'mmh 1 i WEDNESDAY, APRIL IB, 1885, P • Railroad Time Table. On and after M»nrt«r, June SSd, Trains wll( pass McHenry station es SOUTH. }nera Lake Passenger ,..„fc;S8 k. • Beneva Lake Express ,®:» " Geneva Lake Freight..... M Geneva Lake Passenger " »»ix» *»arn. Qen*va Lake Freight.... S-II A. X Seneva Lake Passenger * S:5S «• Genera Lake Express. 4:48P. H Benava Lake Passenger.......'. 6:87 " :V B. BIT88, Agent. " . McHenry, 111 y r M.V50NI3 MOIIKNRY LODGE, No. 15* A. F. and A. SI.-- Regular Communications the Saturday on or tercre the full of the moon and every two ••ek» thereafter. CHAS. C. COLBT.'.W. M. IjlCKSRT OHAPTRB No. 3t R. A. M --Regu- tr Convocations held on the second and fourth Fridays in cacb moneh. JOHN EVAMSOK, H. P. Repulbican Caueur. Tlie Repubil3an voters of the Tft*n of McHenry are requested to meet in Town Caucus, at the Council Room, In the village of McHenry. on Saturday. Apriri8(h, 188S, at 3 o'clock p. M. I'or the purpose of chooiing twelve delegates to represent said town In the County Convention to be held at Woodstock on the 25tli Inst, and to transact such other business a* may properly come before meeting. VftKy Jjftoggli PkrhT. t--}V rtK. Granqbr, J. W. CRISTV, Town Committee. THE man who predic'.ed an early ftprin; has made tip his mind that he ddn't know much about the weather. : YE traveling public remember the - Bfversi Ie House, in this village, Is now iqien and ready for busines*. WE want the ground liog to mind hie own business after this, or else stay (nit and take it with the rest of us. AFTER a two weeks vacation our ' Public School,opened ou Monday with ^-Vf|||ood attendance. V ^ifoone should fall to read the sew advertisement of Perry A Owen, to be found in another place In this pap*r. AT the election fer one Township School Trustees, on Saturday last, Dr* B. T. Brown was elected as his own jjtfccessor. Do not forget that yoa can now get Milk delivered at your door for four cents per quart, by A. L. Howe. As we "H0d before, no use to keep a cow. "ip you want to see a nice job of Dec orative Painting, go and see the office at the Riverside House. George Cur- til was the Artist, and it is a job that jtatmay well feel proud of. PARTICULAR attention Is called to Urn new advertisement of Justen Bros, Furniture dealers. West McHenry. Phey have a fine stock and are seillng "'WW. THE Auction S tie of Win. lleading, Advertised to take place on the 16th, * (to-morrow) has been indefinitely post poned. . Mr. Reading having concluded not to sell his farm will therefore have no Auction Sale. MILK delivered in any part of the filiaga at four cents per quart, by A* L, Howe. Listen for the Bell and se- Cure twenty-five tickets for one dollar, or twelve quart and one pint ticket for 50cents. THE members of the Ringwood Cem etery Aid Society will hold their next ineeting, Friday evening, April 24th, at the Congregational Church. Pro* gramme will be ready for next week. All are invited. MART A. DODGE, Sec. • ^ ' if . ' PKMMMIA1.. MRS. J. A. GOING is quite tick alt this wrltlr.g, Wednesday Horning. FRANK COLBY spent Monday and Tuesday of this week iu Chteage. ALLEN WALSH and family have moved to Chicago. HERM CURTIS started for L&coin, Ifebraska, on Toeaday moral i g. JOHN W ENTWOUTH, of Chicago, spent bui>day with his parents. In tills vil lage. MRS. GEO. W. BESLET went to Chi cago on Mouday for a short visit with friends. C. B. CURTIS and farnlly are break ing up housekeeping this week and will board at t ie Riverside House, CHAS. SMITH went to Chicago on Monday, where we understand ho has secured a situation in a mercantile house. Miss BARBARA MILLS and Miss Jen nie Blodgett, who were visiting with the editors family, air* now visiting with friends In Elgin. WE learn that Rev. Mrs. Wheeler still remains with her s trick ~n relatives at Oslikosh. Dr. T. C. S. Berry, h«r oldest brother and an eminent pliysi- cisn. with his companion has recently arrived there from the state of Maine. Slight hopes are entertained of S. F's. recovery. LATER:--Mrs. Wheeler writes from Oshkosh, stating that Hon. S. F. Berry Is dead. J. GRAY: '.'Pack with my box ffve dozen quills." The only remarkable thing about this short sentence is that It contains all the letters of the alphabet. AN Election will be held at (lie Council Room, in this village, on Saturday next, April 18th, for the pur pose or electing one School