baa fcil •fry eotiMlry P«bli«K«r In tbo toek at m pfbk «llp«» %ill dlapc^r the date I# paltl lof the JM1. that time we have been jrou for your paper. If the jignre is ft "Tire" :t ndleafe* vr.o havp pfcft* Ira s^faaee for your Herald, and yoor name Is recorded among who are reasonably sure of , but If It is anything less you .are not safe, and should hasten to make your "calling and election »n»." We oeed tbo money you owe ua ; ft Is ours •udMtyears; why don't you bring or ®®nd It to us f The Lord will not per- ivy>;mltyfb"to prosper so'h*ng as you owe Dear reader do you realise thai the ft."; paper which you now hold In your hand oosts money ? Dn^ou know that / the paper upon which II is print- is,. oosts each week about twenty ^ , dollars? that the printers who pick up each little pfece of type and put it In % Jits proper place and that do the press £ * work and all that, have to be paid fi Jewry Saturday about seventy-five dol- W. Jlar? in cash f Do you know that all our C ^aT® to be paid promptly or the |§gi|;y§lfcrafclcould not survive? How do i<. ; jyou e*p««t us to pay these bills for ^ „ prou and eoatlue to send yon the paper ^ " lunless yon pay for it? Come now be honest with yourself and us. We have k ^^trusted you, now come In, settle up ar- v |reartges and trust us for the next year. ^'ptfs a poor rule that will not work both <<;v |ways. We loye you dearly and would jdearly love to see you pay us what you 'iewa as In this happy New Year time. & ' Yt ' - W- fp Girls tMI Co*atla(. When called to describe a young lady coasting, the reporter's pencil ^ Jfalteta, conscious of the immensity of ; itbe job, owing to the size and shape of , jthe lied, and the objections which the •Jyoung men manfging the affair have « *•%«* dragging her feet on the ground, .<ithe yountf lady has to seat herself fti ,..-'4he manner which might vulgarly be failed straddling but she does this with 1 auob grace and catches up her dress with • Bach pretty art, as to make it appear |M°ne of the natural and easy attitudes. Then, when the sled is shoved off and jbegins to greater momentum in its descent, she cling trustingly to the «oat of the young gentleman In front .^jofber. When it begins to dash along ' and strike fire along the ground Blie utter a little scream and throws her -1 arms about his neck. Then, when the ; isled ID its flight reaches Its wildest speed, ilie MutsKuib ivuder and frantic- ally embraces the young man, tighten- * ing the pressure Into a regular hug, while be gallantly resolves to be eQUtesed to death sooner than permit A Mir of her fair head to be injured. Than the speed begins to slacken, and tbo hog slacken also a little bit^' Then and the young .woman* a sigh and exclaim :* Oh, ain't Then Ihejitrudge^np the p repeat td| performance. Ifl notable that, thel^h the young lady% fright Is not diminished at all l>y the familiarly with the terrors of the "slide," the yonng gentleman con tinues to submit to the treatment to "which he is subjected without a mar- No other complaints araao Insidious tn their attack MlboMftffaotiBf tta«tkro*t and lung*: none sotriSed with by the majority of tuffer- ers. The ordinary cough or cold, resulting uirb&ua from *. sickness. Ans's Cu&ttity f fct-xoUAt. hits well proves its efficacy in a forty years' fight with throat and lung diseases, awl shoaM be taken in aQ cases without delay. A Tnribl* Cough Cared. "In 1 SOT 1 took a aevet* oold, which affected my lungs. I had a terrible cough.