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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Mar 1885, p. 5

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Railroad Time Table. --. *^«iritad!ter Stagl*?. Jime- « jpecSii :"tw*'D7. 3C\ rtJEtwi •MMWO ROOIH. Otneva Lake Pft«9en?er.^,,^.., Genera Lake Express......... 6*IWT» Ukt PniKht.....(... Geneva Lake Passenger..,*,.. iritrq. Gen*v* T.aJce Freiarlit v....t;H A. * 3eaeva Lake Passenger .#:S8 «• • )ra«n Ulw Expreaa 4:4Sr. m Imara Uk« P&nenier. 6:67 " B. Buss. Agent. McHenry, 111 ..7:53 A. M !:»« r. M ..8:29 •v ,• M.4SONI3 MCIIKKKY LOMI, NO. 158 A. P, and A. M.-- Segnlar Communications the Saturday on or before the full of the noon and every two ireeks thereafter. CHAS. C. COLBY,'W. M. MCESRY CHAPTER NO. 31 B. A. M---Recti- tr Convocations held on the second and fourth fridays in cach moneh. JOHN EVABSOH, H. P. An Agricultural Paper Free $Ve have made arrangements where- by we can furnish the Western Plow­ man to our subscribers, and propoee to do so on tho following terms: To *11 new subscribers who pay one year in Advance, or old subscribers who pay up all arrearages and pay oue year in ad- vance, we will send one copy of the Western Plowman one year Free. This is one of the best monthly Agricultural papers published, and should be iu the hands of every farmer. Remember, It tests you nothing. Do not forgot the Hat Carnival at Riverside Skating Rink on Satur- day evening of this week. THE weather for the past week hat oeen beautiful and the snow it fast disappearing. Everything now Indl cates an early Sprrng. JTHB proceedings of the McHenry County Sunday School Convention can be fouud on the eighth page of this paper. ' Lake County Sheep Breeder jiftd Wool Growers will hold a meeting at the residence of Mr. Gilbert, three miles south of Monaville. on Saturday March 7,1885. DEFOREST FDLLINOTON moved this week to the farm of Amos Whiting, and Win. Stevens takes possession of the farm ot Mrs. John If. Howe, just JiM&ated by Fullington. ,;.£ ------ A very interesting letter from J, W. Crlsty, written from New Orleans, can be found on the first page of this paper. It will be followed by another next week, giving i full account of the trip to New Orleans and return. STONE for the foundation of the new Skating Rink are now being hauled, and work will be commenced as soon as the frost is out. Mr, Curtis informs us that he has decided to add to the width as well as the length of the ' building, making it when completed X AT the Riverside Skating Rink an Thursday evening last the Barrel Race was won by George McOmber, and on Saturday eveuing the prize l.i the Ring Race was won by Miss Mattle Smith. On Thursday evening of this week will occur the twenty lap race, and on Sat­ urday evening tlie Hat Carnival. ' 4 5*1'HE Rockford Insurince Company, through their agent in this village, C, H. Morey, have adjusted the less occa­ sioned by the burning of <L. A. bark­ er's Meat Market; paying the policy in full. The commendable promptness in which this claim has been adjusted, apeaks well for the Rockford and their efficient agent in this section. (>*"' THE tuddeu death of Geo. H Stewart ifrhile attending an auction near Genoa Junction on Saturday last, was a shock to his many friends throughout the county, where he was well and favorn- known. He was apparently at healthy a man at there was in these parts. Heart disease was no doubt the caute. His family have the sympathy ^ef all. Fuller particulars can be found if our Richmond Department. . ; SAYS an exchange: To test tlie ; purity of water there has been found better and simpler way than to fill if clean pint bottle three-fourth's full of trater to be tested, and dlsolve in the water ,aif a teaspoonful of the purest sugar--loaf or granulated will answer oork the bottle, and put it in a warm place for two days. If in twenty-four or forty-eight hours the watar becomet oloudy or milky it is unfit tor domestic H*. , HUNT BROS., proprietors of the Oak 6 rove Stock Farm, Greenwood, are ' gaining an enviable reputation as breeders of first-class stock, and are j||mo^t daily filling orders frem all parts of the country. One day last Meek they shipped from Woodstock to different points in Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa and Missouri,'three of their celebrated Poland China Hogs and . twenty-five Langshan Fowls, Their , nock is all first-class and it will pay one to call and look i t oyer, DID you ever stop to t link what a j|Jrelees lettef wrlter a good local paper ilf Week after week reaching into . year after yeur, goes on telling of the births, marriages, deaths, and the com. lags and goings of the people of our .town, the business success or failure • ^Ipcidents, crops, improvements, meet­ ings, revivals in fact events of all kinds ' All is a grist that comes to the hopper ill'a good local paper. Why, if yau were to undertake to write a letter ;*i»tch week to your absent friend and . tell half the news that your local paper " gives you would soon give up in dispair. "The supposed pleasure becomes tire I'ijtome, the letters grow shorter, farther Apart, and finally quit. Why the differ • Alice? Because with the newspaper it Ik basiness. People in a live town recog­ nise this and give the editor |||§r* Items yoa iroald norer learn. ' DIED.