Director in place of 0. C. Colby, whose term of office expires. Polls will be open from 2 to 4 p. M. As we noticed last week 11. E. Wight- man and Peter Lelckem tied for the office of Constable, each receiving 202 votes. On Monday last, as per notice of the Town Clerk, a drawing took place at bis office, and resulted In Peter Lelckem drawing the prize. WE are under obligations to our old time friend, Frank H. Richards, for a copy of a pamphlet description of Whatcom county., Washington Terri tory, showing Its. wonderful natural resources and commercial advantages with a short sketch of the city of W ha'com. It Is an interesting* docu ment. ' T 4*MEN," says a writer, "take a drink together when they meet. Women kiss each other. Which is worse ?" Neither one. They are botli so good that a man would have to toss up a cent, head :'0t tall for choice, and then get mid because It cane up neither one. THE RIVERSIDE HOUSE IS now open and ready for business, and the weary traveler, the pleasure seeker or the boarder can there find a house fitted up In first class style, neat substantial and home-like. The new landlord, Mr. #prd, is evideutly "the right man in |be right pi-ice," and we predict for - K|m a liberal patronage. OUR experience abundantly verifies the following statement, which we And In an exchange: "An honest man ||t1l pay for his paper before he orders l| stopped, while a dishoiest man will sneak away, and let the postmaster notify the publisher that the paper re mains in the post-office because the $prty to whom It is addressed has left "$i>r parts unknown.* "MISERY delights in company." Th raging snow storm of Tuesday. 14tf seemed rather a tarrier in the w^y of •ted sowing, and was not thfiy most Agreeable to ftqp on the street. It tight have been termed with proprie* , "one of our rigid Illinois zephyrs But by contrast with the condition of * the state of Maine, we should rongrat Hi ate ourselves with present events, jjdvices from there one week since, Import, "recent smms in great abun dance, with 6leignlirg, and snow now several feet deep." WORKINGMEN, men who have been out of employment all winter, and fho looked forward to a prosperous spring and summer season, must face Another streak of bad luck. To be ifcire, a very fair article of dog can be Sought ior two dollars and a half, but the news comes from abroad that the . |jrar in the Soudan has mate rally in leased the price of African lions.-- Ij^ery few persons In this country , owing to the hard winter, have pur A. •* aliased their season's stock of African lious.--Ex. - Randall and Keystone Pulverizers, 13 and Id Inch at B. M, Owen A Son. ON Sunday evening last our village was disgraced by a pack of hoodlums hooting and yelling upon our streets, We know not who they were but pre sume they were of that class who think It smart to mako rowdies of them selves. A night In the calaboose would be a wholesome lesson for such smart'es, and we can assure them our authorities will see that the remedy is applied if the offense Is repeated. WHEN you hear a man sneering at the local paper, you can safely bet that he doesn't squander his wealth in mak ing them better, but that, generally, the papers have done mere for him than he has for them. The man who cannot see the benefit arising to a town fcom its newspapers hasn't got as much sense as a cove oyster, and he is of about as much value to Ja town as a ten year-old delinquent list. IT you san pray while you are do ing It, you are all right," says Mr. Moody regarding roller skating.-- Pray? Who can measure the number and depth of the fervent petitions that silently arise from the trembling bosoms of the my rids of skaters that they may maintain an upright ex ample before the world--and the spectators? As a prayer meeting a roller rink assembly lays over all com petitors.