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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Oct 1885, p. 8

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•way from the other rard * friend oMt $rt» very a^etly and 'l#», aakcd: :%* what's the matter, ol&rel- n S :«J Wreck." '•* d It ocrurf ^ * y«Mi pe«», | had o^iffe of a hot, far from here. The owner* bridge are very particular about tifc every ce<it that is due them, put i"/?ne of those registers. It of a foot arrangement* 'sunk in foot pa9«^je way of the bridge and akes a mark with a clicking punch very time anybody steps on it. Well, very thing was all right until the her day, when a Newfound,land^dog got on the blamed thing and! began fcfatch himself, and sir. before i notic ed him he had charged meVjth two bundred and seventy-live dOllara> Yes rin a rulued miti." IT WILE PAY VO »T^ '"i ^V1 !{* •" ?o cull and examine the prt+r* •» >"%' -j" T> ; i iv it. FALL AND WINTER ' t ' * ' . . ' ..V • v- ' , t •Which are daily being received by the firm of . V GOLDING BROTHERS Qsn. U. 8. Grant's Picture*. Do not read this notice, unless you; Care to read a proposition, which. If you accept, will cost you something. We have an engraving made from an oil painting by a celebrated artist of general Grant, for which he sat shortly lifter his trip around the, world. It Is, In the opinion ol critics the best pic- i ture of th*» Dead Hero In existence. The price of the engraving, 21x28 in., 4n very heavy steel engraving board. Is one dollar and tweniy-five cents, (9K25), postage paid by us So thor­ oughly are we convinced of the value •f the engraving is a work of art, and Its appraciation by the public that we 4vill mail to anv address in the U. S., VOR inspection, one copy, packed in a ' fceavy paper box, upon receipt of 24c. In stamps to pay p< sta^e and packing, upon the cundition that the party re- same send tis one dollar (91) *<ijk>h ieceipt of engraving, if it is sat­ isfactory. or return the picture.to ih if v;\|l Is not considered worth inll the price -;iifked. We have also a very litiudMuuc t^ablnet PhOio of Gen. Grant, >! flu - ^ |»«Hed. wl^lch we will mail mi receipt u.i fcwt*. No album iri cum| |et« wirliont i»ne. Eiberaf arrange meu«s will h<- aiiiule-^llh agents. Write for l«-rms »»ii«l>pr'fee list, Eik-Iop* Mump. Ad- William Dickson & Co., t'ublisli- «ratvBoX 328vChicago, 111. . Interesting to Both Sexes. 'is*•• Any man or woman making l»-ss than . 440 weekly should try our eavy muney milking business. We waul Ajshhi* for our celebrated Madame Dean Spinal : >Suppoutino Oousets; also our spinal , -1 Supporter. SHUDLDGR 1Ji;ack. and Abdominal Pro ectou Combined (FOR ! ' inland boys). No espefien -e r.-quir- ««l. Pour orders per day give the Agent ;:'|j tl50 monthly. Our Agents report four to twenty sales daily. 83 ouiflt free. -;"^be :d at once for lull particulars. Stale Sex. Lkwis Schirle A Co., $w!3 390 Broadway, New York Fitssimmons & Evanson Invites the c£ C;ish buyers to the fact that thev- are showing the most com­ plete line of Dry Goods, such as Vel- vetloes. Dress Flannels. Worsteds, BodM'orfl'Ffannels. Waterproofs. Cot­ ton flannels. Underwear, Boots, Shoes pn&:ltubbe r Goods that ever have been " ellewd in t-tiie part of the country. Be 4l|re and call and see how cheap they iw telling first-class goods. We have In stock at uery low prlos 'canned ap >les, peaches, pears, plums apricots, pine apples. black berries' raspberries, cherries, blueberries, green g<iges, strawberries, tomatoes, corn succotash, lima beans, string beans, peas, baked beans, sweet potatoes, mackerel, cove oysters, salmon, clams lobsters, beef, etc. Henry Colby Bargains Extraordinary. Come to Fitzslmmons & Evanson's it you have Cash to Invest, for any kind of Goods. This week Ladies, Gents, Misses and Children will have lower prices than ever known before Also Dress Goods at half price. Also