--In La Platte, Mo., Feb. 14th, IMS, Mrs. Daniel Kinsley, about 78 years of age. Mrs. Kinsley was a sister of Lewis Waite, ol this village, and formerly resided with her husband In the town of Wauconda,Lake county. In fact they were among the early -settlers of that town. They moved to Missouri about twenty years ago, where they have resided ever since. Mrs. Kinsley leaves a husband and two small children to mourn her loss. WE notice that a course of entertain­ ments are advertised at the Baptist Church, Woodstock, Hwliich cannot fall to be interesting. The first will take place on Thursday evening of next week, March 12thf aud will consist ofaLeetureby G. T. W. Handford. entitled ut Am well and the Common­ wealth." The second, March 26t'i, a Concert, J. H. Durfee director. The third, April 2d, Lecture by Rev. J. Spencer Kennard, D. "Womeu't Faeef and Women's Hands.1* The fourth; April 16th, Lecture by the Rev. P. S. Henson, D, D., "The Other Half." Tickets for the full tl.OQk Single tick­ ets 25 cents. THE Urge barn on the farm of Pat­ rick Murray, two miles south of this village, was burned on Monday night about nine o'clock, together with all Its contents, Including one span of mules, one span of horses, two cows, all his farm machinery, hay. grain, etc. A part of the family were in bed, and the fire was not discovered nutll It was under full headway, and the dry, com­ bustible material, together with a strong south win.I blowing made It Im­ possible to get near it. How the fire caught is a mystery. The loss Is esti­ mated at #2,500, Insurance small. This loss falls heavily on Mr. Murray, and he has the sympathy of all. TOR McHenry Cornet Band are mak­ ing arrangements for a grand Vocal and Instrumental Concert, to take place at the Public School Building, on Friday eveningof next week, March 13, The Band bov? have been to a great expense the past winter iu hlreiug a teacher and perfecting themselves so as to be an honor to our town and village, and our citizens, oue aod all, should make It a point to aid them in this undertaking, 80*that they may be able to meet their necessary expenses aud not make It a burden to each mem­ ber. The concert, we are assured will be one oT the Ouest, ai|d well worth he patronage of the public. Remember the day and date, Friday evening of next week, March 13ih, and be sure and attend. Full programme next week. ONE of oug exchanges contains a strong protest against what it terms the "delusive twenty-cent piece." It pronounces this coin a nuisance and de- mands that It be "bounced" lnstanter, if no sooner. It humiliates a man twice --first when lie receives it as a quarter, and second when he planks it down on Llie counter expecting it to be taken as a quarter. Tou never notice when you take it that it Is only two dimes worth wlille the other fellow when you go to pay it out is sure to detect it, and then you are looked on as a rascal on a smal1 scale, an Impression that no amount of explanation can quite efface. The twenty-cent piece Is a useless, unneces­ sary coin. It never should have existed and there's no reason why it should exist now. ft Is a venal coin, going about getting fiye cents extra on false pretenses. It Is a jackdaw In.borrowed plume*. Like Mark Twain's fij that is never so happy as when It can pass It­ self ofl as a currant In a friuit-cake, the twenty-cent piece always feels good *hen It masquerades as a quarter. It is the Ishmael of coins, and the hand of every man should be against It. Don't take It and it won't take you in. > Notice. To those Individuals who Interested themselves In my business to such an extent as to write letters to Rockford, we would say If you will call around we will reimburse you for stationery, postage, etc. Yon did me no harm and if such a contemptable act did yon any good you are welcome to it. l. A. PABBBB. FOR RENT. I oiler for rent a part of ray house Rooms are good and convenient. Terms reasonable. ,, MRS. WM. tfCCoLLtrafti McHenry, HI.. Feb. 25th, 1885. * ^ i it* . mt-': *4# vrv , To the holders of McHenry County Orders, notice is hereby given that on the 1st day on April, 1885, I will pay the following 6 per cenl #300 McHenry County orders: Noa. 12. 