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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Nov 1885, p. 4

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» BDNESDAY, NOV. 4, VAN SLYKE. Editor. e-- THIS PAPERK^:^: UOWKL.I. A CO.S Newspaper Advertising llareftu (10 spruce Strop0. where advertising rrw K NEW YORK. tarAt the time 'Of going to press we Imve received no report* of the election in this, the Fifth ©ongres- SIOIIH! District. The Indications, how­ ever, are that a very light vote was polled. Hopkins' election is of course concede'!. MB* We had hoped to get some re­ turn* from the different {State e'ec- tions held yesterday before going to press, but have been unable to do so. Not a single dispatch has been received In regard thereto, that we are aware of. Forty-nine Illinois preslden* tlai post-offices become vacint be­ tween frecember 1, 1885. and Septem­ ber 1,1S86. Batavis, a $i,700 office, E. S. Sm<th |». m.. is vacant Desember 15; Qe/wvii, worth 91/200, B. Burton p. m., March 15; Marengo, worth 91,300, J. Q. Atiains p. m., December 20; Naper- viile. $1,400, Phil Struber p. m„ April 26; Sandw'.ch, 9,1600, G. H. Robertson p. in., February 6, and Waukegan. 91,790.*A. U. Bower p. m., December 20. >®* Gen. George B McClelian, died at- liis home, in New Jersey, on Thurs­ day morning last, Oct. 29th. He was the last of the survivors of the officers who at different time6 commanded the army of the Potomac. McClelian was first to serve. His immediate succes­ sor in the field was Bumside, who |j | turn gave way to Hooker; he to Meide, and Meade to Grant. Meade remained in nominal command of the Army of Potomac until the close of the war but during the last year lie was under the Immediate supervision and com­ mand of Grant. Suicides are becoming too fear­ fully common in this country. Whether the age is becoming more weak-minded W cowardly, it is hard to say. but..when a man sees reverses 6taring him in the face, fails in some cherished plan, or is detected in some horrid crime, his first ought is self-destruction. It certain- more rawardly to end one's exist attW under what plea, than Utwe however threatening Suicide, they think, Is an fay of ending one's troubles, and everjrf person has a morbid vein that they eau excite and work on until fancies at first repulsive become fas­ cinating, and it is almost impossible to suggest. If the V fid take a day and ttev'over from a the chance* are he rovr awiy hi? articles of self- rturder and thke up the battle of life •gain, manfully, and with better g»*aoe than ever before. pel the THK BLACK KAGLK'S 8CRK % ML • J There Is nothing mealy-motit lied »liout Joliu A. Logan. \y miriie thinks IN- st»ys, and says !>u pl.iin.v that no one can mistake his . ~ York corresponded wrlli# _ ttii Chicago Tribune: . When Gen. Logan vss here on Wed­ nesday night on his way to St. Johns, bury, 1 asked hnu what In the world was taking hiru up to Venn on J. Hi* reply was that he didn't know, except he had been invited by Senator Ed­ munds and evet-y G6reriior|' the state ever h:id who was still alive, and all prominent men of the state as well.-- "it is uot a stale where the soldier ele­ ment gets any recognition," said the General, "and that is one reason why I am going up there. This is a' sol­ diers fair,'as 1 understand it. It inn)' do the boye some good to have me go there and wake up the feeling that the men who foug!it the battles of the courttry ar-fc entiled to share in the honors of civil life. "Yes," continued the General in response to my inquiry about his political speeches in New York, "I am to make three speeches here. They will "be Republican speech­ es too. The cry about the bloody shirt does not appal me in the least. I have heard it before. It has, been talked in a great many forms first and last in my day., "TheSouth only wants to.'be let alone," was one of the earliest forms In which i heard it.