mens clothing, such as single coats at !»alf Drlce or below. Come in and look /er and don't wait. Fitzsimxohs St Evanson. Including all the new shades in iptOl PLAIDS, ETC. < tinder wear, Underwear, A full line and of the best quality. Our stock is complete in every department and we will not be undersold, quality of goods considered, A tulf line of Atbotton ti^uros. The Highest Market price paid for BUTTER A^ND EGGa GOLDING BROTHERS. Wauconda, 3ept, 7,1888. MIDDLINGS! MIDDLINGS 4Jt Bouslett & Stoffel's. Advice to Mothers. you disturbed at night and broken ol your rest by a sick child suf fering and crying with pain ot cutting teethf if ho send at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Wioslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething. Its value Is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little suSer Immediately. De­ pend upon it mothers, there ft no mis­ take about it. It cures dysentery and dUrrhoea. regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system. Mr*. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best fem ile physicians and nurses In the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. 10 51-12W. CATJTI05 TO BUTEfiS OF WHITE LEAD, PURE LINSEED URE LINSEED COLBY U i u i • ' RIVERSIDE BLOCK k- ILIi IturgHins and Jointer Goods* ALL I NO OLD STOCK. Overcoatsf For worth All Agiea, $20.00. from $2.50 General Merchandise! iriLs ewQoods For Fall And Use. By far the largest quantity of White Lead produced by any Citvi in St. Louis. There are only three Corroders in St. Louis, (that is those who manufacture i ^ » rintheWorldismade Dnly three Corroders in St. Louis^ (that is tl White Lead from the metal,)namely: "SOUTHERN WHITE LEAD CO.," "COLLIER WHITE LEAD & OIL CO'," and'"ST. LOUIS LEAD&OILCO.," and their White Lead is always Strictly Pure. In consequence of the very general reputation of these corroders for the excellence of quality oi their product, their brands have been imi­ tated to a considerable extent by those desirous of taking advantage of their good name but who are not manufacturers of^White Lead. _ ^ The word "St. Louis" is frequently used on kegs similar in appearance to those of the St. Louis corroders, the contents ofwhictfarenot made in St. Louis and are very badly adulterated. We therefore warn the public against these adulterated mixtures, ana when buying Lead, to see that the kegs bear one of the three brands whose fac-s miles iven above. , • _ WHITE T.-mAnpo. BT. LOTUS LEAS 9t 0ZL 00. »i«i«a LSAD jttistD OS* oo. An immense stock of seasonable merctianclise now in. Every Department full and complete. Prices on many articles lower than erer. We invite a careful inspection of our CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Which we believe contains the Largest Variet of Ready-made annents <>ver offered in this market; many of onr new linos are in xccptionally neat and beautiful pattern*, and no better made or fitting goodN are .to be had in America. To <rive us needed room for muidlin&f our new stock we will make special prices on All two- piece suits, awes 4 to 9, and also on all lines where only two or three suits remain • from these lines one can often obtain just what they want at a srreatly reduced prise; these offerings fchoul'd com­ mand the careful examination of the closest buyers. Our' stock of Pants is now very .complete, rauiriiig in price from $1.25 to $7.50 per pair. THK OLD FOLKS AT nOXfe White Seal n The New York Boari of Health estimates that 30,000 lives have been destroyed by the explosive qualities of Fttrole<«m. If every Household would adopt the White Seal Oi for Family use, none of these unfortunate accidents would occur. White Seal Burning Oil Has none of the defects usually found in common OiTS. It cannot be exploded, docs not char the wick, will not smoke, emits no offensive odor, and prevents the breaking of chimneys. • White