25. 34, 42, 52, 62, t7, 79, 87, 136, 139, 151. 178, 182 and 191. I uterent will cease on the above County orders on the 1st day of April, A. D., 1885. JAMBS NISH. County Treat, Woodstock, 111. Feb. 97,1886. 9* uiiWM understand that HMSST Wattles will Immediately commence the erec­ tion «.f a Creamery, on his farm, just southwest of this village. The build- ing will be 40x00, with two stories and basement, and fitted with the best and tttufet approved anrmrMnmnewi kaown SO THE SIR. WSFEITESR plan is as follows: He will collect the cream from the farmers, paying them so much per cub'c inch, and manufac­ ture the same into butter at his cream* wy. The milk will all be set on the Cooley sj stem, aud in this manner after Mr. Wattles gets the cream the farmers will have the eweet milk left at home for their calves or hogs, and besides know just what they are get­ ting for his cream each day. The plan looks the most feasible of any we have seen Injlhe dairy business Ana besides Mr. Wattles l< one of the best, if not the best butter maker in Northern Illinois, hit butter alwayt bringing from three to five centt mori per pound than the market price, and is eagerly sought after. He has al­ ready commenced preparations for hit building and will pulh 1$ a tpeedy completion. •ESHESISM. •>. . +ter. McWn. M. D., I,. L. tt? tist asul Psychologist, will commence a course of Lectures at Riverside Hall, in this village, on Sunday afternoon and evening next, at which time he will demonstrate by practical experi­ ment with living subjects (from the audience) the power of Mind ever Mind. Dr McLean has traveled around the world investigating and experi­ menting in his chosen profession, and has lectured on tills subject before the ocost critical aud cultured audlenoes of all the large European cities. The leading scientists and savants of both the Continent and Great Brltlan pronounce these experiments most astonishing and Interesting, and mauy are now turning their attention to this comparatively* new departure in Mentlal Science. The Professor Is a graduate of Bennett Medical College, Chicago and comes highly rccmmen­ ded by both the public aud the press, and we have no hesitancy in recom­ mending his Lectures to our readers as being highly Instructive and atnus- inar as well, and we trust he will be greeted with a full house. The doors will be open at two and half past six o'olook. Lecture to commence at 2:30 and 730, Admission 25 cents, Children 15 cents. Be sure and come out to the first Locture, when the Professor will more fully explain what he Intends doing than we can possible do here. Remember the first Lecture on Sunday afternoon, at 2:30 ' \ r- '• V? ' ";I • . • SCHOOL Report for m«Mth ending February 27th, 1885: No. Registered 49 Present membership.45 Attendance, per eent. 82 Punctuality 88 M, B. LBB, Prta. INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT. No. Registered 47 No. Attending 45 Attendance, per cent./,...,.....,.. 71 Punctuality, per cent... 95 Those standing 100 per cent, in at­ tendance , punctuality and deportment, aud over 90 percent in clas» recitation 1 Alfred Perry, Frank Smith. STELLA BECKWITH. Teachsr. PRIMART DEPARTMENT. No. Registered 43 Present m e m b e r s h i p . 4 3 Attendance, percent.,.........,.,. 73 Punctuality, per cent 96 Names of pupils neither absent nor tardy, whose deportment is 100 and scholarship average is 90 or over: Lon- nie Smith. Harry Eldredge. NETTIE PAIGB, Teacher. WEST DIVISIOK. Whole No.Registered.. 55 Present membership.... ... 69 Attendance, average per cent 88 Punctuality, percent 98 Roll of Honor:--Edith Carpenter,96; Grace Stevens. 91; Eddie Granger, 98; Jay Gilbert, 94; Chat. Blackmau, 95. J. J. VASBY, Teaolier. Eirerslde Skating Rink. The following is the programme at the Riverside Skating Rink for the next two weeks: Thursday evening, March 5th, Race of twenty laps around the rink. Prize a dollar ticket. Free for all. To be skated singly and against time. Saturday evening, March 7th, Hat Carnival. A prize of a ladies' skating case to the lady wearing the Urgest hat. Measurement to he made across the brim. Look out for fan, ' On Saturday evening.March 14th, to the best gentleman Skater a Prise of a 91.00 Ticket. igyOn account of the Lecture of Prof. McLean there will be no Rink on Tue»4fty evening next. 8 TOBY ft UOWB, Manager*. , ^ f iJFarm to Rent • farm to rent of eighty acres, four milei west of McHenrf. Inquire of Philip