-- Ex. WE have just received a number of the Public Herald, published at Phila delphia. It contains much valuable Information to publishers, as well as the public in general In exposing pro fessional advertising dead-beats. For several years the distinguishing fea ture of the Herald has been the ex posure . of dead-beats and frauds throughout the country. Its exposure of advertising frauds has saved the newspapers of the United States a dead load of money, and they should' give it a hearty support. TUE Dundee Alumni Association un- fortunately met with a stormy night on their visit here last week, and but a small crowd turned out to hear them, but those who did, report that they were well repaid for so doing. The Drama "Above the Clouds" was a high ly interesting one, and each member of the company rendered their part In an unexceptionable manner. In short this Association is composed of more than ordinary Dramatic talent, and all who failed to hear them on Friday evening missed a rich treat. We predict that should they ever visit u) again they would be greeted with a full house. MESSRS, Stanhope A Epstean's New Dime Museum. Ill to U7|Kandolpli street, Chicago, is now well establish ed in public favor as a pi ice of enter tainment.. Among the attractions now aflorded by its enterprising managers, is a company of three original Moham- medaus, who illustrate to visitors the peculiarities of this exclusive and In teresting race or sect. They form a rare and entertaining part of the thousand and one attractions which are weekly being placed on exhibition. Those of our readers who are visiting the city, and who have but an hour to spare, can improve 1 ̂ profitably at this popular resort, and at only at a dime's expense,--including a pleasing stage performance. Matrasses for owly fS.00, ml Jul ten Rros.,West McHenry, 111, A MS*. MNNK# pkdlfttii, iiy eott too much. Here we have an account of a Mlssourlan who Indulged in the salu tation of a flue young woman and of what happened to him. The magls. trate fined him. The fine young wom an's brother horsewhipped him. His wife worried him into brain-fever. The parton alluded to lilm personally In a strong sermon. The local editor took sides with the clergyman, and pillored him in leaded long-primer* Finally, he was punished by a special providence, for the potato-bugs left their , potatoes to eat every blade of his wlil^at crop, i^et the klssiagly In" cllned take warning. LAST week we called attention to the useful moral that might be drawn from the suicide of a postmaster whose dmles were so onerous that he could find no relief except In the cold and narrow grave. This lesson Is snpple- mented by the news that another post master has been shot and killed for not conforming to what his assailant considered the best Interests of the office. Verily, the way of the post- master is hard, and the wise man will not scramble after this form of official distinction without flist Insuring his life against the casualties that appear to be Incident CO It. Let Democratic office seekers and lite Insurance agents give heed. A BROTRER editor, who delights to go out with dog and gun, gets oil the following: "Again we have lost our dog, or he has lost us, or has boon so alienated by our treatment of him that he skipped. Anyway, he is not on our ranch, and has not been seen since Thursday afternoon of last week. His name Is "Bob," aged ten months; Is well broken to hunting; Is an ?rlshset ter, liver-colored, and has a star In the breast and white marks on bls^paws.-- Finder will confer an everlasting favor on us by returning him; coin Is man ert around our diggings, or we would , of< fer a reward as heretofore. We never tared a little parp. Who had hunting in his eye. But who would up and skip away, Or take a notien for to uife When we take our annual chicltfn hunt this year we will hunt up that " dorg" and return him to the owner with an "original pack ago." Teachers Neetlag. The following Is the programme for the next meeting of the M. C. T. A., to be held at Nunda, Saturday April :18th, to be called to order at 9:30 A. M. 1 Roll Call with response, 2 Paper, Music in school.....M £ Lee 3 Reading continued S B JHirsh 4 Essay, The study of American History Ira Newman 5 Mental Arithmetic,..A J Kingman p. M. 1 Mu-lc by Institute. concluded 2 Physical Geography Miss Alice Dee ring 3 Arithmetic continued... ,«J C Paul 4 Pronouncing and Defining exercise H C Faber 5 Query Box and Critics Report, H. R BALDWIN, Pres. F. L. CARR, Cor, 8ee. SCHOOL REPORT for the month end in* March 27,1885. HIGH SCHOOL. No. Registered S4. Present Membership There's nothing on earth so myste riously funny as)a newspapertadvertise- oient. The prime, first, last and all the time object of an advertisement is to draw custom. It Is not, was not and never will be designed for any other ho nan purpose. So tlie| mer chant waits till the busy season and his store is so full of customers