* nd passeil night aher Bight without sleep. The doctors gave M upTl tried AYF.K'S CBBKKV PKC- TOBAL, which relieved n>y lungs, induced sleep, and afforded me the rest necessary for the recovery of my strength. By the continued use of the PECTORAL a perm*- nent Cure was effected. I am now tst years old, hale and hearty, and am satisfied your Camv PECTORAL saved me. HORACE FAIRBROTBiynb**' Buckingham, Xu, July 15,1882. Croup.--A Mother's Trlbntai. • . *' While in the country last winter my little :< boy, three years old, was taken ill with croup; it seemed as if he would die from strai'.gu- ' iation. One of the family suggested tlie use - of AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, a bottle of which was always kept in the house. This was trietl in small and frequent doses, aitd to our delight in less than half an hour the little patient was breathing easily. The doe- tor SAI l that the CHEKRY PECTORAL had saveii my darling's life. Can you wouder at our gratitude ? Sincerely yours, MRS. EMMA GEDXEY." 159 West 128th St., New York, May 16,1S82. MI have used AYER'S CHKRRY PECTORAL in my family for several years, and do not hesitate to pronounce it the most effectual remedy for coughs, and colds we have evt-r tried. A. .1. CLIANE." Lake Crystal, Minn., March 13, 1882. '* I suffered for eight yean from Bronchitis, , and after trying many remedies with 110 sue- ; cess, 1 was cured by the use of A YEK'S CHKU- J BY PECTORAL. JOSEVH WALDKK." liyaalia, Miss., April 5,1882. " F cannot say enough in praise of AYFR'* CntiiRY PECTORAL, believing as 1 do tliat but for its use I should long since have died from lung troubles. E. BRAGDOJf." Palestine, Texas, April 22, 1882. No case of an affection of the throat or lungs exists which cannot be greatly relieved by the use of AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, and it will altrap* cure when the disease is sot already beyond the control of medicine. PREPARED BY Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, MSM. „ Sold by all Druggists. ">JT} mm Anot s«s"!. -S?" V\.»k •i- ,ffr . V- * 0;^ '**1 4(r)m 'f , Vn.'r svV.t.ij/ ,-il sn m - • f-.: j; H I OH *T, O. W My bnstness at IMMM ll > ' & attention, I have dec Stere where i*" * "t •* f >• • p « i r > ]0" oHEIVHY, ILL., '36 Vs ' *• ' " ' a t . * : _ friends and tiwt piUio In i yioiil. f iUIlc portunity of wishing you a happy and prauperons New Year. I am pleased to announce that I hate mada afmaipwuents to OCCQDV two eolumiM of the I^ashmwjbm for the year 4885, through which to inform the public, tha« l anagain a candidate for their favors and patronage, l appnwiate yaar^trade «Bd 4Mpe> that by honest, equarl dealing, and uniform knr priees ,t^, kk a measure, merit a continuance of the »ama, aasnring yoo that i ahall at tf)l timeslhave on sale one of the largest and Biost earefull selected stock of CeneralliWrehaiidl»€ •' . . V . . ' J P ' ' i • 1 J*? ' < ' . ever shown in this Couny. In many> dapartwents f am offarini? very great bargains for cash buyers. fr Builders and CoMsr, !! TIM MoHenry Brick Manufacturing Oempanr •re now ready to snpply Brick in quantities FROM SMALL LOTS --to-- CAR LOADS Their Brick arc second te none to he found is the market, and will he fold at the lowest market price. Persons intending to build, or those hand ling brick, will do well to cal 1 ami see us before1 purchasing. We invite an examination ind corn pa risen with any Brick made in the Northwest. For