Gclteler. EorroB PLAJPCPEALKR -Ask Dr. Hart about thit viMiine. Rev. Henry Happel, of Wo9d»tock, was falling on frfcnds in Greenwood on Monday last. Allen Howard hiss taken the, farm formerly owned by Jtthu Y&nH-MKen. -Ataitifnirrf wrlll far htm. Herace Preuty and Perry Pierce, of Hebron, were seen on our s'reets one day last week. Mrs. S. BaMwin has been quite sick the past week, but Is now better. Robert Harrison and son. of W auoa- da, visited with t ie family of Wright Carr last week. John Mansfield, who worked in the Greenwood ctieese factory for the past season, has gone to work In a factory near Johnsburgh. Mrs. Mina Toks, who Is very sick, has a brother visiting her from Chicago. The young people of Greenwood and vicinity, gave W. A. Baker, of Willow No. 2, a pleasant surprise party ou Wednesday eveniug of last week. Luther Laugdon aud family, who have resided in Greenwood the past winter, hare moved to East Green- Wood. j Mrs. C. H. Mansfield, of Harvard, Visited with friends here last week. S. Lounsberrv, who, for the past few years has been a tenant on the William Austin farm, lias rented a farm below Woodstock. Jesse A. Baldwin came out from the city last Friday, and remained* with relatives here till Monday. Dr. M. A. Adamt, wife and little girl of Harvard, are vlaitlng with relatives in this place. Rev. Jaycex preached at McHeury on Thursday evening, and at Woodstock on Friday evening of last week. The conspicuous little form of John Westerman, of Dundee, was see^i ou our streets last Saturday. Our new merchant, F. Mansfield, ao- couipauied by D. W. So per, was in Chi­ cago last week, buying goods. A. S. Newman and Miss Kitty Smith visited with relatives in Laki County last week. J. A. Connel, Miss T ressie Howden and Miss Belle Fenner, all of Richmond, made the Greenwood sdfool a pleasant visit on Thursday of last week. Mr, M. RuJd and wife are visiting this week with Mr. Rmld's parents at Rockford. Miss Emma Ratrton, who has been makitg quite an extended visit With her sister, Mrs. James Crulkshank, has returned to her hom't in New York. The spelling school held at Green­ wood school building last Friday night was a perfect success. The house was crowded to overflowing, many having to returu to their homes without re­ ceiving admittance. Greenwood and the neighboring schools, with H. R. Baldwin's school, of Hebron, entered the contest, about sixty spell era al told. L, H. Young, teacher at Genoa, was chosen as referee, and his decisions were Ijust and highly commendatory. The contest, a* it progressed, showed conclusively there would be a strong fight for supremacy--between the He­ bron and Greenwood schools. Miss Clara Swan, of Hebron, was the last to leave the floor. The victory, if any, was but slight, as the referee decided, once, that the young lady was down; however, the teacher at Hebron and tlio pupil was positive she had not missed the word, and wishing to show Hebron the courtesy they deserved, we asked the referee to revoke his decision, which he did. We have been criticised ssverely by many who are positive the word was missed, for asking the ref­ eree to revoke his decision. We are perfectly satisfied with what we did, as no one knows so well as the speller whether the word was spelled right or not. These facts arising, we should be very glad to meet with Hebron once more in a friendly contest. Richmond Department. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4,1885. PTTBSONAL. KCGKNE PERKINS, of Chicagu, is call­ ing ou friends here. „ VERN SMITH retnrn«*d last week from a tri |> t trough Nebraska. MRS. R. STEBINS, of this village. Is visiting with friends In Elkhorn, Wis. Msgs STOEY, of <foitn I.Story, has bet-n jqnite sick tiie past week, but is now reported better. N. S. COLBT, Isaae Harsh, J. W. Crlsiey and Freeman Whiting, returned from New Orleins on Saturday last. JOHN GRIMOLBT, of Ringwood, took a new boarder on Saturday last. It is a girl, weight eight pounds, aud has come to stay. x iV'iVn- :i" WE would call t$y W readers to the new advertisement of Rowley A Sou., Boot and Shoe manu­ factures, who cm be tou-ul in Nichols' Block, In this village. They keep none but the best of stock and will make you Boots or Slioes on short notice aod warrant satisfaction. They also keep a first class Restaurant, where warng or cold meals are served at all hours. Read their advertisement. COXTKtBUTBD BT 3. V . BKBHBTT. SELF COHBUJIFO*. In sweet commune with mine own thMfHt*. Tho midnight hour is waning! I minrt me ot the blof sing sought, . . The luugou-iuf treaauro cUmltlltfc Farm for Sale W A good chance for a bargain if ap- Elled for soon. Possession given [arch 