-- There are some Uepiiblicans who think that this is the ti ne to^ drop Republi- can talk and cover the Administration with praise. All I have to sny abotxi^ the Administration will be in Die di­ rect jon of gliowing its utter hlfrocrisy. Why, if everything tiiat was charged and assented against Blaine in the matter of his letters was absolutely true, his transactions would not have begun to :>e as infamous as this tele­ phone matter in the Department of Justice. This affair js a hundred times more monstrous. I do not pro­ pose to be silent on that point, or to be silent about the Roach matter, or to be silent about the foreign mails, or any"other of the points in -which the Administration has made such terrible mistakes and fatal movements. In other words 1 shall make a Republican speech." i- A Free Prfeu. fh§f>e*Wng of the nominations for Commissioners for Cook coflnty by the Republican county convention of Oct. 21st, the Chicago Journal says editor!- ally: The Journal owes It to common de­ cency, to the beet interests ot Cook county and to the honor and fair fame ot the Republican party, to repudiate, - In the name of tint party, and in the most emphatic manner, the very unfit nominations made by yesterday's coun­ ty convention The controlling agency in that convention did not in any prop< er sense represent the Republican par ty, but, on the contrary, it openly ig nored and defied the known wishes of the party. The Chicago Tribune is eqnally em­ phatic in condemning the action of the convention, but the Inter Ocean, after catchiug its breath, an J finding no . charges of gross dishonesty are filed against any of the nominees, is giving the ticket a mild support. In the mean time one of the nominees withdraws on the ground th.at some other person Can get more votes than he can, show­ ing that the protest is nqj wholly 'wlfiout effect. • This leads us to remark that in some county conventions ' 'the controlling agency * * does not in any proper sense represent the Republican party," but openly ignores and defies the wish­ es ol the pirty. Now, in such a case, if a country editor, thoroughly conver­ sant with all of the facts, veutures to denounce and "repudiate" the action of . the convention he Is set down as a bolt­ er by the city papers, though they have but a very Imperfect knowledge of the case. We do not condemn the city papers for preferring to see cor­ rupt Democrats in power rather than to aid corrupt Republican. Purity is the first essential, without which party Success is the worst kind of failure* There are many evils to be corrected from time to time, and they can only be accomplished by a freedom of tfie , press which, at times, will cause timid > men to falter.--Ottawa Republican, X$k. §SrA dentist aJvised a man to have a tooth taken out, assuring him that if lie inhaled gas he would teel no pain. ^ **What U the effect the gas?" asked ; the man. •'It makes you insensible," t said the dentist, "and you don't know | anything that takes place. The man took out bis money. "O, never mind ss the fee uutil afterward," remarked the dentist. **1 wasn't thinking of that," said the patient; "I only wantetfto see how much money I had." Hundreds of letters from thofee us­ ing Ayer's Hair Ylgor attest its value as a restorer of gray hair to Its natural color. As a stimulent and touic, pre venting and curing baldness, and cleansing the scalp, its use cannot be too strongly recommended, .vfff.&'s. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned having determined to d'upose of his $HSrsontil property, will seI at. I 'uhiic Stil« on his iarm in the T ».vn of Grant, one-fourth mile RQUJII of the Gavin school H.nise, H«*ar Fox Luke, on Monday, Nov. 9th. 1885. Com licencing at 11 o'clock A, M„ tin following property -: 7 good coivs, 3 2- year old steers. 2 2-veitvold heifers, 1 2-year old Durham Bull, 4 yearlings, 6 calves, 110 good sheep, 2 bucks, 1 mare. 5 years old, 1 horse, 4 years old. 19 shoats, 1 mower, 1 reaper, about 20 tons of hay. I stack of straw, com stalks from 12 acres, choice fodder, about 300 bushels of com, and other articles not herein mentioned: TERMS OFSAI.K: All sums of 910 and >inder, Cash.