that he can't get his hat ofi, and thea he rush es to the newspapers and puts In his advertisement. When the dull season gets along, and there is no trade, and he wants to sell goods so ba 1 he can't pay his rent, he takes out his adver tisement. That Is, some of them do, but occasionally a level-headed merch ant pu ts in a bigger one and scoops all the business, while .his neighbors are making mortgages to pay their gas bill. There are times whan you couldn*t stop people from buying every thing in the store If you planted a cannon behind the door, and that's the time the advertisement is sent in on its holy mission. It makes Il<ht work for the advertisement, for a ehalk tlgn on the sidewalk could do all that was needed and have a half holi day six days in the week, but who wanta to favor an advertisement? They are built to do hard work, and should be sent out in the doll days when a customer has to be knocked In sensible with bankrupt Inductions and pricey beiore he will spend a cent. That's the aim and end of an adver tisement, and if you open a store, don't try to get them to come when they are already sticking out of the win dows but give them your advertisement right between the eyes in the dull season, and you will wax rich and own a fast horse, and perhaps be able to smoke a good cigar once or twice a week. Write this dewn where you'll fall over It eve^y day. The time to draw business Is when you want bust npas, and not when you have more bust ness than you can attend to already.--- Waukegan Patriot. Attendance, per eent, 9*2. Punctuality, per cent.. 69, ROLL OF HONOR. Miss Mattl* Smith '..96 percent. Miss Cora Paige 96 per cent. Mr, M. Walsh 99 percent. M. B. LIB, Principal, INTERMEDIATE ^DEPARTMENT. No. enrolled .49 No.inbw Attending. Attendance, per cent ..93 Punctuality, per cent ........96 ROLL 9* HONOR. Maud Colby 96 Effie Kennedy. - .95 Nina Wells .86 Frank Smith 92 Chas. Nordqaest............ ..92 Aggie Perry...... 94 Lyle Howe ....90 Aggie Colby i,». 92 SUa Welsh .1. .V...............92 STILU BBCKWITH, Teaeher, PRIMARY DEPARTMXNT. No. Registered .44 Present Membership................43 Attendance, per cent................89 Punctuality, per cent. 9T Names of pupils neither absent nor tardy, whose deportment ts 100, and scholarship arernge Ss 90 orflover. Allco Watte, Nettie Ingenthron, Lonnie Smith. Martin Bickler. Ray Lamphere, Miles Colby, Frank Colby. VKTTIK FAIOE. Teacher. WEST DIVISION. , No. Registered .61 Present Membership .61 Attendance, per cent...91 Punctuality, per cent 99 ROLL OP HONOR. Eddie Granger...., . . . . . . .95 George Bu4s 92 1.1. VASBY, Teacher. Riverside Skating Kink. The Riverside Skating Rink will bo open until further notioe as follows: Thursday evenings, aud Saturday afternoon and evening. On Saturday evening next, April 18, to the Lady wearing the handsomest Calico Apron, a Prize of a 811k Hand kerchief. To be decided by a yote of the gentlemen Skaters. Thbse coming with teams will find good stabllng for horses. 1' ie McHenry Cornet Band will be In attendance every Saturday evening. Admission same as heretofore, W. H. FORD, Proprietor. ---- • Make Quick Time Over To Fitzslmmons 4b Ivsnson's. They have many special attractions this wesk, many useful articles from a live-cent Chimney cleaner to a Silk Dress. It will pay you lo bring tlie cash too. We can show the most oomplete and best line of Ladies and Mens Shoes for the money te be found In tlie world. And we want to sell them. We don't ask you to mikJ us rich tbi» sum mer and for that reason have made a "split" in the profit so that the cash paying customer can a fiord to buy good goods cheap. We also have 600 pair extra quality Gray Brothers shoes reduced ONE THIRD. It will pay you toeoai*. FITZMMMOVS A EVANSO*. Summer 911k at Perry * Owen's. HEBRON- j EntTOR PLAINDEALER:--Will spVing never come In earnest? Geo. Colburn's family have moved In to G. B. Stone's vacant house. Ed. Leech's new cottage will be "i thing of beauty'* and probably "a joy forever." Dr. Parmatler is treating Miss Essie Phillip's who IUM fully never recovered from a severe attack of typhoid fever. l^e Hebron Literary Association meet this Saturday evening to elect officers fer the new year and transact other business of importance. The crack of the rifle may te heard in every direction. Wild geese and ducks are plenty and the sportsmen and all who can