1st. Inquire of Mrs. L. C. Gates, McHenry, IU. 10-31-tf. WHO WANTS A PIANO. Z A VeryLIberal Offer from ©«• of the oldest and Most Reliable Chicago Music Houses. The PLAINDEALER IS authorized to publish the following letter Jwhlch speaks for Itself: CHICAGO, III., FEB. 18,1885. We wish to place ©ur "Everett Piano" (Cabinet Grand Upright);in every city towu or village In the country! In order to do this we extend the follow­ ing ofier: We will furnish an k'Ewett Piano"1 to the JFtret Applicant and pur­ chaser from your placH, at our Lowest Wholesale Price, for Cash, or on terms to be arranged! This offer good for one Piano Only in each city. So ^rrite at once, else your neighbor may get ahead of you! "First tome, first served. ^-apa ROOT A Son Musm Oo., * Vox. Wabasb-ar. anl A4ana»-#t, ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PLAIKDKALEK;--The bridge builders commenced work on the new bridge on Thursday of last week. They employ the most of their help here, which Is a fine thing for our mechanics and laborers. The Company think they can complete the bridge In four weeks, providing they have no trouble In getting .their material here. Mrs. A. G. Locke and son, of Chicago, aie vlsitlne with he rbrother and sis- tars, Mr. Helm and Mrs. Peter and Col tri n. Joseph Wienke has told bis residence on Main Street, to W. H. Ogbln. Cons! Jeratiop #1.600. Wm. Huntley has bought a house and one acre of land at Carpe ntersvilie, and intends moving there between now and April 1st. Geo. Cliapell, of Chicago. It visiting with friends here for a few days. C. E. Chapell come in with a carload of Milch cows 011 Saturd ay last. He did not get snow bound this\lme. Wm. Morton Is expected In with a carload of cows on Thursday of this week. The Excelsior Quartette, of Chicago, will glye a Grand Concert at the Congregational church, In this place, on Thursday evening of th<s week. Concert to commence at 8 o'clock. Come one and all, both great and small. D* W. Thomas, is billed f.»r an Auc­ tion Sale of a carload of Milch cows ou Saturday March 7th. At this writing, Monday, we have had one week of as fi le weather as any one could ask for and the snow is work ing off in good simps. If l , will only continue as it has commenced we frill hAye an early spring. Henry Eeyes, of this pla<*e, was called to Aurora on Friday of last week, to attend the funeral of his cousin, Amos Vaughn. Jesse Chapman expectt to go West with F. D. Col tri n on Thursday of this week. Miss Birdie Morton Is visiting with friends in Chicago. The good Uod made in beantyv Tho strivings that mr spirit h&tfc, T« keep the road or duty. '4 My rictories, when they ware worn, , ,v Deleats, to give me warning, ^ - The good that I perchance h redone,;.,"/ • God's love at eve and morning. The smile that followed some kind won To heart with sorrow freighted, The broken spirit calmed and cheered^* In desert wilds belated, 14 The kiss from childhood's unstained llM, : 8* eloquent of trusting, Tho welcome home of storm-tossed shlos, My noighDor's wrong's adjusting, . • • idFt "I The charity that bore glad help. In graciouc secret given, The leading of a heart that feltt The need of guide to Heaven, --'- - lw The sunlight of my babies' smitm* w , Their childhood's joyous laughter, '*• f The youthful hope each heart Uegailejlt* <: In trust for the hereafter, The prayers I at my mother's kaee, iNf' i r Inc.hifilish faith repeated, Her smile of love, I vet can see, ff J The words with which she greeted, Her tender care through long, long yeUS, No thoughttnl thing neglected, Her life that, or in smiles or teara. The Savior's love reflected, I 0®: 4 Her precepts which are yet a guMe, Though white my hair is turning. The pleasure that did e'er abide When I her smile was earning* 4 •1 The father on whose tir«less ana So many ones were leaning, To shield from hunger and frem harm/'" i Through harvest and throifeli gleanMg, > And later, the sweet wife tliat eaaie. If I To share mr joy or sorrow, ** Vft Upl-1 A blessing all the live-long day( ; ; A dear hope for the morrow, ^ * The beauteous children at my knee, Kach fair as was the other, , Two boys that now my life hope be, My girl, so like her mother, r SI v happy fireside, where the alew Of love outshines sweet Heaver, A Paradise on earth below, • A Father,s hand hath given-* «•.,,.., » All these rmind, in ulfcommiiM' With midnight moments wanin#,- •.