farther information apply to or addresa McHENRY BRICK Manufacturing Co. McHenry, III., June 11th, 1884. NOW READY. Having recently thoroughly re paired the Greenwood Mill by putting in a new cleaning machine new bolts, and giving the ma chinery a general overhauling, we .lie nowbetter than ever pre- to do all kinds of custom ing. We make a specialty (ot JB^ckwheat and Feed grinding, day in tha wees. TOLE8 & SON. Gieenveod. I1L, NOT. 12,1884 loif-tf SUM tat sf The Ark sf Safety Many ofjiyoa are. DANGER TO LIFE A PROPERTY JtoMt yoooe every hand. The matter of alycoen^stckloon, aaleon, cyclone, tornado, jfwiieorm# or wbaterer Dime maj be cirea It, Is heard in some section ef the country •early every day. The Fir® Fiend bveak out at any moment--the economy u 2"® ̂ consumed. Death must come 5'" ®T * small pavment cash year you can •eeaMto yourself a fortune, should you live, «r,la the event of death before the time ex! yrea. your family Is provided for. $150,000,(too as represented by this agency. Ou-r rates are 8S. experience has found te be safe. **• money by insuring with me. Lightning and Tornado a si . Lightning I... 7' Thanking all my tffeMa tor their liberal patronage, and hop- J'nK• to merit a continuance Of to aame, I beg to subscribe myself, Kcspectfully yours „ _ „„ . C. if. MORET. McHenry ,{111.. June , 1883. fUmii Mi J. P. SMITH, WATCHAIIR i JEWELER McHenry, - IUinoia. - JlMfiig moved into ay new store, one door East of Mrs. 8earles' Mi ilinery Store 1 am new prepared to show to the baying public as fine a stock, or VatriMS, Clocks, Jewelry. Silver and Plated Ware Senn»WhiCThhi0ffCr inest line of Mnger Rin^g, ®ver seen In this section. |A.iso Agent Ihi Fopotor SmtSmu faring MacUm. APtaw Stock of •cam* COWTZCTIONERY AVD CIOABS. ^JUways OTthaad. jKTOall in, examine goods Mpetmi pvteea. Hemember I win net be endercoM, ̂ twOlty of |*MU eeesktered. j. p. 8Mim UlntOet. U, - "THE OLD FOLKS AT HOHE." "White Seal BurninpfOil » 1 Z Z r K o f 9 ® * " 1 1 e s t i m a t e * that 50,000 lives have been destroyed by the explosive qualities of Petroleum. If everv household should adopt the White Seal Oil for family use, none of these unfortunate ae. cidents weuU Oi^a, White Seal Buiung Has none of the defects usually found In common Oils. It cannot be exploded, does not char the wick, will not smoke, emits no chfmneya.*^' pr"*entt breaking of ; ; ' *jue '.,f ' White Seal Burning Oil If a nch Oil for illuminating pnrpoies, it Is as light in color as pure spring water. It gives a strong, steady UgTit and burns much longer than common Oils. If this Oil is not sold In your vicinity, send y<mr oider direct to us for a barrel or a case containing two tive calloa can^ 9 BBOOK8 OIL CO. RABfiif.'.asgSi!'!?; lew Toifc, PATENTS. I W V E N T O R 8 , sen<t iwfwJel or sketch off your inveiuion, when I will make c.nreful pre. L»S«llar^ e.x,imini^?<>n,ana report as to patent ability, with a<lvsce, circulars, etc.. free of £,! b"Hine8s before U. S. Patent office attended to for moderate rate». Information ana references sent on application. No charts unless pa• ent is secured. • *vt .. J* a. LITTELL. WuhinfftOft, Si. C. Directly opposite IT. S. Patent office. Importani to Ruptured Persons The Excelsior Kupture Cure M'fir Co «« THEEIPTUBE PI.ASTEK ANI> HEAUNOOOM roUHD. This treatment is -ndaiVed lit best Doctors', Diufrgiets, and the public. Send 6cta lor free i«v>k on^ K.nJTure^i ask your druggist for the Uemedy. Jltl jiri'pgifis^ to show