carry a gun are happy. The ladles have cause and appear to be elated over the display of new spring millinery at Miss Olive Stevens' little shop un Msln St. Cal| and yon will be sure to be pleased with the lady as well as her stock of goods. We spenk not from experience but lifarsay. Some ef our tgou]d-be painters must have been out of employment last ^reek and in need of exercise as the barber pole received a coat of black paint some time between the hours of twilight and dawn. Wednesday night It was an act unbecoming a gentle man and was doubtless perpetrated by some person or persons who care noth ing for themselves or humanity. The election of town officers Tues day resulted as follows: Supervisor, H. W. Mead; Town Clerk, M. 8. Good- sell; Assessor, Hamlin Fenner; Collec tor. Henrv Rowe; Justices of the Peace, H. W. Mead and Jonathan Brown; Constables, Henry Rowe and Fred Tryon; Commissioner, C. W. Ehle; School Trustee. John Stewart. GREENWOOD. •DITOR PLAINDEALER:--Henry Wil cox Jr. was In town a part of last week. Town meetiDg passed ofl very quiet ly, all the caucus nominees being elect- ed. J. N. Barber spent last week In Chicago, *Tls said the Squire brought home Haines' Treatise. ^ Isaac Snider, who has been confined te the honse nearly all the'past winter, with heart disease. Is able to walk out and take the open air. The Cemetery Aid Society Is trying to resurrect. A full Installment of offi cers will be made this week. Martin Newman, pother, and Mrs. J. H. Garrison visited with friends at Marengo a part of last week. Burton Wright has the lumber on the ground, preparatory to putting up a large barn. Notices are posted of a school elect- ton in District No. I, Greenwood, on the evening of April 18th, 1885. John Walkington, and wife, of Ran dal. Wis., visited with Mrs. Walking- ton's parents* Mr. and Mrs. C. Marble, in this village on Saturday lAst. Mrs. J. R. Dassow will build on the place bought of Mrs. Baldwin, and Jame^Crulkshank will build an addi- tlan to bis house this spring. l^The next Ladies Aid Society will meet with Mrs. John D. Charles, Wed nesday, April 22d. OOBTBtBCTBD BY 1 P. BEWKETT. BONNETS. • ' f . . T, Only a grand, gnarled tree that in its prime Seme fierce, matt storm has shai tared and laid low! Its barren beughs trail on the earth below. Where'mong jthe weeds is hid a fragile vlnet That reaches eat its tendrils, bruised, to ciim«> Ttjm gloom, to light and isray warmth, and throw Its verdure o'er the fallen boaghs, and grow Abent them, and alt with lavllness entwine 1 Aad in the vine is hid a robins nett,-- The sweet confnsien of the building time, The pleased surprise when 'neath the mother'* breast' The first soft nestlings' voices fcintly chime. And here the zcpliers in a glad unrest Linger upon their way from clime to clime! XL And so « nature blighted In its prime, Upreoted by some fierce, wild storm of pain, Forced rudely from the heights that It would fliln Have held, is earth ward heat, that seals who pine In gloom below, may upward reach,Wad climb, " By aiding of its humbled pride, from shame • Or worthlessness, to noble ead and aim. Thushidlng with a lovliness divine , The barren' heart that will not ~Dloom again, And Peace sits brooding on her finished nestf And sings to sleep (be longing and the pain That throb and wait within the human l>reast; And angel hands upon the heart strings lain Awake on earth the music of the blessed. GOBIB DAVIS. Richmond Ills,, April 7th, 1880. WAUCONDA EDITOR I'LAINDEALER:--Byron Clark has moved bis shoe shop into the old hotel. Frsnk Barker has hlr »d an assistant from Chicago, and is turning out lots of work lu the harness line. Alfred North lias built a new foun- dary near his residence. Dr. McChesney has bought a grey colt, and now has a finely matched team. Zila Osman has bought out Eugene Btooks, In Nunda. Mr. Brooks and family are at present In Wauconda. At the town election Robt. Harrison was elected Supervisor, John Golding. Clerk; A. J. Raymond, Assessor; Geo. Darrell, Collector; Warren Powers, Road Commissioner; Henry Hughes and Albert Coon, Constables, and H. B. Burrett and John Hogan, Justices. M. S. Hill has gone to Alabama for a visit. Fred Collison and Dr. E. R. Bennett visited Elkhorn, Wis., last Saturday. Mrs. Aldrlch, J. V's mother.came down from Elkhori^Sunday, on a visit. Rev. Charier Fraser exchanged pul pits with Rev. Mr. Lake, of