<*.» ; And sweet my thought as rose or June*. , | Eve's dewy gem retaining. | There arc a few cases of measles of t mild type among the children in Rich­ mond. Mrs. jnit Berger. Of Elgin, visits relatives and friends in Richmond tlrf^ week. Overcoat, never such bargains at now •t> ainable at Henry Colby's, v c ; Our yodng townsmen, Howard ari<f Dick Cole, start in a few days tor the New Orleans Exposition. The pupils of tfie public school are rehetrsing for an exhibition, to be given as soon as the necessary drill and preparations are perfected. The funeral services of George H. Stewart were held at the M. E. Church in Richmond on Monday, the 9d, at 3 p. m. Tho attendance was very large. The spelling school which was to have been held at the Richmond Pub­ lic School House the 27th ultimo, was Indefinitely postponed on account of the sickness of a number of the pupils. Another date will be announced later. _--_ * Gee Carpenter, having made arrange* ment to travel for a Janesville. Wis., firm, will soon remove with his family to that city. Everybody will regret to have Mr. Carpenter aud his estima­ ble family leave Richmond, but at the same time with him tuccett In lilt new location. The raising or the frost blockade has given a new impetus to business gen­ erally, and relaxed the community scowl. Mankind is better natured with the thermometer at 40 above than at SO below zero, and more Inclined to do business. That we mav have no more zero weather this winter Is a "consum­ mation devoutly to be wished." Last Friday evening the little fo ks had a masquerade party at the Opera House. A lhrge number were en cos- tume and the exhibition was quite In­ teresting. Mr. Coulman shows a good deal of tact in keeping up the attrac lions of his place, and there Is no per oeptlble decrease of the to-called "skating craze." C. F. Paxson is advertising his stock Of jewelry, etc., at cost. We are in formed this is preparatory to a ciiange Of location, but we hope not. Mr. Pax- son is a good workman and a straight business man, and the ^own may well regret to lose him, Richmond needs a good jeweler at all times and It will be a great incouvenlence not to have one in town. If Mr. Paxsun leaves we hope his place may he filled speedily, with a good workman. The late contest at the Opera House for a prize to be given th<» best gentle­ man skater, was a spirited one. The competitors were Hdhry Johonnott Cha*e Cole, William Ilohenstelu, R. C. Bennett, Rlcbatd Cole. L. Dennlsoni Earl Eldredge and Frank Wray. The juclgee were E. Felt,of Woodstock, and Theodore Schroeder and J. N. Burton, of Richmond. Frank Wray was award­ ed first prize and Earl Eldiedge 2nd. The awards gave as good satisfaction as such things generally do, though there was a wide difference of opiuion in the aydlence. There was a big turnout at the Mar­ ket Fair on Thursday, and the sales were large. Being busy on the road we got no time to watch proceedings, but picked up afterward a record of some of the sales, viz.: 20 cowt, sold by Clancy, $649.00, an average of #32,45 per head; one horse sold by Fuller, 8130.00; one colt, sold by F. Parsons, #49.75; one colt sold by D. Kilbourn, #34.25 ; 2 breeding sows, sold by Over ton, $26.25. There we're more sales than the above, Sut we failed to get the particulars. A lot or Plymouth Rock foirls were sold at fancy prices, and another lot of common went to George Eldredge'8 picking house. Now that the frigid weather Is probably over for the season we may expect that future fairs will show larger attendance and sales, Mrs. L. L. Bennett, who It visiting relatives In Richmond, has just return­ ed from tho World's Expotition at New Orleans. She did not fail In love with that city or the iohabitauts there* of. The accommodations and attention given strangers are not of the best, but the Southern aristocracy seem 10 think them good enough for Northern mud­ sills. Dr. Bennett's party were recom- uicr, dc si to a boar ding place, highly extoik-d for Its fine aeeonumffid^f-'nim*. abundance of servants,etc. They were, after a half hour's waiting and the formality of sending up their cards, admitted to a large mansion full of fine furniture and dirt. Next morning at bfeakfast they were feasted on dry bread and muddy coffee. Not a mouth­ ful of anything else on the table! Going down town in the forenoon they accidentally, hut most fortunately found'k boarding house kept by an ac­ quaintance from Minneapolis, Minn., and tlWy at once changed their quar­ ters. "The doctor was so plebeian as to prefer a decent meal of victuals and a clean bed to sleep In to starvation and dirt In an aristocratic Southern house­ hold. Go to Mrs. Howe's for Dressmaking. ^ SMOKERS, call for High Art.'