-» Over 910 one ye ir's time on approve! Notes at 7 per cent, interest; 2 per cent oil for. cash. Free lunch for every­ body at IIOOQ. CHKISTOL'HEK ROBW. F. K. GRANGER, Auctioneer. Henry WartT^eecher's,Eulogy on Cefv. Grant. Any person mailing five cents In postage stamps to Major J B. Pond Everett House. New York, will receive bv mail a nicely printed copy of Mr. Beecher's Eulogy on General Grant, delivered at the Boston Memorial Ser­ vice in hor.or of General Grant. October 22, 1885. Also by mailing 10 cents, a neatly bound copy of the Eulogy will be sent. J. RJ POND, , Everett' House, New York- Our Chicago Market Report. Prepared "Cxpressly for the PL VINDEALKR by Our Own UorresponilonTi, CHICAGO, Nov. 3,1895. Eastbnund shipments increased 1.590 tons over the previous week, an J aggre­ gated 36.709 tons. The season for lake navigation will soon be over for 1885. Vessel owners have expe; ienced a hard season, but there is now a little im­ provement in the rates of freight. Ex ports of wheat and flour -from all American ports from Sept. 1 to Oct. 24 were 10.599,000 bushels against 22,- 656,000 bushels for same time last year. Corn 7.200,000 bushels against 2,010,000 bushels last year. The Wiheut move­ ment Northwest, however, is certainly decreasing a little, with indications of falling oil v«ry considerably before long. This will certainly have the de­ sired effect on prices. The marK^t to­ day was fairly active on speculative account, and prices were irregular. The com market is stronger, and prices .averaged higher. The short period that shippers have to ship by water Induced liiem to take UoftTftiore freely and absorb all the offerings. Light re­ ceipts are predicted for the near fu­ ture. Oats are quiet but firm; Rye is steady and barley firm. The number of cvttle to be fed for the winter and spring market will exceed any other year. Native stock scarce and prices higher with a good demand. Prices 25 to 3Gc higher than a week ago. All classes of cattle are 15 to 25c higher than last week at this period with light receipts. Saturday was the end­ ing of the summer packing season, and the number of hogs-packed in Chicago since the first of March is 611.012 in ex cess of the number packed for the cor­ responding period a year ago. A*s the winter packing season is about to com­ mence liberil arrivals are expecteJ. Trade is active and prices are 5 to 10c higher on all sorts, the market closing steady at the advance. The p tcKing houses are in full sway now. Sheep sell a shade higher, with the arrivals n^t equal to the demand. WINTER WHEAT-NO. 2 red 85: No. 3 red 86. SPRING WHEAT--No. 2 85J; No. 3 73c: No. 1 hard (Minneapolis) 8Qc. No. 1 hard (Duluth market; 87O. CORN--No. 2 41c; No. 3 40c. OATS--No. 2 2oic; No. 3 by sum Die 26J@27Jc; B«rley"Oats 32£c. RYE--No. 2 by «;I nple. HI BARLEY--No. 2 By sample, 68@75. JWHT SEED--Poor to good, 91.60 FLAX--NO 1. 91.i6 CLOVKR Poor to choice, «"> 4ft<a 95.50 BUCK WHEAT--Pi i me, ®L .50 W SI M BEAKS--Clioi.e hand picked. 81.(55' POTATOES--New 35IW55C per bushel. BUTTER--Creamery-faney 25 to 27c; dairy to choice 18(g20c; common grade 7 to 8c. 8 Eoos-Good fresli Xorthern. 18®19c. CHEESE -Young America 10c;"fuil cream Cheddar 10^; skimmed 7Ac. PouLTRY-Old chickens 7c: Turkeys 9 f t. (iATTLKr~ (3oocl to e*tra shippers 9o.r0 to 85 80; common to good 84.75 to 85.G0; butchers steerlh 83.60 to 84.25; stockers 82.00 to 93,".0^ Texans "2 GO to 83 .(X>. ' - HOGS--Light weight $3.40 to 83.60; rough, packing $3.10 to 83.20; heavy packing and shipping S3 55. SHEEP--Common to choice 92:00 to 93,50. AYER'S PILLS. A large proportion of the diseased which cause human suffering result from derail­ ment of the stomach, bowels, and liver.' AYKII'S CATHARTIC PILLS act directly upon those organs, and are especially designed to cj^e the diseases caused by their derange­ ment, including Constipation, Indiges­ tion, Dyspepsia, Headache, Dysentery, aiul a host of other ailments, for all of which they are a safe, sure, prompt, and pleasant remedy. The extensive use of these PILLS by eminent physicians in regular prac­ tice, $hu\vs unmistakably the estimation in which they are held by the medical profes­ sion. These TILLS are compounded of vegetable substances only, and are absolutely free from calomel or any other injurious ingredient. A Sufferer from Headache writes: " AVER'S PILLS are invaluable to me, and are my constant companion. 