Seal Burning Oil is a rich oil tor illuminating purposes. I is as light in co^or as pure spring water. It gives a strong steady light, and burnt* much longer than common oils. If the White Seal Isuraing Oil is not sold In your vicinity, send your order direct ti»o« for a barrel or a case containing two neit Jive gallon cans. BROOKS OIL GO. 66 Euclid Ave-. Cleveland, 0» This is not a Cure All, But a Sure and Permanent Cure for f R H E U M A T I S M . This remedy !s guaranteed to give Immediate Tcllef, and perform a permanent cure if used as directed; It acts upon an entirely new principle, dls* covered after years of patient study and experts Its effects are truly marvelous. We claim tli a t our remedy has a specific action upon the fluids of the body, supplying moisture to the tissues and lubricating the Joints affected by the disease. Nd Stiff or Distorted l>lnnf»e) remain after a cure by thiB specific. A trial of a single bottle will convince the most sceptical that we nave not told half tta virtues. Price, 91 .OO per bottle. For sale by all 4«gglate. Manufactured only by n LENNEY MEDIOINE CO.. CHENOA, ILLINOIS. 49"We do not forget that our claims f^r the Specific are contrary to all past experi­ ence in the treatment of Rheumatism. In lact it was long before we ourselves became con vinced thiUjit'eould be possible that a single remedy rwtwperform radical cures, where the most eminent physicians had failed. Not- withstanding all tliis we are now convinced, and we have also convinced every one who has used it, that it is a Wonderful Medicine,.. We invite and urge theatlllctcd to correspond with those whir nave given their voluntary testimonials furnished on application aa to ita effects In their cases.^y fcy SODA Heat in theWarlJ. JOS. SWADISII, WAGON and CARRIAGE MAKER. Having leased the Wagon and Carriage 8hoj> of Henry Simcs, opjtosite the Parker House I am i.ow prepared to do all kinds ol work in this line ON SHOHT KOI ICE, and O UA RAN TEE SA TISFA CTION. To my old' friends and customers at Cary, I wish to return thanks for past favors and patronage, a^id assure them that if they call On me at n»y new shop liere I will endeavor to merit a continuance of the same. Repairing of All Kinds Pronfptl j Attoacled tO. JOS. SWADISH. #est McIIenry, Aug. 10, 1885. immmsH ^The celebrated Cortland Side Spring Baggy is the leader. Ask the 2D0 in M>l<icounty what they think of them o« Mttd tu Q##ft ' " G R A N T B O O K ! GREAT Life and Person:il Memories of Krant in one volume only tl.75. One ugent soli 43 first rlav; 10,000 sold first week: A ft engrav­ ing 2-2x23 inches of all "Our Presidents" FKEI to each subscriber. Think of this! Some per­ son should send SO cts. for outfit and engrav­ ing and secure this territory. Book now out --na wailing for commissions. Address Kli>er Pdbli81iing Co., 30i Wabash ak-i Chicago, Illiiuus. A PRONOUNCED SUCCESS Thousands of Acres Flowed with ihe Flying Dutchman, and Every I j Claim Made for This Wonderful Plow Fully Substaniiated. Why ii thii plow so successful and popular? Because It runs DNE HORSE LIGHTER •on any other plow made. Because the plow is CARRIED, GAUGED AND GUIDED by the use of three wheels. ISecause the plow Is IN FRONT of the driver. Because the weight of the driver Is OVER THE FURROW WHEEL, adding but little to the draft, but keeping the plow Because the swivel plate "pole PRE­ VENTS ALL' SIDE DRAFT or weight on horse's necks. Because it 1s simple, strong and dur­ able, and does first-ciass work. Illustrated circulars (descriptive). The Story of the Flying Dutchman (sen­ sational), The Agricultural Pilgrim's Progress, with six tinted illustrations (comic), *U sent free to any address. MOLINE PLOW CO., MOLINE. ILLINOIS. the finest Uhfochilld |So carried over Stock whatever For Ladies, Misses/ and dren; very latest Styles, lowest prices and largest assortment, 95 cents to $25.00. Price guaranteed