* They hai No trouble to show Buy the Estey Organ if yoa beat. O. W. Owen, McHenry, City residences for sale. _ Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. Last Saturday this obmmutilty was shocked at the sudden d6ath 6f Geo. W. Stewart, a widely'known citizen of Keystone. On the day mentioned he went as act as auctioneer at a sale on the farm of P. Harlow, northwest of Genoa Junction. He stepped into a sleigh to announce the terms of sale, apparently in perfect health, when be suddenly fell over backward and ex­ pired. He neither spoke or moved after he fell, but seemed to be dead in a moment.. The terrible news was carried to his family, followed soon by his Inanimate body. The mournful scene can better be Imagined than des­ cribed. It Is only a year or two since Mr. Stewart's m ither died in the same sudden manner, It is supposed of heart disease ana there Is the same supposi­ tion In regard to the cause of his death. He leaves a wife and four little chil­ dren^ for whom the most lively sympa­ thy is felt by the entire community. FARM TO RENT.--To-rent, to a man of small raiuily, for cash rent, my farm of 120 acre*, with gosd buildings, situated two miles east of the village of Rich­ mond. Inquire on the premises of • ta i tH M. GBBBT^T. » • v Collector's Notice. The undersigned, Collector for the Town of McHenry, hereby gives notice that he will be prepared to reoeive Taxes, commencing on Monday, Jan. 12. 1885. Every Monday he can be found at the store of Lay Adams. Johnsburgh, TUESDAYS:--At J. W. Crlsty's store, Ringwood. THURSDAYS :-At Nordquett & 'Web­ er's shop, McHenry. SATURDAYS:--At Fltzslmmons 6 Evanaon's, West McHenry. GEO. ROTHKRMKL, Collector. The components of Dr. Bull's Cough Syruy are dally prescribed by the ablest physicians, whose success Is due to the specific Influence of these com­ ponents. • Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup skillfully prepared for immediate use, Is for sale by all druggists. Ladies Wanted* A Lady Agent Is wanted in every glty and village; also ladies to travel and solicit orders for Madame Wood's Corsets and Corded Corset Waists. Agents are making from $20 to $50 per week. Send for circulars and price dst to B. WOOD. 64 South Salina Street, Syracuse, N. Y. 10 33 4w For Rent* Proposals will be received until March 16th. for a lease of the Patro.iage of the Union Shooting and Fishing Club at Fox Lake, 111. For particulars call on or write to W, C. HOUGH, 166 Wash Ington Street. Room 12, Chicago, III. Salvation Oil Is the greatest cure on earth for pain. It affords Instant relief and speedy cure to all sufferers from rheumatism, neuralgia, headache, sore tluoat, pain in the back, side, ind limbs, cuts,bruises, ettf. Price twenty- five ceuts a bottle. . ^ flew Wall Paper, 'i * New Wall Paper at Perry A Owen's Best quality of paper and no cheap trash. The snow has come and E. M. Owen 4b Son are bound to sell Cutters. Call and see them before buying elsewhere, as they can and will sell you a better Cutter than any one. Paints and Oils at Perry & Owen's. Wall Paper! Wall Paper! At Bonelett Jb Stoffel'e We respectfully call attention too our large and carefullv selected Stock of Wall Paper cot listing of Embossed Gilt, Gilt. Mica, Satin, White Back and Brown Back with Borders to match. Remember no old stock. BONSLETT A STOFFBL. Closing Out Cash Sale. Being desirous of closing out our en­ tire stock of Dry Goods, Boots, Slioes, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Mittens Crockery, Hardware, and in fact our entire stock of General Merchandise, excepting our Staple Groceries, which we will en­ deavor to keep up and sell at prices that defy competition. AM else will be sold at reduced prices, with a view to closing oi|t in a very 6hort time. This is strictly a Oash Sale, and great bargains will be offered to all. We have a few suits of Mens' Clothing tiiat we will sell at Cost. Also a large line of Ladles' and Misses' Fine Sewed Shoes of the celebrated Selz manufac­ ture. Thanking you for past favors, and hoping you will avail yourselves of this opportunity to buy good goods at Low Prices, we are very respectfully yours, R. TWKFD & So*. Spring Grove, III. . Henderson's celebrated Boots and Shoes, every pair warranted, at Perry & Owen's. NOTICE. All persons indebted to ut are re? quested t<> call aud settle the same without delay, as we need the money and must have It. R. TWEKD & SON. ' Spring Grove, 111. Feb. 9th, 1885. It is spring. A resurrection of nature's latent forces is taking place. Like the world around you, renew your complexion, invigorate your powers, clease the clutunels of life. Ayer's Saraparilla Is the means to use for this purpose. New Ginghams, new Prints, and new Dress Goods at Perry Sb Owen's. Mens' all wool sul ts $4.00. Chinchilla Overcoats only #8.00. Boots & Shoes sold below Chicago prices at E. Lawuk'* ; - Go to Mrs. M. Schnmacbei*i for iniry, Dress Making and Fancy Large Wood Seat Rocker* at J B Blake't. CarP«t Bed Louuget for f7JS0 at IB Blake's. Cleaning and Repairing done ia the ueatest manner, by E. Lawloa. Good Bedsteads for Blake's. •I JB at I »•••• Wood seat chairs, #2.15 per set if; J B Blake ' s . V : ' V Cane seat chairs #4. 