Nunda, last Sunday. Will Cole and Rob Bennett are build• Ingh new boat for the iiifmr cam paign at Twin Lakes. School opened again Monday with a full attendance. We have one of the bestschools in the State, and are proud of our corps of teachers. The bad weather has given a good many of our citizens colds, a few cases resulting lu Inflammation of the lungs' The sick list is pretty large just now. Those wish! ng|to attend the Grand Opera Festival, in Chicago, will be ac commodated by the railroad with re duced fare up to the 18th of this month. The Cantata of Queen Esther Is be ing rehearsed by our singers, under the conductorshlp of a Mr. Gee, oT Chicago. The time for Its production before the public Is not yet fixed. ATTENTION, COMRADES! Regular meeting of the Richmond Post. G. A. R^ next Friday night, April 18th. If the candidate is In town that night, there will be a muster in. A full at tendance Is lequested. A. R. Alexander calls attention to his Immense stock of wall paper In all the different styles and qualities. The patternt are very pretty this spring, and the most exacting tan gratify their taste from his large stock. By the report of E. S. Johonnott, Treasurer of the Board of Commlasion- era of Highways It- appears that the amount of funds on hand at commence ment of fiscal year was 11467.1! and the receipts from all sources #3193.07.-- He has paid out on all orders the sum of 91259.45, leaving on hand #2790.73. Our neighboring'town of Randall, across the line In Wisconsin, elected the following town officers: Supervisors, DeWlt Stanton, A. A. Mygatt, John Kirkhoff ; Clerk, E. Bralnard; Assessor* Charles Glbbs; Treasurer. A. G. Pacy; Justices, Capt. Ackerman, (George Kroncke; Constables, I. W Ing, S. Coon. . At tlie Town Meeting everything passed off quietly and the caucus nom inees were electod, with exception of Collector. James Hodge was the re gular nominee and H. K. Booth and John Halderman run Independently.-- Halderman won easily as the vote given below demonstrates; SUPERVISOR, A, R. Alexander • • • •• *•• • • »8S8 TOWN CLERK* Charles Green ...........927 ASSESSOR. W. L. Turner ....,t#9 A. M. Pettinglll. 88 COLLECTOR., J. T. Hodge .64 Dan. Kilbeurne .....................41 H. K. Booth ,. ......,...............40 John Haldaman. 85 HIGHWAY COMMISSIONERS. R. B. Cole ...226 A. L. Austin. 185 Judson Stewart .42 JUSTICES. M. Foote H. M. Hastings.......... Richard Overton.. CONSTABLES 187 ........39 218 George Shlblev. Wallace Monear U; 228 225 • • • SCHOOL TKUSTKB. H.J. Cliffs tain 227 The Supervisors Report was presented and accepted. He asked for #300 for town expenses, which was voted. The Treasurer of the Board of Highway Commissioners presented his report.-- His estimate was that #2400 would be required fer roads and bridge? for the ensuing year. The report was adopt ed. Voted that the Highway Commis sioners be autuorised to appoint the overseer* in the several road districts and allow them to work 55 per ceut of the road and bridge money already collected. We furnUlied the full out flt of now Furniture for the Riverside House, in this village, and are prepared to furn ish a Room, Hous* or Hotel at a day's notice and at prices that can't bo beat. JUSTEV BROS, West McHenry. ifslots and Oils at Perry A Owen's. ALpoaowtt EDITOR PUMDEALER:--The election on Tuesday of last week passed off very qnietly, there being no opposl* tlon only for T|»«n Clerk and Collect or. John Adamek was elected Town Clerk and Chas Kublank was elected Collector. Mrs. Morton's Millinery Goods ar rived on Wednesday of last week, and she Is now prepared to show her pa trons the latest styles and at Bed Rock Prl »s. Mrs. E. Bigelow, of this place, was summoned to Chicago^on Wednesday of last week to attend the fuueral of G. W. Earlie, ̂ former resident of this place. ™ On Wednesday evening of last week a company of 24 gave Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Coltrin a Surprise Party. A very pleasant evening was spent all too soon. Mr. and Mrs. Coltrin will soon leave us to return to Chicago, their future home. On Thursday of l»st week B. B. Stewart, Fred Duensing and Henry Henk bought the Algonquin Cheese Factory. rCon§|doration #6,000' They intend runriing. it on the dividend plan and we wish them success in their new enterprise, as we have had all the failures we^wsnt for some time tu come. Robert McKoe lias