jron i large stock of y Kew, Attractive, Desirable in Quality, Quantity and Price. Oi># r Department DresS Good ̂ u""rp"Md- ' " • InJDOMESl ICS we have more than we know what to do with, kfne© have adopted the plan of almost giving them away. It Works nicely, and pleases our customers. Gloves, Hosiery, Notions and Novelties, a carload. Underwear and Furnishing Goods * In great variety. t5gT"In feet we have a store full of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, and Notion!, and shall let none of our competitors walk away with us on low i«rieea. We invite iaepecUoay Pointers' ink will not show our stock. .Groceries, Groceries .̂ A full line, and prices that cannot fail to please. fSgT'No trouble to show goods. . OOLDIMO BROTHBRa. ]E BROTHERS ^ Oui inventory just completed finds us with the largest stock of Clothing we have ever had in January, to reduce it as much as po sible before spring, 1 shall continue to offer the antiae line withoi spring, reserve at 20 per cent discount for cash. In t,hi* department -we fcsve setcrai li^^teh YHii^ ^xf tlose out and have conseonently marked at ^oet and below ttoeotding to styles and sizes, and can give you some splandid bargains for cash. Our regular line will as usual, be found the largest and most complete in this market and as heretofore sold on very close mar gin* , : I- • * ' *- \ , " - , ; I am confident we can show as fine and complete a line of staple and fancy Groceries as ever offered for sale in McHsnry, many goods! in this department are cheaper than they have been for 20 years. |¥AUCONDA, ILI We have just received from the city a Larg# Stock of Goods Suitable for tbo season, including choice Noveltiee n&t to^be<lbund elsewhere. We have a very full assortment of Dress Goods, Shawls, Cloakings, Underwear, Boutekeepera Goood* And in short everything usually found in a General Store, which we offer at moderate prices.. The Celebrated The Best in the market, and every pair warranted. and Mittens, i* Full Iiini ^ Our G rocery Department Is complete. Call and see j||* ^ Wsoconda, III.. Nov. 17th, 1884. KTha»««|W|^*tm,By ether store lntk« !• This: For erery Ten Sewing Machlnea MM, | will g u v ® A In the folUsr liHH •Ml IB tft* »•* cC these eeated ah velraM. m' will write (Mr name. Asaoea ohlMs are cold, )d la ogenefl in the _ . . . thajr to ««•» m ths tea Till be t6c WaMi^raWilM l%k? *** If i«si wMtsHew AiMrtleaa Ka 7. hold'Howelm^^Ke^ ^ St. Jeha, ginffer, White, Whwier'A Wllaoa K®. % call May a tore, trjr tiMMaelilBeTaadl °WJCS- WM. H COWLIN [IVOOIHOK to it *. oLonm] ®,s. wiEaii*rfOB AND ALSO NOTARY PUBLIC* against the govern men t^'rcla Prosecutes pension or any othCr claims -jainst the government, relanug te tl •• Oompiteatod «&ese i thelate. Jectetf claims made a*"speetaltr! it •fc enclosed for reply, all eommanlcatioas will be promptly answered. Offloe at IUMON, BAD 10* if., WMNS00X.IU. PRICE This department is unusually complete special attention's called, to our Black Dress Silks Which are offered at extremely lo w prices; we also have a fine line of Csabmeres tn colors and Made Ottomans, Dress Flannels, Velvets and mwit nllww IWi flwmfa a» within the reach of all.