25, at J B Blake*# Everything in the Hardware line at bottom figures, at E. M. HeweV. Single Lounges Blake's. for #5,25, at j If Good fitting pants of good (doth, a! wool, only #5700. Made by X. Lawlnt All the Fancy Cutters at IB. M. Owes A Son't. Good Bureaus, Walnut #«J0 atJB Blake't. ^ Extension Tables, Walnut 8S, A«b 65 cents, at J B Blake's. Building Paper, cheap, at John I* ii Story't. Large Caae Arm Rockers for #2.96 at 11 J B Blake't.' Woven Wire ilattraset for #3.00 at J B Blake ' s . • r f i The Lyman Barb Wire, and galvaoized,deeided)K t in the market, at John Lfrtery't. Frank's Polish for LadtletvShoet will; not rub off or toil the tklrta. For tale by HRHRT COLBY. Five Pounds of the Choicett Japan Tea for $2. Call and get sample of what I give away, : ' B. GILBKRT. , .^«OLASS ! GLASS I we keep Glass of all sizes eonatantly on hand. Special sizes out without extra charge. JOBN I. STOSY. FEED CUTTERS. The Belle City takes the lead; the stronĵ st and best, at M.> Otota * Sen's. '\^:p AUCTION! i Prlce9 for odd coats for young men and Boys onlv,at E. LAWLUS. Opposite Riverside Hotel. CUTTERS CUTTERS. *¥he flnost Cutter that ever eame the county you canr tee at X, M, Owen & Son's, f We haveynst adiled an elegant line of dress goods, which are offered at out usual uniform low prices. Henry Colby THK finest assortment or Sewing Machines to be fonnd in the eeunty, at O, W. Owen's. :Si -mm® i,.* j «• 6. Lawfuft - * HftS fuat re turner! from (he rtty With ® a fashionable stock of Cloths. Gents should keep one eye open for geed fits. Store opposite,Rivertlde I&tfl,, McHenry, Illinois. . FOR SALE OR RENT. Two houses In the village of Ring- wood. Terms reasonable. Apply at once to WESLEY LADD. Ringwood, Nov. 10th, 1884. One Dollar buys of Benslett ft Stoffel, 7 gais. of 150 per cent.Kerosene Oil. 25 Iba, choice Codfish, 8 lb*.-good roasted Cofi'ee, 8 lbs, good greeo Coffee. 22 lbs. nice clean broken Rice, 4 lbs, or good Japan Tea. Notioe . lo'those that waat work dons tn my | line, such as Tanks, Vats and all qther J work done in a shop, as I get lumber q direct from Chicago.' F. A. HBRAR1>. . FITS All tits stopped free hf Dr. Kllue's Great Nerve Restorer. Neflta 1 after first day's use. Marvelous caret f Treatise and #2.00 trial bottle free to | Fit cases. Send to Dr, Kline, #31 Arch Pbila„ Pa. » g Please remember that our stock t» every department Is very complete ^ and that our prices are alwayt the ' lowest that can be made. We will not b e u n d e r s o l d b y a n y h o u s e i n I f o R f u r y J Co. Henry Colby. * 5;|f NOTICE^ J: One first class tailor now employed j by E. Lawlns, to please the people of ^ McHenry with good fitting garment*, ^ F, Houck, of Beleit, guarantees a fit # no 3ale. Particular Notice. All persons knowing themselves In­ debted to me are requested to call and settle the same on or before the 1st of March, as all accounts not settled be­ fore that time will be lett for collec­ tion. "A word to the wise." etc. K. M. How a. McHenry, Jaanary 96th, I88S1. 10.93-4W For Sale or Exchange. One or two good houses, with gotd" barns and other out-bulldlngt* geed orchards, wells, cisterns, etc. Well located near the Depot In Weat Mo- Henry, together with land from one acre to fifty. . Will sell very cheap or trade for a farm, or western wild land. Alto agood bouse to rent. A RATXOHU West McHenry, Itlt* Farm for Sale- The undersigned offers for sale hie. Farm, containing 204 acres, situated one inMe West of the village of Me- Henry, on the Woodstock road. Goed buildings, living water, plenty of small fruit, and a young bearing orchard. It well adapted for a stock farm. Handy to Railroad Station and a Cbeete Fac­ tory, For terms aod other oartioulara inquire of the uudertlgned on the premises. HBJCBT a MBAFE .2 McHenry, July MKH, MBA Harvard, III,. Feb. 9th, 16S& ' C. DICKINSON & SOX: GENTLEMEN:--I have been seftertng with Bone Erysipelas and Cafronlo Rhumatism for the past tevee yeara and have tried everything 1 eeeMwar of but to 110 purpose, until ye«« igpwl recommended year Russian LitkMst which 1 tried with entire eaHafiwUee, as it has helped me more tfcift wr» thing I ever used, and 1 roeoma»M< It to all who are saflevt*g, a»!tt| 4i* best Liniment I over wed. - Pi" * ___ •

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