 on J"11"1- .••"Call in. examine good#, ami learn prices. Mememher 1 wilt not bei"' undersold, quality of goods considered. J. P. SMITH. McHenry, III.,(Oct. 13, 1844. Pure Bred Poultry for Sale* S offered'f«r's4*|*'r<,'n* l>Wr" #«•" Cockerel'rOW" , 0*"*rn8' nin« H«ns and ane 1 Pen White I.cfchnrni, '"ssi,. ' 1 Pair Rlack Leghorns. -i " A lot of Wyandotte Cockerels.**? Plvtnontii Itocks, oi«t and youiifcsH A Jot of Kiurhl Brahma Chicks and old Bens. A lot of Pckin Ducks, very choice. : All these will be sold atadiseonnt if called^ for soon, as I wish to close ihemfout, Wanconda, Aug. 6th, 1M4, W' P*ATT* BOOTS AND SHOES! My Fall and Winter Stock is now complete, consisting ©! Mc Womeu's, Misses and Children's Fine and Staple Shoes iu all the latest styles. Men's Boys^and Yoath's Stoga Kip, Veal Kip, and Calf Boots, Rubber Boots, Boot#, Wn'8, Womb's, Misses' m«3 Children's Buckle Arctics, Aluskus, Self-acting Alaakas, Fancy Rubbers and Arctics in all the latest novelties. Men's Felt Boots, Siberian Boots, Beaver Fox Boots, Wool lined j < Boots in Fine, Kip and Grained Leather; and in fact everytbii^i usually tound in a first-class Boot and Shoe Store. I We make a specialty it end Gents fWc keep the Selz Celebrated HA1VD-MADK OOODS, The best in the market ; also the Ludlow, Reynolds and the other Standard makes. We have a tremendous Stock, can fit you in any kind of Boot or Shoe, and we know that our way down L«»w Cash Prices will just please you. Remember the Place is at the Old Reliable Cash Store, Corner ot Main Street :ind Public Square, Woodstock, III. |3grN. B.-- House Established 1865. / H. DWICHT. F . G . M A Y E S DEALER IN Ready-Macfe Clothing* Staple Dry Goods, Invites an inspection ot his stock, all ot which will be sold at the lowest prices far crtsh. Remember good goods at fair Prices at < he Ceuterville Store. McHenry, III., June 10,1884. W. O. MAYES, 1§84. Q0W3ING BRQS-, WAUCONDAJ ILI^T Call attentiou of customers to their attractive stock of new STAPLE DRY GOODS, Notions, Groceries, Boots and Sloes, Etc., Its. Just opened at VERY Low PRICES. The Best and Cheapest Dry (jlootfo House in Lane ounty. all and see us, examine Goods and learu prices betore purchasing. We can will save you money* Butte# and Jlggs Wanted And itlie Highest M p rkot Price Paid. Wauconda, May 20tS'Sf/ .M .j • • ^

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