been having ' lots of business the past week in regard to the Grimes farm. Mrs. C. T. Montayne, of Belolt, Wis., is visiting with t>ho family of J. Holm. The Rev. Mr. Hunter, of Chicago, preached atitlie Congregational Church on Sunday last, and we understand they have chosen him for their Pastor tor the next year. Rev. G. A. Whitney, of Chicago, Officiated at St. JohnS Episcopal Church on Sunday last. It is tlie middle of April and there Is very little farm work done to this section and if it does not warm up pretty soon, it will pass for a long winter and no spring. We had some April showers on Sunday laSi bat they were snow showers. J. H. Luud moves this week into the W. H. Ogben house, en Main St., and Jos Johnson moves into the Fred Duen sing house, on Chicago St., vacated by J. H.Lund. > On Saturday, April 18th, there will be a school election held at the school house, in the Village of Algonquin, for tlie purpose of electing one school director tor the term of three years in place of John Helm, whose time ex pires. The Polls will open at 7 o'clock p, <n.. and close at 8 o'clock p. ao„ so tret out you candidates as Mr. Helm respectfully declines to bo a candi date for re-election. There was an unusual amount of bad blood In town on Monday of this week. If the old saying proves-tiue so goes Mouday so goes all the week, we will have a lively week of it. Go to Mrs. He Dressmaking. SMOKERS, call for High Art." They havetl See our new spring S tollers. Spring styles Boots Mil Bonslett A StofEel's. Fine Velvet and Velvetowp Isl and colors at Perry & Owetrtfc No trouble to show goods fer questions at R. Bishop*s. City residences for sale. Applf^ Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, I1L Go to Mrs. ^Schumacher's for jHfl* Inery, Dress Making aad Fancy €>••& Everything in the Hardware line at bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. pi Building Paper, cheap, at John 1. Story's. _ ~ The Lyman Barb Wire, both plain and galvanized,decidedly the best Win In the market, at John I. Storf*S. GLASS ! GLASS I „ / We keep Glass of all stsM eiitiiMtiy on hand. Special sixes cut wltbout extra charge. Joav I. Sroire. FEED CUTTERS. , The Belle City takes the lead; the .strongest and best, at E. M. Owen £ Son's. New Ginghams, new Prints, and ROW Dress Goods at Perry ft Owen's. We Have just added an elegant line of dress goods, which are offered at out usual uniform low prices. Henry Colby THE Quest assortment or Sewing Machines to be found In the county, at O. W. Owen's. 1 Jersey Waists always on hanvk at Chicago prices, at Mrs Schumacher's. Now Carpets at Perry A Owen% ^ f J Fine line of Summer Silks at Henry Colby's. New Carpets and Oil Clothes, at islett A Stoflel's. Go and see the ne»v Spring Millinery at Mrs. H. H. Nichols'. Wall Paper. Trimmed FREE at Perry A Owen's. UORSE FOK SALE. good horse for sale. Iinquire of A 3S3-W JOHN J FLUSKT The latest styles In Millinery Goods of all kinds at Mrs. H. H. Nichols'. New White Goods and Embroideries at Perry A Owen's. Prairie City, Van Brunt and Foun tain City Seeders at E. M. Owen 4k son's. Besley's Famous Waukegan Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonslett's and A. Etiglen's. A beautiful piece of 911k Velvet, worth #1.75 a yard, is being closed out at the small sum of #1.00 per yard. Call soon and obtain it at Henry Colby's. The celebrated Cortland Side Spring Buggy Is the leader. Ask the 200 In thU county what they think of them Always on hand at E. M. Owen A Son's A good chance for a Wagon Maker. Wishing to go out of business, I offer my stock and tools at a bargain if ap piled for soon. Will rent shop. K. V. WKRDEN, Wauconda, 1U. The Buford wheel sulky takes the lead, also Hapgood, Case, Skandia and Flying Dutchman Plow's at K. M. Owen A Sou's. / Barley lor Sale* 50® Bushels good No. 1 parley for sale. Is clean and good for seed. Ap- Sly to John Flusky. '2 miles from Mc-enry Depot, on Nunda road. Also will Sell or Rent my farm If ap plied for soon. JOHN FLUSKY. 