^ m The largest stock Town!; ne tactnrers and will seH extrmely low ^.Ty . We always have the latest sty lee and low |rie||' .j .tm 1 i A large tine of LadtosandtfUutleftien's AJiideywear «b6ea«4et and White Medium and fine ooality mmy lots are nov offwed for cash at less than we paid for tbem at the'mills where tbey were manu factured, during our invoking we4aaflre Ibwid sumy cMbls and ends. to keep our stock clean we wish to ;<3ose out thesn Ttmnants of lots and pieces, and in many ieateocea yew tsan purchase some for less than one half the original prodnetion. ^or «cample we ao w have a few dosen white WGOL BO^, formev prioe io cents, we are closing them out at 10 **ilit* a "pair, and mtny otn«r articles orresponi ingly ebeap, agatn thnnking manv Mends finr the very cberal patronage we tev#mie#ed donug the faat and oolkiUng our continued favorc . I remain your obedient mnnt. Of Wauoouda and Ticinity If you want to see one of the Largest and best Assortments of " Clotli M ̂ ts Fnmisin Goods In McHenry or Lake Counties, at prices thaidistance all conl«.;'̂ petition, call at ' 4 • % Waucondsi NOT BE UNDERSOLD," IS BIS MOTTO Clothing for Men, Youths and Boys. Also a lull line of Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, (iaps, Boots, Shoes, etc.# f ^ €1 ALSO A LARGE STOCK OP AITD Which will be sold cheaper than can be found elsewhere in the County. We mean business and are bound to please vou if yfltt call. |3£T"Also Agent for the New Home Sewing Xiatehine. renern by permission u nnrdi char- acter,,*c : Illinois £ogan, U. 3. Stuinr, Chicago, Gen. j.O. Mith, State TreMurer ef Illinois. HOB. R Bllwoml.M. C. Sth 111. Diet., SYC- SIDOr6| 111* DStV.~~1°IUS'"rW'*- " M Uou. A. M. Jones, U. S. Marshal. Chicago, III C(J®«M»1|A. Baldwin, lu't U. 8. Attorney, Chi. flessrs*. 8elz, Schwab A Oo., Wholesale Boot and Shoe Dealers. Chisago, I1L Also hundreds of couaty and bona referea. cce. Bi "Sherman, WOODSTOCK, ILL -DSAiaa tn-- Bressk sad a«zzt« LsrAqi - Met Sans. 0UM"m AL Kinds of Sporting Ooodi AND REPAIRING DONE. A good BreechXpadlnf, Double Barreled Gun, warMBUNt Twltt, |H. Self-coeMaf BritM MirW HUI I Gun, warranted, SB.09 lag, I will undersell «ny hou«e la the ceunty ia* Guns and, SporttogOoods. If yon want a goM I gun it will I*y fsnWwill and feoae. l war* rant every gun I sell. Clothes Wringers repaired and j new Bolls put on. Price pef 1 pair warranted, $2.50. B. &HEBMA8, 1 "1 • ' ' ;4 •:W Woodatock, July 15 th, ISO. Coot aid » . u ? 1 . A J , J Tor Coal and Wood --CALL OK---. E.M. a full and selected stock of Fashionable Winter Millinery, which she invites the ladies of Wauconda and vicinity to call and examine and learn prices. H. MAIMAIN. i g , 4 ' i V Y E S , DEALER IN -Made Clothing, lowest prices for cash. Centerville Store. t.'jk-** . „ Just patented lor Cor Home use 1 J® ?' NPKA <mnrJWBM H.':. : '..V Staple Dry Goods, Invites an inspection of his stock, all ot which will be sold at the B e m e t n b r £ o o d g o o d s a t f a i r P r i c e s a t « h e McHenry, 111., June 10, r'U* " OppiMlte Blahopf* M1B, " Wbe has a ccrapiete'line ef the beat storea la the market, aa wall aa a large a lock of Euiwrg, ftckaiirt ftili, rm, pjpper a SHmiS«lit WARE, Aad, in fact, evcrythiag In the hard war* atere and tin liae. 1 IT1S WILL NOT BM UNDERSOLD. Call at his store befara baying elsewhere, fobbiag aad repairta* prasiptly attended to. «TRemember, ejMm good Ittrgaina cat al. ways be obUined at.Hewe'l. r'r:. l|cHenry, Dee. 1. UBS. P. HAUPERI8CH, MeBeaty, HHaoto, , > •^"••hiftwiB the termers of XcHeary ami etarronnding ceuntry that he la prepared te self them a FIRST-CLASS PLOW, the & lewer price thaa purchased else#hCre la the eoaaty. Outtom, Outtora IIEPAIBIRG-, Mtiti. «r«iva aa a l» t«adiy