against any competion. <Jhil- froot Largest assortment, lowest possible prices. No shoddy,' ijtf*; old stock. From 18 cents to $1.80; all sizes, all gra le» desired. Ciothlner, Blankets, Robes, Flannels, Yarns. Etfe Hats, Caps, Gloves and Mittens, New and Cheap. Our stock of C. H. Fargo's Boots and Shoes, is new tind pletft. Call and leam pj.ces as we will not be undersold. Bouslett & West McHenry, 111.,Oct.6th» 1885. Hardv^RETHMDV^RI I x. a |^°One Door West of the Riverside House, DEALER IN- -V7F The largest line call and ages; very lowest margins. ever offered in McHenry; all sizes and for all see them early; our clothing has been bought at the cash price, and** is now offered on exceedingly close SHOE'S.? Our etock was never more complete. This is one ot the most important branches of our entire business, and one that has received' our rory caretul attention. We have studied our tr ide and feel* confident we are better than ever prepared to meet their wants. We continue to sell the celebrated Buffalo Boots, Foster's fine shoes for ladies best wear, and Kedpaths in medium price goods. Dry Goods & Notions. Our store is full of all the latest styles and novelties, and will be sold at our uniform low prices. . - / " Underwear and Flannels, and Knit Qoods, TBTOKS AHD' VALISES, CBOCKKBY, BLASSWABI, WOOD AID WILLOW WABS CAUSED GOODS, Bl&rikets! scarlet, white and gray, at Drugs and Medicines, Etc. Every Department full and prices guaranteed to be as low as good goods representing the same values can be obtained in Illinois. Call and see for yourselves; we-want your patronage and are doing all in our power to merit it. SleUeary, IU4 iobo. NAILS, MECHANICS TOOLS, CHANDELIERS Lamps, Tin, Copper and Sheet Irorn Ware. And in short, everything in the Hardware, tove and Tin Line, HE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD, a Call at his store before lniv«ng elsewhere. JOBBINQ AHD HEFAXBINa Promptly Attended To. REMEMBER, extra good bargains can a ways be obtained. JOHN I. STORY. McHenry, 111., March 16th, 1885f ' -DEALER IN- 'J • '1 Agricultural Implements, Wauconda, Illinois, Keep9 always on hand a full stock of tfie~ Leading Farm Machinery Of AH Kinds, To whieh he invites the attention of those who intend to buy, confident he can pease both in QUALITY AND PRICE. * > If on and Wood Pumps ot all Kinds. Best Steel Barb Wire At Very Low Rates. A Full Stock of BINDING TWJUf Always Found at his Warhouse. WE ALSO SELL THE Davis, Luehy & Co.'s Buggies, The best buggy for the money to be found in the market. Call and see them. Aso keep in stock a full line of Shelf and Heavy Hardware Of all kinds, which will be sold at bottom prices 8. B. RUSSELL Wan con 4a. MayJJOtta, Ittft. BOOTS AND SHOES! consisting of Men's," Women's, Misses and Chidren's Fine and Staple Sboes in al I My Fall and Winter Stock is now compete t*r •_ Misses and Chidren's Fiueanv . t the atest styles. Mens, Boys, aftd Youths Stoga Hip, Veal Kip, and Calf Boots,. Rubber Boots, Gum Boots, Men's, Women's, Misses' and Clyldreu's Buek'ed Arc­ tics, Alaskds, Self-Acting Alaskas, Fancy Kubbers and Arctics in all the latest novelties. Men's Felt Boots, Siberian Boots, Beaver Fox .Boots, Wool-lined Boots in Fine, Kip and Grained Leather; in f»ct everything usually found in a first-class Boot and Shoe store. We makea specialty of Ladies and Gents We Keep the Selz Celebrated eOODS The best in the market; also the Ludlow, and other standard makes. We have a tremendous stock, can fit you in any kind ot Boot or Shoe, and we know that our wray down Low Cuah Piices wtll just- please you. Remember the place is at the Old Reliable Cash Store Cor. Main Street and Public Square, Woodstock, 111. fcaf~N. B, --House Established 1865. j * W. H. DWIGHT. :*Cy? iiW&jA EiBfSf .. .k-,,.-...^.fa - *t.ail. -t-Ai.s. i to*'. ' k - ' ^ A ' l A ' r W 1 I r "

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