10-37-4w Call at I; M. Owerf A Son's for your Farm Machinery. They keep none but the beat, and warrant everything. Redpath's #3.oo Shoes. The b<iSt in the world for the mon ey, Solid leather, solid sole, leather counters and innersoies and are made out of first quality calf skin, put to gether in an hone6t, substantial man ner and warranted to give oatlsfactlon Try a pair, For sale by Henry Colby. For Sale or Rent. I'iie Brick Store opposite the Parker liouse, formerly occupied bv G. W Basley as a drug store, is offered for sals >r rent. Will be sold on long time rented on reasonable terms. Apply B. GILBERT. A <*t McHenry, Nov. Stb, 1884. For Sate or Exchange. One or two good houses, with good oarns and other out-buildlngs; good »rchards, wells, cisterns, etc. Well •ocated near the Depot In West Mc Henry, together with land from one acre to fifty. Will sell very cheap or trade for a farm, or western wild land. Also a good house to rent. A RAYMOND. Wait McHenry, Ilia. The Boss Barrel Churn, at John Hwy*8- FOR SALE OR RENT. Two houses in the village of Ring- wood. Terms reasonable. Apply at once to WESLET LADD. Ring wood, Nov. 10th, 1884. Please remember that our stock in every department Is very complete and that our prices are always the lowest that can be made. Wo will not be undersold by any house in McHenry Oo. Henry Colby. - - New Wall Paper, New Wall Paper at Perry A Onion's Best quality of paper and no cheap trash. Those new Spring Hats, at Mrs. H. H. Nichols are just eobbv. Do nut fail to see them before purchasing. 150 per cent Oil in 5 gallon lots at 11 cents per ga'lon. 4tbs good Tea for #1.00 at Bonslett A Stoffel's. Bias Embroidery, latest Invention, at Bonslett & Stoflel's. New Wall Paper and new Border* Over 400 different styles at Perry # Owen's. Henderson's celebrated Boots and Shoes, every pair warranted, at.Perry A Owen's. The finebt line of Ruche Ing to be found In the county, at Mrs. H. H. Nichols'. BESLEY'S Ale and Porter is the best made. Un draught in McHenry at Jacob Bonslett's and A. Engien's. I have a lot of Selz Schwab A Go's Shoes, all sizes at one half price. O. V, 8TBYBHS. REMEMBER you can find Besley's Ale snd Porter on draught in this village, st Jacob Bonslett's and A. Engien's. All shades of Silk and Wool Arraseno at Bonslett A Stoflel's. C. V. Steven8 will sell 100 coats at half price. Call and look them over. Waif Paper trimmed free, at Boa- slett A Stoffel's. People wishing to buy goods at low* er prices than ever before will do well to call on me. 0. V. STBVBBSL Lnce Curtains, Tidies, Lamberklna, Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Mrs, Schumacher's, near tiie Depot. A few beautiful Wool Cashmeres at 30 cent a yard. Great bargains at Henry Colby's. LATEST styles in Dress Trimmince, Laces, etc., at Mrs. Schumacher's. Ladies Muslin Underwear, from 15 cents up, at Mrs. Schumacher's, near the Depot. w Notloo To those that want Jne, such as Tanks, Vats and all other work done in a shop, as I get lumber direct from Chicago. F, A. HXRARD. I Spring Millinery. MRS. E. W, UO WE. has just returned from tlie city with a full line of spring. Millinery, to which she invites the at tention of the ladies of McHenry and sutrounding country. The latest styles can always be found at this store. Call and see MRS. E. W, HOWE. Keller's Block, McHenry. 111. This time of year every owner of a cow should keep ready for use a bottle of Dickinson's Cow Prescription. It may save him the pric* of a eow. It should be given in every case as soon as the cow calves, it will cause her to do well and will prevent that fatal disease, Milk Fever. For sale by all druggist*. Mrs. Schumacher. Woi.ld invite the attention of the Ladies to her new Spring stock of millinery, comprising the latest stylos to be found in the city.and which she proposes to sell at prices that defy competition. New goods and lateet styles received every week. Call and examine goods and learn prices. MBS, scHUMAcmm. farm for Sate. * The undersigned offers for sale his Farm, containing 204 acres, situated one mHe West of the village of Mo- Henry. on the Woodstock road. Good buildings, living water, plenty of small fruit, and a young bearing orchard. It well adapted fer a stock farm. Handy to Railroad Station and a Cheese Fac tory, For terms and other particulars inquire of the uuder^igned on the premises. Hsmer o. Mua McHenry, Jaly JSth, MM. , ^ F4#Saleor Rent. On account of poor health I «Mh to sell mv Saloon and Residence In West McHenry. Is finely located and doing a good biuiness. If not sold before I will Ksnt the Saloon, posesS slou to be given Mav 1st. For farther particulars Inquire of the uixlerttgaed, on the premises. CASPER Wtmrs. West McHenry, III. March 23, liNk . • * - . . 1 i x J,< ;, . • . . .ssiA