1 have been a severe sufferer from Headache, and your PILLS are the only thing I could look to for relief. One itose will quickly move my boweU and free my head from pain. They are the most etteetive and the easiest physio 1 have ever found. It is a pleasure to me to speak in their praise, and 1 always do so when occasion offers. \V. L. PACK, of W. L. Page ft Bro." Franklin tit., Richmond,Va., June 3,1882. "I have used AYER'8 PILLS in number­ less instances as recommended by you, and hav<fcf$vei- known them to fail to accomplish the desired result. We constantly keep them on hand at our home, and prize them as a pleasant, safe, and reliable family mediciue. FOit DKSFJiPSlA they are invaluable. J. T. UAYBS." Mexia, Texas, June 17, 1882. The REV. FRANCIS B. HARLOWE, writing from Atlanta, Oa., says: "For some years past 1 have been subject to constipation, from which, in spite of the use of medi­ cines of various kinds, 1 suffered increasing inconvenience, until some months ago I be^an taking AVER'S PILLS. They nave •entirely corrected the costive habit, and have vastly improved my general health." AVEII'S CATHARTIC PILLS correct irregu­ larities of rtlie bowels, stimulate the appe­ tite and digestion, aud by their prompt and thorough action give tone and vigor to til* whole physical economy. PREPARED BY Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co.,Uowell,Mas8. Sold by all Druggists. YOUNG, OLD, AND MIDDLE- AGED. All -experience the wonderful beneficial effects ot Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Children with Sore Eyes, Sora Ears, or any scrofulous or syph- ,e healthy and strong illtio taint, may be by its use. Bold by all Druggists; $l, slx bottles for $5. Send 10 cents postage and we will mail you free a royal, valuable, sample box of goods that will put you in the jvay of making more money at once, than any thin}? else in America. Both sexes of all ages can live at home and work in spare time, or all the time. Capital uot required. We- will star(t you. Immense pay sure lor those who start at once. STINSON A Co., Portland, Maine. [N AS BY'8 PAPER] THE' General Merchants, ,McHenry, HONEST GOODS AND, LOW PRICES «Our stock of Fall and W inter Goods-: is very complete in all Department*, audit is ailmittf<T by all that we are considercdj jthan any other house in McIIenry County. . 1 * r « A nioe line, Well made, and perfect in fit. Overcoats a Choice Assortment cheaper, v. This is a part of our business in which we take especial iprid©, sfiid can save • • ^ our customers from $1.00 to $5.00 on a garment and at the same time guar­ antee a perfect fit, A full lii'C of ('. M. Henderson's custom make, including the Red School House Shoe, the best School shoe in the world. <. - UNDER WE UNBEItWBAB, Frotfi ail wool Scarlet at 49c up to the finest goods iu the market and down to the A, M. A. Brand at 33 1-3 cts each. 1%/BTYrw-rw-mrrirNi We are lull and running over with thesejfoods and hope v inter ^ill IVLOTGS - AND JKlOTTEPCS* come about January 1, 1886, so wc can unlSul. Dress Goods, Dress Goods, Etc. Call for the Broadhead Groods. The qiily complaint we ever he^r about these goods is *'they never wear out," and those who think they need a new dress every mouth should not buy them. ^ **' - Always fresh aud pure, We won't buy or sell what we would not be willing to use ourselves. We guarantee to satisfy our customers, aud expect your patronage aud will merit it. Come tjnd see us. Perry & Owen. A ~ Best in the Wo rid. Alonzo writes that lie can not help writing "poetry;" that il is a frenzy with him,'& passion. That lie talks in verse even in ordinary*conver­ sation, and wants to know if a trip across the ocean to the home of poetry would be good for him. OhA no Alonzo, no '--Go not go acres#-ih^water; go into jt. Go and soak your head, Alonzo. Soak it up t« the arm-pitg, and keep it under about eleven hours. Trial proves that honesty ia the best poll ;y in medicine as well as other tnings. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a genuine preparation, an Unequalled blood purlffor, decidedly superior to all others. 1 WH5-6. During the past year the H*ekh/ Made has been u regular visitor in inore than 200,000 FAMILIES Of the United States. It now stands at the head of the Ion;? )Ut of weeklv newspapers published in the country. At the low price °' ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR The lihtdc gives more reading, better (departments and UUer news i,ian any of its competitor.-*. It is the only paper that publishes the world renowned N A S B Y L E T T E R S . To the suliM-riber the lilade offers the most vftluab.c i>reininuiH, ainl to the iiKCQt it Dfivs the largest cash commission. Its departments are -pecially interesting to all classes--the lather, mother, son, daughter, or children, the farmer, soldier, citizen, in fact everyhodv will 11 nil exactly what they want in the lilade. A Specimen Copy wi'.l toll more ihnn we can give in tM* arlver- uaement. We therefore invit<* KVhitf vi£r*f*Y to semi their.adth-esH on a poetal^arci for a epeennen copy. Send The Address of Your friends at Th-i Same Time. The Blade i* only $ | .OO a year, postare paid. 'Club misers are invited to write for Agents terras. Address THE TOLEDO BLADE CO. Tolado, Ohie. C. G. ANDREWS. GENERAL AUCTIONEER, SPRING GBOVE ILL. Sales of Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all 'kinds attended to on the most SEASONABLE TEB2JS, AND-- Satisfaction Guaranteed. ('all on or Address ) * C. C. Andrews, Spring Grove, 111. tyring irovc, Sept.flOth, 1885. 11 -1 l-.'lm C. BENNETT, ISREUDKIl OF FOWLS DUKE OF YORK STRAIN.. RICHMOND, ILL. Firat Premium Awarded Whererer Exhibited. FALL OF l§8r>. For the fall trade of 1885 I have about 80 of the most beautiful birds I ever rasised, hatched in incubator early in the season, so they are now well grown, full fledged, and mature enough for examination and rating by the! "American Standard." They are the handsomest, largest and best fowls I have ever offered to the public. Now is the time, to order while the number to choose from is so large. It will pay for a ten mile ride just to look at them. I will make reasonable rates for Pairs, Trios, or Larger Mm. Call at the residence of Dr. Beunett, Richmond, or address . i Robt<C. Bennett, < RICHMOND, McHENHY CO., ILL. JOIINSBURGH HENRY MILLER, --DEALER IN- Foreign aci American Marble, Scotch and American Granite MONUMENTS, TABLETS, IIEADSTOAES CEMETERY COPING, ETC. JOHNSBURGH, ILI,. Orders Solicited. Good Work Guaranteed. Post Office Address SlcHKNKV, ILL. JMEWSPAPER A book of 100 pages. The boat book lor an advertiser to con­ sult, be ho experi- _ e'need or otherwise. It contains lints of newspapers and estimates cost of advertising. The advertiser who •wants to spend one dollar, finds in it the In­ formation he requires, while forhitn who will Invest one hundred thousand dollars in ad­ vertising, a sehcine is indicated which will meet his every requirement., or can be madtt to do so by chanpes easily arrived at by cor' respondence. 149 editions have been issued. Sent, post-paid, to any address for 10 cents. Write to OEO. P. KOWKLL A CO., NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING BURKAU. (lOSpruco St.PrintingIleuseSq.), New York. A Croat Discovery. Mr. Win. Thomn*, of Newton, Iowa, •ays: "My wife Ins been seriously af- flictedl with a cough for twontv-flvo years, and this spring more severely tiia-ii ever b«fore. She liad used many remedies without relief, and be inc­ urred to try Dr. King's New Discovery did so with uvost gratifyitijj remits 1 ho first bottle rollsved her very much aud the second bottle liai absolutely cured htr. She lias not had so good P*A L T H F O R T H I R TY J'e*rs." Trial bottles Free at Ilpnry Colby's drug store Large size 81.06. „ We.sell strlctlv all wool mens scarlet Underwear at 63c. BONSU.KTT & SROFFEL. PECK'S SUN, MILWAUKEE, WIS. GEO, W. PECK Editor and Proprietor. The Funniest Paper in America. What Vaccination Is te the Small pox PECK'S SUN is to the Blues. PECK'S SUN Is one of the most widely read and popular papers in the country to-day, and* stands without a peer in its specialty. The Originator of the Celebrated BAD BOY PAPERS. SPECIMEN COPIES FREE. TO ANY ADDRESS. Bear in mind that by sending a Postal Card to this office, a Sample Copy of Peck's Sun Will be mailed you Free. Don't neglect to send at once, and tell your Neighbors to. SI WORTH OF FUN FOR 1c. ADDRESS CEORCE L. LORD, Business Manager, MILWAUKEE, - - - WISCONSIN. REPORT OF THE c o i v »I T I O ? t % --OF -- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock* Illinois, • --XT THE-- CloeOf Busines, Oct. 1,1885. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 1161,099 38 Overdrafts 675 44 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation.-. 60,000 00 Due from approved, reserve agents. 7.4HO 46 Due from other National Bjinks * 6,981 20 Current expenses and taxes paii-- 1199 82 Checks and othencash items....-- 2135 Bills of other lianks 93l(rt0 Krc'l cur. nickels & pennies 4161 Specie 25,738 40 Legal tender notes 1,600 00 Red'mpt'n fund with IT. S. Treasurer (5 per eent ot circulation 2,160 00 Total... $266,807 56 INABILITIES. Capital stock paid in .. ...; 50,00000 Surplus fund.... * 20,000 00 Undivided profits ... 395914 National Bank Notes outstanding... 46,000 00 Individual deposits sulijcct to check 136,923 92 Demand Certificates of iteposit 924 50 Total ...$256,807 5^ STATE OF ILLINOIS, L „ Countv of Mctlenry. f I, JohnfV. Murphy, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that theabove statement is true to the'best ofniy knowledge and belief. JOHN J. Mi RRIIV, Cashier. Subscribed and-sworn to before me this 6th day of'.Oct. 1S85. EDWARD C. QUINLAN, Notary Public^ ' Correct Attest:-- E. A. MrnPHY, ~WM. H.STEWAKT, JOHN J. 551 UT'.HY, Directors. "Money Jo Loan On Real Estate, in sums of $500 to $10,000. Time and- payments to suit.borrower. JOHN J. MURPHY. DOWNS' tX COBSKT Igents Wanted for our New Book. The "SPY OF Til E BEBEM.ION" which Is •ailing by the (hons'md«' Nocomuetition* Only book of itff$incL The 44 £I*Y i9 reveals many secrcis of the icar never before published. A praphi v account of the conspiracy tc» assassinate Lincoln. Perilous ex-» perioncesof our FXDEIIAIJ &RIKS in the Rebel Capitol; their Sieroic br&verv fully reoonnte.i in those vivia •ketches. Tbe "Spy" Is the iuo*t ikrilUngrwiir t>ook ever |»ubll^ked. Endorsed by hundreds of Press and Agents* testimonials. A lar^e handsome book i 688 |>apef«: SOiHustriitior.s, Send stamp for Cir­ culars. K^Agentt wanted everywhere* . il.A,WINTERu UATCJUtHartlerd* Conn. {IMPROVED.] Is the only perfect fitting-, truly comfortable an<l heHlih.jn-eservmjt Corset inade. Hasan Klustic Section iiUive anil below a Conletl (Centerpiece. Kntirulv rtiflercnt from any other. Kverv Corset is stainoeil and absolute­ ly Guaranteed m evevv particular. Be sure to get the Downs Patent. Manufactured only hv the Gage-Downs Corset Co., Chicago, «n«I for sale by tirst-class dry-goo<ts store* every­ where. Price $ I ,SO. These Are Solid Facts. The best blood purifier and system regulator ever pij^ed within the reach of softenng humamty. truly is Electric Bittiers. Inactivity of tlitf"Liver, Bili­ ousness, Jaundice, Constipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organ, or who ever requires an appeti­ zer, topic or mild stimmant, will always find Electric Bitters the best and enly certain cure known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle gtiarranteed to give entire satisfaction or money refunded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by IIEXUY COLBY., < il

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